BUSINESS BULLETIN No. 250/2012 Tuesday 22 May 2012

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BUSINESS BULLETIN No. 250/2012 Tuesday 22 May 2012 BUSINESS BULLETIN No. 250/2012 Tuesday 22 May 2012 Summary of Today’s Business Meetings of Committees 9.30 am Health and Sport Committee Committee Room 1 10.00 am Education and Culture Committee Committee Room 6 10.00 am Justice Committee Committee Room 2 2.30 pm Standards, Procedures and Public Committee Room 2 Appointments Committee 2.30 pm Subordinate Legislation Committee Committee Room 6 For full details of today’s business, see Section A. For full details of the future business, see sections B and C. ___________________________________________________________________ 1 Contents The sections which appear in today’s Business Bulletin are in bold Section A: Today’s Business - Meetings of Committees - Meeting of the Parliament Section B: Future Meetings of the Parliament Section C: Future Meetings of Committees Section D: Oral Questions - Questions selected for First Minister’s Question Time - Questions selected for response by Ministers and junior Scottish Ministers at Question Time Section E: Written Questions – new questions for written answer Section F: Motions and Amendments Section G: Bills - New Bills introduced - New amendments to Bills - Members’ Bills proposals Section H: New Documents – new documents laid before the Parliament and committee reports published Section I: Petitions – new public petitions Section J: Progress of Legislation – progress of Bills and subordinate legislation 2 Business Bulletin: Tuesday 22 May 2012 Section A – Today’s Business Meetings of Committees All meetings take place in the Scottish Parliament, unless otherwise specified. Contact details for Committee Clerks are provided at the end of the Bulletin. Health and Sport Committee 17th Meeting, 2012 The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in Committee Room 1 1. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will take evidence on the Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Dalgety Bay) (Scotland) Order 2012 from— Michael Matheson, Minister for Public Health, and David Wilson, Solicitor, Scottish Government; Dr Will Munro, Policy Advisor, Food Standards Agency. 2. Subordinate legislation: Michael Matheson Minister for Public Health to move—S4M-02866—That the Health and Sport Committee recommends that the Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Dalgety Bay) (Scotland) Order 2012 be approved. 3. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instrument— Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland (Practice and Procedure) (No. 2) Amendment Rules 2012 (SSI/2012/132) 4. Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will take evidence on the Bill at Stage 1 from— Dee Fraser, Programme Manager Providers & Personalisation, Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland; Ranald Mair, Chief Executive, Scottish Care; Peter Brawley, Director - Manager, Scottish Personal Assistant Employers Network; Noni Cobban, Vice-President, UK Home Care Association; and then from— Angela Henderson, National Local Area Co-ordination Development and Policy Manager, Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability; Pam Duncan, Policy Officer, Independent Living in Scotland project; Brian Houston, Associate Director Children’s Services, Barnardo’s Scotland; Florence Burke, Director for Scotland, The Princess Royal Trust for Carers in Scotland (part of Carers Trust); Callum Chomczuk, Senior Policy and Parliamentary Officer, Age Scotland; Aidan Collins, Policy Officer, Scottish Association for Mental Health; Jim Pearson, Deputy Director Policy, Alzheimer Scotland. 3 Education and Culture Committee 16th Meeting, 2012 The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 6 1. Attainment: The Committee will take evidence from— Moira Finlayson, Honorary Research Fellow, STEM-Ed Scotland, University of Glasgow; Craig Munro, Chair of Performance and Improvement Network, Association of Directors of Education in Scotland; Brian McAlinden, Scottish Government’s Attainment Group. 2. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instruments— Education (Provision of Information as to Schools) (Scotland) Revocation Regulations 2012 (SSI/2012/129); Education (School and Placing Information) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI/2012/130). 3. Educational attainment of looked after children (in private): The Committee will consider a draft report. Justice Committee 18th Meeting, 2012 The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 2 1. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will take evidence on the Bankruptcy Fees etc. (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/118) from— John Swinney, Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth; Claire Orr, Executive Director Policy and Compliance, Accountant in Bankruptcy. 2. Subordinate legislation: Jenny Marra to move— S4M-02953—That the Justice Committee recommends that the Bankruptcy Fees etc. (Scotland) Regulations (SSI 2012/118) be annulled. 3. Speech, language and communication needs of young people in the criminal justice system: The Committee will take evidence from— Kate Higgins, Policy Manager, Children 1st; Lynn Jolly, Community Services Manager, Cornerstone; Dr Nancy Loucks, Chief Executive, Families Outside; Martin Henry, Chair, National Joint Investigative Interviewing Tutors Forum; Kim Hartley, Scotland Officer, Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists; Karyn McCluskey, Co-Director, Violence Reduction Unit; Raymond McMenamin, member of the Criminal Law Committee, Law Society of Scotland. 4 Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee 7th Meeting, 2012 The Committee will meet at 2.30 pm in Committee Room 2 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 4, 5 and 6 in private. 2. Cross-Party Groups: The Committee will consider applications for recognition from two Cross-Party Groups. 3. Annual report: The Committee will consider a draft annual report for the parliamentary year from 9 May 2011 to 8 May 2012. 4. Scotland Act 2012: The Committee will consider possible Standing Order rule changes. 5. Review of Section 7 of Code of Conduct: The Committee will consider a note by the Clerk. 6. Review of Cross-Party Groups: The Committee will consider its approach to the inquiry. Subordinate Legislation Committee 14th Meeting, 2012 The Committee will meet at 2.30 pm in Committee Room 6 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 7 and 8 in private. 2. Instruments subject to affirmative procedure: The Committee will consider the following— Public Appointments and Public Bodies etc. (Scotland) Act 2003 (Treatment of Office or Body as Specified Authority) Order 2012 [draft]; Mental Health (Safety and Security) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2012 [draft]. 3. Instruments subject to negative procedure: The Committee will consider the following— Road Traffic (Permitted Parking Area and Special Parking Area) (East Ayrshire Council) Designation Order 2012 (SSI 2012/137); Parking Attendants (Wearing of Uniforms) (East Ayrshire Council Parking Area) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/138); Road Traffic (Parking Adjudicators) (East Ayrshire Council) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/139); Road Traffic (Permitted Parking Area and Special Parking Area) (South Ayrshire Council) Designation Order 2012 (SSI 2012/140); Parking Attendants (Wearing of Uniforms) (South Ayrshire Council Parking Area) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/141); Road Traffic (Parking Adjudicators) (South Ayrshire Council) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/142); Rural Payments (Appeals) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/143). 4. Instruments not subject to any parliamentary procedure: The Committee will consider the following— Act of Sederunt (Actions for removing from heritable property) 2012 (SSI 2012/136). 5 5. Land Registration etc. (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider the delegated powers provisions in this Bill after Stage 2. 6. Consolidation of instruments: The Committee will consider correspondence in relation to the consolidation of Scottish statutory instruments. 7. Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider a draft report to the Health and Sport Committee. 8. Local Government Finance (Unoccupied Properties etc.) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider a draft report to the Local Government and Regeneration Committee. 6 Business Bulletin: Tuesday 22 May 2012 Section B – Future Meetings of the Parliament Business Programme agreed by the Parliament on 16 May 2012 Wednesday 23 May 2012 2.30 pm Time for Reflection – Rashpal Nottay, NHS Lothian employee, Scottish Inter Faith Council followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Stage 1 Debate: Welfare Reform (Further Provision) (Scotland) Bill (for text of motion see S4M-02966 in Section F) followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions 5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business – S4M-02580 Jenny Marra: Deaf Awareness Week (for text of motion see Section F of the Business Bulletin for Monday 21 May 2012) Thursday 24 May 2012 9.15 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Scottish Government Debate: Why Languages Matter – Improving Young People’s Opportunities 11.40 am General Question Time (for text of General Questions see Section D of the Business Bulletin for Thursday 17 May 2012) 12.00 pm First Minister’s Question Time (for text of First Minister’s Questions see Section D) 2.00 pm Themed Question Time Infrastructure and Capital Investment Culture and External Affairs (for text of Themed Questions see Section D of the Business Bulletin for Thursday 17 May 2012) 2.40
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