BUSINESS BULLETIN No. 134/2011 Tuesday 8 November 2011

Summary of Today’s Business

Meetings of Committees

9.30 am Health and Sport Committee Committee Room 6 10.00 am Education and Culture Committee Committee Room 4 10.30 am Justice Committee Committee Room 2 2.00 pm Equal Opportunities Committee Committee Room 4 2.15 pm Health and Sport Committee Committee Room 3 2.15 pm Standards, Procedures and Public Committee Room 2 Appointments Committee 2.30 pm Scotland Bill Committee Committee Room 1 2.30 pm Subordinate Legislation Committee Committee Room 5

For full details of today’s business, see Section A. For full details of the future business, see sections B and C. ______

1 Contents

The sections which appear in today’s Business Bulletin are in bold

Section A: Today’s Business - Meetings of Committees - Meeting of the Parliament Section B: Future Meetings of the Parliament Section C: Future Meetings of Committees Section D: Oral Questions - Questions selected for First Minister’s Question Time - Questions selected for response by Ministers and junior Scottish Ministers at Question Time Section E: Written Questions – new questions for written answer Section F: Motions and Amendments Section G: Bills - New Bills introduced - New amendments to Bills - Members’ Bills proposals Section H: New Documents – new documents laid before the Parliament and committee reports published Section I: Petitions – new public petitions Section J: Progress of Legislation – progress of Bills and subordinate legislation


Business Bulletin: Tuesday 8 November 2011 Section A – Today’s Business

Meetings of Committees

All meetings take place in the , unless otherwise specified. Contact details for Committee Clerks are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Health and Sport Committee 10th Meeting, 2011

The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in Committee Room 6 1. Declaration of interests: Dennis Robertson MSP will be invited to declare any relevant interests. 2. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instrument— The Scotland Act 1998 (Agency Arrangements) (Specification) Order 2011 (SI 2011/2439). 3. Draft Budget 2012-13 and Spending Review 2011 Scrutiny: The Committee will take evidence on the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget 2012-13 and Spending Review 2011 from— Nicola Sturgeon MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Cities Strategy, Derek Feeley, Director General Health & Social Care and Chief Executive of NHS Scotland, and John Matheson, Director of Health Finance and Information, Scottish Government. 4. Draft Budget 2012-13 and Spending Review 2011 Scrutiny (in private): The Committee will consider the contents of a draft report on the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget 2012-13 and the Spending Review 2011. 5. Regulation of care for older people (in private): The Committee will consider a revised draft report.

Education and Culture Committee 10th Meeting, 2011

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 4 1. Decisions on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 5 and 6, and consideration of its draft report on the Draft Budget 2012-13 and Spending Review 2011 at future meetings, in private. 2. Inquiry into the educational attainment of looked after children: The Committee will take evidence from— Carol Kirk, Corporate Director of Educational Services, North Ayrshire Council, Association of Directors of Education in Scotland;

3 Fred McBride, Convenor of Children and Families Standing Committee, Association of Directors of Social Work in Scotland; Robert Nicol, Team Leader, Education, Children and Young People, COSLA; Jacquie Roberts, Interim Chief Executive, Care Inspectorate. 3. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will take evidence on the Planning (Listed Buildings) (Amount of Fixed Penalty) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 [draft] from— Fiona Hyslop MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs; Emma Thompson, Scottish Government Legal Directorate; Ann MacSween, Historic Scotland’s Heritage Management Directorate. 4. Subordinate legislation: Fiona Hyslop to move—S4M-01097—That the Education and Culture Committee recommends that the Planning (Listed Buildings) (Amount of Fixed Penalty) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 [draft] be approved. 5. Draft Budget 2012-13 and Spending Review 2011 Scrutiny: The Committee will consider a draft report to the Finance Committee on the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget 2012-13 and Spending Review 2011. 6. The National Gaelic Language Plan 2012-17: The Committee will consider its approach to scrutinising the National Gaelic Language Plan 2012-17.

Justice Committee 13th Meeting, 2011

The Committee will meet at 10.30 am in Committee Room 2 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to consider in private at future meetings a draft report on the Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Bill LCM. 2. Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Bill (UK Parliament legislation): The Committee will take evidence on legislative consent memorandum LCM(S4) 6.1 from— Kenny MacAskill MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Justice; Aileen Bearhop, Principal Policy Officer, Police Division, and Kevin Gibson, Scottish Government Legal Directorate, Scottish Government. 3. Petitions: The Committee will consider the following petitions— PE1063 by Robert Thomson on the apparent conflict of interest which exists between solicitors/advocates and clients in the present system of speculative fee arrangements (no win – no fee); PE1280 by Julie Love and Dr Kenneth Faulds on amending the Fatal Accidents and Sudden Deaths Inquiry (Scotland) Act 1976 to require the holding of a fatal accident inquiry when a person from Scotland dies abroad; PE1370 by Dr Jim Swire, Professor Robert Black QC, Mr Robert Forrester, Father Patrick Keegans and Mr Iain McKie on behalf of Justice for Megrahi calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to open an independent inquiry into the 2001 Kamp van Zeist conviction of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi for the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 in December 1988.

4 4. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following instrument which is not subject to any parliamentary procedure— Act of Adjournal (Criminal Procedure Rules Amendment No.6) (Sexual Offences Prevention Order) 2011 (SSI 2011/355). 5. Draft Budget 2012-13 and Spending Review 2011 Scrutiny (in private): The Committee will consider the main themes arising from evidence received on the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget 2012-13 and Spending Review 2011.

Equal Opportunities Committee 7th Meeting, 2011

The Committee will meet at 2.00 pm in Committee Room 4 1. Spending Review 2011 and Draft Budget 2012-13 (in private): The Committee will consider a draft report to the Finance Committee on the Scottish Government’s Spending Review 2011 and Draft Budget 2012-13. 2. Work programme (in private): The Committee will consider its approach to developing its work programme.

Health and Sport Committee 11th Meeting, 2011

The Committee will meet at 2.15 pm in Committee Room 3 1. Regulation of care for older people (in private): The Committee will consider a revised draft report.

Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee 6th Meeting, 2011

The Committee will meet at 2.15 pm in Committee Room 2 1. Reform of parliamentary business: remodelling the parliamentary week: The Committee will take evidence from— Natascha Engel MP, Chair of Backbench Business Committee, and Dr Sue Griffiths, Clerk, Table Office/Backbench Business Committee, House of Commons; and then from— Dr Peter Lynch, Senior Lecturer, University of Stirling; Iain MacWhirter, political commentator, Herald/Sunday Herald; Henry McLeish, Former First Minister. 2. Cross-Party Group: The Committee will consider an application for recognition from the proposed Cross-Party Group on Colleges and Universities. 3. Public Standards Commissioner for Scotland (in private): The Committee will consider proposed revisions to the directions to the Public Standards Commissioner for Scotland. 4. Reform of parliamentary business: remodelling the parliamentary week (in private): The Committee will review the evidence heard earlier in the meeting.

5 Scotland Bill Committee 10th Meeting, 2011

The Committee will meet at 2.30 pm in Committee Room 1 1. The Scotland Bill - evidence on EU issues: The Committee will take evidence from— Professor Andrew Scott, University of Edinburgh; Dr. Alex Wright, University of Dundee; and then from— Nigel Miller, President, NFU Scotland; Chris Bronsdon, Chief Executive Officer, Scottish European Green Energy Centre. 2. The Scotland Bill - evidence on fiscal autonomy in other states/regions and devolution of taxes: The Committee will take evidence from— Dr. Graham Gudgin, Northern Ireland Economic Reform Group and Senior Research Fellow at the Centre For Business Research, University of Cambridge; Professor Rosa Greaves, University of Glasgow; Alastair Sutton, Adviser to UK Crown Dependencies, Brick Court Chambers. 3. The Scotland Bill - review of evidence (in private): The Committee will review the evidence heard to date.

Subordinate Legislation Committee 10th Meeting, 2011

The Committee will meet at 2.30 pm in Committee Room 5 1. Instruments subject to negative procedure: The Committee will consider the following— National Health Service Superannuation Scheme etc. (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/364); Highlands and Islands Air Services (Scotland) Act 1980 Amendment Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/367); Water Environment (Relevant Enactments and Designation of Responsible Authorities and Functions) (Scotland) Order 2011 (SSI 2011/368); Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas (Compensation) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/373); Planning (Listed Buildings) (Prescribed Form of Notices) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/374); Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas (Applications for Scheduled Monument Consent) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/375); Historic Environment (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 2011 (Saving, Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Order 2011 (SSI 2011/377); Town and Country Planning (Appeals) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/378); Town and Country Planning (Inquiries Procedure) (Scotland) Amendment Rules 2011 (SSI 2011/379);

6 Town and Country Planning (Appeals) (Witten Submissions Procedure) (Scotland) Revocation Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/380); Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006 (Listed Buildings) (Saving Provisions) Order 2011 (SSI 2011/381); Town and Country Planning (Enforcement of Control) (No. 2) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/383). 2. Instruments not subject to any parliamentary procedure: The Committee will consider the following— Pigs (Records, Identification and Movement) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2011 (SSI 2011/351); Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 (Commencement No. 9, Transitional and Savings Provisions) Order 2011 (SSI 2011/354 (C. 33)); Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 (Commencement No. 9, Transitional and Savings Provisions) Amendment Order 2011 (SSI 2011/366); Historic Environment (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 2011 (Commencement No. 2) Order 2011 (SSI 2011/372 (C. 35)); Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006 (Commencement No. 12) Order 2011 (SSI 2011/382 (C. 36)). 3. Subordinate Legislation: The Committee will consider correspondence in relation to commencement orders and transitional provisions. 4. Welfare Reform Bill (UK Parliament legislation): The Committee will consider the powers to make subordinate legislation conferred on Scottish Ministers in the Welfare Reform Bill (UK Parliament legislation).


Business Bulletin: Tuesday 8 November 2011 Section B – Future Meetings of the Parliament

Business Programme agreed by the Parliament on 2 November 2011 Wednesday 9 November 2011

2.30 pm Time for Reflection – Reverend John Chalmers, Principal Clerk of the General Assembly, The Church of Scotland followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Scottish Government Debate: Rehabilitation and Enablement in Scotland (for text of motion see S4M-01262 in Section F) followed by Business Motion followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business: S4M-00941 Margaret Mitchell: Prescription Medicine Waste (for text of motion see Section F of the Business Bulletin for Friday 4 November 2011)

Thursday 10 November 2011

9.15 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Party Debate: Protecting Scotland’s NHS followed by Scottish Labour Party Debate: Keeping Communities Safe

11.40 am General Question Time (for text of General Questions see Section D of the Business Bulletin for Thursday 3 November 2011)

12.00 pm First Minister’s Question Time (for text of questions see Section D)

2.15 pm Themed Question Time Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth (for text of Themed Questions see Section D of the Business Bulletin for Thursday 3 November 2011)


2.55 pm Scottish Government Debate: The Importance of Architecture and Placemaking to the Economy of Scotland followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business: S4M-01157 Liam McArthur: Damaging Impact of Air Discount Scheme Changes (for text of motion see Section F of the Business Bulletin for Friday 4 November 2011)

Wednesday 16 November 2011

2.30 pm Time for Reflection followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motion followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 17 November 2011

9.15 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Scottish Government Business

11.40 am General Question Time (for names of those Members selected for General Questions see Section D of the Business Bulletin for Thursday 3 November 2011)

12.00 pm First Minister’s Question Time

2.15 pm Themed Question Time Justice and the Law Officers; Rural Affairs and the Environment (for names of those Members selected for Themed Questions see Section D of the Business Bulletin for Thursday 3 November 2011)

2.55 pm Scottish Government Business followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business


Business Bulletin: Tuesday 8 November 2011 Section C – Future Committee Meetings

This section includes the agendas of the forthcoming committee meetings and outlines proposed future business, which may be subject to change. Committees have the right to take items in private and this will be notified as far in advance as possible.

Many committees include details of their future business on their webpages, which can be accessed at:

Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee 9 November 2011 11th Meeting, 2011

The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in Committee Room 5 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 3 in private. 2. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the Home Energy Assistance Scheme (Scotland) Amendment (No.2) Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/350). 3. Work programme: The Committee will review its work programme. 4. Draft Budget 2012-13 and Spending Review 2011 Scrutiny (in private): The Committee will consider a draft report to the Finance Committee on the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget 2012-13 and Spending Review 2011.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 16 November, the Committee expects to consider, in private, a draft report on the 2012-2013 Draft Budget.

For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee 9 November 2011 8th Meeting, 2011

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 1 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 5 in private.


2. Draft Budget 2012-13 and Spending Review 2011 Scrutiny: The Committee will take evidence on the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget 2012-13 and Spending Review 2011 from— MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure and Capital Investment, Rachel Gwyon, Head of Housing: Sustainability and Innovative Finance, Sharon Fairweather, Director, Finance, Transport Scotland, and Victoria Bruce, Policy Manager, Infrastructure Investment Policy, Scottish Government. 3. Winter resilience and Roads Maintenance Review: The Committee will take evidence from— Keith Brown MSP, Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Frances Duffy, Director, Rail, and Roy Brannen, Director,Trunk Roads and Bus Operations, Scottish Government; and then from— Keith Brown MSP, Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, and Roy Brannen, Director,Trunk Roads and Bus Operations, Scottish Government. 4. Petition PE1390: The Committee will consider the withdrawal of a Petition by Neil Kay calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to support the setting up of an independent expert group to consider and recommend institutional and regulatory options for issues relating to the provision of competitively tendered Scottish ferry services under EC law. 5. Draft Budget 2012-13 and Spending Review 2011 Scrutiny: The Committee will review the evidence heard during the meeting.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 16 November, the Committee expects to consider a draft report on the draft budget.

For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Local Government and Regeneration Committee 9 November 2011 10th Meeting, 2011

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 4 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 4 in private. 2. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instrument- The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2011 (SSI/2011/357). 3. Welfare Reform Bill 2011 (UK Parliament legislation) The Committee will take evidence on legislative consent memorandum LCM (S4) 5.1 from— Councillor Harry McGuigan, Spokesperson for Community Well-being and Safety, and Michael McClements, Policy Manager, COSLA; Michael Thain, Strategy and Investment Manager, City of Edinburgh Council;


David Coyne, Head of Business and Economy, Glasgow City Council; Dawson Lamont, Head of Exchequer and Revenues, Highland Council. 4. Welfare Reform Bill 2011 (UK Parliament legislation): The Committee will consider the evidence recieved on legislative consent memorandum LCM (S4) 5.1. 5. Draft Budget 2012-13 and Spending Review 2011 Scrutiny (in private): The Committee will consider a draft report to the Finance Committee on the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget 2012-13 and Spending Review 2011.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 16 November, the Committee will undertake an oral evidence session with the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, Jim Martin, on the SPSO annual report for 2010-2011.

For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Public Audit Committee 9 November 2011 7th Meeting, 2011

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 6 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 4 in private. 2. Section 23 report - The role of community planning partnerships in economic development: The Committee will take evidence on the joint Auditor General for Scotland and Accounts Commission report entitled "The role of community planning partnerships in economic development" from— Mr Robert Black, Auditor General for Scotland; Barbara Hurst, Director, Angela Canning, Assistant Director, Miranda Alcock, Portfolio Manager, and Susan Lovatt, Project Manager, Performance Audit Group, Audit Scotland. 3. Section 23 report - Modernising the planning system: The Committee will consider correspondence from the Scottish Government and Audit Scotland on the joint Auditor General for Scotland and Accounts Commission report entitled "Modernising the planning system". 4. Consideration of approach - The role of community planning partnerships in economic development: The Committee will consider its approach to the joint Auditor General for Scotland and Accounts Commission report entitled "The role of community planning partnerships in economic development". 5. Working practices (in private): The Committee will consider its working practices.

Proposed future business At its next meeting it is expected that the Committee will take evidence from the Auditor General for Scotland in relation to reports he has recently published.

For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.


Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee 9 November 2011 10th Meeting, 2011

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 2 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 6 in private. 2. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will take evidence on the Aquatic Animal Health (Miscellaneous Modifications) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 [draft] from— MSP, Minister for Environment and Climate Change, and Daniel Pendrey, Head of Aquaculture, Health and Welfare Division, Scottish Government. 3. Subordinate legislation: Stewart Stevenson MSP to move S4M-01205— That the Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee recommends that the Aquatic Animal Health (Miscellaneous Modifications) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 [draft] be approved. 4. Common Fisheries Policy: The Committee will take evidence from— Richard Benyon MP, Minister for Natural Environment and Fisheries, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK Government; and then from— Richard Lochhead MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment, Linda Rosborough, Interim Director Marine Scotland, and Mike Palmer, Deputy Director Fisheries, Marine Scotland, Scottish Government. 5. Scotland Rural Development Programme: The Committee will consider a paper by the Clerk. 6. Agricultural Holdings (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider its approach to the scrutiny of the Bill at Stage 1. 7. Draft Budget 2012-13 and Spending Review 2011 Scrutiny (in private): The Committee will consider a draft report to the Finance Committee on the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget 2012-13 and Spending Review 2011.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 16 November, the Committee expects to take evidence from MEPs on the EU Common Agricultural Policy and cattle and sheep tagging; subordinate legislation on Pigs ((Records, Identification and Movement)and its report on budget scrutiny 2012-2013.

For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.


Business Bulletin: Tuesday 8 November 2011 Section D - Oral questions selected for answer on 10 November 2011

First Minister’s Question Time

1. : To ask the First Minister what engagements he has planned for the rest of the day. (S4F-00255)

2. Ruth Davidson: To ask the First Minister when he will next meet the Prime Minister. (S4F-00251)

3. Willie Rennie: To ask the First Minister what issues will be discussed at the next meeting of the Cabinet. (S4F-00254)

4. : To ask the First Minister what the outcome was of his trip to Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. (S4F-00257)

5. Duncan McNeil: To ask the First Minister what the Scottish Government’s response is to the GMC survey suggesting that junior doctors feel pressured to work more than a 48-hour week. (S4F-00258)

6. Gavin Brown: To ask the First Minister what impact the proposed public health levy will have on employment in the retail sector. (S4F-00245)


Business Bulletin: Tuesday 8 November 2011 Section E – Written questions lodged on 07 November 2011

Questions marked with a triangle (∆) are initiated by the Scottish Executive in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.

Questions in which a member has indicated a declarable interest are marked with an "R".

S4W-03853 Nanette Milne: To ask the Scottish Executive how many cleaning staff each NHS board has employed in each year since 2007.

S4W-03854 Nanette Milne: To ask the Scottish Executive how many dental nurses each NHS board has employed in each year since 2007.

S4W-03855 Nanette Milne: To ask the Scottish Executive what information it has on how many petrol stations there have been in each local authority area in each year since 1999.

S4W-03856 Nanette Milne: To ask the Scottish Executive how much it has spent on bottled water for each of its directorates in each year since 1999.

S4W-03857 Nanette Milne: To ask the Scottish Executive how much has been spent on publicly funded publications by its health directorates in each year since 1999.

S4W-03858 Nanette Milne: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S4W-01127 by Nicola Sturgeon on 8 July 2011, whether the information for 2010 for tables one to four is now available.

S4W-03859 Nanette Milne: To ask the Scottish Executive how many under-five- year-olds have experienced dental disease in each year since 1999, broken down by NHS board.

S4W-03860 Nanette Milne: To ask the Scottish Executive how much it will invest in residential respite care over the next four years.

S4W-03863 Nanette Milne: To ask the Scottish Executive what the average waiting time has been for an emergency NHS dental appointment in each year since 2007, broken down by NHS board.

S4W-03872 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive for what reason there is no recognition of the financial implications of welfare reform in the Scottish Spending Review 2011 and Draft Budget 2012-13.


S4W-03873 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive what savings the NHS will realise and when in (a) expanding collaborative procurement, (b) rationalising the estate and (c) disposing of surplus assets, as outlined in the Scottish Spending Review 2011 and Draft Budget 2012-13.

S4W-03874 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive what the NHS’s surplus assets are, broken down by (a) territorial and (b) special NHS board.

S4W-03875 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive how it will expand collaborative procurement in the NHS.

S4W-03876 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive how it will rationalise the NHS estate.

S4W-03877 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive whether all of the amounts budgeted for the Reshaping Care Change Fund will be provided from NHS budgets.

S4W-03878 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive how much funding local authorities will provide for the Reshaping Care Change Fund over the current spending review period.

S4W-03879 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive how much funding will be provided for the Early Years and Early Intervention Change Fund over the current spending review period.

S4W-03880 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive how much funding local authorities will provide for the Early Years and Early Intervention Change Fund over the current spending review period.

S4W-03881 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive how much funding it will provide for the Reducing Reoffending Change Fund over the current spending review period.

S4W-03882 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive how much funding local authorities will provide for the Reducing Reoffending Change Fund over the current spending review period.

S4W-03883 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive how much it will provide for the (a) Young Scots, (b) Next Generation Digital, (c) Sure Start, (d) Warm Homes and (e) Future Transport Fund in each year of the current spending review period and how much is (i) a continuation of existing funding and (ii) new funding.

S4W-03884 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it plans to reduce the number of (a) territorial or (b) special NHS boards.

S4W-03885 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it considers that an independent Scotland could retain membership of the EU without having to adopt the euro and, if so, on what evidence.


S4W-03886 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Executive how much public money will (a) Doosan Power Systems, (b) Gamesa Corporation, (c) Mitsubishi Power Systems and (d) Amazon receive under its inward investment scheme and over what timescale.

S4W-03887 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the proposed public health levy will be (a) in addition to or (b) a replacement for the large business supplement.

S4W-03888 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Executive for what reason it anticipates revenue from the proposed public health levy to rise from £30 million in 2012-13 to £40 million in 2013-14.

S4W-03889 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Executive for what reason large retailers selling alcohol and tobacco will be subject to the proposed public health levy but not those selling only alcohol.

S4W-03890 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Executive when it expects the ban on the display of tobacco to come into force for (a) large and (b) small retailers.

S4W-03891 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Executive what the revenue from the proposed public health levy will be by 2014-15 as a proportion of (a) total retail sales, (b) retail sales by companies liable for it and (c) retail sales in the premises liable for it.

S4W-03892 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Executive what advice it has been given by the Chief Medical Officer for Scotland on the health benefits that could arise from the proposed public health levy.

S4W-03893 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Executive what discussions it has had with COSLA regarding the proposed public health levy.

S4W-03894 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Executive what the revenue from the proposed public health levy will be by 2014-15 as a proportion of (a) total retail profits, (b) retail profits by companies liable for it and (c) retail profits in the premises liable for it.

S4W-03895 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Executive what discussions it has had with NHS Health Scotland regarding the proposed public health levy.

S4W-03896 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Executive what proportion of the funds raised by the proposed public health levy will be spent on projects directly related to reducing harm caused by alcohol and tobacco use.

S4W-03897 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Executive whether choosing to stop selling tobacco would make a retailer exempt from the proposed public health levy.

S4W-03898 : To ask the Scottish Executive how the accuracy of the residence of applicants for places at university is verified.


S4W-03899 Kezia Dugdale: To ask the Scottish Executive what it will do to prevent applicants for places at university purchasing homes in Scotland solely to qualify for free higher education.

S4W-03900 Kezia Dugdale: To ask the Scottish Executive whether applicants to Scottish universities from England who have second homes in Scotland or other EU countries will qualify for free higher education.

S4W-03901 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive what discussions it has had with the European Commission regarding the minimum pricing of alcohol.

S4W-03902 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive what discussions it has had with the Office of Fair Trading regarding the minimum pricing of alcohol.

S4W-03903 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive what legal advice it has received from the European Commission regarding the proposal for a minimum unit price for alcohol.

S4W-03904 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive what legal advice it has received from the Office of Fair Trading regarding the proposal for a minimum unit price for alcohol.

S4W-03905 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive how many alcohol-related deaths there have been in each of the last five years.

S4W-03906 : To ask the Scottish Executive how many, and what percentage of, households would be in fuel poverty if the mean National Home Energy Rating of the housing stock was 4.5.

S4W-03907 Malcolm Chisholm: To ask the Scottish Executive how many, and what percentage of, households would be in fuel poverty if the mean Standard Assessment Procedure score of the housing stock was 46.47.

S4W-03908 Malcolm Chisholm: To ask the Scottish Executive how many, and what percentage of, households would have been in fuel poverty in each year since 1996 if the mean National Home Energy rating of the housing stock had remained at 4.5.

S4W-03909 Malcolm Chisholm: To ask the Scottish Executive how many, and what percentage of, households would have been in fuel poverty in each year since 1996 if the mean Standard Assessment Procedure score of the housing stock had remained at 46.47.

S4W-03910 : To ask the Scottish Executive how far it has progressed toward its target of reducing the suicide rate by 20% by 2013.

S4W-03911 David McLetchie: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S4W-03448 by Nicola Sturgeon on 7 November 2011, whether it will now provide an estimate of the total receipts from excise duty only, excluding VAT, that would have been raised in 2009-10 from the sale of alcohol consumed in Scotland at


the then applicable rates of duty if there was a minimum price of (a) 45p and (b) 50p per unit.

S4W-03912 : To ask the Scottish Executive how much money has been earmarked from the Young Scots Fund for the proposed national football academy.

S4W-03913 Jenny Marra: To ask the Scottish Executive over how many budgetary cycles the money for the proposed national football academy will be extracted from the Young Scots Fund.

S4W-03914 Jenny Marra: To ask the Scottish Executive when it anticipates the completion of the proposed national football academy.

S4W-03915 Jenny Marra: To ask the Scottish Executive which ministerial portfolio has responsibility for the management of the Young Scots Fund.


Business Bulletin: Tuesday 8 November 2011 Section F – Motions and Amendments

Motions and amendments are normally printed the day after they are lodged. If an amendment is lodged to a motion then the original motion will appear alongside the amendment, along with any support lodged that day, in this section.

Each Monday, this section also contains all motions and amendments lodged the previous week that are still live and any motions and amendments that have been lodged for debate in the coming week. A motion or amendment is live if it has not been debated, withdrawn or otherwise deleted from the list.

Where a motion or amendment has been withdrawn, it is indicated in this section the day after it has been withdrawn. Support for motions and amendments received after they are lodged is shown at the end of this section the day after such support is received.

Motions and amendments can be published with various symbols:

• Asterisks before the motion or amendment number indicate a motion or amendment published for the first time;

• Asterisks also identify alterations to the text of a motion or amendment made since it was first published;

• A hash symbol identifies motions eligible for debate at Members’ Business;

• A diamond symbol identifies motions lodged for Members’ Business that have not yet attracted the required cross-party support;

• An "R", identifies motions or amendments in which the Member who lodged it has a registrable interest.

The Parliamentary Bureau periodically deletes motions or amendments not scheduled for debate and which are over six weeks old.

A search facility is also available on the Scottish Parliament web site at

Any questions in relation to this section should be directed to the Chamber Desk, for which contact details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.


New and altered motions and amendments

*S4M-01263 Willie Rennie: Prevention Saves Money and Misery—That the Parliament congratulates the Liberal Democrat-led City of Edinburgh Council, Edinburgh Cyrenians and other organisations on what it sees as their innovative partnership working to reduce and prevent homelessness as the 2012 homelessness target approaches; welcomes the Edinburgh Cyrenians’ report, Prevention Saves Money and Misery, on what is considered to be its pioneering Homelessness Prevention Service, which was commissioned by the City of Edinburgh Council; understands that the Homelessness Prevention Service is designed to prevent people presenting as homeless, by either keeping their current house or moving to another in a planned way; particularly welcomes the finding that 99% of people supported by this specialist service were still in their home a year later; considers that prevention can result in significant savings for local authorities and can bring other improvements to peoples’ lives, in particular in relation to their financial, employment and health circumstances, and believes that this pioneering model could play a valuable role in other areas of Scotland.

*S4M-01262 Michael Matheson: Rehabilitation and Enablement in Scotland— That the Parliament recognises the importance of rehabilitation and re-ablement in supporting the health and social wellbeing of the growing older population, people with long-term conditions and those trying to remain in or return to work after illness or injury; further notes that rehabilitation and re-ablement are key to supporting self- management and enabling individuals to live productive and meaningful lives in their own homes and communities, and recognises the importance of this approach in underpinning the reshaping of community services as well as the future sustainability and affordability of health and social care provision.

Supported by: Nicola Sturgeon*

*S4M-01261 Joan McAlpine: New Parliamentary Website—That the Parliament congratulates the eServices team on the Parliament’s new website; considers the site to be user-friendly and a tool that further advances democratic engagement, and appreciates the hard work of all those involved in creating and maintaining the new site.

Supported by: Jackie Baillie*, George Adam*, Jim Eadie*

*S4M-01260 Rhoda Grant: Tegola Broadband Access for Remote Highlands and Islands Communities—That the Parliament recognises the benefits and opportunities for providing high quality, low cost, wireless broadband to the remote communities in the Highlands and Islands; considers that the Tegola project, which is sponsored by the University of Edinburgh and the University of the Highlands and Islands and built by the communities of Arnisdale and Knoydart, has conclusively demonstrated the economic and social benefits of reliable internet connections; notes that in October 2011, when telephone lines to the area were completely knocked out by lightning strikes, the residents were able to maintain communications with the outside world through the Tegola network and that emergency health services to a much wider area were diverted through Tegola, and considers that establishing the


infrastructure to enable communities to build such networks should be a government priority.

Supported by: Sarah Boyack*, Jamie McGrigor*, Liam McArthur*

*S4M-01259 Derek Mackay: Congratulations to Sea Scouts Volunteer—That the Parliament congratulates James McFadzean from Renfrew who retires on 7 November 2011 as Chairman of Renfrew Town Sea Scouts after serving 70 years in the movement; considers that he has worked tirelessly for the organisation, and recognises what it sees as his outstanding contribution to the local community.

*S4M-01258 Kevin Stewart: Congratulations to Aberdeen College—That the Parliament congratulates Aberdeen College on the opening of its new music and performing arts facilities in its Gallowgate building and applauds Jasmine Dey, Kieran Shields and Rhuairidh Walker of the band, Writing On The Walls, for what it considers their excellent performance at the event.

Supported by: Annabelle Ewing*, Nanette Milne*, Chic Brodie*, Jamie McGrigor*, Kenneth Gibson*, *, *, Humza Yousaf*, *

*S4M-01257 Elaine Smith: 7 Up—That the Parliament congratulates Albion Rovers on beating Lanarkshire rival Airdrie 7-2; notes that this was the third victory in a row for the Wee Rovers this season and that it was the first time that it has defeated Airdrie in 35 years; considers the crowd of 1,109 to be a fantastic attendance, and hopes that this result will act as a catalyst for future success this season.

*S4M-01256 Elaine Smith: Ricky Burns World Champion—That the Parliament congratulates Ricky Burns on winning the interim WBO lightweight title; notes that he has now won a world title at two different weights, having successfully defended his WBO super featherweight world title three times before moving up a weight class; considers this to be a fantastic achievement for Scotland and his hometown of Coatbridge, and wishes him a long and successful reign.

Supported by: Annabelle Ewing*, *, Jackie Baillie*, Jamie McGrigor*, Kenneth Gibson*, Michael McMahon*, Richard Lyle*, Mark McDonald*, Kevin Stewart*

*S4M-01255 George Adam: 30,000 People Celebrate in Paisley—That the Parliament congratulates Renfrewshire Council on what it considers another hugely successful Christmas lights switch on, which saw over 30,000 people gather in the town centre for a winter celebration that lasted for over six hours, catering for all ages of the community; recognises all those who worked their utmost, not only to set up all of the entertainment, but also to clear up the town centre during the night to leave the town absolutely spotless the next day; wishes all the businesses in Paisley that stayed open and participated in the celebration every success, and acknowledges the efforts and vision of Renfrewshire Council to show everyone in Renfrewshire and beyond what Paisley has to offer.


Supported by: Annabelle Ewing*, Fiona McLeod*, Adam Ingram*, Chic Brodie*, Kenneth Gibson*, Rob Gibson*, Dennis Robertson*, Stuart McMillan*, Joe FitzPatrick*, Richard Lyle*, Humza Yousaf*, Kevin Stewart*, Margaret Burgess*

*S4M-01254 Jim Eadie: George Watson’s College Pipes and Drums—That the Parliament congratulates George Watson’s College Pipes and Drums on having been nominated for pipe band of the year in the Scots Traditional Music Awards; pays tribute to the band for a very successful year of achievement as the band has won all five major piping championships, the Scottish, British, European, World and Cowal championships, the first juvenile pipe band to accomplish this during this millennium; considers it a remarkable achievement that the band’s drum corps has won the Champion of Champions award for the last 10 years in succession; considers that its hard work and dedication have done Edinburgh and Scotland proud, and wishes the band continued success in the future.

Supported by: Annabelle Ewing*, Adam Ingram*, Chic Brodie*, Jamie McGrigor*, Rob Gibson*, Bob Doris*, Richard Lyle*, Humza Yousaf*, Gordon MacDonald*, Bill Walker*, Margaret Burgess*

Motions and amendments which have attracted additional support

S4M-01253 Dumbarton People’s Theatre Celebrates 67th Year (lodged on 04 November 2011) *

S4M-01252 Continuation of Reshaping Care Change Fund (lodged on 04 November 2011) Annabelle Ewing*, Christine Grahame*, Fiona McLeod*, Adam Ingram*, Chic Brodie*, Kenneth Gibson*, Rob Gibson*, Dennis Robertson*, Christina McKelvie*, Joe FitzPatrick*, Richard Lyle*, Clare Adamson*, Mark McDonald*, Kevin Stewart*

S4M-01251 Strictly Wheelchair Dancing (lodged on 04 November 2011) Elaine Murray*, *, Kenneth Gibson*, Dennis Robertson*, Margaret McDougall*, Joan McAlpine*, Siobhan McMahon*

S4M-01250 SCIAF Support for East Africa Drought Victims (lodged on 04 November 2011) Annabelle Ewing*, Jackie Baillie*, Adam Ingram*, Gil Paterson*, Jamie McGrigor*, Kenneth Gibson*, Aileen McLeod*, *, Dennis Robertson*, Bob Doris*, Margaret McDougall*, Mike MacKenzie*, Joan McAlpine*, Siobhan McMahon*, Kevin Stewart*, John Mason*

S4M-01249 East Kilbride Scout Leader Ronnie Claudin, Day after Day, Making a Difference (lodged on 04 November 2011) Annabelle Ewing*, Gil Paterson*, Kenneth Gibson*, Bob Doris*, Mike MacKenzie*, Joan McAlpine*, Kevin Stewart*

S4M-01248 Congratulations to Hanover Street Primary School (lodged on 04 November 2011) Adam Ingram*, Jamie McGrigor*, Dennis Robertson*, Mike MacKenzie*, Joan McAlpine*


S4M-01247 Congratulations to Aberdeen Lacrosse Club (lodged on 04 November 2011) Adam Ingram*, Gil Paterson*, Jamie McGrigor*, Dennis Robertson*, Stuart McMillan*, Richard Lyle*, Humza Yousaf*, Mike MacKenzie*, Joan McAlpine*, David Torrance*, Margaret Burgess*

S4M-01246 Scotmid, in the Heart of Scotland’s Communities (lodged on 04 November 2011) *, Elaine Murray*, Gil Paterson*, Richard Simpson*, Dennis Robertson*, Angus MacDonald*, John Mason*

S4M-01243 Congratulations to GlaxoSmithKline (lodged on 03 November 2011) Margaret McDougall*

S4M-01240 West of Scotland Big Lottery Fund (lodged on 03 November 2011) Gil Paterson*, Margaret McDougall*

S4M-01239 Report on Energy Future for Aberdeen (lodged on 03 November 2011) Gil Paterson*, Joan McAlpine*

S4M-01238 Shipbuilding Coming Home, Congratulations to Ferguson Shipbuilders of Port Glasgow (lodged on 03 November 2011) Gil Paterson*, Margaret McDougall*

S4M-01237 Developing Perth Woods for Health Pilot (lodged on 03 November 2011) Elaine Murray*

S4M-01236 Become a Mo-Bro this Movember (lodged on 03 November 2011) Elaine Murray*, Ruth Davidson*

S4M-01234 Solar Panel Feed-in Tariffs (lodged on 02 November 2011) Margaret McDougall*

S4M-01232 Scotland Needs and Deserves More Powers (lodged on 02 November 2011) Bob Doris*

S4M-01231 New CLAN HQ (lodged on 02 November 2011) Gil Paterson*, Joan McAlpine*

S4M-01229 Church of Scotland’s Chance to Thrive Initiative (lodged on 02 November 2011) Gil Paterson*, Mike MacKenzie*

S4M-01227 Vineburgh Community Centre (lodged on 02 November 2011) Margaret McDougall*

S4M-01226 Cumbernauld College is Top for Equality (lodged on 02 November 2011) Elaine Smith*

S4M-01224 Chivas Brothers Wins Distiller of the Year Award (lodged on 02 November 2011) Margaret McDougall*


S4M-01223 University of Glasgow Ranked First in the UK (lodged on 02 November 2011) John Mason*

S4M-01217 Responsible Cat Ownership (lodged on 01 November 2011) Elaine Murray*

S4M-01215 Kibble Recycles its Way to Success (lodged on 01 November 2011) Margaret McDougall*

S4M-01214 University of Glasgow Ranked First in the UK for International Student Satisfaction (lodged on 02 November 2011) Margaret McDougall*, John Mason*

S4M-01213 Recognising Services for LGBT Older People (lodged on 01 November 2011) Gil Paterson*

S4M-01208 Paisley’s Oldest Public Park, Fountain Gardens (lodged on 01 November 2011) Margaret McDougall*

S4M-01203 Solas Utility Initiative (lodged on 01 November 2011) Margaret McDougall*

S4M-01198 Human Rights Action in Qatar (lodged on 01 November 2011) Margaret McDougall*

S4M-01192 Maggie’s Centre in Fife Celebrates Fifth Anniversary (lodged on 02 November 2011) Elaine Murray*

S4M-01191 Act of Settlement (lodged on 31 October 2011) *

S4M-01190 Carbon Monoxide, Be Alarmed (lodged on 01 November 2011) Margaret McDougall*

S4M-01181 Road Safety Week (lodged on 31 October 2011) Margaret McDougall*

S4M-01180 Safe Drive, Stay Alive (lodged on 31 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01173 Condolences on the Passing of Campbell Christie (lodged on 28 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01171 Tribute to Campbell Christie (lodged on 28 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01165 East Kilbride Community in Action (lodged on 27 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01164 Renfrewshire Effort to Empower Minorities (lodged on 27 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*, Margaret McDougall*


S4M-01163.1 1,000 Days until the 2014 Commonwealth Games (lodged on 03 November 2011) Claudia Beamish*, Richard Simpson*, Margaret McDougall*

S4M-01163 1,000 Days until the 2014 Commonwealth Games (lodged on 27 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01162 Renfrewshire Money Week (lodged on 27 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*, Margaret McDougall*

S4M-01161 Promising Results for Malaria Vaccine Trial (lodged on 27 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01156 Scotland’s No’ Full Up Yet (lodged on 27 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01152 Barnardo’s New Adoption Service (lodged on 27 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01150 PSALV and World Psoriasis Day (lodged on 27 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01149 Labelgraphics, Moving On Up (lodged on 26 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01147 Windmills Café (lodged on 26 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01146 Garnock Valley Community Safety Forum (lodged on 26 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01145 Shetland Youth Volunteering Awards 2011 (lodged on 26 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01143 Opt for Life (lodged on 26 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01139 Edwin Morgan, Still Helping Scotland to Move Forward (lodged on 26 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01136 Eric Liddell Centre (lodged on 26 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01126 National Schools Film Week in Glasgow (lodged on 25 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01125 Official History of North Sea Oil and Gas (lodged on 25 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01124 Edinburgh Flying Club, 50 Years at Scotland’s Capital’s Airport - (lodged on 25 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01122 Scotland’s Special Relationship with Norway (lodged on 24 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*


S4M-01118 The Financial Impact of Cancer (lodged on 24 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01117 Còisir a’ buannachadh a-rithist (lodged on 24 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01111 Toast the Maritime Malt (lodged on 24 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01105 BBC ALBA (lodged on 21 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01103 Inverclyde Business Continues to Grow (lodged on 20 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01102 Nigg Energy Park Open for Business (lodged on 20 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01094 Angus and Scotland’s Economic Success in China (lodged on 19 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01093 Blood Donation (lodged on 19 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01092 Stepwell on the BBC Good Food Show (lodged on 19 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01090 Radioactive Particle Find at Dalgety Bay (lodged on 19 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01089 St Andrew’s Day (lodged on 18 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*

S4M-01087 International Credit Union Day (lodged on 17 October 2011) Stewart Maxwell*


Business Bulletin: Tuesday 8 November 2011 Section H – New Documents

Subordinate Legislation

Negative instruments

The following instrument was laid before the Parliament on 7 November 2011 and is subject to the negative procedure

Enzootic Bovine Leukosis (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/390) laid under paragraph 2, schedule 2 of the European Communities Act 1972

Committee Reports

For further information on accessing committee reports, please contact either the relevant clerk or webpage (see end of Bulletin for contact details or access general committee webpage)


Business Bulletin: Tuesday 8 November 2011 Section J – Progress of Legislation

For further information on the progress of Bills and subordinate legislation, contact either the relevant clerk or webpage (see end of Bulletin for details).

Bills in Progress A list of all bills in progress can be accessed by the Scottish Parliament website at:

For each Bill, the date of the next (or most recent) event in the Bill’s passage is given. Other relevant information, e.g. about lodging amendments, is given in italics.

As soon as a Public Bill (i.e. an Executive, Committee or Member’s Bill) has completed Stage 1, amendments for consideration at Stage 2 may be lodged; and as soon as Stage 2 is completed, amendments for Stage 3 consideration may be lodged. The last lodging day for amendments at Stage 2 is three sitting days before the meeting at which those amendments will be considered (e.g. Thursday for a meeting on Tuesday); at Stage 3 it is four days before. Amendments may be lodged until 4.30 pm on any sitting day, except on the last lodging day for Stage 2, when the deadline is 12 noon.

A Hybrid Bill is subject to the same rules except in the case of Stage 2 where amendments for consideration may be lodged no earlier than the completion of any consideration of evidence at Stage 2.

Amendments to Private Bills are subject to different deadlines. These are set out in Rule 9A.12 of Standing Orders.

Members are advised to lodge amendments in good time before the beginning of a Stage and as early as possible during the day.

(Ex) = Executive Bill; (M) = Member’s Bill; (C) = Committee Bill; (P) = Private Bill; (H) = Hybrid Bill.

Agricultural Holdings (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill (Ex) Stage 1 (lead committee (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)) 9 November

Alcohol (Minimum Pricing) (Scotland) Bill (Ex) Introduced 31 October


National Library of Scotland Bill (Ex) Introduced 26 October

Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Bill (Ex) Stage 2 (Justice Committee) 22 November All amendments should be lodged by 12 noon on Thursday 17 November with the clerks in the Legislation Team ([email protected])

Subordinate legislation in progress (date of laying) (Lead Committee)

Affirmative instruments

Lead Committee to report by 16 November 2011

Interpretation and Legislative Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 (Consequential, Savings and Transitional Provisions) Order 2011 [draft] (22 September 2011) (Subordinate Legislation)

Lead Committee to report by 22 November 2011

Planning (Listed Buildings) (Amount of Fixed Penalty) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 [draft] (28 September 2011) (Education and Culture)

Lead Committee to report by 27 November 2011

Aquatic Animal Health (Miscellaneous Modifications) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 [draft] (3 October 2011) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Lead Committee to report by 2 December 2011

Budget (Scotland) Act 2011 Amendment Order 2011 [draft] (20 October 2011) (Finance)

Lead Committee to report by 10 December 2011

London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Act 2006 (Advertising and Trading) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 [draft] (1 November 2011) (Health and Sport)

Lead Committee to report by 12 December 2011

Climate Change (Limits on Carbon Units) (Scotland) Order 2011 [draft] (3 November 2011) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)


Lead Committee to report by 13 December 2011

Student Fees (Specification) (Scotland) Order 2011 [draft] (4 November 2011) (Education and Culture)

Negative Instruments

Members should note that the deadline for the lead committee to report by is an administrative deadline. Lead committees normally report on negative instruments only after considering a motion recommending annulment of the instrument. Where Members have queries in relation to this deadline, they should contact the clerks to the Subordinate Legislation Committee.

Subject to annulment by 8 November 2011 Lead Committee to report by 31 October 2011

Prisons and Young Offenders Institutions (Scotland) Rules 2011 (SSI 2011/331) (14 September 2011) (Justice)

Subject to annulment by 10 November 2011 Lead Committee to report by 7 November 2011

Criminal Legal Assistance (Fees) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/333) (16 September 2011) (Justice)

Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006 (Developing Planning) (Saving, Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Amendment Order 2011 (SSI 2011/336) (16 September 2011) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Subject to annulment by 24 November 2011 Lead Committee to report by 21 November 2011

Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006 (Saving and Transitional Provisions) Amendment Order 2011 (SSI 2011/348) (30 September 2011) (Local Government and Regeneration)

The Local Government Pension Scheme (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/349) (30 September 2011) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Subject to annulment by 27 November 2011 Lead Committee to report by 21 November 2011

Home Energy Assistance Scheme (Scotland) Amendment (No. 2) Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/350) (3 October 2011) (Economy, Energy and Tourism)


Subject to annulment by 1 December 2011 Lead Committee to report by 28 November 2011

Prisons and Young Offenders Institutions (Scotland) Amendment Rules 2011 (SSI 2011/356) (13 October 2011) (Justice)

Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2011 (SSI 2011/357) (14 October 2011) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Scotland Act 1998 (Agency Arrangements) (Specification) Order 2011 (SI 2011/2439) (19 October 2011) (Health and Sport)

National Health Service Superannuation Scheme etc. (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/364) (25 October 2011) (Health and Sport)

Subject to annulment by 5 December 2011 Lead Committee to report by 28 November 2011

Double Jeopardy (Scotland) Act 2011 (Commencement and Transitional Provisions) Order 2011 (SSI 2011/365) (27 October 2011) (Justice)

Water Environment (Relevant Enactments and Designation of Responsible Authorities and Functions) (Scotland) Order 2011 (SSI 2011/368) (27 October 2011) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Highlands and Islands Air Services (Scotland) Act 1980 Amendment Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/367) (27 October 2011) (Infrastructure and Capital Investment)

Subject to annulment by 9 December 2011 Lead Committee to report by 5 December 2011

Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas (Compensation) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/373) (31 October 2011) (Education and Culture)

Planning (Listed Buildings) (Prescribed Form of Notices) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/374) (31 October 2011) (Education and Culture)

Ancient Monument and Archaeological Areas (Applications for Scheduled Monument Consent) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/375) (31 October 2011) (Education and Culture)

Town and Country Planning (Listed Buildings and Buildings in Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/376) (31 October 2011) (Local Government and Regeneration)


Historic Environment (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 2011 (Saving, Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Order 2011 (SSI 2011/377) (31 October 2011) (Education and Culture)

Town and Country Planning (Appeals) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/378) (31 October 2011) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Town and Country Planning (Inquiries Procedure) (Scotland) Amendment Rules 2011 (SSI 2011/379) (31 October 2011) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Town and Country Planning (Appeals) (Written Submissions Procedure) (Scotland) Revocation Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/380) (31 October 2011) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006 (Listed Buildings) (Savings Provisions) Order 2011 (SSI 2011/381) (31 October 2011) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Town and Country Planning (Enforcement of Control) (No.2) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/383) (31 October 2011) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Subject to annulment by 13 December 2011 Lead committee to report by 5 December 2011

Education (Fees) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/389) (4 November 2011) (Education and Culture)

Subject to annulment by 16 December 2011 Lead committee to report by 12 December 2011

Enzootic Bovine Leukosis (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/390) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Other documents

Lead committee to report by 15 January 2012

Public Services Reform (Recovery of Expenses in respect of Inspection of Independent Further Education Colleges and English Language Schools) (Scotland) Order 2012 and draft Explanatory Document (SG 2011/237) (1 November 2011) (Education and Culture)


Contacts for Further Information All telephone numbers 0131 348 XXXX Web site: General Enquiries 5000 Chamber Desk (Motions and Questions) 5199 Parliamentary Business Team (Chamber, Parliamentary Bureau) 5187 Legislation Team 5277 Non-Executive Bills Unit (NEBU) 6124 Committee web sites at: Economy, Energy and Tourism 5214 Contact Education and Culture 5222 Contact Equal Opportunities 5408 Contact European and External Relations 5226 Contact Finance 5451 Contact Health and Sport 5410 Contact Infrastructure and Capital Investment 5229 Contact Justice 5047 Contact Local Government and Regeneration 5223 Contact Public Audit 5236 Contact Public Petitions 5254 Contact Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment 5242 Contact Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments 5179 Contact Subordinate Legislation 5175 Contact Scotland Bill 5207 Contact

Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body

Parliamentary Bureau

The Conveners Group

Scottish Commission for Public Audit

MSP Details



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All documents are available on For information on the Scottish Parliament contact the Scottish Parliament website at: Public Information on: Telephone: 0131 348 5000 Textphone: 0800 092 7100 For details of documents available to Email: [email protected] order in hard copy format, please contact: APS Scottish Parliament Publications on 0131 629 9941.

Printed in Scotland by APS Group Scotland ISBN 978-1-4061-7809-8