1) League Basics a) Field Dimensions: i) 45 yards of regular width football field, plus end zones ii) The field layout supports two games running at the same time, each game plays with offensive possessions facing the full end zones. iii) Field layout is as follows, from goal post to goal post: (1) Game 1: full end zone -> 45 yards of game play field -> 5 yards back end zone -> (2) Game 2: 5 yards back end zone -> 45 yards of game play field -> full end zone. (3) The 45 yard line is the line to cross for safeties, returned for a TD, and extra points returned by the defense for a score. b) League Divisions: K-1st Grade, 2nd-3rd Grade c) 1st downs: Field divided into 3 segments, 45-30, 30-15, 15-goal line. Each offensive possession starts at the 40 yard line. A new set of downs is awarded by crossing the 30 and 15 yard lines. Four downs to get 1st down/score. d) Players: All divisions play 7 x 7. e) Practice: A total of 3 hours of practice is allowed per week. Practices shall be no more than 1 hour 30 minutes long with water breaks every 15 minutes. Additional rules and restrictions as per heat index rules for player safety. f) Standings/Playoffs: Scores will be kept and standings maintained for each league. There will be a one-day playoff tournament for each division at the end of the season. 2) Game Details a) Games are 55 minutes long (two 25 minute halves) plus 5 minutes for halftime. b) The Home team gets the ball to start the first half; Visitor gets the ball to start the second half. c) The offensive team takes possession of the ball at its 40-yard line and has four plays to cross a first down marker or score a . d) If the offense fails to score or convert the first down, the ball changes possession and the new offensive team starts over on the 40-yard line. e) On offense, all teams drive the same way, towards the full end zone. f) All extra point tries go towards the full end zone (even following an score). g) All possession changes, except interceptions, start on the offensive 40-yard line. h) Interceptions may be run back for a touchdown (with an extra point try to follow). If the intercepting team fails to return the pick for a touchdown, possession will be retained by the intercepting team – additional details on interceptions are detailed below in “Spotting the Ball”. 3) Regulation Play and Clock a) Games consist of two 25-minute halves. Halftime is 5 minutes. In the event of an extended game-stoppage in the 1st half (injury, etc.) halftime will be reduced to 2 minutes. b) During the last 2 minutes of the second half only, the clock stops when there is an , a penalty, change of possession, or when a ball-carrier runs out of bounds provided the score is within 14 points. For example, the clock would stop during the final two minutes if the score were 24-12 but not if it were 24-0. c) For all divisions, except the K-1 division, the offensive team has 30 seconds to snap the ball once it has been spotted. The offense may snap the ball at any time after the Line Judge has signaled the start of the 30 second snap count whether the defense is ready or not. d) In the K-1 division, the offensive team will have 45 seconds rather than 30 seconds. e) The referee will warn the offensive team when there are 10 seconds left on the snap count clock. f) Each team has two (30-second) time outs per half; time outs from the 1st half do not carry over to the 2nd half. g) Officials can stop the clock at their discretion for an injury, field interference (ball from another field), etc. 4) Scoring a) Touchdown: 6 points b) Interceptions returned for a Touchdown (the intercepting player returns the pick past the 45 yard line): 6 points c) Extra point: 1 point (played from 5-yard line) or 2 points (played from 12-yard line) d) The defense can score on an extra point. Any extra point (1 or 2 point try) intercepted and returned by the defense is worth 2 points. If the defense intercepts on an extra point try but does not return it past the 45 yard line, the play is over. The offense for the team that had intercepted the try starts new on the 40 yard line. e) Safety: 2 points awarded to the defensive team i) A Safety is only awarded if the ball carrier is spotted down (flag pulled, - see “Spotting the Ball”, etc.), behind the 45 yard line, or a penalty occurs behind the 45 yard line itself. (1) A penalty ahead of the 45 yard line cannot cause a safety. ii) After a safety, the defensive team (that got the 2 points) starts a new possession at the 40 yard line. f) Forfeits: Any forfeit will be scored as 7-0 for the non-forfeiting team. g) Note: Scores will be tracked and recorded. Standings will be maintained and used to determine playoff seeding. 5) Offense a) Offensive alignment, sets and eligibility: i) All offensive sets must include a Center and a Right and Left Guard. These 3 offensive players establish the “pocket”. Each guard must be at extended arm’s length apart from the center’s extended arm’s length at the snap. ii) Guards may not pull but are allowed to block a defensive player. iii) The Center and each Guard are eligible to receive a legal . iv) The Center and each Guard are eligible to receive a handoff from the QB but must run outside of the pocket as was established at the snap. v) The Guards are not eligible to receive the snap. b) Running plays: i) All offensive running plays must go outside of either Guard, i.e. the pocket. ii) The QB or any other non-Center and non-Guard player may run the ball. iii) Any player may run the ball via a snap to the QB, a direct snap to another offensive player that is eligible. The QB is the offensive player who directly receives the snap from the center. iv) If the QB leaves the passing pocket (as defined by the alignment and spacing of the Center and Guards), he is immediately treated as a runner (i.e. any defensive player can pursue to pull the flag right away). c) Passing Rules: i) The QB is the offensive player who directly receives the snap from the center. ii) QB can pitch the ball forwards or backwards, but only behind the line of scrimmage – no pitch or handoff is allowed once the QB or player with the ball is past the line of scrimmage. iii) A legal pass is allowed by the QB or any other offensive player as long as the ball has not already been passed forwards or crossed the line of scrimmage. iv) A player may pass the ball if they got the ball on a direct snap from the Center, on a handoff, a pitch that travels backwards or from a “screen” pass that travels backwards. A team can perform any number of legal handoffs or backwards passes prior to throwing down field. v) A legal forward pass from the QB or another player eligible to throw must be a pass. Shovel passes are legal but must be a pass that travels in the air and not a ‘semi-handoff’ where a QB lets go of the ball in front of them to another player (i.e. a sweep play is not a pass play). vi) No passing play can be designed to have the receiver run between the Guards to advance the ball. d) Defense / Rushing the QB: i) All blitzing players must go outside of the pocket, as established by the offensive Center and Guards. ii) One or more defenders can blitz from anywhere on the field but must start at 7 yards back from the line of scrimmage. Rusher(s) must remain 7 yards from the line of scrimmage until the offense snaps the ball. iii) A defensive player who is less than 7 yards from the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped cannot cross the line of scrimmage until the QB runs outside of the pocket, hands off the ball to another player or throws the football. iv) If the QB leaves the passing pocket, he is then considered to be a runner. Accordingly, any defender may then cross the line of scrimmage to pursue the QB. e) Blocking: i) Blocking is allowed, however, blocking is only allowed within five yards of the line of scrimmage. When the offensive ball carrier is past five yards of the line of scrimmage, the blockers must disengage – they may reengage a block if the ball carrier reverses field back into the five yard area of the line of scrimmage. ii) Blocking is allowed by use of the hands only (no shoulder blocks or “trucking”) to the front of a player’s body and arms. No blocking below the waist or above the shoulders or to a player’s back. Blockers may not grab the opposing player by any part of the body or hair, nor clothing or equipment. iii) No pulling blockers (i.e. no power sweeps with pulling blockers leading the runner). Blockers can block someone in front of them only. iv) No “double team” blocking i.e. one blocker per defender. v) No pick or ‘rub’ plays of any kind are allowed anywhere on the field. vi) No crack back blocks - where an offensive player, usually a , angles back sharply towards the middle of the field and blocks a defensive player from the side. f) Eligible Receivers: i) Everyone is eligible including the Center. g) Pass Only Zone (2-3 division only): i) When the ball is spotted within five yards of the goal line on any down, the offense must pass only. Any running play within the Pass Only Zone will result in a loss of down and the ball placed back at the original line of scrimmage. (1) The offensive team may hand off to another offensive player, but that player must pass in order for the play to be legal. (2) For extra points, teams can run from the 5 yard line for a 1-point conversion. 6) Spotting the Ball a) The ball is spotted where the ball carrier's forward-most grounded foot is when the flag is pulled, not where the ball is. No diving to advance the football. b) Note: The ball-carrier's forward-most grounded foot is the one that is both closest to his goal line and in contact with the ground. i) For example, should a defender pull the flag of a ball-carrier who has his front foot elevated over the goal line and his back foot on the ground six inches in front of the goal line, the ball will be spotted where his forward- most grounded foot was when the flag was pulled - six inches in front of the goal line. c) If a ball carrier's flag falls out while running, the ball is marked at the spot where the ball carrier's forward-most foot was when the flag came out. d) Interceptions: can be returned for additional yardage, in an attempt to return it for a touchdown (unless the lead is 28 or more, as noted below). If the intercepting player is down (flag is pulled, flag falls out, interception is made but the player is on the ground or knee is on the ground, or steps out of bounds), the yardage at which the player is down becomes the new starting field position for the intercepting team. (45 yards minus X yard line of intercepting player). i) Example 1: Defense picks off the pass at the 2 yard line, flag is pulled immediately. Offense starts fresh at the 40 yard line. They are not penalized 3 yards for not advancing the pick. ii) Example 2: Defense picks off the pass at the 7 yard line, flag is pulled immediately. Offense starts at the 38 yard line. (45-7=38) iii) Example 3: Defense picks off the pass at the 10 yard line, the intercepting player steps out of bounds at the 25 yard line. Offense starts at the 20 yard line. (45-25=20) iv) Example 4: Defense picks off the pass at the 20 yard line, the intercepting player is flagged for flag guarding at the 22 yard line, yet returns the pick all the way. No TD is awarded due to the ball carrier penalty, 5 yards reduced for the penalty (22 yard line - 5 yards =17 yard line). Offense starts at the 28 yard line. (45-17=28) e) Defensive players that start a play missing a flag can intercept a pass but cannot advance it. The ball is spotted where the interception occurred. f) A team with a lead of 28 or more points cannot attempt to return that interception for a touchdown. The ball will be spotted at the point of the interception and possession will be awarded to the intercepting team. g) Fumbles: The play is ruled dead when the ball makes contact with the ground. In the case of a fumble or dropped snap, the ball is spotted at the forward-most grounded foot of the player who last touched it. i) Example 1: a player fumbles the ball forward. The ball is spotted where the player’s forward-most grounded foot was at the time of the fumble, not where the ball lands. ii) Example 2: an offensive player drops a snap, or fumbles the ball while standing behind the 45 yard line. The ball is spotted where the player's forward-most foot is at the time of the drop, not where the ball lands. This spot would result in a safety. iii) Example 3: a center hikes it over the head or past the QB but no offensive player touches it prior to the ball hitting the ground – even if the ball lands behind the 45 yard line, the ball is spotted at the forward most grounded foot of the center (the player who last touched it). There is a loss of down on the play. 7) Hiking the Ball a) Before the Snap: i) All players must be set for 1 second prior to the snap, except for one non-Center/Guard player that may be in motion parallel with or away from the line of scrimmage. No player may be moving toward the line of scrimmage without coming to a stop and being set for 1 second prior to the snap. b) Center: i) The ball must be snapped from the spot where the referee places it. ii) The ball must be snapped between the center’s legs to start play. iii) Center sneak plays are not allowed. Note: A center sneak is any play in which the ball is transferred immediately to the center from the player receiving the snap. 8) Running the Ball a) Direct handoffs / pitches behind the line of scrimmage are permitted. Offense may use multiple handoffs / pitches behind the scrimmage line only. b) No pitches or handoffs are allowed once the ball has crossed the line of scrimmage. c) Spinning is allowed, but players cannot leave their feet to avoid a defensive player (no spin-jumping or diving). d) A ball carrier cannot run into, “truck”, or “charge” a defensive player. e) The ball carrier may not stiff-arm a defender to prevent an attempted flag pull – this is considered flag guarding. f) The ball is spotted where the ball carrier’s front foot is when the flag is pulled, not where the ball is. 9) Receiving a) All players are eligible to receive passes (including the if the ball has been handed off or pitched to another player behind the line of scrimmage). b) A player must have at least one foot inbounds when making a reception. A defender may not push an offensive player out of bounds in an attempt to prevent the offensive player from landing inbounds – this would be Roughing/Unsportsmanlike conduct and subject to penalty as detailed in General Penalties. c) An offensive player who voluntarily runs out of bounds during live action may not return to the field of play until the ball is dead. d) An offensive player who is forced out of bounds during live action by contact with a defender may return to the field of play during live action without penalty. e) If a defensive player pulls a receiver’s flag prior to a legal reception of a pitch or pass, the defense will be flagged for Illegal Flag Pull but the play will not be whistled dead. If the receiver catches the pass or pitch, the play will remain live until the receiver’s other flag is pulled. If both flags are pulled illegally and the catch is made, the play remains live until a defender touches the ball carrier with two hands. f) When a pass is thrown, any player from either team has a right to catch the ball. If in the attempt to catch the ball, a player hinders an opposing player by physical contact (pushing, shoving, slapping, etc), pass interference will result. Referees will determine incidental contact that is a normal part of flag football. i) The defender may only make a play on the ball at the immediate time of the catch. g) If a ball is simultaneously caught by 2 opposing players, possession will be awarded to the offense with the ball being dead at the spot. 10) Passing a) Backwards passes are treated as a pitch and would be subject to being spotted as a fumble if not caught (see “Spotting the Ball”). b) Shovel passes are allowed. c) Interceptions change the possession of the ball at the end of the run back. Interceptions are the only changes of possession that do not necessarily start on the 40-yard line. 11) Dead Balls Substitutions may be made on any dead ball. Play is ruled “dead” when: a) Ball carrier’s flag is pulled b) Ball carrier steps out of bounds c) Ball carrier’s knee hits the ground d) Ball carrier’s flag falls out e) An incomplete pass f) Touchdown, extra point(s) or safety is scored g) The ball is fumbled and hits the ground 12) Coaches a) Coaches are volunteers whose role it is to help young people learn to play and enjoy football. Parents are encouraged to support their youth and their coach at all times. b) Coaches will be required to attend a coaches’ clinic and/or review all league guidelines and rules. Coaches will sign an acknowledgment that they have reviewed all league guidelines and rules prior to coaching any kids. All Coaches, including all assistant coaches must take the 20 minute CDC Heads Up certification course or have a certificate of having done so within the last two years of the start of the 1st practice. c) Coaches are allowed on the field to assist players with their positions. At the snap, on-field coaches must be 5 yards behind their deepest player. For the K-1 division, up to 2 coaches for each team can be on the field. d) For the 2-3 division, only one coach per team can be on the field during play. e) Coaches are expected to adhere to DSYSA Football philosophy, coaching guidelines and codes of conduct. f) Only three coaches per team are allowed on the sidelines. 13) Sportsmanship / Conduct a) Contact is limited to incidental contact that is a normal part of flag football. b) Players are expected to behave in a civil manner. Flag slamming, flag throwing, or other uncivil acts will result in an Unsportsmanlike conduct penalty for each offense. c) Taunting, trash talking, cursing or other offensive language or behavior by players, coaches or their fans will result in an Unsportsmanlike conduct penalty for the first offense and ejection for the second offense. d) Reckless play deemed by the referee to be potentially dangerous or harmful (e.g., tackling, elbowing, cheap shots, roughing, pushing, etc.) will result in an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. Two such acts committed by one player during a game will result in automatic ejection. e) Play that is deemed by the referee to be intentionally malicious (e.g. clothes lining, blatant tackling with no effort to pull flags, etc.) will result in an Unsportsmanlike conduct penalty and immediate player ejection. Two such acts by one team during a game will result in immediate forfeiture and subject to potential league sanctions. f) Players, Teams or Coaches who are found to have intentionally cheated will be suspended indefinitely. g) Players, Coaches, or Spectators who are ejected from a game, must vacate the field and stands premises in an immediate and timely manner. Failure to do so will result in further penalties/suspensions and game forfeiture. h) Field Supervisors and Game Officials have the authority to suspend play and declare a forfeit if players, fans and/or coaches behave in a manner that is threatening or dangerous. One "Game suspension" warning will be issued. i) When appropriate, Field Supervisors, Game Officials, or other officials that work for or with DSYSA Football will make reports to the DSYSA Football Board. In addition to the penalties assessed during a game, conduct violations carry the additional penalties associated with league participation. i) Unsportsmanlike Conduct -7-day suspension from practice and play. ii) Ejection from a Game - 14-day suspension from practice and play. iii) Physically threatening an official - season suspension. iv) Hitting an official - indefinite suspension (minimum 1 year). v) Public intoxication - season suspension. vi) Fighting (on or off the field) - season suspension. vii) Second offense of A or B - season suspension. viii) Playing an ineligible player - forfeiture of game and possible action against the coach and team. 14) Rules Violations a) All penalties will be assessed at the end of the play. b) Spinning is allowed but players cannot leave their feet to avoid a defensive player. c) Diving or jumping to advance the ball is not allowed. If a player dives or leaps, the ball will be marked where the player left his feet. Diving from behind to pull a flag on a runner is also not allowed as it is deemed an attempted tackle. d) A ball carrier cannot run into, “truck”, or “charge” a defensive player. e) Blocking is allowed. All blocking must be above the waist and below the neck and on the front of a player’s body i.e. no blocking in the back. f) Any player that comes onto the field from out of bounds after the snap starts a play will be penalized for illegal participation. g) Referees will determine incidental contact that results from normal play. h) The head coach (or the on-field coaches) may ask the referee for a rules clarification or interpretation but the request must come immediately after the play in question. Any stoppage of play by a coach to question a call or rule pertaining to a play other than the one just played will result in a delay of game penalty. i) Players may not question calls. Coaches may not question judgment calls. If a coach wishes to discuss a call or refereeing, they may do so with a league representative/commissioner after the game. j) Penalties may be declined. k) In the case of offensive and defensive penalties occurring on the same play, the down will be replayed unless one of the infractions was a Roughing/Unsportsmanlike conduct. In that case, the Roughing/Unsportsmanlike conduct would take precedence over the other penalty. i) Example: A defender is flagged for pass interference, following the whistle; the offensive player turns and pushes the defensive player. While both the defense and offense are flagged respectively for pass interference and unsportsmanlike conduct, the offense alone would then be penalized for the personal foul of unsportsmanlike conduct. l) Games cannot end on a defensive penalty, unless the offense declines it. m) If team calls a time-out when it has none left, the official will assess a 5-yard penalty. On the first penalty, the clock will stop while the penalty is assessed if it happens within the last two minutes of the half or the game (otherwise, the clock will continue to run). On the second penalty, the 5-yard penalty will be assessed and the clock will continue to run no matter how much time is left in the half or the game. n) The ball may not be stripped from runner. This is considered “Holding an offensive player with the ball” penalty = 5 yards from the spot of the foul. 15) Last Man Rule a) In the event that the defensive player commits a flagrant holding penalty and there are no other defensive players between the offensive player and the end-zone, the referee has the discretion to award a touchdown if it is obvious the flagrant holding penalty prevented a touchdown. Otherwise it is Unsportsmanlike conduct, a 10-yard penalty and automatic first down for flagrant holding. b) In the event that the defensive team intercepts an extra-point conversion attempt, and the defensive player is flagrantly held by an (original) offensive player, two points shall be awarded to the (original) defensive team. 16) Inadvertent Whistle a) In the case of an inadvertent whistle, the offense has two options: b) Take the ball at the spot where the whistle blew. c) Replay the down from the original line of scrimmage. d) If a personal foul is committed during or immediately after a play whistled dead by an inadvertent whistle, the penalty for the personal foul would take precedence over the inadvertent whistle ruling. 17) General Penalties a) Roughing/Unsportsmanlike conduct = 10 yards from end of play; loss of down if committed by the offensive team. If the penalty is against the defensive team, in addition to the 10 yards, an automatic 1st down is awarded for the offensive team. i) The following are examples, but not the complete list of fouls that could constitute Roughing/ Unsportsmanlike conduct: horse collar tackle, shoving a player out of bounds, shoving a player, violations listed under “Sportsmanship/Conduct” for taunting, trash talking, cursing, reckless play deemed potentially dangerous, malicious play, hands to the face, etc. ii) Some of these are clear to see/hear and are to be enforced in all instances – horse collar, shoving a player, clothes lining, tackling with no effort to pull flags, cursing, tackling, etc. iii) A few are ones where judging the intent and severity are at the discretion of the referee: (1) Ex: Hands to the face – if a blocker is engaged in a block, but their hand slips up and hits a player, it could be accidental and a warning/caution be issued by the ref. (2) However, if it is repeated, or the impact is with continued force instead of pulling back once the hand slips up – this is at the discretion of the referee to issue the Roughing penalty. b) Roughing/Unsportsmanlike conduct that is deemed intentionally malicious, as noted under “Sportsmanship/ Conduct” will result in the penalty and immediate ejection of that player. c) Delay of game = 5 yards from the original line of scrimmage. Repeat down. d) Too many players on the field = 5 yards from line of scrimmage. Loss of down if committed by the offensive team. e) Improper Equipment (missing mouthguard, incorrect flags, etc.) = 5 yards from the original line of scrimmage. Loss of down if committed by the offensive team, repeat down if committed by the defensive team. f) Note: When the penalty is committed by the defense and the listed penalty yardage is in excess of half the distance between the goal line and the spot from where the penalty yardage is to begin, the penalty will be "Half the distance to the goal line." Example: The original line of scrimmage is 7 yards from the goal line. The defense is flagged for being off-sides. The ball will be moved toward the goal and spotted at the 3 1/2 yard mark. i) If the penalty in this situation is for Roughing/Unsportsmanlike conduct by the defense, the ball will be placed at the 2 yard line, and an automatic first down for the offensive team. 18) Offensive Penalties a) Offensive penalties that occur behind the 45 yard line shall be awarded as a safety to the defensive team. b) Offensive penalties that occur between the 35-45 yard line shall be marked off as ‘half the distance’ to the 45 yard line (what is effectively the back ‘end zone’ for the offensive team). c) For offensive penalties that occur as part of an interception return (flag guarding, holding, illegal block, etc.) the yardage is taken off the return. See 6) Spotting the Ball, d) Interceptions:, iv) Example 4:. d) Illegal Hike/Illegal Motion/False Start = 5 yards from the original line of scrimmage. Repeat down. e) Illegal Pass = 5 yards from the original line of scrimmage. Loss of down. f) Illegal Run (any running or passing play that is designed to have the offensive player go upfield between the Guards) = 5 yards from the original line of scrimmage. Loss of down. g) Illegal pitch or handoff = 5 yards from original line of scrimmage or point of infraction if beyond the line of scrimmage. Loss of down. h) Offensive Pass Interference = 5 yards from the original line of scrimmage. Loss of down. i) Flag Guarding/Blocking = 5 yards from spot of foul. The flag guarding offense must be obvious (i.e. it is not a penalty if the offensive player’s arm inadvertently gets in the way of the flag while the offensive player is attempting to elude the defender). Repeat down, unless on an interception return. i) All jerseys must be tucked in to the shorts or a flag guarding penalty due to improper equipment can be called. j) Illegal block = 5 yards from spot of the foul. Repeat down. An illegal block occurs in any of the following situations: i) Any block more than 5 yards from the line of scrimmage. ii) Any illegal pick play (an offensive player intentionally interferes with or blocks the path of a defensive player in order to stop or slow them down). iii) Any block above the shoulders, in the back, or below the waist. k) Offensive Holding (grabbing or holding a player by their body, clothing or equipment in an attempt to impede their progress) = 5 yards from the original line of scrimmage. Repeat down. l) Trucking or charging = 10 yards from the spot of the foul. Repeat down. m) Illegal Center Sneak = 5 yards from the original line of scrimmage. Repeat down. n) Illegal participation (player enters the field of play after the ball has been snapped) = 5 yards from the original line of scrimmage and loss of down. o) Illegal ball = head coach ejection for first offense and forfeiture for the second offense. 19) Defensive Penalties a) Defensive penalties can be declined by the offense – choosing to accept the result of the play. i) Ex: Pass Interference by the defense, but an offensive player gains more yardage than the 5 yard penalty – the offense could choose to accept the result of the play ii) All defensive penalties (except where noted) that occur from the 10 yard line and in are to be marked off as ‘half the distance’ to the goal for spotting the ball. iii) All defensive penalties repeat the down. iv) If the yardage gained by the defensive penalty passes the first down marker – a first down is awarded. v) If the penalty is accompanied by an automatic first down – a first down is awarded in addition to the yardage – regardless of whether it exceeds the first down marker. b) Offside/Illegal Blitz = 5 yards from the original line of scrimmage. Repeat down. c) Pass Interference = 5 yards from the original line of scrimmage. Repeat down. i) Flagrant pass interference (shoving a player, blatantly hitting the players body or arms to knock them out of the way, pulling player down) is Unsportsmanlike conduct = 10 yards and automatic first down. d) Face guarding (blocking a receiver’s view by extending the arms/hands into his field of vision without making any attempt on the ball) = 5 yards from the original line of scrimmage. Repeat down. e) Defensive Holding (grabbing or holding a player by their body, clothing or equipment in an attempt to impede their progress) = 5 yards from the original line of scrimmage. Repeat down. f) Illegal Flag Pull or Diving to pull flags (a defensive player may not from behind the offensive player in an attempt to pull flags, this is dangerous for both the offensive player and the defensive player) = 5 yards from the end of the play. i) If a defensive player dives from behind and also initiates contact with the offensive player, this will be considered a tackle, whether the offensive player falls down or not; and will be subject to an Unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. g) Holding an offensive player with the ball = 5 yards from the spot of the foul, original line of scrimmage, or from the end of the play – whichever is greater. i) Ex: The ball carrier has the ball, the defender misses the flag pull, but grabs the clothing or flag-belt (whether deliberately or accidentally) and does not immediately release their grasp. ii) Ex: A WR has caught the ball and the defender attempts to strip it or knock it out of their hands after the catch is made. h) Roughing the passer = 10 yards from end of play, or from the original line of scrimmage – whichever is greater, and an automatic first down. i) Roughing the center = 10 yards from end of play or from the original line of scrimmage – whichever is greater, and an automatic first down. i) The center is in a vulnerable position when snapping the ball. A defender cannot line up over the center and under no circumstances can a defender make any contact with the center before the center has had time to snap the ball and square up to any defender. j) Illegal participation (player enters the field of play after the ball has been snapped) = 5 yards from the original line of scrimmage and automatic first down. 20) Equipment / Attire a) Teams must use a standard size ball for the age group. K-1 division will use a Pee Wee (K2) ball and 2-3 division will use a Junior (TDJ) size ball. b) The League provides two game balls to each team at the start of each season, the home team is responsible for bringing the game ball. However, in the event that neither team has the league-provided game ball for game use, the teams may use another ball that is still of the same approved size, as long as the referee and each coach approve it for use. c) The League provides each player with a flag belt that must be worn during games. No other flag belt, besides the DSYSA provided flag belt, may be used. d) Flags must be worn on "OUTBOARD", on each side of the players' hips in line with the hip joint. e) The League provides each player with an official DSYSA Flag Jersey and shorts that must be worn during games. Players may wear a long or short sleeve shirt or sweatshirt underneath their jersey. Players may wear sweatpants or wind pants instead of shorts if needed based on weather – these may not have pockets or pockets must be taped completely shut for player safety. f) Unless it is physically impossible, jerseys must be tucked in to the shorts at all times during games. g) Shorts may not have pockets. h) Every player must wear a protective mouthpiece during games. i) Players must wear shoes. Cleats are allowed, however cleats with exposed metal are not allowed. j) Players may tape their forearms, hands and fingers. Players may wear gloves, elbow pads, kneepads and approved soft headgear. No exposed plastic or hard material is allowed. Braces with exposed metals are not allowed. k) Player may play with a headband, but not a baseball style hat (that has a brim). A soft beanie/cap may be worn for warmth. l) Players with cast on arms or hands must be wrapped with padding and approved by a league official prior to each game. m) Players must remove all watches, bracelets, earrings and any other jewelry that the officials deem hazardous. n) All offensive players must have both flags on while on the field of play or face an Improper Equipment penalty (5 yards from the original line of scrimmage and loss of down). If the flag falls off while in the field of play, this penalty will not be assessed. 21) Teams and Eligibility a) All divisions play 7x7. b) A team may play with 6 players. If a team has seven uninjured players present, it must field a minimum of seven players at all times. A team may play with 6 players if they only have six uninjured players present. The opposite team has the option of playing with 6 players or 7 players if it has more than 6 players available. c) All players must be registered with the league. Playing with unregistered players will result in immediate forfeiture and league suspension. d) Coaches should use their best efforts to insure all players get a chance to play as much as possible during a game. All players present at a game must play a minimum of 10 plays. Coaches have the option of requesting this be tracked during the game. If tracked, each team will provide a representative to track the opposing team’s player participation. e) Teams are required to report to their assigned field of play by the scheduled start time or face delay of game penalties or possible forfeiture. f) All league divisions will be determined by the incoming grade of the player for that school year. For example, a player that is entering 2nd grade will be placed in the 2-3 grade division. All decisions for playing up or down will be made by the flag commissioner(s) and the DSYSA football board. 22) Playoffs All divisions will have a one-day playoff tournament at the end of the regular season. a) Playoff Seeding: i) Teams will be ranked based on season standings. Highest ranked teams play lowest ranked teams in a single elimination tournament. (1) 4 team division - The #1 plays #4, and #2 plays #3. The winners play for the championship. (2) 5 team division - Round 1: #4 plays #5. Round 2: #2 plays #3, #1 plays winner of the #4/#5 game. Round 3: The round 2 winners play for the championship. (3) 6 team division - Round 1: #1 and #2 have a bye, (G1) #3 plays #6, (G2) #4 plays #5. Round 2: #1 plays winner of (G2), #2 plays winner of (G1). The round 2 winners play for the championship. b) Tiebreakers for Post Season seeding: i) Tiebreakers for post season seeding will be in the following order: (1) Head to Head Competition (2) Point Differential in head to head competition: points scored minus points allowed for the head to head games (a maximum of 15 points per game) (3) Point Differential for the season: points scored minus points allowed (a maximum of 15 points per game) (4) Total Points Allowed (5) Coin Flip by the commissioner