Businesses & Services in Ontario Set for Reopening

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Businesses & Services in Ontario Set for Reopening FRONT PAGE Friday, June 19, 2020 | A-1 Canada’s Leading South Asian Newspaper - Tel: 905-795-0639 Friday, June 19,2, 2017 2020 VolVol 26, 23, No. No. 25 22 PM: 40025701 Services Expanded For Trafficking Victims, page 5 Visit The Great Trails & Wildlife At Aylmer, page 6 Toronto Issues Inaugural Social Bond, page 9 Canada Loses Bid For UNSC Seat; India Elected Trudeau Speaks NEW YORK: India won the Canada lost its high-profile bid ond consecutive failed quest for two non-permanent Asian mem- With Modi United Nations Security Coun- for one of the two seats available Canada. The former Conserva- bers and replacing Indonesia. OTTAWA/NEW DELHI: Indi- cil elections as a non-permanent for Western Europe and Others tive government lost its bid for This will be India’s eighth stint an Prime Minister Narendra Modi member from the Asia-Pacific category. Norway and Ireland the seat in 2010 to Portugal. on the Council. spoke on phone on Tuesday with, category getting 184 votes out won the seats, with 130 and 128 In a campaign document, In- Running unopposed for the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. of 192. India was standing un- votes, respectively. Canada won dia had laid out a “5S” approach seat for Latin American and The leaders updated each other opposed from the Asia-Pacific 108 votes, of Samman (Respect), Samvad Caribbean countries, Mexico about the evolving situation re- block. India ran on a platform of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (Dialogue), Sahyog (Coopera- won with 187 votes. For Africa, lated to the COVID-19 pandemic fighting terrorism and having a had frequently billed the seat as tion) Shanti (Peace) and Sam- neither Kenya nor Djibouti re- in their countries, and also dis- commitment to multilateralism an avenue for Canada to exert riddi (Prosperity). India will be- ceived a two-thirds majority and cussed the possibilities of interna- and an equitable international greater influence on the world gin a two-year term on January a runoff is to be held later. tional collaboration to address the system. stage.The loss marks the sec- 1 joining Vietnam as one of the See PM’s statement, page 3 health and economic crisis. They agreed that the India-Can- ada partnership can be a force for good in the post-COVID world, including for advancing humani- More Businesses & Services In tarian values in the global dis- course. The leaders emphasized the need to strengthen multilateral institutions including the WHO, Ontario Set For Reopening and agreed to work closely to- gether at international fora. Modi warmly appreciated the Positive Trends Seen In Public Health Indicators; Peel Still Not Ready For Stage 2 assistance extended by Canada to Indian citizens in Canada, and TORONTO: More people will • Lambton Health Unit; for facilitating their repatriation be able to get back to work as ad- • Niagara Region Public to India. ditional businesses and services Health Department; and in certain regions across Ontario • York Region Public Health can begin reopening this Friday Services. (June 19). These regions are in addition to The Ontario government, the 24 public health regions that in consultation with the Chief entered Stage 2 on June 12, 2020. Medical Officer of Health and Before opening, business own- local medical officers of health, ers need to review the workplace is enabling more regions of the safety guidelines and public province to enter Stage 2 of the health advice. government’s reopening frame- “Thanks to the collective ef- work. These regions are able to forts of our frontline health care reopen due to positive trends of workers and the people in these key public health indicators at the regions to stop the spread of CO- local level, including lower trans- VID-19, more businesses will be mission of COVID-19, sufficient able to open their doors and thou- hospital health system capacity, sands of people will be able to go BROKER BROKER local public health capacity to as- back to work and put food on the sist with rapid case and contact table,” said Premier Ford. “With Premier Doug Ford says that ‘the collective effort of our frontline management, and a significant the public health trends improv- REMAX REAL ESTATE CENTRE INC., BROKERAGE increase in testing provincially. workers and people’ is enabling some regions to reopen ing day by day across the prov- The details were provided businesses and services. Pic: Doug Ford/Twitter. ince, I am hopeful all regions of by Premier Doug Ford, Chris- Informed by public health ad- a.m. are: Ontario will enter Stage 2 very tine Elliott, Deputy Premier and vice and workplace safety guid- • Durham Region Health De- soon. But we must remain on Minister of Health, Rod Phillips, ance, and supported by the col- partment; our guard to prevent any poten- Minister of Finance, Vic Fedeli, lective efforts of businesses, • Haldimand-Norfolk Health tial surge or secondary wave by Minister of Economic Develop- workers and families to limit the Unit; continuing to follow the sound ment, Job Creation, and Trade, potential spread of the virus, the • Halton Region Health De- advice of our public health of- approved... and Lisa MacLeod, Minister of latest public health unit regions partment; ficials.” The following regions Mor e mor tgagesmor appr oved...tgages More tgage solutions... Mor e customized mor tgage solutions...mor Heritage, Tourism, Culture, and allowed to move into Stage 2 on • Hamilton Public Health Ser- will remain in Stage 1 under on More customized Sport Industries. Friday, June 19, 2020 at 12:01 vices; Continued on page 3 MOR TGAGESTGAGESTGAGES MOR GO!! Trudeau Extends ONON THE GO!!THE Massive India-China Mor e mor tgages appr oved... Mor e mor tgages appr oved... Mor e customized mor tgage solutions... Mor e customized mor tgage solutions... * MONEY CREDITED * DEBT CONSOLIDATION MOR TGAGES CERB By EightMOR TGAGES Weeks *MORBAD TGAGESCREDIT? NO PROBLEM * 1ST, 2ND, 3RD MORTGAGES Clash In Ladakh *ONNO THEFEES, GO!!LOW RATES * RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES OTTAWA: Prime Minister Jus- dians to protect their health and ON THE GO!! * MorFREE e mor tgagesAPP appr oved...RAISALS * HOME RENOVATION LOANS tin Trudeau has announced that economic well-being,’ a govern- Mor e customized mor tgage solutions... 20 Indians, 35 Chinese Killed Say Reports MOR TGAGES the government is extending the ment statement said. ON THE GO!! FAST APPROVALS Canada Emergency Response The government will also make 416.667.8996 | *Terms and Conditions apply. Mortgage Alliance Company of Canada LIC#10530 Benefit (CERB) by eight weeks, changes to the CERB attestation, * Money Credited * Debt Consolidation * Bad Credit? No Problem * 1St, 2Nd, 3Rd Mortgages to ensure Canadians have the which will encourage Canadians * No Fees, Low Rates * Residential & Commercial * Free Appraisals Mortgages help they need as they transition receiving the benefit to find em- * Home Renovation Loans FAST APPROVALS back to work. This extension will ployment and consult Job Bank, | 647.302.0723 make the benefit available to eli- Canada’s national employment Terms and conditions apply* Mortgage Inc. Lic # 1 3158 gible workers for up to a total of service that offers tools to help 24 weeks. with job searches. The Government of Canada Trudeau said: “We know that introduced the CERB to imme- many Canadians across the coun- diately help workers affected by try are still facing a really tough the COVID-19 pandemic, so they time due to the COVID-19 pan- could continue to put food on the demic, and we will continue to LEH, Ladakh: Indian and Chi- tween the two militaries after table and pay their bills during take action to better support them. nese soldiers clashed violently their 1967 clashes in Nathu La in this challenging time. By extending the Canada Emer- in hand-to-hand combat, armed 1967 when India lost around 88 “As we begin to restart the gency Response Benefit, Cana- with clubs and stones in the Gal- troopers while over 300 Chinese economy and get people back on dians will be able to continue to wan Valley along the Line of Ac- soldiers were killed. the job, Canadians receiving the buy groceries and pay their bills tual Control in eastern Ladakh.. Meanwhile, the Indian For- benefit should be actively seek- as we work together to safely and India said 20 of its soldiers eign Minister S. Jayashankar ing work opportunities or plan- effectively restart the economy.” were killed in the fighting. The held a three-hour dialogue with ning to return to work, provided Over the next few weeks, the Chinese did not release any fig- his Chinese counterpart but it re- they are able and it is reasonable government will monitor inter- ures, but US intelligence has been mained inconclusive at the end of to do so. More Canadians are re- national best practices, the econ- quoted as saying that the Chinese Wednesday but will continue. turning to work, but many people omy, and the progression of the army suffered 35 casualties. In- The dialogue took place to en- still face challenges due to COV- virus and, if needed, make neces- dian media said 43 Chinese have sure that Chinese People’s Lib- ID-19. As we begin to take steps sary changes to the program so been killed. Monday’s clash was eration Army pulls back all its to safely restart our economy, we more people can have the support the biggest confrontation be- Continued on page 2 will continue to support Cana- Continued on page 2 A-2 | Friday, June 19, 2020 NationaL THE WEEKLY VOICE China Blamed EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Wine & Beer: Call To Choose Local Bala Menon TORONTO: The Ontario gov- For Violence CONTRIBUTING WRITERS ernment is encouraging consum- Continued from page 1 Amb.
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