@thesikhtimes thesikhtimes qaumipatrika VISIT: PUBLISHED FROM Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, The Sikh Times Email:
[email protected] Chandigarh, Himachal and Jammu National Daily Vol. 13 No. 6 RNI NO. DELENG/2008/25465 New Delhi, Saturday, 22 May, 2021
[email protected] 9971359517 12 pages. 2/- Simmi Kaur Babbar Ÿfl¥ê’⁄U v~}y ◊¥ Á‚πÙ¥ ∑‘§ Áπ‹Ê»§ •Á◊ÃÊ÷ ’ëøŸ Ÿ ∑§Ù߸ ŸÊ⁄UÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ ‹ªÊÿÊ xv •ÄU≈UÍ’⁄U v~}y,∑§Ù üÊË◊ÃË ß¥ÁŒ⁄UÊ ªÊ¥œË Á∑§ ◊ÎÃ∑§ Œ„ ∑‘§ ¬Ê‚ ©‚ flQ§ Á‚»§¸ ŒÙ Á‚π π«∏ Õ, ∞∑§ ⁄UÊc≈˛¬Áà ôÊÊŸË ¡Ò‹ Á‚¥„ ŒÍ‚⁄U ©Ÿ∑‘§ ¬‚¸Ÿ‹ ‚ÄU≈U⁄UË ‚⁄UŒÊ⁄U ÁòÊ‹ÙøŸ Á‚¥„, ’Ê∑§Ë ‚’ ªÒ⁄U Á‚π π«∏ Õ, fnYyh „Ê߸ ∑§Ù≈U¸ ∑‘§ ¬Ífl¸ ¡ÁS≈U‚ ‚⁄UŒÊ⁄U •Ê⁄U ∞‚ ‚Ê…UË ‚Ê„’ Ÿ ‚⁄UŒÊ⁄U ÁòÊ‹ÙøŸ ¡Ë ‚ ¬Í¿Ê ÕÊ Á∑§ ÄUÿÊ ©‚ flQ§ •Á◊ÃÊ÷ ’ëøŸ Ÿ πÍŸ ∑§Ê ’Œ‹Ê πÍŸ ∑‘§ ŸÊ⁄U ‹ªÊ∞ Õ? ©ã„Ù¥Ÿ ∑§„Ê Ÿ„Ë¥ Á’À∑§È‹ Ÿ„Ë¥, •ı⁄U •Êª ‚⁄UŒÊ⁄U ÁòÊ‹ÙøŸ Á‚¥„ ¡Ë Ÿ ’ÃÊÿÊ ∑§Ë •Á◊ÃÊ÷ ’ëøŸ fl„Ê¥ ¬⁄U üÊË◊ÃË ß¥ÁŒ⁄UÊ ªÊ¥œË ∑§Ë ◊ÎÃ∑§ Œ„ ∑§Ù üÊhÊ¥¡Á‹ ŒŸ •Ê∞ Õ, fl„Ê¥ ¬⁄U fl„ ⁄UÊc≈˛¬Áà ôÊÊŸË ¡Ò‹ Á‚¥„ ¡Ë ∑§Ù •ı⁄U ◊È¤Ê ÷Ë Á◊‹ Õ– ÁŸflŒ∑§ Sardar Gurcharan Singh Babbar PRESIDENT ALL INDIA SIKH CONFERENCE BABBAR ADDRESS- 5, BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG, PRESS AREA, ITO NEW DELHI 110002 PHONE, 9971359517, 9312262300, 9868068019, E-mail ID:
[email protected] 2 New Delhi, Saturday, 22 May, 2021 NATIONAL THE SIKH TIMES Chitrakoot jail shootout: NHRC asks UP police chief, other India-China ties at crossroads, depend on officials to submit report New Delhi The National Human Rights Commission has sought a report from the Uttar Pradesh DGP, the district magistrate neighbour following rules: Jaishankar and two other officers over complaints on the killing of three inmates in an alleged shootout in Chitrakoot jail, officials said.