Public Document Pack


NOTE: In the case of non-members, this agenda is for information only


Members of the Committee requiring further information, or with specific questions, are asked to raise these with the appropriate officer at least two working days before the meeting. If the information requested is available, this will be provided, and reported to Committee.

NOTE Ward Representatives wishing to speak on a particular application are asked to inform the Usher, Mrs H. Burlingham, well in advance and arrive at the meeting by 9.30am as the items on which the public wish to speak will be taken first in order of the agenda.


In the event of deferred items appearing on the agenda, Ward Representatives will Member Services be notified accordingly in advance. Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke, Dereham , NR19 1EE

Date: Thursday, 10 July 2008

Please ask for Helen McAleer: Telephone (01362) 656381 e-mail: [email protected] BRECKLAND COUNCIL - DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE



The Planning process is set up, IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST, to protect the public from the unacceptable planning activities of private individuals and development companies. Planning is primarily concerned to deal with issues of land use and the way they affect the environment.

The Council has a DUTY, through the Town & Planning Acts, to prepare a “District Wide” Local Plan to provide a statutory framework for planning decisions.

Breckland’s Plan contains the Council’s planning policies, which must be consistent with Government guidance, particularly with the Planning Policy Guidance (PPGs). The Local Plan now carries significant weight as it was adopted in September 1999.

The full public scrutiny of the Council’s proposals will give the Plan an exceptional weight when dealing with planning applications.

This shift towards a “Plan-led” planning system is a major feature of recent planning legislation. Under s54A of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990, planning applications should be determined in accordance with the policies of the Plan, unless material considerations which are relevant to planning indicate otherwise.

PPG1 summarises the objectives of the “plan-led” system as:- • achieving greater certainty; • ensuring rational & consistent decisions; • securing public involvement in shaping local planning policies; • facilitating quicker planning decision; and • reducing the number of misconceived planning applications and appeals. Unless there are special reasons to do otherwise, planning permissions “run with the land”, and are NOT personal licences.

The factors to be used in determining applications will relate to the effect on the “public at large” and will NOT be those that refer to private interests.

Personal circumstances of applicants “will rarely” be an influencing factor, and then, only when the planning issues are “finely balanced”.

THEREFORE we will: • acknowledge the strength of our policies, • be consistent in the application of our policy, and • if we need to adapt our policy, we should do it through the Local Plan process.

Decisions which are finely balanced, and which contradict policy will be recorded in detail, to explain and justify the decision, and the strength of the material planning reasons for doing so.


We ask local parish and town councils to recognise that all comments received are taken into account. In 2001, about 90% of cases had agreement.

Where we disagree it will be because: • Districts look to “wider” policies, and national, regional and county planning strategy. • Case law might dictate a course of action. • There is extra information and views not available to the Local Council. • There is an honest difference of opinion.

Development Control Committee 21 July 2008


Page(s) herewith 1. MINUTES 1 - 12 To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 3 July 2008.

2. APOLOGIES To receive apologies for absence.

3. DECLARATION OF INTEREST Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Members’ Code of Conduct requires that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is personal or prejudicial.


5. REQUESTS TO DEFER APPLICATIONS INCLUDED IN THIS AGENDA To consider any requests from Ward Members, officers or applicants to defer an application included in this agenda, so as to save any unnecessary waiting by members of the public attending for such applications.

6. URGENT BUSINESS To note whether the Chairman proposes to accept any item as urgent business, pursuant to Section 100(B)(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.


8. FIVE YEAR SUPPLY OF HOUSING ASSESSMENT 13 - 48 Report of the Director for Transformation.



11. DEFERRED APPLICATIONS 56 To consider applications deferred at previous meetings including some,

Development Control Committee 21 July 2008

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but not all, of those shown on the attached Schedule of Deferred Applications.

12. SCHEDULE OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS 57 - 78 To consider the Schedule of Planning Applications:

Item Applicant Parish Page No No 1 Executors of the late 58-59 Mr KJ Hunt 2 Estates Limited Ickburgh 60-62 3 Motorsport Vision Ltd Snetterton 63 4 Mr G Patel 64-65 5 Mr T Saunderson 66-68 6 Mr Irfan Kucuk Swaffham 69-71 7 Mr Irfan Kucuk Swaffham 72-74 8 Co-Dunkall 75-78

13. ENFORCEMENT ITEMS 79 - 81 For information.


15. APPEALS DECISIONS (FOR INFORMATION) APP/F2605/A/07/2061180: : 33 Market Street: Appeal against refusal to grant permission for the erection of two bedroom chalet bungalow for Mr B Watkinson: Application Reference: 3PL/2007/0446/F Decision: Appeal Allowed.

APP/F2605/A/07/2057786: Watton: 8/10 Road: Appeal against refusal to grant permission for demolition of light industrial premises and redevelopment of site with the erection of 16 No. apartments, together with ancillary works and construction of 2 No new garages to serve existing properties for Premier Homes (Anglia) Ltd: Application Reference: 3PL/2006/133/F Decision: Appeal Dismissed

APP/F2605/A/08/2069080: : Hill House, Road, Clint Green: Appeal against refusal to grant permission for replacement of Hill House with two detached dwellings for Mr and Mrs T Partridge: Application Reference: 3PL/2008/1916/F Decision: Appeal Dismissed

APP/F2605/A/08/0267758: Ashill: Waterend Farm, Cressingham Road: Appeal against refusal to grant outline planning permission for erection of a two-storey dwelling for Mr T E Hinds: Application Reference: 3PL/2007/1735/O Decision: Appeal Dismissed Development Control Committee 21 July 2008

Page(s) herewith

APP/F2605/A/08/2066968: : The Warehouse, Mere Road: Appeal against refusal to grant permission for retention of twin unit mobile home for Mr D Burdett: Application Reference: 3PL/2007/1526/F Decision: Appeal Allowed

APP/F2605/A/08/2068171: : The Barn, Malthouse Lane: Appeal against refusal to grant permission for change of use from annexe to dwelling for Mr Stephen Hackett: Application Reference: 3PL/2007/0871/CU Decision: Appeal Allowed

APP/F2605/A/08/2067924: : 100 Hargham Road: Appeal against refusal to grant permission for residential loft conversion, garden room extension and re-siting of garage for Mathew Brown: Application Reference: 3PL/2007/1161/F Decision: Appeal Dismissed

16. APPLICATIONS DETERMINED BY NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL (FOR INFORMATION) 3CM/2008/0009/F: : Rosemary Musker High School, Croxton Road: Erection of single storey entrance / administration block for The Director of Children’s Services. Decision: Conditional Approval .


At a Meeting of the


Held on Thursday, 3 July 2008 at 9.30 am in Anglia Room, The Conference Suite, Elizabeth House, Dereham

PRESENT Councillor E. Gould (Chairman) Mrs D.K.R. Irving Mr W.P. Borrett Mr M.A. Kiddle-Morris Councillor Claire Bowes Mr J.P. Labouchere Mr A.J. Byrne Mr B. Rose Mr P.J. Duigan Mr F.J. Sharpe Mr P.S. Francis Mrs P.A. Spencer Mrs S.R. Howard-Alpe Mr N.C. Wilkin (Vice-Chairman)

Also Present Mr S. Askew (Ward Mr C.R. Jordan (Ward Representative) Representative) Mrs A. Steward (Executive Member for Mr S.G. Bambridge (Ward Planning and the Environment) Representative)

In Attendance John Chinnery - Solicitor & Standards Consultant Phil Daines - Development Services Manager Katie-Louise Long - Planning Technician Kathryn Matthews - Planning Technician Helen McAleer - Member Services Officer Nick Moys - Principal Planning Officer (Major Projects) Jayne Owen - Senior Development Control Officer David Spencer - Principal Planning Policy Officer Lee Webster - Housing Enabling and Projects Officer

Action By 99/08 MINUTES (AGENDA ITEM 1)

The minutes of the meeting held on 9 June 2008 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Apologies for absence were received from Mrs M Chapman-Allen, Mr R Kemp, Mr T Lamb and Mr M Spencer.


Members and officers were asked to declare any interests at the time the applications were made.

Cllr C Bowes declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Agenda Item 9 / Schedule Item 2 (Watton) by virtue of the applicant being her family’s business. Mrs A Steward declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 9 / Schedule Item 2 (Watton) by virtue of being a family friend of the applicant. 1 Development Control Committee 3 July 2008

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Mrs D Irving declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Agenda Item 9 / Schedule Item 2 (Watton) by virtue of being a close friend of a member of the applicant’s family.


The Chairman introduced Jayne Owen, Senior Development Control Officer to Members, she would be presenting to Committee today.

The Principal Planning Officer (Major Projects) was asked to update Members on the McCarthy & Stone application at Attleborough, which had been considered by Development Control Committee on 9 June 2008 (See Minute No 93/08 (e)). He told Members that the application had been approved subject to the Section 106 Agreement being signed within the 13 weeks. Unfortunately the draft had been received too late to facilitate this and the application had therefore been refused. Further discussions with the applicant were on-going and it was hoped that they would resubmit the application.


There were none.


No urgent business.


The Principal Planning Policy Officer told Members that the documents had been sent out to all Councillors, Town and Parish Councillors and Statutory Stakeholders for the Site Specific consultation. Details were also on the Breckland Council website and representations could be made on-line there. 16 comments had already been posted.

The documents covered two aspects, consultation on Settlement Boundaries and consultation on the 650 sites submitted. There was also an opportunity for other sites to be submitted and Members would be advised of these.

The extensive round of Town and Parish Meetings was continuing with another 16 planned over the next two weeks.

The next meeting of the Policy Development and Review Panel 1 on 15 July 2008 would focus on changes to National and Regional Policy.


The Senior Development Control Officer told Members that this application had been approved at Development Control Committee on 19 May 2008, subject to a S106 Agreement to secure a long term 2 Development Control Committee 3 July 2008

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drainage maintenance agreement.

The applicant had requested that this requirement be covered by a condition, rather than a legal agreement. Officers considered that a carefully worded condition would suffice and Members were asked to approve this change.

The Solicitor and Standards Consultant had no objection to this change but considered that the wording should specify ‘ Prior to the commencement of development ’.

A Member asked what the difference was between a condition and a legal agreement in terms of enforcement in perpetuity.

The Solicitor advised that a condition could be subject to immediate appeal by the applicant, whereas a legal agreement was contractually binding for five years. He explained that S106’s were useful where there were a lot of details to be negotiated, but that in this case a condition should suffice.

Another Member asked the reason why the applicant was requesting the change and was told that it was a matter of speed and works could commence much sooner without a legal agreement.

Another Member was concerned that agreeing the change might lead to problems of enforcement in the future, however, the Development Services Manager pointed out that a previous application on this site was the subject of an appeal to be heard by informal inquiry on 31 July 2008 and matters could be taken out of the Council’s hands if this appeal was upheld.

RESOLVED to approve the use of a condition in substitution for the S106 Agreement as recommended, subject to the wording of the condition being changed to Prior to the commencement of the construction of any of the dwellings hereby approved.. etc.


Cllr C Bowes and Mrs D Irving declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item and left the room whilst it was discussed. Mrs A Steward declared a personal interest. Mr W Borrett left the meeting before this item.

The Principal Planning Officer (Major Projects) introduced this outline application for approximately 130 dwellings on part of the Bowes of Norfolk site. Currently much of this site was hardstanding, used for parking and storage. A new area for employee parking would be provided within the Bowes site opposite.

A site location plan was shown and the nearby site of an application previously refused at Committee on 19 May 2008 due to noise concerns, was pointed out to Members.

3 Development Control Committee 3 July 2008

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Photographs were also shown to give context to the site and show its relationship to existing buildings and the open countryside beyond.

A further Noise Assessment had been submitted. This had recommended various measures to mitigate potential noise problems from the road and from the Bowes’ site including enhanced glazing to the dwellings at the front of the site and measures to tackle noise from the plant at its source. As both sites were in the applicants’ ownership it was possible to condition these measures.

With regard to the recreation provision it was proposed that only 25% would be met on site – with the provision of the children’s play area. The other 75% of sports and playing field provision would be met off- site and the current proposal was for an area of approximately three acres at Saham Road to be transferred to Breckland Council and then on to Watton Town Council. This land would fit well with Town Council plans to create a new park.

The District Valuer had been requested to confirm that this offer of land would sufficiently equate to the requirement.

Negotiations about when the land would be transferred had also taken place. Normally the transfer would be triggered by the commencement of development. However in this case the Town Council had asked for an earlier transfer and the applicants had agreed to this in principle.

In conclusion it was considered that this was a suitable site for housing and subject to conditions and a S106 legal agreement, the recommendation was for approval. As the applicants were willing to transfer the land early they were requesting amendments to the other trigger points within the legal agreement. The Principal Planning Officer (Major Projects) suggested that the recreation provision should be the first requirement, followed by the affordable housing element, then education contributions and finally highway contributions. He asked Members to confirm their agreement to this prioritisation of the requirements.

Mr Wells, on behalf of the applicants, was present to answer questions and added that the possibility of an extension to the term of the permission had also been discussed.

Mr Horn and Mr Adcock, representing the Town Council, were excited about the chance of land in relation to the ‘Project Rainbow’ proposals for a new park. Members were shown a plan of an indoor recreational facility that it was hoped would be built on the land, to provide the young people of Watton with somewhere to go and something to do. The early availability of the land would enable a funding application to be submitted.

A Member said it was a shame that the application site was not to be kept as industrial. He considered it a great loss to the town. However, the Principal Planning Officer (Major Projects) explained that there was a significant shortage of housing land in Watton, whereas there were still vacant areas of industrial land and the remaining Bowes site had room for expansion. 4 Development Control Committee 3 July 2008

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Another Member felt that this was an ideal site for housing development. He said it had always been under-used, was within the Settlement Boundary and complied with Policy requirements. He thought it was exactly what Watton needed.

Approved, as recommended .

Members confirmed that they agreed with the priorities for the legal agreement outlined above.


(a) Item 1: : The Old Orchard, Bylaugh Hall: Change of use of existing residence to health and fitness centre with proposed extensions for Mrs M Vince: Application Reference: 3PL/2008/0502/F

The Senior Development Control Officer introduced this application for development adjacent to a Grade II listed building and partly within an historic walled garden. The change of use of the dwelling, originally the gardener’s accommodation, to a single storey health and fitness centre included extensions one of which would house a swimming pool. This extension was designed to emulate the original glasshouses which had occupied the site.

Concerns had been raised about the drainage system and the

applicant had agreed to carry out a full CCTV survey of the drainage system. If approval was granted, this would be conditioned to be done prior to the commencement of the use.

Mr Mallen, representing the Parish Council, said that their primary objection was on drainage grounds. There had been problems with sewage flowing into Bylaugh Woods, causing public nuisance and danger to health and this had been going on for years. He asked that a proper survey of the system be carried out.

He also pointed out that a previous application for development on the site had been refused because of its effect on the historic walled garden and asked what had changed?

Finally he was concerned that the extension for the swimming pool and plant room was immediately adjacent to the garden of the neighbouring property and would cause noise and disturbance.

Mr Bambridge (Ward Representative) explained that he had been asked to speak for and against the application. As Mr Mallen had dealt with the objections, he would deal with the applicant’s case.

He said that the development would provide a facility unique in Europe. The intention was to provide people with a Retreat 5 Development Control Committee 3 July 2008

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Centre where they could recharge their batteries in a quiet Country House setting.

He acknowledged the drainage concerns but pointed out that the applicant had agreed to a full photo survey of the system

and did not consider that the addition of the swimming pool and Jacuzzi would cause undue problems.

A Member asked if the use of the health and fitness centre could be restricted to residents of the Hall as if it was open to guests this could lead to noise and disturbance, however the Solicitor advised that although it was possible to exclude members of the public it was not a planning matter to try to control the management of residents and their guests.

Another Member asked if the historic wall was to be removed and it was confirmed that it would remain.

A Member commented on the awful smell caused by the drainage problems and said these really need to be thoroughly investigated. The Development Services Manager reminded Members that although drainage was a significant issue in this case, the application could not resolve past problems. However, as a strict CCTV condition and the requirement for remedial works could be imposed there was the potential to

resolve this problem.

Members then turned to discussing the design of the building and were shown plans of the elevations. Due to problems with the technology the screens were not as clear as they should be therefore extra time was devoted to ensure that Members fully understood the proposals.

A Member was unhappy with the quality of the design considering the setting of the building within an historic walled


Another Member asked if noise from the plant room would disturb the neighbour and was told that the building would be well insulated to prevent this.

Approved, subject to additional conditions requiring a CCTV survey of the drainage system and remedial works if necessary, prior to the commencement of the use.

(b) Item 2: Watton: Land off Brandon Road: Demolition of existing buildings and erection of housing, creation of new access roads for Bowes of Norfolk Ltd: Application Reference: 3PL/2008/0547/O

Approved see Minute No 107/08.

(c) Item 3: Snetterton and : Harling Road: Process and storage building for Richard Johnston Ltd: Application Reference: 3PL/2008/0575/F

6 Development Control Committee 3 July 2008

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This full application was for a large industrial unit adjacent the QD warehouse and included the storage of chemicals which had caused concerns locally.

The Health and Safety Executive had initially raised no objection and had been re-consulted to ensure they were aware of the chemicals to be stored. They had responded by letter confirming that they had no objection.

Plans and elevations of the building were shown. The site was within an area designated for employment use and any approval would include a landscaping condition to minimise any potential impact on the surrounding countryside.

Mrs Lentin, representing the Parish Council, wanted assurances that the chemicals to be stored were not combustible. She was concerned that they were very dangerous and included compounds known to affect DNA. She said that the application had not been well advertised, that they needed to know what was going on and that the planning department did not seem concerned with safety.

Ms Lentin, an objector, referred to another permission for the same company in and said she had been unable to find any information about this on the website. She wanted to know how the products would be transported to the site. She was also concerned with the lack of local publicity of the application and commented that works had already commenced.

The Development Services Manager pointed out that both Snetterton and Quidenham Parish Councils had been consulted. A site notice had been posted and the application had been advertised in the press and details published on the website. It was not usual practice to write to individuals in this kind of situation as they were too widespread.

The Solicitor explained that safety is a material consideration but that there must be positive evidence of serious risk of harm to warrant refusal on safety grounds.

Mr Johnston, representing the Applicant, confirmed that they were doing everything required by the law to conform to safety requirements. They had to get planning permission first before they could apply to the Health and Safety Executive for a license to operate.

With reference to the other permission in Riddlesworth, he explained that it had proved to be too small a site for the operation and therefore they had been approached as they had a large site. The operators would be tenants.

Finally he said that Mr Lentin, who is a chemical engineer, had e-mailed him requesting more details. He had responded to that e-mail but due to a confidentiality agreement with his client, had been unable to provide all the details of the 7 Development Control Committee 3 July 2008

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commercial processes involved.

Mr Askew (Ward Representative) felt that there was no issue with the building itself as the site was recognised as an industrial area. Extra information had been requested from the

Health and Safety Executive and they had confirmed they had no objection. The company would operate under a licence and this would not be granted if they did not comply with requirements. He therefore felt that as long as the residents were reassured, he could support the application.

A Member questioned if enough water was available to support a sprinkler system within the building and also asked if there would be a noise problem.

Mr Johnston confirmed that a water pipe crossed the site and that, as for other large buildings already present, water would be tanked. He also said that any machinery would be inside the insulated building and therefore there would be very little noise.

The Development Services Manager added that the Fire Officer had been consulted and had raised no objection.

Approved, as recommended.

(d) Item 4: : Moy Park Poultry Unit, Doe Lane: Demolition of redundant pig buildings and erection of 2 broiler houses for Poplar Pigs (Buckenham) Ltd: Application Reference: 3PL/2008/0601/F

This was a full application for the demolition of four pig buildings and the erection of two broiler houses. Other broiler houses were already in operation on the site which lies within the curtilage of an existing farmyard.

Members were shown plans and photographs of the site and told that one letter of objection had been received raising concerns re increased smell and traffic movements.

Mr Joel (Ward Representative) was unable to attend the meeting but supported this application to extend an existing business.

Mr Baines, representing the applicants, told Members that due

to food costs and changes in regulations it was necessary to consolidate operations. The site operates in compliance with the requirements of a permit from the Environment Agency which keeps close control on pollution.

There are five broiler units currently in operation on site and with the additional two a slight increase in vehicle movements, from 11 to 15 per month, would be expected.

Currently the site employs one full time and one part time

person and this was expected to rise to two full time 8 Development Control Committee 3 July 2008

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employees if this application was approved.

Approved, as recommended.

(e) Item 5: Yaxham: Lord Nelson PH, Road: Single storey

rear extension to create restaurant and internal alterations for Mr B Aslett: Application Reference: 3PL/2008/0709/F

This full application for a single storey, flat roofed extension to the Lord Nelson PH would create a restaurant, entrance lobby, cold store and additional toilets.

Members were shown plans, elevations and photographs of the site.

There had been no objections received from third parties and the Parish Council supported the application as the lack of a restaurant could lead to the loss of the establishment.

Norfolk County Council Highways were recommending refusal due to the restricted visibility at the site entrance which fell well short of their requirements.

Mr Myhill, representing the Parish Council, explained that the pub was a village landmark having been in existence since

1845. He said it was part of the Upper Yare Heritage Trail. The village had recently lost its Post Office and did not want to lose this facility. He told Members that as there was no street lighting in the vicinity, head lights were clearly visible and there had never been a road accident at the site.

Mr Norfolk, the Agent, explained that following a previous refusal they had worked with Highways to try to overcome their objection without success. However, Highways’ own monitoring records showed that there had not been an

accident at the site in over 50 years. There was a 30 mph speed limit at the entrance and he considered it was safe.

Mr Jordan (Ward Representative) said he had not been aware of the previous application until it had been refused, when his phone had not stopped ringing with residents phoning to complain. He asked Members to look at the photograph of the entrance to the site and note that the road had extra width at that point, giving plenty of room for vehicles to take evasive action, if necessary.

A Member pointed out that there had been previous applications to improve facilities at the pub, which had been approved and he could not see the problem this time.

Another Member remarked on the difficulties public houses were having following the introduction of the smoking ban. He did not expect the extension to increase the numbers visiting the pub, only to improve the facilities for those that did.

Two questions were raised about the extension. One Member 9 Development Control Committee 3 July 2008

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asked why it was a flat roof and it was explained that the first floor of the pub was used for accommodation and a pitched roof would obstruct the light and view. Another Member asked if the flat roof would support an extension and was told that it would not.

The recommendation for refusal was not supported.

Approved, as Members considered that the access was not dangerous as shown by the lack of any recorded accidents in the area and the site was within the 30mph limit.

(f) Item 6: Thetford: 3 Norwich Road: Erection of new dwelling

with associated access for Abel Homes Ltd: Application

Reference: 3PL/2008/0756/F

This full application was for a new, detached, two storey dwelling and access within the Thetford Conservation Area, adjacent to Grade II listed cottages and Almshouses and on a site containing a protected Horse Chestnut tree.

Although the site was slightly elevated from the highway the height of the proposed dwelling was lower than the adjacent listed cottages.

The existing access to the site was to be realigned to conform with Norfolk County Council Highways requirements. The footpath through the site would be maintained.

The proposed layout maintained the open nature of the site. The Horse Chestnut tree would remain and would be protected by internal fencing. Subject to conditions it was considered that this application would enhance the setting of the Conservation Area.

Mr Bird, representing the applicant, said that much thought and consideration had gone into the proposal. The site was currently unsightly and used by local teenagers and subject to vandalism. The position of the new dwelling would obscure the view of the patchwork repairs to the end gable of the adjacent listed cottage and approval would ensure that the site would be looked after.

Abel’s were commended on the high quality of the detailing by

a Member.

A local Member was also pleased with the proposal and considered it was the best use of a ‘disgusting’ site. She asked if the materials would blend in.

Mr Bird said it was the intention to use high quality bricks and to utilise clay tiles, but that the applicant would be happy to have materials conditioned.

Approved, as recommended. 10 Development Control Committee 3 July 2008

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(g) Item 7: : Opposite Farm Gate Cottages, Adjacent (West) of Kilverstone Hall Farm Gate: Erection of large estate agents advertisement board to let commercial buildings for The Kilverstone 1989 Settlement: Applciation Reference:


This application for advertisement consent requested temporary (three year) approval for an estate agent’s board, advertising commercial properties to let and the only issues to be considered were the interests of amenity and public safety.

Members were shown photographs of the site and a plan showing the 1.2m high x 2.4m wide aluminium panel sign to be

mounted on aluminium posts.

A previous application for a five year consent had been withdrawn.

A Member asked for confirmation of the overall height of the sign as the officer’s report said it was approximately 4m high, but the plan shown had stated 5m. It was suggested that the difference might be because 1m would be in the ground, giving a standing height of 4m, but the Development Services Manager said this detail would be checked.

Approved, as recommended.

Notes to the Schedule Sue The following persons were in attendance to speak on the following Bloomfield, items: Phil Daines

Item No Speaker 1 Mr Bambridge – Ward Representative Mr Mallen – Parish Council 2 Mr Wells – for Applicant Mr Horn – Project Rainbow Mr Adcock – Project Rainbow 3 Mr Askew – Ward Representative Mrs Lentin – Parish Council Ms Lentin – Objector Mr Galy-Jammou – for Applicant Mr Johnston - Applicant 4 Mr Baines – for Applicant 5 Mr Jordan – Ward Representative Mr Myhill – Parish Council Mr Norfolk - Agent 6 Mr Bird – for Applicant

Written representations taken into account

Reference No No of Representations 3PL/2008/0114/O 7 3PL/2008/0502/F 2 3PL/2008/0547/O 1 11 Development Control Committee 3 July 2008

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3PL/2008/0575/F 4 3PL/2008/0601/F 1 3PL/2008/0756/F 3

A Member congratulated the Senior Development Control Officer on her first Committee and then asked why the application for Thetford had been on the agenda. The Development Services Manager explained that the previously withdrawn application had been considered controversial and therefore this scheme had been brought to Committee for determination.

Another Member asked how the figures were arrived at in S106 legal agreements and the Chairman suggested that training should be arranged for the Development Control Committee Members on this matter.


This item was noted.


This item was noted.


This item was noted.

The meeting closed at 12.23 pm


12 Agenda Item 8


Report of the Strategic Director for Transformation to the Policy Development and Review Panel 1 – 15 th July 2008 Development Control Committee – 21 st July 2008

Five Year Supply of Housing Assessment

1. Purpose of Report

1.1 This report informs members of the content of Breckland’s Five Year Supply of Housing Assessment as required by the Government’s Planning Policy Statement 3 which can be found in Appendix A of this report.

2. Recommendations It is recommended that the Panel:

2.1 Note the contents of this report for their information

Note: In preparing this report, due regard has been had to equality of opportunity, human rights, prevention of crime and disorder, environmental and risk management considerations as appropriate. Relevant officers have been consulted in relation to any legal, financial or human resources implications and comments received are reflected in the report.

3. Background

3.1 Planning Policy Statement 3 (PPS3) sets out the Government’s national planning policy framework for housing. Paragraph 7 of PPS3 requires Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) to assess and demonstrate the extent which existing plans already fulfil the requirement set out in Paragraph 54 of the PPS to identify and maintain a rolling five-year supply of deliverable land for housing. 3.2 In 2007 the Department for Communities and Local Government published guidance on the production of 5 year supply of deliverable sites for housing assessments. Where a Development plan document outlining housing requirements for the District is not adopted, the guidance states that LPAs should use figures adopted in Regional Spatial Strategies (RSS). 3.3 Policy H1 of The East of Plan (the RSS) requires Breckland to deliver at least 15,200 dwellings over the period from 2001 to 2021. This equates to 760 a year. As this annual target has not been met in the years 2001/02 to 2007/08 the annual target for housing delivery in Breckland is now 815 dwellings a year. This figure equates to a five year requirement of deliverable land for 4075 dwellings. Therefore Breckland’s housing supply for the next 5 years needs to assessed against this higher figure. 3.4 Breckland’s “Five Year Supply of Housing Assessment” can be found in Appendix A. The document assesses Breckland’s supply of deliverable sites against the requirement to deliver 4075 dwellings over the period to 2013. Issues

3.5 The assessment identifies that Breckland currently has a 2.8 year supply of deliverable housing sites. This means Breck land is 1786 dwellings short of its 5 year target. Therefore Breckland cannot demonstrate a 5 year supply of housing.


3.6 Paragraph 71 of PPS3 states that where LPAs cannot demonstrate a five year supply of housing they must consider planning applications for housing favourably with regard to policies in PPS3 including the wider sustainability considerations outlined in paragraph 69 of the PPS 3.7 For reference, paragraph 69 requires LPAs to have regard to the following when determining planning applications : • Achieving high quality housing • Ensuring developments achieve a mix of housing • The environmental sustainability and the suitability of the site for housing • Using land efficiently and effectively 3.8 The implications of this mean that in certain circumstances a departure from the development plan may be acceptable in policy terms, given the weight of PPS3 as a material consideration in the determination of a planning application for residential development. However, this does not mean that any housing proposal in any location is acceptable. 3.9 The Breckland 5 Year Supply of Housing Assessment found in Appendix A includes a strategy for dealing with planning applications for housing with are not in complete conformity with the saved policies of the Breckland Adopted Local Plan (1999). 3.10 The Breckland 5 Year Supply of Housing Assessment will be updated annually to take into account the results of the District’s Annual Monitoring Report. It is likely that the assessment will be updated in the autumn to take fully into account the outcomes of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment which is currently being prepared.

3. Options

3.46 This report is for information only. There are no options available

3.47 Reasons for Recommendation(s)

3.48 To inform members of the latest situation regarding housing land supply ion the District and the implications of Planning Policy Statement 3 in determining planning applications for housing.

4. Risk and Financial Implications

4.1 Risk

4.1.1 I have completed the Risk Management questionnaire and can confirm that risk has been given careful consideration, and that there are no significant risks identified associated with the information in this report. NOTE: depending on the outcome of the decision made this could include risks for Members not agreeing to the proposed preferred recommendation option, or risks attached to the agreed preferred recommendation option.

4.2 Financial

4.2.1 There are no financial implications.


5. Legal Implications

5.1 There are no direct legal implications.

6. Other Implications

a) Equalities: There is no Equalities Impact Assessment to accompany this report.

b) Section 17, Crime & Disorder Act 1998: None

c) Section 40, Natural Environment & Rural Communities Act 2006: None

d) Human Resources: None

e) Human Rights: None

7. Alignment to Council Priorities

• Environment • Prosperous Communities

8.1 This report affects all Wards in Breckland.

Background Papers Core Strategy and Development Control Policies Preferred Options

Lead Contact Officer: Name/Post: Sam Hubbard, Planning Policy Assistant Telephone: (01362) 656857 Email: [email protected]

Appendices attached to this report : A – Breckland Five Year Supply of Housing Assessment

15 Appendix A

Five Year Supply of Housing Assessment

April 2008

16 1. Background

1.1 Planning Policy Statement 3 (PPS3) sets out the national planning policy framework for Housing. PPS3 was published in November 2006 and replaces Planning Policy Guidance Note 3 (PPG3). The PPS seeks to achieve a step-change in housing delivery, through a more responsive and flexible supply of housing land. Paragraph 7 of PPS3 requires Local Authorities to assess and demonstrate the extent to which existing plans fulfil the requirement set out in Paragraph 54 of PPS3 to identify and maintain a rolling five-year supply of deliverable land for housing. In the case of Breckland, this 5 year supply of housing should meet the housing targets set out in the Plan, the Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS). The PPS requires this 5 year supply of land to be maintained over the plan period. Importantly paragraph 71 of PPS3 requires Local Authorities to consider planning applications for housing favourably, subject to wider sustainability criteria, if they cannot demonstrate an up-to- date five year supply of housing.

1.2 This document assesses Breckland’s supply of housing over the next five years. It identifies specific sites which the Council considers will deliver housing over the period to 2013. The assessment includes sites which are currently under construction and sites with the benefit of planning permission for housing. As Breckland has not yet produced a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA), the assessment does not include land, deemed suitable for housing which does not yet have planning permission. This assessment has been prepared following guidance from the Planning Inspectorate and Department for Communities and Local Government: Demonstrating a 5 Year Supply of Deliverable Sites (2007). This guidance is available to inspect at www.planning-

1.3 In order for sites to be considered as part of the District’s five year housing supply they have to be regarded as deliverable in terms of paragraph 54 of PPS3. In order for sites to be classed as deliverable, paragraph 54 of PPS3 says that sites should be:

••• Available – the site is available for development now ••• Suitable – The site offers a suitable location for development and would contribute to the creation of sustainable, mixed communities ••• Achievable – there is a reasonable prospect that housing will be delivered on the site within five years.

1.4 As this assessment only takes into account sites with planning permission, all sites identified are considered to be suitable and available, as this test was made at the application stage. It is possible that not all sites will be achievable within the 5 year period.

1.5 To further test deliverability of large sites with planning permission (25 dwellings and above) a questionnaire was sent to applicants seeking

17 their intentions for development on the site. The questionnaire can be seen in Appendix 2. Where the developer intentions were not available a judgement has been made by officers on the achievability of the site based on local experience.

1.6 As of 1st April 2008 there were in excess of 450 small-scale sites with planning permission. It is therefore seen as unfeasible to appraise the achievability of every small-scale site. For small sites (Under 25 dwellings) an average completion rate has been applied based on past trends. Appendix 3 lists all small-scale sites with planning permission.

2. Breckland Five Year Housing Requirement

2.1 Policy H1 of The East of England Plan (Regional Spatial Strategy) requires Breckland to deliver at least 15,200 dwellings over the plan period to 2021. This equates to 760 a year. Table 1 shows the housing requirement in detail. Between the financial year 2001/2002 and 2007/2008, 4,600 dwellings have been completed in Breckland. The East of England Plan required 5,320 dwellings to be completed over this period. Therefore, over the remainder of the plan Breckland will have to deliver 815 dwellings per year. The five year housing requirement for the District is therefore 4,075 dwellings.


Year Actual Required Shortfall/Surplus Completions Completions 2001/2002 543 760 -217 2002/2003 601 760 -159 2003/2004 885 760 125 2004/2005 840 760 80 2005/2006 590 760 -170 2006/2007 518 760 -242 2007/2008 623 760 -137 TOTAL 01 to 08 4600 5320 -720 Requirement over 815 remainder of plan 2008/2009 815 2009/2010 815 2010/2011 815 2011/2012 815 2012/2013 815 FIVE YEAR HOUSING REQUIREMENT 4075

3. Breckland Five Year Deliverable Housing Supply

3.1 As stated in Paragraph 1.2 above, this assessment includes only sites with planning permission. As of April 2008, 2,142 dwellings had the benefit of planning permission. In addition to this figure there were three large sites permissions (>=25 dwellings) for a total of 611 dwellings

18 where the principle of development is accepted but is awaiting a Section 106 agreement. 3.2 It is expected that not all of these dwellings will be completed within the five year period of this assessment. As described in Paragraphs 1.5 and 1.6 identified sites with planning permission were split into two categories, large sites (25+ dwellings) and small sites (less than 25 dwellings). 3.3 Table 2 shows the expected delivery of housing on identified sites.


2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Total Large Sites 297 167 288 257 267 1276 Small Sites 331 331 331 20 0 1013 Total 628 498 619 277 267 2289 Requirement 815 815 815 815 815 4075 Shortfall/ Surplus -187 -317 -196 -538 -548 -1786

3.4 Appendix 1 shows the identified large sites and how they contribute to the housing projections in Table 2 .

3.5 Based on the previous 7 years of completion data the total annual average completions on small scale sites are 331 dwellings a year. There has been a gradually rising trend, but this has not been extrapolated in the projections due to uncertainty in the current housing market. Instead, the above mentioned average has been used across the forthcoming years. Breckland has an extremely low small-scale site permission lapse rate of 3%. As of the 1st April 2008, there were 1044 dwellings with the benefit of planning permission on small-scale sites. Assuming 3% of these sites will lapse, it is likely that 1013 of these dwellings will be delivered over the plan period as shown in Table 2.

3.6 It is evident from Table 2 that the projected completions over the next 5 years are below the required completions. From Table 2 it can be concluded that Breckland has a 2.8 year deliverable housing supply and is 1786 dwellings short of the 5 year target.

4. Strategy for Dealing with Planning Applications for Housing

4.1 As shown in Section 3 above, Breckland is short of demonstrating a 5 year deliverable supply of housing. Therefore, the implications of Paragraph 71 of Planning Policy Statement 3 are applicable to Breckland.

19 4.2 To help remedy the situation Breckland will consider applications for housing favourably in line with the policies set out in Paragraphs 71 and 69 and the other policies in Planning Policy Statement 3.

4.3 In order to consider applications for housing favourably in line with Paragraph 71 of Planning Policy Statement 3 it may be necessary to make a departure from the current development plan, particularly around the requirements of Policy HOU.6 of the saved policies of the Breckland Adopted Local Plan (1999)

4.4 Where a site is outside a defined Settlement Boundary as defined in the proposal maps of the Breckland Adopted Local Plan (1999) and therefore contrary to Policy HOU.6, the following information will be required from the applicant to justify a departure from the Development Plan.

• A statement of how the proposal meets the requirements of Paragraph 69 of PPS3 • A statement which confirms that housing on the site is deliverable in line with the requirements of Paragraph 54 of PPS3 within the 5 year period outlined in this document. In order for a site to be considered deliverable it should be: o Available – the site is available and a developer can be found and constraints overcome to ensure development of the site can begin within the 5 year period. o Suitable – the site is in a sustainable location an there are no conflicts with the policies contained within PPS3 and other relevant national and regional policy. o Achievable - a timetable of when dwellings are expected to be completed on site within the 5 year period should be included • An assessment of any saved policies of the Breckland Adopted Local Plan (1999) to which the proposal is contrary, explaining why, in sustainability terms, the development should proceed contrary to the development plan

4.5 The strategy outlined above will remain in effect until future revisions to this document.

20 5. Conclusion and Future Actions

5.1 Section 3 outlines that as of April 2008 Breckland does not have a 5 year supply of deliverable sites for housing. Therefore planning applications for housing will be assessed with regard to the strategy outlined in Section 4 above.

5.2 It should be noted that Breckland should have a Site Specific Policies and Proposals Development Plan Document in place by the end of 2010 so it is likely that further completions will be achieved on allocated sites towards the end of the 5 year period.

5.3 Breckland is also committed to producing a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) prior to submission of the Core Strategy. The SHLAA will identify further areas of deliverable housing land that will contribute to the 5 year requirement.

5.4 This 5 Year Supply of Housing Assessment will be monitored and updated annually linked to the results of the Annual Monitoring Report. It is expected that upon completion of the SHLAA this assessment will be updated to take into account the results of the SHLAA.

21 Appendix 1: Large Site Completions (>=25 dwellings)

Planning Site Site Address Proposed Number 2008/ 2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ Application Parish name Complete Comments Address 1 2 dwellings remaining 09 2010 2011 2012 2013 Reference Former egg 3PL/2002/1296/F + packing 33 0 33 22 11 Questionnaire completed 3PL/2004/1367/F Road station Questionnaire completed. Developer was unable to state how many homes they would complete due to the state of the housing market. The site has had permission Part OS plot since the early 1990s and 3PL/1990/0747/D 683 684 & 685 Necton 130 35 95 nos. 353 has been developed at a very slow rate, therefore it is questionable whether any

22 development on the site will be achieved within the 5 year period

Questionnaire completed. Developer was unable to state how many homes they would complete due to the state of the housing market. The site has had permission Part O.S. 3PL/1991/1231/D Necton 40 0 40 since the early 1990s and to 5222 date only foundations have been put in place. Therefore it is questionable whether any development on the site will be achieved within the 5 year period Questionnaire not returned. Significant constraints on site mean that it is Kilverstone 3PL/2005/1473/D Phase 2 Thetford 83 0 83 questionable whether any Park development will be achieved on the site in the 5 year period. 3PL/2005/1898/D Land at SWAFFHAM Swaffham 63 17 46 46 Questionnaire completed Planning Site Site Address Proposed Number 2008/ 2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ Application Parish name Complete Comments Address 1 2 dwellings remaining 09 2010 2011 2012 2013 Reference Lynn Road Questionnaire not returned. The majority of the site which is not completed is South 3PL/2006/0415/D DEREHAM Dereham 92 70 22 22 under construction and it is Green anticipated that the remaining 22 dwellings will be completed next year. Former RAF Watton 3PL/2005/0476/F Norwich Road 222 96 126 85 41 Questionnaire completed Technical Site Questionnaire not returned Land to rear but evidence from Breckland of 47 & 49 Strategic Housing Team 3PL/2006/0861/F Dereham 65 0 65 65 Norwich provided by the developer Road indicates the site will be complete in 2008/09 Norwich 3PL/2006/0207/F Thetford 57 57 57 Questionnaire completed 23 Road Questionnaire not returned. Site has been sold to 3+ developers. Two reserved matters application for 2 parts of the site have been submitted and recently Former RAF approved (after April 2008). and Watton 3PL/2005/0477/O Norwich Road Carbrooke 424 0 424 0 50 100 100 150 One of these sites is Technical currently being marketed by Site the developer. It is assumed that the 3 sites will be developed at a maximum of 50 dwellings a year in line with sites of a similar size in the District. Questionnaire not returned. It is estimated that building Moorgate will commence later this 3PL/2007/1800/D Business South Green Dereham 107 0 107 0 25 50 32 financial year with the first Centre dwellings completed by next year. Once site is under Planning Site Site Address Proposed Number 2008/ 2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ Application Parish name Complete Comments Address 1 2 dwellings remaining 09 2010 2011 2012 2013 Reference construction it is anticipated that a maximum of 50 dwellings will be completed each year in line with sites of a similar size in the District. 3PL/2007/1436/H Former (still awaiting Redland Swaffham 414 0 414 0 25 66 66 66 Questionnaire completed S106) Tiles Site 3PL/2007/0262/O Former RAF (still awaiting Watton 154 0 154 0 0 52 51 51 Questionnaire completed Radar Site S106) Questionnaire not returned. It is estimated that building will commence later this financial year with the first 15 3PL/2007/1234/F Land off dwellings completed by next 24 (still awaiting Church Shipdham 43 0 43 15 20 8 year. Once site is under S106) Close construction it is anticipated that a maximum of 20 dwellings will be completed each year in line with sites of a similar size in the District. Totals 1927 218 1709 297 167 288 257 267 Overall Total 5 Year Supply from 1276 Large Sites (>=25)

Appendix 2: Questionnaire sent to Large Site (25 dwellings or more) Applicants

Breckland Council – 5 Year Housing Supply Statement Developability Questionnaire

Site Name


Planning Application Reference


Financial Year Estimated Completions on Site Financial Year 2008/2009 Financial Year 2009/2010 Financial Year 2010/2011 Financial Year 2011/2012 Financial Year 2012/2013 Post 2013

Additional Comments:

25 Appendix 3: List of Small Sites with Planning Permission

Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/1999/0844/F Conver sion of barn to residential (part) and commercial (office/studio/ Hall Farm Barns East Bilney 1 1 workshop) 3PL/1999/0963/F House with attached garage Land at The Middle Harling Harling 1 1 1 Green 3PL/2000/0653/CU Conversion of redundant farm buildings to residential accommodation Church Farm Low Road Nth Tuddenham 1 1 0 3PL/2000/0808/F Residential development - 4 bungalows 9 houses and ancillary works Land off Attleborough 9 4 0 Edenside Drive 3PL/2000/0917/F Conversion of stables to dwelling (renewal) Mill Pond Farm Diss Road Garboldisham 1 1 0 Stables 3PL/2000/0960/F Conversion of existing barn to dwelling Sycamore Farm Church Lane 1 1 1 3PL/2001/0064/F Conversion of former coach house to ancillary dwelling The Royal Hotel Station Road Attleborough 1 1 1 3PL/2001/0295/F Conversion of barn from agricultural to residential West Carr Farm West Carr Road Attleborough 1 1 1 Barn 26 3PL/2001/0666/F Construction of a two-storey farmhouse and garage Land adjoining Didlington 1 1 Hall Farm Buildings 3PL/2001/0750/F Replacement dwelling house Didlington Manor DIDLINGTON Didlington 0 1 0 3PL/2001/0834/D Erection of 5 dwellings with garages Old Railway Line Church Road Watton 5 5 2 3PL/2001/1033/D Erection of 12 dwellings Former Pig Farm Church Road Griston 12 5 0 3PL/2001/1046/F Conversion of The Orangery to a residential dwelling (revision) The Orangery Bylaugh Hall Bylaugh 1 1 1 3PL/2001/1229/F Demolition of existing chicken shed and conversion of redundant barn Marsham Farm Banham Road Kenninghall 1 1 0 to residential dwelling 3PL/2001/1273/F Conversion of barns to 3 dwellings with associated studio Barns at The Old EAST East Tuddenham 3 1 1 accommodation Hall TUDDENHAM

3PL/2001/1359/F Agricultural dwelling Land at Park WHINBURGH/WES Whinburgh 1 1 1 Farm TFIELD

3PL/2001/1482/CU Change of use of garage to dwelling reinstatement of two further Didlington Manor Didlington 1 1 1 dwellings 3PL/2002/0310/F Conversion of servants quarters into five self contained apartments Bylaugh Hall Bylaugh 5 5 3PL/2002/0594/CU Change of use from restaurant to residential La Taverna 38 Crown Street Banham 1 1 0

3PL/2002/0703/F Erection of dwelling and new access to fishing holiday centre Land at Walnut Easthaugh Road Lyng 1 1 0 Tree Farm Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/2002/0740/F Conversion of barn structures into one residential private dwelling with Chequers Barn Banham 1 1 1 attached studio (amendment) Road

3PL/2002/0792/F 2 No. commercial units 1 townhouse 4 flats converted house 3 Minstergate Thetford 6 6 basement parking & access 3PL/2002/1083/F Conversion of barn to residential and erection of garage. Hall Farm Barns East Bilney Beetley 1 1 1 3PL/2002/1197/F Erection of dwelling and garage incorporating WC and shower Woodrising Carp 1 1 1 facilities for fishery Fishery 3PL/2002/1245/F Demolition of pavilion garage and erection of 6 detached dwellings Pavilion Garage Kenninghall Road Banham 6 3 3 and land to the rear of Pavilion Bungalow 3PL/2002/1284/F Conversion of servants quarters into three self contained aparments Bylaugh Hall Bylaugh Park Bylaugh 3 3 3 3PL/2002/1437/F Proposed conversion to dwelling and relocation of vehicular access Former St Johns High Street 1 1 1 Hall 3PL/2002/1567/F Erection of retirement bungalow Land off St Marys Thetford 1 1 Court 3PL/2002/1693/D Construction of dwellings and associated roads Land known as Kilverstone Park Thetford 9 9 Broom Covert 3PL/2002/1792/F Erection of detached house Jacksons Car Market Street Shipdham 1 1 0 27 Sales 3PL/2002/1793/F Change of use to residential and alterations, demolitions and addition The Old Rectory Church Hill Banham 1 1 0 of garage and workshop with conservatory 3PL/2003/0086/F Erection of one dwelling (Renewal) Hospital Farm Woodgate 1 1 0 3PL/2003/0126/F Erection of 12 flats and parking area (renewal) Land at the rear Off High Street Dereham 12 12 12 of The Bull Public House 3PL/2003/0153/F Demolition of old village hall and erection of 5 dwellings with parking Old Village Hall Marsh Lane New Buckenham 5 5 0 space (renewal) 3PL/2003/0246/F Erection of one dwelling and garage (amendment to approved siting Plot adjacent to Mill Drift Beeston 1 1 1 on 3PL/2002/1195/F) The Cottage 3PL/2003/0266/F conversion of redundant church building to domestic dwelling house St Mary The Less Bury Road Thetford 1 1 3PL/2003/0281/F Erection of a new 3 bedroom house Plot between 9 & Shipdham 1 1 1 10 Townshend Place 3PL/2003/0378/F Erection of five houses Land adjacent South Green Dereham 5 5 Moorgate House 3PL/2003/0433/F New house and garage Old Chapel Site Chapel Street Shipdham 1 1 1 3PL/2003/0434/F New house and garage Site adjacent 44 Shipdham 1 1 0 Pound Green Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/2003/0492/F Barn conversion to dwelling Barn at Abbey Old Buckenham 1 1 1 Road 3PL/2003/0575/F Alterations to form new dwelling 61 Dereham WATTON Watton 1 1 1 Road 3PL/2003/0587/F Erection of 2 dwellings and garages together with ancillary works Land at rear of Church Road Griston 2 1 1 (amendment to 3PL/2001/0216/F) Church Farm Cottage 3PL/2003/0612/F Erection of new dwelling Plot adjacent to Woodcock Road 1 1 0 Kettlebrig 3PL/2003/0727/F Extension of existing homeless person hostel and four new build flats John Room London Road Thetford 13 13 plus external works House 3PL/2003/0797/D Erection of dwelling with garage Land adjoining Church Road Garboldisham 1 1 0 the church 3PL/2003/0897/F Conversion of barns to 3 residential dwellings with associated curtilage Abergavenny Clipbush Lane 3 3 3 and new farm track Farm 3PL/2003/0955/F Conversion of existing outbuilding into one bedroom dwelling Outbuilding at 47-49 King Street Thetford 1 1 0 the rear of 28 3PL/2003/1029/F Erection of one dwelling Plot adjacent 1 Winfarthing Banham 1 1 0 Road 3PL/2003/1176/F Construction of 12 dwellings with new access Green Lane Kilverstone Road Thetford 12 12 Cottages 3PL/2003/1266/F Erection of two new dwellings and garages Land adjacent Station Road Quidenham 2 2 0 Railway Tavern 3PL/2003/1366/F Erection of dwelling 53 Earl Street Thetford 1 1 1 3PL/2003/1391/F Conversion and extension of existing outbuilding for commercial use & Land at rear of 3- Dereham 1 1 1 construction of one single storey dwelling 5 Theatre Street 3PL/2003/1394/F Erection of single sto rey two bedroom self contained unit for residential Fryers Walk 53 Castle Street Thetford 1 1 care Residential Home 3PL/2003/1578/F Erection of four bungalows and garages The Rowans 125 Shipdham Dereham 3 1 1 Road 3PL/2003/1661/CU Conversion of former agricultural buildings to two dwellings Willow Farm Yaxham 2 2 3PL/2003/1669/O Demolition of bungalow and erection of two houses with garages Moat Farm Shop Street Whinburgh 1 1 3PL/2003/1745/F Conversion of 2 storey barn to a 2 storey dwelling Mill Farm House Mill Common Snetterton 1 1 0 Farm 3PL/2003/1752/F Proposed two bedroom detached earth sheltered dwelling Land adjacent Common Road East Tuddenham 1 1 1 The Scoots 3PL/2003/1825/F 2 no. lodge houses Broom Covert Kilverstone Park Thetford 2 2 0

3PL/2003/1841/F Conversion of barn to dwelling The Elms Yaxham 1 1 1 3PL/2004/0029/F Conversion of barn to residential Road Farm Elsing Road Nth Tuddenham 1 1 1 Barn Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/2004/0030/F Construction of managers house Hall Farm Longham 1 1 0 3PL/2004/0093/F Reinstatement of roof and external walls and creation of Restaurant Bylaugh Hall Bylaugh 10 10 10 Function Rooms and 10 No. residential apartments 3PL/2004/0130/O Erection of detached house with parking and amenity area Land off Toftwood Dereham 1 1 Westfield Road 3PL/2004/0133/F Conversion of redundant barn to one residential unit and erection of Fen Farm Barn Fen Lane Banham 1 1 0 car port 3PL/2004/0136/O Mixed use development comprising residential and neighbourhood Land off London Thetford 15 15 retail Road/Kimms Belt 3PL/2004/0200/F Conversion of agricultural buildings to single residential unit Romandy House Dunnetts Close Ashill 1 1

3PL/2004/0227/CU Change of use of existing outbuilding to dwelling High House Farm The Street Beeston 1 1 3PL/2004/0247/F Conversion of four barns to dwellings Hunts Farm 1 1 3PL/2004/0267/CU Change of use from garages to residential New Road Shipdham 1 1 0 3PL/2004/0312/F Erection of one detached house with double garage Land adjoining Shipdham Road Whinburgh 1 1 The Old Ship 3PL/2004/0368/F Erection of one dwelling The Cottage 78 Greengate Swanton Morley 1 1 0 3PL/2004/0400/CU Change of use of hairdressing salon to residential Debonair 32 St Leonards 1 1 1

29 Street

3PL/2004/0402/O Erection of 3 no. terraced houses and associated parking Allotments The Street 3 3 3PL/2004/0469/F Construction of dwelling Site adj 6 Hale Necton 1 1 1 Road 3PL/2004/0571/O Erection of a two storey dwelling 20 Newall Maid Marion Carbrooke 1 1 0 Avenue Way 3PL/2004/0627/O Erection of house Brake Farm Brakefield Green Yaxham 1 1 0

3PL/2004/0635/F Demolition of dwelling and erection of 8 three bed dwellings Land at the Site and 50 Attleborough 7 7 4 Former Gas Queens Road Works 3PL/2004/0655/F Conversion of existing redundant barn for residential use Hill Farm Heath Road Banham 1 1 1 3PL/2004/0699/O Erection of bungalow 88 Norwich Road Watton 1 1 0 3PL/2004/0732/F Erection of 3 no dwellings on former motor sales area Thetford Motor Lime Kiln Lane Thetford 3 1 1 Centre 3PL/2004/0800/O Erection of dwelling (renewal) 31 Merton Road Watton 1 1 0 3PL/2004/0816/O Demolition of redundant workshop & outbuilding and erection of one Dored The Street Nth Lopham 1 1 0 dwelling and garage (renewal) 3PL/2004/0865/O Construction of residential development - 8 no. dwellings Threeways SHIPDHAM Shipdham 8 8 0 Garage Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/2004/0884/F Conversion of grainstore to 3 residential units Manor Farm Garboldisham 2 3 0 3PL/2004/0906/O Erection of bungalow and garage (access off Greenhoe Place) Part of garden of 63 Mill Farm Swaffham 1 1 Nurseries

3PL/2004/0917/F Conversion of barn to residential (Renewal) Hill Farm The Street Sporle 1 1 3PL/2004/0959/F Erection of one dwelling 6 Bridge Street Thetford 1 1 1 3PL/2004/0981/O Building plot 4 West Park Farm Ickburgh 1 1 0 Close 3PL/2004/1000/F Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of replacement 2 storey Bungalow at The Street 0 1 0 dwelling 3PL/2004/1015/F Refurbishment and residential extension (previoulsy: Change of use Narborough Narborough 1 1 1 from methodist chapel to dwelling) Methodist Church 3PL/2004/1027/F Conversion of redundant agricultural barn into dwelling (Revised Barn at GATELEY Gateley 1 1 0 Scheme) Hall 3PL/2004/1039/O Erection of 4 flats and extend rear of shop G Ellis Butcher Church Street Attleborough 4 4 0 30 3PL/2004/1067/F Extension to farmhouse, change of use of outbuilding from agricultural High House Farm Fen Street Old Buckenham 1 1 1 to residential & forming new highway access 3PL/2004/1139/F Conversion of existing redundant barns to form 4 dwelling units Barns adjacent CRANWORTH Cranworth 4 4 0 Oaklands Farm 3PL/2004/1206/F Erection of 2 two storey dwellings 26 & 28 Dennys Narborough 2 2 Walk 3PL/2004/1233/F Demolition of existing cottages (2 no.). Construction of 2 no. Washpit Farm Rougham 0 2 2 replacement cottages with garages 3PL/2004/1252/F Erection of 2 dwellings To the rear of 30 Thetford 2 2 Bury Road 3PL/2004/1260/F Erection of new bungalow Plot adj Bracon Green Lane Beetley 1 1 1 Brae 3PL/2004/1311/O Sub division of curtilage and erection of bungalow and garage 17 Norwich Road DEREHAM Dereham 1 1 0 3PL/2004/1359/O Outline permission for a single storey dwelling with a linked garage & 27 Hale Road NECTON Necton 1 1 0 joint access to Chantry Court 3PL/2004/1362/F Alterations to existing building and creation of first floor to form two 1 Old Dereham WATTON Watton 2 2 0 new flats Road 3PL/2004/1379/O Proposed bungalow adjacent to existing property 2 Harefield Road Croxton 1 1 3PL/2004/1406/F Change of use of tack room and part squash court to residential 2 no The Kilverstone Hall Kilverstone 1 1 1 small extensions Stables/squash court 3PL/2004/1495/F Construction of four new houses 61 Hills Road Saham Toney 3 1 1 3PL/2004/1608/F Conversion of barn into dwelling Laurels Road 1 1 1 Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/2004/1627/CU Change of use to ground floor from 2 no. commercial units (approved 3 Minstergate Thetford 2 2 by 3PL/2002/792/F) to 2 no. one bedroom flats 3PL/2004/1694/O 2no. Proposed dwellings and garages 49 New North Attleborough Attleborough 2 2 0 Road 3PL/2004/1711/F Modification of Planning Permission (ref nos. 3PL/2002/ 1276 and Manor Farm Lt Dunham 2 2 3PL/2002/1608) to 2 residential units 3PL/2004/1733/F Conversion of 3 barns to 4 residential units Tollgate Farm Scoulton 4 4 3PL/2004/1746/O Erection of one dwelling The Willows Chapel Lane 1 1 0 3PL/2004/1747/F Construction of dwelling and associated garage and garage to Garden Lodge Campingland Swaffham 1 1 Garden Lodge 3PL/2004/1806/O Erection of 4 dwellings The Fieldings Station Road Yaxham 3 3 0 3PL/2004/1826/F Redevelopment of warehouse to 17 no. small studio flats 3 Old Market Thetford 17 17 Street 3PL/2004/1828/F Demolition of commercial premises and erection of 11 dwellings 73 75 and 77 Watton 6 6 0 Norwich Road

3PL/2004/1886/O Erection of dwelling Land at River Lower Stow Stow Bedon 1 1 0 Cottage Bedon 3PL/2004/1947/F Construction of two storey family home with garage annexe (revised Didlington Manor Didlington 0 1 1

31 scheme) 3PL/2004/1955/O Erection of bungalow 10 Watton Road Swaffham 1 1 3PL/2004/1991/F Proposed change of use of rural buildings to residential. Wood Farm Swaffham 3 3 0 Road

3PL/2004/2014/F Erection of a pair of semi-detached cottages Site adjacent The Street 2 2 0 Linden Cottage 3PL/2005/0007/O New bungalow Clairmarlyn Dennys Walk Narborough 1 1 3PL/2005/0018/F Conversion of outbuilding to dwelling Outbuildings at Church Street Ashill 1 1 1 The Laurels 3PL/2005/0019/F Erection of 8 dwellings. Waples Way Dereham Dereham 8 6 6 3PL/2005/0025/F Erection of 24 starter flats The Old Station Road Attleborough 24 24 0 Farmhouse 3PL/2005/0072/O Erection of a dwelling. Land adjacent Church Road Griston 1 1 0 The Hollies 3PL/2005/0077/O Demolition of workshop and erection of new house and garage. S & G Motor Chapel Lane Scarning 1 1 0 Engineers 3PL/2005/0110/F Erection of one dwelling. Mill House Tumbler Hill Swaffham 1 1 0 3PL/2005/0136/D Erection of single storey dwelling. 3 Aleutia Arlington Way Brettenham 1 1 1 Gardens Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/2005/0170/O Erection of a two storey cottage style dwelling. Carbrooke Cowslip Lodge Carbrooke 1 1 0 Equine Centre 3PL/2005/0202/O New agricultural dwelling. Site at Grid Shingham Beachamwell 1 1 0 reference TF771032 3PL/2005/0203/O Erection of agricultural dwelling. Site adjacent pig Chalk Row Lane 1 1 0 units 3PL/2005/0206/O Erection of dwelling Bilmar Station Road 0 1 0 3PL/2005/0211/O Erection of a new detached house. 34 Akrotiri Square Watton Watton 1 1 0 3PL/2005/0254/F Division of shop/butchery/residential to form 2 dwellings 51 White Hart Harling Harling 1 1 1 Street 3PL/2005/0313/F Conversion of barn to residential. Barn at Ferndale Harling Road Nth Lopham 1 1 0 House 3PL/2005/0360/F Conversion of barn to single dwelling Barns at Station 1 1 1 Road 3PL/2005/0361/F Erection of bungalow and garage. Land at rear of Yaxham Road Dereham 1 1 0

32 Walcot 3PL/2005/0423/F Erection of six houses and two flats with parking. Land to rear of 30 Thetford Thetford 8 8 8 Bridge Street 3PL/2005/0471/F Erection of replacement dwelling and annexe Archers Lodge 36 Long Street Gt Ellingham 0 1 1

3PL/2005/0512/O Erection of 3 dwellings Land at Garvestone 3 3 0 Dereham Road 3PL/2005/0569/CU Conversion of barn to dwelling The Barn The Old Rectory Weeting 1 1 0

3PL/2005/0611/O Erection of 3 bedroomed house (detached). 9 East Road Watton Watton 1 1 0 3PL/2005/0631/F Proposed new house Plot 1 London Street 1 1 1

3PL/2005/0634/CU Change of use from single dwelling to two flats. 15 Hingham Gt Ellingham 2 2 0 Road 3PL/2005/0637/D Replacement dwelling. Fen Farm Banham Banham 1 1 0 3PL/2005/0642/O Retention of existing cottage and construction of 1 new cottage Vine Cottage The Street Gt Cressingham 1 1 0 alongisde. 3PL/2005/0679/O Erection of bungalow. 35 Thetford Road Watton Watton 1 1 0 3PL/2005/0701/F Demolition of existing sheds with the replacement of 4 new detached The Forge Stanton Road Yaxham 4 4 0 private houses. 3PL/2005/0733/O One dwelling The Old Crown The Green Ashill 1 1 0 3PL/2005/0740/F Erection of house and garage Land to the West Norwich Road Dereham 1 1 0 of Pear Tree Cottage Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/2005/0792/O Proposed new house Park Grange Shipdham 1 1 0 3PL/2005/0798/F Erection of 2 single storey holiday cottages. Swanton Lodge Bylaugh Bylaugh 2 2 0 3PL/2005/0835/F Conversion of barn to one dwelling Barn at OS 7005 Brisley Green Brisley 1 1 1 3PL/2005/0864/F Erection of new dwelling and garage (revised scheme) Land adjacent Foulden Foulden 1 1 1 No.86 School Road 3PL/2005/0877/F Replacement new 2 1/2 storey dwelling Pond Farm Sandy Lane Hockering 0 1 0 3PL/2005/0950/F Detached bungalow and garage Land adjacent & East of Castle Gt Dunham 1 1 0 and North of The Acre Road Cottage 3PL/2005/0965/F Erection of staff house for caravan storage park Money Tree Farm Croxton Rd Wretham 1 1 0 3PL/2005/0971/O 3/4 Bedroom detached dwelling April Cottage Church Road Beetley 1 1 0 3PL/2005/0991/F Erection of 2 No 2 storey dwellings with basements linked to a listed Site adj St Minstergate Thetford 2 2 0 building. Nicholas House 3PL/2005/1001/F Revised plans for conversion of barn to residential unit Northall Farm Northall Green Dereham 1 1 1 Barn 3PL/2005/1014/F Proposed demolition of extg commercial workshop & replacement Unicorn Gagage Harling Road 3 3 0 with 3 no. low cost dwellings 33 3PL/2005/1044/F Erection of detached bungalow with garage Great Friars Farm SWAFFHAM Swaffham 1 1 0 3PL/2005/1191/F Erection of chalet bungalow and garage Plot between 8 & Harling 1 1 0 8a Gallants Lane 3PL/2005/1192/F 5 new dwellings Land adjacent to Yaxham Yaxham 5 5 5 51 St Peters Close 3PL/2005/1239/O Proposed security office dwelling Bottle Corner Besthorpe Besthorpe 1 1 0 3PL/2005/1255/F Construction of new single storey Cottage The Beeches West Harling Harling 1 1 1 Road 3PL/2005/1276/F Replacement of barn with dwelling and garage Rear Barn White Hart Street Foulden 1 1 0

3PL/2005/1290/F Change of use of barn to form one dwelling Edge Green Heath Road Kenninghall 1 1 0 Farm 3PL/2005/1304/O Erection of 2 bedroom single storey dwelling and garage 45 Watton Road Swaffham Swaffham 1 1 0 3PL/2005/1314/F Erection of house and garage (amendment to 05/1565/F) Northall Farm Northall Green Dereham 1 1 1

3PL/2005/1325/F Conversion of property to 2 dwellings 2a Ash Close Swaffham Swaffham 1 1 0 3PL/2005/1333/O Erection of single storey dwelling Off Manor Drive Front Street 1 1 0 to rear of Cedarville 3PL/2005/1334/F Conversion to dwelling and new double garage Top Barn Telegraph Hill Harling 1 1 1 Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/2005/1358/F Residential development for 3 detached houses with garages (re- Former Peggs Dukes Lane Caston 3 2 1 design of appeal approval ref: APP/F2605/A/04/1148854 Transport Depot 3PL/2005/1381/O Proposed residential site 65 Leys Lane Attleborough Attleborough 1 1 0 3PL/2005/1388/F Proposed alterations to premises to convert one flat into two 19/21 Norwich Dereham Dereham 1 1 0 Street (Flats above Barnetsons) 3PL/2005/1398/F Erection of accomodation unit for 10 staff Nunnery Stud Brettenham Brettenham 1 1 1 3PL/2005/1400/F Barn conversion Cherry Tree Barn Cherry Tree Farm Besthorpe 1 1 0

3PL/2005/1478/O Erection of dwelling Adj 151 Hills Road Saham Hills Saham Toney 1 1 0 3PL/2005/1482/F Erection of single bungalow on adjacent land 21 Highlands Thetford Thetford 1 1 0 3PL/2005/1583/F Conversion of barns to 2 residences and new farm access Mere Farm Stow Bedon Stow Bedon 2 2 2 3PL/2005/1621/O Site for 3 dwellings West of Rectory Weeting Weeting 3 3 0 Lane 34 3PL/2005/1623/O Erection of two dwellings Land between 44 SWAFFHAM Swaffham 2 2 0 & 46 Sandringham Way 3PL/2005/1655/F Erection of 4 no. houses with garages Long Street GREAT Gt Ellingham 4 3 1 ELLINGHAM 3PL/2005/1666/F 21 no. 2 bed apartments, 3 no. 3 bed apartments with associated bin Land adj to Canterbury Way Thetford 24 24 0 storage, cycle storage, parking and amenity areas. Thetford Station 3PL/2005/1685/O Erection of 2 storey dwelling Land at 29 Hale NECTON Necton 1 1 0 Road 3PL/2005/1749/O Erection of 2 storey dwelling with parking space Plot between 30 BANHAM Banham 1 1 0 + 34 Crown Street 3PL/2005/1756/F Conversion of barn dwelling Church Farm Church Road Thompson 1 1 1 3PL/2005/1782/O Construction of 8 open market dwellings and 3 social housing Vacant land at Mileham 11 11 0 dwellings Burghwood Drive 3PL/2005/1795/F Conversion of existing bed and breakfast accomodation into two self The Old Dairy White Hart Street Harling 1 2 0 contained dwellings 3PL/2005/1821/F Proposed dwelling Land adj Dereham Road Garvestone 1 1 0 Maranantha 3PL/2005/1831/O New dwelling 9 Watton Rd Shropham 1 1 0 3PL/2005/1843/F Conversion of barn to provide farm managers living accommodation Home Farm Thetford Road Riddlesworth 1 1 0

3PL/2005/1845/O New dwelling 61 Hale Road BRADENHAM Bradenham 1 1 0 Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/2005/1876/F Demolition of existing buildings and erection of storage building and Former Macros Hargham Road Old Buckenham 1 1 0 dwelling Building Yard 3PL/2005/1901/O Erection of bungalow/chalet and garage (renewal) Manor Cottage Wendling Road Longham 1 1 0

3PL/2005/1914/F Replacement of existing dwelling with new house and change of use Keeper's Cottage HARLING Harling 0 1 1 of part of meadow to garden 3PL/2006/0006/F Conversion of existing outbuildings to one 3 bed dwelling and one 2 Homestal High Street Shipdham 2 2 0 bed dwelling Cottage 3PL/2006/0008/F Erection of new dwelling and combination of existing pair into single Part of site of The Hingham Wood Gt Ellingham 0 2 0 dwelling Oaks & Lingwhite Cottages 3PL/2006/0021/F Replacement dwelling and garage Shalee Drury Square Beeston 0 1 0 3PL/2006/0049/F Erection of 2 no. 1 bed flats & 1 no. 1 bed townhouse & car parking & Off Exchange ATTLEBOROUGH Attleborough 1 5 0 alter extg 4 no. bedsits to 2 no. flats Street 3PL/2006/0067/F Erection of 3 bedroom house with parking and turning space for 2 cars Adjacent to 20 NECTON Necton 1 1 0 and part demolition of 20 Ketts Hill Ketts Hill 3PL/2006/0072/F Amendment of plot 9,10,11,12,11a,12a Land off ATTLEBOROUGH Attleborough 6 5 1 Edensdale Drive 3PL/2006/0087/F Conversion of redundant farm buildings to one residential unit Wood Farm Reepham Road 1 1 1

35 3PL/2006/0100/F Cottage Style Dwelling and Garage Rose Cottage Swamp Lane Gt Ellingham 1 1 0 3PL/2006/0126/F Change of use of office/storage to one bed flat (above jewellers) Duval Jeweller 2 Exhange Street Attleborough 1 1 1

3PL/2006/0127/F Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuilding and erection of a Moodys Drift Podmore Lane Scarning 0 1 1 detached dwelling and garage 3PL/2006/0158/F Erection of house and garage Poplar Crossings Flowers Lane Attleborough 1 1 1 3PL/2006/0164/O Erection of 3 dwellings The Fieldings Station Road Yaxham 3 3 0 3PL/2006/0186/O Proposed demolition of existing dwelling & garage and erection of 2 89 Norwich Road THETFORD Thetford 4 4 0 bungalows and 2 dwellings and new access. 3PL/2006/0188/F Renovation and conversion of Grade II listed barn complex to offices Ivy House Farm Welgate Mattishall 1 1 1 and dwelling with new garage block 3PL/2006/0202/F Conversion of former dairy building to dwelling Former dairy Caudle Springs Carbrooke 1 1 0 building, Whitehall 3PL/2006/0222/F Erection of dwelling Mill Vue Farm Badley Moor Dereham 1 1 0 3PL/2006/0223/O Erection of a two storey dwelling 2 Stanton Close DEREHAM Dereham 1 1 0 3PL/2006/0224/F Alterations and extensions to house to form additional dwelling Park Cottage High Street Shipdham 1 1 0 3PL/2006/0239/F Erection of 2 bedroom cottage 21 White Hart HARLING Harling 1 1 1 Street Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/2006/0251/O Proposed building plot for single dwelling. 8 Oaks Drive Swaffham Swaffham 1 1 0 3PL/2006/0261/F Erection of 5 no. one bedroom flats and 10 no. two bedroom flats Land between THETFORD Thetford 15 15 0 Minstergate and St Nicholas Street 3PL/2006/0286/F Erection of two 2 storey dwellings Land to rear of The Swaffham 2 2 0 Garden Lodge Campingland 3PL/2006/0303/O Demolition of bunglalow and erection of pair of semi-detached Clovelly Dereham Road Whinburgh 1 1 0 cottages. 3PL/2006/0311/CU Conversion of barns to 2 no. residential units Crow Hall Farm Lexham 2 2 2 Barns 3PL/2006/0329/O Sub division of existing plot and erection of house and garage 8 South Green MATTISHALL Mattishall 1 1 0

3PL/2006/0346/F Proposed dwelling 5 Mill Street MATTISHALL Mattishall 1 1 0

3PL/2006/0383/F Change of use of existing offices into holiday let Ivy House Farm Welgate Mattishall 1 1 1 3PL/2006/0433/F Proposed demolition of existing dwelling & the erection of three Pettycur Woodgate Lane Swanton Morley 2 3 3 36 cottage style dwellings and garagaes 3PL/2006/0447/O Demolition of existing bungalow - site to be used to provide 2 new Lyndon Littlefields Dereham 1 2 0 homes 3PL/2006/0581/D Part demolish existing club and extend to form 8 flats and new block of Barwells Court Old People Club, Dereham 12 12 0 four flats. Cowper Road

3PL/2006/0582/F Erect block of 6 flats Barwells Court DEREHAM Dereham 6 6 0 3PL/2006/0585/CU Change of use of redundant agricultural buildings to residential Ivy Farm Thumb Lane Horningtoft 2 2 0 3PL/2006/0598/F Conversion of barn to residential (renewal) Barn adj to the High Green Bradenham 1 1 0 Byre 3PL/2006/0605/F Conversion of barns to new dwelling & conversion of existing dwelling Evergreen Farm Church Lane 1 1 1 to storage & bed & breakfast accommodation 3PL/2006/0608/F Demolition of existing house, build 7 no. affordable homes Cyprus Cyprus Road Attleborough 7 7 3 Farmhouse 3PL/2006/0624/F Conversion and extension to mill tower to one dwelling and extension Mill House Church Street Gt Ellingham 1 1 0 to Mill House 3PL/2006/0645/F Proposed refurbishment of the existing residential dwelling to create 8 The Gables Old Market Street Thetford 8 8 0 self contained apartments. 3PL/2006/0649/O Severance of garden to form building plot for one dwelling 10 Kings Head Nth Lopham 1 1 0 Lane 3PL/2006/0717/F Erection of two bungalows and a one and a half storey house Adams House Mattishall Road Dereham 3 3 0

3PL/2006/0723/D Erection of dwelling with car port Site adjacent to Mattishall Road Garvestone 1 1 1 White Willows Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/2006/0737/F Replacement of present staff accommodation with a purpose built Ferelands Roudham Road Roudham 1 1 0 dwelling closer to cattery and offices 3PL/2006/0752/O Erection of Bungalow Mill Croft Hale Road Ashill 1 1 0 3PL/2006/0753/F Erection of Cottage Plot adj Honey The Street 1 1 0 Suckle Cottage 3PL/2006/0799/F Replacement mobile home for agricultural worker Rear of No 2 Dillington Dereham 0 1 0 Dillington Hall Cottages 3PL/2006/0826/F Erection of two, three bedroom and two four bedroom houses Land opposite Watton Road Shropham 4 4 4 Shropham House 3PL/2006/0831/D Erection of dwelling with garage The Lings REYMERSTON Garvestone 1 1 1

3PL/2006/0837/D Proposed Residential Development Ex George Tufts Norwich Road Watton 24 24 1 Builders Yard 3PL/2006/0910/F Erection of chalet dwelling double garage Rodmere Larners Drift Dereham 1 1 0 3PL/2006/0911/F Conversion of barn to two dwellings and two outbuilding to garages Hall Farm GARBOLDISHAM Brettenham 2 2 0

3PL/2006/0960/O Erection of dwelling Mill House The Street Gooderstone 1 1 0 3PL/2006/0966/O Demolition of cottage and erection of pair of semi detached cottages Pound Cottage Cemetary Road Dereham 1 1 0 37 3PL/2006/0999/F Proposed dwelling (amended design) Site rear of 5 Mill MATTISHALL Mattishall 1 1 0 Street 3PL/2006/1031/F Proposed replacement dwelling and garage Ash Tree Farm Paper Street Yaxham 1 1 1 3PL/2006/1052/O Adjacent Walton Wendling Road Longham 1 1 0 House 3PL/2006/1058/F Erection of new detached dwelling and garage Land of Chapel FOXLEY Foxley 1 1 1 Road 3PL/2006/1074/D Proposed cottage style dwelling 2 Letton Road SHIPDHAM Shipdham 1 1 1 3PL/2006/1077/F Erection of Bungalow and garage Garden plot to NECTON Necton 1 1 1 rear of 51 chantry lane 3PL/2006/1084/F Conversion of 2 redundant brick detached farm buildings into 2 Barns at Rectory Heath Road Hockering 2 2 0 detached 3 bed houses with gardens & garages Farm 3PL/2006/1164/F Conversion of agricultural buildings to form 2 dwellings with associated Agricultural Mount Pleasant Shipdham 2 2 0 garages Buildings Farm, Carbrooke Lane

3PL/2006/1165/F Barn conversion to form single dwelling Barn adj Old Hall Bradley Moor Dereham 1 1 0 Farm Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/2006/1167/F Erection of replacement dwelling Mount Pleasant Kenninghall Road Harling 0 1 1 Farm 3PL/2006/1171/F Conversion of Stables to dwelling Rocklands Farm Mount Pleasant Rocklands 1 1 1

3PL/2006/1177/F Removal of Outbuildings, erection of new dwelling & garage, The Homestead Dereham Road Scarning 1 1 0 conversion of ex. Dwelling to holiday accommodation 3PL/2006/1178/F Barn Conversion and new garage White House Barn Mill Street Swanton Morley 1 1 0 3PL/2006/1193/D Demolition of existing garage & redevlopment of site with 3 residential The Fransham Main A47 Fransham 3 3 0 dwellings Motor Co. 3PL/2006/1201/O Proposed building plot for two storey dwelling, garage & associated Goffes School Pound Hill Saham Toney 1 1 0 works House 3PL/2006/1202/F Erection of new dwelling Land adj. 16 Glebe Close Thetford 1 1 0 Orchard Way 3PL/2006/1206/F Extension & c/u of upper floor to provide a single shop unit & 4 self Attleborough High Street Attleborough 4 4 0 contained flats Post Office 3PL/2006/1207/F Erection of 1 single storey dwelling with detached double garage REAR OF 80 The Street Nth Lopham 1 1 1

38 3PL/2006/1212/F Conversion of barns to 2 dwellings & garage, demolition of barn A & High House Farm The Street Beeston 3 3 3 erect dwelling, new garage for existing house 3PL/2006/1216/D Single dwelling and garage Plot 4 Builders Southend Dereham 1 1 0 Yard 3PL/2006/1221/F Construction of single dwelling and garage The Forge The Street Gooderstone 1 1 0 3PL/2006/1228/F Proposed Dwelling and garage Garden plot adj. 17 Station Road Nth Elmham 1 1 0 The Bungalow 3PL/2006/1326/F Conversion of barns to form 2 residential properties Barns at Holly Grange Road Wendling 2 2 2 Farm 3PL/2006/1354/F Conversion of barn to residential dwelling Barn at Chop Twyford 1 1 0 Lodge Farm 3PL/2006/1398/F Demolition of ex canteen and erection of one dwelling Elliot House Brecklands Nth Pickenham 1 1 1 Green 3PL/2006/1451/F Change of use/conversion of existing church rooms toa two bedroom Banham Church Grammar School Banham 1 1 0 house Rooms Yard 3PL/2006/1454/O Proposed one and a half storey, three bed detached house and Land adjoing The Town Street Swanton Morley 1 1 0 garage Octogon House 3PL/2006/1481/F Erection of a detached dwelling Land at Thynne Tynnes Lane Mattishall 1 1 1 House 3PL/2006/1483/O Erection of detached dwelling and garage Plot 1 Church Well Lane Sparham 1 1 0 Farm 3PL/2006/1486/F Erection of agricultural dwelling Three Corner Ashburton Road Ickburgh 1 1 0 Field 3PL/2006/1516/F Proposed dwelling house and garage within the curtilage of a listed 51 The Street 1 1 1 building Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/2006/1522/F Erection of House and Garage West Harling Harling 1 1 0 Road 3PL/2006/1539/F Conversion of office to two dwellings and a new dwelling to the rear 23 Old Market Thetford 3 3 0 fo site Street 3PL/2006/1550/F Erection of semi-detached bungalow 1 Chalk Lane Narborough 1 1 0 3PL/2006/1577/D Proposed New Dwelling 93 The Street Fortunes Well Nth Lopham 1 1 0 3PL/2006/1586/F Conversion of farm buildings to 2 dwellings with garaging, gardens, New Buildings Manor Farm Whinburgh 2 2 0 and new access 3PL/2006/1592/F New Dwelling and associated garage Site adj. Mill Mill Lane Swaffham 1 1 0 House 3PL/2006/1613/CU Change of Useof redundant farm building to permanent residential Home Farm Swanton Morley Hoe 1 1 0 accommodation Cottage Road 3PL/2006/1624/F Demolition of garage building and construction of 3 detached Land at 2 Tuns Necton 3 3 0 bungalows Road 3PL/2006/1629/O nr19 1eq Land adj. 69 Ickburgh 2 2 0 Ashburton Road 3PL/2006/1638/F Erection of 2 No. single storey dwellings & garages & detached 54 Bell Lane Saham Toney 2 2 0 garage to serve 54 bell lane 3PL/2006/1649/F Erection of new dwelling in existing garden and attached land Westholme Chapel Road Scarning 1 1 0

39 3PL/2006/1655/D Erection of dwelling and garage Mere House Mere Road Stow Bedon 1 1 1 3PL/2006/1656/F Development of 15 dwellings Site adj. To Thetford 15 15 0 Jubilee Close 3PL/2006/1660/F Conversion into 3 apartments, 1 town house and 7 cottages 31 Norwich Street Dereham 11 11 0 3PL/2006/1698/O Erection of dwelling and garage and erection of garage to serve 2 Watton Road Gt Cressingham 1 1 0 existing dwelling 3PL/2006/1701/D Proposed dwelling and garage Land adj. Little 1 1 0 houghton 3PL/2006/1713/F New House and Garage Rear of 17 Dereham 1 1 0 Norwich Road 3PL/2006/1714/D New single storey dwelling and garage 89 Dereham Watton 1 1 1 Road 3PL/2006/1724/F Erection of 3 no. 2 bedroom flats Halford Road Attleborough 3 3 0 3PL/2006/1771/F Proposed conversion & addition to a redundant storage building to Rear of 15 Dereham 1 1 0 provide residential accommodation Norwich Street 3PL/2006/1852/F Conversion of redundant barn to residential unit Willow Farm Pye lne, Cranworth 1 1 0 Southburgh 3PL/2006/1904/D Erection of 4 Dwellings and garages Compass Bunwell Road Besthorpe 4 4 0 Garage 3PL/2006/1906/F Conversion from derelict workshop to dwelling house Carpenters 39 Theatre Street Dereham 1 1 0 Workshop Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/2006/1934/F Demolish existing carpet store for 6no. Residential flats 74a Magdalen Thetford 6 6 6 Street 3PL/2006/1937/F Erection of dwelling and detached garage Land adj. Water End Gt Cressingham 1 1 0 Flintstones 3PL/2007/0029/F Erection of two Storey dwelling Plot Rear of Toftwood Dereham 1 1 1 Spencers Lodge 3PL/2007/0054/F Replacement bungalow 5 Eastfields Narborough 0 1 0 3PL/2007/0064/O Erection of Dwelling The Bluff Church Road Griston 1 1 0 3PL/2007/0077/F Erection of 4 bungalows & garages & garage/workshop for 153 153 Shipdham Toftwood Dereham 4 0 Shipdham Road Road 3PL/2007/0096/F Proposed dwelling and garage Grove Nurseries Thetford Road Wretham 1 1 0

3PL/2007/0121/O Demolition of Garage etc and erection of dwelling and detached White Stables Mere Road Stow Bedon 1 1 0 garage 3PL/2007/0127/F Change of use of barns to residential (7 units) (approved under Hall Farm Barns South Lopham 7 7 0 3PL/2000/0928/F) 40 3PL/2007/0158/O Erection of one dwelling and garages Punchards 236 Norwich Dereham 1 1 0 Road 3PL/2007/0175/F Proposed erection of house and garage Jessops Close Scarning 1 1 1 3PL/2007/0177/D Erection of agricultural dwelling Barkers Farm Larling Roudham 1 1 0 3PL/2007/0227/O Residential Development Swaffham Road Watton 2 2 0 3PL/2007/0234/F Erection of two flats Land adj. 2 Whitsands Road Swaffham 2 2 0 Queens Street 3PL/2007/0247/F Erection of dwelling with annex and double garage (amendment to Land opposite Herne Lane Beeston 1 1 1 3PL/2005/0839/f Herne Lane Farm 3PL/2007/0326/F 2no. One and a half storey dwelling house with associated garages 28 Whitesands Swaffham 2 2 2 Road 3PL/2007/0338/O New 3 bedroom dwelling Garden plot adj. Bintree Road Billingford 1 1 0 To Ashtree Cottage 3PL/2007/0354/F Erection of New House Plot 3 Deroga Whitwell Road Sparham 1 1 1

3PL/2007/0356/F Residential development of 24 dwellings with garages and access Land off the Mundford Mundford 24 24 0 roads Lammas/Malsters Close 3PL/2007/0380/D Proposed erection of a house and garage Adjacent Mere Road Stow Bedon 1 1 1 Harvesters 3PL/2007/0388/D Erection of Bungalow 2a Cowper Road Harold Whitcy Dereham 1 1 0 Close 3PL/2007/0390/F Residential Development 75 Norwich Road Watton 12 12 6 Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/2007/0392/F Detached dwelling and garage Site adj. Plot 4 Beetley 1 1 1 Southfields Road

3PL/2007/0408/O Proposed residential development (4 no. dwellings) Residential Bittering Street Gressenhall 2 4 0 Development 3PL/2007/0460/F Demolition of garage & erection of a pair of semi detached dwellings Land adjoining Attleborough 2 2 0 19 Mortimer Close 3PL/2007/0462/F Removal of Condition to allow annex apporved under Heath Farm Barn No.4 Hockering 1 1 0 3PL/1995/1010/F to be occupied as a separate dwelling 3PL/2007/0467/F Proposed erection of a cottage style dwelling and garage (amended New Orchard Greengate Swanton Morley 1 1 0 design) 3PL/2007/0474/F Erection of House and Garage Hendon House Cochrane Close Carbrooke 1 1 0

3PL/2007/0484/F Conversion into flats Old Glass Old Market Street Thetford 24 24 0 Warehouse 3PL/2007/0493/F Demolition of Bungalow and erection of house and garage Ambleside Heath Road Banham 0 1 1 3PL/2007/0503/O Erection of two storey 4 bed dwelling and garage Old School Watton Road Ashill 0 1 0 Swimming Pool 3PL/2007/0512/F Erection of single storey dwelling with integral garage Grey Gables 1 Bates Close Dereham 1 1 0 41 3PL/2007/0522/F Erection of bungalow and attached garage 13 West Road Watton Watton 1 1 0 3PL/2007/0536/F Erection of two Storey Dwelling Land adjacent to Nth Elmham 1 1 0 41 Eastgate Street 3PL/2007/0537/F Demolition of ex bungalow annex and erection of new dwelling and Site adjacent to Primrose Lane South Lopham 0 1 0 garage (amended scheme) Willowdene 3PL/2007/0540/F Proposed residential development Plots 37&39 Nth Elmham 2 2 2 Cathedral Drive 3PL/2007/0554/F Erection of a two storey dwelling and garage to replace existing single Fir Acre Fen Road Scarning 0 1 0 storey dwelling 3PL/2007/0570/O Demolition of existing buildings and construction of 4 two storey Hill House Dereham Road Garvestone 4 4 0 detched properties 3PL/2007/0579/F Proposed first floor apartment on existing flat roof to the rear of existing St Nicholas House Minstergate Thetford 1 1 0 building 3PL/2007/0594/O Erection of single storey dwelling (renewal) Land adjacent to 1 Spinners Lane Swaffham 1 1 0

3PL/2007/0601/F Barn conversion and cart lodge (re-submission) Primrose Farm Fen Road Old Buckenham 1 1 0 3PL/2007/0660/F Erection of one dwelling Adj. 8 Tithe Barn Ickburgh Ickburgh 1 1 0 Close 3PL/2007/0663/O Replacement dwelling Didlington Hall Didlington 1 1 0 Gardens Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/2007/0664/F Conversion of Farm buildings to three dwellings with garaging, gardens Manor Farm Whinburgh 3 3 0 atc 3PL/2007/0670/F Demolition of store & Erection of a two storey dwelling Rear of Commercial Dereham 1 1 0 Glendower Road House 3PL/2007/0695/F Erection of a one and a half storey 4 bedroom detached house with Land adjoining Larners Drift Dereham 1 1 0 single detached garage Rodmere 3PL/2007/0697/O Erection of agricultural dwelling with garage Land adjoining Illington Wretham 1 1 0 Top Driftway 3PL/2007/0705/D New dwellings for plots 7 and 8 The Brecks West Carr Road Attleborough 2 2 0

3PL/2007/0727/F Conversion of redundant agricultural farm buildings to 4 no. dwellings, Church Farm Woodrising Cranworth 4 4 0 2 annexes & garage to barn d Barns 3PL/2007/0733/F Proposed alterations & extensions to create 4 no. self contained shop The Former Angel Thetford 4 4 0 units & 4 no. residential apartments Public House 3PL/2007/0741/F Proposed conversion of redundant barn for residential Home Farm Fransham 1 1 0 accommodation 42 3PL/2007/0742/F Conv. Of redundant agr. Bdg to residential, erection of stable & The Old Kenninghall Road Garboldisham 1 1 0 garage, change of use agr. Land to paddock Brickworks 3PL/2007/0781/F Conversion of farm building to residential use Eastgate Barns Back lane Nth Elmham 1 1 0 (Barn 3) 3PL/2007/0783/F Conversion od existing farm building to residential use Barn 4 Eastgate Back Lane Nth Elmham 1 1 0 Barns 3PL/2007/0788/F erection of dwelling with garage building Building Plot at Reymerston Garvestone 1 1 0 'The Lings' 3PL/2007/0853/F Erection of house and garage Corner House Chapel Lane Bridgham 1 1 0 3PL/2007/0938/O Seven new residential dwellings Stokes Avenue Watton 3 7 0 3PL/2007/0950/D Proposed bungalow and garage Plot adjacent The Nth Elmham 1 1 0 Bungalow 3PL/2007/0981/0 Demolition of Hurlingham and construction of 6 bungalows and 38 Dodds Road Hurlingham Attleborough 5 5 0 access roads 3PL/2007/1032/F Erection of four detached dwellings and garages including driveway Land adj. Priory Priory Drive Gt Cressingham 4 4 0 to Priory Cottage Cottages 3PL/2007/1043/O Proposed residential development The Elms Woodgate Swanton Morley 3 3 0 3PL/2007/1097/F Proposed new one and a half storey 4 bed house and replacement 3 Virginia Works Norwich Road Besthorpe 1 2 0 bed chalet bungalow 3PL/2007/1100/F Convert existing house into 2 flats and form 2 new flats in adjoining Plot adj. Thresher High Street Attleborough 3 4 0 garden Wine Merchants 3PL/2007/1105/F Erection of dwelling and attached garage Crossways Farm Holme Hale 1 1 0 3PL/2007/1106/F Erection of dwelling and attached garage Crossways Farm Holme Hale 1 1 0 Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/2007/1121/O Proposed building plot (Renewal of 3PL/2004/1257/O) Site adj. Hill Hillside Nth Pickenham 1 1 0 House 3PL/2007/1122/O Erection of dwelling 111 and 113 Attleborough 1 1 0 Besthorpe Road 3PL/2007/1131/F Erection of 8 three storey town houses and parking following Land adj. To Norwich Road Swaffham 8 8 8 demolition of existing function room Lydney House 3PL/2007/1144/F Proposed Dwelling (resubmission of 3PL/2007/0254/F) Land Adjacent Station Road Yaxham 1 1 0 Well Done 3PL/2007/1147/F Erection of a 4 bedroom house and detached garage Plot 2 at Primrose Lane South Lopham 1 1 0 Willowdene 3PL/2007/1151/F Erection of 2 cottages, 2 bungalows with garages and associated Land off Swanton Morley 4 4 4 access Greengate 3PL/2007/1185/F New replacement dwelling and garage building & associated ground The Hall Manor Road Garboldisham 0 1 0 works 3PL/2007/1188/F Erection of pair of semi-detached three bedroom houses Adjacent South Green Dereham 2 2 0 Fairview 3PL/2007/1189/F Erection of pair of semi-detached houses R & S Motors Site South Green Dereham 2 2 0 3PL/2007/1243/F New two bedroom cottage and detached garage Land adjoining Market Street Harling 1 1 0 East Harling Post Office

43 3PL/2007/1246/F New Dwelling Land at Brumble The Green Shipdham 1 1 0 Cottage 3PL/2007/1269/D Proposed residential development Rear of 40-46 Dereham 7 7 0 Crown Road 3PL/2007/1272/D Dwelling and Detached Garage Land opposite The Street Gooderstone 1 1 0 Gooderstone Manor 3PL/2007/1300/F Proposed development of 3 terraced dwellings and residential Land to rear of Swaffham Swaffham 4 4 0 conversion of existing barn Greyhound Pub 3PL/2007/1306/O Erection of 2 bungalows and garages 105 Dereham Mattishall Mattishall 2 2 0 Road 3PL/2007/1318/F Conversion of outbuildings and garage to residential (2 holiday lets to Hall Barn Old Hall Lane Beachamwell 2 2 0 be retained) 3PL/2007/1323/F Proposed 4 no. dwellings & garages & extension/ alterations to existing Site at 6 South Mattishall Mattishall 4 4 1 dwelling & garage Green 3PL/2007/1328/F Proposed conversion of barn to dwelling with new garage building Church Farm Station Road Fransham 1 1 0 and access 3PL/2007/1356/F Demolition of existing building, construction of residential care home IRS Castleacre Road Swaffham 1 2 0 and single bungalow 3PL/2007/1372/CU Change of use from shop to domestic 2 bed flat 4 Castle Acre Swaffham Swaffham 1 1 0 Road 3PL/2007/1420/F New development of 4 dwellings with garages to replace existing Allcrest The Street Caston 3 4 0 Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference dwelling 3PL/2007/1429/F Conversion of redundant domestic outbuildings to one dwelling Thorncroft The Lings Garvestone 1 1 0 3PL/2007/1445/F Conversion of fire damaged farm barn and outbuildings to dwelling Abbey Farm Abbey Road Old Buckenham 1 1 0 house 3PL/2007/1446/F Erection of 2 storey retail development and two 2 bedroom flats and Land bounded Dereham Dereham 2 2 0 associated service yard by Wrights Walk and Chapel Walk 3PL/2007/1451/F Proposed erection of a pair of two bedroom bungalows and garages The Rowans 125 Shipdham Dereham 2 2 0 Road 3PL/2007/1455/F Conversion and restoration of former agricultural outbuildings to Alder Carr Barns Mill Road 2 2 2 create single dwelling, garaging & holiday cottage/dwelling 3PL/2007/1476/D Residential development (2 no. cottage style dwellings) Adj. 1 & 2 Stone Dereham Road Shipdham 2 2 0 Cottage 3PL/2007/1481/F conversion of barn to dwelling (revised design) Unit 1 Wood Farm North Pickenham Swaffham 1 1 0 Road

44 3PL/2007/1484/F Erection of 3 no. bungalows Watton Road Griston Griston 3 3 0 3PL/2007/1485/O Erection of Dwelling The Foundry Foundry Corner Attleborough 1 1 0

3PL/2007/1489/F Erection of two storey house Land North of Pound Hill Saham Toney 1 1 0 Goffes School House 3PL/2007/1504/D Erection of a detached dwelling Plot 2 Bittering Street Gressenhall 1 1 1

3PL/2007/1517/O One dwelling and garage Land adjacent 1 Swaffham Swaffham 1 1 0 Low Road 3PL/2007/1553/F Erection of single storey dwelling and garden store New Road Shipdham Shipdham 1 1 0 3PL/2007/1554/F Proposed residential development consisting of 5 no. three bedroom Land to the rear Thetford Thetford 5 5 0 dwellings of 51 Castle Street 3PL/2007/1565/F Conversion of first floor shop storage area to 3 bedroomed flat with 2 Tanner Street Thetford Thetford 1 1 0 new external staircase 3PL/2007/1572/O Proposed new dwelling 23 Park Lane Scarning Scarning 0 1 0 3PL/2007/1583/F Conversion of barns to 3 no. residential units including change of use Hall Farm Griston Griston 3 3 0 of agricultural land to residential 3PL/2007/1599/F Erection of dwelling and attached garage Land adjacent Richmond Road Saham Toney 1 1 0 Moor Cottages 3PL/2007/1617/O Erection of 2 storey dwelling Adjacent to 21 Necton Necton 1 1 0 Ketts Hill Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/2007/1644/O Single storey dwelling Land adjacent Swaffham Swaffham 1 1 0 101 Southlands 3PL/2007/1678/F Change of use of 2 redundant farm buildings from storage to 2 Grove Farm Mattishall Burgh Mattishall 2 2 0 residential units 3PL/2007/1680/F Relocation of existing double garage and erection of new two storey Anakainoo 11 The Street Sporle 1 1 0 detached house with new access to both 3PL/2007/1687/F Proposed conversion of part of barn to dwelling Manor Farm Oxwick 1 1 0 3PL/2007/1693/O Proposed demolition of existing bungalow and garage, and Meadow View Houghton Lane Nth Pickenham 2 2 0 construction of 2 dwellings 3PL/2007/1709/F Proposed change of use of redundant rural buildings to 3 residential Hall Farm Caston Road Caston 3 3 0 units inc. demolition 3PL/2007/1722/F Proposed agricultural dwelling for poultry manager Old Hall Farm Penhill Road Gt Ellingham 1 1 0 3PL/2007/1738/F Erection of new dwelling and garage Site Adjacent to The Street Nth Lopham 1 1 0 Meadow Farm 3PL/2007/1739/F Erection of new dwelling Land adjacent to Hockering Hockering 1 1 0 46 Manor Close 3PL/2007/1777/F Two 2 storey semi detached dwellings 48 Norwich Street Dereham Dereham 2 2 0 3PL/2007/1779/O Erection of a single storey dwelling and garage The Hedgerows 11 Letton Road Shipdham 1 1 0

45 3PL/2007/1783/F Proposed demolition of existing garages and construction of 8 flats Rear of 1-5 Dereham Dereham 9 9 0 and 1 2 bed house Clifton Terrace 3PL/2007/1785/F Conversion of barn to 2 dwellings and construction of 2 new dwellings Hunts Farm Hills Road Saham Toney 4 4 0 3PL/2007/1790/F Erection of new dwelling and garage Land Adjace nt to The Street Gt Cressingham 1 1 0 the Vines 3PL/2007/1791/F Erection of Dwelling Plot Adjacent 22 Thetford Thetford 1 1 0 Melford Bridge Road 3PL/2007/1854/F Demolition of existing bungalow & erection of 4 no. detached houses Land off Victor Weeting Weeting 3 4 0 & garage to plots 2 & 3 Charles Close and Main Road 3PL/2007/1872/LB Proposed two dwellings & detached garages with removal of small Garden of 8/10 Station Swaffham 2 2 0 outbuilding & entrance gates Eversley House Street 3PL/2007/1876/F Proposed residential conversion to split one dwelling to 3 self 10 St Michaels Thetford Thetford 2 3 0 contained residential units Close 3PL/2007/1895/F Conversion of redundant agricultural buildings to 3no. Dwellings Rookery Farm Elsing Lane Dereham 3 3 0 3PL/2007/1908/F Proposed conversion of existing barn to 2 no. dwellings Lower Farm Barns South Pickenham South Pickenham 2 2 0

3PL/2007/1964/F Demolition of existing dwelling, erection of new replacement dwelling Bungalow Farm Saham Hills Saham Toney 0 1 0 and garage Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/2007/1971/F Erection of a dwelling Plat adjacent 22 Thetford Thetford 1 1 0 Melford Bridge Road 3PL/2007/1979/F Alteration and extension of existing barns to become new 3 bedroom Plot 3 Besthorpe Besthorpe Besthorpe 1 1 0 dwelling Road 3PL/2007/1980/F Change of use of existing barns to become four bedroom dwelling Plot 2 Besthorpe Road Besthorpe 1 1 0

3PL/2007/1981/F Change of use of Barns at The Limes, to become new four bedroom Plot 1 Besthorpe Road Besthorpe 1 1 0 dwelling with additional 2 bedroom annexe 3PL/2007/1986/D Proposed 2no. Starter dwellings Old Village Hall Town Street Swanton Morley 2 2 0 Site 3PL/2007/1990/F Conversion of house to 6 flats and erection of 2 storey side extension 50 Norwich Road Watton Watton 6 6 0 3PL/2007/1994/F Conversion of the Old Coach House into a 3/4 bedroom dwelling The Old Coach Station Road Yaxham 1 1 0 House 3PL/2007/2008/F Conversion of barns to residential Rayners Farm Dereham Road Mattishall 1 1 0 Barn

46 3PL/2007/2012/F Proposed replacement dwelling, garage and adjusted vehicular Westlea Dereham Road Whinburgh 1 1 0 (Formerly Laurel Bank) 3PL/2007/2017/F Proposed demolition of Park Cottage & erection of four cottage style Park Cottage High Street Shipdham 4 4 0 dwellings & garages 3PL/2007/2032/F Erection of 3no. Dwellings and garages Ebony House 21 The Street Sporle 2 3 0 3PL/2007/2059/F Erection of Dwelling and double garage, demolition of sheds and Plot 2 Meadow 39 The Street Nth Lopham 1 1 0 standing of temporary caravan during construction Farm 3PL/2007/2063/F Converstion of redundant agricultural buildings into a residential unit Rookery Farm Beeston Road Gt Dunham 1 1 0

3PL/2008/0022/F Erection of dwelling and detached garage Plot adjacent Mill Lane Nth Tuddenham 1 1 0 Oak View 3PL/2008/0031/F Removal of agricultural shed & conversion of traditional farm buildings Meadow Grange The Street Nth Lopham 1 1 0 to single dwelling with carport 3PL/2008/0043/F Erection of two storey dwelling in existing residential garden 2 Byron Walk Woodlands Thetford 1 1 0 3PL/2008/0051/F Dwelling and garage Plot 3 Residential Bittering Street Gressenhall 1 1 0 Development 3PL/2008/0064/F Erection of a new bungalow 26 St Edmund Weeting Weeting 1 1 0 Road 3PL/2008/0066/D Proposed dwelling and garage Plot 1 Norwich Yaxham Yaxham 1 1 0 Road 3PL/2008/0067/D Proposed dwelling and garage Plot 2 Norwich Yaxham Yaxham 1 1 0 Road 3PL/2008/0096/F Demolition of existing cottage and erection of new dwelling and Willow Cottage Foulsham Road Bintree 1 0 garage. Planning Description of proposed development Site Address 1 Site Address 2 Parish name Proposed Number Under Application Dwellings remaining Construction Reference 3PL/2008/0105/F Erection of dwelling & garage with access 5 Hargham Close Old Buckenham Old Buckenham 1 1 0

3PL/2008/0111/O Demolition of flat roof section of house & erection of attached 2 storey 3 Fen Folgate Shipdham Shipdham 1 1 0 dwelling 3PL/2008/0124/F Construction of 3no. Dwellings Site to rear of 1 Scarning Scarning 3 3 0 Dereham Road 3PL/2008/0126/F Erection of dwelling and attached garage Adjacent the Old Watton Road Ashill 1 1 0 School House 3PL/2008/0147/D Proposed New Dwelling 23 Park Lane Scarning Scarning 1 1 0 3PL/2008/0149/F Conversion of redundant church to dwelling Ashill Methodist Hale Road Ashill 1 1 0 Church 3PL/2008/0163/F Proposed conversion of agricultural buildings to form two dwellings Mount Pleasant Carbrooke Lane Shipdham 2 2 0 and associated garages. Farm 3PL/2008/0222/O Erection of 4 dwellings and garages Land to rear of Kings Road Dereham 4 4 0 Edovale 3PL/2008/0273/O Building plot (renewal) Building plot at Station Road Holme Hale 1 1 0 Bilmar 3PL/2008/0326/D New cottage-style dwelling & garage Land Adj Rose Weasenham Litcham 1 1 0 Cottage Road


Appendix 4: Paragraphs from Planning Policy Statement 3 mentioned in this assessment

Paragraph 7:

“On publication of this PPS, Local Planning Authorities will need to assess and demonstrate the extent to which existing plans already fulfil the requirement set out in this statement to identify and maintain a rolling five-year supply of deliverable land for housing, particularly in connection with making planning decisions (see paragraphs 68 to 74).”

Paragraph 54:

“Drawing on information from the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment and or other relevant evidence, Local Planning Authorities should identify sufficient specific deliverable sites to deliver housing in the first five years. To be considered deliverable, sites should, at the point of adoption of the relevant Local Development Document: – Be Available – the site is available now. – Be Suitable – the site offers a suitable location for development now and would contribute to the creation of sustainable, mixed communities. – Be Achievable – there is a reasonable prospect that housing will be delivered on the site within five years.”

Paragraph 69:

“In general, in deciding planning applications, Local Planning Authorities should have regard to: – Achieving high quality housing. – Ensuring developments achieve a good mix of housing reflecting the accommodation requirements of specific groups, in particular, families and older people. – The suitability of a site for housing, including its environmental sustainability. – Using land effectively and efficiently. – Ensuring the proposed development is in line with planning for housing objectives, reflecting the need and demand for housing in, and the spatial vision for, the area and does not undermine wider policy objectives eg addressing housing market renewal issues.”

Paragraph 71:

“Where Local Planning Authorities cannot demonstrate an up-to-date five year supply of deliverable sites, for example, where Local Development Documents have not been reviewed to take into account policies in this PPS or there is less than five years supply of deliverable sites, they should consider favourably planning applications for housing, having regard to the policies in this PPS including the considerations in paragraph 69.”

48 Agenda Item 9



REPORT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MANAGER (Author: Nick Moys, Principal Planning Officer (Major Projects))


Summary – This report concerns a planning application a new business park and alterations to the existing motor racing circuit at Snetterton. It is recommended that planning permission is granted subject to conditions.

1. INTRODUCTION This report concerns a hybrid planning permission for development at the Snetterton Motor Racing Circuit. Full permission is sought for alterations to the existing track layout. These alterations include a new infield loop and alterations to two corners at the western end of the circuit. Outline planning permission is sought for a new business park that would include a 50 bedroom hotel, conference centre (1,950m 2), retail showrooms (10,500m 2), offices (2,050m 2), light industrial/engineering units (8,100m 2), racing team units (6,070m 2) and a racing school (1,200m 2).

The application is supported by a number of technical reports, including a Design & Access Statement, Flood Risk Assessment, Transport Assessment, Noise Assessment, Sustainability Report, Ecological Assessment, Reptile Survey and a Contamination Desk Study Report.

The application site is located to the south of the A11 Snetterton Interchange and forms part of the established Snetterton Heath employment area. The site of the business park extends to 12.5 hectares and comprises mainly undeveloped grassland. The site is adjoined by the Sunday Market, the Motor Racing Circuit and other industrial/warehousing uses.

2. KEY DECISION This is not a key decision.

3. COUNCIL PRIORITIES The following Council priorities are relevant to this report: • A safe and healthy environment • A well planned place to live and work

4. CONSULTATIONS Snetterton Parish Council has raised no objection to the application. Comments have been made about the mix of proposed uses, traffic generation and employment creation.

Quidenham Parish Council has raised no objection to the application. Comments have been made about noise, traffic and power supply issues.

49 The Highway Authority has raised no objection to the application, subject to conditions requiring off-site highway improvements and the implementation of travel plan initiatives.

The Highways Agency has requested additional information in relation to traffic generation and sustainable transport options. Further comments are awaited in response to the additional information provided by the applicant.

The Environment Agency has raised no objection subject to conditions relating to drainage, pollution control, landscape management and wildlife protection.

Natural England has requested information about wildlife mitigation proposals.

Comments are awaited from the East of England Regional Assembly.

The Council’s Environmental Health Officer has requested that further information in respect of noise be provided.

At the time of writing, one letter of objection had been received from a local resident, raising concerns about noise problems associated with the racing circuit.

Prior to the submission of the application, consultation with local residents was undertaken by the applicant through a series of public meetings and exhibitions.

5. POLICY Relevant national planning policies are set out in PPS 1 Delivering Sustainable Development , PPS 6 Planning for Town Centres , PPS 7 Sustainable Development in Rural Areas , PPS 9 Biodiversity & Geological Conservation , PPG 4 Industrial, commercial development and small firms , PPG 13 Transport , and PPG 24 Planning and Noise .

At a regional level, the recently adopted East of England Plan (RSS) sets an employment growth target to 2021 for Breckland of 6,000 new jobs. Thetford and Norwich are identified as key centres for change, and the importance of the motor sport cluster focussed on Hethel is acknowledged.

Saved Local Plan Policy ECO.2 is directly relevant to the proposed development. Policy ECO.2 allocates land at Snetterton Heath for B1 light industrial, B2 business and B8 storage/distribution uses subject to criteria relating to landscape impact, access and traffic. The application site falls within the Snetterton Heath Employment Area, as defined in the Local Plan. Emerging policy in the draft Core Strategy identifies Snetterton as a strategic location for employment development.

6. ASSESSMENT The principal issues raised by the application concern: i) the extent to which the proposals would accord with relevant local and national planning policy, ii) noise, iii) traffic generation, and iv) the likely impact of the development on the rural landscape and local ecology.

Policy The proposed development would be generally consistent with RSS, saved Local Plan and emerging LDF policies relating to employment development at Snetterton Heath. The development would represent a significant investment in economic development in the area, and would create an estimated 500 new jobs. The

50 application site is the last significant area of underdeveloped land with the current employment allocation.

The proposed light industrial/engineering units, offices, motor racing team bases and racing school would accord with saved Local Plan Policy ECO.2, which allocates land at Snetterton for such business uses. The proposed hotel/conference centre and retail showrooms fall outside the remit of Policy ECO.2 and need to be considered in the context of national planning policy, principally as set out in PPS 6. National policy requires justification to be provided where ‘town centre’ uses, like hotels and retailing, are proposed outside established centres.

In support of the proposed hotel reference is made to the need for additional hotel accommodation in the locality, particularly for those attending race meetings at the adjacent circuit. It is considered that the proposed hotel would better meet this specific need than a similar facility located in any nearby centre, and would complement the enhanced circuit facilities and business park. Accordingly it is considered that the proposal is justified on the grounds of need and that the requirements of policy would be met.

The proposed retail showrooms are intended to be occupied by a range of specialist car and motorcycle dealerships from the high performance and motor sport related sectors. The intention is to offer an experience not available elsewhere in the UK by concentrating such uses is one place and by providing opportunities for potential customers to test drive vehicles on the adjacent motor racing circuit. Whilst retailing in this location would normally conflict with planning policy, given the specialist nature of the proposal and the synergy with the motor racing circuit and associated racing school and advanced engineering units, it is considered that a case can be made for the proposed showrooms, provided that adequate controls can be attached to the planning permission to regulate their use. Discussions with the applicant on this last point are on-going.

Noise Noise from racing and testing activities at Snetterton Circuit have given rise to significant local concerns in recent times. In response to a Noise Abatement Notice served by the Council in 2007, a Best Practical Means (BPM) statement was drawn up in order to control noise emissions to reasonable levels. This statement includes a number of controls on the hours and frequency of activities involving unsilenced vehicles and requires liaison with local residents. A further Abatement Notice served in January 2008 requires adherence to the BPM statement and the construction of noise bund at the eastern end of the circuit (for which planning permission was granted in May). Following further discussions with Environmental Health Officers, a draft Noise Management Plan for the Circuit has been produced by the applicant. The Plan proposes various measures to control noise from the Circuit.

A Noise Assessment submitted in support of the planning application considers the likely impact of the proposed circuit alterations on noise. The report concludes that, provided the current limit on the number of vehicles permitted to use the circuit at any on time is maintained, the proposals would not result in additional disturbance to local residents and may result in some beneficial effects. Following consultation with Environmental Health Officers, additional information about anticipated noise emissions has been requested. At the time of writing, this information was still awaited.

51 Highway safety Access to the proposed development would be gained off the A11 via the Snetterton Interchange and the Harling Road. A new roundabout access into the site is proposed onto Harling Road. The Transport Assessment submitted in support of the application concludes that the surrounding road network is adequate to cater for the traffic likely to be generated by the proposed development. Due to the relatively remote location of the site, opportunities for travel other by car are limited. However, it is considered that the potential for sustainable transport options should be explored further through the preparation of travel plans for the various elements of the proposal. Norfolk County Council, as local highway authority, has raised no objection to the application subject to conditions requiring the proposed junction improvements and the preparation/implementation of travel plans. Further comments are awaited from the Highways Agency.

Landscape impact/local ecology The application site, which is located within a gently undulating rural landscape, has many of the characteristics associated with former airfields, being flat, open and rather windswept. The site is not generally prominent in long or medium distance views, and it is not anticipated that the proposed development will have a significant visual impact on the wider landscape. Much of the development would be low and linear in form, echoing the character of the landscape, with only the hotel rising above two storeys to create a landmark building close to the site entrance. New landscaping around the perimeter of the site would further help to assimilate the development into its landscape setting. Although only in outline form the application is supported by indicative designs which demonstrate a commitment to high quality design.

Wildlife surveys undertaken have identified a population of common lizards within part of the area proposed for commercial developments. In order to mitigate the impact of the development it is proposed to translocate the lizard population to another part of the site which would be managed for its wildlife value. In response to concerns raised by the Environment Agency, additional information has been submitted to elaborate the proposed mitigation measures and to identify opportunities for further enhancement of biodiversity.

Other issues Information submitted in support of the application identifies a number of opportunities to incorporate sustainable construction measures, including on-site renewables, passive solar design, green building materials and sustainable drainage options. For developments of this sort, Policy ENG.1 of the East of England Plan requires 10 per cent of energy needs to be met on site. Discussions are on-going to establish how the applicant’s stated aspirations may be translated into measurable environmental performance standards, such as BREEAM ratings.

Conclusions The proposed development would represent a significant investment into the local economy and would be consistent with the general policy objective of promoting Snetterton as a strategic location for employment growth. The proposed business park would not result in any material harm to the character of the area or to local amenity. Adequate measures can be incorporated into the development to mitigate its likely impact on wildlife. Subject to further comments from the Highways Agency, it is considered that the development would be adequately served by the existing road network, whilst measures to improve the site entrance and to promote sustainable transport could be required by condition. The impact of noise from the existing motor racing circuit remains an issue of concern and further information is

52 currently awaited in order to enable the impact of the proposed business park and circuit alterations. It is currently anticipated that these matters are capable of satisfactory resolution subject to appropriate controls and restrictions being agreed.

7. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that planning permission is granted subject to conditions (to include matters relating to detailed design, noise, landscaping, wildlife mitigation, phasing, access/parking, travel plans, drainage, and sustainable construction).

53 Agenda Item 10



REPORT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MANAGER (Author: Sue Bloomfield: Planning Obligations Officer)



1. This report relates to two pieces of land (coloured red) on a development that was granted outline permission in 1987 to the applicants, and which was subject to a Section 106 Agreement and development brief that required the delivery of open space within the development.

2. These areas were provided under subsequent reserved matters applications, and were required in line with policy REC.2 of the Local Plan (Adopted September 1999), which was valid at the time of the applications and decisions.

3. The developments have now been completed for some time and the areas remain in the ownership of Bloor Homes, who have continued to maintain them. The adoption of the areas is imminent, however only the areas marked A and B were included within the site area on the original Section 106 Agreement.

4. In order that all of the areas shown on the attached plan can be adopted our Asset Management team require formal authorisation from Members that the two areas marked red can be included within the adoption.

5. Should these areas be adopted by the Council, commuted sums to the amount of £17,681.46 have been agreed for ongoing maintenance.

6. It is considered that these areas are important in terms of their amenity value not only to the residents of the development, but to residents of existing neighbouring developments.

7. RECOMMENDATION: That Members agree that the areas of public open space referred to should be adopted and maintained publicly in order to ensure their future retention and maintenance.




REFERENCE AND DETAILS OF APPLICATIONS MEETING DEVELOPMENT REASON FOR DEFERMENT FIRST SERVICES REPORTED MANAGER’S TO RECOMMENDATION 3PL/2007/1436/H: Swaffham: Proposed residential 26/11/2007 Deferral For signing of S106. development, Brandon Road: Gladedale Homes: Variation of S106 Agreement.

56 Agenda Item11 Agenda Item 12 BRECKLAND COUNCIL - DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE - 21-07-2008

Item Applicant Parish Reference No. No. 1 Executors of the late Mr K J H SCARNING 3PL/2008/0548/F 2 Ickburgh Estates Limited ICKBURGH 3PL/2008/0598/F 3 Motorsport Vision Ltd SNETTERTON 3PL/2008/0600/O 4 Mr G Patel SWAFFHAM 3PL/2008/0640/F 5 Mr T Saunderson BEACHAMWELL 3PL/2008/0759/F 6 Mr Irfan Kucuk SWAFFHAM 3PL/2008/0785/F 7 Mr Irfan Kucuk SWAFFHAM 3PL/2008/0786/LB 8 Co-Dunkall CASTON 3PL/2008/0816/F




REF NO: 3PL/2008/0548/F

Full LOCATION: SCARNING APPN TYPE: Kenmur POLICY: Out Settlemnt Bndry Podmore ALLOCATION: No Allocation

CONS AREA: N APPLICANT: Executors of the late Mr K J H c/o agent 6 Middlemarch Rd TPO: N

LB GRADE: N AGENT: dwa Planning 6 Middlemarch Road DEREHAM

PROPOSAL: Retention of bungalow without compliance with agricultural condition (resubmission)

KEY ISSUES Demonstration that there is no longer a need for agriculturally tied dwelling.

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT This application proposes the removal of the agricultural restriction attached in 1949 to this modest bungalow at Podmore, Scarning. The original occupier who lived in the bungalow died in 2004 and his relations wish the building to be sold at a normal market rate.

SITE AND LOCATION The application site of 0.1 ha is located off an unmade private track to the west of Podmore Lane and lies immediately adjacent to Riverside Farm.

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY 3PL/2008/0548/F - Retention of bungalow without complying with condition restricting the use of agricultural employee - Refusal

POLICY CONSIDERATIONS The following National Planning Guidance and/or Saved Policies of the Breckland Local Plan have been taken into consideration in the determination of this application: PPS7: Sustainable Development in Rural Areas





ASSESSMENT NOTES * This application is a resubmission of an application considered by the Development Control Committee on the 2nd April 2007. * The application was refused for the following reason: It is the opinion of the Council that in the absence of a suitable marketing campaign the applicant has failed to demonstrate that there is no longer a need for such premises in the locality. * The 12 month advertising campaign has been carried out with respect to the dwelling and evidence has been submitted detailing the number of details sent out and the dates on which the property was advertised. * The campaign has been unsuccessful in securing a buyer who is able to satisfy the agricultural restriction. * The building has now been appropriately marketed and it is considered that it has been satisfactorily demonstrated that there is no longer a need locally for such premises in the locality. * The previous reason for refusal has therefore been overcome. * Approval is therefore recommended.

RECOMMENDATION Planning Permission


3998 NOTE: Reasons for Approval




REF NO: 3PL/2008/0598/F

Full LOCATION: ICKBURGH APPN TYPE: Ickburgh Estates POLICY: Out Settlemnt Bndry Foulden Road ALLOCATION: No Allocation

CONS AREA: N APPLICANT: Ickburgh Estates Limited Beechurst Commercial Road TPO: N

LB GRADE: N AGENT: Brown & Co Angel Corner 8 Angel Hill

PROPOSAL: Erection of two agricultural buildings

KEY ISSUES 1. Outside settlement boundary. 2. Need for the development. 3. Visual impact on rural area/landscape.

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT The proposal is for the erection of two agricultural buildings: (a) an agricultural general purpose store (incorporating a farm workshop, machinery store and office) (b) a grainstore.

SITE AND LOCATION The application site comprises farmland located west of the A1065 Swaffham Road. Access is via an existing internal farm road, off the public highway (Foulden Road, Ickburgh/ Road, Didlington).

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY No relevant site history



POLICY CONSIDERATIONS The following National Planning Guidance and/or Saved Policies of the Breckland Local Plan have been taken into consideration in the determination of this application: National Policy Guidance PPS1 - Delivering Sustainable Development PPS7 - Sustainable Development in Rural Areas PPG13 - Transport

Local Plan Policy TRA.5 - Highway Safety


PARISH COUNCIL - No response at time of writing report

NATURAL ENGLAND - No objection subject to condition that construction work take place outside of the nesting season (April to August inclusive) in case any stone curlews are nesting on the land

NORFOLK WILDLIFE TRUST - No response at time of writing report

COUNCIL'S TREE AND COUNTRYSIDE OFFICER - No objection provided that the exterior of the buildings is finished in forest green and a hedge/tree planting scheme is agreed prior to commencement of development





ASSESSMENT NOTES * The proposal is referred to Development Control Committee as this is a major application. * The site is outside the settlement boundary of the village of Ickburgh and close to the Breckland Farmland Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) * The proposal is for the erection of two new agricultural buildings * A 24.38 m x 18.28 m portal frame building proposed to be the new farm workshop/general purpose store and fertiliser store with an integrated portal frame lean-to 12.19 m x 6.09 m providing a farm office and welfare facilities * A 45 m x 22 m portal frame building with under floor drying facilities * An agricultural buildings appraisal accompanies the application together with design and access statement * The agricultural business comprises a range of traditional combinable crops (winter wheat, winter barley and spring barley) and cereals grown for seed and the production of free range ducks and pigs * Ickburgh Estate Limited currently occupy 393 hectares, of which 291 hectares are owned and the remainder rented under two Farm Business Tenancy Agreements * The applicants state the existing agricultural buildings associated with the arable enterprise on the holding are limited to a former (World War II) aircraft hangar measuring 67 m x 28 m, it is considered unsuitable for a farming enterprise of this scale and fails to meet with the required Farm Assurance standards for grain storage * Access to the site is via an existing internal farm road, off the public Highway which leads to the existing farm buildings known as Dance Halls Farm * The site for the development is central to the cropped area of the holding, having taken into account both the general cropping pattern on the farm and the boundaries of the Breckland SSSI * The need for the development is accepted and it is considered that subject to conditions to include satisfactory hedge/tree planting to be agreed and implemented and a condition requiring that the buildings are finished in forest green to mitigate against and minimise the visual impact of the proposed buildings on the landscape that the proposed development is acceptable in planning policy terms and may therefore be approved * Approval is recommended subject to conditions

RECOMMENDATION Planning Permission


3007 Full Permission Time Limit (3 years) 3046 In accordance with submitted plans 3920 Landscaping Scheme 3413 Indicated landscaping to be implemented 3920 External finish to be forest green 3920 Construction work outside nesting season 3740 Vehicular access 3740 Ancillary to existing 3998 NOTE: Reasons for Approval 4000 Saved Local Plan Policies




REF NO: 3PL/2008/0600/O

Outline LOCATION: SNETTERTON APPN TYPE: Motorsport Vision Ltd POLICY: Out Settlemnt Bndry Snetterton Circuit ALLOCATION: Prop. Alloc. for Emp Harling Road CONS AREA: N APPLICANT: Motorsport Vision Ltd The Old Post Office Worthing Road TPO: N

LB GRADE: N AGENT: Bidwells 16 Upper King Street Norwich

PROPOSAL: Erection of hotel, conference facilities, offices and engineering/light industrial units for race school CONSULTATIONS

RECOMMENDATION Outline Planning Permission





REF NO: 3PL/2008/0640/F

Full LOCATION: SWAFFHAM APPN TYPE: Turbine Way POLICY: In Settlemnt Bndry ALLOCATION: P P for Employment

CONS AREA: N APPLICANT: Mr G Patel Alpha Care Services 154a Dereham Road TPO: N

LB GRADE: N AGENT: Feilden & Mawson 1 Ferry Road Norwich

PROPOSAL: Light industrial units for commercial use, new build

KEY ISSUES 1. Layout. 2. Landscaping. 3. Design.

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT A development of 7 commercial units is proposed. The total gross floorspace would be 1115 sq.m. The units would be for light industrial use. The units, which would be grouped around a central courtyard, would be of a contemporary design.

SITE AND LOCATION The site comprises a rectangular parcel of vacant land on the Ecotech Business Park which extends to 0.3 hectare. The site is adjoined by other commercial developments. The site is bounded on three sides by established hedgerows and landscaping.

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY No relevant site history

POLICY CONSIDERATIONS The following National Planning Guidance and/or Saved Policies of the Breckland Local Plan have been taken into consideration in the determination of this application: PPS1: Delivering Sustainable Development PPG4: Industrial, Commercial Development and Small Firms




HIGHWAY AUTHORITY - No objection subject to conditions.

THE COUNCIL'S TREE & COUNTRYSIDE OFFICER - Concerns raised about the impact of the development on existing boundary hedgerows.

THE COUNCIL'S CONTAMINATED LAND OFFICER - No objection subject to conditions.

NORFOLK POLICE - Suggested some revisions to the proposed boundary fencing.


ASSESSMENT NOTES * The proposal is referred to Development Control Committee as this is a major application. * The proposed development is considered to be acceptable in principle. The proposed use would be compatible with the surrounding area and make good use of an area of vacant land. * The design of the proposed development is also considered to be acceptable. * Concerns have been raised about the impact of the development on existing boundary hedgerows and landscaping. On two sides, the site is bounded by established boundary hedges, which mark the perimeter of the business park. Hedging and trees on the road frontage forms part of the strategic landscaping for the business park. In order to ensure that existing landscaping is retained, revisions to the proposed site layout have been sought to ensure that adequate space between hedging and buildings is maintained. Negotiations on this matter are currently on-going.

RECOMMENDATION Planning Permission


3007 Full Permission Time Limit (3 years) 3046 In accordance with submitted plans 3106 External materials and samples to be approved 3412 Trees/hedges to be retained 3402 Boundary screening to be agreed 3404 Surfacing of parking etc-details and construction 3720 Provide access and parking 3802 Precise details of surface water disposal 3998 NOTE: Reasons for Approval




REF NO: 3PL/2008/0759/F

Full LOCATION: BEACHAMWELL APPN TYPE: St. Johns Farm POLICY: Out Settlemnt Bndry ALLOCATION: No Allocation

CONS AREA: Y APPLICANT: Mr T Saunderson D H Saunderson & Son Ltd St Johns Far TPO: N

LB GRADE: N AGENT: David Trundley Design Services Salgate Barn Islington Road

PROPOSAL: Proposed agricultural storage building

KEY ISSUES 1. Outside settlement boundary. 2. Need for the development. 3. Visual impact on rural area/landscape. 4. Whether development would preserve or enhance conservation area.

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT The proposal is for the erection of an agricultural building for the storage of agricultural products and agricultural machinery

SITE AND LOCATION St Johns Farm is an arable farm located on the outskirts of Beachamwell to the west of the existing feeder roadway. The site is north of the existing farmhouse and a range of single storey brick built and clad farm buildings and the farm comprises a large acreage of arable land

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY No relevant site history



POLICY CONSIDERATIONS The following National Planning Guidance and/or Saved Policies of the Breckland Local Plan have been taken into consideration in the determination of this application: National Policy Guidance PPS1 - Delivering Sustainable Development PPS7 - Sustainable Development in Rural Areas PPG13 - Transport PPG15 - Historic Environment

Local Plan Policy TRA.5 - Highway Safety

CONSULTATIONS BEACHAMWELL P C No objection HIGHWAY AUTHORITY - No objections subject to a condition requiring the building to remain ancillary to the site's existing agricultural activities

PARISH COUNCIL - No objection

ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - No response at time of writing

COUNCIL'S TREE AND COUNTRYSIDE OFFICER - Comments as follows: Large building more akin to industrial rather than rural activity suggests removing existing buildings as a condition of consent.

COUNCIL'S HISTORIC BUILDINGS OFFICER - Agrees with comment of Tree and Countryside Officer as above.




ASSESSMENT NOTES * The proposal is referred to Development Control Committee as the application is a major application. * The site is outside the settlement boundary of the village of Beachamwell and within Beachamwell Conservation Area. * The proposal is for the erection of a new agricultural building. The proposed building would measure 23 m in width by 51 m in length to a height of 7 m to eaves. * The site is surrounded on three sides by mature trees. * The reason for the proposal is that although there are a number of buildings on site that have been used for grain storage and machinery storage previously these are now becoming inefficient to use due to their size and construction especially when compared to the size of modern day agricultural machinery. * The new building would provide a modern building of adequate height and footprint to be used as a bulk grain store and for the storage of agricultural machinery, the colours of the external cladding have been chosen to blend in with the trees/natural hedging in the area. * The proposal involves the removal of three small trees. New tree planting is proposed comprising new oak and birch trees in the line of trees along the roadway and new walnut trees to be planted parallel to the eastern wall of the new building to reduce the visual impact of the proposed building from the public highway. * Access to the site would be from the existing public highway along the internal farm roadway which is proposed to be upgraded and extended up to the south gable of the new building in concrete paving to serve existing Barn A and the new building. * Following the concerns raised by both the Council's Tree and Countryside Officer and the Council's Historic Buildings Officer the proposed building has been reduced in size and the design amended to better reflect the rural context. * The applicant states that the new facility is not intended as a replacement for the existing building. The existing building will be utilised for the storage of small farm machinery which is currently stored to the east of the site in disused dilapidated cattle stores. * The proposed development is considered acceptable in planning policy terms and may therefore be approved subject to conditions. * Approval is recommended subject to the following conditions.

RECOMMENDATION Planning Permission


3007 Full Permission Time Limit (3 years) 3046 In accordance with submitted plans 3413 Indicated landscaping to be implemented 3740 Vehicular access 3740 Solely ancillary to existing 3998 NOTE: Reasons for Approval




REF NO: 3PL/2008/0785/F

Full LOCATION: SWAFFHAM APPN TYPE: 17-19 Station Street POLICY: In Settlemnt Bndry ALLOCATION: No Allocation

CONS AREA: Y APPLICANT: Mr Irfan Kucuk 37 Suffolk Road Tottenham TPO: N

LB GRADE: Grade II AGENT: Swaffham Architectural Ltd Thurne House Shouldham Lane

PROPOSAL: Change of use from A1 (shop) to A3 (restaurant) and A5 (hot food takeaway)

KEY ISSUES 1. Impact on residential amenity. 2. Highway safety. 3. Impact on listed building. 4. Impact on conservation area.

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT The application seeks full planning permission for the change of use from A1 (shop) to A3 (restaurant) and A5 (hot food takeaway).

SITE AND LOCATION The site is located on the east side of Station Street (A1065) north of its junction with Mangate Street. The site is within the settlement boundary and within Swaffham Conservation Area. The building is a Grade II Listed Building.

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY Planning permission was granted under reference 3PL/2004/0738/LB for alterations - changing existing windows.



POLICY CONSIDERATIONS The following National Planning Guidance and/or Saved Policies of the Breckland Local Plan have been taken into consideration in the determination of this application: PPS1 : Delivering Sustainable Development PPG6: Planning for town centres PPG15: Planning and the Historic Environment.

CONSULTATIONS SWAFFHAM TOWN COUNCIL Objection:- Swaffham Town Council object to this application on grounds of further parking problems in Station Street and disruption to neighbours. Should Breckland agree this application Swaffham Town Council would like the planning authority to make sure there is a set time limit on the closing times as this could cause disruption to neighbours. HIGHWAYS AUTHORITY - No objection given that the proposal is located close to the town centre and that there is sufficient parking away from the site.

ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING - This application is for the change of use of an A1 shop unit to an A3 restaurant and A5 takeaway. There are currently no saved policies from the adopted Local Plan that are relevant to this application at this time, nor any clear guidance contained within Planning Policy Statement 6: Planning for town centres that would justify an objection to the proposal.


COUNCIL'S ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER - Recommend approval subject to conditions

COUNCIL'S HISTORIC BUILDINGS OFFICER - No objection subject to conditions.

REPRESENTATIONS Numerous representations have been from local residents. The concerns raised are summarised below: * will exacerbate existing anti-social behaviour/crime and disorder in the area * noise * odour * lack of parking provision * highway safety * already three takeaway units in Station Street * litter * impact on property values * blocking of driveway by delivery vehicles * use will fail to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area A petition has also been received containing 34 signatures from residents of Station Street, Northwell Pool Road and Northwell place. Reasons for objection: Vehicles parking on double yellow lines, restricted parking and parking on pavement.



ASSESSMENT NOTES * The proposal is referred to Development Control Committee at the request of the Ward Representative. This application should be read in conjunction with 3PL/2008/0786/LB also on this agenda. * The premises are currently empty. Previous uses include fancy dress shop and arts and craft shop. There is a residential flat above. * The application seeks planning permission for change of use in order to change from a shop to a restaurant and take-away. * The only external alterations currently being applied for are the fitting of an internal extractor fan discharging to the rear courtyard via a vertical flue and a mechanical fan also discharging through the kitchen into the courtyard * Car parking for patrons will be as for previous shop use, using nearby off-street parking and town centre parking areas. * Given that there are already similar uses in Station Street, that there is no objection to the principle of such a change of use in policy terms and that no objections have been raised from either the Police Liaison Officer or the Council's Environmental Health Department subject to conditions including restriction of opening hours (Sun - Thurs 11am - 11 pm and Fri & Sat 11am - midnight) or County Highways it is considered that the proposal is acceptable in planning policy terms and that there are no other material considerations which would justify a refusal of planning permission which could be substantiated on appeal.

RECOMMENDATION Planning Permission


3007 Full Permission Time Limit (3 years) 3046 In accordance with submitted plans 3920 Restriction of opening hours 3920 Grease trap to be installed & reg. insp./maintained 3920 Prior to commencement full details of extract system 3920 No further generators, compressor, air cond. 3920 Details of storage of waste food/oils to be submitted 3994 Note: Solely to change of use & details submitted 3998 NOTE: Reasons for Approval




REF NO: 3PL/2008/0786/LB

Listed Build Consent LOCATION: SWAFFHAM APPN TYPE: 17-19 Station Street POLICY: In Settlemnt Bndry ALLOCATION: No Allocation

CONS AREA: Y APPLICANT: Mr Irfan Kucuk 37 Suffolk Road Tottenham TPO: N

LB GRADE: Grade II AGENT: Swaffham Architectural Ltd Thurne House Shouldham Lane

PROPOSAL: Internal & external alts to faciltate the change of use from A1 (shop) to A3 (restaurant) & A5 (takeaway)

KEY ISSUES Impact on listed building.

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT The application seeks listed building consent for internal and external alterations to facilitate the change of use from A1 (shop) to A3 (restaurant) and A5 (hot food takeaway).

SITE AND LOCATION The site is located on the east side of Station Street (A1065) north of its junction with Mangate Street. The site is within the settlement boundary and within Swaffham Conservation Area. The building is a Grade II Listed Building.

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY Planning permission was granted under reference 3PL/2004/0738/LB for alterations - changing existing windows.

POLICY CONSIDERATIONS The following National Planning Guidance and/or Saved Policies of the Breckland Local Plan have been taken into consideration in the determination of this application: PPS1 : Delivering Sustainable Development PPG15: Planning and the Historic Environment



CONSULTATIONS SWAFFHAM TOWN COUNCIL Objection:- Swaffham Town Council object to this application on grounds of further parking problems in Station Street and disruption to neighbours. Should Breckland agree this application Swaffham Town Council would like the planning authority to make sure there is a set time limit on the closing times as this could cause disruption to neighbours. COUNCIL'S HISTORIC BUILDINGS OFFICER - No objection subject to conditions.

REPRESENTATIONS Numerous representations have been from local residents. The concerns raised are summarised below:

* will exacerbate existing anti-social behaviour/crime and disorder in the area * noise * odour * lack of parking provision * highway safety * already three takeaway units in Station Street * litter * impact on property values * blocking of driveway by delivery vehicles * use will fail to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area

A petition has also been received containing 34 signatures from residents of Station Street, Northwell Pool Road and Northwell place. Reasons for objection: Vehicles parking on double yellow lines, restricted parking and parking on pavement.



ASSESSMENT NOTES * The proposal is referred to Development Control Committee at the request of the Ward Representative. This application should be read in conjunction with 3PL/2008/0785/F also on this agenda. * The premises are currently empty. Previous uses include fancy dress shop and arts and craft shop, there is a residential flat above. * The application seeks listed building consent for alterations to facilitate the change of use from A1 (shop) to A3 (restaurant) and A5 (hot food takeaway). * The only external alterations currently being applied for are the fitting of an internal extractor fan discharging to the rear courtyard via a vertical flue and a mechanical fan also discharging through the kitchen into the courtyard. * Internal alterations proposed will be principally redecorating walls and ceilings and provision of new floor surfaces and the fitting of a counter in the take-away room. * The provision of a second public toilet/hand basin in the existing shower room. * The Council's Historic Buildings Officer raises no objection to the proposed alterations as submitted. * Approval of listed building consent is therefore recommended subject to conditions.

RECOMMENDATION Listed Building Consent


3009 Listed Building Consent - Time Limit (3 years) 3046 In accordance with submitted plans




REF NO: 3PL/2008/0816/F

Full LOCATION: CASTON APPN TYPE: Site off Dukes Lane POLICY: In Settlemnt Bndry ALLOCATION: No Allocation

CONS AREA: Y APPLICANT: Co-Dunkall Hogweed House Dukes Lane TPO: N

LB GRADE: N AGENT: ADM Architectural Services Ltd Flint Cottage Shropham Road

PROPOSAL: Proposed new 2 storey dwelling with garage

KEY ISSUES 1. Within settlement boundary. 2. Whether development will preserve or enhance the conservation area. 3. Whether development will enhance form and character of the village and its setting. 4. Neighbour amenity. 5. Flood risk. 6. Drainage.

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT The proposal is for full planning permission for a two storey dwelling with garage.

SITE AND LOCATION The application site is located on the north side of Dukes Lane to the east of the property known as "Rundle House" and formerly garden area in association with this property.



RELEVANT SITE HISTORY 3PL/2008/0119/F - One and a half storey dwelling with garage - Refused 3PL/2003/0030/O - Small domestic dwelling - Refused - Dismissed on appeal 3PL/2002/0947/F - New detached dwelling - Refused 3PL/2000/1519/F - Erection of house and garage - Refused 3PL/1996/0441/F - Erection of house and garage - Refused - Dismissed on appeal 3PL/1990/1477/F - Proposed four bedroom dwelling - Refused - Dismissed on appeal 3PL/1989/1051/F - Erection of 4 bed dwelling - Refused 3PL/1989/0300/F - Proposed 4 bed house - Refused 3PL/1988/1395/O - Erection of a dwelling - Refused 3PL/1987/1533/F - 2 No. 4 bedroom houses - Approved 3PL/1986/1547/F - Erection of two dwellings - Approved 3PL/1984/1444/O - Erection of two dwellings - Approved

POLICY CONSIDERATIONS The following National Planning Guidance and/or Saved Policies of the Breckland Local Plan have been taken into consideration in the determination of this application: PPG15: Planning and the Historic Environment HOU.4 Within the Settlement Boundaries of villages identified for Individual dwellings or small groups of housing, development will be permitted where it will enhance the form, character and setting of the village.

CONSULTATIONS CASTON P C Comments to be presented verbally at the meeting. NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL HIGHWAYS - No objection subject to conditions

COUNCIL'S CONTAMINATED LAND OFFICER - No objection subject to condition

COUNCIL'S HISTORIC BUILDINGS OFFICER - No objection - Given the immediate context and the minimal visual impact on the surrounding area

COUNCIL'S TREE AND COUNTRYSIDE OFFICER - No objection subject to conditions

COUNCIL'S ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER - No objections providing flood mitigation measures outlined in 4.0 of the Flood Risk Assessment 13818, prepared by the applicant by Plandecil Ltd are carried into effect

NATURAL ENGLAND - No response at time of writing. However, no objections raised to previous application

ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - No objection subject to conditions



REPRESENTATIONS Two letters raising the following concerns: That the proposed dwelling would be small, cramped and of lower quality than previous design and would therefore not conserve the property values of the area. * Impact on privacy * Site is fronted by vole run in vicinity of the pond and other identified protected species, eg kingfisher, barn and owl.

ASSESSMENT NOTES * The proposal is referred to Development Control Committee as the application site has a history of refusals and is locally sensitive. Three of the previous refusals have been the subject of appeals which were dismissed, two of these pre-date the adoption of the Breckland District Local Plan 1999 * In the latest dismissed appeal in 2003 the Inspector stated "I would not rule out development of the land on the basis of it possessing inherent qualities as open space or for its contribution to the setting of the village" but felt that a "suburban built up appearance should be avoided". * A previous application for a one and a half storey dwelling was refused by Members contrary to the officer's recommendation at the development control committee held on the 7th April 2008. * Members concerns were that the footprint of the proposed dwelling was too large for the site and with regard to the impact of the proposed garage in the front garden. * The application proposes a two storey dwelling comprising two elements: * a principal gabled element providing dining/lounge at ground floor level with three bedrooms and bathroom above; * with a secondary element set back from the principal element and comprising utility/kitchen at ground floor with further bedroom and en-suite above. * The footprint of the proposed dwelling is significantly reduced from that previously considered and the proposed dwelling would be significantly lower in height than adjacent dwellings. * The adjacent dwellings are of a modern appearance with large double garages in front * The proposed garage is set 6m further back into the plot and has been redesigned. * Proposed materials for the dwelling include random flint noble with brick quoins clay pantiles and brickwork to be agreed with the Local Planning Authority. For the garage black stained featheredge weatherboard and clay pantiles are proposed. * The potential for overlooking has been addressed by the proposal. The only windows above first floor level would be an en-suite window on the east elevation and a bathroom window on the west elevation both of which would be obscure glazed. * Established hedges form the east, west boundaries and there is established hedging along the road frontage each side of the entrance. * The Council's Historic Buildings Officer raises no objection having regard to the immediate context and the minimal visual impact on the surrounding area and subject to conditions. * The proposed dwelling is considered acceptable in terms of its design and appearance and that, if approved, it would not be significantly detrimental to the character and appearance of the conservation area sufficient to warrant a refusal. * Approval is recommended subject to conditions.



RECOMMENDATION Planning Permission


3007 Full Permission Time Limit (3 years) 3046 In accordance with submitted plans 3106 External materials and samples to be approved 3109 Flint work panel to be approved 3740 Access/on site parking to be provided 3414 Fencing protection for existing trees 3415 Trees and hedges 3920 Flood Risk assessment 3920 Finished floor levels set at a minimum of 40.76m AOD 3920 Flood Resilient Construction 3920 Surface Water Drainage 3943 If contamination found during development 3998 NOTE: Reasons for Approval:Planning & Historic Environment 4000 Saved Local Plan Policies: Enhance form, character & setting





1. SAHAM TONEY – MRS ROBISON, DEVELOPMENT AT LAND ADJACENT THE MILL, OVINGTON ROAD (2006/0074) Enforcement action authorised 20 February 2006 to ensure the turning area is provided as required as part of the planning permission. Instructions to serve Enforcement Notice sent to Steeles 7 April 2006. Requisitions for information have been served, additional time allowed to return Requisitions. Enforcement Notice served 22 May 2006, effective from 1 July 2006, has until 1 October 2006 to comply. Appeals lodged by applicants. Appeal upheld by Inspector, have until 21 September 2007 to comply. Further appeal made against Inspector's decision to the High Court.

2. ROUDHAM – RACKHAM, CAMP FARM (2006/0115) Planning application for change of use of units withdrawn 13 March 2006, enforcement action authorised to secure all unauthorised uses on site. Instructions to serve Enforcement Notice sent to Steeles 7 April 2006. Enforcement Notice served 19 July 2006, has until 1 December 2006 to comply. Appeal submitted 4 October 2006. Appeal dismissed, has until 24 September 2008 to comply .

3. BYLAUGH – MR S VINCE, BYLAUGH HALL (2006/0306) Enforcement action authorised by Development Control Committee on 3 July 2006 regarding breach of conditions on applications 3PL/2004/0093/F and 3PL/2004/0094/LB. Instructions to serve Breach of Condition Notice sent to Steeles 21 July 2006. Letter sent from Steeles 12 September outlining requirements and giving 4 weeks in which to submit details. Further negotiation with Mr Vince ongoing, additional time allowed to comply with highway requirements. Instructions to serve Breach of Condition Notice sent to Norfolk County Council on 20 March 2008.

4. BEESTON – MR J OGLIVY, WATERY LANE (2006/0338) Enforcement action authorised by Development Control Committee on 5 June 2006 for the cessation of the residential use of the land. Enforcement Notice served 16 October 2006, effective from 27 November 2006, has until 27 March 2007 to comply. Applications for barn and the residential caravan withdrawn, further application to incorporate both on one application to be submitted by 6 November 2006. New application submitted 6 November 2006, reference number 3PL/2006/1653/F. Application refused, appeal submitted. Appeal against barn upheld, planning permission granted 31 July 2007. Appeal dismissed against mobile home, further application pending. New planning application submitted for the stationing of a caravan.

5. BAWDESWELL – MRS VINCE, WOOD FARM, REEPHAM ROAD (2006/0536) Unauthorised demolition and re-building of outbuildings without the necessary benefit of consent. Instructions to serve Enforcement Notice sent to Steeles 1 November 2006. Requisitions for information served 3 November 2006, replies awaited. Enforcement Notice served 9 February 2007, effective from 23 March 2007, has until 23 May 2007 to comply. Appeals submitted. Appeal dismissed, compliance of Notice by 3 June 2008. New planning application submitted 3PL/2008/0258/F for retention of part of building for storage. Planning permission granted 02 June 2008.

79 6. CARBROOKE – MR LOND-CAULK, OLD CARBROOKE STORES, BROADMOOR ROAD (2006/0544) Unauthorised conversion of workshop/store to residential unit. Enforcement action authorised 3 July 2006 to ensure that the workshop/store is reverted back to its original size and not used as a residential unit. Instructions to serve Enforcement Notice sent to Steeles 20 March 2007 . Enforcement Notice served 30 May 2007, effective from 11 July, has until 11 October 2007 to comply. New application submitted for re-development of site to provide village shop with flat above and parking space, reference 3PL/2007/0792/CU. Appeal against Enforcement Notice refused by Planning Inspectorate as was not submitted before effective date of Notice. Appeal submitted against planning refusal. Appeal dismissed, compliance of Notice by 22 July 2008.

7. LYNG – MRS HARRIS, WRONGS COVERT, LYNG EASTAUGH (2006/0589) Retrospective application for environmental study centre for children with special needs and warden accommodation refused by Development Control Committee on 6 November 2006. Enforcement action authorised to secure the removal of unauthorised structures on site but owner be given 12 month period to comply. Instructions to serve Enforcement Notice sent to Steeles 22 January 2007. Enforcement Notices served 11 May 2007, effective from 22 June 2007, has until 22 June 2008 to comply. Appeal submitted against enforcement notice. Appeal dismissed, has until 22 June 2008 to comply. New planning application submitted.

8. BEESTON – C W UTTING & SON, PUNCH FARM (2006/0627) Retrospective application for storage building refused. Enforcement action authorised by Development Control Committee on 04/12/2006 to secure the unauthorised use. Instructions to serve Enforcement Notice sent to Steeles 11 January 2007. Enforcement notice served 2 March 2007, effective from 13 April 2007, has until 13 October 2007 to comply with requirements. Appeal submitted. Appeal dismissed has until 4 August 2008 to comply.

9. OVINGTON – TRADITIONAL NORFOLK POULTRY, ROSE FARM (2006/0628) Retrospective application (refused). Enforcement action authorised to secure the cessation of the unauthorised use by Development Control Committee on 04/12/2006. Instructions to serve Enforcement Notice sent to Steeles 11 January 2007. Enforcement notice served 26 February 2007, effective from 9 April 2007, has until 9 August 2007 to comply. Appeal submitted. Appeal dismissed has until 11 August 2008 to comply.

10. THETFORD – MS J A MOUNTJOY-ROOST, 44 EARLS STREET (2007/0447) Unauthorised UPVC door and windows in Listed Building. Instructions to serve Enforcement Notice sent to Steeles 14 September 2007. Enforcement Notice served 25 th October 2007, effective from 6 th December 2007, has until 6 th December 2008 to comply. Appeal submitted 4 December 2007.

11. ATTLEBOROUGH – MR HOLBROOK, SWANGEY FARM, SWANGEY LANE, (2008/0011) Retrospective planning application for retention of existing two-storey garage building and use of first floor as one bedroom annexe accommodation refused. Development Control Committee authorised enforcement action to re-instate the building to the original plans. Instructions to serve Enforcement Notice sent to Steeles 17 January 2007. Enforcement Notice served has until 2 October 2008 to comply. Appeal submitted 1 April 2008.

80 12. – MR S MOZUMBER, CANNISTER HALL (2008/0120) Unauthorised works to Listed Building taking place not in accordance with approved scheme. Instructions to serve Listed Building Enforcement Notice sent to Norfolk County Council 10 April 2008

13. ATTLEBOROUGH – MR & MRS JONES, LEYS LANE (2008/0190/CAS) Unauthorised scrap/vehicles taking place on a parcel of agricultural land. Instructions sent to Norfolk County Council 12 June 2008.

81 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL Agenda Item 14 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2007/1999/F Mr M Green DEREHAM Alteration to four The Old Guildhall residential units St Withburga Lane

3PL/2007/2016/F Mr & Mrs S & K Drew BEESTON Extend existing dwelling with Chandlers Ford a study & cloakroom, also Dereham Road ensuite & wardrobe to bedroom

3PL/2008/0160/F Mr Ray Laws WATTON Replacement dwelling AND CARBROOKE Meadow View

3PL/2008/0217/F Mr & Mrs G Rowland BLO' NORTON Part conversion of Manor Farm outbuildings into ancillary Redgrave Road accommodation with small extension

3PL/2008/0258/F S Vince Esq BAWDESWELL Change of use of agricultural Wood Farm land to garden and retention Reepham Road of part of building for vehicle storage

3PL/2008/0298/F Gressingham Foods Proposed agricultural Wood Lane straw barn

3PL/2008/0358/F Majestic Homes (Norfolk) Ltd SPARHAM Demolition of existing Amberlea bungalow & the erection of Whitwell Road two new houses and garages

3PL/2008/0401/F Mr B Ripper SWAFFHAM Erection of terrace of 3 no. Chiffchaff cottages and double garage 19 Lynn Road for 19 Lynn Road

82 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0469/F Dr N Chirodian NEW BUCKENHAM The reinstatement of pitched The Grange roof over the bay window Moat Lane

3PL/2008/0525/F Mr Trappes -Lomax HOCKHAM Conversion of barn to Adjacent Manor Farm single dwelling

3PL/2008/0521/F S Richards NORTH LOPHAM Erection of new dwelling & Portacabin garage & retention of land adj. Willow Farm temporary accommodation

3PL/2008/0520/F D Burton Esq OLD BUCKENHAM Conversion of barns to Barns at Amberley single dwelling The Green

3PL/2008/0516/F Mr D Ozcan ATTLEBOROUGH Extension to shop storage Quick Stop Church Street

3PL/2008/0514/F Mr Robert Smith ATTLEBOROUGH Refurbishment and extension The Bungalow to rear of bungalow The Drift

3PL/2008/0513/F Mr Roy Sykes SHIPDHAM Erection of hay/implement Pond Cottage storage building Little Hale Road

3PL/2008/0508/O T R Scott Properties GRISTON Erection of 4 no. The Hollies dwellings and garages Church Road

83 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0501/F Mrs M J Cole BLO' NORTON New access Saddlers Cottage The Street

3PL/2008/0498/D Benjamin James FRANSHAM Erection of 4 no. dwellings The Fransham Motor and garages together with Company ancillary works Main A47

3PL/2008/0583/F Mr & Mrs Goodwin GARBOLDISHAM Lean to conservatory The Beeches Water Lane

3PL/2008/0581/F David Gittens COLKIRK Erection of single storey St Lucia workshop School Road

3PL/2008/0577/F Norfolk Mouldings Ltd MILEHAM Replacement of dust Adj. Padgetts Farm extraction equipment with Beeston Road additional wood-dust fuelled space heating plant

3PL/2008/0571/F Mr Luc D'Iorio FOULDEN Erection of greenhouse on 13 School Road north-westerly corner of small agricultural holding

3PL/2008/0570/F Mr N Rogers LYNG Extension to cottage Balaclava Cottage The Street

3PL/2008/0569/F Mr & Mrs A Bass LONGHAM Proposed stabling & Fox Burrow Barn agricultural building

84 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0568/F Mr & Mrs A Bass LONGHAM Proposed alterations to Fox Burrow Barn existing recently converted barn

3PL/2008/0567/O Mrs M Watts WATTON Erection of 2no. bungalows 3 St Marys Close & attached garages

3PL/2008/0566/F Mr & Mrs Pointer OLD BUCKENHAM Proposed double garage The Grange Mill Road

3PL/2008/0565/F Mr & Mrs N Baldry ROCKLANDS Garage and stores to rear Bethel of property 6 Chapel Street

3PL/2008/0563/F Mr & Mrs Dawson THOMPSON New conservatory The Thistle Marlpit Road

3PL/2008/0557/F Mr S Childerhouse ASHILL Demolition of outbuildings & Bittern Cottage erection of single storey rear 16 Hale Road addition

3PL/2008/0554/F Mr & Mrs S Pitkethly GRESSENHALL Proposed dwelling Plot 1 Bittering Street

3PL/2008/0544/F Mrs A Knapp DIDLINGTON Extension to existing Park House dwellinghouse

85 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0542/F Mrs Kim Walker OVINGTON Extensions to property 6 Crown Crescent

3PL/2008/0537/F Mrs Laura Handford BESTHORPE New 2 storey 3 bed house Land off Norwich Road with integral garage

3PL/2008/0535/F Mr Ben Knights COCKLEY CLEY Change of use of an Coldecott Barn existing agricultural building to a 4 bedroom dwelling

3PL/2008/0621/F Mr Yerrill SWAFFHAM Erection of conservatory 18 Lee Warner Road to rear of property

3PL/2008/0617/F Mr & Mrs J Cook SWANTON MORLEY Conversion & change of use of Angel Cottage former retail & wholesale Hoe Road sweet shop to annexe & one holiday unit

3PL/2008/0613/F Mr & Mrs J Vickers WRETHAM Two storey extension to rear Wretham Station House of dwelling Hockham Road

3PL/2008/0612/F Mr & Mrs T Rowe SWAFFHAM Front/rear extensions & Iona detached garage Bears Lane

3PL/2008/0599/O Mrs F M Baker ATTLEBOROUGH Demolition of existing house 26 Besthorpe Road & garage to form new private drive for 5 no. detached houses with garages

86 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0595/F Mr J Engledow SAHAM TONEY Detached garage to Hunts Farm dwelling Hills Road

3PL/2008/0594/F Mr J Engledow SAHAM TONEY Conversion of coach house/shop Hunts Farm to dwelling Hills Road

3PL/2008/0591/F Allaway Acoustics Ltd THETFORD Extension to form reception/ Unit 6 sound testing laboratory St Helens Way

3PL/2008/0588/F Ann Brook BESTHORPE Rear ground floor extension to 149 Besthorpe Road form dining room/snug

3PL/2008/0657/F Mr Wylie GARVESTONE Proposed rear conservatory Fieldview Dereham Road

3PL/2008/0656/F Tolomeo Ltd THETFORD Cosmetic changes to elevations Riverside Walk Shopping facing onto public walkways, Centre and improvements to existing Riverside Walk canopies

3PL/2008/0650/A CWS Retail Financial Services THETFORD Externally illuminated fascia Co -op Travel Store sign and double sided 40 King Street projecting sign

3PL/2008/0647/F I Simpson WATTON Extension to form garages & 1 Trenchard Crescent garden store with storage over (amendment to previous)

87 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0646/F Mr & Mrs P Batt SHIPDHAM Rear extension, conservatory Hedlee and single garage High Street

3PL/2008/0645/F Mrs C Mayhew BEETLEY Demolition of conservatory & 4 River View sheds and erection of single storey rear extension

3PL/2008/0644/F Clayland Estates SAHAM TONEY Erection of 2no. bungalows Land off Cley Lane & detached garages

3PL/2008/0641/F Mr & Mrs S Birkenhead SHIPDHAM Extension to form utility 4 Gibson Road room, replacement boundary wall & enclosed front porch

3PL/2008/0636/F Mr & Mrs Fulcher ASHILL Single storey extension to Lowenva existing single storey Hale Road dwelling

3PL/2008/0686/O Mr & Mrs A Simmons SHIPDHAM Erection of house and 79 Pound Green Lane garage

3PL/2008/0685/F Mr & Mrs D J Cannell Change of flat roof to pitched Orchard Cottage at rear, conversion of Litcham Road building and extension to dwelling

3PL/2008/0683/F Mr John Evans HARLING Conversion of barn & Lime Kiln House adjoining stable to a dwelling Eccles Road

88 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0682/F Adys Skip Hire HOCKERING First floor extension to Adys Skip Hire existing office block Frans Green Industrial Estate

3PL/2008/0681/F Mr & Mrs Elkins BEETLEY First floor extension above 6 Maple Close existing extended garage

3PL/2008/0680/F Mr & Mrs Hough HARLING First floor rear extension Weavers Cottage Market Street

3PL/2008/0678/F Mr & Mrs J Callow NORTH LOPHAM Erection of single storey Cornfields extension Harling Road

3PL/2008/0677/F R Chandler ATTLEBOROUGH Removal of roller shutter door Travis Perkins opening, infill & form new Station Road automatic doorway, removal & infill of extg pedes. doorway

3PL/2008/0676/F Mr & Mrs G Drew HORNINGTOFT Extension and conservatory 2 Church Road

3PL/2008/0717/F Ms Helen Scott WATTON Installation of Satellite dish 15 High Street

3PL/2008/0716/F Mr R Brooks THETFORD Two storey side extension and 391 St Johns Way single storey rear extension to dwelling

89 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0715/F Mr C Howe SHIPDHAM To replace a shed with a White House sunroom Little Hale Road

3PL/2008/0714/A Wilkinson THETFORD Revision to existing signage Existing Somerfield from Somerfield to Supermarket Unit Wilkinsons Minstergate

3PL/2008/0713/F Wilkinson THETFORD Proposed refit of exisiting Existing Somerfield Somerfield retail market to Supermarket Unit form new Wilkinsons retail Minstergate store

3PL/2008/0711/F Mr Robert McCaw SOUTH LOPHAM Demolition of rear single Old Post House storey porch extension and its Primrose Lane replacement with a larger garden room

3PL/2008/0708/F Mr I Uzun DEREHAM Conversion of second floor to 21 High Street one, one bedroom flat and one bedsit (retrospective)

3PL/2008/0705/F Mr J Hicks MILEHAM Replacement/enlargement Sunnyside Farm of existing conservatory Tittleshall Road

3PL/2008/0703/F Mr & Mrs L Wicks WATTON Proposed extension, garage and 63 Thetford Road car port

3PL/2008/0735/LB Minister & Leadership DEREHAM Alteration of front entrance Dereham Baptist Church to form level access for Norwich Street disabled visitors

90 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0684/CU Mid Norfolk Mencap DEREHAM Change of use from A1 33 Quebec Street to D1 for use as a drop-in centre for adults with learning disabilities

3PL/2008/0668/CU Miss Gayle Wilby NEW BUCKENHAM Change of use from toy The Toy Museum museum to beauty salon Beech Cottage & foot health practitioner

3PL/2008/0666/LB Shadwell Estate Company BRETTENHAM Erection of detached Snarehill Hall conservatory within the grounds of Listed Building

3PL/2008/0637/LB Dawn Brightman DEREHAM Installation of cigarette Dereham Memorial Hall litter bin on exterior wall Norwich Road

3PL/2008/0608/CU Precious Playtimes WENDLING Change of use from warehouse The Firs to childrens activity centre

3PL/2008/0529/CU Mrs J Heeson -Greene ATTLEBOROUGH Change of use from commercial Flat 1 Bennington Court back to residential Queens Square

3PL/2008/0430/LB Total Employment THETFORD Retention of non-illuminated 6 Market Place hanging sign and sign written display onto building

3PL/2008/0224/LB Mr & Mrs G Rowland BLO' NORTON Part conversion of Manor Farm outbuildings into ancillary Redgrave Road accommodation with small extension

91 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0018/LB S M Vince Esq BYLAUGH Construction of new access Bylaugh Hall road to Bylaugh Hall and boundary fence to west boundary

3PL/2007/2000/LB Mr M Green DEREHAM Alterations to four The Old Guildhall residential units St Withburga Lane

3PL/2008/0867/F Mr M Turner YAXHAM Erection of front entrance Hill Crest porch Well Hill

3PL/2008/0859/F Mr & Mrs C & L Leak DEREHAM Front and rear Moray extensions 1 Swanton Close

3PL/2008/0827/F Mr T Newton DEREHAM Alterations & extension 4 Dillington Hall Cottages to existing dwelling Dillington

3PL/2008/0824/F Mr Haywood BINTREE Proposed conservatory Forest Lodge County School

3PL/2008/0822/F Mr Greenbank NORTH ELMHAM Proposed conservatory Monument House Broom Green

3PL/2008/0808/F Mr Geoffrey Holland OLD BUCKENHAM Changing a roof on an Firfields extension from flat to pitch Fen Street roof

92 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0807/F Mr & Mrs J McSkimming SCARNING Side first floor extension Hope Springs & detached garage/garden Dereham Road store

3PL/2008/0806/F Mr T Scott GRISTON Rear two storey extension The Hollies Church Road

3PL/2008/0803/F Mr P Smith THETFORD Proposed rear conservatory 60 Stanford Road

3PL/2008/0802/F Mr & Mrs N Warner YAXHAM Double garage - Little Orchard retrospective - amended Station Road design and siting

3PL/2008/0801/F Mrs C A Larwood DEREHAM Sun room extension at 68 Yaxham Road rear of dwelling with flat roof single storey

3PL/2008/0795/F P Hubbard GREAT ELLINGHAM Erection of single garage to 71b Long Street front of existing property

3PL/2008/0794/F C Hubbard GREAT ELLINGHAM Erection of single garage to 71a Long Street front of existing property

3PL/2008/0793/F Mr T Avery GREAT ELLINGHAM Single storey mono 15 Chequers Green pitched roof extension

93 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0789/F Mr L Bloomfield DEREHAM Front extension to create 11 Fen View bedroom & ensuite Toftwood

3PL/2008/0787/F Mr S Thurston OLD BUCKENHAM Proposed extension to Chaparrel bungalow to provide Fen Street accommodation for dependant daughter

3PL/2008/0783/F Mr & Mrs Webster LONGHAM Erection of conservatory 10 Chapel Road to rear

3PL/2008/0780/F Mr & Mrs D G Brown LITTLE DUNHAM Construct new roof containing Bramleys 2 new bedrooms, bathroom & School Lane dressing room, replace flat roof on garage with pitched

3PL/2008/0775/F Mr D Wicks THETFORD Proposed utility room 3 The Covert extension

3PL/2008/0774/F Mr & Mrs I Brewster DEREHAM Rear extension and 7 Mountbatten Drive conservatory

3PL/2008/0771/F Mr James Whitham GRESSENHALL Proposed single storey side 28 Halls Drive extension & removal of existing pre-fab garage

3PL/2008/0769/F Mr Nick Wastell ATTLEBOROUGH Erection of conservatory 1 Lomond Road (retrospective)

94 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0767/A Wilkinson THETFORD Replacement of existing 1 Minstergate House 'somerfield' logo with Whitehart Street 'wilkinsons' logo

3PL/2008/0761/F Mr D Glover ATTLEBOROUGH Proposed garden room to 33 Barley Way rear

3PL/2008/0758/F Mr M G & Dr M E Farbrother GREAT DUNHAM Proposed porch Dunham Farmhouse Lexham Road

3PL/2008/0757/F All Saints Ltd CRANWORTH Erection of conservatory The Haven High Common

3PL/2008/0755/F Mr B W Thomas ASHILL Chalet Dwelling (Revised The Firs Design) Watton Road

3PL/2008/0753/F Mr Wilson ASHILL Bedroom extension & 43 Dunnetts Close replacement of existing garage with new garage and car port

3PL/2008/0751/F Mr Wharton SOUTH LOPHAM Erection of single storey West Vue extension Church Road

3PL/2008/0750/F Mr & Mrs A M Free ATTLEBOROUGH Erection of porch 25 Cyprus Road

95 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0748/F Mr & Mrs M Gouldstone 2 storey side extension, Blackhill House single storey side extension The Arms (amended scheme)

3PL/2008/0746/F Mr & Mrs N Warner YAXHAM First floor extension to side, Little Orchard rear single storey extension Station Road and new roof to rear elevation

3PL/2008/0745/F Mr & Mrs J Frost OLD BUCKENHAM Part demolition of existing 1 Mill Cottages lean to extension & replace Mill Road with 2 storey side extension & rear lean to infill

3PL/2008/0741/A Ms Diana Conway THETFORD 7 no. Non illuminated signs, Deer's Leap 3 no. externally illuminated 38 Norwich Road signs & 1 no. internally illuminated sign

3PL/2008/0740/F Mr T Morton COLKIRK Extension to bungalow Highs View including relocation of Dereham Road vehicular access

3PL/2008/0739/F Mr P Coe KENNINGHALL Two storey extension to Field Crest dwelling Lopham Road

3PL/2008/0737/F Mr B Walker MUNDFORD Alterations and rear 14 Crown Road extension

3PL/2008/0736/F Mr B Walker MUNDFORD Alterations and rear 16 Crown Road extension

96 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0733/F Mr Tillcock SCARNING Two storey side extension 6 Grove Close complete with integral garage

3PL/2008/0731/F Mr & Mrs N Bangay SWAFFHAM Extension to rear of house 2 Rollesby Avenue

3PL/2008/0727/F Mr & Mrs Ponsford SWAFFHAM Proposed conservatory Plot 2 Meadow Way

3PL/2008/0726/F Mr & Mrs G Moore DEREHAM Proposed extension to 23 Dunlop Road dwelling

3PL/2008/0720/F Mr & Mrs Brown BESTHORPE Single storey rear extension Rosebrook Mill Lane

3PL/2008/0701/F Miss A Humphrey BEETLEY Two storey side extension Hillside Cottage (part over existing drive Fakenham Road access)

3PL/2008/0698/F Mr & Mrs Wallis DEREHAM Two storey extension to 16 Townshend Road existing house

3PL/2008/0697/F Mr & Mrs R Clements THOMPSON Extension to create single Marbaro House storey front entrance porch Marlpit Road

97 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0696/F Mr G Webster DEREHAM Division of existing semi- 14 Wellington Road detached dwelling to form two self contained flats

3PL/2008/0694/F Right Hire Company Ltd LITCHAM Erection of a pair of Land off Manor Drive semi detached cottages

3PL/2008/0693/F Mr & Mrs S Green BEACHAMWELL Single storey rear extension 3 The Bungalow and outbuilding Old Hall Lane

3PL/2008/0692/F Mr Ray Hill ATTLEBOROUGH New first floor bathroom The Grove extension and new roof to London Road existing conservatory

3PL/2008/0688/F Miss J Armstrong OVINGTON Removal of existing single Owl Cottage storey extension and replace Waterend Farm with one and half storey extension

3PL/2008/0675/F Mr J Micheal EAST TUDDENHAM 2 no. single storey extensions 4 Barrack Close to dwelling and brick built shed

3PL/2008/0674/F Mr & Mrs Baker DEREHAM Erection of conservatory to 1 The Grove rear of property

3PL/2008/0670/F Mrs D Warren ATTLEBOROUGH To convert integral 50 Kingfisher Road garage into living space (dining room)

98 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0665/F Shadwell Estate Company BRETTENHAM Erection of detached Snarehill Hall conservatory within grounds of listed building

3PL/2008/0664/F Mr J Churchill NECTON Alterations to approved Rose Cottage Farm barn conversion Ivy Todd 3PL/2006/0629/F and garage

3PL/2008/0661/F Mr I Failey OLD BUCKENHAM Detached single storey garden 46 Hargham Road store & home study

3PL/2008/0659/F Morways Developments Ltd CRANWORTH Conversion of Barn B - Church Farm amended scheme Woodrising

3PL/2008/0658/F Mr & Mrs Simmonds WEETING Two storey side extension and 3 South Park single storey front extension

3PL/2008/0635/F Mrs A Clarke DEREHAM Single storey side & rear 7 Warner Avenue extension & conservatory

3PL/2008/0634/F Mr S Upton DEREHAM Erection of fence 102 Hillcrest Avenue (retrospective) Toftwood

3PL/2008/0633/F Mr & Mrs Lister GREAT ELLINGHAM First floor extension 2 Nelsons Loke Penhill Road

99 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0630/F The Medeshamstede Education SWAFFHAM New gym & classroom wing & Turbine Way Ecotech alterations to existing school Business block to create a permanent & Innovation Park new building

3PL/2008/0627/F Mr Christian Mountney KENNINGHALL Erection of garage/outbuilding Marshams Farm on existing concrete base Park Common

3PL/2008/0624/F Mr M Wilson SPORLE Ground floor exts to create 8 St Marys View sun room, study, ext. to kitchen & utility, first floor ext. to create dressing room

3PL/2008/0623/A Mr R Bannatyne ATTLEBOROUGH Fascia sign to front Paper Chain () elevation over shopfront Ltd & one projecting sign Queens Square

3PL/2008/0622/F Mr M Raggoo DEREHAM Proposed extension to Breckland Joinery ind. unit to provide add. Millbanks workshop floor space & spray painting bay & prep.area

3PL/2008/0429/A Total Employment THETFORD Retention of non-illuminated 6 Market Place hanging sign and sign written display onto building

3PL/2008/0375/F Mr M Gahan MILEHAM Conservatory 14 The Paddocks

3PL/2008/0330/F Tadorna Holdings Ltd NARBOROUGH Dwelling for holiday let Church Farm (renewal) Main Road

100 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0285/F Mr A Hine CARBROOKE Proposed replacement White Rose House workshop building

3PL/2008/0257/F Mrs M Vince BAWDESWELL Conversion of farm buildings Wood Farm to one dwelling and retention Reepham Road of double garage and garden store

3PL/2008/0242/F Dr & Mrs W Shapland MUNDFORD Rebuilding of garage first Silver Birches floor to provide annexe 2 The Grove accommodation

3PL/2008/0228/F MEX Homes Ltd BRIDGHAM Proposed enlarged garage Hall Farm Barns (variation to planning The Street permission 3PL/2007/1186/F) relating to Plot 7 only Refusal

3PL/2007/1556/F Vincent Thurkettle HOCKHAM Single dwelling r/o 32 Shropham Road

3PL/2007/2028/F Mr & Mrs G Spooner HOE Construction of new eco AND GRESSENHALL friendly cottage on garden Mill House plot

3PL/2008/0117/F James Chapman ROUDHAM/LARLING Retention of existing timber Chattel House built home and extension

3PL/2008/0323/F Graham Rose ASHILL Temp. residential accomm. Land at the Old Ashill comprising a mobile home Garage Site

101 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0496/F Mr Ian Hodgson HOLME HALE Demolition of small part of Bluebell Cottage Bluebell Cottages & garden Cook Road wall and erection of two new properties

3PL/2008/0543/F Mr & Mrs Foster SOUTH LOPHAM Alts & exts to form larger Four Acres kitchen/bedroom over & double Redgrave Road garage with bedroom over, new entrance hall & toilet

3PL/2008/0556/F Miss T Mays LITTLE ELLINGHAM New dwelling & double Land adjoining cartlodge - plot 1 Hambledowns 5 The Green

3PL/2008/0573/F Ms C J Frost DEREHAM Pair of 3 bedroom 19 Elvin Road houses

3PL/2008/0589/F Mr & Mrs Cleverley HORNINGTOFT Proposed barn conversion Ivy Farm to dwelling Thumb Lane

3PL/2008/0597/D Barconn Homes Ltd GARVESTONE Demolish existing buildings & Land adjacent Hill House Erection of 4 no. 2 storey Dereham Road detached properties and garages

3PL/2008/0625/F Country Fresh Produce Ltd HOCKERING Replacement dwelling and new Hill House marketing / office suite

3PL/2008/0632/A Tim Woodhead DEREHAM Erection of non- Dereham Leisure Centre illuminated pole sign Station Road

102 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0700/F Mr Paul Long CARBROOKE Proposed 2 storey extension Tomira and conservatory extension Shipdham Road

3PL/2008/0710/F Mr Howes ATTLEBOROUGH Proposed new dwelling & 4 Norwich Road garage

3PL/2008/0725/F Mr C Howard Clearing existing derelict The Old Blacksmiths Forge building & construction of a Westgate Street two storey detached dwelling house

3PL/2008/0732/D Mr & Mrs J Bristow NORTH PICKENHAM Proposed demolition of Meadow View existing bungalow & garage Houghton Lane & construction of 2 no dwellings

3PL/2008/0770/O Mr & Mrs Middleton DEREHAM New single storey 9 Brook Grove dwelling Toftwood

3PL/2008/0838/F Mr & Mrs B Webb DEREHAM Side extension to create 214 Norwich Road garage, dressing room & en-suite

3PL/2008/0483/CU Mr Martin Henry Staines THETFORD Change of use from amenity Land adjacent to 12 Kimms land to vehicle hard standing Belt

3PL/2008/0574/EU Margaret Kathleen Davis CARBROOKE Use of land as garden Hill House area (certificate of Caudle Springs lawfulness)

103 DC135 Date of List - 08 JUL 2008 BRECKLAND COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE List of decisions made by the Development Services Manager under the agreed terms of delegation.


3PL/2008/0752/EU Mrs M Cole BLO' NORTON Bungalow used as separate Saddlers Cottage dwelling (certificate of The Street lawfulness)

Temporary Permission

3PL/2008/0376/F Jane Howard & Murray HARDINGHAM Place of religious Alder Carr Barn workshop/buddhist shrine Mill Road & meditation room (retrospective)

104 DC135