10–13 16 –17 18–19 20–21 Making the case for a Port Skills and Safety on achieving Are free ports ABP : gateway to hydrogen-fuelled future a zero harm workplace culture the future? Europe and opportunity

North Sea Neighbours

The longstanding trading relationship between the UK and the Netherlands


Insight from Britain’s Leading Port Operator 2 REPORT – WINTER 2018 REPORT – WINTER 2018 3

In this issue 16 –17 18–19 20–21 Port Skills and Safety on Are free ports the future? ABP Humber: gateway to achieving a zero harm Europe and opportunity workplace culture Ben Houchen, Mayor of the Tees Valley, Simon Bird, ABP Humber ports director Welcome to the Winter 2018 edition of Richard Steele, Chief Executive of Port discusses the trade benefits of introducing discusses how improved transport links have the potential to unlock additional Report magazine. 04–07 08–09 Skills and Safety (PSS), discusses future Free Trade Zones into the UK, as seen in the health and safety priorities for the industry. US and Dubai. trade on the Humber. As 2018, a busy year for businesses and neighbours: the Thriving operations in Westminster alike comes to a close, this Netherlands and the UK : Solent issue of our magazine looks beyond Brexit preparations. Stevedores We are reminded of the longstanding Kate Thompson Peace interviews Managing trading relationship between the UK and the Marjolein Bouwers, Chief Representative at The Director of Solent Stevedores, Fiona Robson Netherlands Business Support Office (NBSO), about her experience of running a fast-paced Netherlands, and Dutch ambitions to ensure discusses our longstanding trading relationship. cargo handling business. trade continues to flow between our two countries in future, on pages 4-7.

Developments in renewable energy, such as hydrogen and biomass, also play a key role in shaping the future of the maritime sector. On pages 10-13, ITM Power CEO Graham Cooley, discusses how hydrogen energy could make port operations more sustainable by eliminating their carbon footprint.

Nevertheless, preparing for Brexit is still a vital theme in our sector as our Humber ports continue to invest for future growth, as outlined by Humber Ports Director Simon Bird on pages 20-21. In addition, the benefits of 10–13 14 –15 22–23 24–25 introducing Free Trade Zones into the UK, as Developments“ in renewable found in the US and Dubai, are discussed by Making the case for a Improving infrastructure Ports and biomass HMS Cambria: the Mayor of the Tees Valley, Ben Houchen. energy, such as hydrogen hydrogen-fuelled future decisions coming home to Cardiff The maritime industry’s commitment to Benedict McAleenan, head of Biomass UK, and biomass, play a key role long-term commercial success is paired with for ports lays out why ports are vital to the future of in shaping the future of the HMS Cambria, Wales’ historic Royal Naval biomass energy, which is the UK’s largest Reserve unit, will once again be based a strong focus on safety, which is reflected in Graham Atkins explains how the Government source of renewable energy generation. maritime sector. in Cardiff’. an article by the Chief Executive of Ports Skills ITM Power CEO, Dr Graham Cooley. should improve, and what ports could learn. and Safety, found on pages 16-17. This issue concludes with an exploration ” Also in this issue by Dr Shishank Shishank, Lecturer at Birmingham City University, of the potential benefits of Blockchain technology for ABP at the party conferences building more transparent, trusted and 28–31 secure global supply chains. — News Wrap H2 28–31 — In the loop 32–33

Associated British Ports is committed to the environment. — If you would like to share your A day in the life… perspective on the future 34–35 of trade and the maritime David Leighton — industry, please get in touch at waterless alcohol and carbon renewable recycled VOC free Group Head of Corporate Affairs LED substitute free neutral energy FSC® stock inks [email protected] View from the bridge 36–38 4 REPORT – WINTER 2018 NORTH SEA NEIGHBOURS 5

North Sea neighbours: the Netherlands and the UK

Marjolein Bouwers, Chief Representative at The Netherlands Business Support Office (NBSO) in Manchester, discusses the longstanding trading relationship between the UK and the Netherlands and the ambition to ensure trade continues to flow between the two countries in future.

As North Sea neighbours, the relationship with the marriage between Mary II Stuart between the British and the Dutch has and Dutch stadtholder Prince William III “It was only with the endured for centuries. Both Britain and the of Orange, who then became King of marriage between Mary Netherlands have built on our illustrious , that the British and the Dutch past as global players and are continuing truly made up. II Stuart and Dutch to be successful trading nations. Today, the economic ties between our stadtholder Prince During the 17th and 18th centuries, the two countries are very strong and of vital William III of Orange, Dutch ran the VOC (the United East importance for both. The Netherlands India Company), which was the biggest exported goods to the value of €22.7 billion who then became King trading company in the world and a truly to the UK in 2017, which makes the UK our of England, that the multinational corporation. Similarly, the second largest trading partner. Equally, the British created an immense empire which Netherlands are one of the UK’s top export British and the Dutch straddled the globe and left a lasting destinations after the US and Germany truly made up.” legacy, including the English language, and an important gateway for UK products which has become the lingua franca of into the EU – or rather ‘Europe’. As ports modern times. play a crucial role in both countries’ trade, it is not surprising that we have Both countries were affluent and their become important stakeholders in the economic success was accompanied by Brexit discussions. the worldwide projection of naval power, inevitably leading to rivalry and ultimately While the Brexit negotiations may have to confrontation. We declared war on each been as difficult as extracting an egg from other no less than four times during the an omelette, one of the outcomes should course of the 17th century and it was only be that we continue to work together. 6 REPORT – WINTER 2018 NORTH SEA NEIGHBOURS 7

“Our ties will never be broken. However high the waves may rise, the will remain an important partner, for the European Union and for us as your North Sea neighbour.” King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands

Port of Rotterdam, Netherlands

for new warehouses and distribution in both countries will open up a wealth of “The Dutch maritime centres. These explorations could benefit knowledge for maritime clusters in both the sector recognises that this from the proposed LHOFT (Liverpool Hull Netherlands and the UK. Optimisation of Freight Transport) and other Irrespective of the export numbers, is also a time to seize port road and rail connectivity schemes contingency planning and political or from the creation of enhanced coastal new opportunities.” motivations, there is a strong desire to enterprise zones or free ports. maintain healthy and close relationships Naturally, there have been many concerns There is also a wider call to more actively with what many Dutch consider to be on both the Dutch and the UK side around exchange knowledge, skills and concepts their most like-minded friends in Europe. a potential increase in waiting times before in the areas of e-shipping and emission The proximity of our countries, our shared customs, increasing export costs and the free waterways, hydrogen generation, values and – as is often referred to by accompanying administrative burden, but cybersecurity and maritime clusters. Ports the Dutch – our same sense of humour, there will also be scope to strengthen our play an important role in emission reduction our entrepreneurial spirit and magnificent ties. While ports and related parties in the and are well positioned to take advantage maritime industries will continue to the supply chain are eagerly waiting for the of innovations in IoT, AI and big data to not inspire collaboration and strong business exact Brexit scenario, the Dutch maritime only improve flow, situation and customer partnerships. To quote the King of the sector recognises that this is also a time to management, but also address climate Netherlands during his recent state visit seize new opportunities. challenges. Yet they are not always fast to the UK "Our ties will never be broken." Recently, ports on the west coast of the to respond to and implement innovations. However high the waves may rise, the Netherlands and east coast of the UK have A closer collaboration between the digital United Kingdom will remain an important started looking into creating new container port transformation hubs, smart port partner, for the European Union and for us and Ro-Ro line hauls and opportunities clusters and maritime knowledge institutes as your North Sea neighbour." 8 REPORT – WINTER 2018 THRIVING OPERATIONS IN SOUTHAMPTON 9

Thriving operations in Southampton: Solent Stevedores

were looking at where we could make a cleaner to keep on top of the housework dirty, grimy places but there is so much to some savings and the chaps suggested while she went through her treatment. love about them. that, while they like having the Bentley, Kate Thompson Peace interviews Managing Director “I wanted to do something that would really “I must admit, I still get a buzz every time they would understand if it had to go. of Solent Stevedores, Fiona Robson about her help – it was a practical response to a difficult I drive onto a port and I would encourage “At the next board meeting I fed this back situation,” explained Fiona. women to consider a career here,” she said. experience of running a fast-paced cargo handling only for Stuart to admit that he thought Women in executive roles in the marine Looking to the future, Fiona wants to see it was looking a bit shabby, so he had business and how she has seen the thriving operation and maritime world are still worthy of note the business continue to flourish. A recent bought another one. go from strength to strength. because of their rarity. Fiona is a passionate acquisition means they will be expanding “We don’t set out to treat our people in a champion for encouraging more women to their business into Singapore in the cruise certain way – we are just being us,” she said. choose careers working in our ports. services sector. When one of Fiona’s head office team was “I would love to employ some female crane “We are always looking for the next step “I love our people and if diagnosed with breast cancer, her immediate drivers – they have them in Rotterdam and forward and keeping our staff engaged concern was how she could practically help it’s only a matter of time before we have and fully involved is important for our future I ever need cheering up I and she came up with the idea of employing them. Sadly, I think women still see ports as success.” love nothing more than to sit in the mess room and listen to the stories the old guys tell about their fathers and grandfathers working in the port.”

Twenty years ago, when Fiona Robson's facility officially opened in April 2018 at a hundred additional agency staff at peak brother Stuart Cullen started the business London Gateway. The facility offers a broad times across several ports,” said Fiona. he did so with just £1,000. Two decades range of next-generation empty container “I love our people and if I ever need later they are now turning over £25 million. handling and storage services together cheering up I love nothing more than to sit with container maintenance and repairs. An award-winning business, Solent in the mess room and listen to the stories Stevedores provides a broad range of Fiona has been at the heart of the the old guys tell about their fathers and bulk, general cargo handling and storage business throughout its rapid expansion, grandfathers working in the port.” services at the ports of Southampton, ensuring everything runs as it should Her approach to dealing with people has and St Helier, as well as and that their rapidly growing team is enabled the company to build a loyal Silvertown in London. happy and fulfilled. It is the people, after team who are willing to go the extra mile all, who have been key to the success Since 2010, they have built a considerable when needed. of their business. cruise support service for a growing list Stories of Fiona and Stuart’s generosity of prestigious cruise operators calling at “It’s all about people. Stuart started the and thoughtfulness abound in the the . The numbers business back in 1997 as a salt trading close-knit port industry. The team in are impressive: in 2018, they handled 2.7 company, and he asked me to help with Southampton have a Bentley they can million suitcases and 100,000 tonnes of a bit of admin in those early days. use for special occasions like weddings, ship’s stores. “We started with just a handful of people christenings or a loved one’s birthday. Solent Stevedores’ five-acre, off-dock, and today we work with 140 full-time “It’s Stuart’s car and he’s happy to share 1,800 TEU empty container handling employees supplemented by more than it with the workforce. A while ago, we

10 REPORT – WINTER 2018 HYDROGEN-FUELLED FUTURE FOR PORTS 11 Making the case for a ” hydrogen-fuelled future for ports Unlike batteries, which can only store power in limited quantities for ITM Power CEO Dr Graham Cooley discusses the hours, hydrogen can store power potential of a hydrogen-fuelled, sustainable future for the maritime industry and beyond. for days or weeks. ”

In a world in which fossil fuel energy is Honda being the latest to launch an FCEV. “If the electricity source is becoming more scarce and expensive, More are expected from the likes of BMW renewable, the hydrogen countries are struggling to meet their and Mercedes. Global hydrogen refuelling carbon reduction and air quality station infrastructure programmes are produced is 100% ‘green’ obligations. This highlights the increasing underway, with significant deployment and can be used as a importance of making the most of plans in place. renewable energy sources to decarbonise An electrolyser (the opposite of a fuel clean fuel for transport our transport networks. One such source, cell) uses water and electricity to make championed by British company, ITM – including ships in hydrogen. If the electricity source is Power, based in Sheffield, is hydrogen – renewable, the hydrogen produced is the future – and for a solution that has finally reached the top 100% ‘green’ and can be used as a clean of energy agendas. Air quality regulations generating clean power.” fuel for transport – including ships in the are stimulating the need for clean fuels future – and for generating clean power. and reduced transport emissions. Energy Because hydrogen can be stored for long storage provision has started to become periods, or injected directly into the gas a mandatory requirement in areas of grid, the ability to use renewable power the world such as California where it is when other sources are unavailable (wind, H recognised as an essential first step for solar) is significantly enhanced. Unlike 2 efficient renewable energy deployment. batteries, which can only store power in Alongside this regulatory ‘push’, auto limited quantities for hours, hydrogen can OEMs are rolling out Fuel Cell Electric store power for days or weeks. Vehicles (FCEVs) that require high-purity hydrogen fuel. Hyundai and Toyota have commercial vehicles in production, with 12 REPORT – WINTER 2018 HYDROGEN-FUELLED FUTURE FOR PORTS 13


Splitting H2O into H2 and O2 Fossil fuel can be described as “hydrogen in a carbon bucket”. The most useful component (the energy vector) of fossil fuel is the hydrogen. When hydrogen combusts or is used in a fuel cell, the principal emission is water vapour, so it is a very clean fuel.

2H20 2H2 As an energy vector, hydrogen can be used as a way to convey and store energy. It is potentially one of the most flexible and broadly applicable energy vectors available.


For the ports industry, using hydrogen economically run on batteries: buses and could mean a materially reduced carbon trucks. And there are already hydrogen footprint and cleaner air. In a world in trains, predictably in Germany. which all ports have their own sources of Also in Germany, Shell is developing the wind or solar power, these sources, for world’s largest rapid response electrolyser the whole time they are available, could to generate clean hydrogen at Europe’s be coupled directly to an electrolyser biggest refinery. There have been two to produce hydrogen that is then either pilot power-to-gas plants operating in stored or injected into our gas grid (by far Germany for two of the country’s largest the largest energy storage mechanism utilities operators. In the UK, studies are in any developed country). This is known underway for power-to-gas installations in the energy industry as 'power-to-gas'. with partners including INEOS, Engie and If used on-site at ports, hydrogen could Northern Gas Networks. power shore-side FCEVs such as loaders, fork lifts and buses, as well as potentially In maritime, ITM Power is a partner in the “For the ports industry, being used to power fuel cells to provide BIG HIT project in the Orkney Islands. completely clean shore-to-ship energy BIG HIT (Building Innovative Green using hydrogen could when vessels are in dock. Hydrogen Systems in an Isolated Territory) features an electrolyser, using energy mean a materially Businesses new to the idea of hydrogen from renewables, including tidal power, power may wonder if this is just pie in reduced carbon footprint producing hydrogen that is then used to the sky, but we can prove otherwise. fuel cleaner vehicles. and cleaner air.” ITM Power currently has seven hydrogen refuelling stations open to the public in We are working to increase the adoption the UK and is partnering with Shell to of hydrogen as a key element in the build more. Around the world, Japan has future of power and there are many areas adopted FCEVs enthusiastically with more within the maritime industry which will passenger cars, at lower cost, in the benefit from cleaner energy. But this is not pipeline. Attention is now being focused tomorrow’s world we are talking about – on road transportation that is too heavy to the capability is here today. 14 REPORT – WINTER 2018 IMPROVING INFRASTRUCTURE DECISIONS 15

Improving infrastructure decisions ”

Good public engagement requires There is still room to improve on cost, quality trusted, independent institutions to and efficiency in the delivery of UK infrastructure. provide open forums for debate. Graham Atkins of the Institute for Government explains what lessons can be learnt from France. ”

Over the past year, the Institute for accuracy of its cost estimates by The Government often fails to make timely Government has analysed how consistently evaluating projects after decisions on individual projects. Difficult, government can improve infrastructure completing them. This can and should be important decisions can be put off policy in transport, energy, flood replicated beyond roads. Departments indefinitely – the saga of expanding airport defences, digital communication, waste must consistently evaluate the cost and capacity in the South East has dragged and water. Successive governments time taken to complete projects, then use on for more than half a century. The have made progress but could still help this data to appraise future projects principal problem is that local public input industry to generate improvements in more realistically. comes too late in the process to be part cost, quality and the time it takes to of a constructive dialogue about options. In order to be delivered efficiently, approve infrastructure projects. Faced with local opposition, usually high-quality projects require independent complicated by parliamentary arithmetic, None of these problems – over-optimistic scrutiny of a department’s objectives, government decision-making can grind appraisals, limited independent scrutiny the options for delivering them, and how to a halt. and poor public engagement – are unique realistic the success of these options are. to government projects. As the private Failure to devote sufficient attention to the Good public engagement requires sector continues to invest in the UK’s early examination of options can result in trusted, independent institutions to ports, they should see what they can better solutions being overlooked. Simply provide open forums for debate. The learn from improvements in government. pushing ahead with a project is tempting, French Commission Nationale du Débat but this approach risks overlooking Public (CNDP) provides a particularly The UK needs to invest more in economic foreseeable problems in implementation good model for how this can work in infrastructure, but this cannot come at any and delivery, as successive governments practice, as it hosts public debates on cost. Choosing the most effective options have seen with projects from the Thames contentious major projects as early as is vital. Tideway sewer tunnel to Universal Credit. possible in their development – and this But picking the best options is made approach has a real impact. Of the 61 The Government has recognised that more difficult when cost and time estimates projects on which the CNDP facilitated the level of scrutiny projects receive is a are almost always over-optimistic. Across debates between 2002 and 2012, 38 problem. The creation of the Infrastructure the public and private sectors, nine out of made modifications, including 25 that and Projects Authority and use of ten projects costing more than £1 billion go changed their plans based on options independent external challenge panels for over budget. that emerged from public discussion. certain major projects, has helped, but it This is a problem. If a government commits could still do better. In order to instil a sense of fairness to projects-based on over-optimistic early among local communities and reduce Parliament should play a much more cost estimates, they will find it hard to unnecessary delays, the Government active role in scrutinising the Government’s select the best options and find themselves could create a Commission for Public infrastructure choices. In the House of locked into undeliverable targets. Engagement, learning from the success Lords, a new infrastructure committee – of France’s CNDP. But it is a resolvable problem if operators drawing on peers’ expertise in relevant systematically learn from the experience fields – should be established to of past projects. Highways England, scrutinise project proposals. for example, has vastly improved the 16 REPORT – WINTER 2018 ZERO HARM WORKPLACE CULTURE 17

Port Skills and Safety on achieving a zero harm workplace culture

Richard Steele, Chief Executive of Port Skills and Safety organisations including ABP are looking at health and safety from a more positive (PSS), the UK's professional ports health and safety perspective. Health membership organization, discusses future health and A positive health and safety culture safety priorities for the maritime industry. organisation is based on proactively and continuously trying to anticipate developments and events. Importantly, it sees people as agents bringing flexibility and resilience. It empowers people to “Together they bring act as problem-solvers and allies in Mental health a ‘whole person’ approach Core safety successful, sustainable workplaces. To to health and safety which achieve this requires changes in thinking, UK ports have been sharing accident If you ask someone their number-one language and additions to how we is essential to achieving information through Port Skills and Safety priority at work, “to be safe” is unlikely to measure success. While we still need zero harm.” for many years as part of their commitment be the first answer. Nevertheless, to record and investigate accidents, we to safety improvement. This approach UK ports understand that it is the way also need positive indicators to promote has proved effective as, since 2000, the that people and organisations work, how engaged people at all levels, ensuring that sector has reduced statutory reportable they value health and safety and the our people are spotting and anticipating accidents by 59%. Simply put, the industry culture that they genuinely embody that issues, thinking of better ways to work, has become safer. is important. getting involved and learning from doing But nobody is sitting back thinking that To catalyse positive change, the sector things right. the job is done. is focusing on human factors, values and Getting core safety right and developing behaviours. It is important to understand Clichéd as it may sound, one injury is one a successful culture will take us much why people do what they do and how to too many. While the industry has made a closer to zero harm or even ‘Beyond Zero’, create workplaces that actively promote lot of progress, it is important to keep the as ABP aspires to. There is also more a positive health and safety culture rate of improvement going. As with many work to be done to address baseline through leadership, engagement and H&S culture Skills things in life, the better you get the harder physical and mental health. empowerment. It is not easy to write a it is to improve. good procedure, as anyone who has The Health and Safety Executive has Ports have sweated core safety to achieve tried to self-assembly kit furniture can described health as the silent partner in the improvement. Risk assessments, agree. It is considerably harder still to health and safety. In the UK, occupational elimination of hazards or substitution with grow and make real a culture where lung disease is estimated at 12,000 lesser hazards, engineering controls (e.g. everyone genuinely shares the same deaths per year. Compare that with 144 If ill health affects concentration or outside of work, but they can’t leave it all the same as those that support good plant/people segregation), administrative values and trust. You still need good worker fatalities in workplace accidents attention, for example, that could put an at the gate. There is a clear business case health and good mental health. It is about controls (e.g. procedures and training) procedures for clarity, communication in 2017/18. Musculoskeletal disorders individual at greater risk. Through sharing and a duty of care for organisations to creating, communicating and delivering and personal protective equipment have and understanding. But a zero harm account for 41% of all work-related ill information across ports, we are starting address mental ill health in the workplace. a complete approach across strategy, brought us to where we are today. Ports culture also needs every person in the health cases and 34% of all working days to measure how healthy our industry is, Additionally, as with physical health, systems, processes and people. must keep a firm foot on this pedal. organisation to be a safety champion, lost due to ill-health. The culture that which is important in order to be able to mental ill health conditions such as stress Culture, health and mental health are the knowing that they will be backed up if ABP and the sector as a whole have set achieve positive change. may impact on a person’s judgement and How, then, should we tackle the remaining pieces of the puzzle, alongside they spot a problem and will be listened their sights on, working together through attention leaving them more vulnerable remaining 41%? Another major issue in attaining a zero core safety and skills. They are more to when they have an idea for making the PSS, has to support healthy workplaces. to workplace risks. The challenge is to harm workplace is mental health. In the difficult to get right because human Core safety and skills are the prerequisites workplace healthier and safer. A commitment to zero harm includes provide a good work environment (a safe, UK, 49% of all ill health loss (12.5 million factors are more complex than systems for further improvement, but they are not reducing harm to health. Our engaged healthy environment, a sense of security Organisations intent on zero harm working days per year) is a result of and infrastructure. Together they bring a enough to achieve zero harm. You cannot and supported people need to be both and autonomy, good line management need to accentuate the positives. mental ill health. On top of this, mental ‘whole person’ approach to health and ‘procedure out’ or ‘train out’ all accidents. health and safety champions. and effective communication) as well as Health and safety has tended to be health related presenteeism (working safety that is essential to achieving People and their workplaces are too variable, appropriate support to those experiencing defined negatively, and has been dealt UK research indicates that 42% of people whilst ill at reduced ability) costs zero harm. too complex and too subject to change to mental ill health. with primarily on a reactive basis, with ill health believe that it affects their employers three times the cost of the have a procedure for every eventuality or when something happens or is seen work, which gives another reason for person being absent. In many cases the The good news is that the features that for every individual’s circumstances. as an unacceptable risk. Many port shining the spotlight on health. roots of a person’s condition may be support an effective safety culture are 18 REPORT – WINTER 2018 TRADE BENEFITS OF FREE PORTS 19

Are free ports the future?

Ben Houchen, Mayor of the Tees Valley, discusses the trade benefits of introducing Free Trade Zones into the UK, as seen in the US and Dubai.

A year ago, the idea of free ports in the region voted for. This would not only allow “Technological advances UK was almost exclusively the domain of us to have a fully-fledged free port or Free think tanks, policy wonks and academics, Trade Zone programme, the need to make in the ports and but today the reality couldn’t be further Brexit a financial and economic success maritime sector, which from that. Those of us campaigning would practically dictate that we should for Free Ports now have the attention have one. reduce the need for of government ministers, the backing In the Tees Valley, my officials are working paper documents, track of significant port operators and other with lawyers, economists, trade and tariff businesses, and the support of a shipments across the experts, and partners in the port sector cross-party group of MPs. to set out our Free Port vision. We are world and optimise our The concept of Free Ports or Free Trade looking at a number of different Brexit ports, make this the Zones is relatively simple. They would scenarios and even considering how we be areas inside the UK that sit outside might maximise the potential of our ports perfect time for the UK of our customs border and allow tariff using existing but under-used legislation, to up its international relief on imports and exports, as well as should we remain shackled to some form providing a number of other incentives to of customs union with the EU. trade offering.” economic growth. While very limited free Technological advances in the ports and ports are allowed inside the EU, the kind maritime sector, which reduce the need of free zones that would be of the greatest for paper documents, track shipments benefit to the UK can be found in other of the party political spectrum, because across the world and optimise our ports, developed economies, notably Dubai and all politicians, whatever the colour of their make this the perfect time for the UK in the United States. rosette, can appreciate the job creation to up its international trade offering. We potential Free Ports have. The US has had “foreign trade zone” also have an opportunity to combine the programme since the 1930s, with more introduction of Free Ports with the rise of As the choices that will determine our than 175 such zones across the country trade tech, and hopefully the UK’s first future status as a global trading nation today, where 420,000 people work to trade tech accelerator. The Frictionless are made, the need for companies and create almost $100 billion in exports. Even Trade report I recently launched with professionals in the world of trade to make when scaled to fit the UK’s geography PUBLIC.IO sets out a number of their voices heard in favour of Free Ports and economy, the potential here is huge. recommendations for the public and becomes all the more important. private sectors in this sphere. The UK stands at a crossroads when Being part of this debate is the only way it comes to international trade, with the The campaign for Free Ports has already to have a say on what is quickly becoming outcome of the Brexit negotiations and proved itself to have an appeal across the most exciting policy area on the UK’s our future relationship with the EU largely different political groups, with an all party international trade agenda. I’m pushing dictating the path we will choose. It is parliamentary group to explore the idea this for the good of the Tees Valley and extremely likely that the UK will find itself being formed of Conservative, Labour and the wider UK, and I’m happy to work with outside of the EU’s Customs Union and Scottish National MPs. In my own region, partners from across the country to make that is certainly what most people in my it has attracted support from both sides Britain’s free trade dream a reality. 20 REPORT – WINTER 2018 ABP HUMBER: GATEWAY TO EUROPE AND OPPORTUNITY 21

ABP Humber: gateway to Europe and opportunity

ABP has annouced a new Simon Bird, ABP Humber ports director discusses how improved transport links have the potential to unlock additional trade on the Humber. £65 million investment 35,000 to secure the Humber ports jobs supported future of steel

In the summer, the Department for “The Humber ports The key to continuing this growth is Transport published the annual statistics improving transport connectivity. Keeping The Humber ports handle ABP has annouced a new on the UK’s major ports, which confirmed combined are the biggest cargoes flowing freely through good that the in the Humber port complex in the UK transport links is hugely important. The has extended its lead as the nation’s strategic corridor approach adopted largest port by tonnage. In fact, the by a factor of two.” by Transport for the North is especially steel, timber, Humber ports combined are the biggest important to the Humber ports. The port complex in the UK by a factor of two. strategy is pivotal to the success of our across the Humber, container volumes wider economy, ensuring that connectivity cars, agribulks, Given that coal usage has declined grew by 16% between 2016 and 2017. between the east and west coasts is sharply in recent years, the continued ABP has just announced a new £36 improved and enhanced. growth in trade volumes in the Humber biomass, million investment to expand the container represents a considerable achievement. There is a well-established benefit to £50m terminal in Immingham, increasing the In 2013, the Port of Immingham handled improving access to ports by moving capacity to meet growing demand. construction investment in expanding 16 million tonnes of coal at the height of freight by rail, not just in terms of the Container volumes have been growing coal imports, but that had dropped to 4 economy but in environmental terms as every year since 2013. The growth is, million tonnes by 2017. To keep growing well. Plans by Network Rail, working with materials Humber Container Terminal in part, due to the rise in the number in that context has involved considerable the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership of regional distribution centres across diversification and now being involved in to invest in enhancing the rail gauge to the the M1/M62 corridor, which look to the so many parts of the economy means Port of Immingham, are very welcome and Humber ports as their gateway to trade. that the Humber is a strong indicator of it is important that it happens on schedule ABP has annouced a new The Humber ports contribute how UK trade is performing. A shift in trade volumes has also been so that, in the course of the coming noticed, with cargoes originally destined years, the UK’s largest port by tonnage The Humber ports handle steel, timber, for southern ports, such as , can expand the offer it gives for using rail cars, animal feed, fertilisers, food moving increasingly north as trade freight. It is an especially exciting prospect products, building aggregates and many partners look at alternatives to mitigate to consider the possibility of connecting other cargoes. In addition, energy is big any difficulties the more traditional routes the container terminals in the Humber business, with 10% of the UK’s energy may experience in the future. This is good to major regional distribution centres in being supplied with resources handled in news for the Yorkshire and Humber region South Yorkshire. If that opportunity is the Humber ports, with biomass and coal as recent economic impact assessment seized, in future years the statistics will going to power stations, oil to refineries figures suggest that, whilst the Humber not just show Immingham as the largest and a growing interest in offshore wind. £investment 115 across m £2.5bn ports support around 35,000 jobs, port in the UK, but one of the largest and By far the biggest growth, however, is in they also contribute £2.5 billion to the most important in Europe, which can only shipping containers. Containers touch economy, much of which is retained in benefit the economy across the North the Humber to the economy just about every part of the economy and, the region. of England. 22 REPORT – WINTER 2018 PORTS AND BIOMASS 23

Ports and biomass

Benedict McAleenan, head of Biomass UK, which is carbon from the atmosphere. But we anything but trees. And they’re growing won’t get there if we don’t invest in the faster than they’re being harvested, with part of the Renewable Energy Association, lays out bioenergy infrastructure on which BECCS annual net growth of around 0.7-1%. why ports are vital to the future of biomass energy, will depend. The government’s taskforce Foresters there manage growth rates to on carbon capture said in 2018 that ensure constant net growth and to which is the UK’s second largest source of renewable regional hubs will be vital to making it all prevent land being turned over to urban or happen. With the North agricultural use. Their priority is supplying energy generation. an obvious candidate for this, ports such high-quality timber for buildings and as Immingham will play a long-term role. furniture. Woody material that they can’t use because it’s misshapen, diseased or Starting out as unwanted, low-grade too small, they often burn on site or leave forestry by-products, biomass raw to rot. The alternative is to sell to industries materials are pelletised and then shipped such as pulp and paper or bioenergy. to the UK. They’re received by specialist With many paper mills shutting down, facilities at the port, loaded onto trains or bioenergy provides a profitable alternative lorries and brought to facilities like Drax. revenue stream for the forest. Put simply, Through its conversion from coal to bioenergy helps keep forests as forests. biomass, Drax has transformed itself to As a result, standing stocks in the become the biggest decarbonisation southeastern USA have more than project in Europe and the UK’s largest doubled over 70 years. There’s a similar renewable generator. By using biomass story in Canada and the EU. instead of coal, it has cut its carbon What was the UK’s second largest Ports are central because most of the emissions by more than 80%. Add on So a waste product becomes a way to source of renewable power last biomass we use is imported through hubs bioenergy carbon capture and storage replace fossil fuels in our energy system year? It wasn’t, as most people such as ABP’s Port of Immingham. (BECCS) in the future at Drax (it is already and a way to support international forestry. guess, wind or solar. Around 7 million tonnes of biomass pellets trialling the technology), and the power However, this isn’t the end of the are imported into UK ports each year, just station could deliver negative emissions, Wind was the leader, generating around low-carbon story. By regulating the entire for in Selby, North meaning the electricity it generates will half of our renewable power supply, much biomass supply chain, the UK ensures Yorkshire. This will increase as new help to reduce the amount of carbon of which came from offshore wind farms, bioenergy provides a genuine reduction in biomass power stations come online accumulating in the atmosphere. supported by infrastructure and skilled emissions. UK-based generators have (Lynemouth earlier this year and MGT workforces in ABP’s ports such as Through support for biomass, Britain has their supply chains, from forest to power Teesside soon). The benefits are manifold: and Hull. become a world leader in the station, independently audited and they investment in UK trading infrastructure; technologies and the regulations needed must show a cut in emissions of at least It was biomass that came second, reinforcement of trading relationships; to ensure a low-carbon supply chain. This 60% compared to fossil fuels. That generating nearly a third of our renewable supporting jobs, especially in industrial hubs is being studied throughout the world as requirement is growing far stricter in power. To put that in context, that’s such as North East England; technology other nations seek to create stable, coming years, creating extra incentives around 8-9% of the UK’s total electricity innovations from shipping to air quality; low-carbon energy systems. Just like the (and funding) for shipping to decarbonise supply. Solar panels generated just under and supporting a smoother transition from UK, those countries are often looking for through bold technological advances. 12% of renewable power. But it’s coal to low-carbon renewables. more abundant bioenergy resources than important not to see these technologies Through British ports, we can access the The most important benefit of bioenergy their own landscapes provide, which as competing with each other. The real world’s forestry resources in a way that has been underlined repeatedly this means turning to the global shipping and challenge is to understand how they work supports forest growth, lowers emissions autumn, with independent reports from ports system to access the ‘wood in concert to keep costs and carbon and drives industrial innovation. This isn’t the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate baskets’ of the world, especially the US down. Bioenergy is crucial to our energy temporary or transitional. As bioenergy Change, the International Energy Agency and Canada. system because it backs up wind and becomes an accepted commodity for and the UK’s Energy Technologies UP TO 9% solar, helping the power grid to flex with The resources available in North America energy systems around the world (as the Institute. All restated the centrality of increasingly complex supply and demand are vast; the working forests supplying IEA and IPCC suggest), and as BECCS bioenergy for decarbonising the world’s curves. It also provides a range of Drax in the southern USA are three times technology becomes a scalable reality, OF THE UK’S TOTAL ELECTRICITY SUPPLY economies. By combining bioenergy with industrial benefits, with ports at the heart the entire landmass of . You global shipping will play a central role. carbon capture and storage (known as of the story. can drive for hours without seeing It’s a long-term partnership. BECCS), we could actually remove COMES FROM BIOMASS ENERGY. 24 REPORT – WINTER 2018 HMS CAMBRIA 25

HMS Cambria: coming home to Cardiff

By spring 2020, HMS Cambria, Wales’ historic Royal Naval Reserve unit, will once again be based in Cardiff, thanks to a new working partnership between the Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Association and ABP South Wales.

HMS Cambria’s rich heritage as Wales’ that HMS Cambria will offer these vital “I am excited to see this Royal Naval Reserve unit dates back to services at the new location for some 50 its formation in July 1947, when it first years thanks to a long-term lease. project develop. It will set its base at . But as the It is hoped that the new site will provide deliver state-of-the-art redevelopment of the docks began to more opportunities for existing reservists create the Cardiff Bay we know today, training and accommodation to fulfil their roles as vital and valued the unit found itself relocated away from members of the armed forces family, as facilities for the Royal its waterside home. well as inspiring future reservists from Naval Reserve for many After redesign, conversion and the surrounding areas to unlock their construction, HMS Cambria’s current potential by getting involved and making years to come.” home, at the former Service Married a contribution to this important part of the Quarters at Sully, near Barry in the Vale UK armed forces. of Glamorgan, was opened in 1980 and To mark the beginning of the new The Port of Cardiff has always had a has remained Cambria’s base for almost development, ABP Director South Wales strong link with the Royal Navy and 40 years. Matthew Kennerley visited the site in vessels regularly visit Britannia Quay, But now, thanks to a major maritime September – together with HMS Cambria’s Roath Basin. The new HMS Cambria collaboration between the Reserve commanding officer Commander Steve facility will also provide the unit with easy Forces’ and Cadets’ Association (RFCA) Fry, Chairman of the Reserve Forces’ access to the waterfront when visiting and ABP South Wales, the unit is set to and Cadets’ Association Captain Brian warships are docked in the port. return to its Cardiff home by spring 2020. Thorne, and Commander of the Maritime On behalf of ABP, Matthew Kennerley Reserves Commodore Martin Quinn – to Work has already begun on constructing welcomed Cambria back to its Cardiff home review the plans and watch work begin. a bespoke £11 million facility on the and said that ABP was “delighted to be Cardiff Port estate, located near Roath At the visit, Commodore Quinn reiterated using our port infrastructure to support such Dock, in the heart of Cardiff Bay, only the Royal Navy’s commitment to having an important maritime project for the region.” a mile away from the city centre of the a presence in Wales and signalled that ABP South Wales has provided a Welsh capital. the beginning of work was a significant bespoke ‘build-to-suit’ property service milestone in ensuring that this commitment The new building will provide a new to support the project and will be working is realised. “I am excited to see this project state-of-the-art training centre, as well closely with the Reserve Forces' and develop. It will deliver state-of-the-art as accommodation and social facilities Cadets' Association over the next training and accommodation facilities for for the Royal Naval Reserve, the Royal 18 months, to turn HMS Cambria into a the Royal Naval Reserve for many years to Marines Reserve, and the University Royal reality, securing a new proud Welsh base come” he said. Naval Unit. From opening, it is planned for reservists, well into the future. 26 REPORT – WINTER 2018 ABP AT PARTY CONFERENCES 27

ABP at the party conferences

Transport was a hot topic on the conference fringe programme at both The political party conference season provided an ideal conferences, with several meetings taking place across venues in Liverpool and opportunity for discussing key issues facing the ports Birmingham. ABP and Transport for the and maritime sector. North sponsored The Northern Transport Fringe, which focussed on issues surrounding devolution, transport and infrastructure investment in the North of England. The packed room learned about Labour’s investment plans from Shadow Transport Minister Rachael Maskell MP and the Mayor of Liverpool City Region, Steve Rotherham. ABP’s Dafydd Williams highlighted the vital role of northern ports in supporting industry and economic growth across the North, the need for investment in road and rail links to ports, specifically With the ongoing Brexit negotiations the A63 in Hull, and the role of the Humber looming large over UK politics, many of in providing resilience to UK supply chains the nation’s leading policy makers and after Brexit. influencers gathered in Liverpool and An equally well-attended event on the Birmingham in the autumn for the Labour same topic took place at the Conservative and Conservative party conferences. The Conference in Birmingham the following conference season offers delegates from week, with attendees and viewers of politics, media and business the chance to BBC Look North hearing perspectives meet and discuss the most pressing issues on northern transport priorities from of the day. ABP attended both conferences Transport Secretary Chris Grayling MP and and engaged with representatives from Mayor of the Tees Valley Ben Houchen. across the political spectrum on vital issues David Leighton, ABP Group Head of affecting UK ports, from transport and Corporate Affairs, emphasised ABP’s in the rest of the world. ABP’s David maritime sector can help drive growth in infrastructure investment to the future of recent investment in port infrastructure on Leighton emphasised that despite coastal communities across the UK. Martin international trade. the Humber and how northern ports can reports of potential difficulties at the Port Vickers MP, who spoke from the floor at Now in its fifth year, the ABP Sea Shanty help alleviate concerns about disruption of Dover, Britain had many other ports the event, highlighted ABP’s investment Reception is one of the most popular to trade after Brexit. Transport Secretary which had historically handled more of the in Humber ports as an example of the events at conference, attracting over 500 Chris Grayling agreed that too much trade cross-channel traffic than they do today. positive impact of the maritime sector delegates to lively events in Liverpool and was concentrated through the He added that preparations were well and called for a free ports policy to further Birmingham. The Roaring Trowmen sea and that other ports had an important underway at ABP to ensure our ports are boost growth in coastal communities. shanty singers helped to create a unique role to play. The panel also discussed the prepared for any eventuality. Experts on ABP also attended receptions for and enjoyable atmosphere for delegates, opportunities for free ports to help attract trade and business also contributed to a businesses and other stakeholders who also enjoyed traditional maritime fare investment and boost economic growth in lively and informative discussion on the engaged in supporting the Northern while learning more about the important northern cities and regions. future of trade. The meeting resulted in Powerhouse Partnership and the role ports play in supporting businesses positive coverage from BBC Radio 4 and The future of international trade was top Midlands Engine. and industry across the country. Guests the BBC World Service. of the agenda at another well-attended “With the UK’s departure from the EU only months included Shipping Minister Nusrat Ghani With the UK’s departure from the EU only fringe event, hosted by leading current Maritime matters were the focus of MP, who took time out of a busy schedule months away, the conference season away, the conference season provided a timely affairs magazine Prospect. Brexit Minister discussion elsewhere at the conference, to attend the event in Birmingham. Other provided a timely opportunity for Suella Braverman MP spoke in enthusiastic with Maritime UK hosting a fringe meeting opportunity for wide-ranging policy discussions about attendees included party members, MPs, wide-ranging policy discussions about terms about the opportunities ahead, both on the opening day in Birmingham. Sir local councillors, and representatives from the UK’s future as a successful trading the UK’s future as a successful trading nation and the in terms of the future trading relationship Bernard Jenkin MP was joined by speakers industry and the media who all contributed nation and the role of ports and maritime with the EU and the prospects for new representing ports, shipping and other role of ports and maritime in realising this ambition.” to record attendances at both events. in realising this ambition. trade deals with fast-growth economies maritime industries to discuss how the 28 REPORT – WINTER 2018 NEWS WRAP 29

“Work on the latest £15 million multi-deck storage facility in Southampton's Eastern Docks will take nine months and will create 3,000 additional spaces NEWSWRAP for vehicles to be stored.”

Bite-sized, all the latest news highlights from ABP


In November, ABP announced a Work on the latest £15 million In October, a fleet of 21 classic tall In November, the first phase of a new deal with British Steel, which multi-deck storage facility in ships arrived at the £300,000 demolition project to involves an investment of £65 million Southampton's Eastern Docks will from the Netherlands as part of clear a new 13-acre development into the Immingham Bulk Terminal. take nine months and will create the annual ‘Race of the Classics site was completed at the Port of The new deal will see ABP take over 3,000 additional spaces for vehicles to for Young Professionals’, which Lowestoft’s Shell Quay. The project, the operation of the terminal, which be stored. This is the eighth multi- aims to celebrate and preserve which will provide more development is located on the west side of the deck at the port and this significant sailing heritage. As part of the race, land for ABP and surrounding Port of Immingham, from British investment will further strengthen the participants sail and navigate from local businesses, brings ABP’s total Steel. The investment will help to port’s position as a global hub for the Veerhaven in Rotterdam to the Port of investment in the support the long-term future of steel automotive trade. Ipswich, where the event culminates. to £1 million in the last quarter. manufacturing in the Humber region. 30 REPORT – WINTER 2018 NEWS WRAP 31

“The Port of Immingham has won 'Commercial “ABP South Wales announced a £400k Rooftop Solar Installation of the Year' at the investment in new engineering workshop Solar Power Portal Awards.” facilities for employees at the Port of Cardiff.”


In October, Immingham’s new £4.75 In September, the Port of In October, it was announced that an In October, ABP’s Port of Lowestoft In October, ABP Port Manager, In October, ABP South Wales million state-of-the-art lock gates were Southampton's commercial manager installation at the Port of Immingham welcomed its newest customer, World Stuart Cresswell was appointed announced a £400k investment officially opened by the Secretary of Rebekah Keeler was among the has won 'Commercial Rooftop Solar Marine Offshore (WMO), as part as a new director of the Scottish in new engineering workshop State for Environment, Food and Rural winners in a global search for the top Installation of the Year' at the Solar of the company’s project to support Chambers of Commerce (SCC). facilities for employees at the Port Affairs Michael Gove and Cleethorpes 20 young professionals in the cruise Power Portal Awards. The recognised ScottishPower Renewables’ East Mr Cresswell is an experienced general of Cardiff. The new state-of-the- MP Martin Vickers. Mr Gove enjoyed industry under the age of 40. The project, which was delivered by the Anglia ONE offshore wind farm. manager with responsibility for ABP’s art 1,200-square metre workshop a tour of the port with ABP Director Seatrade Cruise News competition company Custom Solar, has the The port will provide indoor storage operations in Scotland, which include provides an increased amount of space Humber Simon Bird prior to revealing was held in Lisbon and saw Solent capacity 4.5 megawatts, enough to as well as quay and yard space for the Ports of and . for the engineering department to a special plaque beside the lock gates Stevedores General Manager Tom power almost 750 homes. marine operations to enable WMO to undertake servicing and maintenance with attendees from the press, ABP’s Dynes also shortlisted for the award. mobilise its workforce and equipment of operational equipment used by marine team and those who were with ease and efficiency. stevedores to load and discharge involved with the installation. customer vessels. 32 REPORT – WINTER 2018 IN THE LOOP 33

An update from Westminster

Party conference season, the Budget and Brexit preparations made for a busy end to the year at Westminster.

UK free ports as part of their supply chain. The location of many UK ports in areas of relative economic deprivation also means the policy could help encourage investment in parts of the country most in need of economic regeneration. A cross-party group to further discussion of The Chancellor delivered the final budget further investment in infrastructure and the topic has also been established and before Brexit to Parliament in October, housing. The personal allowance, the rate will be chaired by Martin Vickers MP. with the Prime Minister’s conference at which people start paying income tax, The Industrial Strategy Council held its pledge to "end austerity" adding further will also rise a year earlier than planned. inaugural meeting to discuss its strategy intrigue to the occasion. Philip Hammond An additional £500 million was also to hold government to account on MP announced the Government’s allocated to help government departments the objectives laid out in the industrial spending programme against the with no-deal Brexit contingency planning. strategy. The Council will convene at least backdrop of steady growth forecasts and The Government has continued its three times a year and agree its annual improved public finances. This allowed for preparations for Brexit by publishing work programme and priorities with the significant spending announcements for additional ‘technical notices’ which set Department for Business, Energy and In the... key sectors such as health and defence. out plans to be put into place in the Industrial Strategy and HM Treasury. The There were also big announcements event that the UK leaves the EU without group comprises business leaders from on transport spending, with £25.3 a deal in March 2019. The Department across a range of sectors and is chaired billion promised for major road network for Transport has now published 13 by Andy Haldane, Chief Economist at improvements between 2020-25 and an documents outlining the potential impact the Bank of England. The Chair will meet additional £420 million available to local such a scenario would have on areas of annually with the Business Secretary authorities to deal with pot holes. This transport policy, including the haulage and the Chancellor to discuss its work investment will support the Department industry and aspects of maritime. ABP programme and progress. for Transport’s Draft Road Investment is progressing plans to ensure our ports A busy autumn also saw Maritime Minister Strategy, published on the day of the are prepared to keep trade flowing in any Nusrat Ghani MP open the first meeting Budget, which includes a commitment eventuality after Brexit. of the Clean Maritime Council, which to wider government policies including Looking beyond Brexit, there was a brought together experts from across the supporting growth, aiding rebalancing debate on the establishment of free maritime sector, from industry leaders and linking ports. The explicit recognition ports in Westminster Hall in October. developing greener vessels, to academics of the importance of connectivity to the Participants discussed the potential studying the economics of emission nation’s ports is particularly welcome and for free ports, or free trade zones’, to reduction. The group will devise a strategy will allow ports to play an even greater role help supercharge the UK economy and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in boosting trade and economic growth support regional rebalancing. The debate from the sector to improve air quality on across the country. was arranged by Simon Clarke MP, who and around our waterways, ports and While there were fewer headlines for the opened the debate by defining free ports shipping lanes. The UK is already actively rail industry, an additional £37 million as an area that is physically within a developing plans to reduce emissions has been made available to support country but legally outside it for customs from shipping through hybrid ferries, Northern Powerhouse Rail and £20 purposes. The advantage of such a shore-side electricity and alternative fuels. million for East West Rail. The Budget policy is that goods could be imported, The environment is also one of the main also announced the continued freeze processed and then re-exported without strands of the Government’s Maritime in fuel duty, a package of proposals for incurring any duty and that this would 2050 Strategy, which targets opportunities small businesses and the high street, plus incentivise international businesses to use for the sector for the next 30 years. 34 REPORT – WINTER 2018 A DAY IN THE LIFE 35

A day in the life… Michael Webster, ABP Operations Manager

Can you tell us more about the career project, which involves a collaboration path that brought you to ABP? “I’m convinced that we with Kew Gardens and sees the planting of hundreds of wildflower seeds across After completing a BSc in Physical all have the capability ABP’s network of 21 ports to support Geography at Anglia Ruskin University, to learn and, with the local wildlife. My team like to call it I wanted to start a career in the ‘Webster’s Weeds’, because of my logistics sector, as I had previously right leadership and enthusiasm for the project. For instance, held a summer job at Tuffnells Parcels attitude, we all have I renovated an old boat dingy in order in Ipswich. The job market was quite to create a more interesting flower pot. though at the time, but I decided to the opportunity to I think the social aspect of projects like approach one of the regional directors succeed. We can all this shouldn’t be underestimated, as at Tuffnells and ask whether they had they create a sense of camaraderie at any vacancies. Fortunately, they had a play a vital role in the port and make it a great place to position available and, 18 months later, the maritime industry work. One of the recent key ongoing I had left Ipswich and was the traffic projects I have been involved in, is the manager at a busy London depot. From and contribute to the ‘Port Walkway’ project, which represents there I held various posts as either ongoing prosperity of a £150,000 investment and includes operations or depot manager for both the installation of new footpaths, line Tuffnells and TNT, which encompassed the UK.” markings and signs. The speed control managing national and international road as my team daily, in order to manage signs have been particularly successful haulage, as well as cargo transported complex delivery processes. My key role in creating a safer work environment for via international flights. I found the is to oversee the West Bank Terminal at everyone, which is one of the foundations logistics sector to be a fast-paced and the Port of Ipswich, where we handle a of what we do as a business. intensive environment. What encouraged wide variety of cargoes including timber me to consider ABP as an employer, What advice would you give to young and mixed aggregates. We also offer was the draw of moving to the maritime people who are interested in pursuing a a high specification timber treatment industry as a career opportunity, but career in the maritime industry? plant and parking facilities for haulage also my personal interest in maritime companies. Day-to-day work can be I’m convinced that we all have the outside of work, having been part of quite demanding but I am lucky to capability to learn and, with the right pleasure boating as a hobby for many have a good team and a network of leadership and attitude, we all have the years. When my current job in ABP was supportive colleagues. Our key objective opportunity to succeed. We can all play advertised, I applied and I was delighted every day is to provide the best service a vital role in the maritime industry and to get it and excited by the prospect to our customers in line with health and contribute to the ongoing prosperity of learning more about the sector. I safety procedures, as part of ABP’s of the UK. ABP is a business with think the reason why I was successful wider Beyond Zero safety culture. I think longevity, offering excellent prospects for in landing my job at ABP is because it is also important to assist colleagues career development and it is great to be people management is important to me from other departments and a couple of part of that journey. We’re always on the and I am focused on staff engagement. times I have been lucky to get on board lookout for fresh talent and skills such I believe in never promising what one ships with the pilots, which were as the willingness to learn and a positive cannot deliver. Also, coming from great experiences. attitude. My advice to young people in a different industry has allowed me particular is not to be afraid if they don’t to bring a fresh perspective to work Can you tell us more about a key know a great deal about the industry patterns that had previously been project you are currently working on? and always ask questions. They should accepted as the norm. We are always open to new projects also be prepared to do independent What does your typical and I have been involved in a number of research and have a ‘go-getter’ attitude. work day involve? them since joining. I was recently invited For those further down the line, I would to an ABP innovation weekend, which say that you can learn from all your My current role at ABP is Operations allowed me to share direct feedback on seniors. I would recommend picking the Manager, Service and Deliver, which the current induction process in order traits that you like most in your leaders encompasses communicating with to help its continuous improvement. I and striving to combine them in your internal and external customers as well also take part in an ongoing wildflower own work patterns. 36 REPORT – WINTER 2018 VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE 37

View from the bridge: blockchain and frictionless ports

Dr Shishank Shishank, Lecturer in Operations Management at Birmingham City University, explores how blockchain technology can allow ports and harbours, the key enablers in global supply chains, to build a more transparent, trusted and secure network.

and vulnerability. Blockchain technology “This technology could allow has the capability to remove much of the the realisation of a digital, remaining market friction – the speed bumps that slow the pace of businesses. transparent, secure, paperless For example, the speed of freight slows at supply chain.” ports when proper paperwork for import or export is not completed, or is missing altogether. If the information was received In this globalised economy, ports act databases of cryptocurrency platforms. at the import or export terminal (i.e. port/ as links for businesses to move goods The blockchain aims to establish a harbour) from the bill of lading prior to the from one means of transport to another. distributed ledger on a decentralised freight container arriving, terminals could They function as nodal links between sea network to record transactions. Since process goods, planning and executing and land, which are a clear example of each block is decentralised and linked trade more efficiently, without concerns intermodality. In other words, ports and to other blocks by hash value, this about data protection. This could be harbours sit at the crossroads of global mechanism can guarantee the security achieved by setting up a blockchain trade routes, making the sector a key and validity of transactions. Blockchain between the port terminal and the enabler of the global supply chain. In its technology can be applied at major ports shipping company. Blockchain technology “A key advantage of essence, the supply chain is about the for provenance of goods and all other could make the required data visible in processes from raw material to finished information about goods within the supply real time (or be precise, near real time). blockchain technology is products, including associated flows of chain ecosystem, introducing a new This near-real-time sharing of information that it allows us to build data and capital. The flow of data and source of trust. This could be achieved could avoid costly delays and losses due products should maintain fluidity across by saving the records in the distributed to missing paperwork. a trusted network.” the supply chain ecosystem in order to ledger transparently, thereby eliminating On a larger scale, blockchain application minimize the time required and costs problems raised from distrust, even at ports can enhance the supply chain incurred. More importantly, the fluidity and though there is no authoritative third party ecosystem, allowing the sharing of seamless transition of goods requires the to oversee it. information on import and export data, integrity and authenticity of information as Businesses over the years have manifests and loading lists, certificates the basis of trust amongst all overcome trade friction across the board relating to origin of components and parties involved. by embracing technology. Specialist products, customs values, status A key advantage of blockchain technology institutions have also emerged to reduce information and tariff codes amongst is that it allows us to build a trusted risk in business transactions. Innovations all the parties involved. This technology network. Blockchain technology, or in technology have helped businesses could allow the realisation of a digital, distributed ledger technology (DLT) overcome distances and inefficiencies, transparent, secure, paperless supply was originally created to manage the but supply chains are still open to risk chain. 38 REPORT – WINTER 2018 NEWS WRAP 39 Proud of our people Ruth White, ABP Bridge Operator at Port of Lowestoft READ MORE AT: WWW.ABPORTS.CO.UK

In essence, blockchains can allow a reduction in friction, while revolutionising the supply chain ecosystem. It can be said that countries across the world have realised that investment in critical technologies such as blockchain is important to increase economic growth and keep pace with the evolving digital ecosystem. In the United Kingdom, government initiatives such as Innovate UK are focused on driving and accelerating innovation by investing in disruptive technology and providing access to cutting-edge technologies, such as blockchain. As with the advent of any new technology, there will be challenges as blockchain matures and disrupts the ecosystem, but its promise to boost business growth shouldn’t be underestimated. Associated British Ports Head Office 25 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ES

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