Public Document Pack


Date : Thursday 10 March, 2016 Time : 18:30 Venue : Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre, Road, L22 1RR


Blundelsands Ward Ward Councillor Dan T. Lewis (Vice-Chair), The Councillor Cummins, The Labour Party Labour Party Councillor Veidman, The Labour Party Councillor Veronica Bennett, The Labour Councillor Webster, The Labour Party Party Councillor Dams, The Labour Party Ward Councillor Carragher (Chair), The Labour Party Ward Councillor John Joseph Kelly, The Labour Party Councillor Dutton, Conservative Party Councillor McGinnity, The Labour Party Councillor Jamieson, Conservative Party Councillor Killen, The Labour Party Ward Councillor Burns, The Labour Party Ward Councillor Sayers, The Labour Party Councillor Atkinson, The Labour Party Councillor Carr, The Labour Party Ward Councillor Murphy, The Labour Party Councillor Gatherer, The Labour Party Councillor McKinley, The Labour Party Ravenmeols Ward Councillor Owens, The Labour Party Councillor Maria Bennett, Residents Action Group Councillor Hale, The Labour Party Councillor Page, The Labour Party

Victoria Ward Councillor Byrom, The Labour Party Councillor Grace, The Labour Party Councillor Roche, The Labour Party


Parish Council Representatives Parish Councillor Jack Colbert Village Parish Council Parish Councillor Bob McCann Formby Parish Council Parish Councillor David Warren Hightown Parish Council Parish Councillor Kevin Sharpe Parish Council Parish Councillor Anne Ibbs Parish Council Parish Councillor John Christopher Bailey Parish Council Parish Councillor Ron Baker Melling Parish Council Parish Councillor Marie Duffy Sefton Parish Council Parish Councillor Ken Hounsell Thornton Parish Council Parish Councillor Gerry Lee Sefton Area Partnership of Local Councils

Advisory Group Members Mr. P. G. Thornton

COMMITTEE OFFICER: Olaf Hansen Democratic Services Officer Telephone: 0151 934 2067 Fax: 0151 934 2034 E-mail: [email protected]

If you have any special needs that may require arrangements to facilitate your attendance at this meeting, please contact the Committee Officer named above, who will endeavour to assist. We endeavour to provide a reasonable number of full agendas, including reports at the meeting. If you wish to ensure that you have a copy to refer to at the meeting, please can you print off your own copy of the agenda pack prior to the meeting.


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3 A G E N D A

1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest Members are requested to give notice of any disclosable pecuniary interest, which is not already included in their Register of Members' Interests and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the Members Code of Conduct, before leaving the meeting room during the discussion on that particular item.

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting (Pages 7 - 12) Minutes of the meeting held on 7 January, 2016

Part A

These items are for general discussion. Anybody attending the meeting is welcome to speak (subject to the Chair’s discretion)

4. Public Forum A period of 20 minutes (or longer at the discretion of the Chair) will be set aside for a Public Forum.

Members of the public can ask questions, raise matters, or present petitions on issues that are relevant to . The person asking a question will be allowed one supplementary question.

A question form indicating the person’s name and address must be completed and submitted to the Democratic Services Officer as soon as possible and by no later than 12:00(noon) the day before the meeting.

(If the questioner does not attend the meeting or nominate a representative to attend (at the discretion of the Chair), the question will not be read out, but a written response will be forwarded to the questioner).

If a response to a question cannot be provided at the meeting, the Neighbourhoods Division will contact the relevant department for a formal response and the resident will be contacted directly in writing.


5. Police Issues (Pages 13 - 28) Report of the Neighbourhood Inspector

Update on crime statistics and area interventions since the last meeting

6. Parish Council Updates Verbal update from Parish Council representative(s)

Part B

These items are for consultation or information of interest to the local community. Anybody attending the meeting is welcome to speak (subject to the Chair’s discretion)

There are no items in Part B

Part C

These are formal decisions to be taken by the Members of the Council. Only in exceptional cases will the Chair allow contributions from the public (Advisory Group Members may speak but not vote)

7. Receipt of Objections to Proposed Parking Charges in (Pages 29 - 46) Formby and Crosby Report of the Head of Locality Services

8. Area Management Update (Pages 47 - 52) Report of the Head of Communities

Update on area management issues resolved since the last meeting

9. Budget Monitoring (Pages 53 - 62) Report of the Head of Communities

Update on Area Committee budget resources available


10. Date of Next Meeting A programme of meetings for 2016/17 was approved by the Council at its meeting to be held on 28 January 2016. The recommendation being made to Council is that the next meeting of the Area Committee be held on Thursday, 16 June 2016 commencing at 18:30; and that thereafter meetings be held on the following dates at 18:30.

14 September 2016 05 January 2017 09 March 2017

Venues to be confirmed.




PRESENT: Councillor Carragher (in the Chair) Councillors Dan T. Lewis, Atkinson, Maria Bennett, Veronica Bennett, Burns, Byrom, Carr, Cummins, Dams, Dutton, Jamieson, John Joseph Kelly, Killen, McGinnity, McKinley, Murphy, Owens, Page, Roche, Sayers, Veidman and Webster


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Gatherer, Grace and Hale and Parish Councillors Colbert, Ibbs and Lee.


The following declaration of interest was received

Member Minute No. Nature of Interest Byrom Minute No.33 Other. Is a Board Member of North Parish Council West Reserve Forces and Cadets Updates Association which administers the rifle range and training complex at Altcar, Hightown.



That the Minutes of the meeting held on 16 September, 2015 be confirmed as a correct record.


During the Public Forum the following matter was raised:-

a) Mr.G.Jones, asked for the for a review regarding the introduction speeding prevention measures such as speed bumps; there was little point introducing 20mph zones if drivers do not take any notice of them and there were no deterrents or monitoring in place.


Olaf Hansen, clerk to the Committee informed that Mr.Jones had received a written response to his question.


The Committee considered the reports of Inspectors Atherton, Jones and Hatton.

Inspectors Jones and Hatton were present at the meeting and answered queries from the Committee.

A Committee Member expressed their concern that there was not a Police Officer present who covered the Formby area.


(1) the Police be thanked for their presentation; and

(2) a letter of thanks and appreciation be sent to Inspector Dowden for her hard work and dedication whilst serving in Sefton.


Parish Councillors gave a brief verbal update from the Parish Councils covering:

Hightown Parish Council • The medical Practice within Hightown. • Concern at the proposed wind farm in West Lancashire. • The funding of Christmas decorations.

Melling Parish Council • Sefton’s Local Plan and the recent meetings the Parish Council had had with the relevant officers and authorities.

Lydiate Parish Council • The numerous bi-centennial celebrations the Parish Council would be hosting to commemorate the opening of the Leeds-Liverpool canal; for which contributions and assistance would be welcome.

Ince Blundell Parish Council • Parish Councillor Sharpe asked whether the CSAC was aware that an application had been made to West Lancashire Borough Council (WLBC) for the erection of a Wind Farm with turbines 447ft in height overlooking Ince Blundell, Formby, Lydiate and Sefton which would have an impact on the residents of Sefton. He went on to ask if Members could kindly give their consideration to this matter. Some Members commented that this was a matter for the Planning Page18 8 Agenda Item 3 CENTRAL SEFTON AREA COMMITTEE- THURSDAY 7TH JANUARY, 2016

Committee and they would not wish to create a conflict of interest by expressing a view on the matter, which might be judged as pre- determining the application. Jill Coule, Head of Regulation and Compliance clarified that as the site fell within the borders of WLBC, they would be the authority to determine the application. Sefton would be consulted on the matter, and a report might be presented to a future meeting of the Planning Committee. • Parish Councillor Warren added that he was concerned that the proposed wind farm might prove hazardous to helicopters seeking to land at the rifle range at Altcar Rifle Club, Hightown.

Formby Parish Council • The work that had taken place as part of the library garden project. • The Parish Council was also looking at flooding issues. • The Parish Council was looking at registering the War memorials within the village.


That the Parish Councillors be thanked for their presentations.


The Committee considered the report of Head of Planning Services, which informed that there wouldl be a joint Public Consultation for both the new Waterloo Park Conservation Area Appraisal and the update of Christ Church Conservation Area Appraisal for a 6 week period provisionally beginning on 20 January 2016 and ending on 2 March 2016.


That the report be noted.


Further to Minute No.76 of the meeting of Area Committee held on 2 December, 2015, the Committee considered the report of the Head of Regulation and Compliance that sought views for submission to the Cabinet Member – Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services on the future of the Central Sefton Area Committee and in particular on whether the Area Committee was the most effective way of engaging members of the public in Council business. It was noted that the same report would also be considered by South Sefton Area Committee later in January 2016.

The report detailed the background to the introduction of Area Committees in Sefton in 2000; that the functions of Area Committees were listed in Chapter 8 of the Council’s Constitution; that the Council was not statutorily Page19 9 Agenda Item 3 CENTRAL SEFTON AREA COMMITTEE- THURSDAY 7TH JANUARY, 2016

obliged to have Area Committees and could choose to discharge the business currently conducted through Area Committees via other means; and the allocation of budgets to Area Committees and that Central Sefton had, at the start of the 2015/16 municipal year, £100,907 of funding available to spend.

The report also provided information on the ways in which neighbouring authorities (and Bolton and Bradford), operated Area Committees / neighbourhood engagement.

The report concluded by detailing that the role of the Area Committee in promoting public engagement and consultation was to ensure that the public could have a say on a wide range of things that may impact on them locally and Appendix 2 detailed issues raised by the public during the last year; that the Area Committee also provided a forum for partners to come together with local people to discuss issues such as policing, health and education; and detailed other forums in operation where public engagement takes place such as:

• Council, Cabinet and Committees • Ward Surgeries • Public Meetings • Public Engagement and Consultation Panel • General Communications

Members of the Committee and Parish Councillors raised the following points:-

• There were more efficient ways for residents and the community to engage with the Council than the Area Committee; • The merger of Formby, Crosby and Sefton East Parishes Area Committees into Central Sefton Area Committee(CSAC) created a Committee that was too large and cumbersome and did not serve the community well; • The public attendance at the Area Committee meetings had steadily fallen; • Councillors holding public meetings or engaging with residents through their surgery would be more effective and efficient than CSAC; • Residents could arrange to meet with officers direct – which should be communicated to the public; • The Public Engagement and Consultation Panel was currently underused; • The social networking site was an effective method of public engagement, but should not be used for political views; • The size of Central Sefton Area Committee has led to a lack of engagement; • Queries were raised about the functions of CSAC and if they were assimilated into other Council Committees, how would residents


raise questions and queries – i.e. would they have to raise a petition for every query they had; • The majority of discussions held this evening were really Ward or surgery issues and this was typical; • The cessation of Area Committees was the removal of public contact and engagement; • Area Committees were still a useful way of engaging with the public; • Any re-structure of Area Committees would necessarily have to be at a more local level; • The previous Area Committee structure was more effective and based at a local level; • Area Committees had somewhat lost their way, they were created as a tool to counter-balance the Cabinet’s power, however, with so few decisions being “called in” they were struggling to find a roll to fulfil; • Individual Wards could call meetings at Ward/Town level; • There was currently a gap between CSAC’s aspirations and abilities; • Few questions were asked in the Public Forum which suggested that residents were not aware of the Committee’s existence; • Any future structure would necessarily have to be a diminution of the existing structure into manageable groups of people; • The Police attendance at CSAC and their reports and presentations were beneficial, but this could be achieved through alternative means/structures; and • There were large issues surrounding Sefton’s public engagement. A sophisticated strategy should be developed.


That the above mentioned views be endorsed for submission to the Cabinet Member - Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services.



The Committee considered the report of the Head of Communities on area management activities that had taken place in Harington, Ravenmeols, , Church, Manor, , Molyneux, Park and Sudell Wards.


That the report be noted.



The Committee considered the report of the Head of Communities that provided information on available resources for the Committee and progress on those items approved at previous meetings.


That the report be noted.


In accordance with the scheduled programme of meetings, the next meeting would be held on Thursday 10 March, 2016 at Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre, Cambridge Road, Waterloo, L22 1RR commencing at 18:30.

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Hi Olaf

I have today received your letter dated 14 th January.

I really do appreciate that you and the Committee have taken the time to send this having had a discussion about my previous position. I have just been asked actually, if I miss my previous role and the answer is undoubtedly yes. I thoroughly enjoyed working with my tea, the community and yourselves as partners and I miss the challenges and the ‘hard’ questions strangely enough!

Please pass on my thanks to the Committee and my best wishes to you all.

Kind regards


Inspector Karen L Dowden Advanced (Police) Practitioner Fellow Liverpool John Moores University

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Central Area Committee Report th th For period 7 Jan 2016 – 26 Feb 2016

SOUTH SEFTON BlundellSands, Church, Victoria & Manor Neighbourhood Inspector: Ian Jones

Ward Report for: Blundellsands.

ASB. There has been no major issues of ASB reported in this area

ACQUISITIVE CRIME There have been 6 burglary in a dwelling. There is still a high proportion of these that involve entry via an insecure door! There have been 5 burglaries in buildings other than a dwelling. Please see below entry re Alex Maloney in relation to this.

Robbery – There have been no offences of Robbery

Hate Crime – nil

Critical Incidents: Nil


Ward Report for: Church.

ASB. There have been no major issues of ASB reported.

ACQUISITIVE CRIME There have been 3 theft of pedal cycles in this time which is a reduction of 6. We have organised Operation Spoke which has been deploying both tracker and decoy bikes in the area. This has had a great effect on this type of crime.

There have been 4 reports of burglary dwelling which is over 50% reduction.

There have been 6 Burglaries in building other than a dwelling. Please see the report on Alex Maloney further in this report.

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Robbery – There have been 2 reports of robbery. 1 being a handbag snatch and the second on a food delivery driver.

Hate Crime – We have been working closely with the owner of Zebbies store 6, South Road who had been the complainant on a number of occasions of hate crime from local youths. As a result there have been no further offences in this period

Critical Incidents: Nil


Ward Report for: Victoria.

ASB. There have been no major reports of ASB in this area

We have been working the DPS and brewery manager of ‘The Crosby’ public house after a number of complaints of ASB and drug use in the area. A public meeting took place were a number of issues were raised and effective measures put in place. We have also held two operations in the area of the public house including the interaction of local residents. As such, we have had no further complaints in the area.


Burglary – We have gone from 20 Burglaries to 8 for this period. This in response to our Neighbourhood developing an operation targeting a crime spike in the vicinity of the Rimrose Valley Park. As a result of the operation, a number of people were arrested and the pattern has ceased.

There has been 1 Burglary other than in a dwelling.

Robbery – There has been one Robbery involving a youth being cornered by two other youths and demanding money to be handed over.

Hate Crime –

No current trends or issues

Critical Incidents: Nil

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Ward Report for – Manor.

ASB There has been a number of complaints in relation to speeding and parking offences in and around the area of Quarry Road. This is in relation to traffic trying to deflect from the new Brooms Cross Road. As a response, I have set up a team including a Sgt from the Police Roads Policing team, Chair of the Thornton Parish Council and my Neighbourhood team who are in the initial process of setting up a Community volunteer speedwatch team. The group are also working with the respective Council representatives in relation to other control measures.

Acquisitive Crime –

Burglary- There have been 3 reports of burglary in a dwelling with no similar pattern

Robbery – Nil

Critical Incidents – Nil

Hate Crime - There has been one report of hate crime with the complainant being a vulnerable victim. We have worked heavily with our partner agencies (OVH, Council ASB team) to work with the victim and as a result we have taken action against a number of youths in the area. This has resulted in the victim being extremely happy with our actions and the problem has now ceased. The Victim is still be assisted by my team as vulnerable victim to ensure the behaviour does not re-occur and this will be assessed over the next few weeks.

Other News- all Wards

As mentioned above, we have recently been subject to a high number of burglaries to building other than a dwelling. These have mainly been to school premises. We quickly identified a male suspect and an operation was put in place to target him as an offender. We worked tirelessly with local schools and partner agencies including several press releases. As a result, Alex Maloney was arrested whilst attempting to commit an offence at a school in Thornton. He has been charged with a high number of offences and remanded in custody.

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My team have been working with local primary schools in relation to the ASB use of off road motorcycles. This event has been heavily publicised in the local media and an update can be given at the committee meeting.

Current Priorities

1) Protecting Vulnerable People (PVP) In line with Force & Sefton Policing prioritisation, Neighbourhood Officers are increasingly engaged with managing vulnerable victims, those under threat and those at risk of exploitation. Responses are often involved, intensive and require the implementation of various measures to protect victims, improve locations and bring pressure upon perpetrators. 2) Organised Gang Disruption The removal of firearms and dangerous individuals from circulation remains a priority. A series of warrants have been executed under the provisions of the Misuse of Drugs Act. These, combined with use of new ASB powers – are helping to keep gang activity disrupted. 3) Operation BANGER It involved far more than the busy week itself. Planning for diversionary activities and legislative enforcement regarding the safe sale and use of fireworks was undertaken for months prior to Haloween/bonfire night. As a result, the period seen a large drop in disorder compared to previous years.

Ongoing Neighbourhood Involved Initiatives:

• Burglary- Operation PUSH - targeted at reducing the number of burglaries in the area. Neighbourhood staff patrol is intelligence led using information researched by Police analysts. Neighbourhood PCSTO’s conduct Operation Handle, which involves trying door handles of properties and vehicles and if found insecure the staff provide security advice. Offenders who have been arrested for offences in our area are also managed and targeted. Victims who are visited following a burglary receive SMARTWATER. • Operation PAYETTE – the weekly deployment of resources to tackle scrambler bike nuisance –following up intelligence, issuing warnings, effecting seizures and deterring offences. • OCG (Organised Criminal Groups) disruption. Inspector Jones manages this activity. Force & Sefton resources will be co-ordinated within his plan. Neighbourhood Officers may be required to assist with certain aspects of the plan.

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• VULNERABLE VICTIMS – supervision attend a fortnightly Partners meeting to agree control measures & review all Medium & High risk vulnerable victims. • THREAT MANAGEMENT – Neighbourhood will coordinate target- hardening, victim support and extra attention to those under threat • SARA Problem-Solving – there has been a change to the requirement to have a SARA in each WARD. Generally the expectation is that there will only be one SARA running at one time. • TWITTER – the Neighbourhood is now on Twitter - @MerPolSthSefton

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Central Area Committee Report – completed 29 th Feb 2016

EAST SEFTON (Central) Neighbourhood Inspector: Phil Hatton

Ward Summary for: PARK.



There remains no significant vulnerability in terms of ‘rowdy/inconsiderate’ ASB in Park Ward. There has been a significant year on year 60% reduction in calls over the winter, with no particular hotspot location. ‘Vehicle misuse’ calls again pertain mainly to the Sefton Lane locality. Again, predominantly in relation to scrambler bikes using the Cheshire Lines. Calls have dropped by 25% in this period. There were no incidents of arson – and criminal damage reports fell by 8%.


There was a significant increase in burglary (dwelling) offences. Fifteen offences were reported (an increase from only six the year prior). The majority of these offence occurred during January-many occurring overnight with car keys targeted. An Operation was initiated and a number of arrests and charges were made against travelling criminals – a 27 year old male from Widnes, a 20 year old male from Tuebrook and 16 year old male from Tuebrook, and a 21 year old male from Speke. There have been no recorded offences in the past 3 weeks. Burglary (other than a dwelling) increased, but to just six offences. 3 males from Knowsley were arrested on 27 th January after stealing three bikes from a garage and utilising the canal towpath. This was a good Police response to a report from a member of the public. There have been no offences since.


Robbery – nil:

Hate Crime - nil

Critical Incidents: Nil

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Ward Summary for: SUDDELL.



General ‘rowdy’ ASB showed a slight increase against last year – a 9% year on year upturn during this period. There is a hotspot location in Penrith Crescent- with local youths gathering and targeting a particular address. Neighbourhood Officers are working with Partners to deal with the issue. Two other hotspots (without particular vulnerability concerns) are the Deyes Lane area (including Glen Park) and the Station Road locality. Following reports of a nuisance scrambler bike in the Croftfield area, two youths from Lydiate were arrested on a motorcycle which had been stolen in Liverpool. Two offences of Arson were recorded – both in December. A car was set alight in the car park of the Coach & Horses Public House, and in a separate incident a car was targeted on a residential drive. Neither incident has escalated. More positively, there was a big reduction in criminal damage offences recorded – a 48% decline.


Burglary Dwelling offences have increased from unusually low levels in the last reporting period. 8 crimes reported (against 4 last year). Three were car key burglaries, and I have reported in the ‘Park’ update (above) how several car key burglars have been arrested. No particular M.O., timescale or location is prevalent. Similarly, there were six burglary (other than a dwelling) offences. The good news is that a male who was committing offences against schools across Sefton (Alex MALONEY, 29 years, no fixed abode) was eventually located and is now in custody. Theft from motor vehicle fell by 60% to 4 offences and theft bike by 50% to 2 offences. A CCTV appeal has been issued regarding the bike thief. Simple auto crime is at negligible levels –only 1 offence in the period.


Robbery – Nil

Hate Crime –1 incident – pupils in High School –homophobic abuse

Critical Incidents: Nil

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Ward Summary for: MOLYNEUX.



An overall increase in ASB calls by 30% compared to 2014/15. Calls to the Alt Public House vicinity have restarted (still low at 5 calls). Other hotspots include the Old Roan Station vicinity (a repeat caller now accounting for a significant proportion of the total), and the Aintree Retail Park fast food outlets. An emerging hotspot in the Lincoln Crescent area of Aintree has been identified. The location had been subject of previous successful Partnership intervention, but has emerged as a problem again, approximately 18 months later. There has been a small increase in incidents of damage, but no identifiable hotspot, and no incidents of arson were reported in the period.


As per the other two Wards, there has been an increase in burglary dwelling offences (from 11 to 16).Two occurred in , four in Melling and ten in Aintree. Positively, ten of those incidents did not result in any property being stolen, either because entry was not gained or they were disturbed (by alarms, neighbours etc.)- indicating a good level of vigilance. Only one car has been stolen as the result of burglary in the last 8 weeks. There were 9 burglary (other than dwelling) incidents –an increase from 7, but five were attributed to MALONEY (see Suddell report) who has now been arrested. There were no pedal cycles stolen but the theft from motor vehicle crime category remains an issue in Molyneux – 26 reports (up from 17). Two distinct M.O’s were present- one being overnight opportunistic theft. A 37 year old from L32 has been recently arrested for several of these incidents and they appear to have ceased. The other matter which persists is that of theft from gym car parks. An identified suspect was arrested, but remains on bail pending enquiries.

SERIOUS CRIME Robbery – Nil .

Hate Crime – Nil

Critical Incidents: Nil

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Current Neighbourhood Involved Initiatives:

• Burglary- Operation PUSH - targeted at reducing the number of burglaries in the area. Neighbourhood staff patrol is intelligence led using information researched by Police analysts. Offenders who have been arrested for offences in our area are also managed and targeted. Victims who are visited following a burglary receive a home security assessment and are offered target hardening support. • Operation PAYETTE – the weekly deployment of resources to tackle scrambler bike nuisance –following up intelligence, issuing warnings, effecting seizures and deterring offences. • PVP (Protecting Vulnerable People) – Neighbourhood staff act as single points of contact for local care homes (young people) and are tasked to help prevent child sexual exploitation • OCG (Organised Criminal Groups) disruption. Inspector Hatton manages this activity. Force & Sefton resources will be co-ordinated within his plan. Neighbourhood Officers may be required to assist with certain aspects of the plan. • Operation Schoolgate – Ward Officers are expected to provide an intermittent presence outside local schools to deal with nuisance parking and inconsiderate driving. Although parking enforcement does primarily remain Sefton Council responsibility. • Community Speedwatch – police led operations have been conducted at key hot-spot locations. Community-led operations have been planned and will continue when other priorities permit • HAVE YOUR SAY Priorities- meetings and Newsletters will now move to a quarterly basis. However, there has to be an acceptance that PVP (protecting vulnerable people) will always be a priority. • VULNERABLE VICTIMS – supervision attend a fortnightly Partners meeting to agree control measures & review all Medium & High risk vulnerable victims. • THREAT MANAGEMENT – Neighbourhood will coordinate target- hardening, victim support and extra attention to those under threat • SARA Problem-Solving – Generally the expectation is that there will only be one SARA running at one time. • BIKE TAGGING – over 200 more bikes have been tagged last month. A funding bid for more tags will now be required. • TWITTER – the Neighbourhood is now on Twitter - @MerPol Copy Lane

Future Neighbourhood Meetings:

Have Your Say meeting: Friday 27th May 2016 -Netherton Activity Centre, Glovers Lane, L30 3TL 1pm-2pm

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Central Area Committee Period 10 th December to 24 th February 2016 Ravenmeols and Harington wards plus Manor West Neighbourhood Inspector James Atherton

Crime Patterns and Trends

Anti-Social Behaviour There have been no major issues reported. Acquisitive Crime. There have been 19 residential Burglaries in this period with 5 also having been committed in the Hightown area. These have typically been during the early to late evening, where it was apparent nobody was at home. Unusually, property including televisions and laptops have been stolen as opposed to just cash and jewellery. We have formed a dedicated team of detectives to look into all these offences. Sefton has received further support from Matrix Roads Policing. Two males aged 42 and 24 yrs from Whiston and Liverpool have been arrested in connection with a house Burglary in Formby. A car stolen during the burglary was later recovered with the keys. The offenders had fitted false registration plates to the vehicle to disguise it’s true identity. Enquiries are ongoing. We continue to actively encourage crime prevention. Reduce the risk of being a victim, lock it or lose it. Record your valuables; better still register them for free on by simply following the links from the Police website. Police has recently re-launched ‘Homewatch’ to promote the benefits of the scheme and recruit new members. I am pleased to report that West Sefton has a very active Homewatch Scheme and I would encourage people to get involved. You can call 0151-777- 4145 and leave a message for Mr Roger Sloman and he will get in touch with you. Alternatively speak to any member of the Dedicated Neighbourhood Team. There is a lot of great crime prevention advice available via the Merseyside Police website. You can always come along to one of our police surgeries or property registration events to discuss any concerns you may have. Robbery – Only one report when a male has had his bicycle taken by other youths.

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Neighbourhood Priorities Protecting vulnerable people remains our key priority. However, we are currently addressing complaints of Anti-Social Behaviour in together with Burglaries across West Sefton. We will also be launching Beachsafe 2016 in May 2016. Operation Colme This remains our on-going reassurance and disruption plan to tackle Burglary Dwelling offences / offenders. We have received additional support from Seftons’ Neighbourhood Disruption Team and the forces Matrix Roads Policing units. Every Burglary victim receives a follow-up visit from a member of my team and we conduct extensive house to house enquiries in response to each report. As a direct result of funding we have recently received from the ward councillors, we are able to offer free ‘Smartwater’ kits to all Burglary victims. Operation Dragonfly Crime prevention and property registration initiative. We have now completed property registration sessions at Formby and Range High schools. We have also held a special event at Formby Pool where we offered free property registration of mobile phones and pedal bikes. Again, due to vital funding from Ward Councillors we were able to give away & fit ‘Immobitags’ to the bikes, ultimately supporting our Crime Prevention response as we move forward to prevent crime. We have now registered over 300 items of property this year alone. We will be holding another registration event during the April half-term, details will be circulated via local media, on our website and also Twitter @MerpolFormby. Operation School Gate Parking around schools is a perennial problem at certain locations across Sefton. We work with the local schools and parents in keeping these areas as safe as possible. Twitter / Social Media Twitter - We now have 716 followers. We regularly use Twitter as a forum to keep residents and followers updated on local issues and policing activity in the area. We encourage as many people as possible to follow us, so please register. However, Twitter is not to be used to contact Merseyside Police to report an incident or a crime, as we have dedicated call handlers for this purpose. Mersey Now A community messaging system that will be going live in March 2016

Meet the Team – 2016 – Crime prevention surgeries. Our crime prevention surgeries are detailed below. It is your chance to come along and meet members of the Neighbourhood Team, ask for crime prevention advice or discuss you concerns in general. Your attendance can / will influence our quarterly policing priorities moving forward.

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Lady Green Nurseries. Lady Green lane, Ince Blundell –9-11 am Friday 1st April, 6 th May and 3 rd June Tesco Formby Bypass (Inside Costa Coffee) 1-3pm Friday 8 th April, 13 th May, 10 th June, Waitrose, Three Tuns lane, Formby 1-3pm Friday 15 th April, 20 th May, 17 th June Our next quarterly Have You Say meeting is scheduled for Thursday 24 th March 2016, 7-8pm at Formby Pool. If you are unable to attend you can always fill in the e-form on the forces website. This is an opportunity to discuss what we should be focussing on after; dealing with all the other emergencies and priorities for the forthcoming quarter. Remember in an emergency dial 999, for none emergencies or if you wish to speak to a member of the Neighbourhood Team call 101. You can always pass information about crime anonymously to the Crime stoppers on 0800 555 111.

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Report to: Central Sefton Area Committee Date of Meeting: 10 March 2016

Subject: Receipt of Objections to Proposed Parking Charges in Formby and Crosby.

Report of: Head of Locality Services Wards Affected: Ravenmeols, Church & Blundellsands

Is this a Key Decision? No Is it included in the Forward Plan? No

Exempt/Confidential No


To report the receipt of 110 objections to the proposed Parking charges on Sumner Road Car Park, Burbo Bank Car Park, Blucher Street Car Park and Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre Car Parks and to recommend the way forward.


It is recommended that Central Sefton Area Committee : -

(i) Consider the objections, and;

(ii) Either:

a) approve the scheme as proposed, or; b) approve the scheme with minor amendments, or; c) refer the scheme to the Cabinet Member Locality Services indicating the Area Committee’s view on how the proposal should be progressed.

(iii) Instruct the Manager – Highways Management to advise the objectors of the decision of this meeting;

Page 29 Agenda Item 7

How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives?

Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community √ 2 Jobs and Prosperity √ 3 Environmental Sustainability √ 4 Health and Well-Being √ 5 Children and Young People √ 6 Creating Safe Communities √ 7 Creating Inclusive Communities √ 8 Improving the Quality of Council Services and Strengthening Local √ Democracy

Reasons for the Recommendation:

The Council has the power to revoke a Traffic Regulation Order (Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984) as well as the power to make a new Traffic Regulation Order (Section 1 of that Act). Approval of Highway schemes and authorisation to proceed with Traffic Regulation Orders fall under the remit of Area Committees

What will it cost and how will it be financed?

(A) Revenue Costs None arising directly from this report

(B) Capital Costs None arising directly from this report


The following implications of this proposal have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below:

Legal The Council has the power to make Traffic Regulation Orders under Sections 1 & 2 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

Human Resources None

Equality 1. No Equality Implication YES

2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated NO

3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains NO

Page 30 Agenda Item 7

Impact on Service Delivery: NONE

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

The Chief Finance Officer (FD4049/16) has been consulted and notes there are no financial implications arising directly from this report. If the Area Committee was to consider that the objection(s) should be upheld it would be necessary for the matter to be referred back to the Cabinet Member – Locality Services. An assessment of financial implications (if any) would be made at this time

The Head of Regulation and Compliance (LD3332/16) has been consulted and comments have been incorporated in the report.

Are there any other options available for consideration?

If the Area Committee was to consider that the objections should be upheld then, pursuant to paragraph 21 of Chapter 8 of the Constitution, it would be necessary for the matter to be referred back to the Cabinet Member – Locality Services indicating the Area Committee’s view on how the proposal should be progressed.

Implementation Date for the Decision

Immediately following the Committee

Contact Officer: Dave Marrin – Manager, Highways Management Tel: 0151 934 4295 Email: [email protected]

Background Papers:

Council Report – 5 March 2015 - Revenue Budgets 2015/16 and 2016/17

Page 31 Agenda Item 7

Page 32 Agenda Item 7


1.1 At its meeting of 5 March 2015, full Council approved the progression of a revenue budgets for 2015/16 and 2016/17. Contained within the approvals was a saving £547k over the two financial years from the Parking budget, which would be achieved from the ‘Review of service and charging regimes’.

1.2 Part of this would be achieved through the implementation of parking charges on the existing car parks at Sumner Road, Formby; Burbo Bank, Blundellsands; Blucher Street, Waterloo; and Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre.

1.3 It is predicted that these charges would raise a net income of £90k per annum.

1.4 The Traffic Regulation Orders for the new car parks, and associated parking charges have now been advertised in the local Press, and a number of objections have been received. Details of the objections are discussed in the following paragraphs.


2.1 One main objection has been received from Formby Parish Council, a copy of which is shown as Annex A.

2.2 In support of this main objection, Formby Parish Council have distributed pre- printed objection forms, and 100 of these have been completed and returned with names, addresses and further comments. A sample copy of one of the pre-printed forms, with personal details obscured for confidentiality reasons, is shown as Annex B.

2.3 A further three objections from individual residents have also been received, and these are shown as Annexes C,D & E.

2.4 The majority of the objections raise the following points:-

• The current car park arrangements work well, so there is no need to change them. • Parking charges will be detrimental to local shops, whose owners are already struggling for trade. • Charging on Sumner Road car park will displace vehicles onto adjoining side roads. • Implementing charges on Sumner Road will result in Waitrose starting to charge in their car park. • The car park is too small to be independently financially viable.


3.1 Six letters of objection have been received, opposing the Cark Park charges on the Crosby seafront car parks. These are shown as Annexes F,G,H, I, J & K. Page 33 Agenda Item 7

3.2 The reasons contained within these six objections can be summarised as follows:-

• Unfair on locals who access the beach on a daily basis. • The cost of the Pay & Display machines and daily enforcement would not be covered by the income. • Charging on Burbo Bank car park will displace vehicles into adjoining residential roads. • Parking charges on Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre will penalise sailing club members and users of the Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre (CLAC).


4.1 In relation to the objections to the charges on Sumner Road car park, the following comments are made:-

• The current restrictions on the car park limit waiting up to a maximum of 2 hours in order to prevent all day parking and ensure that there is a turn- over of spaces available for shoppers. The proposed parking arrangements will retain the 2 hour maximum stay, and from an operational point of view, the car park will still provide parking for the Village in an efficient manner.

The proposals will also result in less resource being required to enforce the restrictions. Currently, vehicles have to be checked to see if they have moved once the two hour parking period has passed. If pay and display were to be introduced fewer visits would be required.

• Attempts have been made to identify any evidence, statistical or empirical, which may assist in identifying the impact that parking charges have on the decision making process when visiting a shopping area.

The main limitation of the research is that it is extremely difficult to isolate with any level of confidence, the impact of car parking charges on footfall and retail figures in town centres. A number of factors come into play, including comparative charges in neighbouring areas, general economic conditions and the ‘offer’ available within the Town centre in terms of retail and service provision.

Evidence indicates that in other parts of the country, the question of whether increased parking charges or the economic downturn are responsible for reduced footfall, has not been answered satisfactorily with only subjective and anecdotal views available. The issues raised and the impacts felt could be very localised issues and therefore, difficult to rely upon.

• Extensive parking surveys have already been carried out on all roads within a 1 mile radius of Chapel Lane, to establish the level of current on-street parking. If parking charges are implemented on the car park, repeat

Page 34 Agenda Item 7

surveys will be carried out to establish whether parking has been displaced, and whether additional parking restrictions are required.

• Sefton Council has no control over the operation of Waitrose’s car park.

• Sumner Road car park currently has a ‘Limited Waiting’ restriction, which gives a two hour maximum stay. This requires regular enforcement by Sefton’s Civil Enforcement Officers, which is currently costing approximately £10,000 per annum. In addition a further £4,227 is expended on Non – Domestic rates and Water Rates. The introduction of parking charges will lead to a reduced amount of enforcement and will bring in an income to cover exisiting costs. As indicated in paragraph 1.3 a total net income of £90k per annum is expected from all of the car parks.

4.2 In relation to the objections to the charges on Crosby Seafront car parks, the following comments are made:-

• As the Crosby Seafront car parks are used by many residents early in the mornings and in the evenings to walk their dogs, the proposed hours of charging for all of these car parks will be from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. An annual permit will also be available for the seafront car parks at a cost of £35 per annum

• As detailed in paragraph 1.3 a total net income of £90k per annum is expected from all of the car parks.

• Parking surveys have already been carried out on all roads adjacent to the Crosby Seafront car parks, to establish the level of current on-street parking. If parking charges are implemented on the car parks, repeat surveys will be carried out to establish if parking has been displaced, and whether additional parking restrictions are required.

• It is acknowledged that sailing club members and organisations who regularly use the ‘wet’ car park to the south of the clubhouse may suffer problems if parking charges are introduced. The annual permit mentioned above will reduce the charge for regular users and discussions are currently taking place with officers from Sport & Recreation to see if any further steps can be taken to assist these users.


5.1 It is recommended that:-

• all objections be overruled; • the parking charges be implemented as originally advertised; • the objectors be advised of the decision of this Committee.

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Page 46 Agenda Item 8

Report to: Central Sefton Area Committee Date of Meeting: 10 th March 2016

Subject: Area Management Update

Report of: Head of Communities

Wards Affected: Blundellsands Church Harington Manor Molyneux Park Ravenmeols Sudell Victoria

Is this a Key Decision? No Is it included in the Forward Plan? No Exempt/Confidential No


To update Central Sefton Area Committee Members on area management activities occurring within the area.


That the Area Committee:

(i) notes the contents of this report; (ii) refers area management issues from Members, residents or community groups to the Area Coordinator for Central Sefton.

How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives?

Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community  2 Jobs and Prosperity  3 Environmental Sustainability  4 Health and Well-Being  5 Children and Young People  6 Creating Safe Communities  7 Creating Inclusive Communities  8 Improving the Quality of Council  Services and Strengthening Local Democracy

1 Page 47 Agenda Item 8

Reasons for the Recommendation:

This report informs Members of progress of area management activities in their areas.

What will it cost and how will it be financed?

(A) Revenue Costs Any actions requiring Council resources are agreed within existing budgets such as Area Committee Budgets (details contained within the budget monitoring report). Actions requiring resources from partners are agreed in advance of works being carried out.

(B) Capital Costs N/A


The following implications of this proposal have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below:

Legal There are no legal implications arising from this report.

Human Resources There are no implications

Equality 1. No Equality Implication None

2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated

3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains

Impact on Service Delivery: All actions detailed within this update have come from issues raised by residents, elected members or officers. These actions are specifically aimed at improving the delivery of services within the local area.

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

The Chief Finance Officer has been consulted and has no comments on the report (FD 4066/16)

The Head of Corporate Legal Services has been consulted and has no comments (LD 3349/16)

Are there any other options available for consideration? 2 Page 48 Agenda Item 8

No. The approach of area coordination via Corporate Commissioning and Neighbourhood Coordination is aimed at improving local services, and thereby improving customer satisfaction with how services are delivered. If these actions were not dealt with, this would not happen. In terms of specific items, each issue is considered fully in conjunction with all relevant partners before action is taken.

Implementation Date for the Decision

Immediately at the conclusion of the Area Committee.

Contact Officer: Alex Spencer, Area Coordinator Central Sefton Tel: 0151 934 2605 Email: [email protected]

Background Papers:

Central Sefton Area Committee Minutes, 7th January 2016

1. Introduction/Background

Corporate Commissioning and Neighbourhood Coordination provides a coordination function for both strategic and operational work within the community.

This report has been produced to update ward councillors and residents of progress against key activities within the Central Sefton Area Committee area.


• Waterloo and Seaforth Cares (Church Ward Older People Pilot)

Members of Waterloo and Seaforth Cares continue to meet to address loneliness and social isolation within Church Ward.

Waterloo and Seaforth Cares was successfully launched in July 2015, and there is an intention to expand this model to all of Crosby. This will be discussed at a meeting of the Waterloo and Seaforth Cares Steering Group on 26 th February 2016.

In addition, since the last meeting of this committee, two officers have been recruited to post by Sefton CVS in order to roll out the learning of the Church Ward Pilot, to other parts of the borough.

Aintree, Lydiate, Maghull, Melling & Sefton Parish 3 Page 49 Agenda Item 8

• Leeds-Liverpool Canal Bicentenary Celebrations

As reported at the last meeting of this committee, a steering group has been established to coordinate celebratory events within Sefton East Parishes area, marking the bicentenary of the Leeds-Liverpool Canal.

The steering group has now established a programme of events, as detailed below:

Activity Date Location

Leeds-Liverpool Canal Bicentenary 4th June 2016 Mersey Motorboat Club Launch Event Canal Family Funday (Maghull) 19 th June 2016 Old Hall Playing Fields Canal Family Funday (Mellng) 19 th June 2016 The Village Green Canal Flotilla 19 th June 2016 Canal Aintree to Maghull Family Fun Run 3rd July 2016 Aintree Racecourse

In support of these events, an operational budget of £10,000.00 has been established, formed through contributions from Area Committee, Parish Councils and the Pride of Sefton.

The steering group will continue to work with the Canal & River Trust to receive advice on using the canal; and for the promotion of events both locally and nationally.


• Formby Hub – Loneliness and Social Isolation Project

Members of Formby Hub continue to meet on a monthly basis in order to plan and implement events within Formby to tackle loneliness and social isolation.

Since the last meeting of this committee, Formby Hub successfully promoted a Fish and Chips Afternoon, which was attended by 66 Formby residents, and feedback to date has been extremely positive.

Formby Hub is in the process of organising its annual Easter Eggstravaganza, which this year will take place on 21 st March 2016.

• Joseph Harley Fund

Since the last meeting of this committee, the Community Foundation has been promoting the Jospeh Harley Fund by contacting schools, interest groups and via social media.

Unfortunately, despite this promotion, no applications have been submitted in advance of this committee.

4 Page 50 Agenda Item 8

The Community Foundation has indicated that they will continue to promote the fund using previous methods, but will also start utilising the business sector within Formby for further promotion.


That the Area Committee:

(i) notes the contents of this report; (ii) refers area management issues from Members, residents or community groups to the Area Coordinator for Central Sefton.

5 Page 51 This page is intentionally left blank

Page 52 Agenda Item 9

Report to: Central Sefton Area Committee Date of Meeting: 10 th March 2016

Subject: Budget Monitoring Report

Report of: Head of Communities

Wards Affected: Blundellsands Church Harington Manor Molyneux Park Ravenmeols Sudell Victoria

Is this a Key Decision? No Is it included in the Forward Plan? No Exempt/Confidential No


To update Central Sefton Area Committee Members on available budgets for the 2015/16 Municipal Year, and to state what items / works have been agreed to date.


That the Area Committee:-

(i) Considers and notes budget allocations for the 2015/16 municipal year. (ii) Considers and notes brought forward amounts from the 2014/15 municipal year. (iii) Considers and notes items/works agreed during the 2015/16 municipal year

How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives?

Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community 

2 Jobs and Prosperity 

3 Environmental Sustainability  4 Health and Well-Being 

5 Children and Young People 

6 Creating Safe Communities  7 Creating Inclusive Communities 

8 Improving the Quality of Council Services  and Strengthening Local Democracy

1 Page 53 Agenda Item 9

Reasons for the Recommendation:

This report is to inform members of available area committee budgets.

What will it cost and how will it be financed?

During the 2013/14 municipal year, a two year saving proposal was approved to reduce area committee budgets by 50% compared to 2012/13.

This saving proposal is still effective, resulting in the area committee allocation for 2015/16 being the same as 2014/15.

The 2015/16 allocation for Central Sefton Area Committee is £40,698.00 . This figure does not include brought forward area committee under-spends from 2014/15.

(A) Revenue Costs All commitments referred to in this report are funded from the 2015/16 area committee budget. A balance of £72,264.70 remains for future allocations.

(B) Capital Costs N/A


The following implications of this report have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below:

Legal Human Resources There are no implications Equality 1. No Equality Implications

2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated

3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains

Impact on Service Delivery:

Area Committee budget allocations must be spent on additional services that benefit the wider the community.

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

The Chief Finance Officer has been consulted, and has no comments to make on this report. (FD 4053)

The Head of Regulation and Compliance has been consulted, and has no comments on this report. (LD3336/16)

2 Page 54 Agenda Item 9

Are there any other options available for consideration?

No alternative options available

Implementation Date for the Decision

Immediately following the Committee.

Contact Officer: Alex Spencer, Area Coordinator, Central Sefton Tel: 0151 934 2605 Email: [email protected]

Background Papers:

Council Minutes, 18 th April 2013. Central Sefton Area Committee Minutes 16 th September 2015.

1.0 Introduction/Background

1.1 On 18 th April 2013, Council agreed to reduce the number of area committees from seven to three. As a result of this resolution, three committees now cover the northern, central and southern parts of the borough.

1.2 Central Sefton Area Committee is formed by bringing together the wards of Blundellsands, Church, Harington, Manor, Molyneux, Park, Ravenmeols, Sudell and Victoria.

1.3 Although Central Sefton Area Committee will represent the interests of these wards, individual ward budgets still exist. Ward councillors will retain responsibility for determining how best to use funding allocated to their individual ward.

2.0 2015/16 Area Committee Budget

2.1 The following table sets out the 2015/16 budget allocations available to each ward as per current Area Committee arrangements.

2015/16 2015/16 2015/16 2014/15 2015/16 Ward Available Balance Balance b/f Commitments Allocation Budget Available £ £ £ £ £


Blundellsands 13,410.59 4,509.00 17,919.59 0.00 17,919.59 Church 2,369.46 4,509.00 6,878.46 2515.42 4,363.04 Harington 4,784.87 4,432.00 9,216.87 4948.50 4,268.37

Manor 7,789.38 4,509.00 12,298.38 6723.00 5,575.38

Molyneux 5,377.85 4,542.00 9,919.85 2816.96 7,102.89 Park 3776.37 4,797.00 8,573.37 1150.00 7,423.37

Ravenmeols 16,703.64 4,432.00 21,135.64 6998.50 14,137.14 Sudell 428.58 4,459.00 4,887.58 650.00 4,237.58 Victoria 5,566.00 4,509.00 10,075.00 2837.66 7,237.34 Total 60,206.74 40,698.00 100,904.74 28,640.04 72,264.70

3 Page 55 Agenda Item9

2.2 The following table shows 2015/16 commitments to date for Central Sefton Area Committee.

Table is accurate at time of writing report – 24 th February 2016

Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2015/16 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Church Ward contribution to Church 31/03/2015 500.00 500.00 Invoice PAID Payment made and cleared Crosby and Waterloo in Bloom

Church Ward contribution to Floral Work around Waterloo Church 31/03/2015 150.00 150.00 Invoice PAID Payment made and cleared Town Hall Page 56 Church Ward contribution to Committed Payment will be taken at end of 2015/16 Community Skips Church 20/05/2015 630.00 0.00 Journal Spend Only programme Programme

Church Ward contribution to skip provision for Brookvale Church 20/05/2015 52.50 52.50 Journal PAID Payment made and cleared Residents Association Clear-Up Day.

Church Ward contribution to Waterloo and Seaforth Cares Church 27/07/2015 116.00 116.00 Invoice PAID Payment made and cleared Launch Event

Church Ward contribution to Payment Invoice received and has been passed th Waterloo and Seaforth Cares Church 27/07/2015 115.00 0.00 Invoice Being to accounts payable for payment – 27 Launch Event Leaflets Processed July 2015

Contribution to Christmas Tree Church 15/12/2015 855.00 855.00 Invoice PAID Payment made and cleared on South Road


Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2015/16 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Streetname Plate Sandringham Committed Payment will be made on completion Church 03/02/2016 96.92 0.00 0.00 Road Spend Only of installation.

Smartwater and Immobitags Harington 01/12/2015 498.50 498.50 Invoice PAID Payment made and cleared

Formby Christmas Lights Harington 04/11/2015 500.00 500.00 Invoice PAID Payment made and cleared Appeal

Tree Planting at: Ennerdale Road, Andrews Lane Payment Journal transfer to parks and Harington 02/02/2016 3,950.00 0.00 Journal Being greenspace. Ward budget will be Wicks Green Rimmers Avenue

Page 57 Processed reimbursed with S.106 funding. Grassmere Road

Manor Ward Community Skips Committed Payment will be taken at end of Manor 29/05/2015 1,890.00 0.00 Journal Programme for 2015-16 Spend Only programme

Maintenance Work for Durban Committed Awaiting completion of works with Manor 29/05/2015 33.00 0.00 Journal Avenue Street Nameplate Spend Only highways

Manor Ward contribution to

Committed Awaiting completion of works with Agenda Item9 restoration of Stocks and Manor 19/06/2015 500.00 0.00 Invoice Spend Only Thornton Parish Council Sundial in Thornton

Installation of litter bin outside Manor 19/06/2015 210.00 210.00 Journal PAID Payment made and cleared Subway on Thornton Crescent

Manor Ward contribution to Netherton Activity Centre Manor 10/07/2015 500.00 500.00 Journal PAID Payment made and cleared Fireworks Display


Agenda Item9

Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2015/16 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Manor Ward contribution to Cheque Manor 18/08/2015 100.00 100.00 PAID Payment made and cleared Another Place - Qwerkie Trail Request

Replacement Litter Bin, Manor 16/10/2015 280.00 280.00 Journal PAID Payment made and cleared Runnels Road

AC Contribution to Kings Committed Manor 21/01/2016 1,500.00 0.00 Invoice Awaiting payment details Church purchase of chairs Spend Only

AC Contribution to Helping Hands for purchase of electrical Committed Manor 21/01/2016 1,500.00 0.00 Invoice Awaiting payment details equipment e.g. Telephones, Spend Only Page 58 PCs AC Contribution toward purchase of Litter Pickers and Manor 29/01/2016 210.00 210.00 Journal PAID Payment made and cleared High Viz Vests for Community Clearups

Molyneux contribution to Payment Invoice received from Merseyside Immobitags for use in Sefton Molyneux 06/08/2015 150.00 150.00 Invoice Being Police. Invoice processed 17/02/2016. East Processed

Molyneux contribution to Aintree Cheque Molyneux 27/07/2015 250.00 250.00 PAID Payment made and cleared Pensioners Club Request

Molyneux contribution to Melling Cheque Residents and Community Molyneux 27/07/2015 200.00 200.00 PAID Payment made and cleared Request Association

Molyneux contribution to Old Cheque Roan Residents Association for Molyneux 04/08/2015 180.00 180.00 PAID Payment made and cleared Request 6 Planters


Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2015/16 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Molyneux Ward contribution to Netherton Activity Centre Molyneux 14/10/2015 500.00 500.00 Journal PAID Payment made and cleared Fireworks Display

Payment Grassverge replacement at 22 Invoice received from Dowhigh. Molyneux 03/12/2015 1,036.96 1,036.96 Invoice Being to 28 Denstone Avenue Invoice processed 17/02/2016. Processed

Molyneux contribution to Leeds- Committed Contribution will be journal transferred Molyneux 14/01/2016 500.00 0.00 Journal Liverpool Canal Bicentenary Spend Only once budget code set up on Agresso

Payment Park contribution to Immobitags Invoice received from Merseyside Park 06/08/2015 150.00 150.00 Invoice Being for use in Sefton East Police. Invoice processed 17/02/2016. Processed Page 59 Park contribution to Leeds- Committed Contribution will be journal transferred Park 14/01/2016 500.00 0.00 Journal Liverpool Canal Bicentenary Spend Only once budget code set up on Agresso

Contribution towards purchase Committed Awaiting confirmation of spend before of kits for South Sefton Borough Park 24/02/2016 500.00 0.00 Invoice Spend Only payment is processed. FC

Contribution towards renovation Committed Payment will be made upon receipt of Ravenmeols 01/10/2015 5,000.00 0.00 Invoice of Formby Library rear garden Spend Only invoices from Formby Parish Council Agenda Item9

Smartwater and Immobitags Ravenmeols 01/12/2015 498.50 498.50 Invoice PAID Payment made and cleared

Formby Christmas Lights Ravenmeols 04/11/2015 500.00 500.00 Invoice PAID Payment made and cleared Appeal

Payment AC contribution towards Formby Cheque request sent for processing Ravenmeols 29/01/2016 1,000.00 0.00 Invoice Being Luncheon Club 17/02/2016. Processed 7

Agenda Item9

Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2015/16 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Sudell contribution to Payment Invoice received from Merseyside Immobitags for use in Sefton Sudell 06/08/2015 150.00 150.00 Invoice Being Police. Invoice processed 17/02/2016. East Processed

Sudell contribution to Leeds- Committed Contribution will be journal transferred Sudell 14/01/2016 500.00 0.00 Journal Liverpool Canal Bicentenary Spend Only once budget code set up on Agresso

Victoria Contribution to College Cheque Victoria 09/07/2015 250.00 250.00 PAID Payment made and cleared Road - It's Your Neighbourhood Request

Stress testing for lighting Victoria 17/07/2015 1,000.00 1,000.00 Invoice PAID Payment made and cleared columns on College Road Page 60

Victoria contribution to Another Cheque Victoria 18/08/2015 100.00 100.00 PAID Payment made and cleared Place - Qwerkie Trail Request

Ward Contribution towards H Bracket outside 64 Northern Victoria 27/08/2015 52.50 52.50 Journal PAID Payment made and cleared Road

Coronation Park - Sporting Committed Awaiting receipt of invoice from Parks Victoria 21/09/2015 890.00 0.00 Journal Lights Event Spend Only & Greenspaces before payment made.

No Ball Games Sign for Victoria 08/10/2015 43.08 43.08 Invoice PAID Payment made and cleared Crossender Road

No Ball Games Sign for Crossender Road following Victoria 29/10/2015 47.08 47.08 Invoice PAID Payment made and cleared damage.

Contribution to Friends of Victoria 16/12/2015 250.00 250.00 Invoice PAID Payment made and cleared Moorside Park


Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2015/16 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Contribution to the installation of Committed Confirmation from highways that H H Brackets outside No 2 and 4 Victoria 23/12/2015 205.00 0.00 Journal Spend Only Brackets will be placed on order. Orchard Dale, Crosby

£28,640.04 £9,330.12 Page 61 Agenda Item9


Agenda Item 9


That the Area Committee:-

(i) Considers and notes budget allocations for the 2015/16 municipal year. (ii) Considers and notes brought forward amounts from the 2014/15 municipal year. (iii) Considers and notes items/works agreed during the 2015/16 municipal year

10 Page 62