Regd.0llice : Plot No. 32-33, Sector-F, Sanwer Road, lndustrial Area, {; lndore-4S2 015 (M.P) lndia Golqni Admin.Ollice : - GIL 1 st Floor, B-1 5, Pologround, lndore 452 01 5 (M.P) lndustries Ltd. Phone : 0731 -2723201 -3, Fu No. : 0731 -2723200 Gltl : 128121MP1995PtC009170 E-mail :
[email protected] GSTIN : 23AAAGG627 48122 Website : 0l'' September.2020 Indore. l-o. BSE Limited 'fhe Corporate Relationship Department. 'l'hc Stock Exchange Mumbai Phccro.l .lec'lcebhoi, Tower. Dalal Street. Mumhai. Sub- Newspaper Advertisement regarding 25th Annual General Meeting ro be helcl through Video Conferencing (VC) / Other Audio Video Mcans (OAVM) Scrip Code- 531608 Dear Sir. Pursuant to Regulation 30 and Regulation .17 of'SI:Bl (l.isting Obligations and I)isclosure Requirements)" Regulations. 2015. plcase llnd cnckrscd copv ol'notice puhlislrcd -l'he in n*vspapcr i.e. Free Press Journal and Chautha Sansar on 0l'' September.2O2O tbr thc 25'r'Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday. 30'h September. 2020 through Video Cont'crencing (VC)/ Other Audio Video Means (OAVM). 'l'he said Newspaper Advertisernent \\ill also bc hostcd on ri'ebsite ol'thc Companr., i.c. http://rvw w.goran iind u strie s.corn/. Please take the above on record. l'hanking Youl Yours taithlully. tbr Gorani Industries Limited \, /r"x-- \rj(tf ) a- AhilCorani tlolding DIN: 00055540 (Whole Time Director) Japan likely to pick new PM on September 17 TOKYO: Japan is considering to hold an extraordinary According to public broadcaster NHK, the ruling Liberal parliamentary session on September 17 to pick the Democratic Party (LDP) is expected to decide when and country's new Prime Minister to succeed Shinzo Abe, local how to choose its next leader in a General Council meeting WORLD 9 media reported on Sunday.