S A I N T J O H N N E U M A N N P A R I S H 7 0 8 M I l f o r d R d , M e r r I m a c k , N H 0 3 0 5 4 — S J N N H . O R G DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY April 28, 2019 THE DIVINE MERCY Go and learn the meaning of the words, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice." I did not come to call the righteous but sinners." —Mt 9:13 Fr. Robert Glasgow Pastor The following are excerpts from Misericors et Miserator Chaplain (LTC) USA, Ret. [Lt., Merciful and Compassionate ], the formal decree issued 880-4689 x113,
[email protected] May 5, 2000 by the Congregation for Divine Worship and Deacon Mark De Rosch the Discipline of the Sacraments which established the
[email protected] Second Sunday of Easter as "Divine Mercy Sunday". Eileen Buckley Business Manager / Parish Secretary 880-4689 x110,
[email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Saturday (Anticipatory) .............................. 5:30 PM Sunday ....................................................... 8:00 AM Sunday ..................................................... 10:00 AM Sunday (Labor Day thru Memorial Day) .... 6:00 PM Daily (Mon, Wed-Fri) .............................. 12:15 PM SANCTUARY OF DIVINE MERCY CONFESSION Vilnius, Lithuania Saturday ............................................ 4:00-5:00 PM Sunday ............................................... 5:00-5:30 PM It Is God's Mercy That And before/after daily Mass, or by appointment. Grants Supernatural Sorrow and Resolution to Amend INDEED, Divine Mercy BAPTISM knows how to pardon even the most serious Parents must attend a Parent Baptism Class before the baptism of their child.