The Daily Egyptian, February 09, 1983
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Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1983 Daily Egyptian 1983 2-9-1983 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 09, 1983 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 68, Issue 95 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, February 09, 1983." (Feb 1983). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1983 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1983 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily 'Egyptian WedDesda),. February 9 19f13-\'oI. 68, No. 95 Faculty members want voice in possible University furlough By PlaUUp FkriDi cut - possibly larger than the session." S&aff Writer last of 2 percent - may be iD But, be said, if the furlough store for tbe state's univer were to occur over spring If the UDiversity ill faced with sities. break, the faculty and staff a furlough 1l!I a respollSe to Some members of the Faculty would "once again bear the another budget cutback, the Senate voiced concern about a entire burden of financial faculty and staff sl:"uld not possible faculty and staff exingency." bave to carry thl:: Durden of it furlough an(! maintained that Somit said he had been alone, some SIU-C faculty they should bave some say in "considering the possibility of a members sa:d Tuesday at the the decision as to wben such a furlough which, if absolutely Faculty Senate meeting. furlough would occur. essential and if there were no Pre~ident Albert Somit Somit, who spoke at tbe other alternatives, could take Thursday announced the meeting, told tbe Faculty place during the vacation possibility 0' closing the Senate that the possibility of a period to millirlWe the impact Uniwrsity over apr'.ng break, iD furlougb was a "worst-case on educational programs." light of GoY. James Thompson's scenario" and that otber However, he said, the indication that another budget aJt;:mativea bad been con furlough would still depend on a Ildered. number of cootingencies, but it Som5t said the University ill is one of the possibilities that not enth~1y certain yet bow to bas to be coosidered. handle a budget cutback that is Thomas Mitchell, professor of larger than 2 percent psyr.bology, said the faculty has In a prepared statement, grwnds to be concerned about tias uys a farlGupwl"oat pay Lawrence Dennis, professor in the manner in which the .ay DOl please &be fllC1ll&y. Ht education, said the faculty furlougb possibility bas bfoen ba.1ls a.4 loa. e ••,a.leI ''participates reluctantly iD this pr~ted . ......1tIy wm WIIk It.. a great temporary layoff if it is im \!What we're faciDg here is idea. plemented wilen duses a~ iD verY danl!etous." 1M' Mid. Graduate student files appeal; ~cOOUe'zges GSl;~~t;~~cq"d.~t P~_~ce testimony open~ -. By Itoller& G_ '., '. Greelej had IGStto KatsiDas the electioli, but because a full firSt day of murder trial Staff "'rila' in a cla&e electioo 011 Dec. I, btlt ",eek was not allowed for because GSC election bylaws challenges to the list, the By Jeaaife;- PIUIIipI ~nns8:rusa~rtment~th An appeal cba!n~ngir.g the 'lil!l'e not complied with, a bylaws 'Nere violated. Staff Writer the iDtention of "getting rugb." conduct of the most recent juci.icial board of graduate Greeley said Tuesday many Williams told the detectives, G-nduate Student Council ~:tts ~ed that the election of the allegatioru, iD the appeal Jackson County State's At MOSII said, tha t the three drank election was filed Tuesday at was IQ\o-alld were "absurd." She said the torney John Clemons began his alcohol, smcked marijuana and the GSC office. Last week's election faceoff appeal cootained several ap care Tuesday against l~year inbaled a d£ug known "n the Cb8rie!! Rogen, a graduate between Greeley and KatsiDas parent mistakes and misquotes. old Patrick K. Williams, street as "Iockeroom." student in higher education, was intended to setUe the '}be appeal is not scheduled to charged with the murder of Williams sairJ that Buchanan filed the appeal, which urges matter, but according to the be discussed at the GSC Benjamin E. Dockins if! i bad apparently been to that the election last week be appeal rtled by Rogers, GSC meeting Wednesday night iD the carbondale iD September Doc:ltinll' ap8l!:mentonc:e before invalidated and "a proper, fair election bylaws were violated Student Center. Williams' attorney, Tllomas to get high, Mo... said. electiOll" be held. again. At the meeting, a resolution Mansfield of Murphysboro, Moss said that Williams then Ann Greeley, a graduate '}be appeal charges that the reaffmning the council's stand motioned to suppress testimony described ho;w Doc!tins made student m psychology, won the GSC Election Commission on the library storage issue will about tt.-e activities of Williams four sexual advance.~ at Dim. presidential seat over Steve failed to pclSt a verified list of be considered. and Edward L. Buchanan while once offering him alcohol, Ka,tsinas, a doctoral student in qualified voters at the GSC The resolution supports an tJley were in the Cbicago marijuana or jewelry in ex bigner &tucation, by a vote of 41 office "at least 168 hours prior" amendment allowing fund'! to suburbs Sept. 10, the day c:lJable for sex. to 14_ Dan venturi won the vice to the election. be used for the purc:ha!le or the Dockins' body was discovered Wil"ams said that, after the presideutial race over Nicholas According to the appeal, such construction of a library in bis 1433 E. Walnut St. fourth advance, he pushed Rioo 35 to 13. a list was filed 165 hours prior to storage facility. apartment Drckins and, wben Buchanan Jackson COWlty Circuit Judge ~(abbed Dockins in a William S"... i.b denied the stranglehold from behind. be rut motion. him in the chest with his bands, Phoeni~ VI cites lack of funds; Bucha."lan, 20, of 307 A Oak St., Moss said was convicted of Dockins' Williams told detectives that murciE'r Dec. 2.9 and sentenced Buchanan released Dockins breaks contract with SIU-C to 20 years at Menard from the stranglehold Whell CmTectimal Center. Dockins bega... urinating, M055 By Rod S .....e The Umversity bas a $5,000 of the advertising revenues The state's main witness said, and wben he fell to the Staf. Writer certificate of deposit. gi'reD to it from the telecasts. To date the Tuesday was Sgt. Tim M06S, oi Ooor, Williams kicked him. by Phoenix VI to shaw good University hasn't received any the Carbondale Police The two moved Dockins to the Bruce Swinburne, vice faith, on file with the cootrac:t in advertising revenue. from Department Before a jury of couch and Williams said be president for student affairs, the purchasing office, Swin- PboeDix VI. six men and six women, M06S panicked when be '"'Ok a gold said Tuesday tbat. Phoenix VI, burne said. SlDc:e the cootract ''PboerulI: VI was unable to desct'ibed the events necklace from Dockins' neck the television production has now been broken, Swin- sell sufficient advertisiqJ time, SUfl'C:Niidulg the murder as told and saw that be wasn't eompany hired to videotape burn\! believes the University ill which is wbere tbe Umversity to him by Williams. breathing. eight Saluki athlelie events, will entitled to the money. stood to benefit," Larry ,Jublio, Moss and Sgt. Don Strom, Williama told the detectives not booor the remainder of its SIU-C will also attempt to I!t assistant to Swinbume, aaid. also from Carbondale, first that he helped Bucbanan put eantrac:t with the University. back, using legal means if, Pboenix VI is seeking to interviewed Williams on Sept. sone property in Dockins' car, BiR Addison, president of the necessary, a pP.rCe!ltage of the extend the contract. wbich 11 in Crete, Moss said, and andUlen left the aparbnent and S!. Louis-based company, cited remaining $20,000 from Phoenix comes up for renewal OIl J\.Dle agaiD 011 Sept. 14, when the ~o began walking i~ome. when a ~.-;!, !!!r:~ as the TeDOii :Ui t1T h,,_1f on three football 30. SwiDburne aaid. detectives were transporti.oc Bucbanao drove up ..ud offered breaking the contra'::, ::~ ;;m';-u;, Company taped in the suspect from the Will him a ride, Moss said c:orctq to Swinburne. the fall r't::e"ix VI was con- "I don't have any great en- County Jail to Jackson County After lathering clothes from SIU-C wiD seek full restitution trac:tuallY oouged to tape c::.'!! -thUlliasm for that alternative," Jail. his bouse, Williams said the two took oft for OIicago Heights, " .,000 from the company, games. be aaiQ':-:;;;! !'~ ~ _loiqJ to MOSII said WiDiama told H!e IICCOI'ding to SwiDburne_ It was The University paid Phoenix shut it totally out .. - - '.. _ .~tectives that OIl the eveuinI of where Williams' father lives, incolTeCtly reported in VI $25,000 for p.-oductioo costs Another alternAtive for the ~.;, ::-:",~.B~=: Moaa said. • ~kins' 1978 silver Buick Tuesday's DaiJy Egyptian that of tapiDg the eight events. In Uniftl'Sity, be said. is te accept the 57-year-okt Dockins ., & .... ' the University was aeeking only return tbe Univenity was bids from other companies on Bar in CarboodaIe and u.t at S5,OOO restitution. supptad to receive 51 percent the contract about t p.m., the two JIl-! lee TRIAL. Page 3 City OKs non-union pay raises ~Wews GRoundup--- 8y Jolul Schra.