2040 Offi cial Community Plan

1 City of Bylaw No. 4025 A bylaw to designate an Offi cial Community Plan or the City of Chilliwack

The Council of the City of Chilliwack in open mee ng assembled enacts as follows:

1. This bylaw may be cited as “Offi cial Community Plan Bylaw 2014, No. 4025”. 2. “Offi cial Community Plan Bylaw 1998, No. 2588” and amendments thereto are hereby repealed. 3. Schedule “A” a ached hereto and forming part of this Bylaw is hereby designated as the Offi cial Community plan of the City of Chilliwack.

Received fi rst reading on the 2nd day of July, 2014. Public hearing held on the 15th day of July, 2014. Received second reading on the 15th day of July, 2014. Received third reading on the 15th day of July, 2014.

Consulta on Process considered by Council on the 4th day of March, 2014. Finally passed and adopted on the 19th day of August, 2014.

Subsequent Amendments Date of Adop on “Offi cial Community Plan Bylaw 2015, No. 4120” July 21, 2015


______Deputy City Clerk

2 2040 Offi cial Community Plan tableof contents

1. INTRODUCTION 9 Purpose of OCP Update 10 Planning Process 12 Plan Organiza on and Structure 13

2. PLAN CONTEXT 15 Chilliwack Today 16 Regional and Provincial Planning 16 Local Planning Context 17





GOAL 3 GROW THE ECONOMY 30 General Economic Development 31 Center of Excellence 31 Industrial / Business Park Development 32 Commercial Development 32 Tourism 33 Downtown Revitaliza on 33

GOAL 4 PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT 34 General Environmental Protec on 34 Water Resource Management 36 Waste Management and the Environment 37 Air Quality & Energy Management 38 Stewardship 38 Environmental Enforcement 39 Gravel Extrac on and Forest Management 39

3 2040 Offi cial Community Plan tableof contents Page

GOAL 5 BUILD HEALTHY COMMUNITIES 41 Social WellBeing 42 Educa on and Con nuing Learning 42 Heritage Values 43 Public Art 44 Parks and Greenspace 45 Mobility 47 U li es 51 Safety and Security 54 Housing 55 Neighbourhood Planning 57

5. IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE 59 Land Use Designa on Strategy Overview by Area 60 Temporary Use Permits 77 Natural Environment & Geotechnical DPAs 78 Development Permit Areas 77 Development Permit Area 1 Municipal Watersheds and Aquifers for Drinking Water 78 Development Permit Area 2 Hillside and Upland Areas 83 Development Permit Area 3 Riparian Area 85 Development Permit Areas Commercial, Industrial, Mul family Residen al Form and Character 87 Development Permit Area 4 Downtown Form and Character 88 Development Permit Area 5 Urban Corridor Form and Character 89 Development Permit Area 6 Infi ll Development Form and Character 91 Development Permit Area 7 Industrial Area Form and Character 91 Development Permit Area 8 Hillside Development 94 Development Permit Area 9 Farm Home Plate Comprehensive Plans 99 Development Approval Informa on 99 Administra on 100 Severability 100

4 2040 Offi cial Community Plan glossaryof terms

OCP Review Schedule 100

Agricultural Land Commission ALC Agricultural Land Reserve ALR Associa on of Professional Engineers and Geoscien sts of BC APEGBC Business Improvement Area BIA Chilliwack Economic Partners Corpora on CEPCO Chilliwack Healthier Community CHC Crime Preven on Through Environmental Design CPTED Development Cost Charges DCCs Environment ENV’T Environmentally Sensi ve Areas ESAs Fraser Valley Regional District FVRD Greenhouse Gases GHG NonGovernmental Organiza on NGO Not In My Back Yard NIMBY Offi cial Community Plan OCP Regional Growth Strategy RGS Royal Canadian Mounted Police RCMP University of the Fraser Valley UFV

5 2040 Offi cial Community Plan mapsocp

Map 1 City Boundaries and Neighbourhoods Map 2 First Na on Reserves Map 3 Urban Growth Boundary Map 4 ALR Map 5 Geological Hazard Areas Map 6 Wildlife Habitat Areas Map 7 Floodplain Map 8A Watercourse Classifi ca on Map 8B Village West Riparian Setbacks Map 9 Gravel Resource Areas Map 10 Species at Risk Map 11 School Sites Map 12A Proposed New Parks Map 12B Exis ng and Proposed Trails Map 13 Road Network Exis ng and Proposed Map 14 Community Water System Exis ng and Proposed Map 15 Sewer System Exis ng and Proposed Map 16 Storm Drainage System Exis ng and Proposed

Land Use Designa on Maps

Map 17A Chilliwack Proper Map 17B Proposed Land Use (2040) SardisVedder Map 17C Proposed Land Use (2040) Yarrow Map 17D Proposed Land Use (2040) Rosedale Map 17E Proposed Land Use (2040) Greendale Map 17F Proposed Land Use (2040) Rural Areas

(All OCP Maps are located at the end of the report.)

6 2040 Offi cial Community Plan developmentmaps permit area

DPA Map 1A Sardis Vedder Aquifer DPA Map 1B Vedder River Fan DPA Map 1C Municipal Watershed: Volkert Creek, Yarrow, Majuba Hill DPA Map 1D Municipal Watersheds: Elk Creek and Dunville Creek DPA Map 2A Promontory, Ryder Lake and Eastern Hillsides DPA Map 2B Li le Mountain DPA Map 2C Chilliwack Mountain DPA Map 2D Majuba Hill and Vedder Mountain DPA Map 4 Downtown Form and Character (Heritage Core and Contemporary Core) DPA Map 5 Urban Corridor Form and Character DPA Map 6 Mul ple Family Residen al Infi ll and Mixed Commercial Residen al Development Form and Character DPA Map 7 Industrial Area Form and Character

***Development Permit Area 3 and 8 Cover the City of Chilliwack in its en rety

(All DPA Maps are located at the end of the report.)

7 2040 Offi cial Community Plan schedulesocp

Schedule A Regional Context Statement

Schedule B City of Chilliwack Building Facade Design Guidelines, Development Permit Areas: Historic Downtown Commercial Core / Contemporary Downtown Commercial Core

Schedule C Design Guidelines, Mul Family Infi ll Development

Schedule D Neighbourhood Plans

1. Downtown Land Use and Development Plan 2. Eastern Hillsides Comprehensive Area Plan 3. Agricultural Area Plan 4. Alder Neighbourhood Plan

Schedule E Growth Projec on Tables

(All Schedules are located at the end of the report.)

8 2040 Offi cial Community Plan 1 Introduction

9 Introduction 1 INTRODUCTION

The City of Chilliwack is the eastern gateway of the A er European contact at the turn of the 18th centu and one of the key urban centres ry, the Stό:lō popula on declined signifi cantly, reach in the Fraser Valley. Its history began with First Na ing a low point in the early 1900s. Since then, the ons, and in the postcontact me it evolved through Stό:lō popula on has increased and now has one of trade, farming and European se lement. the fastest growing demographic profi les in the re gion. The Chilliwack area and surroundings con n The City recognizes its aboriginal heritage, par cu ue to be used by the Ts’elxwéyeqw, Pilalt and other larly in its Offi cial Community Plan that aff ects lands, Stό:lō people for many tradi onal cultural purposes developments, all residents and the rela onships and prac ces. with First Na ons. The Ts’elxwéyeqw Tribe provides the following First Na ons’ perspec ve on Chilliwack The Stό:lō people contribute to the local economy in in history, and in its current development and future many ways, through natural resource development, outlook: cultural tourism, educa onal and economic devel opment partnerships, employment (the Stό:lō Na “The City of Chilliwack is within S’όlh Téméxw (Stό:lō on service delivery agency is one of Chilliwack’s the Territory), with the largest popula on of aboriginal largest employers), environmentally friendly con people in close proximity to Vancouver. The Ts’elx wéyeqw and Pilalt are the two Stό:lō tribes whose struc ons (the Stό:lō Resource Centre in Chilliwack territories are directly associated with the Chilliwack maintains the only LEED Gold standard in the Cen municipal area. Today’s Indian Act Bands were estab tral Fraser Valley), and sustainable resource manage lished in the late 1800s from some of the many his ment (the Ts’elxwéyeqw manages natural resources toric villages of these two tribes, including Cheam, in the Chilliwack River Valley and for the Pilalt in the Kwaw kwaw Apilt, and Skwah (Pilalt); and Aitchelitz, Wahleach Lake area). The Stό:lō people have histori Skowkale, Shxwhà:y, Soowahlie, Squiala, Tzeachten, cally been and will con nue to be an integral part of and Yakweakwioose (Ts’elxwéyeqw). Pilalt villages the Chilliwack community.” and reserves are located along the Hope River. Ts’elx The recent se lement dates back to the Gold Rush of wéyeqw villages and reserves are located along the 1858 when over 20,000 miners passed through the Chilliwack River system. area, and some of them decided to farm and sup The City derives its name from the Halq’eméylem ply provisions to the travellers. The socioeconom word “Ts’elxwéyeqw” which elder Albert Louie, of ic backdrop set Chilliwack on a path of growth and Yakweakwioose, talked about it meaning ‘as going as community building, which is a tes mony to its as far as you can go upriver’ in reference to travelling pira ons and values and the regional infl uences that by canoe up the Chilliwack River sloughs leading to have shaped the community. Soowahlie. Halq’emeylem is the tradi onal language of the Stό:lō (People of the River). Amidst the zoning bylaws and planning concepts of the 1970s rose the fi rst Offi cial Community Plan in Ts’elxwéyeqw and Pilalt history, as Stό:lō tribes, ex 1983 (under the BC Municipal Act). This plan rec tends thousands of years in the past. Archaeological ognized Chilliwack’s new municipal iden ty as the sites and evidence located within the City demon District of Chilliwack, which was formed in 1979 as strate the long term occupa on and use by the Pilalt a result of the amalgama on of the historic Town and Ts’elxwéyeqw. ship of Chilliwhack and the City of Chilliwack. The

10 Introduction 1983 OCP recognized three exis ng se lements. c. Since 1998 the Province has expanded the scope (Chilliwack proper, Sardis and Vedder) and the urban of Offi cial Community Plans to include a regional corridor structure that was already evident. The sub context statement, aff ordable, rental and special sequent OCPs in 1989 and 1998 reinforced the urban needs housing policy, social planning, economic corridor form and structure, and acknowledged the development, and greenhouse gas emission tar importance of the downtown and other community gets. Although some of these policies have al cores, a density hierarchy, and edge developments. ready been added to the 1998 OCP, a plan update Those plans also expanded the municipality’s vision enables the City to address these areas in greater to include economic and social development. Nev depth and in a more integrated manner under ertheless, their focus remains on medium terms be healthy community planning. tween 10 and 15 years. d. While the original OCP adopted sound environ This Offi cial Community Plan projects a longer term mental and geotechnical policies, it did not incor vision (30 years). Under the Local Government Act porate maps of major areas of environmental or (Sec on 875) it is “a statement of objec ves and pol geotechnical sensi vi es. This plan update of icies” to guide decisions on planning and land use fers an opportunity for the City to create a data management, ranging from land development to base, assess the key areas in the context of the transporta on, u li es, environmental protec on/ applicable provincial and federal environmental conserva on, public safety, health and ameni es. legisla on, and through appropriate mapping, Since the adop on of the last OCP, the Local Govern create a greater awareness of our environmental ment Act has added new domains to OCP planning, assets and natural hazards among the public and either as mandatory or recommended policies; these the development industry. are also now parts of the OCP. e. In the past 15 years Chilliwack’s land base for growth and development has expanded signifi I. Purpose of OCP Update cantly for industries and commerce. Howev er, the past trend is unlikely to con nue in the The 1998 OCP established a plan review trigger at future because the available urban reserve has popula on 85,000. With the 2013 popula on es largely been depleted. In the case of residen al mated at 84,600, this OCP update is both mely and development, it has been under this constraint prudent from the following perspec ves: for over two decades and the market’s response a. The City has been engaged in a number of hillside is urban densifi ca on (with the support of the community developments. These developments City) and leasehold developments on the First indicate the City’s commitments to the hillside Na on Reserves (in partnership with the First areas; however, they are limited in scale and role Na ons). In pursuing densifi ca on and in an c as part of the municipal growth strategy. This ipa ng more development on the Reserves, this OCP provides a more defi ni ve direc on for re OCP Update enables the City to fi netune its den spec ve hillside areas in terms of development sifi ca on strategy and add clarity, while working prospects and policies. with the First Na ons to coordinate community growth and infrastructure developments. b. In moving forward, the City needs to understand the growth dynamics of the next three decades. In promo ng densifi ca on, the City should exam This requires an analysis of the changes, trends and ine its urbanALR interface within its urban corri issues of the past (at least since 1998), the pres dor (between Evans/Ashwell Road and Chilliwack ent and the future, and the community’s ability River Road), par cularly in loca ons where infra to cope with those challenges. The OCP plans for structure lines (roads/bicycle routes/sidewalks future infrastructure works brought on by popula and u lity mains) are truncated. As a result, on growth, while mapping out a path to support travelling has to be redirected to the overloaded healthy community development. Vedder Road or to the fringe northsouth arteri al roads, precipita ng unnecessary traffi c on the

11 Introduction eastwest collectors. This overdependency on City and understand current and future challenges, the main northsouth routes has also hampered the City’s Planning and Strategic Ini a ves Depart the development of alterna ve transporta on ment undertook nine background studies: such as cycling and walking, which is vital to short trips. In fact, it has rendered automobile travel • Growth indispensable to many households, a situa on • Land Use that is untenable in the long term when the City • Economic Development grows into a much denser metropolitan centre (132,000 by 2040). • Neighbourhood Planning and Urban Design • Demographic Trends and Implica ons The ALR block east of Evans Road has also pre • Parks, Recrea on and Culture vented u lity mains from going northsouth in network development. Currently, SardisVedder • Healthier Communi es is served by only one northsouth sewer trunk and • Environment one northsouth water main in the builtup areas. • Growth Scenarios, Servicing and Finance This restric on to u lity network development, if remaining unchanged, will have a nega ve impact on future densifi ca on and the consolida on of Parallel to the technical process was a series of pub the urban corridor. In the mean me, the City is in lic engagement events targeted to the general pub need of community parkland in order to support lic, youth, community groups and business leaders. densifi ca on within the urban corridor that is to They involved the Internet, through the City website accommodate 85% of the an cipated growth. and PlaceSpeak (internet public forum on select top As the urban structure needs to transform with ics). They also employed tradi onal public media the various demands on the exis ng community, such as the local newspapers and radio sta ons. The the urban form must follow within the context of process reached out to children and youth through compact, healthy community development. This elementary, middle and secondary schools. Oth OCP Update thus represents an opportunity to er par cipants include agencies such as the School explore how that adjustment/ra onaliza on of District, Chilliwack Economic Partners Corpora on, the urban form should take place, especially as it the real estate/development community, and the involves the Evans Road ALR block. Agricultural Land Commission. Approximately 900 f. It is the intent of the City to make the OCP more people directly par cipated in the OCP engagement readable, while staying comprehensive in scope events, whereas community exposure to the OCP and eff ec ve as a policy document and develop events was es mated at over 5,000 people. ment guide. The OCP Update process emphasizes a mul disci Notwithstanding the abovenoted changes, this OCP plinary approach. While the Planning and Strategic is essen ally an update of the 1998 OCP as it builds Ini a ves Department led the process and prepared on the framework of growth and development es the plan, other municipal departments played key tablished by previous OCPs. It is not changing the roles in conduc ng indepth technical analyses and course, but rather clarifying the City’s long term vi recommenda ons, and working with consultants sion and ar cula ng its development direc on in on the technical studies. This Plan represents an greater detail in the future context of change. interdepartmental eff ort, as well as the result of a broadscale, mul media public consulta on ini a ve. It is the fi rst me that public consulta on em ployed milieus not available in the last OCP process II. Planning Process (1997/1998) such as Internet forum, Facebook, Twit ter, PlaceSpeak, City website, email networking, on The OCP Update process started in the summer of line survey, and instant polling results and feedback 2012. In order to properly evaluate the state of the at community mee ngs. In the end, the extensive

12 Introduction applica on of Internet technologies has helped the la er is a legislated provision to support the City in OCP Update process to get its messages out and col reques ng technical informa on from development lect public input. All of these eff orts have resulted in applicants. a more comprehensive community vision and a more eff ec ve OCP.

III. Plan Organiza on and Structure This Plan presents the City’s planning policies in four sec ons. It fi rst iden fi es the context of the OCP, in cluding all regional and provincial plans, regula ons and strategies that aff ect the City’s planning and de velopment. It then highlights the City’s vision and goals, building on past OCP achievements and ar cula ng the community’s aspira on for a healthy community future. In Sec on 4, the vision and goal statements defi ne community values and aspira ons. They set up fi ve themes on which policies and ac ons are developed, namely, growth strategy, agriculture, economic development, the environment and com munity development. Perhaps the greatest change from the previous plan is in plan implementa on (Sec on 5), which now in cludes a land use designa on strategy to support land use designa on mapping. The designa on map is an implementa on tool that helps the City to manage land use and growth according to the growth policies, In addi on to Goal, Objec ves, Policies and Imple and ensures that servicing and transporta on plan menta on, the OCP contains fi ve schedules: ning supports the intended community layout. Such a Schedule A – Regional Context Statement transparent designa on strategy allows all stakehold ers to understand the reasoning behind the designa Schedule B – City of Chilliwack Downtown Building ons; it also assists with interpreta on of the plan, Façade Guidelines, Development Permit Areas determining if a proposed development conforms with or contravenes the OCP policies, or if a reason Schedule C – Design Guidelines – Mul ple Family able accommoda on can be made within the intent Infi ll Development of the OCP. Schedule D Neighbourhood Plans (comprehen Development Permit Areas and their respec ve guide sive local area plans adopted by the City) lines are introduced in the Implementa on Guide as Schedule E Growth Projec on Tables they address current development concerns. They specify design criteria and best prac ces in managing These schedules embody the best prac ces and de natural hazards and environmentally sensi ve lands, tailed plans that the City has adopted. Although some and set direc ons for site and building design. Other are required by provincial legisla on, they are includ planning instruments under the Implementa on sec ed in this plan because they truly are essen al parts on are Temporary Use Permits and Development Ap of the City’s 2040 healthy community vision. proval Informa on requirements. The former enables accommoda on of uses that warrant special consid era on and are shortterm by nature, whereas the

13 Introduction 14 2 Plan Context

15 Plan Context 2 Plan Context

Chilliwack Today sions south along Wiltshire and east along Higginson Road (1990s). Chilliwack marks the start of the Lower Mainland Re gion, the valley plain of the that extends Vedder was a boat crossing at the Vedder River in from the Cascade Mountains to the Pacifi c coast. the 19 th Century, and later the loca on of an Old Yale This physical se ng orients Chilliwack to the lowland Road bridge. This gateway began with a small cluster communi es to its west, and yet the onehour driving of homes and commercial buildings. It changed in distance buff er allows the community to preserve its 1941 when the federal government opened a mili character and lifestyle, dis nguishing itself from the tary training base, which a er the war expanded into metropolis of Vancouver. The establishment of the the Chilliwack. The infl ux of Agricultural Land Reserve in 1972 has reinforced that two thousand military personnel essen ally created buff er and solidifi ed Chilliwack’s iden ty as a “city in a new town in itself. Again, the closing of the base a sea of green”. in 1996 transformed Vedder Crossing as nearly 140 ha of prime development land was made available Chilliwack’s gateway loca on and fer le valley fl oor to the City at a me when its valley fl oor urban re land have, from its beginning, established trade, ser serve was near deple on. Today, Vedder (between vicing and farming as the local economic base. Its Stevenson Road and the Vedder Bridge) accounts for modern se lement originated as a riverboat land twothirds of the SardisVedder popula on. ing (Chilliwack Landing) in the 1860s, which soon relocated inland to the Five Corners, a wagon road Over the last 150 years, these discrete communi es crossroads. By 1873 the Township of Chilliwhack was grew toward each other to form the urban corridor incorporated as the third oldest municipality in Brit we have today. Yet the original cores of these com ish Columbia. Soon residen al plots were laid out muni es have remained and they will con nue to around this crossroads and the pioneer core se le serve as the business and civic centres in the future. ment was known as Centreville, which la er evolved The focus of this Plan is to facilitate the con nual into the City of Chilliwack in 1907. Chilliwack proper, consolida on of the urban corridor while suppor ng the main se lement today, owes its beginning to a the original centres in their respec ve social, eco crossroads and a landing, and to a “gateway econo nomic and civic roles. my” of servicing the river and land travellers. Sardis, on the other hand, was born of farming which Regional and Provincial Planning has a dis nguished history in farms such as Wells The OCP is required to defer to the Fraser Valley Re Farm and John Haas hop fi elds. The urbaniza on of gional District’s Regional Growth Strategy (RGS)and Sardis recently took place from the late 1950s and the provincial/federal legisla on and regula ons. In early 1960s when the TransCanada Highway was the fi rst case, the Plan has to comply with the RGS, built past its doorstep. Since then suburban growth especially its eight Growth Management Goals. increased with the 1970s shopping centre develop More specifi cally, the OCP has to include a Regional ments on Luckakuck Way (parallel road to the TCH), Context Statement, describing how its policies and large scale subdivision developments between Luck ac ons support, the Regional Growth Strategy. akuck Way and Wells Road (1980s), and later exten

16 Plan Context The senior government powers generally manifest remain as an informed fi nal decision by the City on themselves in three forms. Firstly, developments af planning and development, one that speaks to all fec ng streams, fi sh and wildlife are governed by the Chilliwack residents and interests. provincial Riparian Area Regula on and provincial and federal wildlife/endangered species legisla on. This has a direct eff ect on the OCP’s environmental policies and land use designa on. Secondly, the pro vincial Agricultural Land Commission Act and the Ag ricultural Land Reserve dictate where development can or cannot take place; essen ally they defi ne our urban growth boundaries and urban form and struc ture. Thirdly, the provincial Local Government Act (Sec ons 877 and 878) spells out required contents for all OCPs, including greenhouse gas emission re duc on targets.

Local Planning Context

Since the adop on of the last OCP (1998) Chilliwack has grown from 65,000 to 84,000. By 2021 the City will reach 100,000, a metropolitan landmark accord ing to Sta s cs Canada. Over the next three decades, it could grow to 132,000, an increase of 58% in pop ula on. This translates to an addi on of 48,000 res idents, 25,000 dwellings, and 21,000 plus new jobs to keep workers locally employed and the commuter number in check. To address such a growth regime, the City will have to expand its u li es, transporta on systems and ameni es, and push towards ca pacity thresholds and limits that must be resolved. Concurrently, the private sector will have its share of diffi culty in expanding the commercial and industrial sectors for the new Chilliwack Census Metropolitan Area – all within a rela vely fi xed urban footprint. Meanwhile, the aging popula on, community inter ests and healthy community aspira ons add another dimension to OCP planning. The complexity of planning in Chilliwack is further in creased by a number of authori es that operate or have their own domains within the City’s boundar ies. They include the First Na ons and their reserve developments, the School District, the Fraser Health Authority and a host of NGOs that deliver various community programs. Together with the general public, they represent a socioeconomic and phys ical environment to which the OCP must be keenly a uned. A er weighing all local planning factors and diff erent jurisdic onal concerns, the OCP should

17 Plan Context 18 3 Vision and Goals Overview

19 Vision and Goals 3 VISION & GOALS OVERVIEW

The Offi cial Community Plan is primarily a community vision and a road map to ge ng there. Earlier plans emphasized short and medium term growth manage ment, at a me when the en re Lower Mainland was confronted with challenges brought about by rapid suburban expansion. The 1998 OCP moved beyond growth management and aimed for a livable and sus tainable community. This OCP further advances that vision with more defi ned a ributes, be er and more comprehensive data, improved technologies and latest best prac ces. More importantly, it recognizes that the ul mate goal of planning is not confi ned to build ing a sustainable and livable physical environment, but addressing individual and communal wellbeing – as expressed in terms of health, both physical and men tal. It also underscores that community health entails the par cipa on of all community stakeholders, and the OCP represents only one of the key components.

The OCP envisions achieving high livability through compact, complete community development, and pru dent management of its natural environment and val ley fl oor agricultural landscape. It aims to develop a vibrant economic base that creates local, careerbuild ing jobs and ample opportuni es for leisure and par c ipa on in community life and outoftown commu ng is minimal and by choice. It fosters a community path toward inclusivity, equity, collabora on and resilien cy. It encourages Chilliwack to a ain a great capacity for envisioning achievement, and resolving issues and confl icts, to embrace health through ac ve living and con nuing learning and growth. The following summarizes this vision, and presents fi ve suppor ng high level goals, a framework for the poli cies and ac ons set out in this OCP.

20 Vision and Goals VISION The City of Chilliwack is a healthy, engaged, sustainable community.

GOAL 1 GOAL 2 GOAL 3 Manage Growth Responsibly Strengthen Agriculture Grow the Economy

Maintain urban growth Protect the urbanrural in Diversify economic and em boundary, densify, compre terface and ensure the eco ployment opportuni es, re hensively plan sustainable nomic viability of agriculture. vitalize the downtown, and communi es, selec vely create jobs for the an cipat develop hillsides, ensure ed popula on increase. development pays for itself, and provide required infra structure capaci es.

GOAL 4 GOAL 5 Protect the Environment Build Healthy A rac ve Communi es Foster community and indi vidual responsibility in en Engage the public, empha vironmental protec on and size social wellbeing, build enhancement. healthy environments, de velop infrastructure costef fec vely, and promote at trac ve design.

21 Vision and Goals 22 4 Goals, Objectives & Policies

23 Goals, Objectives and Policies GOAL 1 MANAGE GROWTH RESPONSIBLY

Maintain an urban growth boundary, den the Agricultural Land Reserve sify, comprehensively plan sustainable • Recognize the established Urban Growth communi es, selec vely develop hillsides, Boundary ensure development pays for itself, and pro • Concentrate growth within the urban vide required infrastructure capaci es. corridor of Chilliwack ProperSardisVed der for an eff ec ve urban form and struc The City of Chilliwack is the urban centre of the up ture per Fraser Valley. In the past 30 years its popula on • Promote densifi ca on, urban design and has doubled from 41,000 to 84,000 – through sev planning best prac ces eral housing and economic cycles, and expansions • Protect the environment and direct de on the valley fl oor and hillsides. While the current velopment away from natural hazards slower pace of growth will likely accelerate once the • Ensure a prudent fi nancing/funding economy and residen al construc on sector fully strategy that emphasizes the principle recover, the next 30year period will see moderate of development paying for itself in infra growth due to economic changes, a diminishing land structure expansions supply, and demographic trends such as a declining birth rate and aging. By 2040, the City’s popula on In addi on, this plan provides a clear direc on, pro is expected to reach 132,000, an increase of 58% (av mo ng and fi netuning the urban corridor focus eraging 1.6% p.a.) Over this period, the City will be growth strategy, and defi ning the roles of other parts transformed into a census metropolitan area and its of the municipality (rural communi es and hillsides) socioeconomic and physical structures and cultural/ under such growth strategy. This informs future community iden ty will undergo drama c changes. planning for servicing and parks and recrea onal This Plan helps an cipate what those changes might facili es; addresses all aspects of community devel be, how the City should infl uence those changes to opment (social, economic, and cultural and healthy realize its aspira ons, and which ac ons the munic community development); and supports the Fraser ipality should take to ensure a smooth and eff ec ve Valley Regional District’s Regional Growth Strategy, growth and transi on process. provincial GHG emission and other legisla ve re quirements. Chilliwack’s growth management strategy was fi rst fully formed in its 1983 Offi cial Community Plan. Through two successive OCPs (1989 and 1998), the OBJECTIVES strategy has solidifi ed and this Plan con nues to build on that growth framework, adding clarity as new challenges arise and the community vision ex 1. Protect agricultural land by clearly establishing tends into the social, economic, cultural and com how and where future urban growth will occur. munity health realms. The following longstanding 2. Promote eff ec ve and effi cient community principles of growth will con nue: building by reinforcing the development of the Chilliwack properSardisVedder urban corri • Respect the integrity and boundaries of dor.

24 Goal 1 Manage Growth Responsibly 3. Support healthy community development a. Accommodate future growth in the Urban through the applica on of complete commu Corridor through: nity principles and planning of appropriate community infrastructure . • Best prac ces for infi ll development, rede velopment and densifi ca on; Complete Community Principles are con cerned with the building of a func onal, • Established development targets; economically and environmentally sustain • Design guidelines; able, and liveable community, in a way that promotes health. A Complete Community is • Strategic OCP land use designa on; compact and has a clear structure of neigh • The implementa on of the Downtown Land bourhoods defi ned by centres, nodes, and Use and Development Plan and other appli mul modal corridors. It off ers a variety of cable neighbourhood plans. housing op ons, facili es, and open space systems, including natural and built fea tures. It is walkable, conducive to cycling, Densifi ca on refers to the process of rede and serviced by an eff ec ve transit system; velopment and infi lling from a lower den it promotes alterna ve transporta on choic sity to a higher density. It involves all land es and discourages single occupancy vehicle uses in urban and suburban centres. Its use. It is safe and accessible to people of all focus is o en mes residen al, conver ng ages. It has a strong character and dis nc single detached housing or subdivision to ve iden ty and promotes a sense of place townhouse, apartment and mixed commer through highquality planning and design. cialresiden al developments. The trans forma on extends from individual proper es to neighbourhoods, and ul mately, the en re community and region. It entails not 4. Align urban growth with the City’s environ only a change of building types, but also mental and geotechnical objec ves. streetscape, urban design, community liv 5. Ensure new developments contribute ade ability, demographics, socioeconomic dy quate funds for future infrastructure expan namics, infrastructure planning, municipal sion and upgrade. fi nances and the overall environment, built and natural. It supports a more compact, POLICIES sustainable, healthy and complete commu nity. 1. Maintain an Urban Growth Boundary

Maintain an Urban Growth Boundary (Map 3) around Chilliwack Proper and SardisVedder to: b. Emphasize the established community cores a. Focus and manage urban growth ; of Chilliwackproper (downtown), Sardis and b. Iden fy and resolve urban/agricultural edge Vedder through densifi ca on and urban de issues in accordance with the City’s Agricul sign. tural Area Plan; and c. Assist ongoing discussions with the Agricul Urban Design involves the design and coordi tural Land Commission regarding opportu na on of all that makes up ci es and towns: ni es for responding to public needs and/ buildings, public space, streets, transport, and or strengthening agriculture. landscape. It weaves together these elements into a coherent, organized design structure. 2. Promote Urban Corridor Densifi ca on

25 Goal 1 Manage Growth Responsibly • Reduce the intensity of densifi ca on from 5. Comprehensively plan major community the core toward the urban fringe to minimize developments poten al confl ict with agricultural uses along the Urban Growth Boundary. a. Adopt comprehensive plans for all major • Enhance livability and urban design through community developments to ensure effi cient Design Guidelines pertaining to “form and use of land and alignment with OCP and/or character” for residen al and commercial de neighbourhood planning goals. velopments, Complete Community principles and Healthier Community recommenda ons. b. Defi ne development boundaries and overall • Through best prac ce manuals, neighbour capacity, and follow complete community hood plans and community workshops, development principles. inform the public and development indus 6. Coordinate with First Na ons try about the a ributes and advantages of welldesigned densifi ca on projects. Work with First Na ons to coordinate future • Research and monitor densifi ca on, and pro developments in the City and on First Na on mote quality design, while addressing aff ord Reserves that share common boundaries, ability and neighbourhood concerns. or otherwise aff ect each other in terms of traffi c management, servicing, u lity system 3. Comprehensively Plan Hillside Development capacity planning, environmental design, recrea onal facility planning, or social/eco a. Direct defi ned growth to designated hillsides nomic/cultural ac vi es. that are supported by municipal services and governed by Comprehensive Development 7. Maintain Ryder Lake as a medium to long Area Plans, including: Promontory, East term development reserve ern Hillsides, Chilliwack Mountain and Li le Mountain. (in accordance with Schedule E a. Maintain the current rural estate density of Growth Projec on Tables) Ryder Lake in support of the urban corridor b. Through the implementa on of the City’s Hill focus growth strategy of this Plan, while pre sides Standards Policy and the development serving this upland area for development permit process, ensure that future hillside prospect considera on beyond 2040. development respects the unique terrains b. Limit small acreage rural and suburban res of the hillsides, remains sensi ve to special iden al development to the current zoning environmental features, and complies with designa ons and discourage rezoning for a adopted environmental planning principles, higher density. methods and best prac ces. c. Support appropriate agricultural ac vi es on c. Protect sensi ve environmental features ALR parcels to maintain agricultural produc through the design guidelines of Develop on and preserve the integrity of the uplands ment Permit Area 2. as a very long term land reserve. d. Notwithstanding (b) and subject to the condi 4. Limit Growth in Rural Se lements ons in Sec on 946 of the Local Government Act, give considera on to residen al subdivi a. Retain the exis ng Rural Se lement bound sion for the construc on of a home for rela aries of Greendale, Rosedale and Yarrow, ves of the concerned property owner. and limit future growth to exis ng develop 8. Finance growth on the principle of new de ment areas. velopment being selffi nanced b. Give considera on to mixed use develop ment in designated commercial areas where a. Es mate future servicing costs to enable servicing requirements can be met. development cost charges planning and regular changes to rates and assistance

26 Goal 1 Manage Growth Responsibly structures. b. Ensure Development Cost Charges (DCC’s) refl ect the land use designa ons in this Plan when determining demands and pri ori es for DCC fund use. c. Review and update DCC’s regularly by:

• Iden fying and involving stakeholders; • Providing opportuni es for thorough public review and input; and • Adop ng a fair DCC rate that takes into considera on new development market viability and compe veness.

27 Goal 1 Manage Growth Responsibly GOAL 2 STRENGTHEN AGRICULTURE

Protect the urbanfarmland interface, and beyond being a transit hub and embrace wealthcre ensure the economic viability of agriculture. a ng ac vi es that build on our unique loca on. Ag riculture in Chilliwack is a wealthcrea ng enterprise Agriculture has a strong presence in Chilliwack with and this Plan con nues to support it, aiming to re the Agricultural Land Reserve (Map 4). The ALR oc solve diff erences that arise from me to me with ur cupies twothirds of the municipality’s land base and ban growth and the pursuit of an eff ec ve urban form farmland surrounds our city and provides it with an and structure. Farmland protec on and agricultural idyllic se ng; it shapes Chilliwack’s landscape, iden promo on are a process and all stakeholders must be ty and livability. engaged. As an industry, farming in Chilliwack produces 10% of BC’s agricultural produc on while the City only has 0.55% of the Provincial farmland (17,000 ha plus in OBJECTIVES total). These facts underline the signifi cance of agri culture not only to Chilliwack, but also to BC and Can 1. Protect viable, high quality, produc ve farm ada as a whole. The industry’s local benefi t is par lands and the integrity of the Agricultural cularly evident in economic down mes, helping to Land Reserve, especially on the Fraser Valley sustain Chilliwack’s economy and employment level. fl oor. 6.7% of Chilliwack’s labour force is directly engaged in 2. Minimize confl icts between urban and agricultur agriculture, where the compara ve fi gures for BC and al uses. Metro Vancouver are 5% and 1%, respec vely. 3. Create an investment climate that recognizes Since the establishment of the provincial Agricultur Chilliwack’s primary role in agriculture at both al Land Reserve, Chilliwack has been suppor ve of the provincial and na onal levels. farmland protec on and the ALR through its various Offi cial Community Plans and economic development 4. Support food processing and other agribusiness strategies. In 2005 a dedicated agriculture oriented es that are essen al to the sustainability of agri industrial park was established to revitalize Chilli culture. wack’s food processing sector. In 2012 the City took an important step in agricultural promo on by col POLICIES labora ng with Chilliwack Agricultural Commission/ Chilliwack Economic Partners Corpora on (CEPCO) in the prepara on of an Agricultural Area Plan, which 1. Implement the Agricultural Area Plan was subsequently adopted. To monitor the plan’s eff ec veness, Council has appointed an Agricultural Work with the ALC (Agricultural Land Com Advisory Commi ee, which is also tasked to provide mission), Provincial agencies, the University feedback on development applica ons that might im of the Fraser Valley, Chilliwack Economic Part pact agriculture. ners Corpora on and industry stakeholders to implement and monitor the Agricultural Area Public discussions on Vancouver’s gateway economy Plan and to address issues facing the agricul highlight the need of the Lower Mainland to move tural community. 28 Goal 2 Strengthen Agriculture a. Provide resources and technical support the ALC, and private enterprise to pro to the Agricultural Advisory Commi ee in mote agricultural development, including the development applica on process and agribusiness park opportuni es, energy in the implementa on and monitoring of cogenera on, and animal waste manage the Agricultural Area Plan. ment. b. Seek stakeholders’ input regarding the ef b. Through CEPCO and the implementa on fects of boundary adjustments on agricul of an economic development strategy, fa tural ac vity. cilitate the development of agricultural, c. Discourage residen al estate develop valueadded products. ment and nonfarm uses in the ALR. d. Through the development process, facil itate the installa on of green buff ers be tween poten ally compe ng urban and rural uses in accordance with ALC guide lines. e. Encourage best prac ces in farming, in cluding the protec on of environmental ly sensi ve areas, pollu on control, and measures that minimize urbanagricultur al confl icts. f. Direct, where appropriate, new agribusi nesses and industries to designated indus trial districts, especially to agribusiness parks. g. Ra onalize the urban/agricultural inter face along the Urban Growth Boundary for easy iden fi ca on of the urban limits in the fi eld and their permanency. Discuss with the Agricultural Land Commission possible minor adjustments to the ALR to ensure a defensible and logical boundary for the long term.

2. Promote Chilliwack’s Primary Role in Agriculture a. Promote Chilliwack as Bri sh Columbia’s primary agricultural research, develop ment, produc on and processing centre. b. Provide assistance, where needed, to the UFV in its development of the BC School of Agriculture as a na onal agriculture re search and innova on centre.

3. Promote Agricultural Development a. Encourage partnerships with the agri cultural community, senior government,

29 Goal 2 Strengthen Agriculture GOAL 3 GROW THE ECONOMY

Diversify economic and employment oppor design, but extended to the types of industries that tuni es, revitalize downtown, and create can thrive in a compact and intensive use environ jobs for the an cipated popula on increase. ment. One of the main inten ons of the OCP is to facilitate those an cipated changes for a successful transi on – to ensure con nual and robust industrial The focus of the Offi cial Community Plan in infra growth in Chilliwack. structure capacity is to facilitate economic ac vi es and create employment for the projected popula on The service sector accounts for 73% of the City’s la increase, and the replacement jobs that will be lost to bour force/employment: it has to be an important future economic changes. part of Chilliwack’s economic development planning. In today’s service economy, service growth and de The supply of vacant and available employment lands velopment redefi nes economic diversifi ca on, which within urban areas is limited: 76 ha for industries and tradi onally refers to a calculated distribu on of em 12 ha for commercial growth. The constraint is accen ployment and businesses among the primary, manu tuated by the surrounding ALR and the preference of facturing and service sectors. Today, economic diver businesses to locate on major traffi c routes or with sifi ca on frequently refers to building a knowledge in commercial centres. This nodal and corridor pat economy, capitalizing on the informa on age, nurtur tern of commercial use corresponds with the City’s ing a Learning Economy and embracing the service in growth strategy for compact, sustainable and healthy dustry (tourism and health care). This will infl uence community development. In order to meet the 2040 Chilliwack’s future land use and economic develop popula on’s commercial space needs and projected ment direc ons, given that its assets encompass service jobs, commercial growth will have to take Canada Educa on Park, the University of the Fraser place largely within exis ng commercial centres and Valley, tourism des na ons, the downtown and its corridors through densifi ca on. This will trigger re a rac on to the fi lm industry. Through the OCP and development and changes to site coverage/fl oor area Chilliwack Economic Partners Corpora on (CEPCO), ra o (FAR), built forms (mul level), parking provision the City will work with various responsible agencies (ra o and parkade), retail format (more compact and to promote their growth and development. Eff orts higher sale per m2) and other design and opera onal focusing on the downtown include a Downtown Land aspects. Use and Development Plan, which has been in eff ect since 2009, and a community based Downtown Plan Although the industrial reserve is notable, the long Implementa on Commi ee that oversees its imple term challenge for space remains. Quan ta vely, the menta on and ongoing planning. current vacant industrial reserve may meet the next 12 years of demand; however, it falls far short of 2040 (Agriculture forms a separate part of the City’s eco needs. Changes and adapta on will be indispensable nomic development strategy and is addressed under and, like commercial development, industrial growth Goal 2 of this plan.) will in large parts come through densifi ca on of exist ing industrial development sites, and a higher FAR for In the face of current and future economic changes the currently vacant industrial lands. Changes to the and employment challenges, the OCP can, and will, industrial sector will not be confi ned to site/building play a pivotal role to ensure all of the growth capac

30 Goal 3 Grow the Economy i es will be available, and in a form that respects fu • Developing a skilled labour force ture economic reali es and facilitates the transi on • Exploring research and innova on opportu process. ni es • Expanding employment land capacity • Nurturing community development, a bal GENERAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT anced lifestyle and a suppor ve business culture • A rac ng industries and commercial enter OBJECTIVES prises that generate high employment levels and maximize the use of the employment 1. Build a diverse and resilient economic base land reserve or densify exis ng business/in capable of providing adequate jobs for Chilli dustrial sites. wack’s growing labour force. 2. Create a wide array of employment prospects 4. Develop a framework for the City’s future eco that can meet the employment needs of youth nomic development plan and ini a ves with oth and the career aspira ons of a skilled labour er community stakeholders. force. 3. Expand the local economy on the City’s a. Through CEPCO, lead all stakeholders strengths in human and natural resources, and the public in economic development community assets, loca on and business cul planning, including business recruitment, ture. marke ng and general promo on of the 4. Develop an economy that complements com community. munity values in environmental protec on, b. Explore and promote opportuni es for social equity, recogni on and celebra on of joint ini a ves among Chilliwack busi excellence in technology, entrepreneurship nesses, enterprises, local schools, the UFV, and innova on, as well as stewardship and re other educa onal facili es, First Na ons, sponsibility. the agricultural/agribusiness sector and the tourist industry. 5. Foster community and government partner ships in economic development. 6. Reinforce the Downtown as the economic 5. Ensure adequate growth capacity to support the centre of the city. con nued expansion of the local economy under 7. Create a community with knowledge and un the condi ons of a limited industrial and com derstanding of agriculture, and maximize com mercial land reserve. munity support for agricultural sustainability. 6. Promote both business park developments and small industries that thrive in a mixed use, urban POLICIES environment 7. Ini ate and support downtown revitaliza on proj ects. 1. Maintain a strong local employment base for the long term growth of the labour force, and to con tain outoftown commu ng. 2. Iden fy short and long term economic trends and CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE future industrial growth opportuni es. 3. Focus long term economic development on: OBJECTIVES

• Promo ng agriculture 1. Promote excellence in industries that refl ect Chil • Building on natural and environmental assets liwack’s strengths, innova on and entrepreneur • Capitalizing on Chilliwack’s strategic regional ship. loca on 31 Goal 3 Grow the Economy POLICIES common industrial vision, focus industrial promo on on high priority targets, and coordinate infra structure improvements . 1. Support the BC School of Agriculture at the Uni versity of the Fraser Valley in research and devel 4. Maintain industrial lands for industrial use. opment, skill and leadership training in agricul 5. Develop a strategy for redevelopment and infi lling ture. exis ng industrial areas, targe ng smalltomedi 2. Create centres of excellence and research in um industrial needs. agribusiness and cogenera on of energy, wood 6. Apply design guidelines to encourage best prac product manufacturing, green technology, tour ces in business park site planning, landscaping ism, entrepreneurship and the hightech industry. and building form and character. 3. Provide appropriate incen ves to a ract and 7. Consolidate exis ng industrial areas and reserves, maintain targeted businesses. through infi ll and redevelopment, into readily de 4. Encourage CEPCO, the Board of Educa on and fi nable business park districts that embody the UFV to develop programs that s mulate business Chilliwack brand and its regional importance. investment in educa on, skilltraining and re 8. Improve highway access for business parks and search and development. industrial districts, and give priority to expanding 5. Facilitate the UFV Plaza development, a business the capacity of the Lickman Interchange. educa on centre in the downtown. 9. Support business park development with ade 6. Monitor and promote communitybased econom quate servicing. ic development trends. COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRIAL / BUSINESS PARK DEVELOP MENT OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES 1. Establish a network of commercial centres and ar culate their respec ve roles through OCP land 1. Increase industrial development capacity to meet use designa ons and neighbourhood plans. long term employment needs. 2. Increase overall commercial growth capacity 2. Promote the development of business parks through densifi ca on. which are a rac vely designed, economically sustainable, environmentally sound, and capable 3. Meet the diverse loca on requirements of gen of suppor ng the knowledge economy and indus eral commercial, touristcommercial, and mixed tries that create high skilled, professional jobs, as commercialindustrial uses. well as employment opportuni es for youth and less skilled workers. POLICIES

1. Designate local neighbourhood commercial cen POLICIES tres as part of the neighbourhood planning pro cess. 1. Work with CEPCO on strategies to a ract and 2. Support the development of Vedder Crossing grow businesses that create a high level of em core as a vibrant pedestrian friendly commercial ployment. area. 2. Explore land use intensifi ca on strategies to im 3. Intensify development around the cores of prove land use effi ciency and raise job/ha ra os. SardisVedder and support the long term transi 3. Work with business park developers to develop a on of vehicleoriented commercial uses in the

32 Goal 3 Grow the Economy cores to pedestrianfriendly commercial develop 4. Work with CEPCO and Tourism Chilliwack to at ment. tract tourism industry investment in products, fa 4. Promote the central commercial areas of Yarrow cili es and ac vi es. and Rosedale as: 5. In partnership with the operator, support the con a) A community centre where residents shop, nuous development of Chilliwack Heritage Park work, obtain services and celebrate local events; for maximum economic return to the community. b) An a rac on to visitors with arts and cra 6. Support the eff orts of Tourism Chilliwack and oth stores, restaurants, services and cultural ac vi er community organiza ons in a rac ng meet es; ings, conven ons, events, and sport groups. c) A historic place that showcases local heritage, architecture and landmarks; and d) A pedestrian focus where sidewalks, store DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION fronts, streetscape and roadway confi gura on present a unifi ed design that enhances the walk OBJECTIVE ing experience, while crea ng a vibrant market place. Revitalize the downtown as Chilliwack’s foremost City centre. TOURISM POLICIES OBJECTIVES 1. Work closely with stakeholder groups and organi za ons in implemen ng the Downtown Land Use 1. Work with Tourism Chilliwack to implement a and Development Plan and Revitaliza on Task comprehensive des na on management strategy Force Report recommenda ons. for Chilliwack that includes marke ng, visitor ser vices, and partnership development. 2. Iden fy revitaliza on opportuni es to a ract res idents and visitors to the downtown during the 2. Guide the expansion of tourist accommoda on to day and at night. support commercial centre development. 3. Create a vibrant mix of residen al, streetfront re 3. Reinforce tourism as an important economic sec tail, business, civic, recrea on and entertainment tor and a major land use that helps develop com developments. munity cores and commercial corridors. 4. Create a strong popula on base for the down 4. Expand eff orts to a ract group visitors to Chilli town by densifying the core and adjacent neigh wack. bourhoods.


1. Iden fy appropriate sites, through neighbour hood planning or specifi c land use designa on, to help promote the development of fi xed roof tour ist accommoda on. 2. Maximize tourism growth opportuni es with a business environment that supports tourism’s current and future needs, viability and sustain ability in Chilliwack. 3. Consider the impact of development and policy decisions on the tourism industry.

33 Goal 3 Grow the Economy GOAL 4 PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT

Foster community and individual responsibil iii. Development Permit Area #2 – hillside and ity in environmental protec on and conser upland development guidelines; va on. iv. Development Permit Area #11 – riparian protec on; Our city resides in the heart of the Fraser Valley. The surrounding Cascade and Coast Mountains, rivers v. Implementa on of the Groundwater Pro and farmland form our daily experience. Protec ng tec on Plan (1997); and, the environment is more than protec ng the physi vi. Curbside garbage and recycling collec on cal landscape and ecosystems, but also our everyday (2004). experience and lifestyle. As such, it is a collec ve re sponsibility and warrants a communitywide eff ort. This OCP Update enables the City to act proac vely Chilliwack believes that community stewardship rep by iden fying major environmental assets for protec resents the best approach to building broad public on, and mapping cri cal natural hazard areas that support for environmental protec on, transforming future development should avoid or take special pre our lifestyle from consump on to conserva on, and cau ons. While the Plan’s intent remains on se ng ul mately, building a healthy city based on a sustain development policies and regula ons, it also aims to able footprint. inform the general public and the development in dustry about our environment, emphasizing private Community stewardship fosters public educa on and ini a ve in conserva on, hazard avoidance and risk par cipa on; it focuses on ac on. Stewardship en reduc on at the predesign stage, rather than during tails not only par cipa on by the general public, but or a er the development when policies and regula also private sector ini a ve from the development ons are enforced. industry and the “market”. At the same me, the City needs to lead by embracing and ar cula ng a suppor ve policy framework for environmental pro tec on and enhancement. Since the adop on of the GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 1998 OCP, the City has set a number of environmental milestones as follows: Chilliwack’s natural environment is embodied in its i. Adop on of the Air Quality, Energy and hillsides, uplands, streams, rivers and valley plain. Greenhouse Gas Ac on Plan in 2007 and The community’s diverse ecosystems include a wide subsequent GHG reduc ons associated range of aqua c and terrestrial fl ora and fauna, mak with the Bailey Landfi ll, Waste Water Treat ing signifi cant contribu ons to the region’s unique ment Plant, and transit and bicycle network biodiversity. The establishment of ecological reserves, plans; such as the Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve near the Vedder River and the Hillkeep Nature Reserve on ii. Hillside Development Standards Policy in Chilliwack Mountain, help preserve biodiversity but 2013 / Hillsides Development Guidelines conserva on eff orts must also extend throughout 2007; the community. It is important to protect, enhance and create habitats to support diverse fl ora and fauna

34 Goal 4 Protect the Environment that exist presently or are known to have existed in POLICIES the Lower Mainland. 1. Develop environmental design guidelines to help Environmental protec on has to address both the future development adopt best prac ces that more natural hillside and upland areas, and the val minimize its ecological footprint, including water ley fl oor where human se lements and farming have and energy conserva on, and preserva on of reshaped the landscape. Environmental policies aim environmental features. not only to preserve the natural features, but to man 2. Implement environmental management require age human ac vi es, especially in the urbannature ments specifi c to hillsides, through the Hillside interface areas. Development Standards Policy and Development It is challenging to balance development and environ Permit Area 2 and 8 guidelines. mental protec on, requiring a variety of management 3. Establish environmental indicators to monitor tools, including bylaws, guidelines, best prac ces and the City’s progress toward iden fi ed environ standards. The majority of environmental protec on mental goals. legisla on falls within provincial and federal jurisdic on, but the City is also able to play a signifi cant role 4. Adopt a sustainability checklist in the applica on through educa on as well as oversight of develop process to evaluate proposed developments’ ment and land use decisions. It is important for the environmental, social and economic contribu management approach to be adaptable in order to ons to the community, and to inform public and remain eff ec ve through changing condi ons and in private decisionmaking. light of new knowledge. 5. Ensure community planning incorporates the following: OBJECTIVES a. Overall environmental protec on; 1. Preserve and augment the City’s environmental b. Special protec on accorded to species and ecosystems that are at risk; assets, which defi ne our community character and quality of life. c. Enhancement and remedia on of creeks, wetlands and riparian habitats; 2. Promote development that protects and inte d. Preserva on of wildlife corridors, viewscapes grates natural land and aqua c features, main and other sensi ve features; and green link tains biodiversity, Ecosystem Services’ ages to prevent smaller natural areas from and ensures the benefi ts include clean wa being isolated. ongoing benefi ts ter, crop pollina on and 6. Through environmentally sensi ve areas map of ecosystem food produc on, climate ping (Maps 6 and 10) and the development per services; and disease control and nu mit process, inform the public, the development trient cycles. industry, decision makers and all stakeholders 3. Embrace sustain about environmentally and geologically signif able development principles to build complete icant areas that need protec on and enhance neighbourhoods that reduce demands on natural ment. resources and impacts on the environment. (See Goal 5, Build Healthy, A rac ve Communi 7. Under the provisions of Development Permit es Policies.) Areas 2 and 3, ini ate environmental impact as sessments when development applica ons raise concerns about wildlife and habitats (Maps 6), species at risk (Map 10) and watercourses (Map 8A and 8B).

35 Goal 4 Protect the Environment 8. Work with the Fraser Valley Regional District: OBJECTIVES a. To ensure Chilliwack’s environmental 1. Protect and enhance groundwater and surface features are integrated with the Region water resources, in terms of both quan ty and al Growth Strategy and recognized in quality. the protec on of the region’s ecological integrity; and 2. Ensure the exis ng water resources to con nue mee ng human and environmental needs. b. To manage invasive species. 9. Facilitate the redevelopment of successfully rehabilitated, underu lized brownfi eld (contami POLICIES nated) sites. 1. Though Development Permit Area 1 provisions (Maps 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D), protect municipal wa tersheds from human ac vi es or developments WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT that are detrimental to the quality and quan ty of the community water supply. Riparian areas are crucial habitats to fi sh and wildlife; they also are an important water resource. Protect 2. Protect and enhance wetlands and riparian zones ing the riparian zones from development and intru through the implementa on of Development sive human ac vi es ensures the preserva on of not Permit Area 3 Guidelines, public educa on and only the habitats and the wildlife and plants that de stewardship programs. pend on them, but also the quan ty and quality of the water that recharges our aquifers. In addi on, 3. Work with community members to carry out riparian zones and streams represent immeasurable riparian enhancement projects, wetland resto aesthe c and recrea onal values to the community, ra on and other water protec on ini a ves. especially when combined with an unobtrusive trail system or connected as a network of greenways. 4. Protect groundwater resources, especially those Wetland management is another priority in environ that are the current and future sources of the mental protec on. As many wetlands were drained City’s drinking water, through: in the early 20 th Century and the Fraser River and Ved der River have been dyked, not many sites have re a. OCP and zoning control over land use in the mained. Their preserva on today is all the more im aquifer areas; portant to maintaining future biodiversity and their value as a surface and ground water resource. b. The protec on of the capture zones (DPA 1 and 2 guidelines and maps) and other best prac Aquifers are the chief source of Chilliwack’s drinking ces in aquifer management; and water, which has been rated among the best in Cana da and achieved with limited treatment. To maintain c. Public educa on. such high water quality and the security of the supply, aquifers must be protected from surfi cial and ground 5. Reduce potable water demand through con nu water contamina on. Through its wellestablished ous public conserva on measures and opera on aquifer management protocol, Chilliwack has been al improvements. recognized as a leader in municipal groundwater pro 6. Implement best prac ces for storm water and tec on. wastewater management to eliminate or min imize impacts on rivers, streams and ground water/aquifers. Work with provincial and/or federal agencies

36 Goal 4 Protect the Environment on water resource protec on measures that fall capture methane, signifi cantly reducing air emissions outside the City’s jurisdic on. and greenhouse gases. In addi on, all new curbside collec on vehicles are required to be fueled by com 7. Adapt water resource policies over me to ob pressed natural gas. served and forecast changes to the climate and hydrology. While the City plays a key role in developing and administering solid waste programs, over all success in the zero waste challenge relies on WASTE MANAGEMENT AND THE ENVIRON the support and par cipa on of every ci zen. MENT OBJECTIVES As part of its environmental protec on commitment, the City adopted the anaerobic digester technology for its secondary sewage treatment decades ago. It 1. Pursue a “zero waste” strategy to minimize solid is eff ec ve, economically viable and environmentally waste and maximize reuse and recycling. friendly. The methane gas produced in the process is captured and reused for hea ng the treatment plant. 2. Encourage agricultural waste management prac It promises a greater opportunity of energy reuse as ces that off er both environmental and econom the digester system expands with future popula on ic benefi ts. growth. Equally important is its future contribu on to the reduc on of GHGs and air pollutants: the con POLICIES version of an environmental liability to an energy posi ve. It should be noted that this waste challenge also confronts the agricultural industry where much 1. Expand residen al waste reduc on and recycling animal waste is processed. The Ministry of Agricul ini a ves through available municipal regulatory ture and the ALC have encouraged the industry to tools and public educa on, and according to a adopt the anaerobic digester technology as part of long term strategy. the solu on to reduce its GHG produc on and to im prove the Lower Mainland’s air quality. 2. Develop a management strategy for the Industri al, Commercial and Ins tu onal (ICI) and Demo On the solid waste front, the City is fully commi ed li on and Land Clearing (DLC) sectors, emphasiz to managing the community’s waste in an environ ing waste diversion from the landfi ll. mentally sustainable and fi scally responsible manner. The City has developed a wide range of ini a ves to 3. Work in partnership with the FVRD toward the encourage waste reduc on and diversion. Along with Zero Waste target, support the regional Solid other communi es in the Fraser Valley Regional Dis Waste Management Plan, and safeguard the trict, the City con nues to explore new programs, Fraser Valley’s air quality from pollu ng waste such as organics diversion, to work toward the long disposal prac ces, including incinera on. term goal of zero waste by reducing the amount of 4. Support the Ministry of Agriculture, the Agricul waste that requires landfi lling as much as possible. tural Land Commission and Chilliwack Agricul In evalua ng and implemen ng responsible waste tural Commission in promo ng environmentally management solu ons, the City of Chilliwack takes friendly waste management and technologies into account all environmental aspects, including air (such as anaerobic digestor) in farming to reduce quality. It is the City’s view that this holis c approach GHG emissions, protect streams and groundwa is the most eff ec ve and acceptable way to manage ter from contamina on, and reduce odour and solid waste in a populated region with a sensi ve air other nega ve impacts. shed, such as the Fraser Valley. In 2013/2014 the City installed a gas extrac on system at the landfi ll to

37 Goal 4 Protect the Environment AIR QUALITY & ENERGY MANAGEMENT POLICIES

1. Implement the Community Integrated Air Qual Air quality is a major public concern in Chilliwack and ity, Energy and Greenhouse Gas Ac on Plan to the Fraser Valley. Air pollutants from industries and reduce GHG emissions, air pollutants, and energy power plants west of Chilliwack and from Washington consump on related to: State, and increased automobile traffi c have posed a Transporta on possible health risk for some residents. Locally, cer • tain agricultural prac ces have also fueled the air • Buildings/Processes quality debates. As agriculture intensifi es, a larger • Waste farm animal popula on and rising animal density will elevate the produc on of GHGs and other air emis • Agriculture sions. The fume/odour and haze from liquid fer liz • Open burning ers is o en a subject of public conversa on. 2. Work with the FVRD to iden fy and develop a Air quality is more than an environmental issue. It comprehensive local air quality monitoring net is a socioeconomic and poli cal issue as it can have work and appropriate air quality standards to pro a profound eff ect on the quality of life and our at tect human and environmental health. trac on to new industries and poten al residents. Surrounded by mountains, the Lower Fraser Valley STEWARDSHIP Airshed (LFVA) in which Chilliwack is located, is sus cep ble to the buildup of contaminants. Protec ve Community stewardship empowers local groups and measures are necessary to reduce such phenome ci zens who, with their skills and talents, take pride non and its threat to human health, livability and the in making a diff erence. Stewardship programs off er environment. While the FVRD and Province are re opportuni es for ci zens of all ages to be involved in sponsible for air quality, Chilliwack can contribute to the management of environmental resources, creat the solu on through local land use, transporta on, ing local solu ons for local problems, and ins lling and environmental and energy planning. Our city is civic responsibility and ac on. Posi ve results have been exemplifi ed by programs such as AdoptaRiver commi ed to an integrated approach to improving and AdoptaRoad. air quality, energy conserva on and GHG emission. It has worked with consultants and stakeholders to develop a Community Air Quality, Energy and Green house Gas Ac on Plan. It has also adopted a sepa OBJECTIVE rate Corporate Ac on Plan, targe ng improvements Maximize public awareness of, and commitment to, to the Cityowned infrastructure and fl eet – to show environmental protec on and enhancement through community leadership. community partnerships.


1. Collaborate with the provincial government, FVRD 1. Work with community groups, schools and cit and Metro Vancouver to reduce air pollu on and izens to iden fy partnership opportuni es and safeguard human and environmental health. develop integrated stewardship and educa on programs. 2. Fulfi ll the community’s goal of maintaining per capita energy consump on at the 2007 level, and the GHG emission target of 20% per capita reduc on from the 2007 level by 2020.

38 Goal 4 Protect the Environment 2. Provide resources and tools to support commu GRAVEL EXTRACTION AND FOREST nity members and associa ons in their steward ship eff orts. MANAGEMENT

Chilliwack’s natural resources such as forests and wa tercourses provide habitats for a wide range of wild ENVIRONMENTAL ENFORCEMENT life and/or aqua c species and can infl uence local hydrology/hydrogeology. These resources need to During the OCP public engagement process, some be carefully managed by all levels of government to ci zens expressed concern about the eff ec veness minimize poten al environmental impacts and haz of environmental regula on enforcement. The envi ards related to fl ooding or slope stability. ronmental toolbox at the disposal of municipali es Gravel removal is restricted to specifi c areas of the is limited to development permit and subdivision ap community (Map 9), and is regulated by local bylaws proval at the predevelopment stage. While most of and possibly provincial and federal regula ons de the responsibility remains with provincial and federal pending on the removal site. Sediment removal from agencies, the City can s ll exert a strong infl uence on the Fraser and Vedder Rivers is conducted for fl ood environmental protec on and conserva on. protec on purposes, with environmental condi ons imposed by the provincial and federal governments. Gravel removal and deposi on is constrained by ALR OBJECTIVES regula ons if it occurs on farmland. There may also be geotechnical or hydrologic assessments required 1. Develop a local regulatory system that sets out and mi ga ve measures imposed on certain removal clear and accountable methods for monitoring sites. and enforcement. OBJECTIVE 2. Ensure environmental standards are monitored and enforcement is eff ec ve for the long term. Ensure best sustainable prac ces in the management of natural resources for a balanced approach to com POLICIES munity development, fl ood protec on, environmen tal conserva on, and public values.

1. Work with provincial and federal agencies to strengthen the monitoring of approved devel POLICIES opments for con nuous compliance with the 1. Liaise with the provincial and federal agencies re environmental regula ons in eff ect. sponsible for gravel and forest management, and monitor resource development trends to ensure 2. Con nue to employ OCP Maps and Schedules, the City’s interests are recognized and environ development permits, subdivision approval and mental, geotechnical and hydrological mi ga on other applicable planning instruments, to iden measures are incorporated. fy and protect environmentally sensi ve fea 2. Manage gravel extrac ons in the community tures. through OCP and zoning designa ons and grav el movement control, including the Soil Removal and Deposit Bylaw. 3. Con nue with the enforcement of the Tree Man agement (Land Development) Bylaw for a bal anced approach to development, especially in the

39 Goal 4 Protect the Environment hillside and upland areas. 4. Establish a tree canopy target of 25% to guide tree management in both urban and rural areas and to monitor the performance of the Tree Man agement (Land Development) Bylaw. 5. Consider a comprehensive, long term street tree plan ng / urban forest plan that integrates envi ronmental goals, urban / neighbourhood design objec ves, and park / green link visions.


Engage the public, build healthy environ communi es also determine the regional urban ments, maximize exis ng infrastructure, and iza on pa ern, transporta on, air quality, inter promote a rac ve design. city commu ng and lifestyle. Therefore, healthy community planning in the OCP Modern urban planning began with the mission of context emphasizes the following: crea ng a healthy built environment separate from the detrimental condi ons of the 19 th Century in • Assessment and monitoring of community dustrial expansion. While our understanding and health and social wellbeing, and iden fi ca planning approaches have changed, the healthy com on of ac ons that can lead to improvement. munity goal has remained. Current planning best • A community design that fosters social in prac ces and engineering technologies in land use, terac on and inclusion, such as an eff ec ve transporta on, servicing and other areas are essen layout and density and high connec vity of ally a means to an end: community and individual transporta on systems, including roads, the health and wellbeing. transit system, and alterna ve transporta on (cycling and walking). The earlier policies of this Plan concerning complete • Development sites that are safe or protected community growth strategy, agricultural/economic from the fl ood risk of the Fraser and Chilli development and environmental protec on, defi ne wack/Vedder River, unstable slopes, debris the overall se ng of healthy community develop fl ows and other natural hazards. ment. Under Goal 5, the Plan presents the inner • Land uses that support appropriate combi workings of Chilliwack’s “healthy” and “a rac ve” na on of homes, businesses, community and community vision. In emphasizing the healthy com cultural facili es and employment growth. munity goal, this sec on outlines social and cultural • A mul modal mobility system that gives due objec ves and policies, and lays out guidelines for priority to ac ve transporta on (cycling and land use designa on, housing development, urban walking) to promote health. design, transporta on routes/capacity, and other in • Access to recrea onal facili es and green frastructure and amenity provision. spaces. • Safe, comfortable and a rac ve streets, pub Healthy community is based on two premises: lic spaces, buildings and structures. • Healthy and resilient natural environments 1. Health embraces both physical and mental health, and biodiversity. and general social wellbeing as refl ected in social • Childfriendly and age friendly community interac on, community par cipa on and inclu nature/features. sion. 2. The built environment aff ects people’s daily ac These healthy community foci do not displace the vi es and experiences by ways of how diff erent tradi onal municipal planning func ons such as pro uses are posi oned, conducted and connected. viding adequate u lity services and road capaci es; Collec vely, the built environments of individual however, they do infl uence how these municipal ser

41 Goal 5 Build Healthy Attractive Communities vices should be delivered. The healthy community 4. Encourage interdepartmental, integrated ini a future has to connect with present urban systems, ves that help improve the builtenvironment, and move forward through evolu on; it does not aim promote community health, and contribute to for a shortterm total transforma on, nor should it. cultural development and social wellbeing. Hence, the policies and ac ons of this Plan, and their implementa on through land use designa on and 5. Play an ac ve role, and where warranted, pro road/u lity network schedules, represent a transi on vide leadership, in community ini a ves that toward the 2040 future. As our community achieves advance healthy community priori es. successes in healthy community development and public support grows, the OCP will evolve and ad 6. Work with community groups in advoca ng and vance to the next phase commitment, and further securing resources from senior governments for sharpen the 2040 vision. child and youth development.

7. Improve public safety through community po SOCIAL WELLBEING licing, crime preven on programs, community safety ini a ves, and adequate resources for law enforcement and policing. OBJECTIVES 8. Work with Chilliwack Community Services, the School District, RCMP and community groups to 1. Ensure equity in access to social and health ser foster a culture of respect for diversity, mul cul vices, with a focus on physical accessibility as de turalism and community spirit as the City of fi ned by land use planning, transit, walking and Chilliwack grows into a metropolitan centre. cycling. 2. Monitor Chilliwack’s social health and wellbeing 9. Consider social/community health impact related through healthy community indicators and main to major development applica ons. tain community health as a priority for ac on at the local, regional and provincial levels. 10. Work proac vely with senior government agen cies to monitor, evaluate and improve the eff ec POLICIES veness of social and community health pro grams in Chilliwack.

1. Support Chilliwack Healthier Community (CHC) and its stakeholders in the implementa on of EDUCATION AND CONTINUING/LIFETIME the Chilliwack Healthier Community Strategic LEARNING Ac on Plan, and/or other healthy community ini a ves that the City adopts from me to me. Educa on is essen al to skilled labour development 2. Collaborate with Chilliwack Healthier Community and a robust economy. (see sec on 4, Goal 3 Center in establishing a system of social indicators to of Excellence) However, its importance is more fun monitor social health trends. damental as it shapes child and youth development and cultural enrichment, namely, our social wellbe 3. In partnership with other stakeholders, develop ing. Our aging popula on has also added many re a community assessment of the health status of rees to the con nuing/life me educa on demand, the built environment and monitor future prog and studies have shown that intellectual ac vi es can ress on a regular basis. improve seniors’ mental health. Educa onal devel opment has to be part of a healthy community.

42 Goal 5 Build Healthy Attractive Communities OBJECTIVES Exis ng and Future School Sites.

3. Meet regularly with the School District on new 1. Promote programs and ini a ves that create a school planning/development, transporta on/in wide range of educa onal, literacy and cultural frastructure needs of students and staff , commu enrichment opportuni es for all ages. nity school/facility development opportuni es, 2. Meet future school needs and address capacity and joint service ini a ves. distribu on challenges due to popula on growth,

demographic shi s, neighbourhood changes and 4. Con nue to work with CEPCO and stakeholders to con nuing educa on demand. advance the Canada Educa on Park vision of be 3. Improve young adults’ career development ing a higher educa on hub, including the expan through direct linkage between educa on and sion of the University of the Fraser Valley, BC Jus business/industry. ce Ins tute and the RCMP Training Centre, and 4. Maintain good communica on with the educa opportuni es for technology research and devel on agencies on their opera onal and student opment and private postsecondary educa on. needs pertaining to municipal infrastructure. 5. Foster a strong link between educa on and young POLICIES adults’ career development through municipal par cipa on in career days, internships, and 1. Work with the School District in iden fying coopera ve educa on programs, and help con and upda ng the current and future needs for nect the School District, UFV and other advanced schools and community ameni es, including: educa on ins tu ons with businesses for essen al job experience and skill training. a. Short and long term student popula on projec ons and the client base of con nuing educa on. HERITAGE VALUES b. Future school site demand by neighbour hood/community. The City has designated 13 municipal heritage sites in c. Priority and ming of new school develop recogni on of their historic importance and architec ments. tural merits. A 1991 study indicated that there are a number of poten al heritage proper es, but they are d. Regular review and adjustment of the school sca ered throughout the city and are predominantly site fee in the development approval process privately owned. As the City advocates a voluntary to changes in the cost of new school con designa on process, the preserva on of these prop struc on. er es is con ngent on individual decisions by the con e. Con nuous collabora on between the City cerned owners. The City’s goal is to foster a greater and School District in community school plan public awareness and apprecia on about Chilliwack’s ning and development, especially in neigh history and cultural heritage. This is largely facilitated bourhoods that have a growing healthy re r by a twoprong approach. ee popula on. f. Monitor student, emptynester and healthy First, the City provides annual funding to the Chilli re ree popula on growth, and their distri wack Museum and Archives, which engages the pub bu on among communi es and neighbour lic through historic displays, arts and cra exhibi ons, hoods. talks and heritage tours. The museum also off ers ed uca onal events for young students and conducts 2. Collaborate with the School District on future research into Chilliwack’s modern and First Na ons school site planning in accordance with Map 11 history. 43 Goal 5 Build Healthy Attractive Communities Second, in all revitaliza on eff orts the City and Down and site/building design. town BIA have emphasized preserving the heritage main street character of Wellington Avenue and Yale 4. Con nue to support the Chilliwack Museum and Road East. The Downtown Façade Improvement Pro Archives in innova ons and community ini a ves gram of the 1990s is one of the success stories of this regarding heritage and archaeological resource approach and has led to some signifi cant changes to interpreta on, conserva on, promo on and cel the Wellington Avenue store fronts and streetscape, ebra on. a rac ng the interest of fi lm and TV produc on com panies. As main street improvements con nue, pre 5. Protect archaeological resources in accordance serving the tradi onal downtown’s character will re with the Heritage Conserva on Act and the pro main a focus of downtown revitaliza on. vincial permit system

The eff ort of preserving First Na ons history has in 6. Preserve the main street character of the Five tensifi ed in the past decades, primarily through im Corners area through development guidelines proved documenta on of the oral history and archae and a design review process, with a special focus ological research. The Province has enacted strong on architectural and site designs that are sympa legisla on and regula ons to protect the integrity of the c with the area’s heritage character. (see De First Na ons ar facts, and the City will con nue to velopment Permit Area 4 Downtown Form and work with all stakeholders to facilitate due process. Character development guidelines)


1. Promote public awareness, educa on, and sup The City has received valuable input from the com port for the City’s heritage and the protec on of munity on the signifi cance of public art to healthy archaeological resources. community development. As the downtown revitaliz 2. Reinforce the historic character of the downtown es, and public gathering places become a centre stage commercial core. for expression, public art becomes an important part of our urban culture. The City encourages develop ments in community centres and other strategic loca POLICIES ons to incorporate public art and enrich our urban landscape. To ensure good decisions on public art 1. Increase public awareness of, and access to, proposals from private ini a ves, a public art policy is heritage resources through the services and pro indispensable. Such a policy will complement other grams of the Chilliwack Museum. cultural ac vi es and programs in the City to ensure a thriving local culture and a high quality of life that 2. In accordance with the City’s Heritage Designa befi ts an emerging metropolitan area. on Policy, con nue to designate heritage sites that are volunteered by the concerned property OBJECTIVE owners, and celebrate heritage designa ons as public events to enhance public awareness. Recognize public art as part of healthy community de 3. Where applicable, consider heritage impact in velopment and everyday experience. the development approval process and the neigh bourhood planning framework; and where con fl ict occurs, focus on fi nding a compa ble and economically viable solu on through land use

44 Goal 5 Build Healthy Attractive Communities POLICIES ily does not yield parkland dedica on. This calls for innova ve ways to expand the city’s park capacity. 1. Develop a public art policy that ar culates the Increasing the park capacity may mean adding: recre vision, values and criteria of the community, es a onal equipment to exis ng parks and public lands, tablishes the protocol of evalua on, recommen or requiring mul family and strata developments to da on and public input, and determines priority provide greenspace and recrea onal facili es on site loca ons for public art’s display. (private areas). Green street and urban landscaping could also expand our park experience. Concurrently, the city’s aging popula on and health conscious ci 2. Consider public art features (with public access) zens will make new demands on the municipal park as amenity contribu ons to the City when volun system. The future park challenge is not just quan teered during the development applica on pro ta ve, but also qualita ve. cess. The city park system not only serves leisure purposes, 3. Give high priority to the downtown, community but also aims at developing corridors for pedestrian cores, large shopping centres and strategically lo and cycling movements between neighbourhoods cated parks for public art development. and diff erent parts of the City. At mes, it embrac es environmental enhancement objec ves, incorpo ra ng wooded hillsides and riparian corridors into greenways for protec on. These natural areas, even PARKS AND GREENSPACE when they are not accessible, cons tute important vistas and view corridors that enhance our outdoor Parks and other open space have become an import experience and defi ne our community character. This ant benchmark of livability and healthy communi es. mul purpose, integrated approach to park planning They bring not only an aesthe c value to the urban is the founda on of the City’s Parks, Recrea on and landscape, but also community health benefi ts to Culture Strategic Plan, Greenspace Plan, and Trail all ages. O en mes, they are social gathering plac Network Plan, which will shape Chilliwack’s park and es, especially in high density areas (such as Central greenspace planning and development in the coming Community Park and Salish Park) and they represent decades. a cri cal social development and community health priority. This priority, however, is challenged in ur OBJECTIVES ban redevelopment areas where vacant lands are in short supply and costly, and the tradi onal ways of parkland acquisi on are insuffi cient to keep up with 1. Provide adequate parks and open space for the increasing demand. growing and demographically changing popula on. Over the past decades the City has developed system 2. Ensure the park and open space system off ers ic standards for park provision. Mee ng these park diverse ac ve and passive outdoor recrea onal standards is a formidable task. Its diffi culty will only opportuni es. compound in the next 30years as the City grows pri 3. Integrate park and open space design into the marily through densifi ca on. The expecta on is that urban landscape and healthy living, and render the City will provide more parks to serve an increas Chilliwack a vibrant, green, healthy, invi ng and ing popula on within the same urban footprint – livable community. with few addi onal green fi elds. While parkland ded 4. Extend park experience to community cores, sig ica on at me of subdivision can provide adequate nifi cant public gathering places, major streets/ parkland in “green fi eld” development areas, redevel traffi c corridors, and cri cal pedestrian/cycling opment of formerly single family areas to mul fam routes.

45 Goal 5 Build Healthy Attractive Communities 5. Affi rm the current park/recrea on/cultural facil school/civic facili es, and residen al sub ity opera on approach that promotes and rein divisions; and forces community partnerships. c. Integrate the City’s parks and trail net 6. Meet the diverse recrea onal facility and service works with regional, provincial and na needs of all age, household and income groups. onal systems, including the Trans Canada Trail. POLICIES 7. Consider both tradi onal and alterna ve means of providing parks or park experience, in areas 1. Develop an integrated, mul purpose park and of intensive densifi ca on or with few green fi eld green space system that embraces recrea on/ sites. nature oriented ac vi es, environmental con serva on, nonmotorized transporta on, neigh 8. Through the development approval process, rein bourhood connec vity, view corridor/vista pres force parkland acquisi on at all levels by: erva on, community character and healthy a. Implemen ng the City’s Parks, Recrea on community development. and Culture Strategic Plan, Greenspace Plan and Trail Network Plan; 2. Through detailed park and trail plans, ensure the b. Giving high priority to achieving the city park and green space provision refl ects appro wide standards for park space and natural priate standards that reference the City’s vision, area provision; popula on distribu on, demographics and other c. Establishing acquisi on targets in terms socioeconomic characteris cs, and site planning/ of the amount, loca on, type and size of engineering criteria. parkland required in individual neighbour hoods (Map 12A Proposed New Parks); d. Developing a trail and greenway network 3. Plan for changes in future demand precipitated by that emphasizes: an aging popula on, especially the needs of the i. links between/within neighbour fast growing re red and healthy senior popula hoods and communi es for walk on, and those with physical limita ons. ing and cycling; ii. greenways for their vistas and sce 4. Develop comprehensive walkway and trail net nic signifi cance. (Map 12B) Pro works in support of healthy community and alter posed New Parks and Trails na ve transporta on ini a ves. e. Securing access to mountain biking/hiking trails on crown land, greenways and the 5. In park and trail planning, emphasize green space onroad cycling network; accessibility, walkability, networking and neigh f. Encouraging key natural areas, including bourhood access; and give priority to underserved riparian zones and environmental sensi and high density areas, including the downtown. ve areas, to be incorporated into the gre enway/trail/natural area system as points of interest in a manner that will not com 6. Expand the current trail network throughout the promise their natural state or integrity; community: g. Acquiring 5% parkland dedica on through a. Incorporate walking, cycling, and where the subdivision process, pursuant to Sec appropriate, equestrian paths; on 941 of the Local Government Act; and b. Maximize the use of natural areas and h. Considering cashinlieu contribu ons if nonvehicular routes to link community the proposed park dedica on is not con and neighbourhood parks, recrea onal/ sistent with the loca ons and needs iden

46 Goal 5 Build Healthy Attractive Communities fi ed, or the land involved is not suitable MOBILITY for park use.

9. Where recommended in Map 12B or the Green Healthy community development gives priority to Space Plan, acquire trail routes adjacent to ripari transit development, cycling, walking, and reducing an corridors, if necessary, as parkland dedica on. automobile traffi c within and without the City. It ensures equity in access and mobility, and enables 10. Through the subdivision process or voluntary Chilliwack to maintain or improve its air quality while contribu on, secure public ownership of riparian growth con nues. It reduces the demand for road zones, environmentally/geotechnically sensi ve capacity, and supports a compact land use pa ern. areas and view corridors as iden fi ed in Proposed New Parks and Trails; and incorporate them into In working toward healthy community goals, trans the City’s park/greenway/greenlink/trail system. porta on planning should be closely linked to land use strategy (such as density, core and mixed use de 11. Exclude parkland and other open space dedica velopment), the development approval process (for ons in lot density calcula on in the development roadway acquisi on and sidewalk provision), and applica on process. public educa on on health and the benefi ts of transit, walking and cycling. Planning for a healthy aging pop 12. Collect development cost charges toward the ac ula on also requires a en on to its mobility charac quisi on and development of community parks, teris cs, including special accommoda on by buses, green space and greenways. intersec on design for safer crossing, improved side walk surface, and more res ng places. 13. Reinforce partnership with the School District in procuring new community facili es through com Therefore, the long term transporta on vision should munity school development and in sharing neigh integrate a full spectrum of transporta on modes, bourhood recrea on facili es. and defi ne their respec ve roles and performance targets in the City’s movement of people and goods 14. Coordinate with the Fraser Valley Regional Dis over the next three decades. It is only through the trict and other agencies in regional park and trail use of all transporta on modes that the City can development in Chilliwack, and ensure local ac move forward as a complete community. Meanwhile, cessibility and their integra on with the City’s the long term transporta on planning process should system. be broadbased and mul disciplinary in order to ad dress the needs of an aging popula on and healthy 15. Explore partnerships with private and community community objec ves. groups, service clubs and other nongovernment organiza ons, in the development and opera on of parks and the conserva on of natural areas. Chilliwack’s Transit Future Plan 16. Dedicate adequate resources to the con nuous update and implementa on of the City’s Parks, In 2011 BC Transit, the FVRD and the City completed Recrea on and Culture Strategic Plan, the Green a Transit Future Plan, establishing Chilliwack’s pub space Plan, the Trail Network Plan, and other rec lic transporta on vision and ac ons for the next 25 rea onal and civic facility plans. years. The Transit Plan foresees a fourfold increase in ridership and corresponding expansion of transit 17. Reinforce support and oversight to the delivery of infrastructure. Urban corridor densifi ca on (popu programs and services that are based on commu la on increase) and more detailed neighbourhood nity partnerships, grants and service agreements. planning could create an environment more favor able to walking, cycling, and increased transit usage.

47 Goal 5 Build Healthy Attractive Communities Much will depend on land use pa erns, the perfor rent priority is to upgrade the Prest route that car mance of the future transit system, and residents’ at ries a heavy load of Promontory traffi c to Sardis’ core, tudes toward transit, nonmotorized transporta on, Chilliwack proper and the freeway. Also on the capi and automobile use and ownership. tal work list is the capacity expansion of the Lickman Interchange which is a gateway to our industrial dis For the short to medium term, the automobile will trict, Village West, and a high volume truck stop for con nue to be the dominant mode of transporta on regional/na onal freight transporta on. In the long and the City’s road capacity will be under pressure to term, the improvement of the Annis Interchange will expand – but only to the physical limits aff orded by become necessary to meet the needs of a builtout the urban corridor and road design improvements. Eastern Hillsides community. As the capacity shor all will have to be fi lled by pub lic transit, cycling and walking, it is essen al for the To supplement the three main corridors, secondary City to recognize the importance of alterna ve trans northsouth routes are needed. Between Sardis and porta on, and in the long term achieve a pragma c Vedder these north south routes are basically nonex balance among the various transporta on modes. is ng due to the presence of the ALR and First Na on reserves. They are important to the midblock Apart from public transporta on, the provision of northsouth traffi c fl ow between the main corridors, adequate bicycle lanes and sidewalks must be a pri and their absence has contributed to unnecessary ority and should be comprehensively planned to en traffi c load on Vedder Road. They are also import sure system eff ec veness, especially for children and ant to alterna ve transporta on such as cycling and youth. Special transit such as handyDART and private walking; currently, Vedder Road is not recommended shu le services have played, and should con nue to as a bicycle route because of its heavy traffi c volume play, an important role in ensuring mobility equity. and inadequate road width. To add these second Close collabora on and partnerships among the City, ary northsouth routes, the exis ng urban form and BC Transit, service clubs and community groups in structure will need adjustments and a dialogue with this area are pivotal. the Agricultural Land Commission on how that may be achieved. In addi on, consulta on with the First Chilliwack’s Road Network & Neighbourhood Na ons is essen al to the development of an inte Planning grated road network between the reserves and City neighbourhoods. The current urban road system is built for northsouth movements, connec ng Chilliwack proper, Sardis and As the urban corridor is linear and oriented north Vedder. Yale RoadVedder Road is the traffi c spine, south, the eastwest cross routes are rela vely short. supported by two other north south routes, Evans These routes are important for short, local trips, es RoadAshwell Road in the west and Chilliwack River pecially for walking and cycling that keep school chil RoadYoung Road/Broadway in the east. Further out, dren and youth mobile. They also are the feeders of Prest Road and Lickman Road capture northsouth ur the motorized traffi c from neighbourhoods to the ban traffi c that originates from the hillside and fringe three main northsouth routes. In addi on to con developments, including the Village West industrial nual standard improvements and maintenance, the district. short and long term priori es of the eastwest routes encompass an extension of Airport Road to connect The short and medium term focus for these fi ve routes Yale Road and the EvansAshwell route, and a poten is to expand their carrying capaci es, through road al connec on between Vedder Road and Chilliwack widening, confi gura on and intersec on improve River Road. ments, and the accommoda on of bicycle routes (for both commu ng and recrea onal purposes). A er comple ng the EvansAshwell route in 2009, the cur

48 Goal 5 Build Healthy Attractive Communities Regional Transporta on vibra on and localized air quality.

On commuter trips and outoftown travel, BC Tran Similarly, the freight traffi c of the CNR main line will sit, FVRD and member municipali es are planning a mul ply in the next 30 years. Together with its spur regular subregional bus service which aims to lower lines and shun ng area in Chilliwack, the CNR track private car traffi c and improve the mobility of trav represents a public concern, and the recent rail re elers who do not drive or have access to a car. The lated incidents have only highlighted that issue. Best shu le service between UFV’s Abbotsford and Chil prac ces in land use planning should apply in order liwack campuses has already started up, marking a to ascertain public safety and to reduce noise, dust, new beginning in the Fraser Valley for intercity public fume and vibra on to homes along the track and transporta on – albeit limited to servicing students. around the shun ng/spur line areas.

At present, BC Transit, Chilliwack and Abbotsford are working toward a new regional bus connec on OBJECTIVES with 15minute peak and 30minute off peak ser vice, which will be extended through a transfer to a 1. Provide a balanced, integrated, mul modal new RapidBus service on Highway 1 to Metro Van transporta on system that supports mobility at couver. This new service will help not only to reduce the neighbourhood, citywide and regional/pro highway traffi c between the two ci es and between vincial levels. the regional districts (and improve air quality), but 2. Ensure equity in mobility and access for all ci also integrate the two ci es’ economies in terms of zens, including children, youth, seniors and the labour force/job market, postsecondary school ed disadvantaged. uca on/training and the retail market. The regional 3. Promote sustainable transporta on to reduce bus service is an cipated to also extend to Hope (on greenhouse gas emissions. a 60minute weekday /weekend schedule) and Agas 4. Integrate land use and transporta on planning sizHarrison (30minute peak and 60 minute off peak for healthy community development. service). 5. Improve public safety and reduce the nega ve The Trans Canada Highway (TCH) has been under impact of increasing traffi c on the Trans Canada going a systemic transforma on from Abbotsford to Highway and the CNR mainline. Surrey and Coquitlam, including the construc on of two new bridges over, and a peripheral highway along POLICIES the Fraser River. However east of Abbotsford, includ ing Chilliwack, the future of the TCH has not been transparent. In the next three decades, the Lower 1. Integrate the current road network plans, long Mainland’s popula on will advance toward the 4 mil term capital works, Transit Future Plan, bicycle lion milestone and Chilliwack to 132,000, and Van plans, and sidewalk/walkway capital work pro couver, being the gateway to an expanding Canadian grams; and work toward a comprehensive healthy economy, will see substan al traffi c rise, including community transporta on strategy that reinforc the freight traffi c of the TCH east of Abbotsford. It es mobility choices and emphasizes a more bal is only prudent that a long term TCH capacity plan anced priority among the various modes of trans be considered for the Fraser Valley and beyond – to porta on. support the downstream system investment. Beyond 2. Design roadways for mul modal purposes, the capacity issue, the growing TCH traffi c will also suppor ng vehicular traffi c as well as walking, become a concern for new residen al development/ cycling, ot redevelopment in the vicinity of the na onal highway 3. her nonmotorized and slow moving personal and warrant precau onary measures against noise, transporta on.

49 Goal 5 Build Healthy Attractive Communities 4. Corroborate transporta on investment with land 11. Improve the standards and connec vity of the bi use planning (at citywide and neighbourhood cycle route network with an aim to: levels) to: a. Establish cycling within the urban corridor a. Densify the community cores, including as an eff ec ve alterna ve transporta on the downtown; and mode, par cularly for school trips and b. Redevelop neighbourhoods that are short distant traveling ; ready for large scale residen al replace b. Develop an a rac ve, safe, citywide rec ment and reinvestment. rea onal bicycle route system to promote outdoor ac vity, community health and 5. Monitor the densifi ca on process and mixed use tourism; and development in community cores and the urban c. Link on and off road bicycle routes corridor, and establish citywide benchmarks for and hiking trails for an eff ec a balanced and realis c mix of motorized and ve outdoor recrea onal network. nonmotorized movements of people, goods and services in order to support the healthy com 12. Expand the sidewalk and walkway systems and munity goals and the GHG reduc on objec ves. improve their standards, designs and connec vity to encourage: 6. Improve and reinforce the established road a. Alterna ve transporta on for school and network of the urban corridor that empha regular shortdistance trips; sizes the three main northsouth routes: b. Healthy living and a vibrant street life in YaleVedder, EvansAshwell, and Chilli neighbourhoods that are associated with wack River RoadYoungBroadway. (Map 13) the downtown, community cores and oth er nodes in the urban corridor; and 7. Elevate the capaci es and design standards of the c. Ac ve living in suburban neighbourhoods . supplementary northsouth routes, Prest Road and Lickman Road, as per the City’s 10year capi 13. Develop a mobility strategy for seniors, with a tal work plan. focus on alterna ve modes of transporta on (in 8. Consider new secondary northsouth routes cluding scooters), seniors’ service loca ons and within SardisVedder, especially in the block other frequent des na ons, the loca onal rela between Vedder Road and Evans Road to en onship between their homes and service pro able short intra and interneighbourhood trips. viders/shopping facili es, and assistance to driv ing seniors and to seniors at risk of shutin due to 9. Con nue to improve urban road connec vity, very limited access to private and public transpor especially the eastwest route links: from Air ta on. port Road to Evans/Ashwell Road, the South Sumas extension between Vedder Road and Chilliwack River Road, and other loca ons UTILITIES that are essen al to network development.

10. Expand the local transit system in accordance with Providing essen al u li es is a tradi onal local gov the Transit Future Plan’s recommenda ons; con ernment func on. Technological advances and sider this plan’s servicing level as the minimum current environmental concerns and approaches, target and monitor the urban corridor’s densifi however, have created new fron ers that challenge ca on and mixed use development for new tran municipali es to be innova ve and progressive. His sit a rac on points and expansion opportuni es. torically, community systems are preferable to indi

50 Goal 5 Build Healthy Attractive Communities vidual onsite systems such as sep c tanks. As tech Water Main Network nology improves at both community and individual system levels, municipali es have to reevaluate their Detailed planning of water main network improve approach in a more costeff ec ve manner and remain ments has been ongoing, but in the future this will be openminded to future available op ons in servicing. regularly informed by the monitoring of densifi ca on ac vi es and popula on growth within the urban Within the urban corridor, water supply, treatment corridor and in the comprehensively planned hillside and delivery will con nue to rely on communitywide community developments (Map 14). With respect to systems in the future given their effi ciency, quality rural se lements such as Yarrow and Rosedale which control, and compa bility with the compact built en have a limited water fl ow, a long term solu on that vironment. Even in the rural and farm areas, com represents a community consensus has yet to evolve. munity water is available, except for Ryder Lake and The unserviced rural areas and Ryder Lake Uplands, the agricultural land west of Lickman Road (exclud though within the City’s vision of municipalitywide ing Greendale which has already been connected water service coverage, s ll need a defi ned strategy through Ca ermole). Yet long term challenges re that is consistent with their rural nature, will not trig main and revolve around the following issues: ger urban development specula on, and is based on selffi nancing principles. Long Term Water Supply Sanitary Sewer Currently the City obtains its water from seven com munity wells in the Sardis Aquifer. While this aquifer Sanitary sewerage is regarded as an urban service. A has provided worldclass quality water for decades, sanitary sewer district basically stands for the future the City has recently introduced a secondary disin urban growth limits. In our municipality it largely cor fec on system because of provincial requirements. responds to the urban corridor. However, between In addi on, the City is considering future expansion Evans Road and Chilliwack River Road where some of its water source as its popula on approaches the ALR and First Na on lands are involved, a clear direc capacity limit of the SardisVedder Aquifer. Tests are on for future sewer coverage and planning has yet being done on the Chilliwack Aquifer, which will likely to be in place (Map 15). Ongoing sewer/pumping/ be the new addi on when the City reaches its thresh treatmentdisposal capacity use should con nue to old around 2021. In the mean me, the planning for be monitored, whereby future upgrades associated the Chilliwack Aquifer will carry on and the water with urban corridor densifi ca on can be planned and consump on and popula on growth of the City will executed on a mely basis, and adapt quickly when be closely monitored. changes occur. The downtown neighbourhoods, des ignated for intensive densifi ca on, should be one of the sewerage planning foci. SardisVedder, which will Water Conserva on also see ac ve densifi ca on but is largely served by one main sewer trunk, should be another u lity plan Water conserva on programs will be part of the long ning focus. In the la er case where First Na ons re term management strategy. The City has already serves are an integral part of the u lity system, early imposed summer sprinkler restric ons, will oversee consulta on with First Na ons is crucial. conserva on installa ons per the Building Code and encourage conserva on through educa on and retro Storm Drainage fi t programs. Storm drainage systems are an essen al service to both the urban corridor and the rural valley fl oor. At the watershed level, the city’s storm drainage system channels the rainfall from the hillsides across the

51 Goal 5 Build Healthy Attractive Communities valley fl oor to the Fraser River. The Eastern Hillsides POLICIES Comprehensive Area Plan has assessed that aspect of hillside development impact, and Promontory devel 1. Protect the SardisVedder Aquifer through pub opment, which is near build out, has also prompted lic educa on, Development Permit guidelines, detailed analysis of the same phenomenon. These Zoning Regula on, the subdivision approval concerns have led the City to embrace, where prac process, and available provincial legisla on. cal, new storm drainage/watershed management prac ces, as well as adapta ons to all storm events. 2. Monitor the ongoing water consump on rate, land development, densifi ca Within the builtup area, the older downtown storm on and popula on growth in rela on to drainage installa ons represent another cri cal focus the capacity of the SardisVedder Aquifer. of future u lity planning. Their condi on is a subject of analysis for long term growth because of the lower 3. Secure new sources of community water sup eleva on of the Chilliwack proper core, the frequency ply, and in par cular, dedicate adequate re of main storm events , and the expecta on of signifi sources to developing Chilliwack Aquifer as an cant development investment and popula on growth addi onal water source in a mely fashion. in the future (Map 16).

In summary, u lity planning in Chilliwack is a pillar to 4. Promote and expand the current conserva on Chilliwack’s future growth and healthy community program in a comprehensive, integrated man development. Although the City has been success ner, including: ful in managing its water, sewer and storm drainage • Sprinkler restric on in the dry season; systems, future challenges are less concerned about • Home fi xtures and outdoor rainwater territorial expansion, but more with systemic changes capture for water conserva on; and innova ve prac ces in management, design and • Conserva on measures for industrial, onsite capacity increase for densifi ca on demand. commercial and ins tu onal uses; and • Water conserva on in agricultural prac ces, and the use of ground water in a re OBJECTIVES sponsible manner.

1. Protect public health and safety by providing 5. Maintain ongoing consulta on with rural clean water, and a healthy, safe living environ communi es, including Yarrow, Rosedale, ment. Ryder Lake, Greendale and the unser 2. Secure long term water supply sources. viced farming households in the west on 3. Provide community water service to the en opportuni es for new community water re municipality where cost and demand service or system improvements, selffi warrant. nancing and senior government funding. 4. Plan for the increased u lity demand in areas 6. Align the sewer district boundaries with the where densifi ca on and growth are promot designated urban growth areas and the Urban ed. Growth Boundary, and support no new sew 5. Ensure the future u lity systems meet the er demand outside these boundaries – with provincial environmental requirements and the excep ons of the Eastern Hillsides, Prom conserva on objec ves. ontory and Chilliwack Mountain hillside com 6. Adapt to future system and environmental muni es whose development and servicing challenges through innova ve and best prac are governed by their respec ve area plans. ces

52 Goal 5 Build Healthy Attractive Communities 7. Upgrade the sewer system within the urban 13. As the hillside community development corridor, especially in loca ons where noted proceeds, consider a detailed storm drainage densifi ca on and popula on growth are an plan to: cipated, including: a. Evaluate its post development impact a. The downtown neighbourhoods; on the rural valley fl oor storm drain b. Other core neighbourhoods along the age system; Yale RoadVedder Road corridor; b. Confi rm and implement the required c. New areas within the Urban Growth system upgrades a ributed to hillside Boundary designated for future development; growth; and c. Reevaluate the Master Drainage Plan d. The pressure points along the and reestablish future improvement SardisVedder main trunk. priori es, including channel capac i es, network effi ciency and main 8. Plan for system upgrades for addi onal pumping sta on upgrades. water and sewer capaci es in the Village d. Expand the storm drainage data base West industrial district to support future such that both large and small/fre industrial growth and densifi ca on. quent storm events are represented.

9. Maintain a regular dialogue with First Na ons 14. Develop a comprehensive storm drainage on future growth and development, and upgrade plan for the downtown centre and opportuni es for collabora on in infrastruc neighbourhoods to ensure their system ca ture planning in order to ensure First Na ons’ pacity and performance are adequate for all servicing needs will be met in a costeff ec ve storm events. and mely manner. 15. Upgrade storm drainage facili es to improve 10. Con nue to implement the sewerage treat fi sh passage and aqua c habitats. ment plant expansion plan and closely mon itor future popula on growth and threshold 16. Adopt best prac ces in drainage design and a ainment. management to address both infrequent main storm and frequent smaller storm 11. Adopt the best and costeff ec ve sewage events. treatment technology to: a. Ensure mee ng provincial and federal standards regarding treated effl uent at the Fraser River ou all as the City’s SAFETY AND SECURITY popula on and economy grow. b. Reduce GHG emmission; and c. Explore cogenera on opportuni es Public safety and security are fundamental to healthy at the exis ng plant. community development. In the context of physical planning, public safety focuses on hazard avoidance 12. Support the requirement that industry or management, especially the fl ood risks of major genera ng a substan al demand for sewer rivers, excessive or unstable slopes, water channels capacity and/or requiring special processing, and debris fl ows. This subsec on concentrates on the treat their effl uent on site before discharging fl ood risks and policies in light of their broad impact it into the municipal system. on our City, whereas the development permit guide

53 Goal 5 Build Healthy Attractive Communities lines (under Development Permit Areas 1, 2, 3) ad proofi ng of buildings) and nonstructural dress the required best prac ces in managing natural (fl ood response planning) components, hazards that are specifi c to a par cular landform (e.g. subject to provincial and federal funding excessive slopes), natural feature (e.g. watercourses) assistance. or loca on (e.g. hillsides). 2. In fl oodplain and alluvial fan areas (Map 7), mandate all new construc ons to meet the In the social context, public safety concerns crime and fl oodproofi ng standards of the City’s Flood security. It has a direct impact on our daily life and plain Regula on Bylaw. the livability of a neighbourhood or community. Our city has rendered public safety a high priority and has 3. Discourage development in unprotected already launched a number of ini a ves. This sec on fl oodplain areas. highlights those ini a ves and the direc on that the City has taken. 4. Require hydrotechnical assessments that comply with the City’s Geotechnical and Floodplain Report Guidelines and APEGBC Floodplain Management guidelines, for all proposed developments in Except for the hillsides and SardisVedder area, Chil unprotected fl oodplains on the valley fl oor, liwack is situated on fl oodplains. It shares with oth hillside areas subject to local fl ood risks, and er Lower Mainland communi es the fl ood risk posed alluvial fans. by the Fraser River; the Chilliwack/Vedder River also 5. Ensure that the fl ood management policies presents a fl ood risk to por ons of the community. be updated from me to me to address ob Major fl ood events in 1894, 1948 (Fraser River) and served/forecast changes to the climate and 1975 (Vedder River) have driven the City’s dyke build hydrology. ing programs and fl ood protec on policies. Presently, the City is protected by a robust dyking system along 6. Pursue long term agreements with senior gov the Fraser River and the Vedder River, and preven ve ernments on strategic gravel extrac on from measures such as fl oodproofi ng all new construc ons the Fraser and Vedder Rivers as part of a com (building at preset “construc on levels”). In the fu prehensive fl ood management plan for the ture the City will con nue to focus on strengthening City and the Fraser Valley region. its dyking systems with future clima c and hydrolog ical changes, and fl oodproofi ng new construc ons. It will also work with senior governments to manage Community Safety and Security the river channel capacity proac vely, including stra tegic gravel removal and funding for river bank and In the OCP context, community safety and security dyke reinforcement. ac ons will focus on community ini a ves to increase neighbourhood watch and engagement, as well as site planning prac ces for improved street monitor OBJECTIVES ing and emergency response. Community partner 1. Minimize fl ood risks and poten al fl ood im ship, business coopera on and innova ve policing pact. are part of the solu on to public safety and security issues. 2. Increase the community fl ood protec on ca pacity and resiliency to meet current provin OBJECTIVES cial standards.

POLICIES 1. Provide eff ec ve police, fi re protec on, res cue and emergency services to all areas of 1. Maintain a robust fl ood protec on program the City. that comprises structural (dykes and fl ood

54 Goal 5 Build Healthy Attractive Communities 2. Engage the community in fi re safety and of various price levels. Aff ordability is o en set at crime preven on programs. 30% of gross household income (shelter costto income ra o). This measurement excludes housing adequacy and suitability, which account for much of POLICIES the core housing needs of most ci es.

1. Con nue to support community policing in On the suppor ve scale, housing starts from strategic loca ons, including the downtown. ins tu onal care to suppor ve housing and 2. Support neighbourhood engagement in independent living. A comprehensive housing developing communitybased solu ons with policy should therefore address at least three areas: the RCMP, including: Neighbourhood watch, needs based on popula on size and demographic Block Watch, and Ci zens on Patrol. characteris cs, aff ordability, and suitability. Solu ons 3. Collaborate with the RCMP and the lie in the produc on and delivery of new housing units development industry in promo ng Crime that match the diverse needs, in allowing homes to Preven on through Environmental Design be priced at an aff ordable level, and in ensuring an principles (CPTED) in new development income level that supports adequate shelter costs. designs, focusing on loca ons vulnerable to Solu ons to housing issues have to engage all levels of property crime. government and all community stakeholders in order 4. Maintain the City’s Emergency Response Plan to address the root causes and become eff ec ve. and educate the public on prepara on for emergencies through community partnerships The City’s Aff ordable Housing Strategy indicated that and neighbourhood programs. in 2006 a notable percentage of households were pay ing more than 50% of their income on housing. It also iden fi ed a signifi cant propor on of renters spending HOUSING more than 30% of their income on housing. These core housing concerns have prompted the City, BC Housing, Fraser Health and a number of community Challenges in housing precipitate a host of social issues groups and nongovernmental organiza ons (NGOs) that directly aff ect the overall health of a community. to ac on, resul ng in a new 33unit suppor ve hous These include homelessness, abject poverty, and ing project for youth and adults, The Village, near the physical and mental health issues. While providing downtown, and the Chilliwack Health and Housing adequate and aff ordable housing is not a panacea Contact Centre (22 units and health services for the to all social ills, it is always a good star ng point and homeless and those at risk of homelessness). A NGO municipali es across the country have embraced project, Ruth and Naomi’s Mission, was also opened it. In BC, the Local Government Act Sec on 877 (s) in 2012 to provide a dropin centre and transi onal makes it a mandatory part of the Offi cial Community suppor ve housing for the homeless. While celebrat Plan. ing these successes, the reali es of social housing needs exceed the capacity of the city and community Aff ordable housing is o en equated to subsidized/ so organiza ons to provide a sa sfactory solu on. cial housing, which cons tutes only a small percent age of the general housing stock. Aff ordable hous In the future, eff orts to increase subsidized units in ing, in a policy context, has to include market housing Chilliwack will con nue. This is cri cal as there are (ownership and rental) and those living in them that always households that require public assistance, experience aff ordability and inadequacy issues. such as seniors and single parent families with limited income and workers subsis ng on minimum wages. In the cost con nuum (personal fi nances) housing At the same me, the City will give high priority to op ons range from homelessness to market housing working with the development industry in crea ng /

55 Goal 5 Build Healthy Attractive Communities maintaining an aff ordable housing market, including through neighbourhood planning and as private assisted living accommoda on and below part of the process to con nuously inform average cost rental units. A strong aff ordable housing the densifi ca on strategy. (See Schedule E market will moderate, if not eliminate, the shor all Growth Projec ons) in publicly subsidized housing. The OCP, being a land c. Support rental mul family residen al use plan, is in a strong posi on to encourage the development, secondary units, coach housing market to build aff ordable and suppor ve housing, by and other forms of rental and aff ordable facilita ng densifi ca on and, where prac cal, the use housing. of inclusionary zoning. d. Promote diverse housing designs in support of aging in place. Housing suitability is a growing concern in an aging e. Permit appropriately scaled ground popula on. In embracing “aging in place” the City oriented mul family housing in low density must ensure the available housing is conducive to neighbourhoods, subject to considera ons seniors’ living. In 2011 the City adopted the provincial of the neighbourhoods’ exis ng form and Adaptable Housing standards (in the BC Building character and aesthe cs, proximity to services, Code) and required 50 percent of new apartments available u lity capaci es, transit service and built to those standards a er 2012. In the long term, other ameni es, and other applicable OCP the City should aim for their universal applica on as policies. its 80 plus popula on doubles. f. Ensure zoning and subdivision regula ons remain sensi ve to changing markets and lifestyles, and the requirements of the OBJECTIVES densifi ca on process, par cularly in mixed use development and innova ve site planning 1. Ensure adequate, aff ordable, and suitable and building designs. housing in both the market and nonmarket sectors. 2. Encourage high quality mul family residen al 2. Ar culate the long term housing needs in terms design through: of pricing, loca on, tenure and in accordance a. Development Permit Areas for form and with household types and various social/age character enhancement in the Downtown and groups. other select areas 3. Build a posi ve, informed public a tude to b. Mul ple Family Infi ll Development – Design various forms of aff ordable housing that are vital Guidelines (Schedule C) to the City’s future growth and social wellbeing. c. The design review process 4. Maintain diverse housing choices to enable aging in place. 3. Implement, monitor, and update the City’s 5. Distribute special needs housing strategically Aff ordable Housing Strategy to: throughout the community for a harmonious neighbourhood housing/household mix. a. Ensure housing policies are inclusive and address barriers to aff ordability; POLICIES b. Address housing needs for special need groups, including those with mental health 1. Meet current and future housing needs: issues, atrisk youth, and families and singles at risk of homelessness; a. Provide a growth capacity for 25,000 addi onal c. Pursue social housing development dwellings to meet the an cipated popula on opportuni es with available senior increase between 2013 and 2040. government programs for lowincome b. Iden fy detailed residen al growth capacity households, especially families with children

56 Goal 5 Build Healthy Attractive Communities living below the poverty line, seniors requiring on, and recommenda ons to improve neigh various levels of care, people with physical bourhood design, road/sidewalk/crossing/ or mental disabili es, and street entrenched traffi c safety, signage and mobility. individuals; d. Support community partnerships with public and private sectors and nonprofi t groups in NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING future social housing endeavors; and e. Encourage private sector ini a ves in aff ord able market housing and special needs/low Neighbourhoods form part of our in mate living income housing through an expedited rezon environment and shape our daily life. An urban ing/ approval process and fl exible parking neighbourhood is usually close to a commercial, provisions; and consider innova ve proposals employment or civic centre, and encourages local that reduce building cost and housing prices/ shopping and greater involvement in the local rents. economy and neighbourhood ac vi es. It off ers more peoplegathering places, diverse developments 4. Preserve exis ng residen al stock and discour and a vibrant street life. It encourages walking and age their conversion to condominium units when promotes healthy community development. On the the rental vacancy rate is less than 2%. other hand, a suburban neighbourhood off ers quiet and spacious living but requires much traveling from 5. Maintain the Building Maintenance and Occupan homes to work, schools, shopping, entertainment cy Standards Bylaw to ensure all rental units are and most other func ons. Over the past four in safe and livable condi ons, and not nega vely decades, the two types of neighbourhoods are aff ec ng tenants’ health or the appearance of the converging as suburban neighbourhoods densify and neighbourhood concerned. become more urbanized. They begin to retrofi t with ameni es and transform toward a more complete 6. Address seniors housing needs, including: neighbourhood. Collec vely, the densifi ca on of the suburban neighbourhoods underscores the future a. A comprehensive assessment of the diverse consolida on of the urban corridor as a whole, housing and care needs of the 65 and over especially south of the TransCanada Highway. popula on with regard to their living require ments, lifestyles and health status, and the ongoing aging trends; OBJECTIVES b. Guiding principles for future seniors accom moda on developments to ensure a network 1. Promote complete and healthy community of support from rela ves and service provid development at the neighbourhood level. ers; 2. Establish priority areas for neighbourhood c. Considera on of working with community planning. groups towards a long term strategy to help establish a con nuous, consistent and ade POLICIES quate supply of seniors housing/care facili es; d. Universal adaptable housing design (per BC building code) and other prac ces to enable 1. Conduct comprehensive planning for independent living seniors to age in place, re neighbourhoods in Chilliwack proper, Sardis duce injuries from falling, and facilitate speedy Vedder and other areas experiencing development emergency response; pressure. e. An evalua on of senior friendliness of neigh bourhoods that have a large senior popula 2. Establish neighbourhood planning areas that share geographic features, a local history,

57 Goal 5 Build Healthy Attractive Communities housing characteris cs, ins tu ons, ameni es and a collec ve iden ty, while suppor ng a logical boundary for community planning, traffi c management and servicing.

3. Focus neighbourhood planning on the following areas: • Neighbourhood growth capacity as supported by market analysis; • Appropriate future land use and housing types; • Mixeduse neighbourhood centre development where prac cal; • U lity and amenity provision; • Road capacity; • Pedestrian friendly design; • Green streetscape, especially concerning storefronts and parking lot edges; • Infi ll, densifi ca on and redevelopment opportuni es; • Local development context – form and character; • Phasing strategy; • Local residents aspira ons and concerns; and • Suppor ve economic and social development.

4. Consider various op ons of acquiring neighbourhood ameni es, including amenity requirements in the development applica on process, and density bonusing as an incen ve.

58 Goal 5 Build Healthy Attractive Communities 5 Implementation Guide

59 Implementation Guide 5 Implementation Guide

The OCP brings together the various plans of the City guides for the Downtown (Schedule B) and and community partnerships for an integrated vision Infi ll Areas (Schedule C) and unifi ed ac on. Its eff ec veness depends on the Adopted Comprehensive Development/Area execu on of the policies and ac ons recommended /Neighbourhood Plans (Schedule D): herein, as well as the implementa on of the affi liated o plans, Development Permit Areas guidelines, the Downtown Land Use and Develop Zoning and Subdivision and Development Regula ons. ment Plan In the fi rst case and in the context of the current o Eastern Hillsides Comprehensive Area development process, OCP policies are translated Plan into land use designa ons and maps, indica ng o Agricultural Area Plan where major types of development should take place. The designa on maps aff ect both public and private Temporary Use Permits interests at the property level where the City and Development Approval Informa on other public agencies make everyday development Administra on /Interpreta on/ Severability decisions, ranging from rezoning to subdivision applica ons, building permits, business licensing, and The expanded scope of implementa on highlights the amenity/facility provision. The land use designa ons interconnected decisions in the development process, have an equally profound infl uence on how and and the importance of ongoing communica on where the private sector invests and builds in the among the various departments, commi ees City. Therefore, the designa ons should be clear on and outside agencies involved. In due course, the intent, scope and descrip on of permi ed uses, addi onal neighbourhood plans will be added as and guide interpreta on where needed. the City undertakes detailed planning for the select neighbourhoods and further advance the OCP’s vision The OCP’s land use/development policies are also and policies. advanced through detailed neighbourhood plans. Given their close rela onship with the OCP policies, LAND USE DESIGNATION STRATEGY OVER they are incorporated into the OCP as special VIEW BY AREAS schedules. Other schedules are included to carry out regional and provincial planning policies and are Downtown (Schedule D1) legislated requirements. The land use designa ons of the downtown Therefore, the OCP’s Implementa on Guide and sup core and neighbourhoods are presented in the plementary documents comprise the following: Downtown Land Use and Development Plan, OCP Schedule D1. The designa ons recognize Land use designa ons and proposed land use the downtown as the City centre and a focus maps (under Implementa on Guide) for commercial, civic and mixed use (commer cialresiden al) development. They reinforce Regional Context Statement (Schedule A) the dynamics created by the traffi c corridors Development Permit Areas and their guide that converge at the historic Five Corners, the lines in this chapter, with detailed design 60 Implementation Guide main street that has evolved along Wellington sions. The OCP designa ons recognize Avenue, Yale Road and Young Road, and the these low density neighbourhoods and open malls that cluster around the downtown their signifi cance in maintaining an ade gateways. They also recognize the residen al quate supply of family housing in Chilli root of the downtown and establish a develop wack proper. ment framework that fosters a func onal and a rac ve built environment, a dis nct lifestyle Since SardisVedder began its urban and culture, and a vibrant, healthy community. transforma on and new traffi c corridors emerged between the northern and Key designa ons include: southern se lements, commercial uses have established themselves along Yale • Urban Quarter (mixed use with high Road and Young Road; concurrently, the density residen al development ) Broadway corridor has a racted much • Village Quarter (mixed use with mul family residen al development. medium density residen al develop These corridor developments will only be ment) entrenched as densifi ca on con nues, • Service commercial and the OCP designa ons need to refl ect • Civic ins tu onal that trend, which is part of the overall • Civic Recrea on/Culture urban corridor consolida on process. • Industrial Throughout the early se lement history • Health Related Services (Permi ed of Chilliwack proper, some industries Secondary Use) were a racted to the “fringe” of the • Village Walk Heritage Area original Chilliwack se lement and they • Residen al 4 (mid/high rise – focus now represent opportuni es for unique ing on the Downtown as the predom industrial ac vity that can add to the inant highdensity residen al area) diversity and vibrancy of the downtown. • Residen al 3 (lowrise apartment) • Residen al 2 (townhouse) SardisVedder (Map 17B) • Residen al 1 (single family a ached) • Parks and Recrea on SardisVedder is a corridor community anchored by two centres at its northern and southern ends. Over me, developments, Each designa on is supported by descrip ons including a neighbourhood commercial of its intent and general characteris cs, includ node and a number of townhouse ing appropriate builtforms, density, building projects, infi lled the space between the height and parking provision. For detail and two centres along Vedder Road. Land use the Proposed Downtown Land Use Figure, see designa ons for SardisVedder (Map 17B) OCP Schedule D 1 Downtown Land Use and reinforce this twincentre structure, with Development Plan. mediumdensity residen al development along Vedder Road, the traffi c corridor, Chilliwack Proper (Map 17A) to support the ac vity focal points and a more cosmopolitan lifestyle. Behind Map 17A presents the balance of Chil the corridor development, residen al liwack proper outside the downtown neighbourhoods will remain largely core and neighbourhoods delineated in tradi onal single detached in support of Appendix D1. It embraces the single de family housing; nevertheless, strategically tached residen al neighbourhoods that placed townhouse projects may be once were the suburbs of the historic accommodated if certain site specifi c downtown se lement, as well as more condi ons are met. recent single family residen al subdivi

61 Implementation Guide Inside the centre of Sardis the Sardis’ northsouth road connec on to designa ons underscore the importance the main arterial routes and the servicing of regional shopping centres to the City’s mains along Vedder Road and a parallel retail trade and economic growth; they street. Long term designa ons for these intend to accommodate some major scale parcels are pending the outcome of an commercial densifi ca on for future growth ongoing dialogue among all stakeholders, capacity. Meanwhile, the tradi onal core including the ALC. In the mean me, they of Sardis, whose densifi ca on began in the are acknowledged as agricultural land 1990s, will redevelop both commercially within the Urban Growth Boundary. and residen ally in accordance with the Alder Neighbourhood Plan that Yarrow (Map 17C) forms Schedule D4 of this OCP. The With its EcoVillage development, pioneer focus of redevelopment is to support history, and freespirited lifestyle, Yarrow core businesses with a strong local has demonstrated another facet of popula on base through higher density healthy community living. Its se lement residen al development, and to ensure boundary is well defi ned by the ALR safe traffi c movement to/from Vedder and future growth becomes a decision Road and within the neighbourhood. It on density and servicing. As the public will harmonize with the City’s vision for dialogue on sanitary sewers and density Vedder Road and address amen ty and is ongoing, Map 17C primarily upholds urban design issues. the current development situa on– un l Designa ons for the Vedder centre aim to a community consensus or preference support the con nuous development of emerges. At that me, detailed Garrison Crossing and the sizable vacant neighbourhood planning would proceed sites in Vedder East and Vedder West toward the agreed community future. under the guidance of a comprehensive The OCP designa ons as shown on Map development area or site plan. 17C represent a refi nement of the current These designa ons refl ect the urban community structure and character. They corridor concept that is framed by the are intended to promote a more focused three main northsouth traffi c routes, commercial district, emphasizing its Vedder Road, Evans Road and Chilliwack role as a community centre, a market River Road. This framework, however, place for local residents and visitors, has to adjust to the strong presence of and a pedestrian friendly and cultural the First Na ons whose developments environment. Ul mately, they work are growing in scale, density and servicing toward a healthy community: realizing needs: they have to be part of the Sardis Yarrow’s tourism poten al, building Vedder community and within the Urban a robust local economic base, and Growth Boundary. Also within the urban enhancing the community’s livability with corridor are some ALR parcels. While a greater diversity of services, ameni es many of these parcels will con nue to be and ac vi es. agricultural in use and designa on, those on the west side of Sardis and surrounded Rosedale (Map 17D) and Greendale (Map 17E) on three sides by residen al subdivision Like Yarrow, both the development limits have been a subject of discussion of Rosedale and Greendale are defi ned by between the City and the Agricultural the ALR and their own community vision. Land Commission. From a servicing As most residents are content with the perspec ve, they have been limi ng current development situa on and

62 Implementation Guide servicing level, the designa ons in Maps 17D and 17E primarily refl ect the status quo – a rural healthy community with an appropriate level of servicing. Agricultural and Rural Areas (Map 17F) The ALR parcels are subject to the ALC Act and remain designated as Agricultural; this applies to the valley fl oor and upland ALR lands. The only excep ons would be parcels on which the ALC and the City have agreed for their exclusion in due course. Rural areas refer to loca ons that lie outside the urban corridors, Yarrow, Rosedale and Greendale; they are not part of the ALR or forest areas, and are predominantly large rural residen al estates and vacant acreages in a natural state.

Except for the downtown core and neighbourhoods whose designa ons (in par cular the high density residen al designa ons) are provided in the Downtown Land Use and Development Plan (Schedule D1), the land use designa ons that apply to Maps 17A, 17B, 17C, 17D, 17E and 17F are defi ned in detail as follows:

63 Implementation Guide LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (RL) transit routes; Traffi c impact within local road designed capac ity and not fundamentally changing the exis ng DENSITY neighbourhood livability; Access to or served by City’s bicycle routes and In the range of 12 50 uph (units per hectare) the an adequate sidewalk system; Housing types are specifi ed in the Appropriate Built Housing design emphasizing street fron ng fa Forms sec on below. cades and maximizing green amenity space in the front – to harmonize with the surrounding INTENT single detached homes with tradi onal (larger) front and side yards; • Provide family housing especially for those with Rear lane access to reduce or eliminate front children. driveways and oversized garage doors, while • Provide aff ordable rental housing for students, facilita ng the development of a con nuous singles, seniors (coach housing and accessory green streetscape; dwelling units / basement suites). Proximity to ample ameni es such as parks, recrea onal facili es, libraries/civic services, APPROPRIATE LOCATION health care, schools and shopping; Proposed building height and mass being sym Tradi onal residen al neighbourhoods, and green pathe c to surrounding homes; and. fi eld sites, where available, adjoining established Project scale not exceeding 10 townhouse residen al areas and serviceable by exis ng u li es, units; development proposals involving more schools, parks and other civic facili es. than 10 units will require comprehensive im PERMITTED USES pact analyses, including traffi c/mobility study, urban design analysis (streetscape/ neighbour Residen al uses per recommended densi es and hood character) and amenity provision. built forms, neighbourhood oriented civic uses such as: elementary schools, local churches, neighbour hood centers and parks and recrea onal facili es, and convenience commercial. FORM AND CHARACTER Subject to Development Permit regula on regarding mul family residen al (townhouse) form and char acter. APPROPRIATE BUILT FORMS • single family detached • duplex • small lot single family detached • carriage home • co age home cluster • Appropriately scaled townhouse development, subject to the condi ons of OCP Housing Policy 1(e) under Goal 5 (Build Healthy A rac ve Com muni es) and the following considera ons:

Convenient/direct access to major roads and

64 Implementation Guide MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL RM APPROPRIATE BUILT FORMS • 3 to 6 storey wood frame apartment. DENSITY • Stacked townhouse (a ached upanddown and Maximum 150 uph (units per ha) sidebyside groundoriented/accessed units). • Townhouse (a ached sidebyside): street front Minimum 25 uph ing, rear lane access, clustered, part of mixed housing project, fee simple or strata. INTENT • Coach housing and accessory dwelling units where appropriate. • Provide aff ordable housing for diverse income groups and household types: seniors, students, empty nesters, singles, small families and special needs groups. • Accommodate density bonusing and inclusion ary zoning (subsidized housing units).

APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS The cores of SardisVedder, areas in close proximity to a neighbourhood commercial centre, and loca ons along urban traffi c corridors; in all cases, u lity capaci es, services and ameni es such as schools and parks should be available.

DIRECT ACCESS Collector / arterial roads

PERMITTED USES Residen al uses per recommended densi es and built forms; neighbourhood oriented civic uses such as elementary schools, local churches, neighbour hood centres, parks and recrea onal facili es; and convenient commercial uses at suitable loca ons and subject to the condi ons s pulated in the zon ing bylaw. FORM AND CHARACTER Subject to Development Permit regula on regarding mul family residen al form and character.

65 Implementation Guide GENERAL COMMERCIAL CG PERMITTED USES Retail, personal and business services, government DENSITY offi ces, churches and other civic uses, entertainment/ Maximum 1.5 FAR (fl oor area ra o) recrea on, smalltomedium size shopping centers, and mixed commercialresiden al use (apartments INTENT above groundlevel businesses). Hotel development in community cores, or at loca ons in traffi c corridors • Reinforce community cores as business cen supported by ameni es. tres. • Encourage main street development. FORM AND CHARACTER • Support neighbourhood commercial develop ment at strategic loca ons. Subject to Development Permit regula on regarding commercial form and character. APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS APPROPRIATE BUILT FORMS Neighbourhood commercial notes in Chilliwack • Commercial building: up to 4storeys proper, commercial centres of SardisVedder, Yarrow, • Mixed commercialresiden al development: Rosedale and Greendale. up to 6storeys. • 3storeys or lower in rural communi es where the required service capaci es are available.

Main street development refers to the retail landscape that typi fi es a tradi onal community cen tre. Shops, restaurants and a vari ety of commercial establishments and services open to a common, pedestrianfriendly street, and their facades conjoin to form a con nuous street front. It encour ages residents to walk, gather and celebrate.


Smalltomediumsize shopping centres, vehicleori DENSITY ented commercial uses, retail, personal and business services, government offi ces, churches and other civic Maximum 1.0 FAR (fl oor area ra o) uses, and entertainment.


Consolidate general and vehicleoriented commercial Subject to Development Permit regula on regarding loca ons in key urban traffi c routes. commercial form and character.

APPROPRIATE BUILT FORMS APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS Commercial corridors along Yale Road and Young Commercial building: up to 3storeys Road, from the downtown to the Vedder Road Inter change at the TransCanada Highway.


Maximum 1.0 FAR (fl oor area ra o) Maximum 1.0 FAR (fl oor area ra o)


• Promote diversifi ed industrial growth and • Promote agriculture related industrial devel strengthen local economic base. opment in support of the local agricultural • Create local employment to meet the needs growth. of the future labour force growth. • Create local agricultural employment as part of the Agricultural Area Plan implementa on. APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS • Established separate industrial districts: Vil lage West, Ca ermole and LegacyPacifi c In • The agribusiness park at Kerr Avenue and dustrial Park. Brannick Place. • Established industrial loca ons within com muni es: between the BC Hydro Railway and Young Road, and those in Yarrow and PERMITTED USES Rosedale. • Agriculture related manufacturing, ware housing, and industrial services. • Accessory offi ce and sale outlet of the princi PERMITTED USES pal industrial use. • Commercial services that cater to industrial • Manufacturing, warehousing, and industrial workers. services. • Accessory offi ce and sale outlet of the princi pal industrial use. FORM AND CHARACTER • Commercial services that cater to the indus trial workers. • Select heavier industrial uses (already exist Subject to Development Permit regula on regarding ing) that have sound management of nui industrial form and character. sance (noise, dust, odor and fume).


Industrial building: up to 3storeys Subject to Development Permit regula on regarding industrial form and character.

APPROPRIATE BUILT FORMS Industrial building: up to 3storeys

68 Implementation Guide GRAVEL AND RELATED INDUSTRY IGR SPECIAL INDUSTRIAL IS DENSITY DENSITY Maximum 0.35 FAR (fl oor area ra o) FAR: maximum 1.0 INTENT INTENT • Ensure adequate supply to meet local gravel needs. Accommodate industries that are heavy in nature, • Reduce gravel import and truck traffi c’s im involve nuisances or require special measures on pact on the regional and local transporta on health, public safety and security. systems. • Limit gravel sites in hillside/upland areas where geological and environmental sensi v APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS i es are high and the roads are not designed for gravel truck traffi c. Exis ng sites approved for specifi c heavy and special industrial uses per condi ons of the approval. New APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS loca ons are to be evaluated in accordance with the poten al impact of the development proposal as it Approved gravel sites on Vedder mountain. relates to the environment (including air quality), the surrounding uses, the health of workers and res idents in the area, truck movement and traffi c vol PERMITTED USES ume, poten al nuisances (noise, fume, vibra on and odor) and the aesthe cs of the area concerned. Gravel extrac on, processing and sale – subject to applicable provincial environmental and mining reg ula ons. PERMITTED USES

• Select heavier industrial uses (already estab APPROPRIATE BUILT FORMS lished) that have sound management of nui Industrial building: up to 3storeys sance (noise, dust, odor, fume and security). • Accessory offi ce and sale outlet of the princi pal industrial use.


Subject to Development Permit regula on regarding industrial form and character.

APPROPRIATE BUILT FORMS Industrial building: up to 3storeys


CDA Subject to applicable Development Permit regula on regarding form and character. DENSITY Minimum 0.4 FAR (fl oor area ra o); or a minimum residen al density of 35 uph, where applicable. APPROPRIATE BUILT FORMS Building: up to 4storeys INTENT • Support comprehensive neighbourhood plan ning in select neighbourhoods and communi es. • Enable comprehensive planning for major de velopment sites, especially those that involve a mix of land uses and builtforms, an overall mul phase development plan, a systemic ser vicing scheme, and careful considera ons for integra ng with the exis ng neighbourhood or community. • Facilitate innova ve planning for major devel opments.

APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS • Neighbourhoods of Chilliwack and SardisVedder that may be selected from me to me, including: • Former UFV campus on Airport Road • Alder Neighbourhood Plan Area • Garrison Crossing • West End of former Canadian Forces Base • Webster Road Area Plan Area

• Select hillside areas whose development form part of the OCP growth strategy, including: • Promontory • Eastern Hillsides • Chilliwack Mountain

• Rural communi es that may be selected for neigh bourhood planning from me to me.


Uses as recommended by an approved comprehen sive neighbourhood/area plan.

70 Implementation Guide MIXED COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL MCI DENSITY Maximum 1.0 FAR (fl oor area ra o)

INTENT • Accommodate compa ble commercial and in dustrial service uses that require convenient access and exposure to main traffi c routes. • Limit sites to the established mixed commer cialindustrial service areas only. • Reduce pressure on industrial districts to ac commodate bigbox retail and other largescale or isolated commercial developments.

APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS Established mixed commercialindustrial sites along the track of Southern Railway of BC and along Airport Road (between Yale Road and Young Road)


Light industrial service, small scale warehousing/ wholesale use, offi ce, automobile related use, building material sale, large format retail use, and similar com mercial/industrial uses.


Subject to Development Permit regula on regarding industrial/commercial form and character.

APPROPRIATE BUILT FORMS Industrial/commercial buildings: up to 3 storeys.

71 Implementation Guide INSTITUTIONAL AND CIVIC USE PI AIRPORT PA DENSITY DENSITY Maximum 1.0 FAR (fl oor area ra o) Maximum 1.0 FAR (fl oor area ra o) or subject to municipal review. INTENT INTENT Recognize major ins tu onal and civic uses, and their importance to anchoring community cores and/or neigh • Support the airport’s role in the city’s eco bourhoods. nomic development. • Facilitate airport opera on and its develop APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS ment plan. • Promote aerospace service and manufac Canada Educa on Park, University campus, Regional sec turing industries. ondary and middle school sites, the hospital, major care facility, public libraries, RCMP buildings/facili es, recre APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS a onal facili es and cemeteries. Municipal airport and associated proper es that PERMITTED USES form part of the future plan and development of the airport. Government and school district administra on, public work yards, civic facili es, health care use, residen al PERMITTED USES care, regional secondary/middle schools, police adminis tra on, churches, NGO and similar uses. Airport opera on and related ac vi es, aerospace industries and industrial services that cater to the FORM AND CHARACTER airport opera on or the aerospace industry. FORM AND CHARACTER Subject to Development Permit regula on regarding in dustrial/commercial form and character. Subject to Development Permit regula on regard ing industrial/commercial form and character.

APPROPRIATE BUILT APPROPRIATE BUILT FORMS FORMS Builtforms: subject to federal regula ons and mu Nonresiden al buildings nicipal review. up to 3 storeys (federal and provincial buildings are exempt).



Recognize regional, city and community parks, spor ields, and rec rea onal facili es.


All major parks and recrea onal facili es.

PERMITTED USES Public park, sportsfi eld, ice ska ng/curling /hockey arena, public and swimming pool/leisure centre, and indoor sport facility.



Recognize major private and municipal outdoor recrea onal facili es, in par cular, golf courses.


Golf courses, campgrounds and RV Parks.


Golf course and accessory use, amusement park, campground, RV Park and other private outdoor recrea onal facili es.

73 Implementation Guide AGRICULTURE AG

INTENT Recognize and protect the Agricultural Land Reserve and other farmlands.

APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS All ALR parcels and other farm lands.

PERMITTED USES RURAL R • All agricultural uses. DENSITY • Farm residences (principal and accessory). • Associated retail/processing/ manufacturing use approved by the ALC. • Rural residen al subdivision 1 ha minimum where • Co age/homebased industries approved by permi ed. the ALC and City. • Rural acreage subdivision: 4 ha minimum where • Anaerobic digester development approved by permi ed. the ALC and the City. • Other compa ble, unobtrusive uses tradi on INTENT ally permi ed on small agricultural acreages. Defi ne rural areas where municipal services are limited and development density is maintained at a low level to not exceed the natural capacity of the land. FOREST RESOURCE FR APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS INTENT Recognize and preserve forest resources as part of Rural hillsides, including Ryder Lake, Vedder Mountain prudent prac ces in management, and safeguard the and Majuba Hill (excluding ALR lands). aesthe c value forests that is vital to the City’s hillside landscape and green iden ty.

PERMITTED USES APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS • Rural residen al subdivision: limited to exis ng rural residen al subdivision areas. All crown forests and other established proper es. • Rural acreage: residen al use based on semiserviced or unserviced standards and where geological issues permit and the envi PERMITTED USES ronmental impact is minimal (as determined by geotechnical and environmental impact assessments). Forestry use as approved by the Ministry of Forests and represen ng a balanced prac ce in light of the City’s hillside landscape.


INTENT Recognize the special status and importance of the Ved der River Management Area.

APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS Vedder River Management Area.

PERMITTED USES Flood control, environmental conserva on, and uses ap proved by the Vedder River Management Area Commit tee.



Recognize and protect the established environmental re serves.


Bert Brink Wildlife Management Area, Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve and natural reserves held by NGOs.

PERMITTED USES Environmental conserva on and appropriate accessory use.



Recognize First Na on Reserves as an integral, social, Recognize water areas and islands in the Fraser River economic and environmental part of the overall com that are within the City’s boundaries and that their munity. use may not be subject to the control of the City. Acknowledge that First Na on Reserves are outside the City’s jurisdic on and that their governance and APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS development decisions are rested with the responsi ble First Na on authori es under Canada’s Indian Act. All lots and areas that now form part of the Fraser Riv er channel, be they under water or islands in the river. APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS

All First Na on Reserves within the City’s boundaries. PERMITTED USES

Licensed tree farms where appropriate; outdoor rec rea on where suitable.



Recognize federally owned lands and acknowledge that their governance and development decisions are rested with the Canadian Government.


All lands owned by the federal government, includ ing the DND parcel on the former CFB Chilliwack and Coqualeetza.

76 Implementation Guide TEMPORARY USE PERMITS parking, property security, performance security, and establishing buff ers and A Temporary Use Permit may be issued to screens, may be required. accommodate entrepreneurs on shortterm business opportuni es or property owners • Upon the expira on of the Temporary for a specifi c, approved use for a defi ned Use Permit, the subject temporary use dura on. All ac vi es and uses, other than shall cease to operate and the concerned those permi ed in the zoning bylaw, shall land may need to be restored to the require a temporary use permit issued under condi ons prior to the temporary use or the OCP, and this requirement applies to the in accordance with the terms specifi ed in municipality as a whole. the original permit.

Purpose of Temporary Use Permit DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREAS a) Provide short term economic opportuni es b) Ensure the longterm planning policy for Development Permits play a key role in bringing the subject area is not aff ected OCP policies to the ground level when current development proposals are evaluated. Where the c) Balance public and private interests OCP policies are strong in direc on, strategy and d) Maintain compa bility with the process, development permits are focused on specifi c surrounding developments concerns and challenges of current development and prac cal solu ons. Under Sec on 488 of the Local Government Act , the OCP has established eight Permit Guidelines/Condi ons development permit areas (DPA) for the following • Permits may allow a temporary use purposes: approved by the City to operate up to • protec on of the City’s drinking water three years and could be considered for sources – aquifers and watersheds (DPA 1) renewal once for any further period up to protec on of development from hazardous three years. • hillside condi ons and environmentally • The subject temporary use shall not sensi ve areas (DPA 2 and DPA 3); precipitate public health and safety hazards • protec on of the natural environment, or cause environmental degrada on. especially riparian areas (DPA 3); • form and character guidelines for downtown • Where poten al risks to public health and development (DPA 4) safety or environmental quality exist or are an cipated, the applicant shall resolve • form and character guidelines for hillside them to the sa sfac on of the City and residen al (DPA 8), mul family residen al, other concerned authori es before the mixed commercialresiden al (DPA 5 and DPA proposed temporary use or development 6), and industrial developments (DPA 7). is approved. • farm home plate (DPA 9)

• Where warranted, environmental protec on, postdevelopment site restora on and nuisance abatement measures, including noise abatement, opera on hours and season, dura on of permi ed use, traffi c management,

77 Implementation Guide General Policies Development Permit Area 1 Municipal Watersheds and Aquifers for Drinking Water

1. Within a designated Development Permit Area Descrip on and Exemp ons (DPA), a Development Permit (DP) is required prior to the subdivision of land; the construc The municipal watersheds as shown on DPA 1 – Map on of, addi on to, or altera on of a building or structure on the land; or the altera on of land, 1A (SardisVedder Aquifer), 1B (Volkert Creek) 1C except where exemp on provisions apply. The (Vedder River Fan), and 1D ( Elk CreekDunville Creek) DP requirement is in addi on to the require are designated as Development Permit Areas (DPA ments of the Zoning Bylaw, the Subdivision 1) for the protec on of the community’s sources of and Development Bylaw and all other appli water supply from contamina on, fl ow reduc on cable regula ons in the development process. and quality degrada on. This DPA is established in accordance with Sec on 919.1, (1)(a) of the Local 2. Where a parcel is governed by two or more Government Act. Development Permit Area designa ons, re spec ve Development Permits for the subject A Development Permit is required for the subdivision parcel are required. of land; the construc on of, addi on to, or altera on of a building or structure on the land; or the altera on of land, including the following:

NATURAL ENVIRONMENT & GEOTECHNICAL Removal of trees or other vegeta on that DPAs results in a cleared area or exposed soil disturbance greater than 280 m2 in area. A number of areas in Chilliwack, because their physical loca ons, ecological a ributes and sensi vity, or Construc on of buildings larger than 70 m2 in importance to the community’s drinking water fl oor area. supply, require protec on or careful planning and Installa on of a sep c fi eld. execu on to ensure the natural environment is not Subdivision of land parcels that creates detrimentally aff ected by development. There are addi onal lots within this Development Permit also areas that are excessively steep and suscep ble Area. to erosion and/or fl ooding; they must be carefully Installa on of fuel oil or gasoline storage tanks. planned or protected to minimize poten al hazardous condi ons and associated threat to life and property. Construc on of a new private well, including Landowners should also consult the City of Chilliwack geothermal wells, within the SardisVedder Floodplain Regula on Bylaw to see if it applies to Aquifer or Vedder River Fan protec on areas their proper es. Development applicants should (Map 1A and 1C) be cognizant of the informa on requirements of Channel altera on or any ac vity that may the Geotechnical and Floodplain Report Guidelines aff ect exis ng watercourses. and/or other technical report guidelines that are Excava on of an area larger than 20 m2 and administered by the City. deeper than 0.5 m within the SardisVedder Aquifer or Vedder River Fan protec on areas (Map 1A and 1C) The following ac vi es are exempted from the requirement of a Development Permit: − Construc on of a structure that does not

78 Implementation Guide require a building permit and is located Guidelines Specifi c to Groundwater Sources outside of the corresponding riparian (Map 1A, SardisVedder Aquifer; Map 1C, Vedder protec on area of a permanent or River Fan) temporary stream. − Normal residen al gardening ac vi es that occur outside of the corresponding ri 1. All developments shall be designed to parian protec on area of a permanent or minimize water quality degrada on to the temporary stream. requirements of the City. − Forest management ac vi es related to 2. Excava ons greater than three metres in mber produc on and harves ng in the depth or within two metres of the highest Forest Land Reserve. recorded water table eleva on from June − Works undertaken by a municipal water 1st to October 1st must implement, under system. the supervision of a Qualifi ed Environmental − Emergency removal of a hazardous tree. Professional, groundwater protec on − Emergency works to prevent fl ood damage measures including, but not limited to, the to structures. following: − Subdivision of land parcels where a conserva on covenant sa sfactory to a. Dewatering for the excava on, if required, and in favour of the City of Chilliwack should not: has already been registered for the • Impact opera on of exis ng municipal maintenance of natural drainage and supply wells; protec on of groundwater quality. • Impact base fl ow in creeks within 5 Ra onale for DPA Establishment kilometers;

• Exceed 75 liters per second fl ow. This Development Permit Area is designated for the protec on of watershed areas that supply, or b. Excava ons una ended must be secured by have the poten al to supply, water to community rigid security fencing; or private u lity water systems. If not carefully managed, development in this Area could result in c. Surface runoff must be directed away from the degrada on of drinking water quality for many the excava on to prevent direct seepage homes, endangering public health and incurring into the aquifer; substan al remedial costs. d. All necessary steps must be taken to limit Objec ve the amount of me that the excava on/ aquifer is exposed; To protect the quality of drinking water supplied from community or private u lity water systems. e. Disposal of dewatering water into the storm water system is not allowed unless approved by the City; and

f. The excavated na ve material or equivalent as approved by the City must be used to backfi ll the excava on, where possible.

3. Belowgrade structures that extend more than three (3) metres in depth from ground

79 Implementation Guide surface or are within 2 metres of the highest before the infi ltra on chamber to contain recorded water table eleva on from June 1st spills. to October 1st must: 8. Onsite treatment facili es shall be designed a. be water proof. Water proofi ng of the by a Qualifi ed Environmental Professional and structure must u lize materials that will must ensure the discharged water will not not impact groundwater quality and be degrade the quality of the aquifer. approved by the Engineer; 9. Commercial, industrial and parking facili es, b. have an internal design that minimizes having areas that are not paved or completed poten al cracking of the founda on with buildings, shall be covered with low and includes treatment of cold joints to permeability material to reduce infi ltra on. create a complete separa on between A soil liner consis ng of 0.60 metres of fi ne the structure and the Aquifer; textured soil (clay or clayloam) constructed beneath Topsoil is an acceptable alterna ve. c. be constructed with a monitored drain age system for water volumes and 10. All Hazardous Materials, which are handled, hydrocarbons to detect all upsets; and/or stored, shall be minimized and subject to secondary containment u lizing non d. not adversely impact groundwater fl ow permeable construc on material, which may pa erns; and consist of a concrete pad and sidewalls to e. include an internal drainage system that contain the substances should a spill or leak discharges drainage from below grade occur. The storage area shall be covered and structures to a sanitary sewer line. secured against vandalism. The capacity of secondary containment shall equal at least 4. All storm water, with the excep on of the maximum volume of the stored material, residen al founda on drains, shall be plus 10%. Secondary containment systems for conveyed off site to municipal storm sewers. volumes of hazardous material greater than 200 litres shall be inspected by a Qualifi ed 5. Storm water from roadways and driveways shall Environmental Professional. not be discharged directly to ground by means of exfi ltra on systems or rock pits within the 11. No underground storage tanks for Hazardous 60Day Capture Zone, as delineated on Map 1A. Materials shall be permi ed. Above ground storage tanks for Hazardous Materials shall 6. Drainage from subsurface structures and conform to requirements set out in this parking lot facili es, with the excep on guideline for Petroleum Storage Tanks. of residen al roof and founda on drains, shall be controlled using a closed system, 12. Temporary storage of Hazardous Materials which includes oil and grit separators during development and/or construc on conveyed off site to a municipal storm sewer. shall:

7. Where a municipal storm sewer system is not a. U lize secondary containment; available, drainage from subsurface structures and parking lot facili es shall be conveyed to b. Be covered and secured against outside of the 60Day Capture Zone (shown vandalism; and on Map 1A) to a triple chamber treatment c. Be protected from damage due to facility, which must include, but is not limited construc on equipment and/or to, an oil and grit separator and a gate valve construc on ac vi es.

80 Implementation Guide 13. During construc on and/or development: Aboveground and Underground Storage Tank Systems Containing Petroleum and Allied a. All equipment not in use shall have Petroleum Products (2003 or latest version) oil drip pans under the equipment to and the Bri sh Columbia Fire Code (2006 or prevent contamina on; latest version).

b. Equipment refueling shall be performed 17. Without limita on to Sec on 16, aboveground in a controlled and secured loca on petroleum product storage tanks (ASTs) within and every eff ort taken to prevent fuel the Total Capture Zone shall be constructed to spillage; and include the following:

c. Spill containment and cleanup equipment a. Doublewalled steel tank construc on; and material shall be available on site. This cleanup material must include, at a b. Secondary containment of piping; minimum: c. Tanks coated with rustresistant material; • adequate quan es of sand for containment on paved or impervious surfaces d. Overfi ll protec on device; • adequate quan es of absorbent pads e. Spill containment device around fi ll pipe; or material to cleanup hazardous spills (capable of absorbing 100% of the Hazardous f. A dispenser sump and tank sump, for Materials) the control of possible leakage from the dispenser or piping; and 14. The operator of a facility handling or storing Hazardous Materials exceeding a volume of g. Leak detec on of the inters al space, 200 litres shall have a Best Management Plan piping and sump(s). (BMP) prepared by a Qualifi ed Environmental ProfessionalThe cer fi ed BMP shall address 18. Installa on of aboveground petroleum the handling, storage and disposal of product storage tanks shall be conducted Hazardous Materials, and include provisions by a licensed qualifi ed contractor under the for strict inventory controls. supervision of a Professional Engineer.

15. The operator of a facility handling or storing 19. Every storage tank shall be tested for leakage, Hazardous Materials exceeding a volume following procedures outlined in the Fire Code of 200 litres shall have a Spill Response of Bri sh Columbia before pu ng a new tank Plan prepared by a Qualifi ed Environmental into service. Professional, and forward one copy to the City’s Engineer. The cer fi ed Spill Response 20. Installa on of new private wells regardless Plan shall address measures that should of purpose is prohibited unless approved by be taken at the site in the event of a spill or the City. Approvals shall only be considered accident. for proper es not serviced by the municipal system. Owners that have a new private water 16. No underground storage tanks shall be supply well installed shall provide the City with permi ed for storing petroleum products. a copy of the well installa on record within 30 Aboveground storage tanks used for the days of installa on. purpose of containing petroleum products within the Total Capture Zone shall be smaller 21. Subsurface geothermal systems including the than 800 liters in size and meet or exceed installa on of wells are prohibited. the Environmental Code of Prac ce for 22. New buildings shall be connected to the

81 Implementation Guide municipal sanitary sewer system. 23. professional should supervise the design and Where a municipal sanitary sewer system is not construc on of the road or sep c fi eld to available residen al sewage shall be conveyed sa sfy the objec ves and guidelines of this to an onsite private sewage disposal system DPA. which must include, but is not limited to, a two stage sep c system, a large capacity tank and 5. For subdivisions that create addi onal lots, a gate valve before infi ltra on to subsurface. any new lots, roads, building sites, sep c fi elds The twostage system shall be designed by and driveways must be posi oned, designed a Qualifi ed Environmental Professional and and constructed to meet the objec ves and shall consist of a separate tank where the guidelines of this DPA. sludge is digested and will prohibit mixing of digested sludge with incoming sewage. Development Permit Area 2 Hillside and Upland Areas 24. New commercial, industrial and ins tu onal facili es with an onsite sewage disposal Descrip on and Exemp ons system are not permi ed. Pursuant to Sec on 919.1(1)(a) and (b) of the Local Government Act, the areas as shown on DPA Maps 2A, 2B, 2C and 2D are designated as Development Permit Guidelines Specifi c to Surface Water Sources Area 2 (DPA 2) for the protec on of fi sh and fi sh Map 1B Volkert Creek; Map 1D Elk Creek and habitats, wildlife and vegeta on, and development Dunville Creek) from natural hazards.

A Development Permit is required for the subdivision of land; the construc on of, addi on to, or altera on 1. All developments shall be designed to of a building or structure on the land; or the altera on minimize water quality degrada on to the of land, including the following: requirements of the City. Removal of trees with a trunk diameter 2. An applicant for a development permit must greater than 30 cm measured 1.5 m above provide, at his or her expense, a plan cer fi ed ground; by a Professional Engineer with experience in the protec on of ground and surface water, Removal of vegeta on in a wetland; which clearly shows how to control storm Installa on of a sep c fi eld within 61 m of water drainage and avoid the deteriora on of the natural boundary of a lake; water quality. Any works or installa on of structures within a stream or below the natural boundary of 3. Nonresiden al structures for the purpose a lake; and of storage or handling materials in quan es The subdivision of land parcels that creates suffi cient to pollute water supply should not addi onal lots within this DPA. be located in this DPA. If such a loca on Construc on of a building greater than 100 cannot be avoided, the structure shall be m2 . designed and constructed to ensure that spills can be properly contained and handled without causing pollu on. The following ac vi es are exempted from the requirement to obtain a DP: 4. New roads and sep c fi elds should not be permi ed within this DPA. If such a − Forest management ac vi es related to loca on cannot be avoided, then a qualifi ed mber produc on and harves ng in the Forest Land Reserve;

82 Implementation Guide − Fish habitat enhancement work approved risks. Adequate forest fi re interface shall be by the Department of Fisheries and iden fi ed and carefully managed through a Oceans or the Ministry of Environment, Fire Risk Assessment Analysis Report. Lands and Parks; − The emergency removal of a hazardous tree; Objec ves − Emergency works to prevent fl ood 1. To protect the quality of drinking water damage to structures or repair to public supplies, including safeguarding the water service u li es; supply of private wells. − The subdivision of land parcels where 2. To protect fi sh, wildlife and vegeta on, a conserva on covenant sa sfactory to par cularly sensi ve riparian habitat. and in favour of the City of Chilliwack has already been registered for the 3. To ensure development remains compa ble maintenance of natural drainage and with the natural environment. protec on of environmentally sensi ve 4. To protect development from poten al and hazardous areas; or landslides, debris torrents and other unstable − Tree removal required for surveying, road condi ons. construc on, and u lity servicing by the 5. To reduce the poten al forest fi re risks. City of Chilliwack. Guidelines Ra onale for DPA Establishment 1. Stream bank vegeta on shall remain undisturbed i. Lakes and streams, including ephemeral together with a green strip of at least 30 meters watercourses, provide natural habitats for from the top of banks of fi sh bearing or fi sh fi sh and wildlife. Many also supply drinking habitat streams. water to individual wells, water license holders or community water supply systems. 2. Fencing shall not be allowed in areas where it If not carefully managed, development in would interfere with the movement of wildlife. this Area could result in the degrada on of 3. The Tree Management (Land Development) water quality to the detriment of the fi sh and Bylaw is considered cri cal to the implementa on wildlife popula ons. It could also incur high of this DPA’s guidelines. costs of remedial water treatment. ii. This DPA contains habitats for many diff erent 4. The Development Approval Informa on Bylaw is species and is par cularly suscep ble to an essen al part of this DPA’s implementa on. disturbance. Development could lead to losses 5. No development shall be allowed in areas subject of, or high stresses on, a dispropor onately to high risks from debris torrents, fl ooding or large number of na ve plant and animal erosion unless properly engineered fl oodproofi ng species. and protec on measures are incorporated iii. Land in this DPA has been iden fi ed as having and cer fi ed by a Professional Engineer with serious hazards due to slope instability experience in hydrogeology. or soil erosion. If not carefully managed, disturbance of the land in this Area could 6. A Professional Engineer with experience result in signifi cant soil erosion and increased in hydrogeology is required to cer fy site hazards to developments. development on hillside and upland areas, and may recommend condi ons or requirements for iv. This DPA may be subject to high forest fi re the issuance of the permit. The cer fi ca on must 83 Implementation Guide clearly show how to control storm drainage, fl ood so as not to adversely aff ect adjacent proper es. hazard and erosion, and to protect groundwater, Further, all post development water fl ows into including: the storm drainage system must not exceed pre development fl ows in accordance with the City of preserving natural channels to the Chilliwack Policy and Design Criteria Manual for maximum extent possible; Surface Water Management. u lizing deten on or reten on ponds and minimize impervious surface; 10. Stream crossings and roadway construc on establishing interceptor ditches above adjacent to streams shall obtain all necessary steep slopes, where required, in such a way approvals and be designed to accommodate fl ows to not saturate soil, and the intercepted and retain the streambed in a natural condi on. water should be conveyed in a pipe or other appropriate manner to a municipal 11. A Qualifi ed Professional is required to supervise storm sewer system or to the bo om of a all excava ons or placement of fi ll in natural slope ravine or bluff ; areas . u lizing discharge point stabiliza on for 12. Road design should minimize the poten al danger natural drainage path; and of erosion, landslide and fl ooding. The following providing a control mechanism to minimize techniques may apply where appropriate: erosion and silta on. follow contours; 7. Development proposals shall be accompanied allow split level, oneway streets; by a hydrogeotechnical study that iden fi es the allow fl exibility in the placement of lot lines hazardous nature of the subject area, including: to accommodate “traversing driveways”; and vegeta on types; employ narrow pavement widths, within ecologically sensi ve areas; the limits of public safety, by the use of view vistas; off street parking in bays and clusters. soil types; soil and terrain stability; 13. Hillside and upland development should employ rock outcroppings; environmentally sound techniques in engineering and architecture such as: specifi c hazard area; and protec ve and mi ga ng measures to be grading to complement natural land forms used during and a er construc on and to minimize terracing (cut and fi ll); development. using indigenous materials in landscaping; 8. A Professional Engineer with experience placing, grouping and shaping of man in geotechnical engineering shall submit a made structures to complement the geotechnical study in accordance with the natural landscape; and landslide assessment guidelines published by encouraging a variety of building types APEGBC (Associated Professional Engineers and clustered to maximize the amount of open Geoscien sts of BC) and the City of Chilliwack space and natural features. Guidelines for Geohazard Assessment and Inves ga on. 14. Hillside and upland development should complement or enhance the aesthe c quali es of 9. A storm water management plan must be the natural landscape. Where possible, skylines submi ed to the sa sfac on of the Director of and ridgetops, and tree and shrub masses should Engineering and must provide onsite drainage be preserved, and all manmade structures should

84 Implementation Guide be properly posi oned, scaled and designed so as 2. “Development” means any of the following: not to dominate the general hillside and upland landscape. A site plan addressing these concerns a. removal, altera on, disrup on or shall accompany the development permit destruc on of vegeta on applica on. b. disturbance of soils c. construc on or erec on of buildings and structures Development Permit Area 3 Riparian Area d. crea on of nonstructural impervious or semipervious surfaces e. fl ood protec on works Descrip on and Exemp ons f. construc on of roads, trails, docks, All lands within the boundaries of the City of Chilliwack wharves and bridges are designated as Development Permit Area 3 (DPA g. provision and maintenance of sewer and 3) for the protec on of the natural environment, its water services ecosystems and biological diversity, and in par cular fi sh and fi sh habitats and riparian habitats, pursuant to h. development of drainage systems Sec on 919.1(a), (b) and (i) of the Local Government i. development of u lity corridors Act. j. subdivision under the Land Title Act or the Strata Property Act Ra onale for DPA Establishment

This DPA defi nes riparian assessment areas for the 3. “Qualifi ed Environmental Professional” (QEP) protec on of fi sh habitats, based on the informa on means an applied scien st or technologist, of OCP Maps 8A and 8B, the Fish Protec on Act and ac ng alone or together with another qualifi ed the Riparian Areas Regula on. It enables a site environmental professional. specifi c, sciencebased assessment protocol for a. The individual is registered and in good Qualifi ed Environmental Professionals to establish standing in Bri sh Columbia with an consistent and appropriate requirements, condi ons appropriate professional organiza on and standards regarding development within riparian cons tuted under an Act, ac ng under assessment areas. that associa on’s code of ethics and Objec ves of this Development Permit Area subject to disciplinary ac on by that associa on; 1. To protect the biological func oning of riparian areas; and b. The individual’s area of exper se is recognized in the assessment methods 2. To clarify the responsibili es of landowners set out in the Schedule to the Riparian regarding development of riparian areas. Areas Regula ons as one that is acceptable for the purpose of providing Defi ni ons: all or part of an assessment report in respect of that development proposal; For the purpose of this Development Permit Area, and the following defi ni ons shall apply: c. The individual is ac ng within that 1. “Ac ve fl oodplain” means an area of land within individual’s areas of exper se. a boundary that is indicated by visible high water mark or the water level of a stream that is 4. “Riparian assessment area” means the riparian reached during annual fl ood events. area lying within the distance of a watercourse

85 Implementation Guide specifi ed below in rela on watercourse classes A 6. Development within the setbacks from top of through E. bank as indicated on the Village West Riparian Setbacks Map (OCP Map 8B). 5. “Top of bank” means the point closest to the boundary of the ac ve fl oodplain of a 7. Development within 30m of the top of bank of a watercourse where a break in the slope of the watercourse classifi ed on the Watercourse Map, land occurs such that the grade beyond the as “E” (unclassifi ed) unless it is tributary to Class break is fl a er than 3:1 (3 horizontal / 1 ver cal) “C” or “D” watercourse; in which case the dis at any point for a minimum distance of 15 meters tance shall be 15m to 7.5m respec vely. measured perpendicularly from the boundary of the ac ve fl oodplain. 8. Development within 30m of the top of bank of an unmapped watercourse iden fi ed at me of 6. “Top of ravine bank” means the fi rst signifi cant development unless it is tributary to Class “C” or break in a ravine slope where the break occurs “D” watercourse; in which case the distance shall such that the grade beyond is fl a er than 3:1 (3 be 15m and 7.5m respec vely. horizontal / 1 ver cal) for a minimum distance of 15 metres measured perpendicularly from the Exemp ons break, and the break does not include a bench The following ac vi es are exempted from the within the ravine that could be developed. requirements for a Development Permit:

Watercourse Classifi ca on: 1. Farming opera ons as defi ned in the Farm Prac ces Protec on Act; The Watercourse Map (Map 8A) iden fi es the clas sifi ca on of the inventoried watercourses within the 2. Reconstruc on or repair of a permanent City of Chilliwack as follows: structure remaining on its exis ng founda on; and Development Permit Required 3. Development not associated with or resul ng As set out on the OCP Watercourse Map (Map 8A) from residen al, commercial or industrial and Village West Riparian Setbacks Map (Map 8B), ac vi es. the following ac vi es require a Development Per mit: The above exemp ons do not remove setbacks requirements from watercourses s pulated by the 1. Development within 30m of the top of bank of a City of Chilliwack Floodplain Regula on Bylaw that watercourse classifi ed as Class “A”. is in force from me to me. In the event of any 2. Development within 30m of the top of the bank inconsistency between the guidelines of this DPA and of a watercourse classifi ed as Class “B”, where other DPAs, the former shall prevail. the exis ng or poten al adjacent vegeta on is Guidelines con nuously over 30m wide. 1. In compliance with the Riparian Areas Regula on, 3. Development within 15m of the top of bank of development may be permi ed if the City is a watercourse classifi ed as Class “B”, where the no fi ed by the appropriate federal and provincial exis ng or poten al adjacent vegeta on is less ministries that they have been no fi ed of the than 30m wide. development proposal, and provided with a copy 4. Development within 15m of the top of bank of a of an assessment report prepared by a QEP that: watercourse classifi ed as Class “C”. a. Cer fi es that they are qualifi ed to carry out 5. Development within 7.5m of the top of bank of a the assessment; watercourse classifi ed as Class “D”. 86 Implementation Guide b. Cer fi es that the assessment methods set out DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREAS COMMER in the Schedule to the Riparian Areas Regula CIAL, INDUSTRIAL, MULTIFAMILY RESIDEN on have been followed; and, TIAL FORM AND CHARACTER c. Provides a professional opinion, that if the de velopment is implemented as proposed or if the streamside protec on and enhancement A principal goal of the OCP is to create a visually areas iden fi ed in the report are protect enhanced community through the redevelopment of ed from the development and the measures exis ng built areas and the development of new sites. iden fi ed in the report as necessary to protect The following Development Permit sites are intended the integrity of those areas from the eff ects to foster revitaliza on and establish guidelines for the of the development are implemented by the form and character of commercial, industrial or mul developer, there will be no harmful altera on, family residen al development. disrup on or destruc on of natural features, func ons and condi ons that support fi sh life Development Permit Area 4 Downtown processes in the riparian assessment area; Form and Character

2. The City may include: Descrip on and Exemp ons

a. development permit requirements or condi Development Permit Area 4 (DPA 4) is established ons; under Sec on 488.1(1)(d)(f) of the Local Government Act. The area shown on DPA 4 Map is designated for: b. standards in accordance with s.920.(7) of the Local Government Act, vary; − the revitaliza on of the downtown commercial area; and c. a bylaw under Division 7 or 11 of the Local Government Act , and − the regula on of the form and character management of intensive residen al (rowhouses d. condi ons respec ng the sequence and m and single family a ached dwellings where ing of construc on, in order to give eff ect the developed in conjunc on with a rowhouse protec ve measures iden fi ed in the report or townhouse development), mul family of the QEP. residen al, commercial and industrial development. 3. In the event that a harmful altera on, disrup on or destruc on of fi sh habitat (HADD) cannot be 1. A development permit is required for the following avoided, development may be permi ed if the works and ac vi es: Minister of Fisheries and Oceans or a regula on under the Fisheries Act (Canada) authorizes the a) Subdivision of land zoned for intensive harmful altera on, disrup on or destruc on of residen al (rowhouses and single family the riparian assessment area that would result a ached dwellings where developed in from the implementa on of the development conjunc on with a rowhouse or townhouse proposal. development), mul family residen al, commercial or industrial use.

b) Altera ons to exis ng buildings or new construc on on land zoned for intensive residen al (rowhouses and single family a ached dwellings where developed in conjunc on with a rowhouse or townhouse development), mul family residen al 87 Implementation Guide development, commercial or industrial use, designated buildings; including exterior renova on or restora on b. control of future development to ensure of a building faça de and installa on of signs, consistency with the established for and awnings and canopies. character of the areas; c) Consolida on of any parcel that is par ally or c. maintenance and enhancement of the wholly within this Development Permit Area. pedestrianorientated streetscape.

2. The following works and ac vi es are exempted Guidelines from the requirement of a development permit: The provisions contained in OCP Schedule B – City a) Interior works which do not aff ect the size or of Chilliwack Downtown Design Guidelines, Sec on materially aff ect the external appearance of 4 and other applicable sec ons, shall apply to this the building. development permit area. b) Demoli on.

c) Exterior repairs or nonstructural altera ons where the original materials are either Development Permit Area 5 Urban salvaged and reused or replicated by new Corridor Form and Character materials. Descrip on

Ra onale for DPA Establishment DPA 5 is designated under Sec on 919.1(1)(f) The designa on of this Development Permit Area of the Local Government Act, for the form and supports revitaliza on of the historic downtown core character of commercial and mul family residen al and preserves its heritage character embodied in the development in the corridor areas as shown on DPA Wellington Avenue, Yale Road East, Mill Street and Map 5. Main Street corridors. It emphasizes a holis c ap Within DPA 5, the following ac vi es shall require a proach that balances urban building and streetscape Development Permit prior to commencement: design with community event programming, healthi er community ini a ves, and economic development 1. construc on of new commercial or mul family / promo on. Whereas the downtown Business Im residen al development; provement Associa on promotes the downtown on behalf of merchants, these design guidelines aim to 2. addi on to or (exterior) altera on of a commercial retain the downtown’s walkable main street char or mul family residen al development; acter, and diff eren ate it from the vehicle oriented 3. the placement of free standing or building signs; design of shopping centres and big box retail stores. and Objec ves 4. placement of awnings or canopies and/or other 1. To enhance the image of the downtown as a retail surface treatments. and service center. Ra onale for DPA Establishment 2. To maintain and foster the downtown’s unique This DPA intends to ensure that new commercial main street character, and advance downtown and mul family developments along major public economic and cultural objec ves through: thoroughfares linking the Downtown and Sardis a. control of the design of new infi ll buildings Vedder cores are a rac ve, pedestrian friendly, and and altera ons to exis ng heritage livable.

88 Implementation Guide Objec ves grade ceramic les; glass block masonry; architectural stained glass; painted and/or 1. To encourage a high standard of site and building stained wood fi nishes. design for all commercial and mul family residen al developments along the major traffi c 1.4 Exterior fi nishes that are not acceptable corridors linking community cores. include: pure white or excessively bright “primary” colors, unfi nished cast concrete 2. To establish guidelines that maintain a consistent walls, unfi nished regular concrete block; streetscape, promote pedestrian scale and interior grade les; unfi nished plywood, enhance the urban design of the surrounding chip board, lumber and split cedar shakes; community. asbestos or asphalt shingles or panels, 3. To facilitate the orderly development of the area fi breglass panels and large expanses of and to encourage coordina on of the si ng, form corrugated coloured metal used as ver cal and volume of new commercial and mul family siding. Noncoloured galvanized steel residen al buildings and their areas for parking, or aluminum are not acceptable roofi ng storage, signage and landscaping. materials.

Guidelines 1.5 Buildings should be painted in so , muted colors, such that they can harmonize with 1. Character of Buildings the paint schemes of adjacent buildings or the surrounding natural environment. 1.1 All buildings, structures and expansions or Acceptable colours include those in the colour addi ons thereto should be architecturally pale e of the Downtown Contemporary coordinated and planned in a comprehen Commercial Development Permit Area (No. sive manner, giving considera on to the 66). Accent or trim color can be strong or rela onship between buildings and open bright, but should not comprise the main areas, effi ciency of the circula on systems, colour of the building, structure or signage. visual impact and design compa bility with surrounding proper es and streets. 2. Si ng

1.2 The massing of buildings or structures with 2.1 All buildings or structures should be oriented in the designated area should be so ened such that their main facade faces the road(s). through facade and roof ar cula on. Where Where feasible, a retail “mainstreet” built extremely large structures are proposed, form shall be encouraged with the building considera on should be given to design con near the back of the sidewalk. cepts which break the facade visually into smaller elements to create greater interest. 2.2 Garbage receptacles and recycling facili es Flat, featureless parapet and cornice lines shall be in the rear yard, and shall be and box like building forms are not permit screened from the road. ted. 2.3 Outdoor storage shall be screened and only 1.3 Exterior fi nish must be a rac ve and of high permi ed behind the front setback of the quality; suggested materials include brick, main building. tradi onal or acrylic stucco (use of crea ve 3. Parking and Access textures is permi ed); precast architectur al wall panels with suitable textures, as de 3.1 Parking, where feasible, should be posi oned termined by Council; textured cast concrete in the rear or to one side of the proposed block; regular modular concrete block with development; a large parking area along the stucco parge fi nish or paint fi nish; exterior street front should be avoided. 89 Implementation Guide 3.2 Onsite parking and loading areas should be adequate ligh ng of parking areas. Low height designed to provide safe and effi cient vehicle light globes are preferable to tall fl oodlights. entrances and exits and facilitate onsite circula on. Development Permit Area 6 Commercial, Intensive/Mul Family Residen al, 4. Landscaping and Mixed Commercial Residen al 4.1 Landscaping and screening shall be in Development accordance with the requirements of the Zoning Bylaw and Landscaping Guidelines Descrip on and Exemp ons and the Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw, in force from me to me. All DPA 6 is designated under sec on 919.1 (1) (e) and vegeta on used for landscaping shall be of a (f) of the Local Government Act , to address the form quality acceptable to the City. and character of commercial, intensive residen al (single family a ached and row homes), mul family 4.2 Reten on and integra on of exis ng mature residen al, and mixed commercial residen al plan ngs into the overall landscaping plan development. As shown on DPA Map 6, this area is encouraged where possible. Sidewalk applies to the rest of the municipality outside of the areas, linking the public sidewalk with on DPA 5, and Promontory. site sidewalks, should be contained within a landscaped area. Within the designated area, the following ac vi es shall require a Development Permit prior to 4.3 Parking areas visible from streets and commencement: adjacent residen al buildings should be screened by substan al landscaping to so en 1. Construc on of new commercial, intensive their visual impact; trees should be used residen al (rowhouses and single family a ached whenever possible. dwellings where developed in conjunc on with a rowhouse or townhouse development), 5. Signage mul family residen al, and mixed commercial 5.1 All signs and signage should be architecturally residen al development, including free standing coordinated with the overall design of signs; buildings and landscaping; freestanding signs 2. Addi on to, or exterior altera on of, a commercial, shall be incorporated into the design of the intensive residen al (rowhouses and single landscaped areas. family a ached dwellings where developed in 5.2 Freestanding signs shall conform in size and conjunc on with a rowhouse or townhouse number to the City of Chilliwack Sign Bylaw, development), mul family residen al, and mixed in force from me to me. Fascia signs and commercial residen al development, including signs a ached or painted on buildings shall be free standing signs; no larger in copy area than a ra o of 2m 2 per linear metre of building wall (2:1). Window Ra onale for DPA Establishment decaling is permi ed, provided it maintains This DPA helps new infi ll commercial, intensive visibility into the ground fl oor use and does residen al (rowhouses and single family a ached not occupy more than 25% of window space. dwellings where developed in conjunc on with a Other signs, including readograph and other rowhouse or townhouse development), exis ng changeable text signs are discouraged. neighbourhoods properly, while ensuring them 6. External Ligh ng a rac ve, pedestrian friendly, and visually enhancing the community. 6.1 Site ligh ng shall be oriented so as to illuminate the building form and provide 90 Implementation Guide Objec ves development, including the installa on of freestanding signs that are subject to the City 1. To encourage a high standard of site and building of Chilliwack Sign Bylaw. design through the establishment of clear design guidelines for new commercial, intensive • Exterior altera on or addi on to an exis ng residen al (rowhouses and single family a ached industrial or commercial building. dwellings where developed in conjunc on with a rowhouse or townhouse development), and A development permit shall not be required for any mul family residen al infi ll development; development involving only the following:

2. To maintain a consistent streetscape, promote • Subdivision of land zoned for industrial use. pedestrian scale and enhance the urban design of • Fascia signage. the surrounding community; and Ra onale for DPA Establishment 3. To facilitate the orderly development of the area and to encourage coordina on of the si ng, 1. To facilitate the development of industrial form and volume of new commercial, intensive lands in accordance with modern industrial and residen al (rowhouses and single family a ached business park design standards that support dwellings where developed in conjunc on with individual and community health and well a rowhouse or townhouse development), mul being. family residen al buildings and their areas for parking, storage, signage and landscaping. 2. To facilitate the orderly development of established industrial areas through the Design Guidelines for this Development Permit Area coordina on of si ng, form and volume of new buildings, and their area for parking, storage, The guidelines contained in Schedule C, Development signage, and landscaping. Guidelines – Commercial, Intensive/Mul Family Residen al, and Mixed Commercial Residen al 1. Building Form and Character Development shall apply to this Development Permit Area 6. 1.1. All buildings, structures and expansions or addi ons thereto, should be planned in a comprehensive manner and coordinated Development Permit Area 7 Industrial Area architecturally. Rela onships between Form and Character buildings and open areas, effi ciency of circula on, visual impact and design Descrip on of Permit Area and Exemp ons compa bility with the surrounding proper es and streets will be considered. The area shown on DPA Map 7 is designated as a Development Permit Area (Development Permit 1.2. Building façades should emphasize a Area No. 7) under Sec on 919.1 of the Local streetfront orienta on, and their designs Government Act for the establishment of guidelines should work toward a visually enhanced to govern the form and character of industrial (and streetscape. This may be achieved through associated commercial) development within the City the ar cula on of structure forms, modular of Chilliwack. façades (which may be defi ned by openings of a building and signage) and varia ons in Within the designated area, the following ac vi es roofl ines, as well as through the varia on shall require a development permit prior to of exterior materials and color. Glazing is commencement: encouraged on all street façades. Construc on of new industrial and commercial • 1.3. Building design, materials and exterior 91 Implementation Guide fi nish and landscaping should support the and easily accessible from the street. crea on of an a rac ve, high quality estate industrial environment. 1.12 The use of garish or neon colors is not permi ed. 1.4 Building design, layout, si ng, landscaping, screening and buff ering should refl ect the 2. General Site Planning need to reduce noise impacts from Highway 1.1 All buildings and open space on site should #1 and between industrial / commercial be integrated as one unifi ed development, development and adjacent uses. while fulfi lling their prac cal and aesthe c 1.5 Buildings on corner sites or on lots backing func ons. Site Planning should consider onto roads should be designed to recognize the en re property and avoid the crea on the building’s visibility from more than one of “le over” or untreated space. street with con nuity of design, materials, 1.2 Vehicular and pedestrian routes on site exterior fi nish, signage and landscaping. should be clearly defi ned to ensure public Buildings on corner lots should defi ne safety and movement effi ciency. the corner, with offi ce and/or showroom components located at the front of the 1.3 Garbage receptacles and recycling facili es building, visible from the street. should be located away from the street and screened from the public view. 1.6 Low profi le building designs are encouraged, par cularly adjacent to Highway #1. 3. Parking & Loading Areas

1.7 Boxlike structures with li le surface 1.1 Where possible, parking should be provided ar cula on, and long expanses of at the back and sides of the property and uninterrupted singleheight fl at roofs onsite parking and loading areas should should be avoided. facilitate safe and effi cient movement of vehicles and pedestrians. 1.8 Bay doors, and loading docks should be recessed to minimize visual impact and 1.2 Parking areas should be buff ered and confl icts with pedestrians. Where feasible, screened from the street with substan al they should be located at the interior or landscaping such as shrub beds and rear of buildings away from the street, and hedges, and where prac cal, low walls and screened from the dominant view of the soilretaining structures consis ng of but main building on site, as well as from public not limited to materials such as masonry, view. concrete, brick, wood, and rock.

1.9 Materials are to be of high quality and the use 4. Screening & Landscaping of untreated or unfi nished concrete, metal and/or prefabricated metal structures is 1.1 Berms, shrub beds, low walls and plan ngs not acceptable. may be employed to screen unaesthe c features and to so en expansive 1.10 Roo op equipment such as roo op architectural features. heaters, mechanical units, air condi oners, etc. should be located near one another 1.2 Landscaping should complement the and buff ered, to reduce noise and visual objec ve of crea ng an a rac ve, high intrusion from surrounding uses. quality industrial development. Street trees should be planted along street 1.11 Public entrances should be clearly iden fi ed frontages in accordance with the City’s

92 Implementation Guide Tree Management (Land Development) opportuni es for employees. Bylaw. Addi onal landscaping should aim to create visual interest along the street 7.2 An outside employee amenity area including frontage and en re development with a lunch / picnic table is encouraged. variety throughout the year 7.3 A secure bicycle storage or lock up area for 1.3 Landscaping shall include a decora ve employees’ bicycles is encouraged. fencing design, material, and specifi ca ons. 8. Outdoor Storage Black vinyl chain link fence hidden in landscaping may be provided. Plain 8.1 Outdoor storage areas should be located galvanized chain link fencing should be at the rear or side of the building, visually avoided along the street frontage. buff ered, and designed in an unobtrusive manner. 1.4 Natural vegeta on or berms adjacent to Highway 1 should not be removed unless 9. Signage specifi cally authorized by the Development Permit. 9.1 Free standing signage should be architecturally coordinated with, and 1.5 Adjacent to Highway 1, where no natural not dominate, the overall design of the vegeta on exists or where natural buildings and landscaping; and it shall vegeta on is specifi cally authorized to be comply with the City of Chilliwack Sign removed by the Development Permit, it Bylaw, in force me to me. should be replaced by a combina on of landscape works and berms. Development Permit Area 8 Hillside 1.6 Outside storage areas are to be screened. Development Screening along Highway 1 should not compromise the visibility of the building(s); Descrip on and Exemp ons however, it should provide for screening of outdoor storage areas. The City of Chilliwack in its en rety forms Development Permit Area 8 for the purpose of: 5. Ligh ng: − protec ng the natural environment, its 1.1 Adequate ligh ng shall be provided to ecosystems and biological diversity; ensure it is purposeful and not intrusive, for all walkways, driveways, parking areas, − protec ng development from hazardous entrances and loading areas to reinforce condi ons; and site security and public safety. − establishing objec ves for the form 6 Crime Preven on Through Environmental Design and character of intensive residen al, (CEPTED) mul family residen al, commercial and industrial development. 6.1 The applica on of CEPTED principles for the building design, ligh ng, signage and A Development Permit is required for the following other elements is encouraged. works and ac vi es:

7. Public Open Space and Recrea onal Pathways 1. Subdivision of land with 20% or greater slopes and zoned for residen al, commercial, industrial 7.1 Open space areas should be planned or ins tu onal use; or as passive and/or ac ve recrea onal

93 Implementation Guide 2. New earthworks and construc on on land with 4. Respects views both to and from the hillside; 20% or greater slopes zoned for residen al, commercial, industrial or ins tu onal use. 5. Provides safe access and services that fi t the hill side context; In addi on a third party review of the applica on 6. Maintains many of the unique features of the hill will be required per the City’s Development Approval side, such as rock outcrops, watercourses, ravines, Informa on Bylaw where the subject development mature trees and vegeta on, and ridgelines; proposal involves 30% or greater slopes. 7. Protects wildlife habitat and environmentally sen A Development Permit is not required where: si ve areas; 1. The subject property contains only areas with 8. Avoids unstable or hazardous por ons of the hill natural slopes less than 20 percent; side and provides protec on against slope insta 2. Development ac vi es are restricted to areas bility and erosion; and, with natural slopes less 20 percent, and any areas 9. Uses economic and effi cient approaches to con with slopes of percent or more are permanent struc on and maintenance. ly protected through dedica on, registra on of a covenant, or other acceptable method; or, Guidelines 3. Construc on only involves fences or single er 1. Unique Natural Characteris cs retaining walls of less than 1.2 metres in height. 1.1 In the development concept plan, iden fy and integrate natural site characteris cs such Ra onale for DPA Establishment as rock outcrops, watercourses, wetlands, ra vines, mature stands of trees, and signifi cant The establishment of this Development Permit Area is wildlife habitat. to ensure that development, while it may be accom modated, must respond to the steeper slope context 2. Ridgelines: in a sensi ve and fl exible manner. It emphasizes the protec on of the natural environment, the protec on 2.1 Preserve the natural quali es of ridgelines of development from hazardous condi ons, and the for the benefi t of the communityatlarge. To preserva on of the character and beauty of Chilli minimize view impacts to the ridgeline, devel wack’s hillside areas. opment should: Nothing in the following DP Guidelines require the a. provide addi onal setbacks from the top City to issue a DP where it remains concerned that the of the ridgeline; and/or requirements have not being sa sfactorily addressed. b. preserve or plant trees and vegeta on to Objec ves screen development; and/or The objec ves of DPA 8 are to ensure that new hill c. reduce building height to ensure that new side development: development has a low profi le on the rid geline. 1. Posi vely contributes to Chilliwack’s hillside char acter; 3. Trees and Vegeta on: 2. Integrates seamlessly with its hillside context 3.1 Clearly iden fy tree clearing limits in the through contextsensi ve design approaches; Development Concept Plan. 3. Preserves the aesthe c values of Chilliwack’s sce 3.2 Iden fy and preserve stands of trees and nic “green backdrop”; vegeta on.

94 Implementation Guide 3.3 Complete a Tree Management Plan and plant 4.9 When restoring disturbed areas, adequate new trees in accordance with the provisions depth of growing medium should be provided of the City’s Tree Management (Land in accordance with the specifi ca ons of the Development) Bylaw. BC Landscape Standard. 5. Lot Size and Confi gura on: 4. Restora on of Disturbed Areas: 5.1 Cluster development as a means of minimizing 4.1 Restore disturbed areas as soon as possible site disturbance, protec ng open space in and prior to occupancy in accordance with steeper areas, and protec ng the natural a revegeta on plan that is prepared by a environment. registered landscape architect (BCSLA) and designed specifi cally to promote plant health, 5.2 Where possible, direct higher density mi gate erosion, and off set any visual impacts development, including small lot single of hillside development. detached residen al and townhouses, towards areas with less steep slopes that are 4.2 Intensely landscape each lot, with par cular most easily developable. a en on to areas adjacent to street frontages and areas adjacent to retaining features. 5.3 In general, locate the majority of hillside development in areas with natural slopes of 4.3 Use na ve plant materials to the greatest less than 30%, and preserve open space in extent possible. areas with natural slopes of 30% or more, 4.4 Limit the use of irriga on. Where irriga on is where there are greater inherent risks essen al, water conserving principles should associated with development. be employed in the design of the irriga on 5.4 U lize alterna ve lot confi gura ons (e.g. system. In addi on automa c shutoff valves wide/shallow lots) to refl ect unique site should be provided for all irriga on systems condi ons. to prevent risk of accidental erosion due to system failures. 6. Parks, Open Space and Trails:

4.5 Replace trees and vegeta on in a manner that 6.1 Retain natural hillside features as a means of replicates the characteris cs and performance crea ng unique park spaces. of the natural se ng, including the provision of a suffi cient density of trees (as specifi ed in 6.2 Avoid extensive grading when crea ng parks, the City’s Tree Management Bylaw), suffi cient trails and open spaces. ground cover, and intensity of vegeta on. 6.3 Preserve con guous open space networks to Trees should be planted in organic clusters provide habitat linkages within the site and rather than in lines or formal arrangements. to neighbouring areas. Where prac cal these 4.6 Replace trees and vegeta on in such a way networks should be integrated into exis ng that they reach maturity in a 10 year me riparian corridors. frame. 6.4 U lize trails to connect parks and schools as 4.7 Manufactured slopes should not appear well as parts of the community that cannot be engineered but should blend with exis ng linked by roads due to topographic constraints. slope condi ons. 6.5 Locate key park spaces to capitalize on scenic 4.8 Revegeta on should consider viewscapes views from the hillside. from the hillside. 6.6 Set up barriers with clear warning signage to

95 Implementation Guide discourage the public from accessing slopes should demonstrate less slope disturbance, that are considered dangerous. and the reduced widths should contribute to the overall neighbourhood character. 7. Roads: 7.9 Encouraging meandering sidewalks adjacent 7.1 Align roads to follow natural site contours, to the road as a means of elimina ng long, conforming to topographic condi ons rather sustained steeper grades, preserving natural than cu ng across contours. features, or reducing grading requirements 7.2 Provide for reduced design speeds (minimum within the rightofway. Varied off sets 40 km/hour on collectors and arterials and between the road and sidewalk will be minimum 30 km/hour on local roads) and considered for these purposes. increased road grades (maximum 15%) where 8. Driveways and Lanes: it can be demonstrated that design measures will be employed to help ensure that travelled 8.1 Individual driveway grades up to 20% may speeds remain close to the posted speed limits be permi ed where site condi ons warrant through reduced straight sight distances and and where it can be demonstrated that grade road geometric design. transi ons will ensure good vehicular access.

7.3 U lize connec vity in the road network over 8.2 Ensure the fi rst 3.5 m on a downslope driveway long culdesacs and “deadend” situa ons has a grade no greater than 7%. where topographic condi ons permit. 8.3 Lanes and shared driveways may be permi ed 7.4 U lize alterna ve approaches to turnarounds where signifi cant site grading can be reduced (e.g. hammerhead confi gura ons) to reduce with the following provisions: the amount of required grading works. a. Grades should not exceed 14%. 7.5 Allow culdesac length to be increased where connec vity in the road network is not possible b. Single in and out lanes, and shared due to topographic condi ons, provided that driveways should be limited to appropriate emergency access is constructed. servicing 6 lots and they should Emergency vehicle access lanes shall generally include turn around provisions. have a minimum hard packed surface width of c. Through lanes and shared driveways 4 metres and a cleared width of 6 metres. may service up to 15 lots.

7.6 U lize split roads and/or oneway roads d. Minimum paved lane width shall be to preserve signifi cant natural features, to 4.0m with widening where necessary reduce the amount of slope disturbance, or to permit safe vehicle movements. to improve accessibility to individual parcels. e. Lane design must allow for access 7.7 Require oneway roads to have a minimum by emergency, garbage collec on pavement width of 6 metres and a minimum vehicles, and moving vehicles at a rightofway of 10 metres. design speed of 20 km/hour.

7.8 U lize reduced pavement widths and right f. One onsite guest parking spot must ofway widths (e.g. local road with minimum be provided per lot serviced. pavement width of 6 metres plus parking bays and minimum rightofway of 12 metres) g. Where house frontage is not visible where service levels and emergency access from the street, civic addresses must can be maintained. The reduced widths be placed on a sign that is visible from

96 Implementation Guide the street. considera on for the visual impact of the exposed rock faces. h. For shared driveways, an appropriately sized and located area will be required Lot grading should be provided on a consistent, for common garbage and recycling comprehensive basis throughout the whole pickup from the road. Space must be of the development. Grading should not be provided to allow for a vehicle to pull undertaken on a parcel by parcel basis: all off the road to access this area. grading and retaining should be completed by the master developer, and at an individual 8.4 Rear lanes are encouraged par cularly on the parcel level, there should not be a requirement high side of lots, in order to allow for stepping for builders to manipulate land. of buildings, eliminate the need for steep driveways, and to allow for retaining features and/or reduced grading requirements in front 11. Retaining: yards. 11.1 Retaining materials should evoke a sense 8.5 Driveway widths should not exceed 3.5m at of permanence and refl ect natural quali es the curb face, in order to minimize grading in appearance through the use of context requirements. sensi ve materials (i.e. stone, masonry, brick, etc.), colours, and textures. Large 9. Building Si ng and Orienta on: concrete lock block is not considered to be a contextsensi ve retaining material, and 9.1 Orient buildings so they run parallel with if used, it must be masked or screened (e.g. the natural site contours to reduce the need through the use of landscaping). for site grading works and to avoid high wall facades on the downhill eleva on. 11.2 Retaining walls should generally be curvilinear and follow the natural contours 9.2 Site buildings to minimize interference with of the land. the views from nearby (uphill) buildings. 11.3 U lize terracing of retaining walls to break 10. Earthworks and Grading: up apparent mass and to provide plan ng 10.1 Maintain yard areas in a natural slope space for landscaping features. condi on. Large cuts and fi lls to achieve 11.4 Use systems of smaller, terraced retaining fl at yards will not be permi ed. walls where signifi cant retaining is 10.2 Ensure cuts and fi lls blend in with the natural necessary, rather than providing a single, topography, providing smooth transi ons large, uniform wall. The height and depth and mimicking the predevelopment of terraced walls shall be consistent with site contours. This can be accomplished the natural terrain and the general pre by providing berms, grading the site to development slope condi ons above and refl ect original topographic condi ons, and below the walls. providing landscaping that mimics the site 11.5 Provide landscaping to screen or topography. supplement all retaining features.

10.3 Revegetate manufactured slopes to refl ect 11.6 Minimize the height of retaining walls. In natural condi ons. sitespecifi c circumstances, high walls may 10.4 Rock cuts are an acceptable alterna ve be permi ed where warranted. Retaining to retaining and they will be permi ed walls over 1.2m in height should either where necessary (i.e. for roads) but with be terraced with landscaped ers, be 97 Implementation Guide screened by landscaping, have a unique 1. Within the designated area, the following surfaced texture/pa ern, or use innova ve ac vi es will require a development permit design techniques (e.g. green retaining wall prior to commencement: systems primarily on southern exposures) to mi gate visual impacts. Note that a. construc on of a residen al building, for proposed walls in excess of 1.2m the structures, or residen al ameni es which developer will be required to show that the do not conform with the established Zoning wall is essen al to accommoda ng road Bylaw si ng regula ons for a farm home geometry. plate.

12. Building Mass and Height A “farm home plate” is an area of the 12.1 U lize a range of design tools to reduce property where all residen al and related apparent building height and mass. Op ons buildings, structures, and ac vi es are include: clustered, leaving the balance of the property for agricultural use. This includes a. Stepping the building founda on to reduce homes and ancillary uses, including site grading and retaining requirements detached garages or carports, a ached (i.e. buildings should be set into the or detached household greenhouses or hillside and integrated with the natural sunrooms, residen al related workshops, slope condi ons); tool and storage sheds, ar fi cial ponds not b. Avoiding single ver cal planes in excess serving farm drainage or irriga on needs of two storeys; and landscaped areas associated with the residen al use, recrea on areas including c. Varying roofl ines; but not limited to tennis courts and pools, d. Ar cula ng buildings; and sep c tanks and other related facili es, excluding sewerage disposal fi elds. e. Avoiding unbroken expanses of wall; 2. The following ac vi es are exempted from the f. Designing buildings in smaller requirement to obtain a DP: components that appear to fi t with the natural topography of the site; • Agricultural ac vi es including farm related g. Designing roof pitches to refl ect the slope buildings and driveways for equipment of the natural terrain (i.e. angling roof opera on (e.g. silos, barns, greenhouses, etc.) pitches at slopes that are similar to those • Development of a residen al unit above an of adjacent slopes). exis ng building, where permi ed.

Development Permit Area 9 – Farm Home Ra onale for DPA Establishment Plate

Descrip on and Exemp ons Residences and other farm buildings on agricultural land may reduce the amount of land available DPA 9 is designated under Sec on 488 (1)(c) of the for agricultural produc on; make produc on less Local Government Act, for the protec on of farming, effi cient; or place limits on agricultural opera ons on and comprises all valley fl oor farmland, as shown on adjacent proper es. The City’s zoning standards for DPA Map 9. the si ng and area of farm home plates are intended to minimize the impact of residences and related 98 Implementation Guide buildings and ac vi es on agricultural land and f. A shared driveway to support farm ensure agricultural land is retained for agriculture opera ons and a house are proposed (dual in the long term. However, as these standards may purpose); not be achievable due to specifi c site characteris cs, this development permit area provides for alterna ve g. For minor addi ons to exis ng homes home plate si ng, in keeping with established which may not conform to farm home plate guidelines. standards established by the zoning bylaw.

2. Proposals will not be supported to: Objec ves a. Facilitate increases in total allowable farm • To minimize the impact of residences and related home plate area under the zoning bylaw; buildings and ac vi es on agricultural land b. Allow placement of a home outside of a • To retain agricultural land for agricultural uses in farm home plate area for reasons that do the long term not support farming of the parcel (e.g. for aesthe c reasons personal preference, or Guidelines where no physical impediments exist (e.g. watercourse, u lity corridor, etc.); or, 1. Alterna ve si ng for a farm home plate is c. Locate the home in the middle of the supportable with the goal of using a minimum property. farm land area as possible:

a. Varia ons in si ng are desired to allow the COMPREHENSIVE PLANS clustering of farm homes with farm buildings for effi ciency or security of opera ons (e.g. The Downtown Land Use and Development Plan is to tend dairy cows or to watch over valuable a ached and forms part of this bylaw as Schedule equipment); D1, en tled “Downtown Land Use and Development Plan.” b. Construc on of a home is proposed to take place on higher ground to meet fl oodplain The Eastern Hillsides Comprehensive Development requirements or avoid a hazardous area; Plan is a ached and forms part of this bylaw as Schedule D2, en tled “Eastern Hillsides Comprehen c. Increased maximum setbacks for an sive Development Plan.” equivalent home plate are warranted due to narrow or irregular shaped lots, including The Agricultural Area Plan is a ached and forms part panhandle lots; of this bylaw as Schedule D3, en tled “Agricultural d. A home must be located adjacent to a sep c Area Plan.” fi eld and/or disposal fi eld that cannot be situated within the home plate area due to The Alder Neighbourhood Plan is a ached and forms ground condi ons; part of this bylaw as Schedule D4, en tled “Alder Neighbourhood Plan”. e. Easements u lity corridors, riparian areas, or other physical features prevent the loca on of a farm plate within the area established by the zoning bylaw;

99 Implementation Guide DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL INFORMATION development, in order for the City to evaluate the impact of the development on the com munity. For the purpose of Sec on 920.01 of the Local Government Act , development approval The types of studies that may be required informa on may be required under any of the include but are not limited to the following: following circumstances: 1. transporta on impact studies; 1. The development results in any of the 2. infrastructure studies; following: 3. studies on the impacts on public facili es; a. a change in the Offi cial Community 4. studies on impacts on community ser Plan land use designa on; vices; 5. environmental impact studies; and b. a change in zoning; 6. studies that iden fy the impacts on other c. a requirement for a development ma ers that are iden fi ed as a concern permit; or, to the residents of the City of Chilliwack, City staff or City Council. d. a requirement for a temporary use permit;

2. The development may result in impacts on: ADMINISTRATION

a. transporta on pa erns and traffi c Authority and Interpreta on fl ow; b. infrastructure including sewer, water, 1. City council is given the responsibility and roads, drainage, street ligh ng and authority to create and adopt an Offi cial other infrastructure; Community Plan under the Local Government Act. c. public facili es such as schools and The Local Government Act outlines the content parks; and func on of Offi cial Community Plans. d. community services; or, 2. This Plan applies to the land and surface of the e. the natural environment; water within the City of Chilliwack. 3. The exact loca on of symbols or boundaries 3. The development could result in other im shown on most maps in this Plan will be legally pacts that may be of concern to the resi defi ned by zoning bylaws enacted over me by dents of City of Chilliwack, City staff or City City Council. Council. 4. Any reference of proposed public facili es on private lands is to be considered as a broad 4. The informa on is essen al to mee ng objec ve only. the Geotechnical and Floodplain Report Guidelines and/or other technical report 5. Where ma ers are outside the jurisdic on guidelines that are administered by the of Council, this Plan states broad community City. objec ves. This Plan cannot and does not represent a commitment from other agencies to The main objec ve of the above provisions is act according to community objec ves. to ensure that applicable studies and relevant 6. It is intended that this Plan consists of objec ves informa on are provided to the City prior to

100 Implementation Guide and policies for ac on that achieve the stated objec ves. Actual priori es and the level and ming of implementa on will be dependent on future discre onary decisions made by successive Councils and the resources available to them. 7. Where a word is not specifi cally defi ned, then its meaning is the same as indicated by BC legisla on or the Oxford Dic onary. 8. Metric measurements are used in this Plan. Except for the development permit areas, they should be considered approximate measures that will serve as a general guide for the future development of more specifi c land use bylaws. 9. The Chief Administra ve Offi cer of the City of Chilliwack or other offi cer appointed by Council will administer the provisions of this Plan. SEVERABILITY

If any part of this bylaw is for any reason held to be invalid by the decision of any Court of competent jurisdic on, the invalid por on shall be severed and the decision that it is invalid shall not aff ect the validity of the remainder.


This OCP should be reviewed when the City’s popula on reaches 100,000 and Chilliwack becomes a census metropolitan area. The City may also review their Offi cial Community Plan as circumstances warrant.

101 Implementation Guide