Key Research Age Marine Oxygen Isotope British Palaeo- Hominin Fossils Archaeological Key Archaeological and Questions (yr) Record Stages geography Industries Faunal Sites Cool Warm Island/Peninsula Recolonization after the 10,000 1 Flandrian Gough's Aveline's Hole Late Glacial Maximum Kent's Cavern, Gough's Cave, Robin Hood Cave 2 Late Glacial Cave Human absence 20,000 L.Gl. Max Clifford Hill

Middle-Early Upper 3 Devensian Eel Point Cave, e s o l i t h c Beedings, Kent's Cavern, Uphill Quarry, Paviland, Whitemoor Haye M Palaeolithic Transition 50,000 Cold Stage Paviland, Kent's Cavern a l . Lynford, Hyaena Den, Coygan, Pin Hole, Robin Hood Cave

4 e r P Banwell Bone Cave, Willment's Pit (Isleworth) i a n p

e r Cassington U 100,000 Tornewton Cave, Bacon Hole Ipswichian o u s t

M Joint Mitnor Cave, Kirkdale Cave Human Absence 5e Interglacial 6 Black Rock, Brighton

150,000 cold stage a l o i s v e L Crayford c h e u l i a n 200,000 7 A Creffield Road '' Pontnewydd Pontnewydd Cave Interglacial ? Aveley Ebbsfleet Lower-Middle 250,000 8 Harnham Palaeolithic Transition Baker's Hole (Northfleet), Lion Tramway Cutting

o n i a Botany Pit, 300,000 t l a c 9 'Purfleet' ? C Grays , Great Yeldham Interglacial Globe Pit () 10 350,000 cold stage Barnham, Beeches Pit, Elveden, Foxhall Road Hoxnian Swanscombe Hoxnian Interglacial ? Hitchin, Hoxne, Marks Tey, Swanscombe, Westcliffe 400,000 11 Interglacial Clacton, Swanscombe, Southfleet Road 12 Anglian Boxgrove 450,000 Cold Stage

13 500,000 Boxgrove Boxgrove 14 Culford 550,000 ? * Happisburgh * Order of sites alphabetic Nature and Timing of 15 High Lodge (subject to further research) 'Cromerian Lakenheath the First Occupation Complex' of Britain 600,000 Warren Hill 16 Westbury ? 650,000 17 Pakefield Sites with evidence of butchery Norton Subcourse are shown in red