




The Newport Street Gallery will house a public exhibition of Mr ’s collection of art. It is the result of Mr Hirst’s long-term ambition to build a museum and to share his collection with the public, and his love of curating, which dates back to the beginning of his artistic career.

The Gallery will exhibit Mr Hirst’s expansive and diverse collection, including work from artists such as Francis Bacon, Banksy, , , , Pablo Picasso, Richard Prince, Haim Steinbach, and indigenous artists from the Pacific Northwest Coast such as Robert Davidson, James Hart and Don Yeomans. The collection also includes artefacts and natural history specimens, taxidermy and anatomical models, amongst other historical objects.

The application for a premises licence follows extensive consultation with Ward Councillors, local residents, community groups, responsible authorities and the licensing authority. The application is made to authorise the sale of alcohol and late-night refreshment between 8.00 am to midnight.

A schedule of proposed Licence conditions was submitted with the application to ensure the promotion of all four licensing objectives. This document addresses the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy.

Policy Section 2 – Principles and Aspirations

The application supports the Council’s three overarching priorities, in particular:

1. An aspirational borough with a strong local economy in which entrepreneurs and businesses feel supported – the Gallery will be an extremely beneficial addition to the local economy and significantly enhance the vitality of the local amenity.

2. A safe and secure borough where there is a sustainable environment that is clean and more pleasant and communities that feel secure – the Gallery, a former warehouse building, will make the local environment more sustainable and pleasant. The presence of the Gallery, its staff and security team, will also make the local community feel more secure.



3. A caring borough where there is a high quality education for every child and young person a safe and supportive environment – the Gallery will inspire local children and young people to explore the world of art.

The policy recognises that applications for certain types of licence with lower impacts will be considered more favourably. The unique use of the Gallery ensures that the licence will have no negative impact to the local area.

In accordance with the policy, the applicant has actively engaged with local groups and will join the local Business Crime Reduction Partnership.

Policy Section 4 – Location of Premises and Hours of Operation

The Gallery is not located within the Council’s cumulative impact or special policy areas.

The immediate vicinity of the Gallery comprises a wide range of mixed commercial and residential uses. While there are a number of residential properties in the vicinity of the Gallery, the area remains busy throughout the day and night, for example the nearby Costa Coffee distribution centre and roastery operates 24 hours a day. As a result the Gallery will have no adverse impact on the relatively high ambient noise levels in the area.

Policy Section 5 – The Licensing Objectives

In accordance with paragraph 5.6 of the Policy the applicant canvassed the views of the local residents during wide-ranging pre-application consultation. Details of the consultation are appended.

Following this consultation a schedule of conditions was proposed with the application to ensure the promotion of all four licensing objectives.

Policy Section 6 – The Prevention of Crime and Disorder

The Gallery will implement and maintain an extremely comprehensive and extensive security system. This will include wide-ranging CCTV and an on-site security team. As a result, and bearing in mind the nature of the use, the application will promote the crime and disorder licensing objective. The presence of the security team in the local area is anticipated to help reduce local crime.

The applicant consulted with the Metropolitan Police before the application was submitted and has agreed to join the local Business Crime Reduction Partnership.

Policy Section 7 – Public Safety

The Gallery’s design and fit-out is to an extremely high and modern standard complying with all relevant regulations. This will ensure a very safe environment for visitors of the Gallery and persons attending for licensable activities.

Policy Section 8 – Prevention of Public Nuisance

The applicant takes its responsibilities to local residents extremely seriously.



The applicant is confident the Gallery will be a positive contribution to the local community and a valuable local asset. As a result the applicant hopes local residents will embrace the Gallery’s objectives and welcome it to the neighbourhood.

Due to the specific nature of the Gallery and limited extent of licensable activities, it is not expected to contribute to public nuisance in the area, which has high ambient noise levels throughout the day and night. For example, the area is used by 24 hours a day by the local Costa Coffee Roastery and a busy train line runs alongside the length of Newport Street.

The applicant will implement a dispersal policy and comprehensive customer management policy to address the risks identified in paragraph 8.3 of the policy, specifically addressing the following:

1. The exit and dispersal of patrons.

2. Noise from patrons in queues or outside smoking areas.

3. Patrons returning to cars parked in surrounding streets.

4. General noise of people arriving and leaving.

As a result the applicant is confident that the Gallery will have an extremely positive impact in the local area and its local businesses and restaurants.

Paragraph 8.11 of the Policy recognises that the licensing authority will treat each case on its individual merits. The unique and specific merits of the application mean that the proposals should be considered favourably.

Policy Section 9 – Protection of Children from Harm

The Gallery will provide a family friendly environment for persons of all ages to visit and enjoy.

The applicant will implement comprehensive age verification policies to ensure the promotion of this licensing objective.

Policy Section 10 – Conduct of Licence Holders and DPS

The applicant will employ an extremely experienced, professional and responsible management team to ensure the Gallery is operated sympathetically to local residents in the area.

All staff will be trained, with particular emphasis on the promotion of all four licensing objectives and the Gallery’s responsibilities in the local area.

Policy Section 11 – Compliance with other Legislation

The council have previously granted full planning permission for the Gallery and its restaurant.

Policy Appendix 1 – Hours



The Gallery does not fall within one of the council’s categories of premises. It is a unique addition to Lambeth that cannot easily be categorised. As a result the table at appendix 1 of the policy cannot be easily applied to the application.

The proposed terminal hour will have no negative impact on the licensing objectives because:

1. It facilitates a gradual and controlled dispersal of patrons in accordance with the applicant’s proposed dispersal policy.

2. Is modest in the area, particularly bearing in mind nearby premises operating 24 hours a day, ranging from the local Costa Coffee roastery to nightclubs in Vauxhall.

3. The applicant’s comprehensive customer management procedures will ensure no nuisance is caused by visitors of the Gallery, functions or the restaurant.

4. The extensive security systems on site will ensure the promotion of the crime and disorder licensing objective.

5. The specific nature and use of the premises, which will house Mr Hirst’s private art collection, means the Gallery management have no choice but to operate the Gallery extremely responsibly and sympathetically to safeguard the extremely valuable art and artefacts.

6. The presence of the Gallery will greatly enhance the local area therefore reducing the risk of any negative impact on the licensing objectives.


The Newport Street Gallery will provide a priceless local asset to Lambeth. It will house one of the largest collections of the world’s finest art available for public exhibition. The Gallery will help to rejuvenate the area. It will provide employment to local people and enhance the local economy.

The applicant has demonstrated its commitment to operating responsibly and sympathetically alongside local residents. Following an extensive pre-application consultation process with local residents, community groups, Ward Councillors, responsible authorities and the licensing authority, the applicant devised a schedule of conditions to ensure the promotion of all four licensing objectives.

The provision of licensable activities is modest and ancillary to the primary purpose of the building – a world class art gallery. There will be no negative impact on the licensing objectives.

The applicant supports the council’s principles and aspirations. The application is made in accordance with the council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and submits the application can and should be granted on the terms applied for.