2020 was an interesting year that shook the entire world! We are still reeling from the impact that it had on all sectors of society. The 2020 Poetry Competition was also very much affected and there was a time when the Task Team was very uncertain whether it would happen. Schools were closed and calendars were amended however, the Team felt that it was imperative that the competition be launched. The competition was fully virtual and the Team was mindful that several teens would be excluded, which went against the principles of DD4P but the options were few.

The competition was launched on 29 July and an online poetry workshop was facilitated by Philani Nyoni, the multi-talented, multi-award winner Zimbabwean poet, novelist and playwright and Tanaka Katerere, winner of the 2019 DD4P Poetry Competition for the 16-18 year old category. The theme of the 2020 Poetry Competition was “My Reflections on COVID-19” and 71 poems were received from across the country. The theme, as in previous years was linked to gender-based violence and afforded an opportunity for the teenagers to share reflections on how the COVID-19 had exacerbated gender based violence.

The award ceremony, scaled down to parents and the winners and speakers from UN Women and the Space took place on 28 November during the UN Campaign for 16 Days of Activism on Gender Based Violence. The poems conveyed powerful messages on gender based violence and demonstrated the talent that the teen poets possess. Several poems were received and the ones that stood out were from the teenagers listed below.


13-15 Year Old Category Ranking Names School 1st Charlotte de Bruijn , 2nd Mazvita Chadzimura Arundel School, Harare 3rd Takudzwa Chaita Monte Cassino Girls High School, Macheke 4th Brendon Mtiwere Cornway College, Mount Hampden 5th Shadelle Dzingorira Roosevelt Girls High School, Harare 6th Tendekai Allan Sibanda Milton High School, Bulawayo

16-19 Year Old Category Ranking Names School 1st Memory Bvungo Irene Christian College, Harare 2nd Tanatswa Chagonda 2019 Graduate (Chisipite Senior School) 3rd Makomborero Nhau Roosevelt Girls High School, Harare 4th Nokutenda Gumbie Goldridge College, Kwekwe 5th Christa Mtemasanga Petra College, Bulawayo 6th Nonkosi Chelsea-Rose St Columbus High School, Bulawayo Tazibona

The 2021 Poetry Competition will be launched on 31 July. Please visit the DD4P Facebook page and the website regularly for updates.