ﺳﺎل ﭼﻬﺎرم، ﺷﻤﺎره دوم، ﺗﺎﺑﺴﺘﺎن Vol. 4, No. 2, August 2008, pp.5- 30 1387 Henry Corbin: from Heidegger to Mullâ Sadrâ Hermeneutics and the Unique Quest of Being Reza Akbarian* Amélie Neuve-Eglise∗∗ Abstract The fact that Corbin left the realm of Western philosophy to devote himself to Islamic philosophy and Iranian theosophers has usually been considered as a radical "rupture" in Corbin's philosophical thought. This article aims at showing that in reality, there is no contradiction but rather a deep continuity in his philosophical path, which was guided by a unique quest of being. Corbin was therefore deeply influenced by Heidegger's main issue of "being qua being" as well as his hermeneutical methodology, but reached another apprehension and level of being through his acquaintance with Mullâ Sadrâ's transcendental philosophy. This crossed-approach led to the transformation of the Heideggerian "Being-towards-death" into the Sadrian "Being-beyond- death", and revealed the deep correspondence between the mode of being and the mode of comprehension as well as the complementary nature of philosophy and mysticism; the latter being the essential and only true realm in which, through presential knowledge, "the fundamental reality of being" may be grasped. Keywords: Henry Corbin, Martin Heidegger, Mullâ Sadrâ, Being, ArchiveHermeneutics, Transcendental philosophy, of Western SIDphilosophy. *. Associate professor of philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
[email protected] ∗∗ . Ph.D. student in philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran. www.SID.ir Reza Akbarian/ Amélie Neuve-Eglise (رﺿﺎ اﻛﺒﺮﻳﺎن/ اﻣﻠﻲ ﻧﻮو اﮔﻠﻴﺰ) Introduction Henry Corbin (1903-1978) was one of the most prominent scholars in philosophy and theology of the twentieth century.