Spring and Summer
Mrs. Whitney's Miss C. Delafield, PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. MISS STEVENS OF CASTLE POINT GEN. COWANS, BRITISH LOST AND FOUND. DIED. MOW YOHK. WAR LEADER, IS DEAD Wearing Apparel. : .i-RRACH.Bradford, at April 1#. in the :«y»»rEii,z^b't«V»S' Fit Shown Leader in Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Aator, who re¬ ENGAGED TO EDWARD B. CONDON LOOT.About 10 A. M. Saturdav. Apr!! IB neral eerV.ce* a.t Trinity C*»rcli,^'..,?*Vtz£E.lza- Politics, as on *t SculptureSy turned last week from Bermuda, are at Served Quartermaster-Gen¬ uetwe«n 1«7 East 80th at. aod Lexington beth. Mouday afternoon. AprU 1#. ?heir Rhlnobeck house. eral in World Conflict. av. arid 7*th at., large skunk collar, with 4 o'clock. in to Wed limn* partly ripped out. Reward If returned Paris, Praised Engaged !o above addi>m« Gen. Horace Porter, who celebrate^ Mintonc, France, April 16..Gen. Sir his will LOS'I Sealskin nee kplece, near the Mai! eighty-fourth birthday Friday, John Steven Cowans. 58 years old, a Frid*>': rew,irJ* FLAOg! i{o to Greenwich, Conn., In June for the member of the British Army Council r&.-v^^VTw5^,v. on Monday. April 18, at 8 F. M. Luxembourg Curator PJaces Sewetary to Aldermanic Presi¬ summer. 145*'\vr*M(thark' Ed*erl>. Oscar M. during the European war, died hero to¬ tats, Dogi, Ac. day. FLOYD.-On April 15. a*.> 7« Hor in First Bank of Amer¬ dent to Become Bride of It. n-ral ^orf".Morrttt Btarlia .*« Mr. an1 Mrs. Charles L.
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