Down at Night · Trustees• Saying -His Rights Had Dedsion · to Deny Horstman Ad- Benefit," Gornick Said
C" . Bulk Rate U.S. ,l'ostage -PAID. Pumit No. 402 Bakcr,fil'ld. C.i ~s_u_E_LD______ ~---·-·· __ C O L L E G E _-ASB -- elections: · Bowser feels .information on the pressure; ,;;:~,.. ~ -;: - Sports, page -7 ;,·' candidates, pag~ 4 ··.·:-. -. ) •.,.. _- . - . .. / . Monday. September ,14 1 -1987. _, . Volume XLVIJ Number 1 Trial begins for ex-tennis coach ! By Jennifer Self sho~ that Lewis' blood-alcohol- -• Ragsdale turned th.e bottle over\ •a~o.ut _!he · faci t·hat )he bottle which wor_ks ·as a _process of __ News Editor ••. , , "tevel measured ~fO;b9, ·- . _to• Frank _Gornick . dean .- Of:,• might be evide11ce, but we had no . elimination, determined that Following two delay~ -in the' -- Last Tuesday, peputy District -students:_- - -- '. -way of verifying that," Gornick - Lewis' finger prints were not on-. --- opening of his trial oh charges' of; Attorney Kyle Humphrey- asked . -_ . ·-. -- i said, "It. (the botUe) was found 'the bottle; . • . -__ -.... '.·, driving under. the·. influence. of·_ judge Jack .E, · Lund to _con(inue ''I turned the bottle over to Di'. ; the next day (after the van crash~ _ The. second trial delay occured 1· l - . akohol, former BC tennis coach the jury trial until Thursday Gornick. as : a rnatter of! .ed) and it could have, been .. Thursday when Humphrey filed° Oaylen Lewis will appeafin W_est :' allowing HumJ)hrey time to ob~ --_- curiosity,'' Ragsdale s1,1ld. "I had , .. something -·-left over •· from . the . -an affadavit _cllljming -that Lund - ~~ Kerrr. Munfcipal Court earlythis ;.Ltajn~ a fingerprint :analysli'of ~o interttion:of turning it·o.ver as i Fourt~.of July.'! -~ -.
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