Down at Night · Trustees• Saying -His Rights Had Dedsion · to Deny Horstman Ad- Benefit," Gornick Said

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Down at Night · Trustees• Saying -His Rights Had Dedsion · to Deny Horstman Ad- Benefit, C" . Bulk Rate U.S. ,l'ostage -PAID. Pumit No. 402 Bakcr,fil'ld. C.i ~s_u_E_LD______ ~---·-·· __ C O L L E G E _-ASB -- elections: · Bowser feels .information on the pressure;­ ,;;:~,.. ~ -;: - Sports, page -7 ;,·' candidates, pag~ 4 ··.·:-. -. ) •.,.. _- . - . .. / . Monday. September ,14 1 -1987. _, . Volume XLVIJ Number 1 Trial begins for ex-tennis coach ! By Jennifer Self sho~ that Lewis' blood-alcohol- -• Ragsdale turned th.e bottle over\ •a~o.ut _!he · faci t·hat )he bottle which wor_ks ·as a _process of __ News Editor ••. , , "tevel measured ~fO;b9, ·- . _to• Frank _Gornick . dean .- Of:,• might be evide11ce, but we had no . elimination, determined that Following two delay~ -in the' -- Last Tuesday, peputy District -students:_- - -- '. -way of verifying that," Gornick - Lewis' finger prints were not on-. --- opening of his trial oh charges' of; Attorney Kyle Humphrey- asked . -_ . ·-. -- i said, "It. (the botUe) was found 'the bottle; . • . -__ -.... '.·, driving under. the·. influence. of·_ judge Jack .E, · Lund to _con(inue ''I turned the bottle over to Di'. ; the next day (after the van crash~ _ The. second trial delay occured 1· l - . akohol, former BC tennis coach the jury trial until Thursday Gornick. as : a rnatter of! .ed) and it could have, been .. Thursday when Humphrey filed° Oaylen Lewis will appeafin W_est :' allowing HumJ)hrey time to ob~ --_- curiosity,'' Ragsdale s1,1ld. "I had , .. something -·-left over •· from . the . -an affadavit _cllljming -that Lund - ~~ Kerrr. Munfcipal Court earlythis ;.Ltajn~ a fingerprint :analysli'of ~o interttion:of turning it·o.ver as i Fourt~.of July.'! -~ -. -._: • · - ·-_._ had a prejudicedview of the case .. week. I. blood~spotted _._· whiskey bottle .. eviden<:e to the Iia~ersfield Police : . ·_ Gornick said he kept ihe bottle . Humphrey would. not elaborate The charg~ resulted frorn an 'releasted . to the District . Depart.merit. H was just another ; in case it was needed later in the on the. reason. for •. changing . alcohol-related accident on cam- Attorney's office Sept. 4. · _ boftle.'' . · - __ _ ; investigation. - -•_ - _ _ • _ judges. -- ·. •• ·__ . · · •_ _-_- -_ · .- pus March 31,. when the_ BC van _ ·The Seagram '1 bottle was spot- - · , The bottle re_mained in a paper ; . ''We didn't know if the bouie _The trial· was - reassigned to _ Lewis was d~iving sm~hed into: t~ by Leon Ragsdale BC security. bag· in.· the. top drawer of : was in the vehicle. I wanted to be judge frank Hoover. - -· - .· the . Science • an.d Engineering . chief the morning ~fter Lewis' ac- 'Gornick's _office until Sept.4, -· ablf to produce the bottle if ·so~ _. Early this we~k ajury wilFbe· · Building. In the _van with Lewis ciden t. The bot tie . was when ihe District Attorney~s of- meone said laieithey had the bot- . selected -- for the trial and was the_·- seven member tennis' underneath a bush near th_e east flee learned of its exi~tence from-_ -tie in the vehicle," Gornick said. _ prelimina~y • tnbtions -Will be _ - team, returning from a tourna- side of the Science and Engineer- an interview with Ragsdale: . _ -Humphrey said on Wednesday made, according to Stan Simri11, _ ment in Ventura; Police reports ing Building. - "Well, we certainly talked : that the finger print. analysis, Gay)en Lewis' ·attorney. - Gaylen Lewis _- Summer ·sh·owers Frustrated by .... : • • : J .: bureaucfac))-Stnith iertds chancellorshiP ·,. .. - · By Rochelle John sf on . Rip S~aff - . One of the latest casualties of the Comm~11ity -College Syst~m i~ • Ch'anceU6i'Joshua Smith, who resign~d from his post and will be trek- - king back across the country to New )ersey where he "can be an educator again instead.of a state tiureaucrat." . educit<>r agaiifinstead of astate bu~eacrai.'. .· .. _-- Smith came to California in the midst 0f an educati~nal t~f orrn - • f.rom the kindergarleif~lasfrOOrRS!O •graduate program~, education j~ ·, - . ~- .· - un,d~rgoi_~g sc_nHiny ~d chru:ige, ~f~ci.ils· sar: '.flle C(?mcriurilty Coll,eg~ • system w~ nor exempt,:at1.ct when smith came in· wim fixed ideas on -. how the_ system sh_ould be run; he: 'ran in' t_o. bpp~~itio~/ ·ex"plained . KCC,? ?anceHor.J.ames You.rig. ".This_ frustrated him/' he said; . ' Smith s frustration stems from the 'highly-charged political at- mosphere slir~o~nding •'the changing' communi~y college philosophy',; . -· -- and the. nagg111g problem Qf the,_ state \/ersus _local control of the cols · leges, Ypung said. ,· -- -•·. _ •. - _ - . · - _- -·· -• ·· ·_ . · -· . _ __ -_· ;"Twelve,years· ago the· cominuriitr college philosophy was cle~r.:.._we. -_- knew ()~r ~ssion,'_' he_~d_._ ''U11fo.~unately,the phiiosophychanges . , -and we rem the rruddle of reform right now.". •• .- - · -- - - - _- · . - • : .The seco_nd,majorfrustration i:imHh f11ce~ was opposiiio~ to his. ~cl.: v_ocasy c,f a centr~ized and strong Board of Goverriors and ".·· , ....... ·. -~hance!.1orship.-. rather thim local control~a. debate that ha~: raged . \P.!JI.: ':,.: <::¢ : smce the passage ofPropositionJ3 in 1978. _ ·. · -- ·•. < c' -_- __ . • When th'e_'conuriunity co"Uege system Wll:5 d~ign_ed -~~-) 968, 15 percent . ---• of t~.e funding ca~e from_ local money -an<!, only 25 __ percent came' · ·.j tax ' .. -. from)he state, B_ut in 1978_when Prop. 13 pasfed; staie legislat_ure gain-• . ·.) _-__ ed C()nt~ol of. financesll"d·7S-p~rce~t:oft~e:-(undjng came from.the _ .. ~ :: _state and only 25 per«nt frorn li:>cal sourc~(: • - . ·_ ;c-, · - · · . ·_ . _-_- 'J\s a result, 'the_loosely kl'!it system' of the .106-campus; 70- district -system -slowly evolved_ into a more centralized ehtity. -: · - ... _: _· · •- • , ''The reason we ha~e_th~ sre.~t ctntr~lization in the state i~ yery simp,: David Borjon/Rip Staff· - . ly because of Propos1t1on 13, _sald Young. "Th~ legislature has full _ . -- . ' . -.·~--~- ----~ .... - .. Romeo Roitqulllo decides to shower hh brother Jimmy_ Ronquillo ... In~ Bakersmm•stong surnmer'days. - not only with brotherly love but with ~ater from. tbe l()(a) tap dur· . ; . _Please see" SMilh page 4. J'' ·Man·· challenges fefused admission Enrollment up - By Jennifer Self __ - _In addition to being refused Horstman to Gornick's office '5ions. · News Editor - admission, Horstman 30, was where the three of them discussed - . "The whole ·matter was with -evicted from the P°ra!or Hall clor-. Horstman's problem for two respect : to his behavior, his After being den_ied admission · _mitory where he had been staying hours. ' background and my .observations •. this semester, .to BC this semest_er '.by Dr. Frank since Aug 16, according to Gor- of him," Gornick said. Gornick, Jarri~ Mario Hohtman ni9k. "J told him I would reserve the On· Aug. 19 Horstman con­ submitted a· letter to the -Kern right to · refuse admission to tacted the local media and the Community - College Board _of Gornick said he reached his anyone who we think would not Bakersfield- Police_ Department down at night · Trustees• saying -his rights had dedsion · to deny Horstman ad- benefit," Gornick said. "I show- and informed them of his com­ been violated and asking for an· mission based on Horstman's _· eel him where it was stated in the _plaint, Gornick said. out of . cpurt settlement of behavior. during · two _meetinis catalog." _Gornick fold ·the police · that By Brian Puckett · There was also a drop -in the SI0,002. with Gornick, and his disruptive· Horstman had. made several Rip_ Staff . - -_number of students attending behavior during Dr. James In­ Gornick was referring to a derogatory remarks about Presi­ Smoother registration prQ· ,classes at the Delano Center, 12 - r If Horstman doesn't receive skeep' s clause in the BC catalog which dent Reagan, The police ran a cedures and an increase in the less than last year. the money, he said he will "pro­ International Relations class the states that "Any person 18 years radio check and learned that the number of incoming high school · Classes are just now getting ceed in civil rights action to col· first Monday of school. of age or over may be admitted to Secret Service was interested in seniors and re~ntry students· under way in Tehacahpi, and elct what the court feeJs is Bakersfield College If his/her knowing the · whereabouts of played a part in this year's record -many students are discovering the reasonable and fair." Horstman was not registered previous training or e:,;pcrience .Hantman, according 10 Gornick. enrollment, says Dix Kelsey, •newly opened Southwest Center • when he entered Inskecp's 9 a.m. indicates that hel~he "'ill profit The police were not .,.,;Jling to counseling department chairman. : Kelsey says chere are nn,v Horstman's letter, which asks class 30 minutes t;,rc, Upon ar­ from the ort"erir.~, ,;f t::e college. remove Horstman from the cam­ An enrollment , · :-7lparison 'reasons for increased cnrolln-,e-, that he be allowed to attend rival Horstman began :i <'khg ln­ Such studc7\; - ,,· ~1a,e the ap-, pus t>e,;:~use they felt the incident sher· listing fall 19~~ .~,J 1987 . Among them, BC's low tui'''" classe.s this semester and return "skeep q1Je-;tions that e~ .1 an ex­ prova1 of the P·~~.~ ..,r o: Admis­ .,.;as a ci,·il matter, Gornick said. figures shows ar ·- -~a~ :n the_, fee,~ rise in ,he number of,-,,,..· nu r.- -v • 0 I G 11 .. a .. ,; -. : ~r. · '· ,Jent\ : pie '-"O , ,1g higher cducat ion, ,m,j to the dorms, was discussed 1· r1 cra:igc '.'<',ween th~ -_. · ,r,s.,,~p sions and 1\e,,:; - :( r~ent KCCD Board m~ting, ~.:­ .,.a, fo: ..-ro to disrr .. \• --,- -.. ~,, The---c,• ;;;v,f- ~..• ; 3uda dontman submittc-d an appeal atten..iing Ba .:.t15fieh'l C.ill"[C.
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    September 27, 2011 Daily Herald The movie ‘Moneyball’ has Cubs connections By: Bruce Miles SAN DIEGO — Had a chance to see the movie “Moneyball” the other day. For my money, so to speak, it was one of those rare instances where the movie was better than the book, and the book was pretty darn good. Without going all movie reviewer on you, I thought the movie did a much better job of humanizing Oakland Athletics GM Billy Beane better than the book. I guess Brad Pitt will do that. There are Cubs connections to the movie, and I had a chance to talk with some of them this evening here at Petco Park. And as it always goes with these things, you find out that “based on a true story” means just that. There is definitely some fudging with the “truth.” Take Cubs first baseman Carlos Pena, for instance. In the movie, Beane tells his assistant to give the word to Pena that he had been traded to Detroit. “Movies are not always exact — I was in Triple-A,” Pena said. “It’s a little bit of an adaptation. I came off the field in Sacramento. My manager at Sacramento said, ‘Hey, Carlos, stay put because I think something’s going on.’ That’s the way it went down.” The movie had Beane moving Pena because he wanted to get playing time at first base for Scott Hatteberg, a “Moneyball” example of an undervalued player who could be had inexpensively and still produce. Along those lines, “Moneyball” — the book and the movie — is not “about on-base percentage.” Sure, players with high OBPs were favored by the “Moneyball” set, but “Moneyball” really is about identifying inefficiencies in the marketplace and exploiting them.
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