February 13, 2006
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Open House: See page 12 for full info TheJames Madison University'sBreeze Student Newspaper in/, / rhriiurii I i, 2W> Student remembered, honored by friends Hicks fondly described as fun-loving, charismatic and outgoing ■v DREW LEFT to walk up and talk to anyone. sitting around, he was always ing, because he was intending the memorial service for Hicks, HSm rnnoR He didn't like it when people looking for an adventure," on paying for the Items. "He organized by his friends, drew were sad and wanted everyone Zagata said. had a million stories like that amund a hundred people. "It is A JMU student who passed to have fun." Junior Justin Kern said he He never thought anything was unbelievable how many people away last month was described He was described by junior thought under a different para- awkward," Kem said. have been affected by this." by a friend as "always the Shelly Zagata as having a beau- digm than most people. For His friends have been hit In his free time. Flicks loved life of the party/' and will be tiful smile and a laugh that could example, he said Hicks acted in hard by his death Kem had hanging out with his friends and remembered fondly by those be heard clear across town. ways he thought were rational, known Hicks for two years and enjoyed listening to music and who knew him. Zagata, who had been friends although other people would said, "Everyone has been out of attending concerts. His favorite Friends found junior David with Hicks since their freshman not see it the same way. it and depressed for the week it bands were Blind Melon, Phish Hicks, 20, of Lynchburg. dead year, said one of the best things According to Kern, about happened." and The Grateful Dead. in his local residence early on about him was, "Hedidn't judge a month ago. Hicks went to Leach said, "You can't Zagata said although he was [an. 29. A toxicology report will people; he never talked about convenience store and when he expect for one of your friends in and out of school over his determine the cause of death. people behind their backs." ran out of room to hold items, to pass away." time at JMU, this semester Hicks Sophomore Andrew Leach Hicks's friends said his atti- he put thems in his pockets and There was an outpouring of was enrolled in classes and was said, "He was fun-loving, char- tude toward life was unique. didn't understand when store emotion at a recent memori.il doing well. He eventually hoped ismatic, outgoing and not afraid "He never wasted a moment owners accused him of steal- service on Friday. Zagata said to become a veterinarian Hicks Company tries to Saturday Snow make cell more social BV RACHANA DIXIT Midi as MySpace and Facebook NEWS riwrtw have experienced problems with viruses and privacy issues. The introduction of a new Dale Hulvey, assistant vice software. Rabble — dubbed president for JMU's Information the "MySpace for phones"— is Technology, said, 'The whole taking online social networking concept of viruses on phones, I to a new level. don't know what the phone com- i Derrick Oien, Software panies are going to do if it comes designer and lntercasting Corp. to that." On campus, network founder, said people of the security is available through virus younger generation, particularly protection. "We also block a lot of A i those from 13 to 25 years of age, things at the Internet border" are less entertained by TV, so they Rabble allows users to find \ wanted to create a networking the general location of other product around that trend. users, however, Oien said the 11 Rabble takes advantage of exact location of a person can- v3 K* this by using cell phones to con- not be found by searching. "We % nect people through the media don't want to show people they create. exactly where (users] are." Users f "Our users get addicted to it," can also be blocked through the 1 » Oien said; he added that Rabble software and it is possible to users are numbenng in the tens report abuse. 1 of thousands. Through the net- The next phase of Rabble working software, users can dis- will incorporate audio and video cover locations of other users, posting capabilities this summer post images, send messages and But, not all consumers of tech- read text from different blogs like nology are excited at the pros- Livejournal and B logger. pect of having these capabilities "You can take your experi- on their cell phones. Junior Mary ence with you," Oien said. Shenk, who uses Facebook and Currently the software exists MySpace, thinks Rabble is push- through Verizon and Cingular, ing the limit and was launched in June 2005 "People are so consumed and January 2006. The base cost with their cell phones, they are for using Rabble is $2.99 per looking down instead of up, 1J month, but additional costs may not seeing the people around vary due to airtimc usage. them," Shenk said. "People are Ji However, security issues may 1 1KYLb aHfM\rihtaffi*,*otrai+rr surrounded by all this technol- arise from this type of software. ogy; I would rather go out and Harrisonburg was hit with WMkand snow covering th. Quad with a white dinting. Rabble's computer predecessors meet people." Students warned of local crimes ■v AMANDA WILSON Manor is not the only area where prob- open-door party with kegs and people (c\n«ni/nNG wRtrtR lems have occurred. However, to pre- can walk in and out, criminals target vent these unfortunate crimes from con- these parties and can enter freely looking Many college students do not realize tinuing to happen, he said it is important for items they want. The criminals might that partying off campus is a possible for students to practice basic personal steal them then or come back later. 'The gateway for crimes such as burglary and safety, especially while traveling by foot party situation is something that we've larceny. alone and partying late at night. seen for years as having a real negative In the past four months, there have U. Boshart suggests that students liv- effect on the crime rate in certain areas," been 15 reported crimes on file that took ing off campus keep their doors locked, Boshart said. Clace at Forest Hills Manor, a town- cars locked and travel in well-lit areas Boshart also suggests that students !>me complex located at the intersection with someone else if walking on foot. document their property by writing of Port Republic Road and Devon I^ane. Junior Cori Fleser, who moved into down serial numbers of valuable Kara These incidences included one vehi- Forest Hills Manor in August 2005, said such as computers, computer software cle theft, two property damages, two one of her neighbors who |ust moved in and game systems. If you are burglar- aggravated assaults, three breaking and before the spring semester had a laptop ized and report the stolen items, Boshart cniiring, one larceny of vehicle parts, stolen, after the town-home door had said patrol officers can do traffic slops one larceny from a car, one larceny from been left unlocked during a party. "People for speeding to see if the missing equip- a building and two noise complaints. think 'OK it's Harrisonburg,'" she said. ment is inside and can check for match- According to Lt. Kurt Boshart of the "Most of us, usually at any given time of ing serial numbers. In this case, the I v\\ ms<>\ „■„„., ' phi"ofapher Harrisonburg Police Department this is the day, keep our door unlocked." Forest Hills Manor hat been the art* of 15 reported Crimea In tha paat a relatively low number, and Forest Hills Boshart explained when there's an see MANOR, \xige 4 four months, a number that la actually below average for the area. Prof presents findings in Italy BY MEGHAN PATRICK athletic performance. of an athletic session," Saunders said. CONTtmillSG WRrrFK "I was at a talk (in 2002| and Saunders will be presenting the someone asked me if I thought pro- findings of various studies that he, A JMU professor will be traveling tein drink-, helped athletes," Saunder Todd, and a number of JMU graduate to Italy on Feb. 16 not as an Olympic said. "At the time, 1 thought it was and undergraduate students have con- athlete, but as a scientist to present the garbage, but the question intrigued ducted over the past three vears. controversial results of his research on me, and I started reading up on it. 'The first study we did com- the mle of protein in sports drinks People knew that carbohydrates are pared the carbohydrate energy dnnk Associate professor of exercise located in the muscle, and that if they Gatorade, with Accelerade, which physiology Mike Saunders will present aren't replenished, muscles will be has both protein and carbohydrates," Ins findings in Milan. come fatigued in exercise sooner." Saunders said. "We had a groups The conference will be split into He said this is why athletes dnnk of cyclists do a ride to exhaustion,' two parts, the first being a review of the carbohydrate-filled drinks such as during which they cycled until they research topic, presented by Saunders Powerade or Gatorade. had to stop. Every 15 minutes they and 10 others. I he latter part of the Soon after Saunders began his took a drink of either Gatorade or conference will be spent trying to reach stuck with another JMU kinesiology Accelerade." a consensus on the science of protein professor.