
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 14/07 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 211 - Juli 2007 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 3 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 14/07 (Nr. 211) Juli 2007 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, beruhigen, denn sein Eindruck war richtig. liebe Filmfreunde! Denn leider werden in den Stuttgarter Wieder einmal lassen wir unseren neuen Festivalkinos 35mm-Filme nach wie vor Newsletter mit etwas Verspätung vom Sta- mit einer falschen Geschwindigkeit vorge- pel. Doch terminlich ging es einfach nicht führt: Mit 25 Bildern pro Sekunde und anders. Nicht nur, dass wir in der vergan- nicht mit den genormten 24 Bildern pro genen Woche ausgiebigst richtige Sekunde! Dadurch läuft der Film schneller Bollywood-Luft schnuppern konnten, son- und die Tonhöhenlage wird höher. Eine dern darüber hinaus auch noch nicht weni- Korrektur wäre hier sehr wünschenswert. ger als drei Pressevorführungen kommen- Auch erfuhren wir von John, dass ein ame- der Kinoattraktionen besucht haben. Ein rikanischer TV-Sender Interesse daran hat, Übriges steuerte dann auch noch das ex- OUTSOURCED in eine TV-Serie umzu- trem heisse Sommerwetter bei, das es ei- wandeln. Und sein nächstes Projekt? Ein nem nicht gerade leicht macht, einen kla- Thriller im Stil von DIE DREI TAGE ren Gedanken zu fassen. Aber genug der DES CONDORS. Na, da sind wir ja mal Entschuldigungen - lassen Sie uns ein we- gespannt. Übrigens hatte John Jeffcoat nig über Bollywood plaudern. auch gleich seine beiden Hauptdarsteller mit nach Stuttgart gebracht. Alle drei wur- Bollywood and Beyond - so der offizielle den nach dem Screening vom Publikum Titel des indischen Filmfestivals, das be- frenetisch auf der Bühne gefeiert, bevor reits zum vierten Mal in der schwäbischen man dann gemeinsam zur Eröffnungsparty Metropole Stuttgart stattfand - hat uns in den nahe gelegenen Club ”Bett” ging, auch in diesem Jahr wieder richtig begei- wo auf alle ein leckeres indisches Buffet stert. Im Vergleich zu den Vorjahren war wartete. Alles in allem ein wirklich gelun- dieses Mal eine Steigerung der Professio- Zog uns wieder ein seinen Bann: gener Eröffnungsabend. nalität des Festivals deutlich erkennbar. Es das Bollywood-Filmfestival An den folgenden vier Festivaltagen kon- gab weitaus weniger Pannen und die zentrierten wir uns dann voll auf die Kate- Screenings starteten durchweg pünktlich. gorie ”The Big Picture”, in welcher aktuel- Organisatorisch gab es da kaum etwas zu le Bollywood-Produktionen präsentiert meckern. Die von uns (und auch anderen Regisseur von OUTSOURCED. Mit sei- wurden: LAGE RAHO MUNNA BHAI, Teilnehmern) im vergangenen Jahr gerügte nem Film wurde das Festival am Mitt- GURU, OMKARA, DON, PYAAR KE, Unsitte, statt richtiger 35mm-Kopien er- wochabend eröffnet und generierte stürmi- KABHI ALVIDA NAA KEHNA, satzweise Filme von DVD vorzuführen, schen Applaus beim Publikum. Es war LUKKA-CCHUPPI und VANAJA. Mit war in diesem Jahr kaum anzutreffen. Ganz übrigens das erste Mal, dass eine amerika- Abstand am besten gefiel uns KABHI im Gegenteil: alle von uns besuchten nische Produktion als Eröffnungsfilm prä- ALVIDA NAA KEHNA, der durch seine Spielfilme wurden fast ausnahmslos mit sentiert wurde. Der Film schildert, wie ein exzellente Farbgestaltung, den hervorra- hervorragenden Filmkopien präsentiert. amerikanisches Call-Center aus Kosten- genden Cast, die mitreißenden Tanzein- Mit gestochen scharfem CinemaScope-Bild gründen kurzerhand nach Indien ausgela- lagen und die zu Tränen rührende Ge- auf großer Leinwand und perfektem Dolby gert wird. Unter Federführung des Ameri- schichte voll und ganz überzeugte. Der Digital 5.1 EX Sound machen die farben- kaners Todd Anderson (hervorragend ge- Film ist hierzulande zwar bereits auf DVD prächtigen Blockbuster aus Indien richtig spielt von Josh Hamilton) soll das Call- erhältlich, dürfte allerdings bei der Präsen- Spaß. Die unterschiedlichen Videoformate Center innerhalb kürzester Zeit profitabel tation im Heimkino einiges von seiner blieben den vielen Dokumentar- und Kurz- werden. Doch Todd erkennt schon bald, Wirkung einbüßen. Unser Tipp: Wann im- filmen vorbehalten, bei denen aus Budget- dass es dazu mehr bedarf als nur einer mer sich Ihnen die Gelegenheit bietet, gründen die Fertigung von 35mm-Kopien Schulung des amerikanischen Dialektes dieses Werk in einem guten Kino zu sehen, nicht möglich war. Das sich dieses Stutt- der im Call-Center arbeitenden Inder. sollten Sie diese nicht ungenutzt lassen! garter Filmfestival richtig gemausert hat, OUTSOURCED gelingt es in überzeugen- Übrigens freuen wir uns schon auf den konnte man auch an den zahlreichen der Weise, die Waage zwischen Komödie nächsten Bollywood-Film: DHOOM 2, Rahmenveranstaltungen erkennen: Noch und realem Hintergrund zu halten. Selbst eine Art indisches MISSION: nie war deren Zahl so groß wie in diesem die zarte Liebesbeziehung zwischen Todd IMPOSSIBLE, wird zu mitternächtlicher Jahr. Großen Anklang fand natürlich das und der Inderin Asha (gespielt von Ayesha Stunde während des kommenden ”Fantasy Indian Food Festival, das zwar aufgrund Dharker) verzichtet auf Kitsch und setzt Filmfest” zu sehen sein. der instabilen Wetterlage in etwas redu- dafür auf echte Gefühle. Hut ab also für zierter Form stattfand, aber dennoch für diesen tollen Film, dessen Verwertungs- Damit wären wir mal wieder am Ende un- ausreichend Gaumenkitzel sorgte. Die in- rechte für den deutschsprachigen Raum seres Editorials angelangt. Die nächste stabile Wetterlage wurde dann aber am von Concorde eingekauft wurden. Ausgabe unseres Newsletters wird aller Wochenende sehr stabil - pünktlich zur Concorde will den Film im Herbst in die Voraussicht nach erst nach Ende unserer traditionellen Bombay Boogie Night. Dort Kinos bringen und später auf DVD. langen Sommerpause veröffentlicht wer- bot sich bei bestem Wetter zu später Stun- OUTSOURCED wurde in der englischen den. Vom 26. Juli 2007 bis einschließlich de die Gelegenheit, zu heissen Bollywood- Originalfassung mit deutschen Untertiteln 26. August 2007 bleiben unser Versand Rhythmen das Tanzbein zu schwingen oder präsentiert und sollte eigentlich nur in und Verkauf geschlossen. Ab dem 27. Au- sich mit den vielen Regisseuren, Schau- dieser Form gehört werden. Wir fragten gust 2007 sind wir dann wieder in gewohn- spielern und Produzenten zu unterhalten, John Jeffcoat, wie er mit der Vorführung ter Weise für Sie da. die speziell für das Festival angereist wa- zufrieden war. Sie gefiel ihm sehr gut, ren. Wir nutzten die Gunst der Stunde und obgleich er den Eindruck hatte, dass der Ihr LASER HOTLINE Team unterhielten uns mit John Jeffcoat, dem Ton etwas zu hoch war. Wir konnten ihn

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 14/07 (Nr. 211) Juli 2007

Ende September auf US-DVD

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 14/07 (Nr. 211) Juli 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2006 89min. Warner Video 14.09.2007 Animation 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022575

Basilisk, Vol. 04 - Chronik der Peanuts - The Complete Koga-Ninja Collection (12 DVDs) The Peanuts Basilisk: Kôga Ninpô Chô Featurettes Interview Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1965-2002 FF DD Zeichentrick 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) DTS (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 90min. AL!VE 27.07.2007 AL!VE (OVA Films) 29.06.2007 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022536 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022538 Basilisk, Vol. 05 - Chronik der Scooby-Doo und das Schnee- Koga-Ninja monster Scooby-Doo - Chill Out, Scooby-Doo! Basilisk: Kôga Ninpô Chô Entfallene Szene, Musikvideo Zeichentrick 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick FF DD 2.0 (D) DD DTS (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 90min. 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (Pol) DD 2.0 (Griech) 70min. AL!VE (OVA Films) 27.07.2007 Warner Home Video 28.09.2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022535 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022574 Trinity Blood, Vol. 6, Episoden 21-24 The Dark Crystal Trinity Blood Dir. Jim Henson, Frank Oz Dir. Tomohiro Hirata Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Dokumentationen, Entfalle- ne Szenen, Trailer Zeichentrick/Horror 2005-2006 Ltbx 16x9 Fantasy/Puppenfilm 1982 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) 120min. (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 1.0 (Sp) 89min. AL!VE (OVA) 27.07.2007 09.08.2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022537 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022570 Family Guy - Season 3 (3 DVDs) Family Guy Film Zeichentrick 1999-2002 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) Fox 10.09.2007 18 Fingers of Death 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022607 18 Fingers Of Death! James Lew, Maurice Patton, Lisa Arturo, Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Final Fantasy - Die Mächte in Dir Pat Morita, Lorenzo Lamas, Robin Shou, Judge Collection, Volume 3 (Blu-ray) Bokeem Woodbine, Don „The Dragon“ Beavis And Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Wilson, Roark Critchlow - Dir. James Lew Collection Komödie/Action 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Zeichentrick/Satire 2005 FF DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 87min. Paramount 06.09.2007 MIG Filmgroup 13.09.2007 tba BestellNr.: 20022555 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022481 Die Biene Maja - Teil 4 (2 DVDs) Mitsubachi Maya No Boken Dir. Seiji Endô, Hiroshi Saito Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1975 FF DD 1.0 (D) 192min. Warner Home Video 14.09.2007 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022627 Desmodus - Der kleine Vampir, Folge 01-10 Petit Dir. Christian Choquet, Gilles Deyriès Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2004 FF DD 2.0 (D) 116min. e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 30.08.2007 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022485 Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within Dir. Hironobu Sakaguchi Das Dschungelbuch (Platinum Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Outtakes, Alternativer Anfang, Trailer Jubiläums-Edition, 2 DVDs) /Trickfilm 2001 Ltbx 16x9 The Jungle Book DD 5.1 (D) PCM 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) PCM Dir. Reitherman 5.1 (E) 106min. Zeichentrick 1967 75min. Sony Pictures 06.09.2007 Buena Vista (Disney) 04.10.2007 tba BestellNr.: 20022612 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022594 88 Minutes Das hässliche Entlein & ich 88 Minutes Der dunkle Kristall (Anniversary The Ugly Duckling And Me! , Alicia Witt, Amy Brenneman, Edition, 2 DVDs) Dir. Michael Hegner, Karsten Kiilerich LeeLee Sobieski, Neal McDonough, Benja-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 14/07 (Nr. 211) Juli 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) min McKenzie, William Forsythe - Dir. Higgins, Callum Keith Rennie, Paul Michael James Foley, Jon Avnet Beim Sterben ist jeder der Erste Levesque, Paul Anthony, Françoise Yip, Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, Biografie, Trailer (Special Edition) Michael Rawlins, James Remar, Natasha Thriller 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Deliverance Lyonne, Haili Page - Dir. David S. Goyer (E) 106min. Jon Voight, Burt Reynolds, Ned Beatty, Action/Horror 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Kinowelt 02.11.2007 Ronny Cox, James Dickey - Dir. John DD 5.1 EX (E) 108min. tba BestellNr.: 20022618 Boorman Warner Home Video 21.09.2007 Audiokommentar, Dokumentationen, US-Kinotrailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022662 All About Anna Abenteuer/Action 1971 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 All About Anna (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 1.0 (Sp) 109min. Gry Bay, Eileen Daly, Mark Stevens, Tho- Warner Home Video 21.09.2007 mas Raft, Ovidie, Morten Schelbech - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022597 Jessica Nilsson Making of, Originaltrailer Komödie 2005 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) 91min. starmedia 22.08.2007 tba BestellNr.: 20021320 Alone in the Dark (Director’s Cut) (k.J.) (Blu-ray) Alone In The Dark Christian Slater, Tara Reid, Stephen Dorff, Frank C. Turner, Will Sanderson, Mark Acheson, Darren Shahlavi, Karin Konoval, Craig Bruhnanski, Kwesi Ameyaw, Catherine Lough Haggquist, Ed Anders, Das blaue Licht (+ Audio-CD) Dustyn Arthurs, Brad Turner, Matthew Wal- Semjonow, Fred Delmare, Katharina ker - Dir. Uwe Boll Thalbach, Helmut Straßburger, Blanche Horror/Thriller 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD 5.1 Kommerell, Marylu Poolman - Dir. Iris (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 95min. Gusner Concorde 03.09.2007 Trailer 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022672 Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1975 FF DD 2.0 (D) 77min. Alone in the Dark (Director’s Cut) Icestorm 14.08.2007 (k.J.) (HD DVD) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022566 Alone In The Dark Christian Slater, Tara Reid, Stephen Dorff, Bloodrayne (Einzel-DVD) (k.J.) Frank C. Turner, Will Sanderson, Mark Bloodrayne Acheson, Darren Shahlavi, Karin Konoval, Bel Ami Sir Ben Kingsley, Kristanna Løken, Michelle Craig Bruhnanski, Kwesi Ameyaw, Willi Forst, Olga Tschechowa, Ilse Werner, Rodriguez, Will Sanderson, Matthew Davis, Catherine Lough Haggquist, Ed Anders, Hilde Hildebrand, Lizzi Waldmüller - Dir. Michael Madsen - Dir. Uwe Boll Dustyn Arthurs, Brad Turner, Matthew Wal- Willi Forst Action/Fantasy 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) ker - Dir. Uwe Boll Komödie 1939 DD 5.1 (E) 91min. Horror/Thriller 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD 5.1 Kinowelt 07.09.2007 Splendid 31.08.2007 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 95min. tba BestellNr.: 20022527 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022645 Concorde 03.09.2007 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022673 The Big Green - Ein unschlagba- res Team Außer Kontrolle (Blu-ray) The Big Green Chain Reaction Olivia D’Abo, Steve Guttenberg, Jay O. Keanu Reeves, Morgan Freeman, Sanders, John Terry, Chauncey Leopardi, Weisz, Fred Ward, Kevin Dunn, Brian Cox, Patrick Renna, Billy L. Sullivan, Yareli Joanna Cassidy, Chelcie Ross, Nicholas Arizmendi, Bug Hall, Jessie Robertson, Rudall, Tzi Ma, Krzysztof Pieczynski - Dir. Anthony Esquivel, Jordan Brower, Hayley Andrew Davis Kolb, Hayley Miller, Ashley Welch, Areil Action/Thriller 1996 Welch, Jimmy Higa - Dir. Holly Goldberg Fox 27.08.2007 Sloan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022613 Komödie 1995 96min. EuroVideo (Disney) 13.09.2007 Bal Paré 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022652 Ilse Werner - Dir. Karl Ritter Biografien, Hintergrundinfos Black Rain (Blu-ray) Drama 1940 FF DD 1.0 (D) 104min. Black Rain Black Hill Pictures 07.09.2007 , Andy Garcia, Ken 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022610 Takakura, Kate Capshaw, Yusaka Matsuda - Bangkok Robbery 102 Dir. Ridley Scott Action/Thriller 1989 Bordertown 102 Piit Krungthep Plon Paramount 13.09.2007 Bordertown Ampol Lamppon, Chatchai Plengpanich, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022550 Jennifer Lopez, Antonio Banderas, Sonia Prakasit Bowsuwan, Kowit Wattanakul, Braga, Maya Zapata, Martin Sheen, Rene Withit Laet - Dir. Tanit Jitnukul Blade Trinity (k.J.) Rivera, Kate Del Castillo, Randall Batinkoff, Originaltrailer, Bildergalerie Juanes - Dir. Gregory Nava Action 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) Blade Trinity Wesley Snipes, Kris Kristofferson, Dominic Interviews, Trailer DD 5.1 (Thai) 88min. Thriller/Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Purcell, Jessica Biel, Ryan Reynolds, Par- e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 16.08.2007 DD 5.1 (E) 107min. ker Posey, Mark Berry, John Michael 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022489 Universum Film (Falcom) 22.10.2007

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 14/07 (Nr. 211) Juli 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) tba BestellNr.: 20022473 Brechelmacher, Susanne Winterstein, Her- mann Strobl - Dir. Niki List Brothers Grimm (Blu-ray) Drama 1982 The Brothers Grimm Kinowelt 21.09.2007 Matt Damon, Heath Ledger, Monica tba BestellNr.: 20022513 Bellucci, Peter Stormare, Lena Headey, Jonathan Pryce, Tomas Hanak, Julian Café Meineid 2 (5 DVDs) , Mackenzie Crook, Richard Ridings, Erich Hallhuber, Norbert Mahler, Thekla Barbora Lukesova, Anna Rust, Radim Mayhoff, Kathi Leitner, Wolfgang Fischer, Kalvoda, Martin Hofmann, Harry Gilliam, Christian Lerch, Luise Kinseher, Winfried Miroslav Táborský, Roger Ashton-Griffiths, Frey, Bettina Mittendorfer, Hans-Jürgen Marika Sarah Procházková, Rudolf Pellar, Stockerl, Ilse Neubauer, Bernhard Helfrich, Hanus Bor, Ota Filip, Audrey Hamm, Annika Gerd Anthoff, Ursula Rosenberger, Jule Murjahn, Lukas Bech, Karel Kohlicek, Bruce Ronstedt, Axel Milberg, Heiko Ruprecht, McEwan, Martin Kavan, Denisa Vokurkova, Michael Lerchenberg, Joseph Hannes- Jan Unger, Laura Greenwood, Frantisek schläger, Gerd Lohmeyer, Hubert Holzner, Velecky, Jakub Zindulka, Milan Gargula, Sissy Staudinger, Monika Baumgartner, Chris Cannon, Nicholas Joseph Kattar, Paul Drahomira Fialkova, Ludek , Jana Michael König, Rüdiger Vogler, Toni Berger, Marron, Adam Ratcliffe, Michael Tranzilli, Radojcicová, Josef Vajnar - Dir. Terry Enzi Fuchs, Wilfried Labmeier, Ruth Effie Hortis, Gina Maria Destra - Dir. Gilliam Kappelsberger, Barbara Lackermeier, Gundi Stephen Maxamillian Stahl Fantasy/Abenteuer 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD Ellert, Philipp Sonntag, Andreas Maria Bildergalerie, Trailer 6.1 (D) DTS-HD 6.1 (E) 119min. Schwaiger, Rüdiger Hacker, Veronika von Thriller/Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Concorde 03.09.2007 Quast, Ulrich Gebauer, Alexander Duda, DD 2.0 (E) 90min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022674 Hansi Kraus, Claus Peter Seifert, Ernst starmedia 16.05.2007 Cohen, Marisa Burger, Stefan Murr, Florian 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022505 Brothers Grimm (HD DVD) Karlheim, Maximilian Brückner, Simone Ott, The Brothers Grimm Valentin Stroh, Robert Meyer, Rita Russek, Count Down - Die letzten Tage Matt Damon, Heath Ledger, Monica Bernhard Reininger, Helena Lustinger, Sa- sind gezählt Bellucci, Peter Stormare, Lena Headey, brina White, Andreas Giebel, Günter Grün- Tycus Jonathan Pryce, Tomas Hanak, Julian wald, Hans-Jürgen Buchner, Peter Dennis Hopper, Peter Onorati, Finola Bleach, Mackenzie Crook, Richard Ridings, Enderlein, Michael Braun, Roald Raschner - Hughes, Art LaFleur, Chick Vennera, Todd Barbora Lukesova, Anna Rust, Radim Dir. Franz Xaver Bogner Allen, Blake Clark, Tommy Hinkley, Bert Kalvoda, Martin Hofmann, Harry Gilliam, Komödie 1990-2006 FF DD 2.0 (D) Remsen, Sandra Francis, Sarah Dalton, Miroslav Táborský, Roger Ashton-Griffiths, 603min. Marc Vahanian - Dir. John Putch Marika Sarah Procházková, Rudolf Pellar, film 101 20.07.2007 Action/Drama 1998 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 Hanus Bor, Ota Filip, Audrey Hamm, Annika 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022638 (E) 91min. Murjahn, Lukas Bech, Karel Kohlicek, Bruce Cine Plus (Telepool) 14.08.2007 McEwan, Martin Kavan, Denisa Vokurkova, La Carne - Fleisch 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022651 Jan Unger, Laura Greenwood, Frantisek La Carne Velecky, Jakub Zindulka, Milan Gargula, Sergio Castellitto, Francesca Dellera, Drahomira Fialkova, Ludek Elias, Jana Philippe Léotard, Petra Reinhardt - Dir. Radojcicová, Josef Vajnar - Dir. Terry Marco Ferreri Gilliam Behind the Scenes, Originaltrailer, Filmografien Fantasy/Abenteuer 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD Thriller 1991 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 6.1 (D) DTS-HD 6.1 (E) 119min. 86min. Concorde 03.09.2007 e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 02.08.2007 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022675 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022499 Brudermord - Fratricide Codename: The Cleaner Erdal Celik - Dir. Yilmaz Arslan Code Name: The Cleaner Entfallene Szene, Pressekonferenz, Trailer Cedric the Entertainer, Lucy Liu, Nicollette Thriller/Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Sheridan, , Callum Keith DD 5.1 (Türk) 91min. Rennie, Niecy Nash, DeRay Davis, Robert AL!VE (Alamode) 07.09.2007 Clarke, Gina Holden - Dir. Les Mayfield 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022482 Trailer, Bio- und Filmografien Action/Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 88min. e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 30.08.2007 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022484 Collision Course Crush Depth / Sub Down Stephen Baldwin, Gabrielle Anwar, Tom Crossroads - Pakt mit dem Teufel Conti, Chris Mulkey, Tony Plana, Joseph Crossroads Dain, Chris Taaffe, Kevin Connolly, Ralph Macchio, Joe Seneca, Jami Gertz, Williams, Matt Kennedy, Paul Abbott, Joel Joe Morton, Robert Judd, Steve Vai - Dir. Traywick, Michael Caradonna - Dir. Alan Hill Smithee Musikfilm/Drama 1986 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Action 1997 FF DD 2.0 (D) 91min. DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (Sp) DD 2.0 (It) 98min. Cine Plus (Telepool) 14.08.2007 Sony Pictures 13.09.2007 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022650 tba BestellNr.: 20022601

Café Malaria Consequences - Alles hat seinen Daddy & Them - Durchgeknallt in Malaria Preis! (k.J.) Arkansas Andreas Vitásek, Sabine Platzer, Geli Consequences Daddy And Them

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 14/07 (Nr. 211) Juli 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Juliane Kindler, Ferenc Szélyes, Andrea Sergio Castellitto, Cristina Moglia, Jessica Szélyes - Dir. Robert Ralston Brooks, Giulia Bernardini, Francesca di Interview, Bildergalerie, Trailer Sapio, Ed Stoppard, Pierfrancesco Favino, Komödie/Drama 2004 FF DD 2.0 (D) Pietro Ragusa, Paolo Giovannucci - Dir. 73min. Carlo Carlei starmedia 08.08.2007 Interviews, Bildergalerien, Trailer, Dokumentation „Faszi- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022496 nation Auto - Ferrari“ Drama/Biographie 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Eating Out 2 - Doppelte Ladung (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (It) 112min. (OmU) SchröderMedia 30.08.2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022578 Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds Jim Verraros, Emily Brooke Hands, ER - Emergency Room, Staffel 9 Rebekah Kochan, Marco Dapper, Brett Chukerman - Dir. Phillip J. Bartell (3 DVDs) Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Trailer, Bilderga- ER lerie Anthony Edwards, George Clooney, Sherry Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (E) Stringfield, Noah Wyle, Eriq La Salle, Juli- 81min. anna Margulies, Christine Harnos, William Pro-Fun Media 05.07.2007 H. Macy - Dir. , 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022477 Drama 1994-2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (Sp) 939min. Ein verrückter Leichenschmaus Warner Home Video 07.09.2007 Passed Away 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022573 Bob Hoskins, Jack Warden, William L. Petersen, Helen Lloyd Breed, Maureen Fahrt zur Hölle, ihr Halunken Stapleton, Pamela Reed, Tim Curry, Peter Jeff Bailey, Brenda Blethyn, Laura Dern, Gli Specialisti Riegert, Blair Brown, Patrick Breen, Nancy Daniel Steven Di Vito, Walt Goggins, Andy Johnny Hallyday, Mario Adorf, Gastone Travis, Teri Polo, Frances McDormand - Dir. Griffith, Tuesday Knight, Diane Ladd, Kelly Moschin, Sylvie Fennec, Françoise Fabian - Charlie Peters Preston, John Prine, Sandra Seacat, Billy Dir. Sergio Corbucci Komödie 1992 93min. Bob Thornton, Jim Varney, Jamie Lee Western 1969 EuroVideo (Hollywood Pictures) 13.09.2007 Curtis, Ben Affleck - Dir. Billy Bob Thornton Kinowelt 07.03.2008 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022656 Komödie 2001 97min. tba BestellNr.: 20022564 Kinowelt 21.09.2007 Endstation Sehnsucht tba BestellNr.: 20022514 A Streetcar Named Desire Ann-Margret, Treat Williams, Beverly D’Angelo, Randy Quaid, Erica Yohn, Rafael Campos - Dir. Drama 1984 FF DD 1.0 (D) 115min. e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 16.08.2007 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022490

Die Fälscher Desperado Man Karl Markovics, August Diehl, Devid Stagecoach Striesow, Martin Brambach, Veit Stübner, John Wayne, Claire Trevor, Andy Devine - August Zirner, Andreas Schmidt, Sebastian Dir. John Ford Urzendowsky, Lenn Kudrjawizki, Tilo Biographie Enzo Ferrari - Die Geschichte ei- Prückner, Marie Bäumer, Dolores Chaplin - Western 1939 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) ner Legende (Einzel-DVD) Dir. Stefan Ruzowitzky 55min. Ferrari Making of, Trailer Great Movies 04.07.2007 Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Sergio Castellitto, Cristina Moglia, Jessica 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022641 94min. Brooks, Giulia Bernardini, Francesca di Universum Film (ufa art) 01.10.2007 Sapio, Ed Stoppard, Pierfrancesco Favino, Django - Ein Sarg voll Blut (FSK 28,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022671 Pietro Ragusa, Paolo Giovannucci - Dir. 18) Carlo Carlei Fantastic Four (Blu-ray) Il Momento Di Uccidere Drama/Biographie 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Fantastic Four George Hilton, Walter Barnes, Horst Frank - (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (It) 112min. Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans, Dir. Giuliano Carmineo SchröderMedia 30.08.2007 Michael Chiklis, Julian McMahon, Kerry Western 1968 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) 88min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022577 VPS 28.06.2007 Washington, Hamish Linklater - Dir. Tim 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022562 Enzo Ferrari - Die Geschichte ei- Story Making of, Featurette, Musikvideos, Entfallene Szenen, Drum Bun - Gute Reise ner Legende (Special Edition, 3 Bio- und Filmografien DVDs) Science Fiction/Action 2005 105min. Drum bun - Jó Utat! Highlight (Constantin) 02.08.2007 Felix Theissen, Krisztina Bíró, Tibor Pálffy, Ferrari

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 14/07 (Nr. 211) Juli 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) tba BestellNr.: 20022561 Flirting With Disaster Ben Stiller, Patricia Arquette, Téa Leoni, Fantastic Four (HD DVD) , Mary Tyler Moore, George Segal, Fantastic Four Lily Tomlin, Josh Brolin, Richard Jenkins, Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans, Celia Weston, Glenn Fitzgerald, Beth Michael Chiklis, Julian McMahon, Kerry Ostrosky, Cynthia Lamontagne, David Washington, Hamish Linklater - Dir. Tim Patrick Kelly, John Ford Noonan, Charlet Story Oberly - Dir. David O. Russell Making of, Featurette, Musikvideos, Entfallene Szenen, Hintergrundinformationen Bio- und Filmografien Komödie 1996 Science Fiction/Action 2005 105min. Kinowelt 21.09.2007 Highlight (Constantin) 02.08.2007 tba BestellNr.: 20022515 tba BestellNr.: 20022560 John Ford Western Collection (3 DVDs) Cheyenne / Der schwarze Falke / Spuren im Sand Dir. John Ford Dokumentationen, Hintergrundinfos, Trailer Western 367min. Warner Home Video 14.09.2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022628

20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022599 Der Froschkönig (+ Audio-CD) Jana Mattukat, Jens-Uwe Bogadtke, Peter Sodann, Franziska Glöss-Ebermann, Su- sanne Lüning, Thomas Wolff, Gunter Fried- rich, Janina Hartwig - Dir. Walter Beck Bonusfilm Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1987 FF DD 2.0 (D) 64min. Icestorm 16.07.2007 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022587 Feine Freundinnen - Season 1 (2 DVDs) Die Gerechten von Kummerow Gooische Vrouwen Jan Rohde, Mario Herrmann, Martin Linda de Mol, Annet Malherbe, Tjitske Trettau, Fred Delmare, Rolf Hoppe, S. Reidinga, Susan Visser, Peter Paul Muller, Klein, Walter Jupé - Dir. Wolfgang Luderer Derek de Lint, Leopold Witte, Cystine Dokumentationen, Trailer Carreon, Daniel Boissevain, Mea de Jong, Drama 1982 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) 87min. Lisa Bouwman, Priscilla Knetemann, Dorus Icestorm 14.08.2007 Witte, Reinout Scholten van Aschat, Gijs 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022581 Scholten van Aschat, Bastiaan Ragas, Rifka Lodeizen, Victor Reinier, Dic van Duin, Die Geschichte vom kleinen Muck Mounir Valentyn, Colette Dike - Dir. Wil (+ Audio-CD) Koopman Thomas Schmidt, Johannes Maus, Silja Miniposter Lesny, Friedrich Richter, Trude Hesterberg, Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Alwin Lippisch, Werner Peters - Dir. Wolf- 360min. Flippers neue Abenteuer gang Staudte edel (Aviator Entertainment) 13.07.2007 Flipper’s New Adventures Bonusfilm 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022476 Luke Halpin, Pamela Franklin, Brian Kelly - Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1953 FF DD Dir. Leon Benson 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 96min. Die fliegenden Ärzte - Die kom- Kinderfilm 1964 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD Icestorm 16.07.2007 plette dritte Staffel (8DVDs) 1.0 (E) 94min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022588 The Flying Doctors Warner Home Video 14.09.2007 Lenore Smith, Robert Grubb, Maurice 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022600 Die goldene Gans (+ Audio-CD) Fields, Warren Owens, Syd Jackson - Dir. Kaspar Eichel, Karin Ugowski, Uwe-Detlev Chris Adshead, Pino Amenta, Mario Jessen, Peter Dommisch, Heinz Scholz, Andreacchio, Peter Andrikidis, Ian Barry, Gerd E. Schäfer - Dir. Siegfried Hartmann Dan Burstall, Gary Conway, Ian Gilmour, Bonusfilm Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1964 FF DD Chris Langman, Catherine Millar, Paul 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 63min. Moloney, Arch Nicholson, Viktors Ritelis, Icestorm 14.08.2007 Mandy Smith, Rob Stewart, Chris Thomson, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022582 Graham Thorburn, Charles ‘Bud’ Tingwell, Stephen Wallace, Karl Zwicky Graveyard Alive Drama 1986-1991 Graveyard Alive Kinowelt 07.09.2007 Anne Day-Jones, Samantha Slan, Karl tba BestellNr.: 20022528 Gerhardt, Roland Laroche, Barbara Bacci, Flipper Cynthia Knight - Dir. Elza Kephart Interviews, Trailer Flipper Horror/Komödie 2003 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD Chuck Connors, Luke Halpin, Kathleen 5.1 (E) 80min. Maguire - Dir. James B. Clark Splendid (I-On New Media) 28.09.2007 Kinderfilm 1963 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Flirting with Disaster - Ein Unheil tba BestellNr.: 20022643 87min. kommt selten allein Warner Home Video 14.09.2007

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Frank - Dir. Robert A. Stemmle Griffin & Phoenix Bio- und Filmografien Griffin & Phoenix ber, Michael Vogtmann - Dir. Hans W. Komödie 1934 FF DD 1.0 (D) 84min. Amanda Peet, Dermot Mulroney, Sarah Geißendörfer Black Hill Pictures 07.09.2007 Paulson, Alison Elliott, Blair Brown, Fred Drama 1992 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022632 Armisen, Lois Smith, Adriane Lenox, Brian Kinowelt (Arthaus) 21.09.2007 Klugman, Jonah Meyerson, Michael tba BestellNr.: 20022516 Die heiße Spur Showalter, Max Morris, Adam Kulbersh - Night Moves Dir. Ed Stone Hannah Montana - Zwei Welten, Gene Hackman, Jennifer Warren, Edward Making of, Interviews, Trailer ein Geheimnis Binns, Harris Yulin, Susan Clark, Kenneth Drama/Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Mars, Janet Ward, James Woods, Anthony Hannah Montana DD 5.1 (E) 99min. Costello, Johnny Crawford, Melanie Griffith Miley Cyrus, Billy Ray Cyrus, Jason Earles, Sony Pictures 13.09.2007 - Dir. Arthur Penn Emily Osment, Mitchel Musso, Moises tba BestellNr.: 20022602 Kriminalfilm/Thriller 1975 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 Arias, Shanica Knowles, Anna Maria Perez (D) DD 1.0 (E) 96min. de Tagle, Morgan York, Cody Linley, Romi Große Abenteurer der Leinwand Warner Home Video 21.09.2007 Dames, Patrick Ryan Anderson, Andrew 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022598 (3 DVDs) Caldwell, Cutter Garcia, Savannah Stehlin, Die Abenteuer des Robin Hood / Kyle Kaplan - Dir. Roger Christiansen, Da- High School Musical - remix (2 Scaramouche - Der Mann mit der Maske / vid Kendall Die drei Musketiere Interview, Entfallene Szenen, Musikvideo DVDs) Gene Kelly, Errol Flynn, Lana Turner, Olivia Komödie 2006 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) High School Musical de Havilland, Stewart Granger, Mel Ferrer DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (It) 91min. Zac Efron, Vanessa Anne Hudgens, Ashley Hintergrundinfos Buena Vista (Disney) 13.09.2007 Tisdale, Lucas Grabeel, Alyson Reed, Abenteuer 1938-1952 329min. 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022523 Corbin Bleu, Monique Coleman, Olesya Warner Home Video 21.09.2007 Rulin, Chris Warren Jr., Bart Johnson, Ryne 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022621 Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch Sanborn, Socorro Herrera, Joey Miyashima, Irene Santiago, Leslie Wing, Joyce Cohen, Große Freibeuter der Leinwand (3 (Einzel-DVD) Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire Nick Whitaker - Dir. DVDs) Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Songs zum Mitsingen, Musikvideos, Featurettes Komödie/Musical 2006 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD Unter Piratenflagge / Der Herr der sieben Watson, Michael Gambon, , 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (Sp) 98min. Meere / Der rote Korsar Robbie Coltrane, Alan Rickman, Gary Buena Vista (Disney) 13.09.2007 Errol Flynn, Burt Lancaster, Nick Cravat, Oldman, Brendan Gleeson, Roger Lloyd- 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022524 , Christopher Lee Pack, David Tennant, Ralph Fiennes, Dokumentationen, Trailer, Kurzfilm Miranda Richardson, Clémence Poésy - Dir. Abenteuer 1935-1952 336min. Home of the Brave Mike Newell Warner Home Video 21.09.2007 Home Of The Brave Fantasy 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022622 Samuel L. Jackson, Jessica Biel, , (E) 151min. Brian Presley, Victoria Rowell, Sam Jones Warner Home Video 06.07.2007 Große Ritter der Leinwand (3 III, Jeffrey Nordling, Christina Ricci, Chad 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022593 DVDs) Michael Murray - Dir. Irwin Winkler Ivanhoe - Der schwarze Ritter / Die Ritter Trailer, Making of, Bio- und Filmografien Hausmeister Krause - Ordnung Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) der Tafelrunde / Der Talismann muss sein, Staffel 7 (2 DVDs) DD 5.1 (E) 102min. George Sanders, Ava Gardner, Dame Tom Gerhardt, Irene Schwarz, Janine e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 02.08.2007 Elizabeth Taylor, Sir Rex Harrison, Virginia Kunze, Axel Stein - Dir. Chico Klein, Fried- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022500 Mayo rich Schaller, Gerit Schieske Abenteuer 1952-1954 323min. Komödie 1999 FF DD 2.0 (D) - Mordkommission Warner Home Video 21.09.2007 Highlight (Constantin) 20.09.2007 Homicide 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022623 tba BestellNr.: 20022549 Joe Mantegna, William H. Macy, Natalia Gudrun Nogulich, Ving Rhames, Rebecca Pidgeon, Heinz im Mond Marge Kotlisky, Vincent Guastaferro - Dir. Kerstin Gmelch, Barbara Thummet, Roman Heinz Rühmann, Annemarie Sörensen, Ru- Mitterer, Veronika Freimanová, Bernd Tau dolf Platte, Oskar Sima, Susi Lanner, Ellen Originaltrailer, Bio- und Filmografien

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Thriller/Drama 1990 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) Sikes, Tamlyn Tomita, Trisha Yearwood, The Killing Fields DD 1.0 (E) 98min. Peter Murnik, Larry Poindexter, Scott Haing S. Ngor, John Malkovich, Sam e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 16.08.2007 Paulin, John Roselius, Rex Linn, Glenn Waterston, Julian Sands, Craig T. Nelson, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022491 Morshower, Bernard White, Claudette Bill Paterson, Spalding Gray - Dir. Roland Nevins, Francesco Quinn, Gary Graham, Joffé , A. J. Tannen, Richard Kriegsfilm 1984 McGonagle, Bill Bolender, Daphne Kinowelt (Arthaus) 21.09.2007 Ashbrook, Dan Lauria, Laura Putney, tba BestellNr.: 20022517 Shashawnee Hall, Cliff De Young, Ned Vaughn - Dir. Donald P. Bellisario, Joe Stephen King Collection, Vol. 1 (5 Napolitano, Doug Lefler, Les Landau, DVDs) Duwayne Dunham, Jim Johnston, John Desperation / Salem’s Lot - Brennen muss McPherson, Thomas Del Ruth, Michael Salem / The Shining / ES Zinberg, Ray Austin, Greg Beeman, Jerry Audiokommentar Jameson, Tony Wharmby, Alan J. Levi, Mi- Horror 744min. chael Schultz, Paul Schneider, Winrich Warner Home Video 14.09.2007 Kolbe, Scott Brazil 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022629 Action/Kriminalfilm 1995-2005 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) DD 1.0 (F) DD 1.0 (It) Stephen King Collection, Vol. 2 (7 Paramount 13.09.2007 DVDs) tba BestellNr.: 20022551 Sturm des Jahrhunderts / Das Tagebuch der In from the Night - Allein in der Ellen Rimbauer / Haus der Verdammnis / Nacht The Man - Agenten ster- Das Monstrum - Tommyknockers / Brennen In From The Night ben zweimal muss Salem Marcia Gay Harden, Taylor Handley, Tho- The Jigsaw Man Dokumentationen, Trailer Horror 859min. mas Gibson - Dir. Peter Levin Sir Michael Caine, Sir Laurence Olivier, Warner Home Video 14.09.2007 Drama 2006 Susan George, Robert Powell, Charles 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022630 Paramount 09.09.2007 Gray, Michael Medwin - Dir. Terence Young tba BestellNr.: 20022554 Originaltrailer Thriller 1983 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Die Klasse von 1984 / The Irren ist mörderisch (E) 90min. Punisher e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 30.08.2007 Blame It On The Bellboy Class Of 1984 / The Punisher 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022486 Dudley Moore, Bryan Brown, Richard Michael J. Fox, - Dir. Mark L. Lester, Mark Goldblatt Griffiths, Andreas Katsulas, Patsy Kensit, Jump In! Alison Steadman, , Bildergalerien, Japanisches Presseheft, Filmografien, Jump In! Trailer, Kinoaushangfotos / Gekürzte Fassungen Bronson Pinchot, Lindsay Anderson - Dir. Corbin Bleu - Dir. Action 1981-1988 166min. Mark Herman Featurette, Musikvideos, Making of, Interview Astro (Starlight Film) 20.07.2007 Komödie 1991 75min. Komödie/Drama 2007 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022639 EuroVideo (Hollywood Pictures) 13.09.2007 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (It) 81min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022653 Buena Vista (Disney) 13.09.2007 Komm, wir träumen! 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022526 Anna Brüggemann, Julian Hackenberg, Beata Lehmann, Monika Schubert, Jockel Das kalte Herz (+ Audio-CD) Tschiersch, Robert Seethaler - Dir. Leo Lutz Moik, Hanna Rucker, Paul Bildt, Paul Hiemer Esser, Erwin Geschonneck - Dir. Paul Drama 2004 Verhoeven absolut Medien 30.06.2007 Bonusfilm tba BestellNr.: 20022504 Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1950 FF DD 1.0 (D) 101min. König Drosselbart (+ Audio-CD) Icestorm 14.08.2007 Karin Ugowski, Manfred Krug, Martin 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022583 Flörchinger, Evamaria Heyse, Helmut Schreiber, Achim Schmidtchen - Dir. Walter The Ketchup Effect Beck Hip Hip Hora! Bonusfilm Amanda Renberg, Björn Kjellman, Ellen Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1965 FF DD Fjaestad, Linn Persson, Filip Berg, Marcus 1.0 (D) 70min. Hasselborg, Björn Davidsson, Carla Icestorm 16.07.2007 JAG: Im Auftrag der Ehre - Die Abrahamsen, Josephine Bauer - Dir. Teresa 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022589 zweite Season Fabik Trailer, Featurette, Bildergalerie Kriegsfilm Edition (9 DVDs) JAG Drama/Komödie 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Canaris / Der Arzt von Stalingrad / Der David James Elliott, Catherine Bell, Patrick DD 2.0 (Schwed) 87min. Fuchs von Paris / Der Stern von Afrika / Der Labyorteaux, Chuck Carrington, John M. cmv-Laservision 12.10.2007 Zweite Weltkrieg - Ursachen und Folgen / Jackson, Zoe McLellan, Karri Turner, Randy 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022479 Des Teufels General / Die Brücke / Hunde Vasquez, Trevor Goddard, Scott Lawrence, wollt ihr ewig Leben / Rommel ruft Kairo Steven Culp, Nanci Chambers, Paul Collins, Kriegsfilm Michael Bellisario, Cindy Ambuehl, Harrison Kinowelt 21.09.2007 Page, Tracey Needham, Jennifer Savidge, tba BestellNr.: 20022518 Isabella Hofmann, Anne Marie Johnson, Hallee Hirsh, David Andrews, Rif Hutton, Krumme Geschäfte John D’Aquino, Dean Stockwell, Terry The Last Time O’Quinn, Jade Carter, Jake Milkovich, An- Michael Keaton, Brendan Fraser, Amber drea Thompson, Sibel Ergener, Jeff Valletta, Michael Lerner, Barbara Balentine, MacKay, Susan Haskell, Mae Whitman, The Killing Fields - Schreiendes Thomas Crawford, Douglas M. Griffin, Neal Corbin Bernsen, John Walcutt, Cynthia Land (Einzel-DVD) McDonough - Dir. Michael Caleo

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Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - Die Matthew North - Dir. Bernard Rose Behind the Scenes, Dokumentation, Audiokommentar, Wiege des Lebens (HD DVD) Trailer Tomb Raider - The Cradle Of Life Drama 1994 Ltbx 16x9 DTrueHD 5.1 (D) Angelina Jolie, Gerard Butler, Noah Taylor, DTrueHD 5.1 (E) 121min. Ciarán Hinds, Djimon Hounsou, Til Schwei- Sony Pictures 13.09.2007 ger, Christopher Barrie, Simon Yam, tba BestellNr.: 20022603 Terence Yin - Dir. Jan de Bont Abenteuer/Action 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD Das Mädchen und der Kommissar 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 115min. / Sommerliebelei Concorde 03.09.2007 Max Et Les Ferrailleurs / Un Amour De 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022677 Pluie Romy Schneider, Michel Piccoli - Dir. The Last Sword - Der letzte Feld- Claude Sautet, Jean-Claude Brialy zug der Samurai Trailer, Bildergalerien, Filmografien Mibu Gishi Den Drama/Komödie 1970-1973 201min. Kiichi Nakai, Koichi Sato, Yui Natsukawa, Astro (Starlight Film) 20.07.2007 Takehiro Murata, Miki Nakatani, Yuji Miyake 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022640 - Dir. Yojiro Takita Trailer, Behind the Scenes Historienfilm/Drama 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) 133min. e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 02.08.2007 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022501 Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Komödie/Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Das Leben ist ein langer ruhiger DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (It) 93min. Sony Pictures 27.09.2007 Fluss tba BestellNr.: 20022595 La Vie Est Un Long Fleuve Tranquille Benoît Magimel, Valerie Lalande, Tara Rö- Kung-Fu Collection (3 DVDs) mer, Jerome Floch, Sylvie Cubertafon, Die Stahlfaust / Die unbesiegbare Todes- Emmanuel Cendrier, Hélène Vincent, kralle / Tödliche Fäuste Catherine Jacob - Dir. Etienne Chatiliez Eastern/Action 238min. Interview, Trailer Komödie 1988 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 Elfra 17.08.2007 (F) 88min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022636 AL!VE ( Le Fou) 03.08.2007 Der Manchurian Kandidat (Blu- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022663 ray) Die Letzten vom The Manchurian Candidate Denzel Washington, Meryl Streep, Liev The Good Guys And The Bad Guys Schreiber, Jon Voight, Kimberly Elise, Robert Mitchum - Dir. Burt Kennedy Dokumentation, Trailer Jeffrey Wright, Ted Levine, Bruno Ganz, Western 1969 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Simon McBurney, Vera Farmiga, Robyn (E) DD 1.0 (F) DD 1.0 (Sp) 86min. Hichcock, Miguel Ferrer, Jude Ciccolella, Warner Home Video 07.09.2007 John Bedford Lloyd, Dean Stockwell, Tom 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022611 Stechschulte, Obba Babatundé, Zeljko Ivanek, Paul Lazar, Anthony Mackie, Be Be Winans, Charles Napier, David Keeley, Pablo Schreiber - Dir. Jonathan Demme Thriller/Drama 2004 Paramount 27.09.2007 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022474

Langoliers - Verschollen im Zeit- loch The Langoliers Patricia Wettig, Dean Stockwell, David Mor- se, Mark Lindsay Chapman, Frankie Faison, Baxter Harris, Michael Louden - Dir. Tom Holland Horror/Fantasy 1995 Paramount 06.09.2007 tba BestellNr.: 20022556 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - Die Wiege des Lebens (Blu-ray) Lara Croft Tomb Raider - The Cradle Of Life Ludwig van B. - Meine unsterbli- Angelina Jolie, Gerard Butler, Noah Taylor, che Geliebte (Blu-ray) Ciarán Hinds, Djimon Hounsou, Til Schwei- Der Manchurian Kandidat (HD ger, Christopher Barrie, Simon Yam, Immortal Beloved Terence Yin - Dir. Jan de Bont Gary Oldman, Jeroen Krabbé, Isabella DVD) Abenteuer/Action 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD Rossellini, Johanna ter Steege, Marco Hof- The Manchurian Candidate 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 115min. schneider, Miriam Margolyes, Barry Denzel Washington, Meryl Streep, Liev Concorde 03.09.2007 Humphries, , Gerard Horan, Schreiber, Jon Voight, Kimberly Elise, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022676 Christopher Fulford, Alexandra Pigg, Luigi Jeffrey Wright, Ted Levine, Bruno Ganz, Diberti, Michael Culkin, Donal Gibson, Simon McBurney, Vera Farmiga, Robyn

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Hichcock, Miguel Ferrer, Jude Ciccolella, John Bedford Lloyd, Dean Stockwell, Tom Stechschulte, Obba Babatundé, Zeljko Ivanek, Paul Lazar, Anthony Mackie, Be Be Winans, Charles Napier, David Keeley, Pablo Schreiber - Dir. Jonathan Demme Thriller/Drama 2004 Paramount 27.09.2007 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022475 The Mangler Reborn (Einzel-DVD) (k.J.) The Mangler Reborn Aimee Brooks, Reggie Bannister, Weston Blakesley, Scott Speiser, Juliana Dever, Sarah Lilly, Renee Dorian, Rhett Giles, Jeff Burr - Dir. Matt Cunningham, Erik Gardner Hintergrundinfos, Audiokommentare Cubitt, Sofia Vassilieva, Maria Lark, Jake 5.1 (E) DDP 5.1 (F) DDP 5.1 (It) 89min. Horror 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Weber - Dir. Glenn Gordon Caron, Aaron (Universal) 06.09.2007 (E) 80min. Lipstadt, Duane Clark, Bill W.L. Norton, Jeff tba BestellNr.: 20022635 Splendid (I-On New Media) 31.08.2007 Bleckner, Ronald L. Schwary, Artie Mandel- tba BestellNr.: 20022647 berg, Ed Sherin, David Paymer, Tim Mondbasis Alpha 1 - Die komplet- Squyres, David Jones, Lewis Gould, Helen te TV-Kult-Serie (16 DVDs) Der Mann aus Metall Shaver, Robert Duncan McNeill, Richard Space: 1999 Who? Pearce, Vince Misiano, , Martin Landau, Barbara Bain, Barry Morse, , Trevor Howard, Joseph Bova, Peter Werner Nick Tate, Zienia Merton Ed Grover, John Lehne, James Noble - Dir. Kriminalfilm 2005-2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Trailer, Dokumentation, Interviews, TV-Spot Jack Gold (D) DD 5.1 (E) Science Fiction 1975-1976 FF DD 1.0 (D) Science Fiction/Thriller 1974 FF DD 1.0 (D) Paramount 06.09.2007 DD 1.0 (E) 2400min. 89min. tba BestellNr.: 20022557 e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 27.09.2007 e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 30.08.2007 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022480 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022487 The Minus Man The Minus Man Neues vom Wixxer Owen Wilson, Brian Cox, Janeane Garofalo, Oliver Kalkofe, Bastian Pastewka, Joachim Dwight Yoakam, Dennis Haysbert, Sheryl Fuchsberger, Christiane Paul, Sonja Crow, Eric Mabius, Larry Miller, Lois Kirchberger, Judy Winter, Hella von Sinnen, Gerace, Alex Warren - Dir. Hampton Christian Tramitz, Oliver Welke, Christoph Fancher Maria Herbst, Chris Howland, Wolfgang Thriller/Drama 1998 Völz, Lars Rudolph - Dir. Cyrill Boss, Phil- Kinowelt 21.09.2007 ipp Stennert tba BestellNr.: 20022519 Komödie 2007 Universum Film (UFA) 29.10.2007 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022510 Neues vom Wixxer (Special Editi- on, 2 DVDs) Oliver Kalkofe, Bastian Pastewka, Joachim Fuchsberger, Christiane Paul, Sonja Kirchberger, Judy Winter, Hella von Sinnen, Masters of Grindhouse, Vol. 01 Christian Tramitz, Oliver Welke, Christoph (FSK 18) Maria Herbst, Chris Howland, Wolfgang The Swingin’ Stewardesses / Ilsa - The Völz, Lars Rudolph - Dir. Cyrill Boss, Phil- Wicked Warden ipp Stennert Bildergalerie, Originaltrailer, Featurette, Biografien, Komödie 2007 HiRes original Lobbycards, Trailer Universum Film (UFA) 29.10.2007 Erotik 1971-1977 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD tba BestellNr.: 20022511 1.0 (E) DD 1.0 (F) DD 1.0 (It) 175min. Ascot Elite 23.08.2007 Nicht auflegen! (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022533 Mr. Bean macht Ferien Phone Booth Mr. Bean’s Holiday Colin Farrell, Kiefer Sutherland, Forest Meatball Machine (Limited Rowan Atkinson, Willem Dafoe, Karel Ro- Whitaker, Radha Mitchell, Katie Holmes, Special Edition im Metal Pak) den, Max Baldry, Jean Rochefort, Emma de Paula Jai Parker, Arian Ash, Tia Texada, (k.J.) Caunes - Dir. Steve Bendelack John Enos III, Richard T. Jones, Keith Mîtobôru Mashîn Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen Nobbs, Dell Yount, James MacDonald, Josh Komödie 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Issei Takahashi, Aoba Kawai, Toru Tezuka, Pais, Yorgo Constantine, Colin Patrick (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) DD 5.1 (It) 86min. Ayano Yamamoto, Shôichirô Masumoto - Lynch, Troy , Richard Paradise, Seth Universal Pictures (Universal) 06.09.2007 Dir. Yudai Yamaguchi, Jun’ichi Yamamoto William Meier, Svetlana Efremova - Dir. tba BestellNr.: 20022634 Horror/Action 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Joel Schumacher Thriller 2002 DD 2.0 (Jap) 89min. Mr. Bean macht Ferien (HD DVD) Ascot Elite (AFN) 23.08.2007 Fox 27.08.2007 Mr. Bean’s Holiday 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022579 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022614 Rowan Atkinson, Willem Dafoe, Karel Ro- Medium - Die zweite Season den, Max Baldry, Jean Rochefort, Emma de Nosferatu - Eine Symphonie des Caunes - Dir. Steve Bendelack Medium Grauens Komödie 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DDP 5.1 (D) DDP Patricia Arquette, Miguel Sandoval, David Max Schreck, Gustav von Wangenheim,

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Greta Schröder, Ruth Landshoff, Alexander Granach, Max Nemetz, Georg H. Schnell, John Gottowt, Gustav Botz, Wolfgang Heinz, Guido Herzfeld, Fanny Schreck, Albert Venohr, Hardy von Francois - Dir. Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Horror 1922 Universum Film (Transit) 08.10.2007 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022512 Way One Way Til Schweiger, Lauren Lee Smith, Sebastien Roberts, Michael Clarke Duncan, Eric Ro- berts, Daniel Kash, Stefanie von Pfetten, Art Hindle, Sonja Smits, Ned Bellamy, Kenneth Welsh - Dir. Reto Salimbeni Thriller 2006 112min. Curtis, Stuart Rudin - Dir. Kamal Ahmed Universal Pictures (Universal) 27.09.2007 M.I.B. 20.06.2007 Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022619 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20021920 96min. starmedia 08.08.2007 Operation: Broken Arrow (Blu- Point Blank 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022497 ray) Point Blank Broken Arrow Lee Marvin, Angie Dickinson, Keenan , Christian Slater, Samantha Wynn, Carroll O’Connor, Lloyd Bochner, Mathis, Delroy Lindo, Bob Gunton, Frank John Vernon - Dir. John Boorman Whaley, Howie Long, Vondie Curtis-Hall, Action/Thriller 1967 (D) (E) 88min. Jack Thompson - Dir. John Woo Warner Home Video 21.09.2007 Action 1996 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022624 Fox 27.08.2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022615 Das Phantom der Oper (Blu-ray) The Phantom Of The Opera Gerard Butler, Emmy Rossum, Patrick Wilson, Miranda Richardson, Minnie Driver, Sir Simon Callow, Ciarán Hinds, Jennifer Ellison, James Fleet, Victor McGuire, Kevin McNally, Murray Melvin, Paul Brooke, Laura Lounsom, Chris Overton, Imogen Bain, Miles Western, Judith Paris, Halcro Johnston, Oliver Chopping, Alison Skilbeck, Lee Sellers, Ramin Karimloo, Annabel Porter, Max Thomas - Dir. Joel Schumacher Musikfilm/Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 141min. Rendezvous im Jenseits Concorde 03.09.2007 Defending Your Life 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022678 Albert Brooks, Meryl Streep, Rip Torn, Lee Grant, Buck Henry, Shirley MacLaine - Dir. Das Phantom der Oper (HD DVD) Albert Brooks The Phantom Of The Opera Komödie 1991 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 Gerard Butler, Emmy Rossum, Patrick (E) 107min. Wilson, Miranda Richardson, Minnie Driver, Warner Home Video 21.09.2007 Sir Simon Callow, Ciarán Hinds, Jennifer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20016214 Ellison, James Fleet, Victor McGuire, Kevin McNally, Murray Melvin, Paul Brooke, Laura Pushing Tin - Turbulenzen und Lounsom, Chris Overton, Imogen Bain, andere Katastrophen Miles Western, Judith Paris, Halcro Pushing Tin Johnston, Oliver Chopping, Alison Skilbeck, John Cusack, Billy Bob Thornton, Cate Lee Sellers, Ramin Karimloo, Annabel Blanchett, Angelina Jolie, Jake Weber, Kurt Porter, Max Thomas - Dir. Joel Schumacher Fuller, Vicki Lewis, Matt Ross, Jerry Musikfilm/Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD Grayson, Michael Willis, Philip Akin, Mike 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 141min. O’Malley, Neil Crone, Matt Gordon, Joe Concorde 03.09.2007 Pingue, Shaun Majumder, Dwight McFee, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022679 Robert N. Smith, Catherine Lloyd Burns - Dir. Mike Newell Plane Dead - Zombies on a Plane Komödie/Drama 1999 (2 DVDs im Metalpak) (k.J.) Kinowelt 07.09.2007 Plane Dead tba BestellNr.: 20022529 David Chisum, Kristen Kerr, Sarah Laine, Kevin J. O’Connor, Richard Tyson, Erick Rapturious - Die Hölle wartet...! Avari - Dir. Scott Thomas (k.J.) Replacement Killers - Die Ersatz- Behind the Scenes, Storybook, Bildergalerie, Trailer Rapturious killer (Extended Version) (k.J.) Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Robert Oppel, Debbie Rochon, William (E) 85min. Smith, John Bloom, Kamal Ahmed, Ben (Blu-ray)

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The Replacement Killers Horror/Action 2004 Gregory Lee, Stephen Bishop, Megan Chow Yun-Fat, Mira Sorvino, Michael Highlight (Constantin) 27.09.2007 Fahlenbock - Dir. Andrew C. Erin Rooker, Jürgen Prochnow, Ken Tsang, Til tba BestellNr.: 20022548 Trailer Schweiger, Danny Trejo, Clifton Collins Jr., Horror/Thriller 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Randall Duk Kim, Carlos Gómez, Frank Resident : Apocalypse (HD DD 5.1 (E) 83min. Medrano - Dir. Antoine Fuqua DVD) Sony Pictures 27.09.2007 tba BestellNr.: 20022596 Trailer, Featurette, Making of Resident Evil: Apocalypse Action 1997 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) PCM 5.1 Milla Jovovich, Sienna Guillory, Oded Fehr, (D) DD 5.1 (E) PCM 5.1 (Sp) 96min. Thomas Kretschmann, Jared Harris, Mike Sony Pictures 13.09.2007 Epps, Sandrine Holt, Sophie Vavasseur, tba BestellNr.: 20022604 Razaaq Adoti, Matthew G. Taylor, Zack Ward, Frank Chiesurin, Eric Mabius, Tom Gerhardt - Dir. Alexander Witt Horror/Action 2004 Highlight (Constantin) 27.09.2007 tba BestellNr.: 20022547 The Restless (Limited Gold Editi- on, 2 DVDs) Jungcheon Kim Tae-hee, Heo Jun-ho, Kim Kwang-il, Park Jeong-hak, Park Sang-wook - Dir. Cho Dong-oh Audiokommentar Action/Fantasy 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Save the Last Dance 2 DD 5.1 (Korea) 100min. Save The Last Dance 2 Splendid 26.10.2007 Izabella Miko, Columbus Short, Jacqueline 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022642 Bisset - Dir. David Petrarca Reserviert für den Tod Drama/Musikfilm 2006 Martin Flörchinger, Hannjo Hasse, Peter Rocky Balboa Paramount 06.09.2007 Herden, Werner Lierck, Hans-Peter Minetti, Rocky Balboa tba BestellNr.: 20022558 Irma Münch - Dir. Heinz Thiel Sylvester Stallone, Antonio Traver, Burt Dokumentationen, Dokumentarfilm, Trailer Young, Geraldine Hughes, , Der Schakal (Blu-ray) Kriminalfilm 1963 FF DD 1.0 (D) James Francis Kelly III, Tony Burton, A.J. The Jackal 81min. Benza - Dir. Sylvester Stallone Bruce Willis, Richard Gere, Sidney Poitier, Icestorm 14.08.2007 Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) Diane Venora, Tess Harper, J.K. Simmons, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022567 DD 5.1 (E) 97min. Mathilda May, Stephen Spinella, Richard Lineback, Jack Black, John Cunningham, Resident Evil (Blu-ray) Fox (MGM/UA) 10.09.2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022608 David Hayman, Steve Bassett, Serge Resident Evil Houde, Ravil Isyanov, Michael Caton-Jones Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, Eric Rocky Balboa (Blu-ray) - Dir. Michael Caton-Jones Mabius, James Purefoy, Martin Crewes, Rocky Balboa Thriller 1997 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD 5.1 (D) Colin Salmon, Pasquale Aleardi, Heike Sylvester Stallone, Antonio Traver, Burt DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 122min. Makatsch, Michaela Dicker, Ryan Young, Geraldine Hughes, Milo Ventimiglia, Concorde 03.09.2007 McCluskey, Oscar Pearce, Indra Ové, Anna James Francis Kelly III, Tony Burton, A.J. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022680 Bolt, Joseph May, Robert Tannion, Stephen Benza - Dir. Sylvester Stallone Billington, Fiona Glascott, Liz May Brice - Drama 2006 97min. Dir. Paul W.S. Anderson Fox (MGM/UA) 10.09.2007 Horror/Action 2002 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022617 Highlight (Constantin) 27.09.2007 tba BestellNr.: 20022546 Salaam Namaste - Hochzeit nein Resident Evil (HD DVD) danke Resident Evil Salaam Namaste Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, Eric Saif Ali Khan, Preity Zinta, Arshad Warsi, Mabius, James Purefoy, Martin Crewes, Tania Zaetta, Padam Bhushan - Dir. Colin Salmon, Pasquale Aleardi, Heike Siddharth Anand Makatsch, Michaela Dicker, Ryan Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Outtakes Komödie/Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) McCluskey, Oscar Pearce, Indra Ové, Anna DD 5.1 (Hindi) Bolt, Joseph May, Robert Tannion, Stephen Rapid Eye Movies 22.08.2007 Billington, Fiona Glascott, Liz May Brice - tba BestellNr.: 20022616 Dir. Paul W.S. Anderson Horror/Action 2002 Highlight (Constantin) 27.09.2007 tba BestellNr.: 20022545 Resident Evil: Apocalypse (Blu- ray) Resident Evil: Apocalypse Milla Jovovich, Sienna Guillory, Oded Fehr, Thomas Kretschmann, Jared Harris, Mike Der Schatz (Arthaus Premium) Epps, Sandrine Holt, Sophie Vavasseur, Albert Steinrück - Dir. Georg Wilhelm Pabst Razaaq Adoti, Matthew G. Taylor, Zack Sam’s Lake Drama 1923 Kinowelt (Arthaus Premium) 21.09.2007 Ward, Frank Chiesurin, Eric Mabius, Tom Sam’s Lake tba BestellNr.: 20022520 Gerhardt - Dir. Alexander Witt Fay Masterson, Sandrine Holt, William

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Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot (+ Neve Campbell, David Arquette, Drew Spiel mit dem Feuer - Never Talk Audio-CD) Barrymore, Courteney Cox-Arquette, Sarah to Strangers Michelle Gellar - Dir. Wes Craven Julie Juristova, Katrin Martin, Pavel Gekürzte Fassungen Never Talk To Strangers Trávnícek, Bodo Wolf, Hans-Peter Minetti - Horror 1996-2000 Rebecca De Mornay, Antonio Banderas, Dir. Siegfried Hartmann Kinowelt 21.09.2007 Dennis Miller, Len Cariou, Harry Dean Bonusfilm tba BestellNr.: 20022521 Stanton, Beau Starr, Tim Kelleher, Eugene Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1978 FF DD Lipinski, Phillip Jarrett - Dir. Sir Peter Hall 1.0 (D) 67min. Séance - Nachrichten aus dem Making of, Filmografien, Trailer, Starinfos Icestorm 16.07.2007 Thriller 1995 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (E) 116min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022590 Jenseits Ascot Elite 23.08.2007 The Simian Line 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022580 Harry Connick jr., Lynn Redgrave, Jamey Sheridan, Cindy Crawford, Samantha Der Sprung nach oben Mathis, Dylan Bruno, Monica Keena, Tyne The Up There Daly, William Hurt, Jeremy Zelig, Eric Stoltz Kevin Bacon, Charles Gitonga Maina, - Dir. Linda Yellen Yolanda Vazquez, Winston Ntshona, Featurettes, Biografien Mabutho Sithole, Sean McCann, Dennis Drama/Komödie 2000 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD Patrick, Ilo Mutombo, Nigel Miguel - Dir. 2.0 (E) 108min. Paul Michael Glaser epiX Media 13.09.2007 Komödie 1994 103min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022552 EuroVideo (Hollywood Pictures) 13.09.2007 Shaolin Collection (3 DVDs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022655 Vollstrecker der Gerechtigkeit / Die Rache der Bronzekämpfer / Shaolin - Die Bruder- schaft der schwarzen Spinne Eastern/Action 263min. Elfra 17.08.2007 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022637 Sie waren Helden We Are Marshall Matthew Fox, Kate Mara, Matthew McConaughey - Dir. McG Dokumentation, Trailer Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 126min. Schulmädchen-Report 13 - Warner Home Video 21.09.2007 Vergiss beim Sex die Liebe nicht 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022625 Katja Bienert, Sylvia Engelmann, Gaby Fritz - Dir. Walter Boos The Snapper The Stink of Flesh - Überleben Erotik 1980 85min. The Snapper unter Zombies (Special Edition) Kinowelt 21.09.2007 Colm Meaney, Tina Kellegher, Ruth (k.J.) tba BestellNr.: 20022539 McCabe, Eanna MacLiam, Peter Rowen, The Stink Of Flesh Joanne Gerrard, Colm O’Byrne, Ciara Duffy, Kurly Tlapoyawa, Ross Kelly, Diva, Billy Science of Sleep - Anleitung zum Fionnuala Murphy, Pat Laffan, Deirdre Garberina, Kristin Hansen, Devin O’Leary - O’Brien, Karen Woodley, Virginia Cole, Träumen Dir. Scott Phillips La Science Des Rêves Denis Menton, Brendan Gleeson, Ronan Audiokommentare, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Gael García Bernal, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Wilmot, Stuart Dunne - Dir. Stephen Frears Featurette, 2 Kurzfilme, Bildergalerie, Trailer Alain Chabat, Miou-Miou, Emma de Komödie 1993 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 Horror 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) Caunes, Aurélia Petit, Sacha Bourdo - Dir. (E) 95min. 82min. Michel Gondry Concorde 01.08.2007 Ascot Elite (Atomik-Films) 23.08.2007 Komödie 2006 102min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022559 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022534 Universal Pictures (Universal) 20.09.2007 tba BestellNr.: 20022626 Eine Sommernachtsliebe Die Straßen von San Francisco Feast Of July The Streets Of San Francisco Embeth Davidtz, Ben Chaplin, Tom Bell, Karl Malden, Michael Douglas - Dir. Corey Gemma Jones, James Purefoy, Greg Wise, Allen Kenneth Anderson, David Neal - Dir. Chri- Kriminalfilm 1972-1977 stopher Menaul Paramount 13.09.2007 Drama 1995 111min. tba BestellNr.: 20022553 EuroVideo (Touchstone) 13.09.2007 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022654 Tagebuch eines Skandals Notes On A Scandal Spider Forest - Wald der verlore- , Dame Judi Dench, Bill nen Seelen Nighy, Andrew Simpson, Tom Georgeson, Geomi Sup Philip Davis, Michael Maloney, Joanna Kam Woo-seong, Suh Jung, Kang Kyeong- Scanlan, Shaun Parkes - Dir. Richard Eyre heon, Jang Hyeong-seong, Son Byung-ho, Audiokommentare, Featurettes, Webisodes, Kinotrailer Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Jeong Seung-kil - Dir. Song Il-gon Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Musikvideos, Teaser (E) 88min. Drama/Horror 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Fox 10.09.2007 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022609 Scream 1 - 3 (Special Edition, 4 DD 5.1 (Korea) 112min. e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 02.08.2007 DVDs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022502 Telefon Butterfield 8 Scream 1 - 3 Butterfield 8

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an Rossington, Percy Herbert, Liam tba BestellNr.: 20022605 Redmond, Heidy Hunt - Dir. Arthur Hiller Originaltrailer, 4-seitiges Kinoprogramm Kriegsfilm 1966 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 105min. e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 16.08.2007 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022492 The Triangle Daisy Jung Woo-Sung, Jun Ji-hyun, Lee Sung-jae, Dion Lam, Jeon Ho-jin, David Chiang - Dir. Wai Keung Lau Thriller/Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Korea) 119min. Splendid 28.09.2007 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022565 Troja (Director’s Cut, 2 DVDs) Troy Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom, Diane Kruger, Brian Cox, Sean Bean, Brendan Gleeson, Peter O’Toole, , Dame Elizabeth Taylor, Laurence Harvey, Saffron Burrows, Julie , Garrett Verführung einer Fremden (Blu- Hedlund - Dir. Wolfgang Petersen Eddie Fisher, Dina Merrill, Mildred ray) Dunnock, Betty Field, Jeffrey Lynn, Kay Dokumentationen, Intro, Trailer Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD Perfect Stranger Medford - Dir. Daniel Mann 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 196min. Halle Berry, Bruce Willis, Jason Antoon, Drama 1960 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Warner Home Video 14.09.2007 Giovanni Ribisi, Gary Dourdan, Kathleen (E) 104min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022631 Chalfant, Patti D’Arbanville, Clea Lewis, Warner Home Video 21.09.2007 Richard Portnow, Gordon MacDonald - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20016547 Tschaikowski - Der Film (+ Audio- James Foley CD) Making of, Trailer Der Teufelspakt - The Covenant Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Chaykovskiy (k.J.) (D) PCM 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) Alla Demidowa, Jewgeni Leonow, Innokenti The Covenant: Brotherhood Of Evil / Canes 109min. Smoktunowski - Dir. Igor Talankin Edward Furlong, Chandra West, Michael Booklet, Dokumentation, Audiokommentar, Bio- und Sony Pictures 13.09.2007 Madsen, Richard Stroh, Sandra Steier, John Filmografien, Bildergalerie, Trailer tba BestellNr.: 20022606 Innes - Dir. Michael Bafaro Drama/Biographie 1969 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 Trailer, Bildergalerie (D) 146min. Horror/Thriller 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Icestorm 16.07.2007 DD 5.1 (E) 90min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022591 M.I.B. 07.08.2007 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022498 Teuflische Engel - Heimliche Spiele 2 Les Anges Exterminateurs Marie Allan, Lise Bellynck, Maroussia Dubreuil, Frédéric van den Driessche, Raphaele Godin - Dir. Jean-Claude Brisseau Drama/Erotik 2006 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (F) 100min. AL!VE (Alamode) 03.09.2007 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022483 Thunderstruck (2 DVDs + Audio- CD) Thunderstruck Damon Gameau, Stephen Curry, Ryan Johnson, Callan Mulvey, Sam Worthington, Rachel Gordon, Kestie Morassi, Bojana Novakovitch, Saskia Burmeister - Dir. Dar- ren Ashton Trailer, Bildergalerie, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Verführung einer Fremden Verhandlungssache (Special Edi- Featurette Komödie/Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Perfect Stranger tion, 2 DVDs) DTS (D) DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (D) 96min. Halle Berry, Bruce Willis, Jason Antoon, The Negotiator Astro (Starlight Film) 02.07.2007 Giovanni Ribisi, Gary Dourdan, Kathleen Samuel L. Jackson, Kevin Spacey, David 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022571 Chalfant, Patti D’Arbanville, Clea Lewis, Morse, Ron Rifkin, John Spencer, J. T. Richard Portnow, Gordon MacDonald - Dir. Walsh, Regina Taylor, Siobhan Fallon, Paul Tobruk James Foley Giamatti - Dir. F. Gary Gray Tobruk Making of, Trailer Thriller/Action 1998 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Rock Hudson, George Peppard, Nigel Kinowelt 21.09.2007 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 104min. Green, Guy Stockwell, Jack Watson, Norm- tba BestellNr.: 20022522 Sony Pictures 13.09.2007

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Vidocq - Ein eleganter Gauner The Gun In Betty Lou’s Handbag Kevin Nealon, Romany Malco, Hunter A Scandal In Paris Penelope Ann Miller, Eric Thal, Alfre Parrish, Andy Milder, Alexander Gould, George Sanders, Signe Hasso, Carole Woodard, , Andy Romano, Justin Kirk, Tonye Patano, Allie Grant, Indi- Landis, Akim Tamiroff, Gene Lockhart - Dir. Ray McKinnon, William Forsythe, Xander go, Renee Victor, Martin Donovan, Douglas Sirk Berkeley, Michael O’Neill, Christopher John Shoshannah Stern, Remy Auberjonois, Komödie 1946 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Fields, Cathy Moriarty - Dir. Allan Moyle Maulik Pancholy, Eden Sher, Meital Dohan, 96min. Komödie 1992 85min. Tracii Show, Tyrone M. Mitchell, Tressa e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 30.08.2007 EuroVideo (Touchstone) 13.09.2007 DiFiglia, Becky Thyre, Shawn Schepps, Ron 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022488 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022657 Canada, Arthur Darbinyan, Page Kennedy, Vincent Laresca, Zooey Deschanel, Robert Viel Lärm um nichts Allen Mukes, Bob Rumnock, Jeffrey Dean Christel Bodenstein, Rolf Ludwig, Wilfried Morgan - Dir. Craig Zisk, Tucker Gates, Lev Ortmann, Martin Flörchinger, Gerhard L. Spiro, Brian Dannelly, Lee Rose, Burr Rachold, Arno Wyzniewski, Ursula Körbs - Steers Dir. Martin Hellberg Trailer Bio- und Filmografien, Dokumentationen, Trailer Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD Drama 1964 FF DD 1.0 (D) 97min. 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 316min. Icestorm 14.08.2007 Sony Pictures 09.08.2007 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022584 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022585 Vollidiot (Special Edition, 2 Wer reißt denn gleich vor’m Teu- DVDs) fel aus? (+ Audio-CD) Oliver Pocher, Oliver Fleischer, Tanja Wen- Hans-Joachim Frank, Katrin Martin, Rolf zel, Anke Engelke, Ellenie Salvo González, Ludwig, Hannjo Hasse, Dieter Franke - Dir. Herbert Feuerstein - Dir. Tobi Baumann Egon Schlegel Komödie 2007 Bonusfilm Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1978 FF DD Senator 19.11.2007 Ware für Katalonien 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 88min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022509 Norbert Christian, Manfred Krug, Werner Icestorm 14.08.2007 Lierck, Eva Maria Hagen, Hanna Rimkus, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022569 Hartmut Reck, Heinz Dieter Knaup, Ivan Malré, Wilfried Ortmann - Dir. Richard White Noise: Fürchte das Licht Groschopp Bio- und Filmografien, Dokumentationen, Trailer White Noise 2: The Light Thriller/Kriminalfilm 1959 FF DD 1.0 (D) Nathan Fillion, Katee Sackhoff - Dir. Patrick 95min. Lussier Icestorm 14.08.2007 Horror/Thriller 2007 95min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022568 Universal Pictures (Universal) 27.09.2007 tba BestellNr.: 20022620 The Way Home - Wege nach Hau- se Die Wicherts von nebenan - Die Jibeuro komplette vierte Staffel (Folge 40 Kim Eul-bun, Yu Seung-ho, Min Kyung-hun, - 49) (3 DVDs) Yim Eun-kyung, Dong Hyo-heui - Dir. Lee Stephan Orlac, Maria Sebaldt, Edith Jeong-hyang Schollwer, Hendrik Martz, Jochen Trailer, Making of Schroeder, Anja Schüte, Siegfried Grönig, Drama 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Roswitha Schreiner, Ekkehard Fritsch, Gi- (Korea) 88min. sela Peltzer, Friedrich Schütter, Gerhard e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 02.08.2007 Friedrich, Mady Rahl, Gudrun Genest, Bri- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022503 gitte Mira, Andreas Mannkopff, Manfred Lehmann, Peter Matic, Inge Wolffberg, Friedrich Schoenfelder, Horst Pinnow, Wolf- gang Bathke, Karl Schönböck - Dir. Rob Herzet Vollmond Komödie/Drama 1986-1991 FF DD 2.0 (D) Hans Peter Müller-Drossaart, Lilo Bauer, 720min. Benedict Freitag, Mariebelle Kuhn, Joseph More Music (Superkult) 20.07.2007 Scheidegger, Verena Zimmermann, Soraya 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022586 Gomaa, Sara Capretti, Max Rüdlinger - Dir. Fredi M. Murer Wrong Turn 2: Dead End Drama 1998 Wrong Turn 2 Kinowelt (Arthaus) 07.09.2007 Erica Leerhsen, Henry Rollins, Texas tba BestellNr.: 20022531 Battle, Daniella Alonso, Aleksa Palladino, Steve Braun - Dir. Joe Lynch Die Waltons - Die komplette 5. Horror/Thriller 2007 Staffel (7 DVDs) Highlight (Constantin) 25.10.2007 The Waltons tba BestellNr.: 20022544 Ellen Corby, Will Greer, Michael Learned, Richard Thomas, Ralph Waite Yaadein - Bittersüße Erinnerun- Drama 1972-1981 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 gen (E) 1093min. Yaadein... Warner Home Video 14.09.2007 Jackie Shroff, Hrithik Roshan, Kareena 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022576 Weeds - Kleine Deals unter Nach- Kapoor, Amrish Puri, Avni Vasa, Himani barn, Season Two (2 DVDs) Rawat, Kiran Rathod, Rati Agnihotri, Anang Wanted - Betty Lou, bewaffnet bis Weeds Desai, Subhash Ghai, Supriya Karnik - Dir. an die Zähne Mary-Louise Parker, Elizabeth Perkins, Subhash Ghai

LASER HOTLINE Seite 17 Newsletter 14/07 (Nr. 211) Juli 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

(E) DD 1.0 (Sp) 107min. Warner Home Video 07.09.2007 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022633 Special Interest Zirkus, Zirkus: Welt der Manege (4 DVDs) beate-uhse.tv - Box 3 (3 DVDs) 1-2-3 Corona / Carola Lamberti – Eine vom (k.J.) Zirkus / Alarm im Zirkus / Schwarze Panther beate-uhse.tv - Box 3 (3 DVDs) Henny Porten, Erwin Geschonneck, Angeli- Erotik 243min. ka Waller, Helmut Schreiber - Dir. Petra WVG Medien (Beate Uhse TV) 31.08.2007 Tschörtner) Dokumentationen 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022644 Drama/Komödie 1948-1966 333min. Icestorm 16.07.2007 Her Secret Life (k.J.) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022592 Her Secret Life Erotik Kareena & Hrithik über Yaadein, Original Kinotrailer, Zombies (3D Cover Edition) (k.J.) WVG Medien (Beate Uhse TV) 31.08.2007 Poster Wicked Little Things 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022646 Drama/Musical 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Lori Heuring, Scout Taylor-Compton, Chloe DD 5.1 (Hindi) 171min. Moretz, Geoffrey Lewis, Velizar Binev, Ben Sex Spell (k.J.) Rapid Eye Movies 13.08.2007 Cross - Dir. J. S. Cardone Sex Spell 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022495 Making of, Originaltrailer, Bildergalerie Erotik Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) WVG Medien (Beate Uhse TV) 31.08.2007 DD 5.1 (E) 90min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022648 e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 16.08.2007 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022494 Sex Trek (k.J.) Sex Trek Zombies (Steelbook) (k.J.) Erotik Wicked Little Things WVG Medien (Beate Uhse TV) 31.08.2007 Lori Heuring, Scout Taylor-Compton, Chloe 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022649 Moretz, Geoffrey Lewis, Velizar Binev, Ben Cross - Dir. J. S. Cardone Making of, Originaltrailer, Bildergalerie Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 16.08.2007 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022493


High School Musical - The Concert High School Musical - The Concert Vanessa Anne Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale, Wolken The Yakuza Lucas Grabeel, Corbin Bleu Robert Mitchum, Brian Keith, Herb Clouds: Letters To My Son Behind the Scenes, Trailer Barbara Auer - Dir. Marion Hänsel Edelman, Richard Jordan, Ken Takakura, U-Musik/Pop Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) Keiko Kishi - Dir. Dokumentarfilm 2001 DD 5.1 (It) 57min. Kinowelt (Arthaus) 07.09.2007 Audiokommentar, Dokumentation Buena Vista (Disney) 13.09.2007 Thriller 1974 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 tba BestellNr.: 20022532 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20022525

Ab 23. Oktober 2007 auf US-DVD und US-Blu-ray Disc!

LASER HOTLINE Seite 18 Newsletter 14/07 (Nr. 211) Juli 2007

LASER HOTLINE Seite 19 Newsletter 14/07 (Nr. 211) Juli 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

collection. Rudolph & 8 More Cartoon Television, Childrens, Animated 1966 Animation 510min. Classics A cartoon interpretation of „Rudolph the Red-Nosed Universal Music & Video Distribution Reindeer“ is joined by eight other titles in this first volume 009-1 - Vol. 2 10.07.2007 of CHRISTMAS CLASSICS. The other titles included are Based on a by (, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068417 „Somewhere in Dream Land,“ „Christmas Comes But Once ) and produced by studios TBS (AH! MY a Year,“ „Snow Foolin’,“ „The Night Before Christmas,“ GODDESS) and (), the „Jack Frost,“ „Santa’s Surprise,“ „Hector’s Hectic Life,“ sci-fi series 009-1 is a sexy foray into girls-with- Best of Rocky and Bullwinkle - and „The Shanty Where Santy.“ guns espionage. Set during a futuristic Cold War, the Vol. 2 Childrens, Animated FF 84min. stylish series follows the globetrotting adventures of Westlake Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 Television, Childrens, Animated secret agent Mylene Hoffman (aka 009-1), a female, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068630 cyborg super-spy with an arsenal of built-in gadgets such Genius Productions, Inc. 18.09.2007 as ample breasts that double as guns. This volume 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068208 continues the thrilling anime series with four more Christmas Classics Vol. 2 - Little episodes. Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD Best Student Council - Vol. 5: Christmas Burro & 5 More 2.0 100min. „Brightest Night,“ „Christmas Night,“ „Christmas Visitor,“ Special Talents, Crazy Times „Toys Will Be Toys,“ and „The Little Christmas Burro“ are ADV Films, Inc. 21.08.2007 Director Yoshiaki Iwasaki (BOTTLE FAIRY, MAO-CHAN) the five animated Christmas stories included on this 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068108 fashions his own take on the high-school comedy genre collection. with his anime series BEST STUDENT COUNCIL. The Childrens, Animated FF 58min. wacky series follows the academic misadventures of 009-1 - Vol. 2 (Limited Edition) transfer student Rando Rino as she joins a covert Westlake Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 Based on a manga by Shotaro Ishinomori (KIKAIDER, organization at her new girls’ school—and interacts with 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068631 GILGAMESH) and produced by studios TBS (AH! MY her constant companion, an unusual hand puppet named GODDESS) and Aniplex (FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST), the Pucchan. This fifth volume continues the charmingly sci-fi anime series 009-1 is a sexy foray into girls-with- offbeat anime series with four more episodes. Crazy Cartoons guns espionage. Set during a futuristic Cold War, the Comedies 2005 FF DD 2.0 100min. Childrens, Animated 2006 110min. stylish series follows the globetrotting adventures of secret agent Mylene Hoffman (aka 009-1), a female, ADV Films, Inc. 14.08.2007 Vanguard International Cinema 21.08.2007 cyborg super-spy with an arsenal of built-in gadgets such 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068106 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068542 as ample breasts that double as guns. This volume continues the thrilling anime series with four more episodes. Bleach - Vol. 5 Cricket On The Hearth Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD Based on a popular manga, BLEACH is a thrilling anime Marlo Thomas, Edward Asner, Danny Tho- series about a 15-year-old boy who was born with the 2.0 100min. ability to see ghosts and who uses his special power to mas, Paul Frees ADV Films, Inc. 21.08.2007 protect the living from evil spirits. This fifth volume Childrens, Animated 1967 60min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068111 continues the supernatural anime series with four more Classic Media 04.09.2007 episodes. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068152 Action/Adventure 2004 FF S 100min. Adventures Of Super Mario Bros Viz Media, LLC. 31.07.2007 3 - The Complete Series 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068557 Dangermouse - The Complete Television, Childrens, Animated Series Visual Entertainment 10.07.2007 Bleach - Vol. 6: The Entry The animated world DANGERMOUSE and his sidekick Penfold inhabited was a popular part of children’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068416 Jamieson K. Price - Dir. Noriyuki Abe television during the 1980s. When their boss Commander Based on a popular manga, BLEACH is a thrilling anime K. comes calling, the two -based sleuths know - Vol. 4: Wings Reborn series about a 15-year-old boy who was born with the they’ll have a tough crime to crack, usually involving the ability to see ghosts and who uses his special power to dastardly Baron Silas Greenback and his sidekick, Stiletto. Based on a popular manga by Oh Great! (TENJHO protect the living from evil spirits. This sixth volume With some James Bond-alike gadgets to help them on TENGE) and produced by (DRAGONBALL continues the supernatural anime series with four more their crusade, Dangermouse and Penfold offer plenty of Z), AIR GEAR is an anime foray into the world of extreme episodes. laughs as they attempt to foil various crimes. Every rollersports. The high-adrenaline action centers on episode made for the show is included on this set. preteen Ikki Minami, who lives with four sexy sisters and Action/Adventure 2004 FF S 100min. dreams of the day when he can own a pair of Air Treks, Viz Media, LLC. 25.09.2007 Television, Childrens, Animated powerfully motorized inline skates that propel their wearer 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068562 New Video Group, Inc. 14.08.2007 to the rooftops and beyond. When Ikki finally gets his 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068115 wish, he is thrust into the violent world of Air Trek gangs known as Storm Riders, who battle for dominance in turf Charlie & Lola: Volume 6: How wars fueled by acrobatic aerial battles. Boasting ramped- Many Minutes Until Christmas Di Gi Charat NYO! - Vol. 3 up action, comedy, and titillating fan service, the anime Comedies 2003 DD 2.0 100min. series continues with this fourth volume of episodes. Childrens, Animated Bandai Entertainment 04.09.2007 Action/Adventure 2006 DD 2.0 125min. Warner Home Video 16.10.2007 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068130 ADV Films, Inc. 07.08.2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068136 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068107 Le Chevalier D’Eon - Vol. 4: Do You Know The Milfing Man? Dramas 2006 60min. Air TV - Vol. 1 Ancien Régime This anime follows the adventures of a destitute traveling Media Blasters 18.09.2007 performer named Yukito. In Japanese, with subtitles. Created by Tow Ubukata (PILGRIM JAGER) and produced by Production I.G. (OTOGI ZOSHI, GHOST IN THE 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068305 Dramas 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 100min. SHELL), the supernatural anime series LE CHEVALIER ADV Films, Inc. 14.08.2007 D’EON injects historical drama into its horror-fantasy Elf Bowling: The Movie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068109 hybrid. Set in 18th-century just before , the series follows young nobleman D’Eon as Joe Alaskey, Tom Kenny, Sean Hart - Dir. he sets out to solve the murder of his beloved sister, Lia Dave Kim Alpha-Bots Christmas de Beaumont, and uncovers a connection to a secret Childrens, Animated Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 The Alpha-Bots are designed to make kids’ eyes light up society with supernatural powers and sinister motives. come Christmas morning. But these frisky robots won’t be This volume continues the dark and brooding anime series 82min. contained, and start to cause problems as their eagerness with four more episodes. Universal Studios Home Video 02.10.2007 to play threatens to spoil Christmas for everyone. THE Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068313 ALPHA-BOTS CHRISTMAS is an animated tale containing 100min. several valuable lessons for youngsters. ADV Films, Inc. 21.08.2007 Childrens, Animated 2005 FF 30min. - Vol. 9 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068110 Westlake Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2005 DD 2.0 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068640 100min. Christmas Classics Gift Set Bandai Entertainment 04.09.2007 Batfink: The Complete Series Television, Childrens 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068123 BATFINK was a popular cartoon series that ran during the Classic Media 04.09.2007 late 1960s. The hero of the title was joined by his 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068156 Eureka Seven - Vol. 9 (Limited sidekick, Karate, as he went into battle against evildoers across the land. The show poked gentle fun at BATMAN Edition) and ran to 100 episodes, all of which are included on this Christmas Classics Vol. 1 -

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 20 Newsletter 14/07 (Nr. 211) Juli 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2005 DD 2.0 contains all 26 half-hour episodes from the series. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068626 100min. Childrens, Animated 750min. Bandai Entertainment 04.09.2007 Tango Entertainment 10.07.2007 Innocent Venus - Vol. 1: Grave 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068447 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068124 New World A small girl named Venus may hold the key to the future Fairy Tale Police Department - Frosty the Snowman in this animated sci-fi drama, set in post-apocalyptic When Frosty the Snowman is accidentally brought to life, . Case File #1 he must weather a storm of adventures and the dastardly Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD When everyone’s favorite fairy tales start ending in plans of an evil magician before he can find safety and unusual and troubling ways, two detectives must step in to happiness. 2.0 100min. return things back to normal. With Rapunzel nowhere to Childrens 1969 70min. ADV Films, Inc. 21.08.2007 be found, Little Red Riding Hood lost in the woods, and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068102 Prince Charming losing interest in Sleeping Beauty, Classic Media 04.09.2007 detectives Johnny Legend and Chris (Christine) Anderson 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068154 have got their work cut out for them. This first volume - Season 4 contains five 30-minute episodes. Garfield - Dreams and Schemes The hugely popular animated series INUYASHA tells the Childrens, Animated 150min. story of a schoolgirl, Kagome Higurashi, who is Tango Entertainment 10.07.2007 Childrens, Animated FF M 136min. inadvertently transported 500 years into the past. Caught 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment up in ancient medieval times, she meets Inuyasha, a half- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068441 demon on a tireless quest to become entirely demonic— 04.09.2007 for which he needs to find the Shikon Jewel, an elusive Fairy Tale Police Department - 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068200 ancient stone that causes Inu and friends to go into battle on a regular basis, making for a complex, absorbing, Case File #2 Girl’s High - Vol. 2: Sister Fight action-packed, and beautifully animated tale of good When everyone’s favorite fairy tales start ending in against evil. This collection presents the anime series’ unusual and troubling ways, two detectives must step in to Comedies 2006 100min. fourth season. return things back to normal. With Rapunzel nowhere to Media Blasters 04.09.2007 Action/Adventure 2000 FF 675min. be found, Little Red Riding Hood lost in the woods, and Viz Media, LLC. 04.09.2007 Prince Charming losing interest in Sleeping Beauty, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068306 detectives Johnny Legend and Chris (Christine) Anderson 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068546 have got their work cut out for them. This second volume Go, Diego, Go! - Safari Rescue contains five more 30-minute episodes. Childrens 2007 FF 95min. InuYasha - Season 4 Childrens, Animated 150min. The hugely popular animated series INUYASHA tells the Tango Entertainment 10.07.2007 Paramount Home Entertainment 09.10.2007 story of a schoolgirl, Kagome Higurashi, who is 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068442 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068368 inadvertently transported 500 years into the past. Caught up in ancient medieval times, she meets Inuyasha, a half- demon on a tireless quest to become entirely demonic— Fairy Tale Police Department - Essentials - Vol. 1 for which he needs to find the Shikon Jewel, an elusive Childrens, Clay Animation 1950 FF ancient stone that causes Inu and friends to go into battle Case File #3 on a regular basis, making for a complex, absorbing, When everyone’s favorite fairy tales start ending in 118min. action-packed, and beautifully animated tale of good unusual and troubling ways, two detectives must step in to Genius Productions, Inc. 04.09.2007 against evil. This collection presents the anime series’ return things back to normal. With Rapunzel nowhere to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068211 fourth season. be found, Little Red Riding Hood lost in the woods, and Action/Adventure 2000 FF 675min. Prince Charming losing interest in Sleeping Beauty, Viz Media, LLC. 04.09.2007 detectives Johnny Legend and Chris (Christine) Anderson Gundam SEED - Vol. 10 have got their work cut out for them. This third volume 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068561 contains five more 30-minute episodes. Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2004 DD 2.0 Childrens, Animated 150min. 100min. Bandai Entertainment 04.09.2007 InuYasha - The Movie: Box Set Tango Entertainment 10.07.2007 This collection presents all four feature-length films spun 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068443 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068129 off from the popular anime series INUYASHA: AFFECTATIONS TOUCHING ACROSS TIME, THE - Vol. 10: The Pro CASTLE BEYOND THE LOOKING GLASS, SWORDS OF Fairy Tale Police Department - AN HONORABLE RULER, and FIRE ON THE MYSTIC Case File #4 Exam Begins ISLAND. When everyone’s favorite fairy tales start ending in Based on the traditional Japanese strategy game Go, the Dramas 2001 FF 360min. unusual and troubling ways, two detectives must step in to anime series HIKARU NO GO brims with both exciting Viz Media, LLC. 04.09.2007 return things back to normal. With Rapunzel nowhere to action and philosophical subtlety. Hikura lives the life of a 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068554 be found, Little Red Riding Hood lost in the woods, and normal grade-schooler until the day he finds a Prince Charming losing interest in Sleeping Beauty, bloodstained Go board and releases the spirit of an detectives Johnny Legend and Chris (Christine) Anderson ancient Go player, Fujiwara-no-Sai. With Sai’s ghostly InuYasha - The Movie: Box Set guidance, Hikura becomes a Go prodigy, while his rival, have got their work cut out for them. This fourth volume This collection presents all four feature-length films spun contains five more 30-minute episodes. Akira, becomes obsessed with finding the secret behind Hikura’s sudden skills. This 10th volume continues the off from the popular anime series INUYASHA: Childrens, Animated 150min. gaming anime series with four more episodes. AFFECTATIONS TOUCHING ACROSS TIME, THE Tango Entertainment 10.07.2007 CASTLE BEYOND THE LOOKING GLASS, SWORDS OF Action/Adventure 2001 FF S 100min. AN HONORABLE RULER, and FIRE ON THE MYSTIC 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068444 Viz Media, LLC. 25.09.2007 ISLAND. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068547 Dramas 2001 FF 360min. Fairy Tale Police Department - Viz Media, LLC. 04.09.2007 Case File #5 Hikaru no Go - Vol. 9: Only One 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068567 When everyone’s favorite fairy tales start ending in Can Win unusual and troubling ways, two detectives must step in to Kurau: Phantom Memory - Vol. 3: return things back to normal. With Rapunzel nowhere to Based on the traditional Japanese strategy game Go, the be found, Little Red Riding Hood lost in the woods, and anime series HIKARU NO GO brims with both exciting The Binary Complex action and philosophical subtlety. Hikura lives the life of a Prince Charming losing interest in Sleeping Beauty, Produced by the acclaimed Studio (RAHXEPHON, detectives Johnny Legend and Chris (Christine) Anderson normal grade-schooler until the day he finds a bloodstained Go board and releases the spirit of an FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST) and designed by Tomomi Ozaki have got their work cut out for them. This fifth volume (LE CHEVALIER D’EON), the sci-fi anime series KURAU: contains a final batch of 30-minute episodes. ancient Go player, Fujiwara-no-Sai. With Sai’s ghostly guidance, Hikura becomes a Go prodigy, while his rival, PHANTOM MEMORY is an angst-filled riff on identity and Childrens, Animated 150min. Akira, becomes obsessed with finding the secret behind personal transformation. While observing an experiment Tango Entertainment 10.07.2007 Hikura’s sudden skills. This volume continues the gaming by her scientist father, 12-year-old Kurau is zapped by a anime series with four more episodes. stray bolt of energy that fuses her with an alien life-form 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068445 and endows her with superpower abilities. Ten years later, Action/Adventure 2001 FF S 100min. Kurau has put her powers to use as a martial-artist Fairy Tale Police Department - Viz Media, LLC. 31.07.2007 mercenary—only to be dogged by bounty hunters eager to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068556 claim her secret. This volume continues the thrilling anime The Complete Series series with four more episodes. When everyone’s favorite fairy tales start ending in Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2004 FF DD 2.0 unusual and troubling ways, two detectives must step in to Imma Youjo: Erotic Temptress 100min. return things back to normal. With Rapunzel nowhere to Vol. 1: Tower of Lust be found, Little Red Riding Hood lost in the woods, and ADV Films, Inc. 14.08.2007 Prince Charming losing interest in Sleeping Beauty, Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 1994 FF 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068105 detectives Johnny Legend and Chris (Christine) Anderson 45min. have got their work cut out for them. This collection BayView Entertainment 28.08.2007

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Little Drummer Boy Bandai Entertainment 04.09.2007 Naruto the Movie - Ninja Clash in THE LITTLE DRUMMER BOY retells the classic story of a 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068126 the Land of Snow lonely little boy who visits a manger in Bethlehem and discovers the greatest gift of all—love. Teddy Eccles Action/Adventure 2004 FF provides the voice for Aaron, an orphaned boy with a Meteor and the Mighty Monster Viz Media, LLC. 04.09.2007 knack for drumming whose only friends are a lamb and a Trucks - Vol. 1 donkey. After joining a party of three royal kings, Aaron 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068563 finds himself part of a convoy to witness the birth of Childrens 66min. Jesus. As the wealthy kings bestow incense and myrrh on Genius Productions, Inc. 18.09.2007 Naruto Uncut - Box Set Vol. 4 the babe, Aaron searches for a gift of his own—a song. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068210 Spirited and mischievous, Naruto is a village orphan who, Childrens, Puppets 1968 30min. thanks to the of the last Hokage ninja years Genius Productions, Inc. 04.09.2007 before, carries the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit within him. This 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068153 Meteor and the Mighty Monster collection presents a fourth volume of episodes which Trucks - Vol. 2 follow the powerful and endearing young prankster as he tries to do whatever it takes to become the next Hokage, Maggie and the Ferocious Beast - Childrens 66min. training with his friends and fighting evil at every Somewhere in Nowhere Land Genius Productions, Inc. 18.09.2007 opportunity. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068212 Action/Adventure 2002 FF 325min. Childrens, Animated Viz Media, LLC. 07.08.2007 Universal Music & Video Distribution 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068560 25.09.2007 Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068424 Friends - Bug-A-Boo Day Play Naruto Uncut - Box Set Vol. 4 It’s Halloween in Sunny Patch, and what’s scarier than a Maggie and the Ferocious Beast - spider? Almost everything, since the eight-legged heroine (Limited Edition) of David Kirk’s picture books is a kind and nurturing Spirited and mischievous, Naruto is a village orphan who, Trick Or Treat creature. BUG-A-BOO DAY PLAY features eight tales of thanks to the sacrifice of the last Hokage ninja years Halloween fun as the Sunny Patch gang decides to stage before, carries the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit within him. This Childrens, Animated a play for the holiday. collection presents a fourth volume of episodes which Universal Music & Video Distribution Childrens 2007 FF DD 2.0 95min. follow the powerful and endearing young prankster as he 25.09.2007 Lions Gate Home Entertainment 28.08.2007 tries to do whatever it takes to become the next Hokage, training with his friends and fighting evil at every 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068425 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068279 opportunity. Action/Adventure 2002 FF 325min. MÄR - Vol. 2: Return of the Phan- Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol Viz Media, LLC. 07.08.2007 tom Jim Backus 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068564 A wonderful animated version of Dicken’s timeless classic Comedies 2005 FF S 92min. „A Christmas Carol.“ Mr. Magoo is the miserly Scrooge Viz Media, LLC. 07.08.2007 who mends his ways. One - Vol. 10: Baroque 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068559 Childrens, Animated 1962 60min. Works Classic Media 04.09.2007 Action and hijinx abound in the goofy anime series ONE Meet the Robinsons 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068155 PIECE, which follows the seafaring adventures of a pint- sized young man with dreams of becoming the mightiest Based on William Joyce’s beautifully illustrated children’s pirate around. This volume continues the series with four book A DAY WITH WILBUR ROBINSON, this lively My-HiME: My-OTOME - Vol. 2 more episodes. computer-animated Disney film follows the adventures of Lewis (voiced by Jordan Fry and Daniel Hansen), a young Action/Adventure 2005 DD 2.0 100min. Action/Adventure 1999 FF S 100min. orphaned inventor who is determined to find his birth Bandai Entertainment 04.09.2007 Viz Media, LLC. 28.08.2007 mother by using a „memory scanner,“ a device of his own 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068552 creation. When Lewis meets a boy from the year 2037 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068122 named Wilbur Robinson (Wesley Singerman), they begin a charmingly strange time-traveling journey that involves Naruto - Vol. 14: Jiraya Returns! Paniponi Dash! - Vol. 5: Delin- Wilbur’s eccentric family, bowler hats bent on world domination, song-and-dance frogs, and a frustrated Based on a popular manga and video game, the Cartoon quent Genius Tyrannosaurus Rex. Network anime series NARUTO follows the adventures of PANIPONI DASH is a riotous high-school comedy anime Childrens, Animated 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 a 12-year-old orphan boy who dreams of becoming his series from the creative minds of director Akiyuki Shinobi village’s number-one ninja. Unfortunately, Naruto is (PETITE COSSETTE) and production studios Gansis and 95min. endowed with an evil spirit that entered his body at birth Shaft (NEGIMA). A satire in the vein of EXCEL SAGA, the Buena Vista Home Entertainment and that he must learn to tame before he can fulfill his anime follows the academic misadventures of 11-year-old 23.10.2007 ninja destiny. This volume continues Naruto’s action- child prodigy and MIT graduate Becky Miyamoto as she packed exploits with four more episodes. attempts to teach a high-school class of assorted freaks 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068145 Action/Adventure 2002 FF S 100min. and weirdos. This fifth volume continues the wacky anime Viz Media, LLC. 31.07.2007 series with four more episodes. Meet the Robinsons (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068558 Comedies 2005 FF DD 2.0 100min. Based on William Joyce’s beautifully illustrated children’s ADV Films, Inc. 14.08.2007 book A DAY WITH WILBUR ROBINSON, this lively 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068103 computer-animated Disney film follows the adventures of Naruto - Vol. 15: The Evil Hand Lewis (voiced by Jordan Fry and Daniel Hansen), a young Revealed orphaned inventor who is determined to find his birth Prince of Tennis - Box Set: mother by using a „memory scanner,“ a device of his own Based on a popular manga and video game, the Cartoon creation. When Lewis meets a boy from the year 2037 Network anime series NARUTO follows the adventures of Volume 2 named Wilbur Robinson (Wesley Singerman), they begin a a 12-year-old orphan boy who dreams of becoming his When tennis prodigy Ryoma Echizen joins the elite charmingly strange time-traveling journey that involves village’s number-one ninja. Unfortunately, Naruto is Seishun Academy tennis team, this son of a tennis star Wilbur’s eccentric family, bowler hats bent on world endowed with an evil spirit that entered his body at birth will have to back up his famous genes with fierce skills. domination, song-and-dance frogs, and a frustrated and that he must learn to tame before he can fulfill his Based on the popular manga, PRINCE OF TENNIS follows Tyrannosaurus Rex. ninja destiny. This collection continues Naruto’s action- Echizen as he strives to earn his teammates’ respect and Childrens, Animated 2007 95min. packed exploits with a 15th volume of episodes. defeat far older opponents on the court, including Viper Action/Adventure 2002 FF S 88min. Buena Vista Home Entertainment and the nefarious Inui Sadahara. This box set includes Viz Media, LLC. 04.09.2007 episodes 14-26. 23.10.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068548 Dramas 2001 FF S 300min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068146 Viz Media, LLC. 24.07.2007 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068555 Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - Naruto - Vol. 16: Ultimate Defense Based on a popular manga and video game, the Cartoon Vol. 3 Network anime series NARUTO follows the adventures of Princess Princess - Vol. 3: Family a 12-year-old orphan boy who dreams of becoming his Comedies 2006 DD 5.1 75min. village’s number-one ninja. Unfortunately, Naruto is Secrets Bandai Entertainment 04.09.2007 endowed with an evil spirit that entered his body at birth Comedies 2006 100min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068125 and that he must learn to tame before he can fulfill his ninja destiny. This collection continues Naruto’s action- Media Blasters 11.09.2007 packed exploits with another volume of episodes. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068308 Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - Action/Adventure 2002 FF S 88min. Vol. 3 (Limited Edition) Viz Media, LLC. 25.09.2007 Ramen Fighter Miki - Vol. 1: Miso Comedies 2006 DD 5.1 75min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068549 Mayhem

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Comedies 2006 100min. Childrens, Animated 2007 FF DD 2.0 Santoro, Andrew Tiernan, Dominic West - Media Blasters 18.09.2007 90min. Dir. Zack Snyder 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068303 Warner Home Video 10.07.2007 Based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley, 300 takes over the screen like an invading horde. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068571 With all the gushing blood of a horror movie and the Ranma 1 / 2: Anything Goes scope of a classic epic, the second film from Zack Snyder Utawarerumono - Vol. 5: The (who helmed the 2004 remake of DAWN OF THE DEAD) - Boxed Set is an impressive visual spectacle. Gerard Butler (THE The second season of the Ranma 1/2 series includes all Beast Within PHANTOM OF THE OPERA) plays Leonidas, the king of 22 episodes of the „Anything Goes Martial Arts“ series, The popular video game UTAWARERUMONO springs to ancient Sparta. The city is famous for its warrior following the popular hero/ine into a new series of wacky animated life in this fantasy anime series from Oriental philosophy, and Leonidas won’t kneel to the demands of and improbable battles. New rivals such as Chinese Light and Magic Studios. Hakuoro is a fully human adult Persia’s King Xerxes (LOST’s Rodrigo Santoro). Instead, Amazons Shampoo and Cologne provide new challenges male who wakes up wounded, amnesiac, and sporting an Leonidas leads his 300-strong army against Xerxes’s for the infamously aqua-transsexualed teen. irremovable face mask in a strange village populated by army of millions. Meanwhile, his wife (Lena Headley, THE Television, Comedies 1989 FF 450min. furry creatures with catlike ears. The battle-heavy action BROTHERS GRIMM) campaigns in Sparta for the city to Viz Media, LLC. 31.07.2007 follows Hakuoro as he sets out to recover his past and send reinforcements as she butts heads with the save his new protectors from a bloody war ravaging the treacherous Theron (Dominic West, THE WIRE). 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068565 countryside. This fifth volume continues the imaginative Action/Adventure 2007 116min. fantasy anime series with four more episodes. Warner Home Video 31.07.2007 Ranma 1 / 2: Hard Battle - Box Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068580 Set 2.0 100min. ADV Films, Inc. 28.08.2007 The entire third season of the RANMA 1/2 television 300 (HD DVD) series in a collector’s box—featuring the arrival of yet 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068104 another challenger for Ranma’s heart, more wacky martial Gerard Butler, Tom Wisdom, Andrew arts battles, and a mirror that takes everyone back in time Pleavin, Vincent Regan, Lena Headey, Da- to when Happosai first met the Chinese Cologne! Van-Pires Transform - Uncool vid Wenham, Michael Fassbender, Rodrigo Please see individual titles for details. Fuel - Vol. 4 Santoro, Andrew Tiernan, Dominic West - Television, Comedies 1995 FF S 600min. Childrens, Live-Action FF DD 2.0 70min. Dir. Zack Snyder Viz Media, LLC. 25.09.2007 Inspired Corporation 28.08.2007 Based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller and Lynn 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068566 Varley, 300 takes over the screen like an invading horde. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068352 With all the gushing blood of a horror movie and the scope of a classic epic, the second film from Zack Snyder Rick & Steve - Season 1 VeggieTales - Holiday Gift Pack (who helmed the 2004 remake of DAWN OF THE DEAD) Television, Comedies 2007 FF 120min. is an impressive visual spectacle. Gerard Butler (THE Childrens, Animated Paramount Home Entertainment 28.08.2007 PHANTOM OF THE OPERA) plays Leonidas, the king of Classic Media 04.09.2007 ancient Sparta. The city is famous for its warrior 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068370 philosophy, and Leonidas won’t kneel to the demands of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068544 Persia’s King Xerxes (LOST’s Rodrigo Santoro). Instead, Leonidas leads his 300-strong army against Xerxes’s Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Voltron: Defender of the Universe army of millions. Meanwhile, his wife (Lena Headley, THE The stop-motion animation classic, narrated and sung by BROTHERS GRIMM) campaigns in Sparta for the city to Burl Ives, about the little reindeer who saved Christmas - Collector’s Edition 4 send reinforcements as she butts heads with the from being cancelled. Television, Childrens, Animated 1984 FF treacherous Theron (Dominic West, THE WIRE). Childrens 1964 65min. Action/Adventure 2007 Ltbx 116min. DD 5.1 350min. Classic Media 04.09.2007 Warner Home Video 31.07.2007 Media Blasters 25.09.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068150 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068573 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068304

Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town Wonder Pets - Save the Unicorn! 300 (Special Edition) Kris Kringle (Mickey Rooney) is a young boy with an Gerard Butler, Tom Wisdom, Andrew Childrens, Animated 2007 FF S 100min. immense desire to do good things for others. In his home Pleavin, Vincent Regan, Lena Headey, Da- village of Sombertown, Kris has started a gift factory Paramount Home Entertainment 11.09.2007 vid Wenham, Michael Fassbender, Rodrigo where he builds toys and gives them to all the local 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068369 children. But when the evil ruler Burgermeister Santoro, Andrew Tiernan, Dominic West - Meisterburger (Paul Frees) bans toys from the land, Kris Dir. Zack Snyder is forced to go directly to Mother Nature and beseech her Zatch Bell! - Vol. 11: Invitation to for assistance. With the help of magical elves and several Based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller and Lynn special reindeer, Kris works hard to overcome the Burger- a Duel Varley, 300 takes over the screen like an invading horde. With all the gushing blood of a horror movie and the meister and deliver toys to all the children of the world, Because of his brilliance and straight-A report , junior earning him the name Saint Claus, or Santa Claus. This scope of a classic epic, the second film from Zack Snyder high school student Kiyo is frequently harassed by the (who helmed the 2004 remake of DAWN OF THE DEAD) timeless tale by Jules Bass and Arthur Rankin is narrated mean kids at school. With the intention of helping, Kiyo’s by Fred Astaire. is an impressive visual spectacle. Gerard Butler (THE archaeologist father gives his son the birthday present of PHANTOM OF THE OPERA) plays Leonidas, the king of Childrens 1970 55min. a small boy-creature named Zatch Bell, who quickly ancient Sparta. The city is famous for its warrior Classic Media 04.09.2007 attempts to fix Kiyo’s life by attracting new friends. But philosophy, and Leonidas won’t kneel to the demands of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068151 where does Zatch Bell’s power come from, and what will Persia’s King Xerxes (LOST’s Rodrigo Santoro). Instead, be the consequences of his actions? Kiyo continues to Leonidas leads his 300-strong army against Xerxes’s find out in this 11th volume of the wildly action-packed army of millions. Meanwhile, his wife (Lena Headley, THE Tide-Line Blue - Vol. 3 anime series ZATCH BELL. BROTHERS GRIMM) campaigns in Sparta for the city to Childrens, Animated 2003 FF S 88min. Dramas 2005 DD 2.0 100min. send reinforcements as she butts heads with the Viz Media, LLC. 07.08.2007 treacherous Theron (Dominic West, THE WIRE). Bandai Entertainment 04.09.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068553 Action/Adventure 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068127 116min. Warner Home Video 31.07.2007 ToddWorld - Appreciating 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068581 Differences Film Childrens 66min. 300 (Full Screen) Genius Productions, Inc. 18.09.2007 Gerard Butler, Tom Wisdom, Andrew 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068214 11:59 Pleavin, Vincent Regan, Lena Headey, Da- Raymond Andrew Bailey, Laura Fuller, vid Wenham, Michael Fassbender, Rodrigo ToddWorld - Being an Individual Megan Heffernan, Liz Cunningham - Dir. Santoro, Andrew Tiernan, Dominic West - Jamin Winans Childrens 66min. Dir. Zack Snyder Action/Adventure 2005 102min. Genius Productions, Inc. 18.09.2007 Based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller and Lynn Genius Productions, Inc. 25.09.2007 Varley, 300 takes over the screen like an invading horde. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068213 With all the gushing blood of a horror movie and the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068436 scope of a classic epic, the second film from Zack Snyder (who helmed the 2004 remake of DAWN OF THE DEAD) Tom and Jerry: Tales Vol. 2 300 (Blu-ray) is an impressive visual spectacle. Gerard Butler (THE TOM AND JERRY are brought up to date with this early- PHANTOM OF THE OPERA) plays Leonidas, the king of 21st-century rendering of the classic cartoons. Despite Gerard Butler, Tom Wisdom, Andrew ancient Sparta. The city is famous for its warrior the modern setting, the 12 episodes included here find the Pleavin, Vincent Regan, Lena Headey, Da- philosophy, and Leonidas won’t kneel to the demands of usual mayhem breaking out between the dueling Persia’s King Xerxes (LOST’s Rodrigo Santoro). Instead, twosome. vid Wenham, Michael Fassbender, Rodrigo Leonidas leads his 300-strong army against Xerxes’s

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 23 Newsletter 14/07 (Nr. 211) Juli 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) army of millions. Meanwhile, his wife (Lena Headley, THE betrays a friend, he crosses a fateful line. Universal Music & Video Distribution BROTHERS GRIMM) campaigns in Sparta for the city to Dramas 1996 140min. send reinforcements as she butts heads with the 10.07.2007 treacherous Theron (Dominic West, THE WIRE). Facets Video 24.07.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068649 Action/Adventure 2007 FF DD 5.1 116min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068181 Warner Home Video 31.07.2007 Believers 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068615 As You Like It Daniel Benzali Alfred Molina, Kenneth Branagh, Bryce Horror/Suspense Ltbx DD 2.0 103min. 300 (Widescreen) Dallas Howard, Kevin Kline Warner Home Video 16.10.2007 Gerard Butler, Tom Wisdom, Andrew Comedies Ltbx DD 2.0 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068622 Pleavin, Vincent Regan, Lena Headey, Da- Warner Home Video 25.09.2007 vid Wenham, Michael Fassbender, Rodrigo 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068221 Los Beverly De Peralvillo Santoro, Andrew Tiernan, Dominic West - A man is forced into hard labor and a large family when Dir. Zack Snyder Babel he is trapped into marriage by a woman called La Segura Based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller and Lynn Cate Blanchett, Brad Pitt, Gael Garcia in this Mexican comedy classic. Comedies Varley, 300 takes over the screen like an invading horde. Bernal, Mahima Chaudhry, , With all the gushing blood of a horror movie and the Universal Music & Video Distribution Koji Yakusho, Said Tarchani, Adriana scope of a classic epic, the second film from Zack Snyder 31.07.2007 (who helmed the 2004 remake of DAWN OF THE DEAD) Barraza, Boubker Ait El Caid, Rinko is an impressive visual spectacle. Gerard Butler (THE 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068659 PHANTOM OF THE OPERA) plays Leonidas, the king of Kikuchi, Peter Wight, Peter Walter, Trevor ancient Sparta. The city is famous for its warrior Martin, Matyelock Gibbs, George philosophy, and Leonidas won’t kneel to the demands of Oumansky, Michael Maloney, Abdelkar Beverly Hillbillies Collection Persia’s King Xerxes (LOST’s Rodrigo Santoro). Instead, Buddy Ebsen, Irene Ryan, Max Baer, Nancy Leonidas leads his 300-strong army against Xerxes’s Bara, Mustapha Rachidi, Elle Fanning, army of millions. Meanwhile, his wife (Lena Headley, THE Nathan Gamble, Michael Pena, Jamie Kulp BROTHERS GRIMM) campaigns in Sparta for the city to Mcbride - Dir. Alejandro González Iñárritu Gather ‘round for „a story ‘bout a man named Jed“ with send reinforcements as she butts heads with the this hit sitcom. Cultures may clash between the Clampetts BABEL is the crowning achievement in the trilogy from the and their rich neighbors, but there is always fun to be had treacherous Theron (Dominic West, THE WIRE). unstoppable creative pairing of screenwriter Guillermo Action/Adventure 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 in this selection of hilarious episodes. Arriaga and director Alejandro Gonzalez Innaritu, which Television, Comedies 116min. also includes AMORES PERROS (2000) and 21 GRAMS St. Clair Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 Warner Home Video 31.07.2007 (2003). Building upon its predecessors’ method of weaving together disparate storylines, BABEL reaches new heights 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068396 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068614 of ambition with a tale that, in the absence of traditional narrative and protagonist, relies on numerous incredible performances to evoke an affecting relevance by framing Beyond Tomorrow Aaltra contemporary issues in very human struggles and Hilarious and irreverent Belgian comics Benoît Delépine mistakes. Richard and Susan (Brad Pitt and Cate Charles Winninger, C. Aubrey Smith, Harry and Gustave Kervern wrote, direct, and star in this dark, Blanchett) are a wealthy couple from San Diego who are Carey, Jean Parker, Richard Carlson, Maria edgy, and very funny comedy about two antagonistic vacationing in Morocco in order to heal after the death of Ouspenskaya, Helen Vinson - Dir. A. Ed- farmers who, in the course of escalating their bitter rivalry, their young child; their other two children are at home with both end up paralyzed by a tractor. Teaming up, the their Mexican maid, Amelia (Adriana Barraza). In a ward Sutherland, Lee Garmes irascible duo decides to exact revenge from the vehicle’s complex shift of ownership to which the audience is privy, A drama for the Christmas season which tells the story of manufacturer, and embark on a memorable oddball a rifle finds its way into the hands of a local herdsman’s three millionaires who return from the spirit world to help odyssey to Helsinki. young sons (Said Tarchani and Boubker Ait El Caid), who a young couple. Comedies 2004 92min. recklessly take a shot at a tour bus and catch Susan in Dramas 1940 FF 84min. Film Movement 10.07.2007 the shoulder, causing her to nearly lose her life. The dist Westlake Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 Dramas 2006 Ltbx DD 2.0 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068193 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068632 Paramount Home Entertainment 25.09.2007 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068356 Adventures Of Sonic The Black Donnellys: The Complete Hedgehog Backstage Series Jonathan Tucker, Tom Guiry, Olivia Wilde, SONIC THE HEDGEHOG is darker and smarter than most Emmanuelle Seigner, Islid Le Besco, of its cartoon counterparts, and is based on the now Billy Lush, Michael Stahl-David, Keith Noemie Lvovsky, Valery Zeitoun, Samuel classic videogame from . This installment in Sonic’s Acevedo, Peter Greene, Keith Nobbs, adventures finds him teaming up with Tails and going into Benchetrit - Dir. Emmaneulle Bercot battle against the devious Dr. Ivo Robotnik and his legion Isild Le Besco plays a starstruck teenage girl in this Patrick Brennan, Betsy Beutler, Jamie of robots. dramatic exploration of celebrity. When pop star Lauren Bonelli, Molly Schaffer Action/Adventure Waks (Emmanuelle Seigner, BUDDY BOY) shows up on Television, Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Universal Music & Video Distribution the doorstep of Lucie’s (Le Besco) home, reality TV crew in tow, Lucie is publicly humiliated. Afterwards, she seeks 559min. 17.07.2007 to make a connection with her idol at any cost. Universal Studios Home Video 04.09.2007 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068418 Dramas 2006 Ltbx 115min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068312 Strand Releasing 10.07.2007 After... 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068427 The Black Stallion Science-Fiction/Fantasy 80min. Mickey Rooney, Kelly Reno, Teri Garr, Hoyt First Look Home Entertainment 02.10.2007 Beauty Queen Butcher Axton, Clarence Muse, Michael Higgins, Ed 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068187 Rhona Brody - Dir. Jill Zurborg McNamara, Doghmi Larbi, John Burton, Horror/Suspense 1991 FF John Buchanan - Dir. Carroll Ballard Pedro Almodovar - Director’s KOCH Entertainment Distribution Acclaimed cinematographer Carroll Ballard steps into the director’s chair with THE BLACK STALLION, a visually Special 2 Pack 11.09.2007 stunning adaptation of Walter Farley’s classic novel about Cristina Sánchez Pascual, Julieta Serrano, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068226 the adventures of a young boy and his love for a black, Arabian stallion. When Alec (Kelly Reno) washes upon the Celia Roth, Marisa Paredes, Carmen shore of a deserted island after a terrible shipwreck, he Maura, Lina Canelejas, Angel de Andres Behind the Camera: Charlie’s An- soon discovers that he isn’t the only survivor. A wild Lopez - Dir. Pedro Almodóvar gels Arabian stallion managed to reach the island as well, giving Alec a new reason to live. Gradually, Alec wins the Dramas 1983 216min. Tricia Helfer, Christina Chambers, Lauren stallion’s trust, instigating a relationship that will change Wellspring 18.09.2007 Stamile both of them forever. When Alec is finally discovered, he 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068218 One of the most popular TV shows in the 1970s, convinces his mother to let the stallion live in the CHARLIE’S ANGELS sent male pulses soaring via a show backyard, and after meeting Henry Dailey (Mickey laced with sex appeal and action-packed crime fighting. Rooney), a thrilling final chapter is introduced, one in Aquarium This TV movie offers a glimpse behind the scenes with a which Alec and the stallion begin to train for a racing Janusz Gajos, Witold Pyrkosz, Yuri fictionalized account of the on- and off-screen events that championship, making their bond even stronger. Action/Adventure 1979 Ltbx DD 2.0 Smolsky - Dir. Antoni Krauze occurred during the making of the first season of the show. Tricia Helfer plays blonde bombshell Farrah 117min. Based on a true story, this tense psychological thriller Fawcett-Majors, while Kate Jackson and Jaclyn Smith follows the life of Soviet spy Victor Suvorov. Working for respectively play her ANGELS cohorts Lauren Stamile and MGM Home Entertainment 10.07.2007 the GRU, an organization even more closely-guarded than Christina Chambers. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068092 the KGB, Suvorov was an expert at prying loose secrets from the capitals of Western Europe. But, when he Television, Dramas 2004

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The Black Stallion Returns BREAKING THE WAVES. Indeed, moviegoers who felt Charlie Chaplin - 51 Features alienated by esoteric works such as DOGVILLE and Kelly Reno, Teri Garr, Vincent Spano, MANDERLAY should find themselves on more comfortable Charlie Chaplin Woody Strode - Dir. Robert Dalva ground here. THE BOSS OF IT ALL is set in Denmark, A huge collection of silent shorts by the legendary Alec Ramsay returns in this sequel to the popular 1979 and revolves around Ravn (Peter Gantzler), the comedian, CHARLIE CHAPLIN - 51 FEATURES contains film. Alec’s beloved stallion is living comfortably in unassertive founder of a popular technology company. the vast majority of the Tramp’s early comic films. his barn in . But when Moroccan thieves steal Ravn has invented a fictional, svengali-like boss („Svend“) Included are the undisputed masterpieces THE KID, THE the horse in order to race him in Africa, Alec stows away of the company, whom he claims is pulling the strings from IMMIGRANT, HIS NEW JOB, FACE ON THE BARROOM to Africa to find his equine friend. America. In fact, Svend is a front that the lily-livered Ravn FLOOR, BEHIND THE SCREEN, and many more. This uses whenever he has to make an unpopular decision. But collection is like a crash course in the early days of film Action/Adventure 1983 FF 104min. when Ravn decides to sell the company, he has to corral comedy, presented by one of the masters of the form. MGM Home Entertainment 10.07.2007 an unemployed actor, Kristoffer (Jens Albinus), into Comedies 1914 FF 887min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068094 playing Svend, thus introducing him to a group of co- workers who all have wildly different expectations of what St. Clair Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 this shadowy figure will be like. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068403 Blade: House of Chthon Comedies 2007 Ltbx 100min. Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy Genius Productions, Inc. 18.09.2007 Chapulin Colorado - Lo Mejor Del Warner Home Video 18.09.2007 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068224 Chapulin Colorado Vol. 10 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068326 Comedies Broken Universal Music & Video Distribution Blazing Saddles (Blu-ray) Nadja Brand, Eric M. Colvin - Dir. Adam 18.09.2007 Cleavon Little, Gene Wilder, Madeline Mason, Simon Boyes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068663 Kahn, Harvey Korman, Mel Brooks, Slim Horror/Suspense 2006 Pickens, Burton Gilliam, Alex Karras - Dir. Weinstein Company/Genius 25.09.2007 Childhood’s End Mel Brooks 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068479 A madcap spoof of the classic Hollywood Western, , John Rothman, Reiko BLAZING SADDLES is also one of the most gleefully anti- Aylesworth - Dir. Jeff Lipsky P.C. films ever produced by a studio. When the Bronte Collection Dramas 1997 115min. sheriff of a small frontier town is killed, convict Bart Television, Dramas 342min. (Cleavon Little) is appointed the first black sheriff of all- Vanguard International Cinema 21.08.2007 white Rock Ridge by the evil Hedley Lamarr (Harvey WGBH Boston Video 08.10.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068540 Korman), who hopes this will chase the townspeople from 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068203 their homes. The naive Sheriff Bart soon catches on, realizing from the less than cheery welcome that the Choices townspeople (who all seem to be named Johnson) aren’t Bronx is Burning Paul Carafotes, Victor French, Lelia prepared for a black sheriff and that he was never meant John Turturro, Oliver Platt, Daniel Sunjata, to succeed at all. Enlisting the help of the sensitive town Goldoni, Val Avery, Demi Moore - Dir. Rami drunk (Gene Wilder), formerly the Waco Kid, Bart Christopher McDonald - Dir. Jeremiah Alon embarks on a plan to save Rock Ridge. A scathing spoof Chechik A young man, skilled in both sports and music, faces a that deals with racism, sexism, and bodily functions, Dramas 2007 360min. difficult decision when he is afflicted with a hearing BLAZING SADDLES offers a contrast between picture and impairment. A sensitive story of a young man struggling to words that is shocking, subversive, and hilarious. Director Genius Productions, Inc. 25.09.2007 adulthood. Mel Brooks makes two memorable appearances—as both 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068176 Dramas 1982 FF 90min. the sleazy governor and a Yiddish-speaking Sioux Indian chief—while Madeline Kahn does a sidesplitting Marlene K.C. Sales 31.07.2007 Dietrich imitation as th Bronze Buckaroo 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068296 Comedies 1974 93min. Herbert Jeffrey, Spencer Williams, Clarence Warner Home Video 10.07.2007 Brooks, Artie Young Christmas Without Snow 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068620 Herbert Jeffrey, the black cowboy, rides again in this musical western. Michael Learned, John Houseman, Ramon Westerns 1938 FF 56min. Bieri - Dir. Bloodline Westlake Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 A newly divorced and jobless woman in a strange city far A mixture of -based rappers and actors combine in from home joins a church choir and under the direction of BLOODLINE, telling the story of two half-brothers who 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068643 a stern but gifted choir master, she becomes part of a end up on opposite sides of the law. group striving toward a common goal: to shape a ragtag assembly of amateurs into a chorus capable of performing Dramas 2006 Brush with Death Handel’s „Messiah“ for the Christmas service. Universal Music & Video Distribution A remote and abandoned farmhouse is the unfortunate Dramas 1980 FF 96min. 10.07.2007 destination for a group of cheerleaders in this ghoulish horror flick. Once there, the group finds the desolate Westlake Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068518 place haunted by a vengeful ghost who murdered his 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068628 brother when he was a mere mortal, and now seeks to do Blue Smoke the same to the cheerleaders. Horror/Suspense 2007 DD 2.0 83min. Citizen Dog Scott Bakula, Talia Shire, Matthew Settle, Universal Music & Video Distribution Mahasamut Boonyaruk, Saeng Gate-Uthong Alicia Witt - Dir. David Carson 10.07.2007 Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2007 Ltbx S Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 95min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068527 104min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Tai Seng Video Marketing, Inc. 28.08.2007 11.09.2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068430 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068161 Bustin’ Bonaparte Richard E. Grant, Armin Mueller-Stahl This family film is about two girls who go to live with their Citizen Verdict Bobby Z aunt after the death of their parents. When Bonaparte Dorette Potgieter, Raffaello Degruttola, Laurence Fishburne, Paul Walker, Jason Blenkins (Richard E. Grant) comes into their lives by wooing their aunt, the girls become suspicious of his Gideon Emery, Justine Mitchell, Armand Lewis - Dir. John Herzfeld motives and try to foil his plan to get his hands on the Assante, Jerry Springer - Dir. Philippe Action/Adventure 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 family’s money. Martinez 94min. Childrens 2006 Set in Florida, where a wave of terror and crime is leaving Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Universal Music & Video Distribution local authorities helpless, a reality television show called „Citizen Verdict“ offers a solution: let criminals be tried on 04.09.2007 10.07.2007 t.v. with home viewers serving as a phone-in jury. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068158 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068506 Television, Dramas 2005 Universal Music & Video Distribution Boss of it All Cause for Alarms & Other Tales 10.07.2007 Jens Albinus, Peter Gantzler, Fridrik Thor This bondage release from Harmony Concepts starts off 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068504 with a tale of a young woman selling alarm systems door- Fridriksson, Iben Hjejle, Henrik Prip - Dir. to-door. She who winds up tied up on the floor—and it Lars von Trier goes from there.... City of Violence Controversial yet always-interesting filmmaker Lars von Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF Trier takes a surprising turn with THE BOSS OF IT ALL. Doo-hong Jung, Kil-Kang Ahn, Seong- Von Trier shackles his film to a traditional narrative Pacific Media Entertainment 10.07.2007 Hwang Jeon, Beom-su Lee, Seung-wan structure, hitting cinematic heights he’s been unable to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068337 Ryoo - Dir. Seung-wan Ryoo reach since early efforts such as THE IDIOTS and Action/Adventure 2006 92min.

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Weinstein Company/Genius 04.09.2007 Coleccion Pedro Infante: Los Condemned (Widescreen) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068476 Tres Huastecos Steve („Stone Cold“) Austin, Vinnie Jones, Dramas FF DD 2.0 115min. Rick Hoffman, Robert Mammome, Luke Clase 406 - Season 2 Warner Home Video 18.09.2007 Pegler, Madeline West - Dir. Scott Wiper Christian Chavez, Aaron Diaz, Alfonso With the stage set by a contemporary spate of films 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068578 starring WWE wrestlers, including SEE NO EVIL (Glen Herrera „“ Jacobs) and THE MARINE (), THE The second season of this hit Mexican television series Coleccion Pedro Infante: Vuelven CONDEMNED follows suit by building a story around the continues the saga of a group of young Hispanic men and massive physique and impassive demeanor of pro wrestler women and their relationships with their families and each los Garcia „Stone Cold“ Steve Austin. Austin plays former military other. agent Jack Conrad, whose top-secret mission to El Salva- Television, Dramas Dramas FF DD 2.0 105min. dor went awry; the mountainous man wound up on death Xenon Pictures, Inc. 24.07.2007 Warner Home Video 18.09.2007 row in a local prison while his associates back home 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068577 conveniently forgot about him. Conrad is offered a final 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068669 chance at clemency by the evil entertainment tycoon Ian Breckel (Robert Mammone, THE MATRIX RELOADED), Classic Monster Flicks Comedy Classics who buys up Conrad and nine other condemned men and forces them to participate in his diabolical new reality-TV A variety of horror films—frightening, campy, and fun—are Cary Grant, Ginger Rogers, Bob Hope, show. is simple: the contestants are dropped on collected in CLASSIC MONSTER FLICKS. Included are Danny Kaye, Spencer Tracy, Elizabeth a remote island fitted with cameras, and instructed to kill WHITE ZOMBIE, THE KILLER SHREWS, THE MONSTER Taylor or be killed over the next 30 hours. At the end of that WALKS, CREATURE FROM THE HAUNTED SEA, WASP time, the sole survivor will be awarded his freedom and a WOMAN, WEREWOLF IN A GIRL’S DORMITORY, CURSE Nine hilarious films, starring some of classical Hollywood’s most gifted comic performers, are collected in COMEDY large cash prize, and the event can be viewed online for OF THE SWAMP CREATURE, LADY FRANKENSTEIN, $49.95. Conrad, not a murderer by nature, is forced to NIGHTMARE CASTLE, and INVASION OF THE BEE CLASSICS. Included are HIS GIRL FRIDAY, THE GROOM WORE SPURS, MY FAVORITE BRUNETTE, NOTHING defend himself against fell GIRLS. See individual titles for more details. Action/Adventure 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 Horror/Suspense 1932 FF DD 5.1 787min. SACRED, FATHER’S LITTLE DIVIDEND, BEAT THE DEVIL, THE INSPECTOR GENERAL, MY DEAR 113min. St. Clair Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 SECRETARY, and ROAD SHOW. See individual titles for Lions Gate Home Entertainment 18.09.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068405 more details. Comedies 1937 FF DD 5.1 801min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068275 St. Clair Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 Classic Troublemakers Confessions Of A Call Girl Films and shorts from three golden age Hollywood 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068406 comedy teams are included in CLASSIC Bokeem Woodbine, Tamala Jones, Roger TROUBLEMAKERS. The „little rascals“ of Our Gang cause Condemned (Blu-ray) Guenveur Smith trouble throughout the neighborhood in 12 shorts Tamala Jones (BOOTY CALL) plays a messed-up woman produced throughout the 1930s: „Dogs of War,“ „Derby Steve („Stone Cold“) Austin, Vinnie Jones, who can’t let go of her career as a call girl in this feature Days,“ „Hi Neighbor,“ „The Sundown Limited,“ „The Rick Hoffman, Robert Mammome, Luke film. Jones’s character has a near-perfect domestic life, Pooch,“ „Mary, Queen of Tots,“ „The Fourth Alarm,“ „Fly Pegler, Madeline West - Dir. Scott Wiper but away from her loving husband and family she ekes out My Kite,“ „School’s Out,“ „Bear Shooters,“ „Our Gang a completely different existence for herself. When one of Follies of 1938,“ and „Waldo’s Last Stand.“ The East Side With the stage set by a contemporary spate of films starring WWE wrestlers, including SEE NO EVIL (Glen her clients threatens to expose her, this call girl has some Kids, the classic gang of amusing street urchins, are tough decisions to make. featured in the comedy films BOYS OF THE CITY, LET’S „Kane“ Jacobs) and THE MARINE (John Cena), THE GET TOUGH, THE MILLION DOLLAR KID, GHOSTS ON CONDEMNED follows suit by building a story around the Dramas 2007 THE LOOSE, and PRIDE OF THE BOWERY. Finally, the massive physique and impassive demeanor of pro wrestler Universal Music & Video Distribution rural comedy duo of Lum and Abner engage in wacky „Stone Cold“ Steve Austin. Austin plays former military 24.07.2007 antics in their general store in TWO WEEKS TO LIVE, SO agent Jack Conrad, whose top-secret mission to El Salva- THIS IS WASHINGTON, DREAMING OUT LOUD, and dor went awry; the mountainous man wound up on death 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068521 BASHFUL BACHELOR. row in a local prison while his associates back home conveniently forgot about him. Conrad is offered a final Comedies 1923 FF DD 5.1 844min. chance at clemency by the evil entertainment tycoon Ian Corazon Marchito St. Clair Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 Breckel (Robert Mammone, THE MATRIX RELOADED), Mauricio Ochmann, Luis Fernando Peña - 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068401 who buys up Conrad and nine other condemned men and forces them to participate in his diabolical new reality-TV Dir. Eduardo Lucatero show. The game is simple: the contestants are dropped on Foreign Films, Spanish 2005 FF DD 2.0 Cold Blood a remote island fitted with cameras, and instructed to kill 110min. or be killed over the next 30 hours. At the end of that Rutger Hauer time, the sole survivor will be awarded his freedom and a Lions Gate Home Entertainment 18.09.2007 A who has unwittingly fallen in with the mob struggles large cash prize, and the event can be viewed online for 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068281 to free himself from its grasp. Recommended for mature $49.95. Conrad, not a murderer by nature, is forced to audiences. defend himself against fell Foreign Films, Dutch 1975 FF 90min. Action/Adventure 2007 113min. Roger Corman Collection K.C. Sales 31.07.2007 Lions Gate Home Entertainment 18.09.2007 Horror/Suspense 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068299 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068276 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment 18.09.2007 The Cold Room Condemned (Full Screen) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068319 George Segal, Renee Soutendijk, Amanda Steve („Stone Cold“) Austin, Vinnie Jones, Pays, Anthony Higgins - Dir. James Rick Hoffman, Robert Mammome, Luke Corrupted Minds Dearden Pegler, Madeline West - Dir. Scott Wiper The gritty streets of form a fitting backdrop for the A young woman visiting modern day East with her action in the crime-thriller CORRUPTED MINDS. The story With the stage set by a contemporary spate of films revolves around a gang of revolutionaries who are about father is plunged into the barbaric horrors of Nazi starring WWE wrestlers, including SEE NO EVIL (Glen when she enters a strange room located behind to cause mayhem for the citizens and cops of the Motor „Kane“ Jacobs) and THE MARINE (John Cena), THE City. her hotel wall. She is somehow transported back in time. CONDEMNED follows suit by building a story around the Horror/Suspense 1984 95min. massive physique and impassive demeanor of pro wrestler Action/Adventure 2007 K.C. Sales 31.07.2007 „Stone Cold“ Steve Austin. Austin plays former military Universal Music & Video Distribution agent Jack Conrad, whose top-secret mission to El Salva- 10.07.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068298 dor went awry; the mountainous man wound up on death row in a local prison while his associates back home 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068526 Coleccion Pedro Infante: A Toda conveniently forgot about him. Conrad is offered a final chance at clemency by the evil entertainment tycoon Ian Creature From Black Lake Maquina Breckel (Robert Mammone, THE MATRIX RELOADED), Jack Elam, Dub Taylor, John David Carson - Dramas FF DD 2.0 who buys up Conrad and nine other condemned men and forces them to participate in his diabolical new reality-TV Dir. Joy Houck Warner Home Video 18.09.2007 show. The game is simple: the contestants are dropped on Two trackers working in the backwoods 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068579 a remote island fitted with cameras, and instructed to kill encounter a strange and dangerous creature. Shortly after or be killed over the next 30 hours. At the end of that one of the trackers disappears, a deadly confrontation time, the sole survivor will be awarded his freedom and a ensues. Coleccion Pedro Infante: Los large cash prize, and the event can be viewed online for $49.95. Conrad, not a murderer by nature, is forced to Horror/Suspense 1976 Tres Garcia defend himself against fell Tango Entertainment 10.07.2007 Dramas FF DD 2.0 105min. Action/Adventure 2007 FF DD 5.1 113min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068450 Warner Home Video 18.09.2007 Lions Gate Home Entertainment 18.09.2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068576 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068278 Criminal Minds: The Second Season

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A.J. Cook, Thomas Gibson, Lola Glaudini, 90min. Devos, Mathieu Amalric, Maurice Garrel, Mandy Patinkin Tai Seng Video Marketing, Inc. 28.08.2007 Nicole Garcia - Dir. Josée Dayan, Arnaud Television, Dramas 2007 Ltbx DD 2.0 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068434 Desplechin 500min. Dramas 1998 467min. Paramount Home Entertainment 02.10.2007 Daniel Boone - Season 4 Genius Productions, Inc. 18.09.2007 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068367 Fess Parker 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068217 Fess Parker stars in this digitally remastered version of Cruising the beloved 1960s television series about Wild West The Descent (Blu-ray) frontiersman Daniel Boone. Al Pacino, Paul Sorvino, Karen Allen, Ri- Television, Westerns Natalie Mendoza, Shauna MacDonald, Oli- chard Cox, Don Scardino, Sonny Grosso - Goldhil Entertainment 10.07.2007 ver Milburn, Molly Kayll, , Saskia Dir. William Friedkin 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068205 Mulder, MyAnna Buring, Nora-Jane Noone - A sadistic serial killer is targeting New York’s gay Dir. Neil Marshall community and, in response, the NYPD sends rookie cop THE DESCENT, a claustrophobic and intense British Steve Burns undercover to find the killer. Burns, who is Daniel Boone - Season 5 from Neil Marshall (DOG SOLDIERS), follows straight, poses as a homosexual and enters the world of Fess Parker six courageous young women who venture down a deep, gay S&M sex clubs, learning their rules and mores as he deep cavern in the Appalachian Mountain range. They are goes along. But as Burns arduously tracks down the Television, Westerns expert rafters and rock climbers—particularly the leader, murderer, he finds himself growing attracted to these Goldhil Entertainment 08.08.2007 Juno (Natalie Mendoza), and Sarah (Shauna Macdonald), clubs and the gay lifestyle, forcing him to question — and 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068206 who is still getting over the death of her husband and possibly confront — his own sexual identity. daughter the year before. Any healing and bonding is Dramas 1980 Ltbx DD 1.0 102min. scuttled fast, however, once a cave-in cuts off their return Warner Home Video 18.09.2007 Johnny Legend’s Deadly Doubles route, forcing them deeper down into the darkness, their flashlight batteries dwindling with every wasted minute. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068582 Vol. 6 - Suburbia Confidential / The horror builds, the passageways get tighter and Office Love-In tighter, and then Sarah thinks she have seen something CSI: New York - Season 3 moving in the distance, something that looks almost George Cooper - Dir. Stephen C. Apostolof human.... Gary Sinise, Melina Kanakaredes Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 1966 Dramas 2006 99min. Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 164min. Lions Gate Home Entertainment 10.07.2007 Paramount Home Entertainment 09.10.2007 Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068274 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068366 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068390 Designated Mourner CSI: New York - The First Three Death Proof , Miranda Richardson, David Seasons Kurt Russell, Rosario Dawson, Rose De Keyser - Dir. David Hare Television, Dramas 2007 FF McGowan - Dir. Quentin Tarantino Hare (THE BLUE ROOM) directed this film adaptation of Wallace Shawn’s play while it was being performed on the Paramount Home Entertainment 09.10.2007 Action/Adventure 2007 Ltbx London stage with the same cast. A divorced couple 214,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068362 Weinstein Company/Genius 18.09.2007 (Nichols and Richardson) sit at a table with her father (De 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068478 Keyser) and lament the death of culture in their unnamed, totalitarian country in the distant future- a country where Cuna de Lobos intelligent thinkers are thought to be dangerous. A play Maria Rubio, Gonzalo Vega - Dir. Antonio Debating Robert Lee not at all dependent on visuals, the film is notable mostly Acevedo, Carlos Tellez Kaley Cuoco, Dale Midkiff, Daniel Letterle, for its rare performance from director Nichols. Dramas 1997 95min. Deceit and dirty tricks abound in this Mexican telenovela, Billy Kay, Danielle Harris, Rachel Nichols, First Look Home Entertainment 10.07.2007 which finds a woman poisoning her husband in order to Leonardo Nam, Edwin Hodge, Luke Ed- get her hands on his pharmaceutical business. But 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068535 problems arise when the business has been left to the wards, Brad Bufanda, Jonathan , first of her late husband’s sons who can sire a child. Beau Bridges, Brian Kerwin, Melinda Dillon, Television, Foreign Films, Spanish 1986 FF Stephen Tobolowsky, A Martinez - Dir. Dan Dirty Sanchez 710min. Like the stars of JACKASS, the men behind Great Britain’s Polier DIRTY SANCHEZ take humor to a new low. With each Universal Music & Video Distribution A high school debate class turns into something profound member constantly competing for the title of raunchiest, 10.07.2007 for the students in DEBATING ROBERT LEE. The teacher, the Dirty Sanchez tour is packed with gross out humor and whose last job was at a military academy, gives the truly idiotic pranks. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068665 students more than they bargained for with his hard- hitting style of teaching that challenges them in how they Comedies 2007 96min. Curse of the Black Dahlia see their world. Veteran actors Beau Bridges, Melinda Genius Productions, Inc. 28.08.2007 Dillon, and Steven Tobolowsky costar in this inspirational 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068209 Dan Goldman, Kate Siegel, Laura Penn, drama with a cast of likable young actors. Austin Brooks Dramas 2004 Ltbx DD 5.1 108min. Horror/Suspense 2006 FF 93min. Universal Music & Video Distribution DOA: Dead or Alive KOCH Entertainment Distribution 10.07.2007 Devon Aoki, Jaime Pressly, Matthew 11.09.2007 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068523 Marsden, Sarah Carter, Holly Valance, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068231 Natassia Malthe, Eric Roberts, Ngai Sing, Defender Kane Kosugi - Dir. Based on a popular series of video games, DOA: DEAD Dan Candy’s Law Jerry Springer, Dolph Lundgren - Dir. Dolph OR ALIVE is set on an exotic island where a group of Donald Sutherland, Gordon Tootoosis - Dir. Lundgren extraordinary men and women face off against each other Lance Rockford (Dolph Lundgren) is a rugged Secret in a single-elimination fighting competition for a $10 Claude Fournier million winner-take-all prize. The film focuses on three Based on a true story, DAN CANDY’S LAW stars Donald Service member hell-bent on bringing down any terrorist who dares to threaten America. But when a high-ranking main competitors: Tina Armstrong (Jaime Pressly), a Sutherland as a Canadian officer who embarks on a professional wrestler who wants to prove to herself, and yearlong search for an Indian fugitive. Ravaged by government official goes missing, and the President (played by Jerry Springer) calls on Rockford to find him, the world, that she’s not a fake; Princess (Devon hunger, a Cree Indian named Almighty Voice (Gordon Aoki), who has gone against the laws of her kingdom by Tootoosis) is for stealing government livestock. he faces his toughest challenge yet. Lundgren makes his directorial debut with this fast-paced action flick. escaping on her own in order to search for her missing He escapes, but is soon being sought out for a murder. brother (Collin Chou), a former DOA participant; and Over the course of the next year, both men are driven by Action/Adventure 2005 Christie (Holly Valance), who, along with the mysterious their longing for justice. Part , part western, Universal Music & Video Distribution Max (Matthew Marsden), is more interested in the $100 DAN CANDY’S LAW is a testament to the human fight for 10.07.2007 million locked away in a hidden vault than in the fighting survival. prize. But the winner is going to have to get past some of Westerns 1973 FF 76min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068532 the toughest men in the world, including Tina’s father K.C. Sales 31.07.2007 (real-life professional wrestler ) and island - Special Gift favorite Bayman (real-life six-time World’s Strongest Man 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068297 champion Derek Boyer). Meanwhile, behind the scenes, Set geeky nerd Weatherby (Steve Howey) is rooting for Hele- Dancing Lion Catherine Deneuve, Jean-Pierre Bacri, na (Sarah Car Action/Adventure 2007 87min. Anthony Wong, Theresa Mo - Dir. Francis Emmanuelle Seigner, Jacques Dutronc, Genius Productions, Inc. 04.09.2007 Ng Rupert Everett, Nastassja Kinski, Danielle 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068475 Comedies 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 DTS Darrieux, Leelee Sobieski, Emmanuelle

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Don’t Play Us Cheap 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068420 their late 20s. While societal expectations center on family, money, and success, Ryan really only wants to be Esther Rolle, Mabel King, Avon Long - Dir. happy. But happiness is just as hard to achieve as wealth, Melvin Van Peebles El Emperador De La Muerte he soon learns, when a money laundering scheme and a This film version of a black musical comedy that played Foreign Films, Spanish 80min. host of other unethical opportunities cross his path. Comedies 2007 95min. Broadway concerns two minions the Devil sends to disrupt First Look Home Entertainment 16.10.2007 a party in . Visual Entertainment 31.07.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068189 Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals 1972 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068501 Universal Music & Video Distribution 10.07.2007 Erotic Ghost Story III Exorcismo 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068648 Pauline Chan, Shing Fu On - Dir. Ivan Lai Though Chu Chung has a fiance called Suzie, he still Paul Naschy, Maria Perschy, Maria Kosti, loves the beautiful girl in a portrait from long ago. With Grace Mills - Dir. Juan Bosch Dorm of the Dead the aid of a holy man, he crosses the spirit barrier to be Enraged by his wife’s infidelity, a dead man’s spirit returns Horror/Suspense 2007 FF 90min. with her. The girl in the picture is named Yi-Meng, and as a vengeful demon which takes possessed his daughter she is being used by a demon named Vixen to trapped after she becomes involved in witchcraft. The girl turns Phoenix Entertainment Group 18.09.2007 Chu Chung. Will he escape the demon’s clutches? Will he into a drooling, obscenity-spewing, maniac, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068637 find love in the past or the present? prompting a call to be placed to a expert in demonology Foreign Films, Chinese/Cantonese 1992 who could possibly purge the demon from her body. Spanish horror favorite Paul Naschy both wrote and stars Double Feature - Gamera, Super Ltbx S 88min. in this Euro-horror take on THE EXORCIST, which had Monsters & They Came Beyond Tai Seng Video Marketing, Inc. 28.08.2007 taken the world by storm two years prior. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068431 Horror/Suspense 1975 FF Space Navarre Corporation 07.08.2007 Horror/Suspense Error Mortal 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068141 Universal Music & Video Distribution Foreign Films, Spanish 90min. 25.09.2007 First Look Home Entertainment 16.10.2007 Family Ties - The Complete Se- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068421 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068188 cond Season Double Feature - Maneater of Hy- Michael Gross, Meredith Baxter, Michael J. La Escuelita VIP Vol. 1 Fox, Justine Bateman, Tina Yothers dra & The House that Screamed Comedies Television, Comedies 1983 FF M 530min. Horror/Suspense Universal Music & Video Distribution Paramount Home Entertainment 09.10.2007 Universal Music & Video Distribution 18.09.2007 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068353 25.09.2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068672 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068422 Fantasma - Vol. 3: The Wine Every Woman’s Dream Dragon Heat Glass to Say Goodbye / The Final John Sumner, Jeff Fahey, Kim Cattrall - Dir. Curse Michael Biehn, , Maggie Q, Steven Schachter Shawn Yue - Dir. Daniel Lee Mitch Parker seems like the perfect man, the perfect Horror/Suspense 2004 DD 2.0 100min. Action/Adventure 2005 110min. husband and the perfect, upright citizen, but looks can be Bandai Entertainment 04.09.2007 deceiving. When it turns out that he has a second woman 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068128 Weinstein Company/Genius 18.09.2007 on the side and he is beginning to turn into a dangerous 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068477 criminal, things are definitely not as they seem. Action/Adventure 1996 Few Days in September Dreaming Lhasa Tango Entertainment 10.07.2007 , John Turturro, Sara Tenzin Chokyi Gyatso, Tenzin Jigme, Jampa 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068451 Forestier, Nick Nolte - Dir. Santiago Kalsang - Dir. Ritu Sarin, Tenzing Sonam Amigorena - The Se- Nick Nolte, Juliet Binoche, and John Turturro star in this Religious 2007 90min. tightly wound drama about a French agent who struggles First Run Features Home Video 18.09.2007 cond Season to find a missing C.I.A. member who has crucial 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068198 Tyler James Williams, Tequan Richmond, information on the fate of the globe. Dramas 2006 Ltbx 112min. Imani Hakim, Vincent Martella, Terry Crews, KOCH Entertainment Distribution DVD Bookshelf - Time Machine Tichina Arnold 11.09.2007 Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2007 240min. Comedian Chris Rock parleys his real-life childhood experiences into an endearingly family-friendly coming-of- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068251 Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007 age sitcom with UPN’s popular and critically acclaimed 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068173 EVERYBODY HATES CHRIS. Set in 1980s Bed-Stuy, (where Rock himself grew up), the series follows The Film Crew - Wild Women of teenage Chris (a pitch-perfect Tyler James Williams) as Wongo Electric Company - Greatest Hits his efforts at being cool are constantly stifled by his & Bits penny-pinching father, Julius (former NFL player Terry Comedies Crews), overprotective mother, Rochelle (Tichina Arnold, Universal Music & Video Distribution Morgan Freeman, Bill Cosby, Rita Moreno, MARTIN), and annoying younger siblings, Drew (Tequan 11.09.2007 Joan Rivers Richmond) and Tanya (Imani Hakim). To make matters Hilarious, educational, and groovy, the 1970s educational worse, Chris is forced to attend an all-white school where 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068413 television show and cultural phenomenon THE ELECTRIC his only friend is an equally hapless white boy, Greg COMPANY ran zany comedy and music acts designed to (Vincent Martella), ensuring that his peer interactions are The Film Crew: Killers From teach kids reading and arithmetic. This collection presents just as exasperating as his befuddled, yet loving, family clips of the series’ greatest moments, including segments life. Rock himself provides the voiceover narration, while Space with Bill Cosby and Morgan Freeman, as well as newly period-piece detail and an impeccable soul soundtrack recorded interviews with former cast members Rita add authentic ’80s nostalgia. Whether you call it an Peter Graves - Dir. W. Lee Wilder Moreno, Joan Rivers, Jim Boyd, Judy Graubart, Skip African-American WONDER YEARS or a working-class Creatures from another planet with ping-pong balls for Hinnant, Tom Lehrer, and series creator Joan Ganz COSBY SHOW, EVERYBODY HATES CHRIS is funny, eyes raise a human scientist (Peter Graves) from the Cooney. creative, clever, and full of hea dead to have him spy on Earth for them. This version of Television, Childrens, Educational 2006 M Television, Comedies 2006 FF 500min. the film includes commentary from the Film Crew team. Science-Fiction/Fantasy 85min. Paramount Home Entertainment 09.10.2007 Universal Music & Video Distribution Sony Music Distribution 10.07.2007 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068354 07.08.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068412 Everything’s Gone Green 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068414 Paulo Costanzo, Peter Kelamis, Seph Elvira’s Movie Macabre Double Final Draft Feature - Blue Sunshine & Song, Susan Hogan, Tom Butler, Aiden Devine, J.R. Bourne, Gordon Michael James Van Der Beek, Tara Spencer-Nairn, Monstroid Woolvett, Katherine Isabelle, Tara Wilson - James Binkley - Dir. Jonathan Dueck Horror/Suspense Dir. Paul Fox Horror/Suspense 2007 89min. Universal Music & Video Distribution This comedy from writer Douglas Coupland and director Genius Productions, Inc. 18.09.2007 25.09.2007 Paul Fox explores the pressure felt by many people in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068215

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dancer, the group gets robbed, and these criminals are Dramas 1960 338min. thorough: they even steal the poor victims’ clothes! Taken Firestorm / Scorpio One in to the police station and documented along the way, Genius Productions, Inc. 18.09.2007 Action/Adventure their photograph turns up in the paper the next day, which 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068219 Esther, in a much-improved state, of course sees. The Genius Productions, Inc. 28.08.2007 men will have a lot of explaining to do when they arrive at 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068375 the clinic to pick up a very irate Esther! Golfa Del Barrio Comedies 1953 FF 80min. Sasha Montenegro, Susana Cabrera, For Love of the Game (HD DVD) KOCH Entertainment Distribution Roberto Montiel 11.09.2007 A romance between a female pickpocket and a recently Kevin Costner, Kelly Preston, John C. bereaved man unravels in this Mexican production from Reilly, Jena Malone, Brian Cox, J.K. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068236 1983. Simmons, Vin Scully, Steve Lyons, Bill Ro- Foreign Films, Spanish 1983 FF 88min. gers, Hugh R. Ross, Ted Raimi - Dir. Sam Getting Gotti Universal Music & Video Distribution Raimi , Anthony John Denison, 10.07.2007 Director Sam Raimi follows up his 1998 hit A SIMPLE Ellen Burstyn, Kathleen Laskey, August 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068664 PLAN with a movie that completes Mr. Costner’s unofficial trilogy of baseball films. Told almost entirely in flashback, Schellenberg - Dir. the film concerns an already legendary 40 year-old Lorraine Bracco (GOODFELLAS, ) turns Great African Films - Vol. 2 pitcher, Billy Chapel, pitching the last game of his career in a powerhouse performance as the woman who brought that also marks the end of what has been, at best, a down the Mafia’s infamous „Teflon Don“ in the riveting Dramas 2001 FF 186min. mediocre season. Going up against the Yankees, Billy made-for-TV courtroom drama GETTING GOTTI. Growing Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 28.08.2007 remembers, while on the mound, his failed affair with the up in the same Queens neighborhood as gangster John 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068180 woman he still loves (Preston). As the game unfolds and it Gotti (Anthony John Denison), Diane Giacalone (Bracco) becomes apparent that he’s on track to pitch a perfect chooses a vastly different career path to become an game, Billy begins to wonder if he can win her back, and if Assistant US Attorney in Brooklyn—where she spends Great Rupert years building a case against the ruthless crime boss that his ailing arm can make it through nine innings. Jimmy Durante, Terry Moore, Tom Drake, Dramas 1999 Ltbx DD 5.1 138min. leads to his eventual trial and imprisonment. Director Roger Young’s hardhitting true-crime drama follows Frank Orth - Dir. Irving Pichel Universal Studios Home Video 18.09.2007 Giacalone from the streets of Ozone Park to the A loopy comedy in which Durante and his family of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068309 courtrooms of Brooklyn as she dedicates her life to acrobats are aided in collecting a fortune by a friendly, prosecuting one of the world’s most notorious mob bushy-tailed squirrel named Rupert; aka „The Great leaders. Rupert.“ Rupert also happens to be Durante’s neighbor. Friday Night Lights - The First Television, Dramas 1994 One particular Christmas, Rupert manages to save the Season Tango Entertainment 10.07.2007 day. Comedies 1953 FF 87min. Kyle Chandler, Connie Britton, Zach Gilford, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068453 Westlake Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 Kelly Minka, Scott Porter, Aimee Tee- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068633 garden, Gaius Charles, Adrianne Palicki, Gift / The Blessed Midnight Taylor Kitsch Virginia Gregg, David Saber Television, Dramas 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Dramas FF Greatest Sports Films of All Time Universal Studios Home Video 28.08.2007 Westlake Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 - Gift Set 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068316 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068642 Gene Hackman, Dennis Hopper, Barbara Hershey, Kevin Costner, Susan Sarandon, Full Metal Jacket (Blu-ray) Girlfriends - The Complete Se- Tim Robbins, Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, , Adam Baldwin, R. Lee cond Season Cathy Moriarty, Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Carl Weathers, Burgess Meredith - Ermey, Ed O’Ross, Arliss Howard, Dorian Golden Brooks, Jill Marie Jones, Tracee Dir. John G. Avildsen, , Ron Harewood, Kevyn Major Howard, Vincent Ellis Ross, Persia White, Reggie Hayes Shelton, David Anspaugh D’Onofrio - Dir. Stanley Kubrick Television, Comedies 2001 FF 770min. Based on Gustav Hasford’s novel THE SHORT TIMERS, Cheer on the most iconic athletes in cinema history with Kubrick’s unusual answer to the 1980s spate of Vietnam Paramount Home Entertainment 09.10.2007 this collection featuring ROCKY, RAGING BULL, BULL War films (PLATOON, HAMBURGER HILL, 84 CHARLIE 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068357 DURHAM, and HOOSIERS. See individual titles for MOPIC, etc.) actually seems like two films in one. The synopsis information. first half focuses on the training of a squad of Marine Dramas 1976 grunts on Parris Island, and more specifically on the Girls Behaving Badly - Vol. 2 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment troubled relationship between the brutal drill sergeant Chelsea Handler, Shondrella Avery, Melissa (Ermey) and an oafish misfit (a brilliant D’Onofrio) who 10.07.2007 just happens to be a sharpshooter. Post-training, we Howard, Kira Soltanovich 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068317 follow the grunts to battle of Hue City, the climactic battle Television, Comedies 2006 368min. of the 1968 Tet Offensive and the turning point of the Starlight Home Entertainment 31.07.2007 Green Chair Vietnam War, seeing mostly through the eyes of a cynical 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068410 reporter nicknamed Joker (Modine). As a Vietnam War Yun-hong Oh, Jung Suh, Ji-ho Shim - Dir. film, Kubrick’s is notable for focusing on urban, rather Cheol-su Park than jungle, battlefields—with snipers hiding behind every Gladiators bombed-out building. Dramas 2005 103min. Dramas 1987 116min. Richard Harrison, Alan Steele, Dan Vadis, Genius Productions, Inc. 25.09.2007 Warner Home Video 10.07.2007 Steve Reeves, Roland Carey, Dorian Gray 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068216 Risking their lives for the sake of entertaining audiences, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068621 gladiators in ancient Rome fought against anything willing, often to the death. For the most part created during the Andy Griffith Collection Galindez File early 1960s, the graphic, epic films in this collection all revolve in some way or other around the fighting arena. Andy Griffith, Don Knotts, Ron Howard, Harvey Keitel, Saffron Burrows GLADIATORS includes GIANTS OF ROME, REBEL GLA- Frances Bavier Dramas 2007 77min. DIATORS, SPARTACUS AND THE TEN GLADIATORS, Join Andy, Opie, Barney, and Aunt Bee in this collection of Maverick Entertainment 21.08.2007 THE GIANT OF MARATHON, THE LAST GLORY OF favorites from the beloved classic. TROY, GIANTS OF THESSALY, DUEL OF CHAMPIONS, Television, Comedies 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068322 COLOSSUS AND THE AMAZON QUEEN, and GLADIA- TORS SEVEN. St. Clair Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068397 Genio Y Figura Action/Adventure 1959 FF 816min. St. Clair Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 Luis Aguilar, Antonio Badu, Esther 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068399 Habana Blues Fernandez, Linda Cristal, Sara Garcia, Comedies Evangelina Elizondo - Dir. Fernando Warner Home Video 25.09.2007 Mendez, Raúl de Anda Jean-Luc Godard - Director’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068613 A trip to Mexico City leads to disastrous results for a trio Special Gift Set of country bumpkins in this 1953 Mexican comedy. When Jean-Paul Belmondo, Jean Seberg, Daniel the pregnant Esther gets some bad news from her doctor, Hamish MacBeth - Series 1-3 he advises her to visit a clinic in the capitol, so she enlists Boulanger, Jean-Pierre Melville, Anna Kari- husband Antonio to drive her there at once. na, Michel Subor, Henri-Jacques Huet, Collection Accompanying the couple is Esther’s brother Luis, and as soon as the men drop her off at the hospital, they hit a Laszlo Szabo, Albert Juross, Marino Mase, Robert Carlyle, Shirley Henderson local nightclub and live it up, getting in to trouble along Sarah Adler, Nade Dieu, Rony Kramer - Dir. Acclaimed actor Robert Carlyle (TRAINSPOTTING) stars the way. As they leave the club in the company of a young Jean-Luc Godard as police constable Hamish Macbeth in this TV crime

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 29 Newsletter 14/07 (Nr. 211) Juli 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) drama series, which is set in a small Scottish town. KNEW TOO MUCH, later remade by Hitchcock himself in Macbeth’s relationship with the town forms the backbone Hollywood. The remainder of the films are lesser known of the plot; bringing the various miscreants who dwell but still of great interest to fans of the director and to film , Carol Ohmart, Alan Marshal, there to justice, he often deploys unorthodox methods to history buffs: SABOTAGE, SECRET AGENT, and NUMBER Richard Long, Carolyn Craig, Elisha Cook, get the job done. However, the constant threat of 17. Julie Mitchum, Leona Anderson, Howard promotion, and the subsequent relocation that would Dramas 1926 FF DD 2.0 780min. bring, hangs over Macbeth’s head like a bad smell—he’s Hoffman - Dir. so in love with the little town that he would rather avoid St. Clair Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 Vincent Price has one of his juiciest roles in this haunted- climbing the police career ladder and stay where he is. As 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068407 house thriller as millionaire playboy Frederick Loren, who the town is populated with eccentric characters who invites five guests out to a genuine haunted house, always raise a wry smile, it’s not hard to see why, and offering them each $10,000 if they spend the night. Elisha Macbeth also has his eye on a couple of women who have Holiday Affair Cook Jr. plays one of the guests, a nervous alcoholic who caught his fancy—a long-running subplot of the show. The Robert Mitchum, Janet Leigh, Wendell has been in this house before and witnessed some terrible complete first, second, and third seasons of HAMISH things. Mr. Loren’s beautiful but treacherous wife (Carol MACBETH are contained here. Corey, Gordon Gebert, Griff Barnett, Henry Ohmart) is also present—and might be out to kill Television, Dramas O’Neill, Harry Morgan, , James Frederick during the course of the evening; then again, he Warner Home Video 23.10.2007 Griffith, Frances Morris - Dir. Don Hartman might be out to kill her. Severed heads, a skeleton, an This Christmas story centers on a widowed mother who is acid vat, ghostly screams, and a noose that creeps 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068133 about to marry an old friend. The mother, eager to give around on its own and strangles unsuspecting victims are her boy a very merry Christmas, allows a charming sales just some of the treats in a film that has been spooking Hamish MacBeth - Series Three clerk to buy her son a toy train set, much to her fiance’s delighted audiences on late-night TV for decades. Produ- chagrin. The triangle is in place. Steve, the clerk, cer-director William Castle (THE TINGLER) claimed this Robert Carlyle, Shirley Henderson understands that to win her heart, his must first win over was filmed in a process called Emergo, which meant that Acclaimed actor Robert Carlyle (TRAINSPOTTING) stars her son. Based on the story by John D. Weaver. Remade at a key moment a glow-in-the-dark skeleton on a wire as police constable Hamish Macbeth in this TV crime for television in 1996. was rigged to sail over the audience’s heads. The drama series, which is set in a small Scottish town. Dramas 1949 FF 53min. skeleton is long since gone, but the goofy thrills remain in Macbeth’s relationship with the town forms the backbone this classic tale, from a script by . of the plot; bringing the various miscreants who dwell Westlake Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 Horror/Suspense 1958 75min. there to justice, he often deploys unorthodox methods to 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068644 Genius Productions, Inc. 04.09.2007 get the job done. However, the constant threat of promotion, and the subsequent relocation that would 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068270 bring, hangs over Macbeth’s head like a bad smell—he’s Horror Special Edition DVD so in love with the little town that he would rather avoid Collection House on Hooter Hill climbing the police career ladder and stay where he is. As the town is populated with eccentric characters who Sissy Spacek, Dee Wallace Stone - Dir. Joe An alleged haunted house provides some unexpected always raise a wry smile, it’s not hard to see why, and thrills for a group of over-sexed women who are staying Dante, Brian De Palma, John Carpenter there in HOUSE ON HOOTER HILL. Macbeth also has his eye on a couple of women who have This collection assemles three chilling classics from what caught his fancy—a long-running subplot of the show. The many consider to be the golden era of the horror film and Dramas 2007 FF 110min. complete third season of HAMISH MACBETH is contained presents each of them in a Special Edition DVD. The trio KOCH Entertainment Distribution here. is comprised of CARRIE (1976), THE FOG (1979), and 11.09.2007 Television, Dramas THE HOWLING (1981). Please see individual titles for 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068263 Warner Home Video 23.10.2007 scary synopses. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068132 Horror/Suspense Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 289min. House Without a Christmas Tree R.L. Stine’s The Haunting Hour: MGM Home Entertainment 18.09.2007 Jason Robards, Lisa Lucas, Mildred 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068093 Natwick - Dir. Paul Bogart Don’t Think About It After a mother dies, her family appears destined to spend Emily Osment, Tobin Bell, Cody Linley, Horrors of Malformed Men the rest of its days picking up the pieces. Brittany Curran - Dir. Alexander Zamm Television, Dramas 1972 FF M Teruo Yoshida, Minoru Oki, Tatsumi Hijikata Action/Adventure 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Paramount Home Entertainment 16.10.2007 - Dir. Teruo Ishii 87min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068365 Horror/Suspense 1969 Ltbx DD 2.0 99min. Universal Studios Home Video 04.09.2007 Synapse Films 28.08.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068311 How the West Was Fun 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068429 Mickey Rooney, Robert Stack, Robert Preston, Al St. John, Buster Crabbe, Hoot R.L. Stine’s The Haunting Hour: Hot Spot Don’t Think About It Gibson, Laurie Anders, Johnny Mack Directed by Larenz Tate (MENACE II SOCIETY), HOT Brown, Chill Wills, Andy Devine, Walter Emily Osment, Tobin Bell, Cody Linley, SPOT follows a bunch of curvacious ladies who decide to Brennan, Fred Astaire, Edgar Buchanan, Brittany Curran - Dir. Alexander Zamm seek revenge when one of them is dumped by her rap-star . Gatecrashing his party, the girls end up feuding Judy Canova, Terry Wilson, Charlie Dell, Action/Adventure 2007 FF DD 5.1 87min. when a couple of them try to present the rap impresario John Astin, Bob Denver, Forrest Tucker - Universal Studios Home Video 04.09.2007 with a demo tape. Dir. Richard Erdman, R.G. Springsteen, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068314 Action/Adventure 2005 Universal Music & Video Distribution George McCowan, William Berke, Elliott Nugent Werner Herzog - Director’s 10.07.2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068650 THE WACKIEST WAGON TRAIN IN THE WEST: Two not- Special 2 Pack too-competent trail leaders guide a wagon train of laughs across the western prairie. Education/General Interest, World History/ Rob Zombie’s House of 1,000 Television, Westerns Culture 2003 294min. Corpses (Blu-ray) St. Clair Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 Genius Productions, Inc. 18.09.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068398 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068220 Sid Haig, Chris Hardwick, Jennifer Jostyn, Bill Moseley, Michael J. Pollard, Sheri I Dream of Jeannie - The Hitchcock Collection Moon, Jeanne Carmen, Tom Towels, Erin Daniels, Karen Black - Dir. Rob Zombie Complete Fourth Season Marie Ault, Anny Ondra, Sara Allgood, Hen- Rob Zombie is the hero who has released Barbara Eden, Larry Hagman, Bill Daily, ry Kendall, Joan Barry, Leon M. Lion, Anne such albums as SINISTER URGE and HELLBILLY Hayden Rorke, Barton MacLane Grey, Leslie Banks, Peter Lorre, Robert DELUXE as a solo act, and ASTRO-CREEP 2000 with his Television, Comedies 1968 FF DD 5.1 Donat, John Gielgud, Sylvia Sidney, band, White Zombie. Here, he takes on the world of horror movies in this very bloody, very entertaining tale. The old 654min. Margaret Lockwood - Dir. car-trouble scenario comes in handy, as a group of A number of early films from the career of Alfred unsuspecting travelers must spend the night in a place of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Hitchcock are collected together on THE HITCHCOCK demented evil—in this case, it’s the Museum of Monsters 28.08.2007 COLLECTION. All of the films featured were made in and Madmen. Zombie makes the movie work for the same 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068163 before Hitchcock left for Hollywood in 1940. reason his music career has been so successful: He Some of the most important films in Hitchcock’s career knows he’s going way over the top, and he’s not afraid to are included, such as the THE LODGER, only go as far as he can. So, eager viewers should put their L’Iceberg film he directed, and based in part on the Jack the Ripper tongues in their cheeks and go along for the raunchy ride. Lucy Tulugarjuk, Fiona Gordon, Dominque murders; BLACKMAIL, Hitchcock’s first ; and Horror/Suspense 2003 88min. Abel, Phillipe Martz - Dir. Dominque Abel, THE LADY VANISHES, a comedic thriller that is often Lions Gate Home Entertainment 18.09.2007 considered the finest film he made in his native England. Fiona Gordon, Bruno Romy Also featured are RICH AND STRANGE, which displays 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068282 Released in Belgium in 2005, this surrealist fantasy Hitchcock’s talent for romantic comedy; THE 39 STEPS, concerns a woman whose ordinary life as a fast-food one of his first colossal successes; and THE MAN WHO

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 30 Newsletter 14/07 (Nr. 211) Juli 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) worker is interrupted by a freak accident in which she Frightful Films Anne Estelle Di Maio, Danielle Chon, John becomes locked in a fridge. When she escapes the icy box and reenters the real world, she realizes her life has Boris Karloff Moody, Arie Polluck, Armand Hammer, become a prison of its own, and is suddenly drawn to all Horror/Suspense FF 1140min. Scott Chernoff - Dir. Jason Ruscio things snow and ice-covered. She then flees the family Petra Wright (SEVEN AND A MATCH) stars as Laura, a (who barely noticed her absence) in search of a real KOCH Entertainment Distribution woman whose life has taken an unfortunate downturn, in iceberg and a fresh experience. 11.09.2007 LAURA SMILES. Laura’s idyllic lifestyle masks a dark Dramas 2007 84min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068329 past, and events from her former life soon come back to haunt her. This triggers a downward spiral in her life First Run Features Home Video 18.09.2007 which she desperately tries to pull herself out of, with 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068199 Klash (Special Edition) mixed results. Carl Bradshaw, Paul Campbell, Lucien Dramas 2006 Ltbx DD 2.0 98min. In the Sight Chen, Giancarlo Esposito, Jasmine Guy, Warner Home Video 18.09.2007 Foreign Films, Japanese Cedella Marley - Dir. Bill Parker 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068610 Laguna Films 18.09.2007 Giancarlo Esposito is a New York photographer who goes on assignment in Jamaica and is lured by a gangster’s Lewis & Clark and Other Great 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068272 girlfriend into a web of drugs, power, and lust. Luckily, this also gives Esposito a hot story to cover, because this Adventures Incredible Genie gangster also plans on robbing the box office of Kingston’s biggest Reggae concert - „the Kla$h“. Features Action/Adventure Stacie Randall, Matt Koruba, Tom Fahn, Biff music by Shabba Ranks, Snow, Bounty Killer, and Papa Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 Manard - Dir. Alexander Cassini San. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068134 Brainy-but-bashful Simon finds a best friend in a clumsy Action/Adventure 1995 4,000-year-old genie. Xenon Pictures, Inc. 17.07.2007 Littlest Angel Childrens, Live-Action 1999 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068098 Tango Entertainment 10.07.2007 Johnnie Whitaker, Fred Gwynne, E.G. Mars- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068452 hall, Connie Stevens, Cab Calloway, Tony Kung Fu Fighter Randall, Cort Stevens - Dir. Joe Layton Vanness Wu, Siu-Wong Fan, Hsiao Liang A „Hallmark Hall of Fame“ special airing on NBC, this Inspector Lynley Mysteries 5 - Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2007 Ltbx production (based on the book by Charles Tazewell) tells Box Set the story of an 8 year-old shepherd boy named Michael 16x9 DD 5.1 100min. (Whitaker) in Biblical times who is called to Heaven. He Nathaniel Parker, Sharon Small Tai Seng Video Marketing, Inc. 28.08.2007 has difficulty making the transition and an angel, Patience Television, Dramas 2006 344min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068432 (Gwynne), materializes to help him along. The boy then learns that the spirit of giving is infinitely more important WGBH Boston Video 01.10.2007 than the gift itself. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068204 L.A. Dicks Religious 1969 FF 90min. Sarah Wynter, Erik Palladino, Michael Westlake Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 It Came From Somwhere Else Madsen, Anthony Guidera - Dir. Dean Alioto 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068629 A B-movie fiercely proud of its low-budget origins, IT is full of people looking to break into the film CAME FROM SOMEWHERE ELSE is badly acted, lacks industry, so L.A. DICKS takes that as its premise and puts narrative focus, and casts kung fu experts from outer a hilarious twist on the ambitions of people who are LOL space as its central characters. Descending to Earth so hungry for fame. The film follows two cops who compete Joe Swanberg, C. Mason Wells, Kevin they can carry out an agricultural experiment, the martial with a group of detectives—not to solve crimes, but to see arts enthusiasts find themselves caught up in some who can be the first to make it big in Hollywood. And Bewersdorf - Dir. Joe Swanberg wonderfully camp action. mayhem soon breaks out when a psychic with an uncanny Dramas 2006 FF S 81min. Comedies 2005 eye for predicting the future becomes involved with the Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007 Universal Music & Video Distribution cops. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068391 Action/Adventure 90min. 10.07.2007 Visual Entertainment 10.07.2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068651 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068498 Lunar De La Familia Luis Aguilar, Antonio Badu, Sara Garcia, Johnstown Flood Lady Ninja Kasumi - Vol. 2 Esther Fernandez, Linda Cristal, Jose Elias Patrick Jordan, Charles King, Jennifer Lee Moreno Dramas 2006 70min. Drake - Dir. Mark Bussler When boisterous pals Luis and Antonio pay a visit to On May 31, 1889, the South Fork Dam burst, setting in Media Blasters 25.09.2007 Luis’s aging grandmother, Doña Luisa, they expect to motion one of the worst disasters in history. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068307 simply have a pleasant time with the old lady. But when As a 40-foot wall of water raced down the Conemaugh she gets wind of the boys having way too much fun in the Valley, the city of Johnstown, was local bars, she decides it’s her turn to set them straight. transformed from an industrial boomtown into a Last Coffin In order to occupy the boys, Luisa sets them the wasteland. Academy Award winner Richard Dreyfuss Foreign Films, Japanese FF cumbersome task of finding a potential mate for Luis’s captures the emotions of the survivors who watched as withdrawn sister, Esther. As the guys look around town for Johnstown was destroyed and over 2,200 lives were lost. Laguna Films 25.09.2007 suitable prospects and grandmother Luisa’s health gets A true story of heartbreak, heroism, and the will to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068271 worse, Esther has her eye on the one person her survive, JOHNSTOWN FLOOD is a riveting look into a grandmother would never approve of—bad boy Antonio. tragic day. Dramas 1953 FF 80min. Education/General Interest, American The Last Starfighter (HD DVD) KOCH Entertainment Distribution History/Culture 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Lance Guest, Catherine Mary Stewart, Ro- 11.09.2007 84min. bert Preston, Suzanne Snyder - Dir. Nick 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068262 Inecom Entertainment Company 10.07.2007 Castle Teenager Alex Rogan lives and works in the trailer-park 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068225 that his mother owns. His life consists of contemplating MacGyver - The Complete Series his rather bleak future, and waiting for word on his college Richard Dean Anderson Journey of the Heart / Hearts loan application to arrive. One night all this changes Using his brain in place of a gun, secret agent Angus forever. Alex possesses an extraordinary skill at video MacGyver (Richard Dean Anderson) relies on his Adrift games, and when this skill attracts a space-travelling knowledge of science to save himself and others from Sydney Penny, Rodney Rowland, Cybill recruiter looking for pilots to protect the galaxy from jeopardy. Deploring the promotion of everyday violence, outside forces, he suddenly finds himself on another MacGyver refuses to carry weapons and instead designs Shepherd, Stephen Lang - Dir. Karen Ar- planet in the middle of an inter-galactic war. It seems that lifesaving tools out of household staples like paper clips thur, Vic Sarin his game-playing abilities are an invaluable military asset and duct tape. Anderson portrays a likeable hero of strong Dramas 1996 to the embattled „Star League of Planets.“ principles and intellect in this clever series, which Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1984 Ltbx DD 5.1 Genius Productions, Inc. 28.08.2007 successfully ran for seven years and continues to remain 101min. a beloved cult favorite. This collection presents the series 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068374 Universal Studios Home Video 18.09.2007 in its entirety. Television, Action/Adventure 1985 FF DD 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068310 June Cabin 1.0 Paramount Home Entertainment 16.10.2007 Dramas Laura Smiles Warner Home Video 16.10.2007 265,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068360 Petra Wright, Mark Derwin, Kip Pardue, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068612 Jonathan Silverman, Ted Hartley, Hristo El Mago Ivanov, Stephen Swan, Rawley Valverde, Boris Karloff Box - The 15 Ernando Gonzalez, Julissa, Maya Zapata,

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Gustavo Munoz, Juan Angel Esparza - Dir. the Herods, they face lives enslaved, or . This is 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068627 Jaime Aparicio the full-length television miniseries. Television, Dramas 1980 FF 394min. Foreign Films, Spanish 2007 FF DD 2.0 KOCH Entertainment Distribution Monarch of the Glen: The 99min. 11.09.2007 Complete Collection Lions Gate Home Entertainment 18.09.2007 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068256 Alexander Morton, Richard Briers, Susan 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068280 Hampshire, Tom Baker, Alastair Mackenzie, Lloyd Owen Maleta de la Muerte Masseur Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 76min. Combining romantic drama, lush photography, an Jose Angel Ortiz, Gary Rivas, Mario attractive cast, and a biting wit, MONARCH OF THE GLEN Wolfe Video 28.08.2007 Almada, Karina Medina has become a beloved British television series. This 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068331 collection includes every episode from the show’s seven A deadly fight begins between crooked lawmen and season run. gangsters, and it’s all over a little bag—a bag filled with Television, Dramas two million dollars in cash, that is. The stakes are high, Master / Return of the Tiger, The and these bad boys won’t let anything keep them from Warner Home Video 23.10.2007 their money. Jet Li, Bruce Li 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068135 Action/Adventure 90min. Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts FF Woodhaven Entertainment 10.07.2007 90min. Moscow Heat 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068623 K.C. Sales 31.07.2007 Michael York 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068300 On arrival in Moscow an NYPD Detective and a former Mama’s Foot Diplomat face deportation after a series of bungled A rare foot disease causes havoc in the riotous comedy Masterpiece Theatre’s Family attempts to bring a notorious killer to justice. Having tailed MAMA’S FOOT. Twin sons from an impoverished Los the murderer to Russia, the crime-fighting duo aren’t Angeles home try to find the money to afford for Collection going to give in without a fight, leading to some frantic their mother’s ailing foot, but their gangsta associate who Television, Dramas 415min. action as MOSCOW HEAT works its way to a nail-biting promises to help them out only leads them into trouble. finale. And with time running our for the health of their mama’s WGBH Boston Video 22.10.2007 Action/Adventure 2005 foot, the twins face a desperate race against the clock to 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068202 Universal Music & Video Distribution get the cash. 10.07.2007 Comedies FF 80min. Masters of Horror - Season 1 Box 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068505 Visual Entertainment 10.07.2007 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068528 Set Television, Horror/Suspense 2005-2006 Mother of Mine Marching On Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 754min. Directed by Klaus Härö, this award-winning film tells the Anchor Bay Entertainment 28.08.2007 tale of a nine-year old Finnish boy who is evacuated to Hugo Martin, Emmet Jackson Sweden during World War II, and must cope with the The African American contribution to World War II is 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068100 effects of separation from his biological mother as well as examined in this docu-drama. his confused feelings towards his temporary surrogate Dramas FF 83min. mother. Max Lucado 3:16 Foreign Films 2007 FF Westlake Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 Elizabeth Keener, Judy Levell, Susanna Repnet 24.07.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068645 Lewis, Fadi Malouf, Kaira Whitehead, Eric 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068194 Williams, Matthew Zuk, Aria Zurka Maria Candelaria Dramas 2007 DD 2.0 75min. Las Movidas Del Mofles Dolores Del Rio, Pedro Armendariz Lions Gate Home Entertainment 11.09.2007 Manuel Ibanez, Maria Cardinal, Rafael The story of a girl who is looked down on due to her 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068284 mothers past. This is her struggle to get the man she Inclan wants and to set her life straight. The adventures of „El Mofles,“ whose numerous love Foreign Films, Spanish 102min. Medium - Seasons 1 thru 3 affairs with the neighborhood’s housewives get him in First Look Home Entertainment 11.09.2007 Patricia Arquette, David Cubitt, Maria Lark, trouble after trouble. Foreign Films, Spanish 1987 90min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068185 Miguel Sandoval, Sofia Vassilieva, Jake First Look Home Entertainment 11.09.2007 Weber 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068186 Marido de mi Novia Television, Dramas 2005 Ltbx 16x9 Paramount Home Entertainment 16.10.2007 Maria Elena Marques, Abel Salazar Mundo de Juguete A woman turns to crime after a terrible accident leaves 207,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068363 her husband disabled and her son dead in this Mexican MUNDO DE JUGUETE is one of Mexico’s longest-running thriller from 1951. telenovas, and tells the story of a young girl at a Catholic Medium - The Complete Third convent school who lives in a fantasy world of her own Foreign Films, Spanish 1951 FF 96min. creation. Universal Music & Video Distribution Season Foreign Films, Spanish, Television 1986 FF 10.07.2007 Patricia Arquette, David Cubitt, Maria Lark, 1360min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068670 Miguel Sandoval, Sofia Vassilieva, Jake Universal Music & Video Distribution Weber 10.07.2007 Martial Arts Classic - Legend of Television, Dramas 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068666 the Eight Samurai / Screaming Paramount Home Entertainment 16.10.2007 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068358 Ninja My Brother Vanessa Williams, Tatum O’Neal Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts FF Midnight Movie Collection - 4- 120min. Tatum O’Neal and Vanessa Williams star in this drama Disc Movie Set about two brothers, one of whom is disabled, and their K.C. Sales 31.07.2007 struggle through life. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068301 Ray Dennis Steckler, Liz Renay, Mike Dramas 90min. Cannon, Carolyn Brandt, Atlas King - Dir. Visual Entertainment 10.07.2007 Martial Arts Volume 2 Ray Dennis Steckler 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068514 Horror/Suspense 1964 265min. Ka Ling, Yu Wang Media Blasters 04.09.2007 Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 1980 FF National Lampoon’s Spring Break 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068302 900min. Nikki Ziering, Brian Shukoff, Diego Garcia Tai Seng Video Marketing, Inc. 28.08.2007 Nikki Ziering (AMERICAN WEDDING) stars in this tour of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068433 Miracle on 34th Street some of the hottest Spring Break destinations in America. Thomas Mitchell, Sandy Descher, Teresa Comedies 2007 70min. Universal Music & Video Distribution - Miniseries Wright The classic tale MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET is reworked 10.07.2007 Peter O’Toole, Peter Strauss, Barbara in this TV movie adaptation. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068491 Carrera - Dir. Boris Sagal Dramas FF 46min. An epic true story of Jews fleeing Roman destruction of Westlake Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Pursued to a mountain stronghold of National Lampoon’s TV - The

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Movie Dark and moody with a near-cinematic feel, NUMB3RS Dramas Ltbx DD 2.0 85min. has won both fans and acclaim for its innovative approach Sam Maccarone, Dian Bachar, Clifton to the conventional crime-drama formula. This collection Warner Home Video 14.08.2007 Collins, Jason Mewes, Judd Nelson, Ian presents the series’ first three seasons. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068611 Somerhalder, Danny Trejo, Jacob Vargas, Television, Dramas 2005 Ltbx 16x9 Lee Majors, Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Paramount Home Entertainment 02.10.2007 Patriotic Knights Preston Lacy - Dir. Sam Maccarone 207,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068361 Cheng Long, Tsui Siu-keung - Dir. Kwok Using shows like JACKASS and FEAR FACTOR as Leung inspiration and/or target practice, this highly irreverent, Office - Season 3 occasionally obscene, often hilarious film combines toilet Television, Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts humor, violent shenanigans, and sketch comedy with Steven Carell, Rainn Wilson, John 2006 FF 2700min. unabashed glee. Krasinski, Jenna Fischer, B.J. Novak Tai Seng Video Marketing, Inc. 28.08.2007 Comedies 2006 Ltbx 86min. Television, Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068435 Universal Music & Video Distribution Universal Studios Home Video 04.09.2007 10.07.2007 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068315 Pedro Navaja 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068657 Andres Garcia, Sasha Montenegro, Sergio Only Fools and Horses: The Goyri, Ana Luisa Peluffo, Carmelina Never Down Complete Collection Encinas, Adalberto Martinez, Maribel Robert La Sardo, Kurt Vonnegut - Dir. Ro- Lennard Pearce, Buster Merryfield Guardia, Edgardo Gazcon, Milton Rodriguez bert Oppel Comedies 2869min. - Dir. Alfonso Rosas Priego Dramas 2006 82min. Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 Based on the Ruben Blades song of the same name, this Vanguard International Cinema 21.08.2007 Mexican classic stars Andrés García as pimp Pedro 368,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068137 Navaja (Peter the Knife). As a hip hustler, Pedro is 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068539 pursued by the good (the cops), the bad (his competition), and the beautiful (every woman in Mexico). Night of the Sorcerers Only Fools and Horses: The Foreign Films, Spanish 1984 FF 95min. Simon Andreu, Kali Hansa, Jack Taylor, Specials 1991 - 2003 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Maria Kosti - Dir. Armando De Ossorio Lennard Pearce, Buster Merryfield 10.07.2007 THE NIGHT OF THE SORCERERS provides classic 1970s Comedies 1991-2003 683min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068335 horror with its terrifying tale of a clan of voodoo zombies, Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 deep in the jungles of the Congo, who attack a team of scientists and use their young women for chilling rituals. 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068138 Penitentiary (Special Edition) After the zombies claim the women, they turn them into Leon Isaac Kennedy, Chuck Mitchell - Dir. crazed vampiric creatures, who again rise in a gory cycle Only Thrill of destruction to look themselves for other young women Jamaa Fanaka to transform. Diane Keaton, Sam Shepard, Diane Lane, After spending one hot night with Linda, Too Sweet Gor- don finds himself behind bars, unfairly convicted of a Foreign Films, Spanish 1974 Robert Patrick, Tate Donovan, Sharon murder she has committed. In order to survive, he begins Navarre Corporation 07.08.2007 Lawrence, Stacy Travis, Richard Nance - training for the fight of his life - the welterweight crown 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068140 Dir. Peter Masterson and his manhood. THE ONLY THRILL is a little-seen film from 1997 by Action/Adventure 1979 99min. Nosotras Las Sirvientas reknown character-driven director Peter Masterson (TRIP Xenon Pictures, Inc. 17.07.2007 TO BOUNTIFUL). Adapted from his own play, writer Larry 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068096 Antonio Guzmán Aguilera, Alma Rosa Ketron tells the story of succeeding generations of people Aguirre, Domingo Soler, Ruben Rojo - Dir. in a small town, from the 1960s to the 1990s, who repeat the troubled relationships of their parents. Reece Penitentiary 2 (Special Edition) Zacarias Gomez Urquiza McHenry (Sam Shepard) has opened a clothing store and NOSOTRAS LAS SERVIENTAS is a vintage Mexican falls for seamstress Carol Fritzsimmons (Diane Keaton) Leon Isaac Kennedy, Ernie Hudson, Mr. T, romantic comedy about a poor country girl who moves to while his wife is in the hospital in a coma. As time Glynn Turman - Dir. Jamaa Fanaka Mexico City and finds work as a maid to a wealthy man, marches on we meet his son Tom (Robert Patrick) and An ex-con fights for the welterweight crown—and his only to tangle with her new employer’s conniving fiancée. Carol’s daughter Katherine (Diane Lane), who also life!—after his girlfriend is killed in this big-budget action Foreign Films, Spanish 1951 become romantically involved. The difficulties of sequel. relationships is examined through the men’s reluctance to Xenon Pictures, Inc. 10.07.2007 make decisions and the women’s difficulties in Action/Adventure 1982 108min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068662 establishing their independence in the face of their Xenon Pictures, Inc. 17.07.2007 partner’s indifference. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068097 Numbers - Season 3 Dramas 1997 FF Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Judd Hirsch, David Krumholtz, Rob Morrow Perfect Model Like a cross between CSI: CRIME SCENE 31.07.2007 Fast-living Hollywood actor Mario Sims returns to the town INVESTIGATION and Darren Aronofsky’s indie feature PI, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068336 he grew up in, and has his life changed forever in the CBS television series NUMB3RS blends crime-drama PERFECT MODEL. When he lays eyes upon the beautiful with mathematics for a smart and creepy spin on the Linda, Mario knows he has to have her, but her ghetto police-detective genre. Executive produced by Ridley La Parodia - Vol. 2 lifestyle is in marked contrast to his, and the culture clash Scott (ALIEN) and Tony Scott (TRUE ROMANCE), the Angelica Vale the two experience threatens to tear them apart for good. series centers on a pragmatically minded FBI agent, Don The Mexican television comedy LA PARODIA more than Dramas 2005 Eppes (NORTHERN EXPOSURE’s Rob Morrow), who lives up to its name with zany parodies of classic movies, Universal Music & Video Distribution invites his math-genius younger brother, Charlie (David politicians, and even sacred cows like national heroes. Krumholz), to help him solve challenging cases using This collection compiles more of the series’ best 10.07.2007 mathematical theories based on equations and probability. moments. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068653 Dark and moody with a near-cinematic feel, NUMB3RS has won both fans and acclaim for its innovative approach Comedies 160min. to the conventional crime-drama formula. This collection Xenon Pictures, Inc. 14.08.2007 Picture of the Magi / The presents the series’ third season in its entirety. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068671 Television, Dramas 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Christmas Carol Dramas FF 433min. Passion of Joshua the Jew Paramount Home Entertainment 02.10.2007 Westlake Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 Anna Bonaiuto, Marcello Mazzarella - Dir. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068359 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068641 Pasquale Scimeca A rabbi meets a young man who he believes is the new Numbers - Seasons 1-3 messiah in THE PASSION OF JOSHUA THE JEW. Ping Pong Designed as a retort to Mel Gibson’s THE PASSION OF Yosuke Kubozuka, Arata, Sam Lee, Shido Judd Hirsch, David Krumholtz, Rob Morrow THE CHRIST, Pasquale Scimea’s film veers away from the Like a cross between CSI: CRIME SCENE violence of Gibson’s epic and instead creates a personal Nakamura - Dir. Fumihiko Sori INVESTIGATION and Darren Aronofsky’s indie feature PI, tale that tackles issues of destiny and prejudice. Foreign Films, Japanese 2002 114min. the CBS television series NUMB3RS blends crime-drama with mathematics for a smart and creepy spin on the Dramas 2005 Ltbx 16x9 110min. Viz Media, LLC. 04.09.2007 police-detective genre. Executive produced by Ridley Universal Music & Video Distribution 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068545 Scott (ALIEN) and Tony Scott (TRUE ROMANCE), the 10.07.2007 series centers on a pragmatically minded FBI agent, Don Eppes (NORTHERN EXPOSURE’s Rob Morrow), who 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068658 Pirates of Ghost Island invites his math-genius younger brother, Charlie (David Melissa Powell, William Landsman, Thomas Krumholz), to help him solve challenging cases using Pastor Jones 4: Sisters in Spirit mathematical theories based on equations and probability. Stiver, Jennifer Cascio, Tristan Baker - Dir.

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Michael Toles Jon Voight, Cary Elwes, Christopher Lee, Visual Entertainment 10.07.2007 Horror/Suspense 2007 DD 5.1 80min. James Cromwell, Chiara Conti, Giuliano 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068496 Lions Gate Home Entertainment 11.09.2007 Gemma - Dir. John Kent Harrison 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068283 Jon Voight plays Pope John Paul II in this dramatization of Reality Kills his life. Television, Dramas 2005 Ltbx 16x9 Natalie Cigliuti, Courtney Peldon, Nate Pizza, Beer and Smokes 180min. Dushku, Khalil Kain, Kristen Miller, Sticky Similar to the 2003 Brazilian drama CITY OF GOD, this Universal Music & Video Distribution Fingaz - Dir. Rafael Zelinsky Argentinean film offers a disquieting portrait of gang life in The reality TV boom of the early 21st century forms the Argentina. As Buenos Aires sinks deeper into poverty, a 10.07.2007 basis for this amusing, thoroughly post-modern horror pregnant young girl decides she’s had enough of the gang 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068492 movie. The film is set in a remote farm house, where life and attempts to leave the crime-strewn streets behind some suitably empty-headed contestants for a new reality her. Her fellow gang member and boyfriend also tries to show arrive at the behest of a cigar-chomping TV leave, after pulling off one last robbery. But as keen-eyed Power Rangers: Operation producer, who aims to frighten the life out of them. The cinemagoers know, „one last robbery“ usually spells Overdrive Vol. 1 contestants soon uncover some evidence that suggests doom, and as PIZZA, BEER AND SMOKES careers the house has witnessed some gruesome events in the towards a turbulent conclusion, it seems the gang life isn’t Action/Adventure 138min. past, and the caretaker who looks after the place gives as easy to escape from as some may think. Buena Vista Home Entertainment them all the chills. As events escalate out of control when Foreign Films 1998 FF 92min. 18.09.2007 one of the cameramen winds up dead, the stars of the Facets Video 10.07.2007 show try to figure out if the seemingly real killing is 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068147 actually just an elaborate ruse on the part of the program 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068179 makers. Facing grisly, permanent exits from the show, the contestants await a fate that’s even worse than being Playas Ball Power Rangers: Operation subjected to Simon Cowell’s (AMERICAN IDOL) acerbic Overdrive Vol. 2 wit....or do they? As they sink into its delicious blend of Allen Payne, Elise Neal, Anthony „Treach“ the horror-comedy of the Scream series with acutely Criss, Chelsi Smith, Tracey Cherelle Jones, Action/Adventure 138min. observed conventions from reality TV, some viewers may MC Lyte, Jordana Spiro, Anthony C. Hall, Buena Vista Home Entertainment find themselves wishing that REALITY KILLS wasn’t just a 18.09.2007 work of fiction! Tasha Smith, Jackie Long, Matthew Television, Horror/Suspense 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068148 Hatchette, Pamella D’Pella, Joe Brown, Universal Music & Video Distribution Chino XL, Liisa Lee, John Wickersham - 10.07.2007 Dir. Jennifer Harper Predator Island 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068654 Allen Payne stars as a young basketball player who is A meteorite shower brings carnage to a remote island, surrounded by people attempting to get a piece of his causing three couples on a boat trip to fight for their lives newly acquired good fortune, including a woman he as aliens scatter among them. What was supposed to be The Replacement Killers (Blu-ray) doesn’t recognize who attempts to involve him in a an idyllic vacation slowly turns into a bloodbath, leading to paternity suit. a frantic battle for survival. Yun-Fat Chow, Mira Sorvino, Michael Dramas 2003 Horror/Suspense 2005 Rooker, Jürgen Prochnow, Til Schweiger, Universal Music & Video Distribution Universal Music & Video Distribution Carlos Gomez, Danny Trejo, Kenneth 10.07.2007 10.07.2007 Tsang, Clifton Gonzalez Gonzalez, Randall 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068508 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068503 Duk Kim, Frank Medrano, Patrick Kilpatrick, Steven Garcia - Dir. Antoine Fuqua Versatile box office giant Chow Yun-Fat makes Pledge This! Premium a Hollywood splash as a John Lee, Chinese hitman Holly Valance, Simon Rex, Kerri Kenney, Dorian Missick, Zoe Saldana, Hill Harper, beholden to drug kingpin Mr. Wei (Hong Kong stalwart Ken Tsang, in an interesting reversal of his „crusty cop“ Sarai Howard, Sarah Carter, Amanda Aday, Eva Pigford, Sean Nelson, Frankie R. persona). The good news is that Lee’s free after one hit; Bianca Lawson, Noureen DeWulf, Diva Faison - Dir. Pete Chatmon the bad news is that Wei wants revenge on a cop who Zappa, Rick Najera, Alexis Thorpe, Amanda A struggling African-American actor tries to win back the killed his son—by killing the cop’s son. Lee decides to run love of his life in PREMIUM. The twist in the tale is that rather than kill the boy, and Wei doesn’t take kindly to the Rowan, Sofia Vergara, Carmen Electra, she’s getting married in just 38 hours, leading to a frantic betrayal. Tough-talking passport forger Meg Coburn (Mira Randy Spelling, Greg Cipes, Paris Hilton, race to win her heart. Sorvino) creates a new identity for Lee, but that’s of little Paula Garces, Geoffrey Arend - Dir. William Comedies 2007 97min. help when they must face Wei’s army of „replacement killers.“ First-timer Fuqua provides eye-candy visuals and Heins Universal Music & Video Distribution plenty of action set pieces. John Woo executive produced. Art imitates life in NATIONAL LAMPOON’S PLEDGE THIS! 10.07.2007 when Paris Hilton plays Victoria, a beautiful and rich Action/Adventure 1998 96min. woman that all the girls want to be and all the guys want 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068513 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment to be with. Victoria is the head of the Gamma Gammas, 11.09.2007 the most elite sorority at Miami’s South Beach University. Vincent Price Gift Set - Volume 1 Only girls who meet Victoria’s strict criteria are allowed 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068162 entrance into the Greek society. When FHM magazine Vincent Price names the Gamma Gamma girls the hottest sorority in Horror/Suspense Resident Evil / Resident Evil: America, Victoria decides to take advantage of both the 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment publicity and the famous magazine’s photo shoot. Paula Apocalypse Box Set 11.09.2007 Garces, Simon Rex, and Geoffrey Arend star along with Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, Eric Hilton, and Carmen Electra makes an appearance as well. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068320 In the spirit of movies like VAN WILDER and AMERICAN Mabius, Sienna Guillory, Oded Fehr - Dir. PIE, PLEDGE THIS! is a raunchy comedy about sexy Paul Anderson, Alexander Witt coeds. This release boasts unique special features like Quick Pick RESIDENT EVIL: The Umbrella Corporation’s Vault, a topless menus and naked commentary. Comedies 2007 86min. secret facility located deep below Raccoon City, is Comedies 2006 Maverick Entertainment 07.08.2007 sabotaged and a deadly virus is stolen. In the mansion Universal Music & Video Distribution that conceals another entrance to the Vault, Alice (Milla 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068323 Jovovich) lies on the shower floor, naked except for the 10.07.2007 shower curtain. She can’t remember anything but, as she 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068520 dresses, she recalls memory fragments. Then, masked Rahil’s Secret intruders burst through the windows. They tell Alice she is Lorenza Indovina, Jamil Hammoudi, Giorgio a Corporation agent living undercover in the mansion. She Police TV goes with them into the Vault to discover who sabotaged The cops and robbers genre as it appeared during the Faletti, Elisabetta Rochetti it. As they penetrate the Vault, trying to get to the Red golden age of television is well-represented in POLICE Dramas 2006 86min. Queen, the computer system at the heart of the facility, TV. This release features episodes from six classic crime Vanguard International Cinema 21.08.2007 Alice and her confederates face many horrors—dead dramas. Included are episodes of the famous police bodies suspended in water, blood-red flayed dogs, flesh- procedural DRAGNET, the comic-strip adaptation DICK 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068541 eating zombies, and „the Licker,“ a dynamically mutating TRACY, the hip PETER GUNN, the realistic THE MAN monster. BEHIND THE BADGE, the glamorous and light-hearted Rain Action/Adventure 2002 BURKE’S LAW, and RACKET SQUAD, whose plots deal with fraud and scam artists. These six series are among Faye Dunaway, Robert Loggia, Khandi Alex- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment the finest police shows ever to appear on television. ander, Brooklyn Sudano 28.08.2007 Television, Dramas FF 773min. Unfortunate circumstances lead to a young, talented 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068160 St. Clair Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 musician named Rain getting mixed-up in gang activities in this moving drama. After seeing her sister get 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068400 murdered, Rain is pursued by the gang, then placed in the Restraining Order care of a woman who turns out to be her real mother. Robin Givens, James Avery, Sean Pope John Paul II Dramas 104min. Blakemore, Reggie Gaskins - Dir. Reggie

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Gaskins climbing Manhattan secretary (Karen Lynn Gorney). This Marital tension reaches new heights in this thriller starring definitive portrait of a generation of disco dancers in the Sin Miedo a la Muerte Robin Givens. When Diane (Givens) begins to confess her 1970s skyrocketed its young star to fame and further relationship troubles to her friend Russ (Reggie Gaskins), propelled the disco inferno infatutation. Rebeca Silva, Armando Infante, Armando her husband Dontae’s (Sean Blakemore) jealousy Dramas 1977 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 98min. Gutierrez threatens to consume them all. RESTRAINING ORDER Paramount Home Entertainment 18.09.2007 Jealousy throws a small town into chaos in this Mexican won the award for Best Feature at the Hollywood Black 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068355 action film. When a father and son unite to take a rival Film Festival. family’s ranch for themselves, someone places a half- Dramas 2006 108min. million-dollar bounty on the life of the ranch’s owner. Universal Music & Video Distribution Saturday Night Fever / Staying Violence inevitably erupts, destroying the small town’s 10.07.2007 peace. Alive Foreign Films, Spanish 2003 FF 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068516 John Travolta, Karen Lynn Gorney, Cynthia Laguna Films 11.09.2007 Rhodes - Dir. John Badham, Sylvester 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068273 Reunion / Secrets Stallone Veronica Hamel, Richard Kiley, Marlo Tho- This double feature includes SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER, the iconic disco classic that captured the mood of a Slapstick Greats mas, Peter Strauss, Frances Sternhagen, generation and established John Travolta as a star, and Collecting both shorts and features starring Buster Leelee Sobieski - Dir. Lee Grant, Jud Taylor STAYING ALIVE, its 1983 sequel. Keaton, The Three Stooges, and Laurel and Hardy, SLAP- Dramas 1994 Dramas 1977 FF 214min. STICK GREATS contains hours of hilarity. The comedies in this set include COLLEGE, THE GENERAL, Genius Productions, Inc. 28.08.2007 Paramount Home Entertainment 18.09.2007 STEAMBOAT BILL JR., SWING PARADE OF 1946, and 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068376 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068364 many short films. See individual titles for more details. Comedies FF 715min. Roads to Koktebel Se Solicitan Modelos St. Clair Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 Igor Chernievich, Aleksandr Ilyin, Gleb Eduardo Alcaraz, Amparo Arozamena, Sara 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068402 Puskepalis Montiel - Dir. Chano Urueta This intimate Russian drama from directors Boris This farcical Mexican comedy finds a fashion house about - The Complete Khlebnikov and Alexei Popogrebsky, filmed entirely on to go out of business due to the overweight model who location, follows a father (Igor Chernevich) who sets out insists on demonstrating all the clothes. Unfortunately the Seasons 1-6 from Moscow with his 11-year-old son (Gleb Puskepalis) model is married to a business partner of owner Mr. Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosen- to start a new life at his sister’s house on the Black Sea. Lazaro, although help is at hand when Lazaro’s son finds They’re flat broke, and their slow, meandering path allows a far more suitable candidate for the modelling job. But baum, Sam Jones, Allison Mack them to explore their complicated relationship and their can he save the shop’s ailing fortunes before it’s too late? Before Clark Kent (Tom Welling) became a full-fledged different dreams for the future. , he was an awkward teenager. But unlike most Comedies teenagers, this Clark has bigger issues to contend with, Foreign Films, Russian 2003 Ltbx DD 2.0 Universal Music & Video Distribution like the mysterious powers that he possesses, his 105min. 10.07.2007 tumultuous relationship with kryptonite, and the strangely Film Movement 10.07.2007 demonic happenings that have tormented Smallville ever 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068661 since a meteor shower rained down upon the small Kan- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068192 sas town 12 years before. As Clark struggles through his Search and Rescue / River of high-school days, lusting after the beautiful Lana Lang Rockville Slayer (Kristin Kreuk), and forming a strong friendship with Lex Rage Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum), he must gradually come to Rockville may be a small town. But it seems just the right terms with the knowledge that he might be a truly super size for a murderer on the loose. As two teenage couples Robert Conrad, Dee Wallace Stone, Peter human. This collection contains the first six seasons of find themselves in the middle of this psycho’s path, Onorati, Victoria Principal, Sean Murray - the show. everyone involved is forced to reexamine whether they truly know their friends, or themselves. Dir. Robert Iscove, Paul Krasny Television, Dramas Horror/Suspense 2005 Dramas 1994 Warner Home Video 18.09.2007 Universal Music & Video Distribution Genius Productions, Inc. 28.08.2007 529,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068608 10.07.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068377 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068534 Smallville - The Complete Sixth Seguire Tus Pasos Season Mickey Rooney & Judy Garland Juan Manuel Ochoa, Julien Bravo, Sonia Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk Collection Infante, Emily Cranz, Fernando Soto, Luis Action/Adventure Ltbx DD 2.0 Alvarez, Fernando Larranaga Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland - Dir. Busby Warner Home Video 18.09.2007 Dramas FF 96min. Berkeley 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068572 Mickey Rooney & Judy Garland star in this collection of Xenon Pictures, Inc. 10.07.2007 films. The titles included are BABES IN ARMS, BABES ON 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068668 Snake Woman’s Curse BROADWAY, GIRL CRAZY, MICKEY & JUDY: SONGBOOK AND PRIVATE SCREENINGS, and STRIKE UP THE Akemi Negishi, Ko Nishimura - Dir. Nobuo BAND. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Nakagawa Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals Sherlock Holmes Horror/Suspense 1968 Ltbx DD 2.0 85min. Warner Home Video 25.09.2007 Ten films about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s legendary Synapse Films 28.08.2007 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068619 detective Sherlock Holmes are collected here. Four films star Basil Rathbone as the sleuth: DRESSED TO KILL, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068428 SHERLOCK HOLMES AND THE SECRET WEAPON, Rules of Engagement - The TERROR BY NIGHT, and THE WOMAN IN GREEN; three Snow Cake are with Arthur Wontner: THE SIGN OF FOUR, MURDER Complete First Season AT THE BASKERVILLES, and THE TRIUMPH OF Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman, Carrie- Patrick Warburton, David Spade, Bianca SHERLOCK HOLMES; and finally three others: THE Anne Moss, Emily Hampshire, James SPECKLED BAND, A STUDY IN SCARLET, and Kajlich, Oliver Hudson, Megyn Price SHERLOCK HOLMES AND THE DEADLY NECKLACE. See Allodi, Callum Keith Rennie, David Fox, Television, Comedies 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD individual titles for more information. Jayne Eastwood, Mark McKinney - Dir. 5.1 150min. Dramas FF Marc Evans Sony Pictures Home Entertainment St. Clair Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 Alan Rickman has a made a career of stealing scenes in supporting roles, but he takes the lead in SNOW CAKE. 28.08.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068409 Whether he’s playing Severus Snape in the Harry Potter 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068164 movie or the voice of God in DOGMA, Rickman provides a Siavash fascinating combination of dry wit and gravitas that also serves him well here. Flanked by Carrie-Anne Moss and Saturday Night Fever Dramas 1998 FF 88min. Oscar nominee Sigourney Weaver, Rickman’s John Travolta, Karen Lynn Gorney, Donna Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 28.08.2007 performance provides the core of this character-driven drama. Though Weaver’s best roles are as strong and Pescow, Barry Miller, Bruce Ornstein, Julie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068182 independent women in films like the Alien quadrilogy and Bovasso, Sam Coppola, Denny Dillon - Dir. WORKING GIRL, she’s fascinating to watch in her role as John Badham Sin Escrúpulos an autistic woman. Dramas 2007 Ltbx 112min. The film that made John Travolta a household name is set Foreign Films, Spanish in Brooklyn to the popular dance music of the Bee Gees. Weinstein Company/Genius 11.09.2007 New Video Group, Inc. 16.10.2007 Tony Manero (Travolta) is a paint-store clerk who 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068223 becomes the king of the discotheque when he puts on his 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068191 polyester and gets down, with a little help from a social-

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Sobbing Stone Tales from the Crypt: The forerunner of the MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW in its portrayal of an independent woman determined to make it Dramas 2007 FF 90min. Complete Seasons 1-7 on her own. Living in and attempting to Phoenix Entertainment Group 25.09.2007 Television viewers got a fright in 1989, when TALES start a career as an actress, Ann Marie also finds time in 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068638 FROM THE CRYPT made the transition from EC comic her busy schedule for her boyfriend, Don (Ted Bessell). book to TV show. Hosted by the Cryptkeeper, each Lew Parker plays Ann Marie’s father, and Dabney episode of the show offered a new, ghoulish tale for the Coleman costars as well. La Sombra Del Negro audience to sink their teeth (or fangs) into. The show Television, Comedies originated on HBO, and all six episodes from the first Universal Music & Video Distribution Foreign Films, Spanish 90min. season are included here. It was such a success that First Look Home Entertainment 16.10.2007 myriad CRYPT-inspired spinoffs resulted, including an 24.07.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068190 animated series, several feature films, and seemingly 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068415 infinite merchandising opportunities. A popular favorite among horror-film fans, TALES FROM THE CRYPT also Spiff TV Vol. 2 appeals to viewers who love the visceral thrill of jumping Thundering Mantis Dramas 2007 FF 90min. out of their seats as terrifying scenes unfold in front of Chien Yuet Sun, Leung Kar Yan them. The first seven seasons of the show are gathered Chi is a fishmonger’s apprentice who studies the Insane Phoenix Entertainment Group 21.08.2007 on this collection. Mantis Fist in order to survive his battle with Boss Hsia 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068634 Television, Horror/Suspense after he hears of the murders of the fishmonger and his Warner Home Video 23.10.2007 master. Spin 398,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068617 Action/Adventure 1984 FF DD 5.1 Xenon Pictures, Inc. 17.07.2007 Ryan Merriman, Stanley Tucci, Dana 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068095 Delany, Paula Garces, Ruben Blades - Dir. Taste of Tea James Redford Tadanobu Asano, Satomi Tezuka, Takahiro In this family-oriented drama, a white boy (Ryan Sato, Maya Banno - Dir. Katsuhito Ishii To Live Merriman) loses his parents at a young age and is raised Director Katsuhito Ishii pays homage to Yasiujiro Ozu with Ge You, - Dir. Yimou Zhang by an Hispanic man (Ruben Blades) who works for his this psychedelic twist on Ingmar Bergman’s FANNY AND When the irresponsible Xu Fugui loses his family’s fortune uncle (Stanley Tucci). As he grows older, he begins to ALEXANDER. Revolving around an eccentric family, the during a gambling spree, he causes his loved ones realize how these experiences help him empathize with film follows mom (an aspiring animator), dad (a incredible hardship. Fugui’s father dies from a heart people who are different from himself. hardworking hypno-therapist), their hormonal teenage attack upon hearing the news, and his pregnant wife Dramas 2004 son, and grandpa (who has ambitions of becoming a rock abandons him. Unable to put bread on the table, even for Universal Music & Video Distribution star). Meanwhile, the baby of the family, Sachiko, tries to himself, Fugui works as a street vender, and when his escape the hauntings of a 60-foot ghost, and a visit from wife notices his uncustomary humility, she returns. Within 10.07.2007 an uncle just adds to the general craziness. a year, Fugui desires to open a shop but is unable to raise 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068485 Foreign Films, Japanese 2004 143min. the necessary funds. Instead of money, the local loan shark gives him his old shadow puppets. Soon, Fugui Viz Media, LLC. 10.07.2007 masters the art of puppetry, which increases his paltry Squad 77 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068550 income — but also serves as propaganda for the imminent Dramas 2007 FF Communist Revolution. Phoenix Entertainment Group 25.09.2007 Taste of Tea (LImited Edition) Foreign Films, Chinese/Cantonese 1994 Ltbx M 125min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068639 Tadanobu Asano, Satomi Tezuka, Takahiro 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Sato, Maya Banno - Dir. Katsuhito Ishii 24.07.2007 Stephanie Daley Director Katsuhito Ishii pays homage to Yasiujiro Ozu with this psychedelic twist on Ingmar Bergman’s FANNY AND 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068318 , Amber Tamblyn, Timothy ALEXANDER. Revolving around an eccentric family, the Hutton, Melissa Chessington Leo, Jim film follows mom (an aspiring animator), dad (a Gaffigan, Denis O’Hare, Neal Huff, Kel hardworking hypno-therapist), their hormonal teenage Tournament of Dreams son, and grandpa (who has ambitions of becoming a rock Debbie Allen, Tony Todd O’Neill - Dir. Hilary Brougher star). Meanwhile, the baby of the family, Sachiko, tries to In STEPHANIE DALEY, Amber Tamblyn and Tilda Swinton A once-great basketball star is hired as a coach by a city escape the hauntings of a 60-foot ghost, and a visit from high school in a bad neighborhood, and sets about turning turn in remarkable performances as a young girl accused an uncle just adds to the general craziness. of murdering her infant and the pregnant forensic dream into reality in this heartwarming drama that’s also psychologist assigned to her case. When Stephanie is Foreign Films, Japanese 2004 143min. an inspirational slice-of-life thriller. The coach soon found trailing blood in the snow on a high school ski trip, Viz Media, LLC. 10.07.2007 teaches a group of six girls some valuable lessons both the media quickly latches onto the story, labeling her the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068551 on and off the court. „Ski Mom.“ While evaluating 16-year-old Stephanie before Dramas the criminal trial, 40-year-old Lydie (Swinton) is also Visual Entertainment 10.07.2007 grappling with worries over her own troubled pregnancy. Tastes Like a Peach Having given birth to a stillborn years before, Lydie is still 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068515 coming to terms with what that loss meant for her and her Samantha Ryan, Lux Kassidy, Charlie marriage to an increasingly distant husband (Timothy Laine, Zoe Britton, Valentina Vaughn, Triad Election Hutton). The film unfolds in a nonlinear way, with scenes Justine Jolie, Lacie Heart of the two women’s discussions opening up to flashbacks Take a nibble of this juicy peach and savor the delicious Louis Koo, Simon Yam, Suet Lam, Andy On, of the months preceding the baby’s supposedly and depraved flavor of the pulpy vixens at Peach Films— Mark Cheng, Nick Cheung, Siu-Fai Cheung, unexpected birth (and death), and to scenes from each you’ll be dying for one more bite! This delectable release woman’s current situation. Ka Tung Lam - Dir. Johnny To includes the onscreen talents of Samantha Ryan, Lux A man who is desperate to escape from Hong Kong’s Dramas 2007 92min. Kassidy, Justine Jolie, Lacie Heart, Zoe Britton, and many criminal underworld instead finds himself up for election Genius Productions, Inc. 04.09.2007 others. as the head of one of the most fearsome Triad gangs in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068285 Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF the land in TRIAD ELECTION. Peach DVD 10.07.2007 Action/Adventure 2007 92min. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip: 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068330 Genius Productions, Inc. 17.09.2007 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068437 The Complete Series Telenovelas - Rosa Salvaje Felicity Huffman, Bradley Whitford, D.L. Television, Dramas Turmoil Hughley, Matthew Perry, Sarah Paulson, Universal Music & Video Distribution Luis Aguilar, Sonia Furio, Jose Elias Steven Weber, Timothy Busfield, Amanda 18.09.2007 Moreno Peet, Rob Corddry - Dir. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068667 The arrival of a woman from the city at a Mexican ranch Comedies creates a hurricane of unrest as she becomes Warner Home Video 16.10.2007 romantically involved with three men there—father, son, Ten Til Noon and ramrod. The men are driven to confront each other 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068607 over their feelings for her without questioning whether Dramas they are being manipulated. Tales from the Crypt - The Universal Music & Video Distribution Foreign Films, Spanish 1961 FF 90min. 11.09.2007 Complete Seventh Season KOCH Entertainment Distribution 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068531 11.09.2007 John Kassir 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068237 Horror/Suspense FF DD 2.0 337min. That Girl - Season 3 Warner Home Video 23.10.2007 Marlo Thomas, Ted Bessell, Lew Parker, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068616 Johnny Legend Presents TV Noir DeCamp Charles Bronson, George Raft, Melvyn Starring an endearing Marlo Thomas as Ann Marie, the „girl“ of the title, THAT GIRL was a classic TV show and a Douglas

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Television, Dramas 1950 120min. opposition. To make things even more difficult for Dir. Thomas Forbes Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007 Ventarron, while chaos breaks out, he falls in love with Featuring AMERICA’S NEXT TOP MODEL winner Eva Olga, and struggles to keeps his shady nocturnal lifestyle Pigford in a lead role, THE WALK is a Christian-themed 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068388 a secret from her. movie about a woman who seeks guidance in life from Foreign Films, Spanish 1949 Jesus Christ. Urban Gothic - Season 1 Universal Music & Video Distribution Dramas 2005 Ltbx DD 2.0 80min. Television, Horror/Suspense 2000 Ltbx 16x9 10.07.2007 Universal Music & Video Distribution 360min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068660 10.07.2007 KOCH Entertainment Distribution 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068533 11.09.2007 : The Complete 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068233 Seasons 1-3 John Wayne Collection Enrico Colantoni, Francis Capra, Kristen John Wayne, Nancy Shubert, George Urban Gothic - Season 2 Bell, Jason Dohring, Percy Daggs III, Syd- „Gabby“ Hayes, Eleanor Hunt, Alberta Television, Horror/Suspense 2001 FF ney Tamiia Poitier, Teddy Dunn Vaughn, Sheila Terry, Lucille Browne, Mary 243min. Set in Neptune, , VERONICA MARS is a popular Kornman, Marion Burns, Marsha Hunt, KOCH Entertainment Distribution TV drama that follows the fortunes of a 17-year-old Maureen O’Hara, Charles „Slim“ Whitaker trainee private investigator. Neptune is full of powerfully This collection features 11 early John Wayne westerns 11.09.2007 rich residents, many of whom believe they are above the from the mid-1930s (when Wayne was in his twenties) as 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068234 law. Fortunately Veronica, who was propelled into a life of well as ANGEL AND THE BADMAN (1947) and crime-fighting after her best friend, Lilly, was murdered, is McCLINTOCK! (1963): on hand to ensure that justice is served, much to the Westerns 1933 FF DD 2.0 840min. Vanessa annoyance of the Neptunians who find themselves St. Clair Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 Anton Diffring, Uschi Zech, Gunter Cle- frequently foiled in their devious plans. Veronica’s father is the former sheriff of Neptune, who found himself 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068408 mens, Olivia Pascal - Dir. Hubert Frank removed from office after alleging that Lilly’s father was A young girl who was raised in a convent, discovers that responsible for his daughter’s death. Now, together with she has inherited brothels after her uncle dies. Veronica, he runs a local private investigation business, Werewolf In A Women’s Prison Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 1977 Ltbx M while also ensuring that his daughter doesn’t neglect her high school duties. A long-standing subplot that runs Horror/Suspense 2007 FF 90min. 88min. through the show is Veronica’s attempts to clear her Phoenix Entertainment Group 04.09.2007 Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007 father’s name, which only leads to further evidence of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068636 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068389 enormous corruption and deceit in a neighborhood that seems littered with criminal activity. The entire first, second, and third seasons of the show are collected here Western TV Van-Pires Transform - Deep Television, Dramas Numerous episodes from classic television programs set Freeze - Vol. 2 Warner Home Video 23.10.2007 in the Wild West are collected in WESTERN TV. The programs featured are WAGON TRAIN (three episodes), Four teenagers have to go into battle with some gas- 265,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068575 SHOTGUN SLADE (five episodes), THE LONE RANGER guzzling and mutated cars in this action-packed second (four episodes), BUFFALO BILL JR. (seven episodes), volume of episodes from the VAN-PIRES TRANSFORM Veronica Mars: The Complete JUDGE ROY BEAN (five episodes), and RANGE RIDER television series. The cars have been transformed into (five episodes). See individual titles for more details. rampaging robots who will stop at nothing to get the gas Third Season they require after a meteorite plunges into the earth’s Westerns 1951 FF surface. Three episodes are included here. Television, Dramas Ltbx DD 2.0 842min. St. Clair Entertainment Group 10.07.2007 Childrens, Live-Action FF DD 2.0 70min. Warner Home Video 23.10.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068404 Inspired Corporation 10.07.2007 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068574 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068350 Wind Chill Victim Emily Blunt, Ashton Holmes, Martin Van-Pires Transform - Mission Pitchanart Sakakorn, Apasiri Nitibhon, Donovan, Ned Bellamy - Dir. Greg Jacobs Demolition - Vol. 1 Penpak Sirikul - Dir. Monthon Arayangkoon WIND CHILL takes the conventions of the haunted house film and transplants them to a dangerous stretch of road Four teenagers have to go into battle with some gas- Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx 108min. where the unfortunate victims of prior events haunt those guzzling and mutated cars in this action-packed first Tartan Video 18.09.2007 unwise enough to drive on it. Director Greg Jacobs’s film volume of episodes from the VAN-PIRES TRANSFORM 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068438 is the tale of an unnamed young student (Emily Blunt) at a television series. The cars have been transformed into Northeastern College in need of a ride home to Delaware rampaging robots who will stop at nothing to get the gas for Christmas break. Deciding to check the ride board, she they require after a meteorite plunges into the earth’s Viva Cuba finds a fellow student (Ashton Holmes, A HISTORY OF surface. Three episodes are included here. VIOLENCE) going her way, though an impending blizzard Childrens, Live-Action FF DD 2.0 70min. Sarah Cabrera, Luis Alberto Garcia promises to make their ride treacherous. Very early into Inspired Corporation 10.07.2007 This award-winning film explores the bond of friendship, their journey, he opts for a scenic route, only to be run off as the close relationship between two children living in the road by a reckless driver. Stuck in the snow, with no 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068349 Cuba is threatened by the class differences between their cell phone service, the two are forced to get to know each families. In Spanish, with English subtitles. other under the worst circumstances as they learn of the Van-Pires Transform - Swarm Foreign Films, Spanish 2005 FF 80min. area’s frightening history and try to save themselves from Repnet 04.09.2007 perishing in the cold. Storm - Vol. 3 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068195 Horror/Suspense 2007 91min. Childrens, Live-Action FF DD 2.0 70min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Inspired Corporation 28.08.2007 Vlad 04.09.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068351 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068157 Billy Zane, Brad Dourif, Kam Heskin - Dir. Michael Sellers Vegas Four foreign exchange students in Bucharest are chosen The Wind That Shakes the Barley Daniel Baldwin, Richard Roundtree, Tiny to head up an investigation of the infamous 15th Century Cillian Murphy, Liam Cunningham, William Romanian soldier, Vlad the Impaler. Popular folklore has Lister, Glenn Plummer - Dir. Fred suggested that Vlad may be the real-life legend that Ruane, Gerard Kearney, Padraic Delaney, Williamson inspired the Dracula tale. Along with a guide (Billy Zane), Orla Fitzgerald, Roger Allam - Dir. Ken Las Vegas is the unlikely setting for this horror tale, which the students travel the Carpathian Mountains in search of Loach sees a gang of vampires besetting the citizens of the his tomb. One secretly carries a necklace stolen from Set in 1916 in Ireland, THE WIND THAT SHAKES THE gambling mecca and causing havoc for the local police Vlad’s grave. Imbued with a vast evil power, the necklace BARLEY is the story of Damien (Cillain Murphy), a young force. is the object of desire for other Vlad fanatics who trace Irishman about to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a Horror/Suspense 2004 the group’s every move. They encounter a mysterious doctor. When his friend is brutally murdered for standing Universal Music & Video Distribution woman from the Middle Ages who reveals the necklace’s up to a band of British soldiers, Damien abandons his ability to cause time travel. medical career and joins his brother Teddy (Padraic 10.07.2007 Horror/Suspense 2003 Delany) in the fight for freedom. Small guerrilla groups of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068517 Universal Music & Video Distribution Irish farmers begin to wage bloody attacks, forcing the government to negotiate a ceasefire. The Anglo-Irish 10.07.2007 Peace Treaty is offered, but it puts Teddy and Damien at Ventarron 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068655 odds. Teddy believes they should accept the treaty and A film sculpted in the dark, gritty tradition of film noir, try to work within the system to avoid further bloodshed, VENTARRON is a rarely seen Mexican film from 1948. while Damien thinks they should continue to fight until Ventarron is an ex-con who tries to grasp control of the Walk they are completely free of British rule. Whereas the two criminal underworld on his release from jail. But his plans Regina Belle, Eva Pigford, Teck Holmes - brothers used to fight side by side, they now find to resume his status as a kingpin face some stiff themselves divided, and forced to choose between their

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 38 Newsletter 14/07 (Nr. 211) Juli 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) familial bond and their ardent beliefs. Ltbx 70min. Dramas 2007 Ltbx 127min. Zen Man KOCH Entertainment Distribution Genius Productions, Inc. 04.09.2007 Martial arts mayhem ensues in ZEN MAN. A battle breaks 11.09.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068222 out as a Zen Master and the son of one of his former 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068168 students have a violent disagreement. Wingrave Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2007 Ltbx 200min. Beatles - Music in Review Ashraf Hamdi, Diana Brauch, Karim Hegazy Repnet 10.07.2007 Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007 - Dir. Ahmed Khalifa 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068474 FF Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx 16x9 91min. KOCH Entertainment Distribution Tempe Video 25.09.2007 07.08.2007 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068439 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068248

Wrestling Vixens Untamed Music Bishop T.D. Jakes - Woman Thou In this edition of the WRESTLING VIXENS series, a new crop of female wrestlers take it all off for the cameras. Adolfo Urias Y Su Lobo Norteño: Art Loosed 2002: Run to the The group includes Tammy Sytch, Missy Hyatt, Karmen, Water Shannon, Kristi Myst, , Mona Harcox, and Brittney Grandes Videos Musicales Lynn. Ten music videos from Mexican artists Adolfo Urias Y Su T.D. Jakes Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2005 FF Lobo Norteño are included on this entry into the Grandes Musical & Performing Arts 2007 FF S Navarre Corporation 10.07.2007 Videos Musicales series. 60min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068289 Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music WEA 24.07.2007 Universal Music & Video Distribution 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068382 Yo Mate a Rosita Alvirez 24.07.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068480 Luis Aguilar, Amanda Del Llano, Maria Bishop T.D. Jakes and the Luisa Zea - Dir. Raúl de Anda Potter’s House Mass Choir - A Based on a popular song of the same name, I KILLED Air Guitar Nation ROSITA ALVIREZ tells the tragic story of a beautiful and David S. Jung, Dan Crane, Gordon Hintz, Wing and a Prayer flirty young woman who pits two men against each other T.D. Jakes to watch them vie for her affection. Things turn violent, Zac Munro - Dir. Alexandra Lipsitz This documentary takes viewers inside the sensational Bishop T.D. Jakes and the Potter’s House Mass Choir are however, when one of the men sees her flirting with recorded in Dallas, TX, on A WING AND A PRAYER. another man at a town dance. world of aspiring air guitar stars, traveling along with many leaders of the performance art as they compete to Special guests include Darwin Hobbs, Jesse Campbell, Foreign Films, Spanish 1946 FF 90min. represent America in the World Air Guitar Championships. Drea Randle, Myron Williams, and many more! KOCH Entertainment Distribution Musical & Performing Arts 2007 Religious 2003 FF S 60min. 11.09.2007 New Video Group, Inc. 14.08.2007 WEA 24.07.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068238 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068327 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068383

You are Alone All-American Rejects - Tournado Bon Jovi - Rock Case Studies Eric Deskin, Jessica Bohl, Richard All the frantic energy of an All-American Rejects show is Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007 Brundage, Keith Herron - Dir. Gorman captured on TOURNADO. The group plays to a capacity FF crowd, thrilling their fans with a set full of hits, while a Bechard documentary on the group sheds some light on the men KOCH Entertainment Distribution This dark, sexually charged indie film won numerous behind the music. 07.08.2007 festival awards for its portrayal of a depressed, wanton 18-year-old girl whose work as an escort in the suburbs Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068246 brings her into contact with a desperately lonely older Universal Music & Video Distribution man. 10.07.2007 Breakin’ It Down Dramas 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068482 This instructional program offers some simple and easy- Universal Music & Video Distribution to-follow steps on how to become a dancer. 10.07.2007 Ian Anderson - Ian Anderson Choreographer Laurie Ann Gibson instructs throughout, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068530 dispensing the wisdom she has passed down to stars such Plays the Orchestral Jethro Tull as P. Diddy and Alicia Keys. Though they began their career as a Led Zeppelin- Musical & Performing Arts, Dance Young Cesar influenced blues-rock band, Britain’s Jethro Tull eventually Instruction 2006 FF 125min. Clifton Powell, Sean Blakemore, Richard embraced a courtly, near-Elizabethan sound led by the Universal Music & Video Distribution delicate flute stylings of chief songwriter, Ian Anderson. It Gant, Sam Sarpong therefore seems natural for Anderson to fully insert the 10.07.2007 Cesar is a wayward kid who delves deep into the drug „classic“ into classic rock with symphonic arrangements of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068652 underworld after his father is imprisoned in this dramatic Jethro Tull songs performed in concert with Frankfurt, feature film. Germany’s New Philharmonic Orchestra. Together, the Dramas 90min. flutist and orchestra breathe new life into the tricky time Dark Funeral - Attera Orbis Universal Music & Video Distribution changes and long suites of Tull classics like „Calliandra Terrarum Part 1 Shade,“ „Griminelli’s Lament,“ „Locomotive Breath,“ and, 10.07.2007 of course, „Aqualung.“ Swedish black metal band Dark Funeral has some of its 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068507 best concert recordings collected on this release. Three Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music shows are included, and these are supplemented by KOCH Entertainment Distribution documentary footage shot by fans of the band. Young Ones: Extra Stoopid Editi- 07.08.2007 Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007 on 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068257 FF 150min. Dramas KOCH Entertainment Distribution Warner Home Video 23.10.2007 Avenged Sevenfold - All Excess 11.09.2007 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068139 Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068239 WEA 17.07.2007 Your Mother Wears Combat Boots 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068625 Sammy Davis Jr. - The Best Of Barbara Eden, Hector Elizondo, Conchata Live Ferrell - Dir. Anson Williams Randy Bachman & Burton Sammy Davis Brenda Andersen (Barbara Eden from TV’s „I Dream of Cummings - Bachman Cummings Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF Jeannie“) is an overprotective mom whose son has joined RED Distribution 27.07.2007 the airforce against her wishes. By accident she winds up First Time Around joining up herself, and joining him on his training period, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068372 of course embarrassing him, but in the end they come to Randy Bachmann, Burton Cummings an understanding. It’s a lighthearted comedy with some Randy Bachman and Burton Cummings were formerly fine comedic acting. members of Canadian rock band the Guess Who. Here, The Dubliners - On The Road Live Bachman and Cummings reflect on their careers, talking Comedies extensively about their lengthy artistic partnership and the I Germany Tango Entertainment 10.07.2007 highs and lows in the music industry. Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068448 Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007 FF DD 5.1 60min.

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RED Distribution 24.07.2007 JONES includes extensive highlights from the show, and Traditional Irish crooner Daniel O’Donnell collects some of features a mouthwatering array of performers, including his promotional music videos for this release. The 13 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068373 Janis Joplin, Joe Cocker, the Who, and Aretha Franklin. songs included cover a fertile 20-year period (1986-2006) Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007 for the singer. Elvis - Memories of the King FF 300min. Musical & Performing Arts 1986 FF WEA 10.07.2007 120min. Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068440 KOCH Entertainment Distribution FF 11.09.2007 KOCH Entertainment Distribution Kings & Queens of Freestyle - 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068166 07.08.2007 Volume 2 Patrulla 81 - En Concierto 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068247 Join your host, Galley Alexander, as he takes you from coast to coast in search of your favorite freestyle artists. Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music Fleetwood Mac - Videobiography You’ll also see rare music videos from the past and hear Warner Home Video 17.07.2007 the stories of the artists, producers, managers, and Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007 record companies. This second edition includes tracks 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068484 FF and videos from TKA, Cynthia, Judy Torres, Lil’ Suzy, KOCH Entertainment Distribution Nayobe, and more. Peliculas - Cantando Nace el Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2003 07.08.2007 Universal Music & Video Distribution Amor 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068245 10.07.2007 Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068509 Universal Music & Video Distribution TD Jakes Presents: Follow The 11.09.2007 Star James Last - Live in Berlin 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068673 T.D. Jakes Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007 Bishop TD Jakes has assembled a collection of gospel Pet Shop Boys - Cubism In songs to move the spirit and speak to the soul; he sings FF 90min. the title track in a duet with Dorinda Clark Cole, a tender RED Distribution 24.07.2007 Concert performance on which Jakes’ 10-year-old son makes an 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068371 Pet Shop Boys appearance. Beverly Crawford delivers a stirring rendition of „Joy to the World,“ Darwin Hobbes sings „O Come all Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007 ye Faithful,“ and urban interpretations of „Go Tell It“ and Led Zeppelin - Videobiography FF DD 2.0 114min. „Gift of Love“ meet with stunning success. Latin, classical, WEA 24.07.2007 and spiritual styles all make an appearance as well in this Led Zeppelin collection of broad range with wide appeal. Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068384 Musical & Performing Arts 2004 FF S FF 60min. KOCH Entertainment Distribution Jean Luc Ponty - Live In Concert WEA 24.07.2007 07.08.2007 Jean-Luc Ponty 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068381 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068244 French violinist Jean Luc Ponty performs in on this live recording from 1999. Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1999 Freestyle Fanatiks John Lennon’s New York FF 71min. Interviews and live performances from hip-hop stars such Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music Ltbx as Common and are featured on this magazine- KOCH Entertainment Distribution style program. DD 5.1 180min. 11.09.2007 Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068252 120min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068120 Visual Entertainment 07.08.2007 Ratt: Videos From The Cellar - 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068500 John Lennon’s New York The Atlantic Years Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music Ltbx Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF DD 5.1 90min. Garbage - Absolute Garbage 80min. Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007 Garbage WEA 31.07.2007 The story of Garbage is an unusual, yet highly successful, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068121 marriage of pop and engineering. Singer Shirley Manson 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068385 provides the pop , while a collection of studio boffins, led by producer Butch Vig, provide the catchy, cutting- Mixtape Inc. Reina De Corazones edge musical backing. ABSOLUTE GARBAGE is a Chuck D, Xzibit collection of the band’s video work, and contains 15 music The mixtape thrives in hip-hop culture, with much sought- Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007 videos, a documentary, lyrics, and photos. after mixes changing hands among collectors and FF 60min. Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music enthusiasts at a pace so fast that it’s difficult for many to Sony Music Distribution 31.07.2007 Universal Music & Video Distribution keep up. But legal issues are threatening the existence of these prized tapes, with the record industry and copyright 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068426 17.07.2007 holders clamping down on their existence. This 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068483 documentary profiles the mixtape culture, highlighting Rolling Stones - Music In Review: some of the characters who have risked jail time and Guns N’ Roses - Rock Case heavy fines to keep it alive, while also showing how the 1963-1969 tapes are an invaluable outlet for many artists. Rolling Stones Studies Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music The major works of the Rolling Stones come under review Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007 113min. by a team of leading critics and musicians, who address Visual Entertainment 10.07.2007 the music the band produced during their Decca years. FF Rare live performance footage was culled from U.S. KOCH Entertainment Distribution 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068487 television archives, and includes such songs as „Paint it 07.08.2007 Black,“ „Let’s Spend the Night Together,“ and „Lady Jane.“ 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068250 New Bomb Turks - Raining on Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1963 Edinburgh FF KOCH Entertainment Distribution Introduction to Bellynesian Early 1990s punk mainstays The New Bomb Turks are at 07.08.2007 Musical & Performing Arts, Dance their loud, ticked-off best in this tight, furious live show in Scotland, filmed during their 1994 tour. Highlights include 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068249 Instruction 68min. „Up For A Downslide,“ „Sucker Punch,“ and „I Got Your Universal Music & Video Distribution Bitter End,“ as well as clips from a terrific show in New 11.09.2007 Jersey that same year. Bruce Springsteen - In Perfor- Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068495 mance Hepcat Distribution 10.07.2007 The incredible career of Bruce Springsteen in pieced 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068386 together through rare and archival performance footage in Tom Jones - This is Tom Jones this documentary. Tom Jones Daniel O’Donnell - The Best Of Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007 Welsh superstar Tom Jones is well known for his powerful 59min. singing voice, but back in the late 1960s and early ’70s he Daniel O’Donnell On Film also hosted his own weekly variety show. THIS IS TOM KOCH Entertainment Distribution

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11.09.2007 This ethnically diverse erotic release from Candida Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness Royalle follows the story of AfroDite, a young rapper who 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068243 is suddenly launched into the world of mega-stardom. Universal Music & Video Distribution Fame is nice, but will it be enough to win her the man of 25.09.2007 Tribal Fusions - The Exotic Art of her dreams? 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068529 Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF Tribal Bellydance Pacific Media Entertainment 10.07.2007 Musical & Performing Arts, Dance Best Of Cheaters - Vol. 1 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068341 Tommy Grand hosts this reality-based series offering men Instruction 64min. and women who harbor suspicions that their significant Universal Music & Video Distribution Jamie Foxx Presents - America’s other is cheating the chance to expose them on television. 11.09.2007 Following bored housewives to illicit rendezvous, Funniest Comics Live from philandering husbands to their motel mistresses, and all 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068497 manner of dastardly deceit, CHEATERS captures the Laffapalooza! priceless moments leading up to and after the U2 - Popmart: Live from Mexico Celebrated comedian and actor Jamie Foxx travels to confrontation with the adulterer. A bizarre look into the Atlanta to present some of the hottest stand-up acts darker side of relationships, CHEATERS is a cuckold’s City around in this sidesplitting program. Cedric the Entertai- dream and an eye-opener for the casual viewer. This ner hosts. program is the first volume of CHEATERS’s best (or U2 worst) moments. Since becoming wildly popular in the 1980s, Irish band Comedies 60min. U2’s sound has grown from a , soulful rock to a more Universal Music & Video Distribution Television, Education/General Interest, electronica-tinged, experimental brand of pop. In line with 10.07.2007 Media Arts this, U2’s stage act has grown into a showcase of lavish Universal Music & Video Distribution special effects, cutting-edge sound, and spectacular 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068488 multimedia enhancement. POPMART features Bono and 10.07.2007 the band performing live in Mexico City in support of their Jamie Foxx Presents: America’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068524 1997 album, POP. Performing 24 old and new tracks, U2 puts on a concert that is a stunning spectacle. Funniest Comics Volume 2 The Best of Cheaters Vol. 2 - Too Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1998 This second volume in the Jamie Foxx Presents series Universal Music & Video Distribution highlights some up-and-coming American stand-up Hot for TV! comedians. Among the acts performing are De Ray Davis, 11.09.2007 Damon Williams, and Roz G. Television, Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068481 Comedies 60min. Universal Music & Video Distribution Universal Music & Video Distribution 18.09.2007 Unseen Beatles 10.07.2007 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068525 George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068489 McCartney, Ringo Starr Best of Jersey All Pro Wrestling Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music Jamie Foxx Presents: America’s Experience the excitement of Jersey All Pro Wrestling in Warner Home Video 02.10.2007 this collection of five exciting fights. Matches include: Funniest Comics Volume 3 Teddy Hart vs. , vs. Homicide , 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068131 Celebrated comedian and actor Jamie Foxx travels to The Solution vs. The Dirty Rotten Scoundrels vs. Dan Atlanta to present some of the hottest stand-up acts Maff, Ric Blade vs. Trent Acid, and finally vs. Wagner: Orchestral Highlights / around in this sidesplitting program. Cedric the Entertai- . ner hosts, and the guest performers include Esau McGraw Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2005 FF Tennstedt, London Philharmonic and Donnell Rawlings. Navarre Corporation 10.07.2007 Orchestra Comedies 60min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068290 Visual Entertainment 07.08.2007 Musical & Performing Arts, Classical FF 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068490 EMI Video 17.07.2007 Bible Stories: New Testament 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068175 Religious America’s Funniest Home Videos: Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007 Guide To Parenting 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068172 Highlights of the popular clip show AMERICA’S FUNNIEST HOME VIDEOS are gathered for this collection. The Special Interest theme this time out is parenting, and host Bob Saget Bone Thugs-N-Harmony - I Tried delights in introducing various home videos of mishaps Bone Thugs N Harmony and mayhem between fathers, mothers, sons, and Dramas 666 Revealed daughters. According to the makers of this program, the situation Television, Comedies Universal Music & Video Distribution presented in the infamous 1970s horror classic THE Universal Music & Video Distribution 25.09.2007 OMEN is not just the stuff of fiction, but horrifyingly real. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068486 The film brings evidence for the presence of Satan and 17.07.2007 his offspring on Earth, and shows that the monsters of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068411 history were united by a common thread: their clear Brothers Lost: Stories Of 9 / 11 relation to the devil. Amphibious Assault Thirty-one men gather to share their emotions, stories, Horror/Suspense 2006 FF 60min. and memories of brothers lost during the September 11th KOCH Entertainment Distribution Education/General Interest, War/Military terrorist attacks in New York City. Plagued by grief, the FF DD 5.1 61min. men speak of struggling to overcome their pain and move 11.09.2007 on—and the difficulty in doing so. Directed and narrated 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068232 Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007 by Sean McGinley, who himself lost a brother, this 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068117 poignant documentary is a moving tribute to brotherhood, 77 Fun and Exciting Martial Arts and a harrowing portrait of loss. Rowan Atkinson Live Childrens, Special Interest 2007 FF Drill 65min. Rowan Atkinson, Angus Deayton Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2007 FF The wry-witted comedian adored by fans of the „Black Tango Entertainment 10.07.2007 60min. Adder“ and „Mr. Bean“ series presents a rollicking concert 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068446 Repnet 10.07.2007 compendium of his best-loved skits. Atkinson’s longtime 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068465 stage partner, Angus Deayton, also appears. Comedies 55min. Busty Babes New Video Group, Inc. 14.08.2007 Devin DeRay provides ample entertainment in this X-rated A&E: The Unexplained - The feature, along with super-stacked cohorts Wendy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068114 Whoppers, Rachel Love, Heather Lee, Lynden Johnson, Deadly Diamond: The Hope Dia- and Jerica Fox. mond Beginner Karate Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF Pacific Media Entertainment 10.07.2007 Education/General Interest, World History/ Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2007 FF 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068324 Culture 50min. 60min. New Video Group, Inc. 31.07.2007 Repnet 10.07.2007 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068113 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068463 Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride: Hunter S. Thompson on Film Afrodite Superstar Beginner’s Yoga For Weight Loss Education/General Interest, Media Arts

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2007 FF 73min. camp in Kakuma, Kenya. Nicknamed the Lost Boys after the characters in J. M. Barrie’s PETER PAN, they formed Anchor Bay Entertainment 04.09.2007 Dr. Roizen Collection a tight community in the camp, though they still had little 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068101 YOU ON A DIET: Dr. Michael Roizen explains how to food and shelter and a bleak future. In 2001, 38,000 of control fat on this informative diet program. Roizen offers the boys, now grown into men, were selected to be some simple steps on how to reduce fat intake, which can relocated to the United States, where they were to be Case for Christ lead to a healthier lifestyle and a slimmer frame. given a new lease on life. Writer-director Christopher Education/General Interest, Media Arts Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007 Quinn and codirector Tommy Walker closely follow three of the men as they try to make a go of it in what for them 2007 Ltbx DD 2.0 71min. FF 200min. is a whole new world—they never before had flown in an Lions Gate Home Entertainment 11.09.2007 KOCH Entertainment Distribution airplane, shopped in a supermarket, or turned on an 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068277 11.09.2007 electric light. Daniel Abol Pach and Panther Blor move into Pittsburgh, while John Bul Dau is sent to Syracuse, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068167 where he struggle Championship Sambo Education/General Interest, Media Arts Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2007 FF Edward Jenner - The Man Who 2007 89min. Repnet 10.07.2007 Cured Smallpox Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068470 Education/General Interest, Science/ 14.08.2007 Technology FF DD 5.1 60min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068159 Championship Tae Kwon Do Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007 Drills 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068118 Hapkido Self-Defense - Vol. 1 Grandmasters Myung Yong Kim and Chang Soo Lee Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2007 FF cohost this instructional guide to the Korean martial art 60min. Escape From Dunkirk known as hapkido, focusing on self-defense techniques Repnet 10.07.2007 Education/General Interest, War/World War like locking, throwing, and takedown. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068469 II 60min. Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2003 FF Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007 75min. Cleavage Dreams 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068394 Repnet 11.09.2007 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068454 Rhiannon The unbelievably busty Rhiannon is featured in this Essential Yoga for Inflexible bouncy release, along with several other curvy beauties. People Hard Trip Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF Ginger Lynn, Veronica Hart, Sharon Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 60min. Mitchell, Candy Apples, T.T. Boy Pacific Media Entertainment 24.07.2007 Universal Music & Video Distribution Adult actress Ginger Lynn tells all in this expose about 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068325 25.09.2007 her years in the porn film business. If you’re a fan of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068522 Ginger Lynn, this film should whet your appetite. Education/General Interest, Media Arts Comics on Duty - We Love You, Evil and Infamous: Serial Killers 2003 FF 90min. Mrs. Bevins Xenon Pictures, Inc. 17.07.2007 Education/General Interest, Media Arts WE LOVE YOU, MRS. BEVINS may have been shot while 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068099 war raged in Iraq, but that doesn’t stop the laughs flowing 2007 FF 85min. as four comedians tour the country and deliver their KOCH Entertainment Distribution stand-up acts. 11.09.2007 Historic Traveler Great Comedies 2007 FF 61min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068229 Destinations — of Ameri- KOCH Entertainment Distribution 11.09.2007 can Entertainment Fitness Bill Boggs hosts a video tour of historic locations 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068253 throughout the U.S., providing handy tips about routes Education/General Interest, Health/Diet and lodgings, as well as sharing the stories that make Crusty Demons of Dirt: 2007 FF 60min. each place significant. In this release, Boggs explores the Repnet 10.07.2007 „Old Hollywood“ and „The Birthplace of American Music.“ Beginnings 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068462 Sports/Recreation, Travel Motocross and dirt bike riders reveal the true depths of Goldhil Entertainment 14.08.2007 their outrageousness in this insightful peek at their lives 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068207 and their stunts. Seven-time motocross champion Jeremy Five Books of Moses McGrath is filmed performing some of the wildest and Religious craziest antics even seen on a motorcycle. The master of History of SEC Football the motorbike performs stunts to the adrenaline-pumping Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007 tunes of alternative bands that include Purple Bosco, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068174 Sports/Recreation, Football Soak, Sensor, Strung Out, Mind Funk, and White Zombie. Warner Home Video 14.08.2007 Sports/Recreation, Motorcycle Sports 1995 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068585 FF 70min. Freemasonry Revealed KOCH Entertainment Distribution The Freemasons fall under the spotlight in this documentary, which takes a look at the organization’s History of the Machine Gun 11.09.2007 origins and how it developed. The machine gun is an easily recognizable form of arms 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068235 Education/General Interest, Media Arts that has been used most commonly by the military, but 2007 Ltbx 16x9 188min. also by gangsters and criminals. This three-part documentary series recounts the machine gun’s D-Day: The Normandy Invasion KOCH Entertainment Distribution checkered history. Education/General Interest, War/Military 11.09.2007 Education/General Interest FF 140min. 60min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068255 KOCH Entertainment Distribution Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007 11.09.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068393 Ghost Among Us 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068196 Education/General Interest, Media Arts Death & Doom Double Feature 2007 FF 180min. Holla Childrens, Special Interest 1979 FF KOCH Entertainment Distribution A.J. Jamal 191min. 11.09.2007 A.J. Jamal, Vyck Cooley, and Smaff Fife are three 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068227 standup comedians introduced by BET host Lester Barrie VCI Home Video (Video Communications, on this gospel comedy release. Inc.) 24.08.2007 Religious 2005 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068543 God Grew Tired of Us: The Story Universal Music & Video Distribution of Lost Boys of Sudan 10.07.2007 Design GOD GREW TIRED OF US tells the remarkable story of 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068502 the Lost Boys of Sudan. In 1987, with explosive violence World History/Culture, Education/General in the Sudan because of civil war, 25,000 young boys Interest 2006 FF 126min. between the ages of three and thirteen fled from their Simon Holmes: Digital Golf Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 28.08.2007 homes, beginning a five-year trek that ultimately led the survivors—many of the boys died along the treacherous School 2: Max Improvement 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068183 journey through the desert—to a United Nations refugee

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Sports/Recreation, Golf Ltbx 120min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068334 Universal Music & Video Distribution KOCH Entertainment Distribution 10.07.2007 14.08.2007 Jesse James: American Outlaw 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068499 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068240 Education/General Interest, American History/Culture : The Man and the Myth House of Legs #25: Nylons for New Video Group, Inc. 14.08.2007 Bruce Li - Dir. Ng See Yuen Ever 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068116 This bio-pic looks at the life of martial arts phenomenon Bruce Lee and traces his phenomenal rise to international This classy release features leggy seductress Jamie Lynn stardom. Beginning with his early years as a young man in a half-hour of previously unreleased footage, as well as Jimmy Carter - The President on the streets of his native Hong Kong, the film follows his several montages spotlighting the work of Bob Alexander. early training in the martial arts, then on to the beginnings Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF From Plains of his movie career, which later exploded worldwide, only Pacific Media Entertainment 10.07.2007 Jimmy Carter to be cut short by his untimely death at 33. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068342 Education/General Interest, American Education/General Interest, Biography 1978 History/Culture Tango Entertainment 10.07.2007 I Trust You to Kill Me K.C. Sales 17.08.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068449 Kiefer Sutherland - Dir. Manu Boyer 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068269 Actor Kiefer Sutherland seems like an unusual tour Legends, Icons & Superstars of manager, but that’s exactly the role he fulfills in this Bobby Jones - A Gospel the 20th Century documentary about a band—named Rocco DeLuca & The Burden—that he helps to manage. Experience...Live in Italy Celebrity and hero were terms that were greatly magnified during the 20th Century. This documentary examines the Dramas 2006 Ltbx 90min. One of the most beloved performers in the world of gospel lives and the phenomena surrounding many of the Universal Music & Video Distribution music, Bobby Jones brings his uplifting brand of greatest, most influential and most notorious figures of 10.07.2007 spirituality to this concert, recorded live in Italy. Backed by the century. Among those included are John Wayne, the Nashville Super Choir and the talents of guest stars Adolf Hitler, Mother Teresa and Jackie Robinson. An 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068519 James Grear and Tonex, Bobby roars through thrilling exhausting study of people who greatly impacted the 20th renditions of gospel classics such as „People Get Ready,“ Century. „Amazing Grace,“ „Down by the Riverside,“ „Oh Happy I Was Stalin’s Bodyguard Day,“ and many more. Education/General Interest, World History/ Joseph Stalin, one of the 20th centuries most important Religious 2004 FF Culture 2000 FF DD 2.0 historical figures— and the murderer of millions— has Warner Home Video 23.10.2007 long been shrouded in mystery. Using interviews with Navarre Corporation 10.07.2007 Stalin’s last surviving bodyguard, coupled with rare 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068288 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068568 archival and personal footage (including Stalin’s home movies), filmmaker Semeon Aranovitch paints a vivid, Liberty Bound controversial picture of a violent, triumphant era in Soviet Joong Bong Fundamentals & history. This is a story that is strange, terrifying, and most Patterns This interesting, disturbing program refuses to shy away of all, real. Part of the „Stalin: By Those Who Knew Him“ from controversy, examining the lies and civil rights series. Sang H. Kim hosts this instructional guide to handling the violations that have plagued America since September Foreign Films, Russian 1990 FF 73min. joong bong, a short stick used in Korean martial arts. 11th. Included here are interviews with prominent thinkers Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2003 FF and activists, as well as with ordinary citizens who have Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 28.08.2007 85min. had their constitutional rights blatantly violated. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068184 Education/General Interest, American Repnet 11.09.2007 History/Culture 2004 FF 90min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068455 Inside the Actors Studio: Barbara KOCH Entertainment Distribution Streisand 11.09.2007 Jujitsu 1 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068242 Barbra Streisand Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2007 FF Host James Lipton welcomes another guest to the 60min. inimitable INSIDE THE ACTORS STUDIO with this Magic Frank’s Lessons In Magic - presentation. The star featured in this segment is Barbra Repnet 10.07.2007 Streisand, who speaks openly about her incredible career. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068461 Believe In Magic Believe In Education/General Interest, Media Arts Yourself 95min. Ki: The Science of Internal In this fun instructional program, popular magician Magic Visual Entertainment 07.08.2007 Frank lets viewers in on his back of tricks. Aspiring 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068419 Energy magicians of all ages and abilities will learn to inspire awe Grandmaster Sang Won Lee hosts this instructional guide using only household basics such as coins, playing cards, to harnessing the life force known as ki (aka chi or qi) and even snack foods. Perfect for anyone interested in Internationally Speaking through the practice of Gi Cheon, a Korean martial art magic, or anyone who likes to play with their food, Magic Frank’s BELIEVE IN MAGIC! offers demonstrations of This fascinating, eye-opening documentary allows that focuses on joint flexibility and breathing exercises. Martial Arts, Sports/Recreation 2005 FF over 20 tricks. ordinary people from all over the world to share their true Education/General Interest, Media Arts feelings about America and its foreign policy. 70min. 2005 Education/General Interest, Media Arts Repnet 11.09.2007 K.C. Sales 10.07.2007 2005 FF 90min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068456 KOCH Entertainment Distribution 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068267 11.09.2007 Korean Kickboxing: Kyuktooki Magic Frank’s Lessons In Magic - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068241 Martial arts champions Jung Yong Han and Jun Hyo Sung are among the masters on display in this instructional Magic 4 Fun With Everday JDM Option - Vol. 36 - Tsukuba guide to the Korean kickboxing style known as kyuktooki. Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2005 FF Objects Super Lap Aspiring magicians of all levels can easily get started 70min. practicing magic tricks using only common household Sports/Recreation, Auto Sports 90min. Repnet 11.09.2007 objects with this fun and entertaining program. Well- Geneon Entertainment 31.07.2007 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068458 known magician and children’s entertainer Magic Frank 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068332 takes a sampling of everyday items such as rubber bands, paper clips, and even coins to demonstrate 21 basic Latino Comedy Series Vol. 3 magic tricks. JDM Option - Vol. 37: 2006 D1 Jeff Garcia takes the stage once again in the third volume Education/General Interest, Media Arts World All Stars of this comedy series featuring four popular Latin comics 2005 and their stand-up routines. K.C. Sales 10.07.2007 Sports/Recreation, Auto Sports 90min. Comedies 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068266 Geneon Entertainment 31.07.2007 Universal Music & Video Distribution 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068333 10.07.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068512 Magic Frank’s Lessons In Magic - JDM Option - Vol. 38: 2007 D1GP More Magic 4 Fun With Everyday Round 1 Ebisu Denis Leary Deluxe Objects Sports/Recreation, Auto Sports 90min. Denis Leary Aspiring magicians of all levels can pick up impressive magic tricks using only common household objects with Geneon Entertainment 31.07.2007 Comedies this fun and entertaining program from the Magic 4 Fun

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 43 Newsletter 14/07 (Nr. 211) Juli 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) series. Well-known magician and children’s entertainer Northeast Wrestling - Autumn Magic Frank takes a sampling of everyday items such as rubber bands, paper clips, sugar packets, spoons, tissue Mystique - World’s Sexiest Nude Ambush paper, coins, and cards to demonstrate dozens of basic Women 2007 / Enchanting Nude Three-time winner of the WWE Championship and best- techniques and tricks. selling author is known for his physical Education/General Interest, Specialty Sirens stamina in the ring. Legends abound regarding the brutal Instruction 2005 FF Mystique Magazine knows how to pick them. In this matches he has lived through, enduring multiple broken release, 2007’s sexiest sirens light up the big screen with bones, a couple explosions, an ear torn off in the ropes, K.C. Sales 10.07.2007 their charms and impressive (and often, natural) physical and a mat padded by 10,000 thumbtacks. Here, Foley 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068268 assets. Filmed in exotic locations the world over, the turns his talents to refereeing, overseeing matches program boasts sultry photo shoots in the Czech Republic, between Slyk Wagner Brown with Big Daddy vs. Jerry Colombia, Slovakia, Thailand, and more. „The King“ Lawler, with Thunderbolt vs. Al Magic Frank’s Lessons In Magic - Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF Snow, and Damien Adams vs. . There is also The Key To Card Magic some Midget Madness thrown in for good measure, with 60min. Terrible Todd Stone vs. Short Sleeve Sampson, and Mr. Using only a deck of cards, popular children’s performer Music Video Distributors 31.07.2007 Spotlight Jeff Starr vs. Kurt Adonis. and magician Magic Frank shows viewers how to create 21 simple yet effective magic tricks. Aspiring magicians of 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068624 Sports/Recreation, Wrestling all ages and levels will learn how to attract audiences of Navarre Corporation 10.07.2007 awed fans as Frank shows them how to have people pick Nick Name and the Normals 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068291 the intended card, and for making cards mysteriously disappear. Nick Name - Dir. Howie Skora Education/General Interest, Media Arts Dramas Northeast Wrestling - Renegades 2005 FF Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007 Rampage K.C. Sales 10.07.2007 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068387 Mankind 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068265 Notorious wrestling champion Mick Foley hosts a wrestling Nature’s Journey show to benefit PAL, held in Danbury, CT at the intimate venue of the Police Athletic League building. Known for Martial Arts Injury Care and This soothing program combines beautiful natural his almost inhuman ability to endure all types of pain, Prevention photography, computer-generated imagery, and a relaxing Foley also has an eye for entertainment, and the stellar soundtrack. roster provides more than enough for audience members Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2007 FF Education/General Interest, New Age/ and home viewers alike. Matches include Slyk Wagner 60min. Metaphysical 2007 Brown with Big Daddy vs. Jerry „The King“ Lawler; Chris Candido with Thunderbolt vs. ; and Damien Repnet 10.07.2007 KOCH Entertainment Distribution Adams vs. Chris Sabin. Then of course there’s some 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068464 11.09.2007 midget madness, with Terrible Todd Stone vs. Short 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068258 Sleeve Sampson, and „Mr. Spotlight „Jeff Starr vs. Kurt Adonis. Martial Arts of Korea Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2005 Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2007 FF Nature’s Journey (Blu-ray) Navarre Corporation 10.07.2007 60min. This soothing program combines beautiful natural photography, computer-generated imagery, and a relaxing 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068292 Repnet 10.07.2007 soundtrack. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068467 Education/General Interest, New Age/ NOVA - Iraq: Battle Plan Under Metaphysical 2007 FF Fire Billy Martin: The Man, The Myth, KOCH Entertainment Distribution Education/General Interest, War/Military 11.09.2007 The Manager 168min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068260 Sports/Recreation, Baseball 65min. WGBH Boston Video 15.10.2007 Genius Productions, Inc. 04.09.2007 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068201 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068378 Nature’s Journey (HD DVD) This soothing program combines beautiful natural photography, computer-generated imagery, and a relaxing Nunchaku MLB: Baseball’s Most soundtrack. Learn the secret techniques of one of martial arts’ Feats Education/General Interest, New Age/ greatest weapons, The Nunchaku. An incredible array of baseball records are discussed in Metaphysical 2007 Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 1998 FF this program from the MLB. KOCH Entertainment Distribution 60min. Sports/Recreation, Baseball 2007 Ltbx 16x9 11.09.2007 Repnet 10.07.2007 90min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068259 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068460 Universal Music & Video Distribution 10.07.2007 New American Bible - Complete NWA Florida - Aftermath 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068423 Dating back to 1937, Florida’s chapter of the National New & Old Testaments Wrestling Alliance (NWA) is not only the oldest but the Mo’Nique - I Coulda Been Your Religious most brutal, no-holds-barred wrestling division. This Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007 volume presents the NWA’s AFTERMATH event, which Cellmate! features eight devastating matches, including a NWA 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068171 Florida Heavyweight Title Match pitting Billy Fives against Mo’Nique Danny Doring, as well as a Title vs. Title Match between Mo’Nique flexes her stand-up skills in an unusual location NWA’s and IPW’s Rod Steel. on this recording: behind the bars of Ohio Reformatory for New American Bible: New Testa- Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2005 Women. The witty star charms her audience with some ment raw and uncensored views on life, and demonstrates Navarre Corporation 10.07.2007 exactly how close she has come to being incarcerated Religious 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068293 herself! Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007 Comedies 2006 72min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068169 NWA Florida - Rage in the Cage Visual Entertainment 10.07.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068511 2004 New American Bible: Old Testa- Dating back to 1937, Florida’s chapter of the National ment Wrestling Alliance (NWA) is not only the oldest but the Fights - Volume 1 most brutal wrestling championship, offering an annual Religious Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2007 FF RAGE IN THE CAGE showdown that is a veritable Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007 extravaganza of no-holds-barred fighting. This volume 60min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068170 presents the 2004 edition of RAGE IN THE CAGE, which Repnet 10.07.2007 features the following matches: Elimination, First Blood, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068471 Submission Ladder, , Bra and Panties, Falls NHL Stanley Cup Champions Count Anywhere, Steel Cage, and the ultimate showstopper, the 20-man Bring-Your-Own-Weapons Rage Muay Thai Fights - Volume 2 2006-2007: Anaheim Ducks in the Cage. Wrestlers include Lex Lovett, Bruce Steele, Todd Shane, Steve Madison, Mike Sullivan, Scoot Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2007 FF Sports/Recreation, Hockey Andrews, and many more. 60min. Warner Home Video 02.10.2007 Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2004 FF Repnet 10.07.2007 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068609 Navarre Corporation 10.07.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068472 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068286

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SportsCentury Greatest Athletes - On Any Sunday - 30th Real Jesse James Collection Babe Ruth Anniversary Collection Education/General Interest, American Sports/Recreation, Baseball 46min. This trilogy of amazing Motocross riding and it’s greatest History/Culture 71min. Genius Productions, Inc. 04.09.2007 riders, include: ON ANY SUNDAY, ON ANY SUNDAY - Genius Productions, Inc. 18.09.2007 REVISITED, and ON ANY SUNDAY - MOTOCROSS, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068177 MALCOLM, AND MORE. See individual titles for complete 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068380 details. SportsCentury Greatest Athletes - Sports/Recreation, Motorcycle Sports 2001 Satan: Prince of Darkness Hank Aaron FF 88min. The Biography Channel produces an insightful look at the Monterey Media 04.09.2007 history of Satan with this presentation. Various experts Sports/Recreation, Baseball 2007 46min. are called on to provide their thoughts and feelings on the Genius Productions, Inc. 04.09.2007 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068321 scourge of all mankind, while artistic interpretations of Satan—many of which date back far into human history— 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068178 Overhaulin’ - Season 3 Volume 3 are also included. Television, Education/General Interest, Television, Education/General Interest, Stacy Burke P.I. - Blonde & Biography Automotive FF 640min. Bound New Video Group, Inc. 14.08.2007 KOCH Entertainment Distribution Fetish model Stacy Burke stars as a private investigator 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068112 who attempts to crack down on a mysterious criminal, only 11.09.2007 to find herself bound, gagged, and at his mercy. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068264 Seeds of Greatness - Roots & Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF Pacific Media Entertainment 10.07.2007 Police Safety and Survival 1 Wings 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068340 Veteran policemen Mark Wyler and Eric Murray host this Education/General Interest, Self- instructional guide to law enforcement safety procedures Improvement 2007 FF DD 2.0 168min. that focus on dealing with potentially life-threatening Submarine Warfare situations such as suspects resisting arrest or disarming Inspired Corporation 24.07.2007 Gene Kelly takes you under for a look at life aboard a officers. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068348 fighting submarine during World War II. Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2004 FF Education/General Interest, War/World War 70min. Seeds of Greatness - Roots II FF DD 5.1 59min. Repnet 11.09.2007 Education/General Interest, Self- Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068457 Improvement 2007 FF DD 2.0 83min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068119 Inspired Corporation 24.07.2007 Popular Mechanics: New 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068346 Taekkyon Technologies of War Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2007 FF Technological advances in the weaponry used during Seeds of Greatness - Roots (with 60min. wartime are discussed and analyzed in this entry into the CDs) Repnet 10.07.2007 Popular Mechanics series. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068468 Education/General Interest, War/Military Education/General Interest, Self- 2007 Ltbx 240min. Improvement 2007 FF DD 2.0 83min. KOCH Entertainment Distribution Inspired Corporation 24.07.2007 Tai Chi for Life - Sun Style 11.09.2007 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068344 Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2007 FF 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068254 60min. Seeds of Greatness - Wings Repnet 10.07.2007 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068466 Present: Best of Bondage Education/General Interest, Self- Several Harmony hotties are bound and gagged in this Improvement 2007 FF 85min. series of short treats, each catering to a different kind of Takedown Masters - Turnbuckle bondage fetish. Inspired Corporation 24.07.2007 Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068347 Memories: Vol. 8 TURNBUCKLE MEMORIES was a 1980s television series Pacific Media Entertainment 10.07.2007 that screened earlier wrestling matches. This volume 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068338 Seeds of Greatness - Wings (with includes Jim Backlund versus Jesse Barr; The Black CDS) Ninja, Kendall Windham, and Tyree Pride versus Mark Benedict, Dennis Sour, and Dino Minelli; The Red Menace Pro Wrestling IRON - Internatio- Education/General Interest, Self- and Prince Iaukea versus The Fabulous Ones; Frank Lane nal Challenge: Vol. 1 Improvement 2007 FF versus Jerry Gray; and and Inspired Corporation 24.07.2007 versus Mr. Saito and Mr. Sato. Pro Wrestling IRON is a small, San Francisco-based Sports/Recreation, Wrestling FF wrestling promotion that provides an alternative to the 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068345 phony, gimmick-driven spectacles of major pro wrestling Navarre Corporation 31.07.2007 with its own unique brand of athletic, sports-driven 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068287 entertainment. This collection pays tribute to IRON’s Self-Defense Encyclopedia maverick attitude with highlight clips and backstage Education/General Interest, Self-Defense/ footage from some of its most memorable matches, Tales of Horror including a tag-team championship pitting Yoshinari Home Security 2007 FF 60min. Ghost stories have enthralled and frightened people for Ogawa and against Bart Blaxon and Repnet 10.07.2007 centuries. This program examines whether there is any Nigel McGuiness, as well as a heavyweight championship 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068459 truth behind these tales by travelling to various places between Bison Smith and BJ Whitmer. where different ghost stories are alleged to have taken Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2005 place. Navarre Corporation 10.07.2007 Sierra Leone’s Refugee all Stars Education/General Interest, Media Arts 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068294 Education/General Interest, World History/ 2006 FF 90min. Culture 80min. KOCH Entertainment Distribution Pro Wrestling IRON - Internatio- New Video Group, Inc. 14.08.2007 11.09.2007 nal Challenge: Vol. 2 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068328 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068230 Pro Wrestling IRON is a small, San Francisco-based wrestling promotion that provides an alternative to the Sinbad: Son Of A Preacher Man Tit Queens of the Past - Vol. 4 phony, gimmick-driven spectacles of major pro wrestling Some classic moments are revisited in this jiggly foray with its own unique brand of athletic, sports-driven Sinbad This stand-up show from comedian Sinbad finds him into bra-busting fun, which includes part two of BREAST entertainment. This collection pays tribute to IRON’s ORGY, along with six other films. maverick attitude with highlight clips and backstage regaling an audience with many amusing observations footage from some of its most memorable matches, from his life. Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF including appearances by IRON stars Bison Smith, Nigel Comedies 60min. 60min. McGuiness, Bart Blaxon, Frank Murdoch, Michael Modest, Universal Music & Video Distribution Pacific Media Entertainment 24.07.2007 and . 24.07.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068339 Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2005 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068510 Navarre Corporation 10.07.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068295 Titillating Tata’s - Vol. 1

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This top-heavy release features an hour of boobalicious Colin Mochrie entertainment. After the British version of WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY The Wiggles - Live Hot Potatoes! Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF brought improvisational comedy to the masses, the Ameri- Pacific Media Entertainment 10.07.2007 can version of the show borrowed the same formula and The Wiggles are one of the most popular acts in children’s achieved the same results. The show hurls many difficult entertainment, featuring friendly characters who never 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068343 and amusing challenges—including songs, games, and condescend to their audience, but instead encourage other spontaneous activities—at its constantly rotating participation with intelligent yet simple lyrics and a fun, True Stories of Witchcraft & line-up of guest performers, all of whom have to be at the engaging demeanor. Essentially a live action song-and- top of their game to keep up with the pace of the show. dance act, they have distinguished themselves by putting Wizardry This second volume of episodes from the first season of their backgrounds in preschool education to use by establishing their apparently limitless appeal to children. This documentary examines various rumors and facts WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY includes regular contestants such as Ryan Stiles, Drew Carey, and Colin Mochrie. Their albums have achieved gold and platinum status, and surrounding witchcraft and wizardry, and also takes a look have become a favorite in classrooms and living rooms at people who still practice these ancient arts in the Television, Comedies FF S worldwide. In this live concert in their native , the modern world. Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 foursome and their friends perform some of their greatest Education/General Interest, Media Arts 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068569 hits, including „The Monkey Dance,“ „Where’s Jeff?“ 2007 FF 90min. „D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. (My Favorite Dinosaur),“ „Play Your KOCH Entertainment Distribution Guitar With Murray,“ „Central Park New York,“ „Eagle Whose Line is it Anyway - Season Rock,“ and „Hot Potato,“ among many others. 11.09.2007 1, Volumes 1 & 2 Childrens 2004 FF DD 2.0 77min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068261 Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 Drew Carey, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068590 Tsunami Diaries - A Journey to Ryan Stiles After the British version of WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY the Epicenter brought improvisational comedy to the masses, the Ameri- The Wiggles - Magical Adventure Education/General Interest, World History/ can version of the show borrowed the same formula and The Wiggles’ first feature-length movie takes them on a achieved the same results. The show hurls many difficult magical adventure. It’s Dorothy the Dinosaur’s birthday, Culture and amusing challenges—including songs, games, and and she can’t believe it—the Wiggles have forgotten it Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007 other spontaneous activities—at its constantly rotating entirely! A further damper on Dorothy’s day comes when 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068149 line-up of guest performers, all of whom have to be at the Wally the Great steals Greg’s magic wand. Dorothy top of their game to keep up with the pace of the show. decides to take matters into her own hands, chasing Wally This first season of WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY includes down and teaching him a thing or two about magic while TV Mooodscapes - Ultimate regular contestants such as Ryan Stiles, Drew Carey, and she’s at it. Little does she suspect that The Wiggles are Colin Mochrie. planning a surprise birthday party for her, and Dorothy is Relaxation Video (HD DVD) Television, Comedies elated when she and Wally finally arrive at The Wiggles’ Education/General Interest, New Age/ Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 house. What ensues is a celebration to remember, replete Metaphysical 2007 FF DD 2.0 120min. 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068570 with singing, dancing, and plenty of wiggling! Childrens 2002 FF DD 2.0 79min. Mill Creek Entertainment 24.07.2007 Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068165 The Wiggles - Cold Spaghetti We- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068591 stern Ultimate Baseball Collector’s Those lovable Australian television kids stars The Wiggles The Wiggles - Racing To Rainbow Collection star in their first loony western. Your kids will love their favorite stars as cowboys in their first wild west The beloved band returns with a brand new batch of Sports/Recreation, Baseball 100min. adventure. songs in RACING TO THE RAINBOW. This Wiggles outing features the foursome as they search for the mythical end Genius Productions, Inc. 18.09.2007 Television, Childrens FF DD 2.0 58min. of the rainbow and sing 23 new songs along the way. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068379 Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 Childrens 2006 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068586 Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 Universoul Circus 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068583 The Universoul Circus is a traveling group of African- The Wiggles - Here Comes Big American performers who love to act out strange routines. The members include Onionhead the Clown, Tyrone the Red Car The Wiggles - Sailing Around the Elephant Trainer, and the Ethiopian Body Jugglers. Join Feathers and the Wiggles gang for a road World Childrens, Special Interest 2006 trip filled with songs. With HERE COMES THE BIG RED CAR, young viewers will get an earful of musical tracks The Wiggles set sail for parts unknown in this record of Visual Entertainment 10.07.2007 including „Wags The Dog,“ „Do The Flap,“ „On Your the 2005 world tour, featuring the world’s most popular 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068493 Holiday,“ and „Hat On My Head.“ performers among the pre-school set. The S.S. Feathersword travels to ports in London, Sicily, San Childrens 2006 Ltbx DD 2.0 Francisco, and points in between, carrying Captain Up Series Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 Feathersword, Dorothy the Dinosaur, Wags the Dog, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068587 Henry the Octopus, as well as the guys themselves, to Dramas 1963 710min. visit appreciative crowds across the globe. Their First Run Features Home Video 18.09.2007 enthusiasm is infectious as the gang performs songs 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068197 The Wiggles - Hoop-Dee-Doo! about , Pennsylvania, Mexico City, and more, Australia’s top children’s entertainers, The Wiggles, are teaching kids about the world they live in even while throwing a party and everyone’s invited. Watch as Greg, entertaining them with fun, engaging songs, dances, and War of the Worlds Scandal Murray, Jeff, and Anthony sing and play such songs as skits. Television, Education/General Interest, „Wiggly Party,“ „Play Your Guitar With Murray,“ „ Childrens 2006 Ltbx DD 2.0 74min. Media Arts 2005 FF 90min. Caveland,“ and „La Cucaracha.“ Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 Live-Action, Childrens 2002 FF DD 2.0 KOCH Entertainment Distribution 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068592 53min. 11.09.2007 Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068228 The Wiggles - Wiggle Around The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068618 Clock Wartime Britain: A Nation’s Finest Children, educators, and parents all love the Wiggles, the The Wiggles - Lights, Camera, goofy, whimsical, and wildly popular child entertainers Hour Action from Australia. In WIGGLE AROUND THE CLOCK, the upbeat and colorful foursome perform more delightful Education/General Interest, War/World War Join the Wiggles craze and tune in for some Aussie fun in II 60min. songs aimed at child development. these episodes where the fun never stops! Captain Childrens 2006 Ltbx DD 2.0 49min. Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007 Feathersword is making all kinds of animal sounds, Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068395 Anthony’s making pizza in his workshop, and Jeff is....missing! Kids can explore the Australian countryside 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068598 with Jeff, Greg, Anthony, and Murray, when they go on a Whatz Really Hood Vol.8 bushwalk, and of course, the whole episode is full of great music children can’t help but dance to. Teaching lessons The Wiggles - WiggleDancing! Dramas 2007 FF 90min. about indigenous wildlife, the guys sing lots of favorite Phoenix Entertainment Group 14.08.2007 Wiggles tunes, including „Henry’s Underwater Big Band,“ Live in the U.S.A. „Move Your Arms Like Henry,“ „Rolling Down the Massively popular Australian children’s entertainers bring 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068635 Sandhills,“ „We’re Dancing with Wags the Dog,“ and many their stage show stateside, performing their charming, more. infectious program at the Chevrolet Theater in Connecti- Whose Line is it Anyway - Season Childrens 2006 cut. Join Jeff, Greg, Anthony, and Murray as they sing all Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 your favorite tunes! 1, Volume 2 Live-Action, Childrens 2006 Ltbx DD 2.0 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068589 Drew Carey, Ryan Stiles, Wayne Brady, 79min.

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Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 The Wiggles: Getting Strong 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068600 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068599 Childrens Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 The Wiggles - Wiggly Safari The Wiggles: Wiggle Time 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068584 The Wiggles go on safari, and as their guide they get The most popular kids’ entertainers in Australia make the none other than the Crocodile Hunter himself — Steve jump to America in this video. Featuring over a dozen fun Irwin. Joined by his wife Terri and his daughter Bindi, songs for the whole family that’ll make your kids, yes, Windows Vista for Dummies Steve takes The Wiggles on a tour they won’t soon forget, wiggle with excitement. Education/General Interest, Computers and neither will you! They journey through Steve’s own Childrens, Puppets/Live-Action 1999 FF Australian zoo, where they visit the kangaroos and the 2007 FF 79min. kookaburras and sing such songs as: „Do The Owl,“ DD 2.0 40min. Razor & Tie 11.09.2007 „Dingo Tango,“ and „Butterflies Flit.“ Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068392 Childrens, Live-Action 2002 FF DD 2.0 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068601 52min. Women’s Extreme Wrestling Vol. Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 The Wiggles: Wiggly Playtime 5 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068603 The Wiggles are innovators in the field of children’s entertainment, having become a favorite of kids and Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007 FF parents alike with their energetic, live-action Navarre Corporation 14.08.2007 The Wiggles: Santa’s Rockin’ performances. They play their own instruments, dance, Aussie children’s entertainment phenomenon The Wiggles and sing in an inviting way that encourages kids to join in. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068142 lead the pack in providing fun song-and dance-based The group is a top seller in their native Australia and programs that teach children social behavior and promote abroad, and were awarded the Highest Selling Children’s WWE - SummerSlam 2007 their active engagement with the world. The Wiggles are a Sales Through Videos at the AVSDA Awards multiple top-selling group with a certified background in child times.Their unique blend of friendly humor, good times, Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007 development, which helps them adopt the perspectives of and a positive message of social engagement comes 180min. children and develop characters that kids can identify with through in their creative, simple, and accessible songs. and love. In this release, The Wiggles and their friends Collected here are three episodes of the popular Genius Productions, Inc. 25.09.2007 are getting ready for Christmas, and everyone has a Australian TV series, which include the songs: „Get Ready 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068647 rockin’ good time, including special guest John Fogerty. To Wiggle (Young Wiggles),“ „Go Captain Feathersword, Henry the Octopus excels at wrapping presents, while Ahoy!,“ „Havenu Shalom Alechem,“ „John Bradlelum,“ Julio, Fernando, and Fernandito sing „O Come, all ye „Get Ready To Wiggle,“ „Move Your Arms Like Henry,“ WWE - The Triumph and Tragedy Faithful“ in Spanish. „Having Fun At The Beach,“ „Captain Feathersword Fell of World Class Championship Childrens 2004 Asleep On His Pirate Ship,“ „The Monkey Dance,“ and Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 „Ponies,“ among others. Wrestling Childrens 2004 FF DD 2.0 61min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068593 Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007 Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 360min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068602 The Wiggles: Space Dancing Genius Productions, Inc. 18.09.2007 Internationally known children’s performers The Wiggles 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068646 venture out into outer space and you know that’s gonna The Wiggles: Wiggly Wiggly mean lots of fun and lots of songs. And it’s animated for Christmas Yoga For Health - Gastro Intesti- even more kiddy fun! A compilation of the best holiday and Christmas songs nal / Depression Childrens, Animated FF DD 2.0 46min. from The Wiggles! Join Greg, Jeff, Anthony and Murray as Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 they liven up the holidays with this collection of fun songs Yoga’s health benefits extend beyond just toning the body 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068594 and singalongs, with all your familiar Wiggles characters. and relaxing the mind. In these two workouts, instructor Includes classic songs like „Rudolf the Red Nosed Jenny Cornero uses specific movements to target gastro- Reindeer“ and „Silent Night“ alongside such new Wiggles intestinal issues and depression. The Wiggles: Toot Toot songs as „Wiggly, Wiggly Christmas“ and „Let’s Clap Education/General Interest, Health/Diet The Wiggles, Australia’s most popular children’s Hands for Santa Claus“. Features over fifteen songs, for 2007 119min. entertainers, go on a trip in their Big Red Car. Along the ages 1-8. Vanguard International Cinema 10.07.2007 Childrens, Live-Action 2000 way they run into their friends Captain Feathersword, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068538 Henry the Octopus, and Zardo Zap the alien, and Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 everyone dances and join in the sing-alongs. Featuring 18 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068604 songs and a number of positive and fun lessons, for kids Yoga Para Salud - Basicos / Dolo- six and under. Childrens, Live-Action 2000 FF DD 2.0 The Wiggles: Wiggly, Wiggly res De Cabeza 44min. This exercise program features a variety of yoga positions World geared toward improving general health and wellness. Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 Everything goes wiggly in this video from Australia’s This title also includes movements to tackle headache 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068595 favorite children’s entertainers. Join the fun as Greg, pain. In Spanish. Murray, Anthony and Jeff are visited by guests such as Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007 Australian country music legend Slim Dusty and Tim Finn The Wiggles: Top of the Tots (Crowded House, Split Enz.) Enjoy such songs as: „In The 119min. Australia’s child-friendliest singers are back in this Wiggles World,“ „Taba Naba,“ „Blow Me Down,“ and Vanguard International Cinema 10.07.2007 collection of songs and fun that will thrill and delight your „Starry Night.“ 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068537 children. Childrens, Live-Action 2001 Childrens 2003 FF DD 2.0 51min. Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 Yoga Para Salud 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068588 This two-volume set features exercises to target the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068596 health of the whole body, headaches, the gastro-intestinal The Wiggles: Yule Be Wiggling tract, and depression. In Spanish. The Wiggles: Whoo Hoo! Wiggly The Wiggles, Australia’s Number 1 Children’s Entertai- Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007 Gremlins! ners, sing many festive holiday tunes. Enjoy such songs 238min. as „Christmas Polka“, „Here Come The Reindeer“, Vanguard International Cinema 10.07.2007 Australia’s child-friendliest singers are back in this „Murray’s Christmas Samba,“ and the classic „Jingle collection of songs and fun intended to thrill and delight Bells.“ 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068536 children of all ages. Childrens, Puppets/Live-Action 2001 Childrens 2003 Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 Zen Buddhism - In Search of Self Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068605 Education/General Interest, Self- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068597 Improvement 2007 FF 60min. Repnet 10.07.2007 The Wiggles: Wiggle Bay The Wiggles: Yummy Yummy Join the popular entertainers from Down Under in this 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068473 The fun continues as they team swim in the sea and musical tribute to food. The songs will have parents and dance in the sand with their friends, Dorothy the dinosaur, kids dancing and wiggling all over the house. Lively and wags the dog, Henry the Octopus and captain educational fun for the whole family. Feathersword. But there’s also a wiggly mystery to solve when they discover a magic shell, a curious note, and a Childrens, Puppets/Live-Action 1999 beautiful mermaid! Will they solve the mystery? Will they 36min. return a golden key to it’s rightful owner? Find out when Warner Home Video 09.10.2007 you join The Wiggles for lots of music, dancing and fun in the sun at Wiggle Bay! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068606 Childrens 2003 FF DD 2.0 41min.

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 48 Newsletter 14/07 (Nr. 211) Juli 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)

(DD) Animation 24.08.2007 Animation Animation 24.08.2007 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041938 Gekijyoban Bleach 97,90 EUR BNr.: 50041515 Memories Of Nobody Dojin Work Animation 05.09.2007 Angel Heart Vol. 9 (PCM) La Corda D’oro: Primo Animation 21.09.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041784 93,90 EUR BNr.: 50041443 Animation 22.08.2007 Passo Vol. 8 (PCM) Ghost In The Shell (DD) 75,90 EUR BNr.: 50041811 Animation 22.08.2007 Dojin Work Vol. 1 94,90 EUR BNr.: 50041823 (Blu-ray) Angel Heart Vol. 10 (Limited Edition) Animation 24.08.2007 (PCM) Crayon Shin-Chan: Animation 21.09.2007 154,90 EUR BNr.: 50041538 100,90 EUR BNr.: 50041442 Animation 22.08.2007 Selection 3rd Series 1 Gingatetsudo No Yoru 75,90 EUR BNr.: 50041810 Animation 24.08.2007 Vol. 16 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041516 Animation 18.07.2007 Angelique: Kagayaki No Animation 05.09.2007 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041555 Crayon Shin-Chan: 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041720 Ashita Vol. 5 Groizer X: Box Set Vol. 2 Animation 24.08.2007 Selection 8th Series 2 Dragon Ball Vol. 17 Animation 27.07.2005 79,90 EUR BNr.: 50041438 Animation 24.08.2007 Animation 05.09.2007 404,90 EUR BNr.: 50041848 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041517 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041717 Apo Mekhaness Theos D.Gray-Man Vol. 8 Hapi+Raki! Bikkuri Man Gigantic Formula Vol. 5 Dragon Ball Vol. 18 Vol. 7 Animation 05.09.2007 Animation 05.09.2007 (DD) Animation 21.09.2007 75,90 EUR BNr.: 50041813 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041721 Animation 24.08.2007 94,90 EUR BNr.: 50041985 109,90 EUR BNr.: 50041514 Dancouga Nova Vol. 4 Ef-A Tale Of Memories.- Hayateno Gotoku! Vol. Aria The OVA -Arietta- Animation 31.08.2007 Prologue- 94,90 EUR BNr.: 50041719 02 Animation 21.09.2007 Animation 24.08.2007 Animation 24.08.2007 82,90 EUR BNr.: 50041439 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041984 -Vol. 2 94,90 EUR BNr.: 50041986 (DD 5.1) Bakugan Battle Blowers Emily Of New Moon Heroic Age III Animation 22.08.2007 Animation 22.08.2007 Vol. 2 (DD) Animation 05.09.2007 106,90 EUR BNr.: 50041814 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041540 Animation 24.08.2007 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041915 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041983 Vol. 9 (DD) Emma Second Season Hidamari Sketch Vol. 6 Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Animation 22.08.2007 Vol. 2 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041683 Animation 22.08.2007 Irohanihoheto Vol. 8 Animation 17.08.2007 82,90 EUR BNr.: 50041819 Animation 24.08.2007 Deltora Quest Vol. 4 82,90 EUR BNr.: 50041722 97,90 EUR BNr.: 50041440 (2007 / PCM) Higurashi No Eyeshield 21 Vol. 26 Nakukoroni 2 Bleach Arrancar Animation 22.08.2007 (DD) 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041815 Animation 24.08.2007 Shutsugen-Hen Vol. 3 Animation 24.08.2007 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50042021 Animation 22.08.2007 Demashita! Powerpuff 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041518 72,90 EUR BNr.: 50041812 Girls Z Vol. 17 (PCM) Vol. 3 (2007) Fushigiboshi No Futago Animation 24.08.2007 Animation 22.08.2007 Blue Dragon 1 Hime Gyu! Vol. 12 (DD) 89,90 EUR BNr.: 50041444 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041816 Animation 17.08.2007 Animation 24.08.2007 89,90 EUR BNr.: 50041718 Demashita! Powerpuff 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041519 Ice Vol. 3 (DD 5.1) Animation 25.09.2007 Bokurano Vol. 2 Girls Z Vol. 18 (PCM) Futari Wa 154,90 EUR BNr.: 50041445 Animation 22.08.2007 Animation 22.08.2007 Splash Star Vol. 12 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041817 121,90 EUR BNr.: 50041953 Animation 17.08.2007 Idol Master Xenoglossia Demashita! Powerpuff 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041782 Vol. 2 (DD) Bokusatsu Dokuro Chan Animation 24.08.2007 2 Vol. 1 (PCM) Girls Z Vol. 9 (PCM) Futari Wa Pretty Cure 109,90 EUR BNr.: 50041520 Animation 24.08.2007 Animation 22.08.2007 Splash Star Vol. 13 75,90 EUR BNr.: 50041818 89,90 EUR BNr.: 50041977 Animation 17.08.2007 Ikkitousen Dragon Detective Conan Part 15 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041783 Destiny Vol. 3 (2007) Busou Nenkin Vol. 8 Animation 24.08.2007 Animation 24.08.2007 Vol. 9 The Galaxy Railways - 89,90 EUR BNr.: 50041446 105,90 EUR BNr.: 50042003 Animation 24.08.2007 Eien Eno Bunkiten- Vol. 70,90 EUR BNr.: 50042011 Ikkyu San: Special DVD- El Cazador De La Bruja 2 Devil May Cry Vol. 1 Animation 22.08.2007 Box Vol. 2 Animation 24.08.2007 Animation 21.09.2007 294,90 EUR BNr.: 50041914 Animation 22.08.2007 392,90 EUR BNr.: 50041940 89,90 EUR BNr.: 50041441 94,90 EUR BNr.: 50041954 Ge Ge Ge No Kitaro Vol. Jigoku Shoujo Le Chevalier D’Eon Vol. DVD- 1 Box Animation 11.08.2007 Futakomori Vol. 7 (PCM) 10 (DD 5.1) Animation 22.08.2007 Animation 24.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041939 Animation 24.08.2007 97,90 EUR BNr.: 50041820 770,90 EUR BNr.: 50041937 89,90 EUR BNr.: 50041449 Gekijyoban Bleach Digimon Savers Vol. 16 Memories Of Nobody Jigoku Shoujo : Lelouch Of Futakomori Vol. 8 (PCM) The Vol. 7 (DD) Animation 05.09.2007 127,90 EUR BNr.: 50041723 Animation 22.08.2007

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97,90 EUR BNr.: 50041821 124,90 EUR BNr.: 50041447 Animation 22.08.2007 Nodame Cantabile Vol. 6 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041787 Kamichamakarin 2 Koutetsu Sangokushi (PCM) Animation 07.09.2007 Animation 17.08.2007 Master Of Epic: The Ani- Vol. 2 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041547 97,90 EUR BNr.: 50041785 Animation 22.08.2007 mation Age Vol. 5 97,90 EUR BNr.: 50041916 Karas Vol. 4 (2007 / DD) (Limited Edition) Onegai My Melody Kuru Animation 22.08.2007 Animation 24.08.2007 Kuru Shuffle Vol. 13 Kyoshirou To Eien No 106,90 EUR BNr.: 50041786 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041952 Animation 29.08.2007 Sora Vol. 5 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041725 Karas Vol. 4: Collector’s Animation 24.08.2007 Les Miserables Shoujo 89,90 EUR BNr.: 50041989 Ed. (2007 / DD) Cossette Vol. 4 (DD) Ookiku Furikabutte Vol. Animation 24.08.2007 Animation 24.08.2007 3 (PCM) Kyoshirou To Eien No 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041523 124,90 EUR BNr.: 50041955 Animation 22.08.2007 Sora Vol. 5 (First 97,90 EUR BNr.: 50041827 Kaze No Vol. 1 Pressing) Mobile Police Patlaber 2 Animation 24.08.2007 Animation 29.08.2007 The Movie (DD 5.1) (Blu- Oshare Majo Love And 124,90 EUR BNr.: 50041541 89,90 EUR BNr.: 50041988 ray) Berry: Shiawase No Animation 24.08.2007 Lovely@Complex Vol. 1 Maho Kaze No Stigma Vol. 1 154,90 EUR BNr.: 50041682 Animation 24.08.2007 Animation 22.08.2007 Animation 24.08.2007 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041957 94,90 EUR BNr.: 50041684 142,90 EUR BNr.: 50041824 Vol. Lucky Star Vol. 3 5 (DD) Otogi-Zyushi Akazukin Vol. 7 (2006 / Animation 24.08.2007 Animation 24.08.2007 Vol. 10 PCM) 97,90 EUR BNr.: 50041524 91,90 EUR BNr.: 50041543 Animation 29.08.2007 Animation 17.08.2007 94,90 EUR BNr.: 50041992 79,90 EUR BNr.: 50041724 Lucky Star Vol. 3 Mushiking: Super Battle (Limited Edition) Movie OVA Tales Of Fantasy: Keroro Gunsou 3rd Animation 24.08.2007 Animation 24.08.2007 Fan Disc Season Vol. 11 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041956 106,90 EUR BNr.: 50041542 Animation 24.08.2007 Animation 24.08.2007 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50042019 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041521 Lyrical Nagasarete Airantou Vol. Nanoha Striker S Vol. 2 2 OVA Tales Of Fantasy: Keroyon No Boken Animation 22.08.2007 Fun Disc Animation 18.07.2007 Animation 22.08.2007 97,90 EUR BNr.: 50041920 Animation 24.08.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041556 94,90 EUR BNr.: 50041917 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50042020 Nagasarete Airantou Vol. Keroyon No Daijitensha Magical Star Creamy Emi Memorial Box (DD) 2 (Limited Edition) 2 Race Animation 22.08.2007 Animation 31.08.2007 Animation 24.08.2007 Animation 22.08.2007 112,90 EUR BNr.: 50041919 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041789 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041695 770,90 EUR BNr.: 50041544 Mamoru-Kun Ni Megami Vol. 14 (PCM) Over Drive 2 (Limited Kiba: TV Animation Animation 22.08.2007 No Shukufuku O! 7 Edition) Series Chapter 3 Vol. 5 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041685 Animation 31.08.2007 Animation 24.08.2007 Animation 22.08.2007 89,90 EUR BNr.: 50041788 82,90 EUR BNr.: 50041822 94,90 EUR BNr.: 50041546 Naruto Shippuden Kazegake Dakkan No Pikachu The Movie Box Kirarin Revolution Stage Mamoru-Kun Ni Megami No Shukufuku O! 7 Shou Vol. 2 (First 1998-2002 13 Pressing) Animation 21.09.2007 Animation 07.09.2007 (Limited Edition) Animation 05.09.2007 191,90 EUR BNr.: 50041450 79,90 EUR BNr.: 50041987 Animation 24.08.2007 72,90 EUR BNr.: 50041825 124,90 EUR BNr.: 50041545 Pikachu The Movie Box Kissdom Engage Planet Manabi Straight! Vol. 6 Naruto-Shippuden 2003-2006 Vol. 2 (DD) Animation 21.09.2007 Animation 05.09.2007 Kazegake Dakkan No Animation 24.08.2007 191,90 EUR BNr.: 50041451 97,90 EUR BNr.: 50041522 97,90 EUR BNr.: 50041913 Shou Vol. 2 Animation 05.09.2007 Pururun! Shizuku-Chan Manabi Straight! Vol. 6 72,90 EUR BNr.: 50041826 Kodai Oujya Kyoryu Vol. 13 (DD) King D Kids Adventure Animation 05.09.2007 82,90 EUR BNr.: 50041918 Negima!? Vol. 7 (DD) Animation 22.08.2007 Vol. 3 Animation 05.09.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041693 Animation 24.08.2007 Mar Heaven Z Vol. 16 97,90 EUR BNr.: 50041921 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041941 (2006 / DD) Pururun! Shizuku-Chan Negima!? Vol. 7: Special Vol. 14 (DD) Kono Aozora Ni Animation 07.09.2007 82,90 EUR BNr.: 50041990 Edition (DD) Animation 22.08.2007 Yakusoku O Vol. 2 Animation 29.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041694 Animation 24.08.2007 Mar Heaven Z Vol. 17 112,90 EUR BNr.: 50041922 94,90 EUR BNr.: 50041448 (2006 / DD) Reborn! Bullet.8 Animation 31.08.2007 Animation 07.09.2007 Nodame Cantabile Vol. 6 Kono Aozora Ni 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041790 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041991 (PCM) Yakusoku O Vol. 2 Animation 07.09.2007 Romeo X Juliet -2- (Limited Edition) Master Of Epic: The Ani- 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041537 Animation 24.08.2007 Animation 24.08.2007 mation Age Vol. 5 108,90 EUR BNr.: 50041942

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Animation 22.08.2007 Sanzyou! Ninja Obaba- Saint Octorber Vol. 6 94,90 EUR BNr.: 50041548 Transformers 2010-DVD (PCM) (PCM) Box Set (DD) The Skull Man 2 Animation 22.08.2007 Animation 29.08.2007 Animation 10.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041831 109,90 EUR BNr.: 50041993 Animation 24.08.2007 467,90 EUR BNr.: 50041961 93,90 EUR BNr.: 50042001 Zero No Tsukaima: Saiunkoku Monogatari: Transformers DVD-Box Futatsuki No Kishi Vol. 1 Second Series Vol. 1 Sola Vol. 3 Set Vol. 2 (DD) Animation 24.08.2007 Animation 21.09.2007 Animation 07.09.2007 Animation 10.08.2007 94,90 EUR BNr.: 50041526 82,90 EUR BNr.: 50041453 89,90 EUR BNr.: 50041994 467,90 EUR BNr.: 50041962 Saiunkoku Monogatari: Spongebob Square Tsuru No Ongaeshi / Second Series Vol. 1 Pants: Spongeguard On Naita Akaoni Film (Limited Edition) Duty Animation 22.08.2007 Animation 24.08.2007 Animation 07.09.2007 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041697 52,90 EUR BNr.: 50041549 105,90 EUR BNr.: 50041995 007 Ultimate Edition Tsuruno Ongaeshi / Special Collector’s Box Seikou No Strain Waltz.7 Steam Boy (DD 5.1) Keroyon No Daijitensha (Blu-ray) Film 25.08.2007 Animation 24.08.2007 Race (Premium Box, 3 440,90 EUR BNr.: 50041700 Animation 24.08.2007 94,90 EUR BNr.: 50041943 DVDs) 154,90 EUR BNr.: 50041539 007-Diamonds Are Seikou No Strain Waltz.7 Animation 22.08.2007 183,90 EUR BNr.: 50041696 Forever (Limited Edition) Sugar Bunnies Vol. 3 (2007) Film 25.08.2007 Animation 24.08.2007 Uchuu Senkan Yamato 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041729 124,90 EUR BNr.: 50041944 Animation 17.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041726 Of Movie Edition (5 DVDs) (DD) 007-Dr.No Seirei No Mamoribito Film 25.08.2007 Super Robot Taisen Og Animation 24.08.2007 Vol. 3 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041730 374,90 EUR BNr.: 50041552 Animation 24.08.2007 Divine Wars Vol. 8 (DD) Animation 25.09.2007 94,90 EUR BNr.: 50041996 Venus Versus Virus Vol. 007-For Your Eyes Only 97,90 EUR BNr.: 50041527 Film 25.08.2007 Shin Bikkuri Man Vol. 10 4 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041731 Animation 21.09.2007 Syounen Onmyouji Fuon Animation 17.08.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041997 Hen Vol. 2 82,90 EUR BNr.: 50041793 007-From Rossia With Animation 24.08.2007 Wallace & Gromit- A Love Shin Bikkuri Man Vol. 11 89,90 EUR BNr.: 50042000 Film 25.08.2007 Animation 21.09.2007 Close Shave 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041732 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041998 Tenpou Ibun Ayakashi Animation 17.08.2007 Ayashi Vol. 6 45,90 EUR BNr.: 50041794 007-Goldfinger Shin Bikkuri Man Vol. 12 Animation 22.08.2007 Film 25.08.2007 Animation 21.09.2007 87,90 EUR BNr.: 50041828 Wallace & Gromit- A 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041733 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041999 Grand Day Cut Tetsuko No Tabi Vol. 1 Animation 17.08.2007 007-License To Kill Shining Tears X Wind Animation 21.09.2007 45,90 EUR BNr.: 50041795 Film 25.08.2007 Vol. 2 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041958 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041734 Animation 24.08.2007 Wallace & Gromit- The 91,90 EUR BNr.: 50041452 Tetsuko No Tabi Vol. 1 Wrong Trousers 007-Live And Let Die (Limited Edition) Animation 17.08.2007 Film 25.08.2007 Shinkyoku Soukai Animation 21.09.2007 45,90 EUR BNr.: 50041796 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041735 Polyphonica Vol. 3 94,90 EUR BNr.: 50041959 Animation 05.09.2007 Wangan Midnigtht Vol. 007-The Living 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041792 Tokyo Tribe 2 Vol. 4 02 Daylights Animation 07.09.2007 Animation 07.09.2007 Film 25.08.2007 Shinkyoku Soukai 93,90 EUR BNr.: 50041551 94,90 EUR BNr.: 50042002 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041739 Polyphonica Vol. 3 (Limited Edition) Tokyo Tribe 2 Vol. 4 Welcome To The NHK! 007-The Man With The Animation 05.09.2007 (First Pressing) Vol. 11 (PCM) Golden Gun 81,90 EUR BNr.: 50041791 Animation 07.09.2007 Animation 24.08.2007 Film 25.08.2007 93,90 EUR BNr.: 50041550 94,90 EUR BNr.: 50041554 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041740 Shizyou Saikyou No Deshi Kenichi Vol. 6 Toward The Terra Vol. 2 Welcome To The NHK! 007-Moonraker Animation 05.09.2007 Vol. 11 (PCM) (Limited Film 25.08.2007 (DD) 79,90 EUR BNr.: 50041829 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041736 Animation 24.08.2007 Edition) 79,90 EUR BNr.: 50041525 Toward The Terra Vol. 2 Animation 24.08.2007 007-Octopussy (Limited Edition) 124,90 EUR BNr.: 50041553 Film 25.08.2007 Shounen Onmyouji 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041737 Animation 05.09.2007 Yamatonadeshiko Fuonhen Vol. 2 89,90 EUR BNr.: 50041830 Animation 24.08.2007 Shichihenge 007-On Her Majesty’s 75,90 EUR BNr.: 50042022 Transformer- DVD Box Animation 05.09.2007 Secret Service Set Vol. 1 (DD) 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041727 Film 25.08.2007 Silk Road Shounen Yuto 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041738 Animation 10.08.2007 Zenmai Zamurai- Vol. 6 (PCM) 467,90 EUR BNr.: 50041960

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007-The Spy Who Loved 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041798 Film 07.09.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041745 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50042025 Me The Assignment (1997 / Bronx Burning Film 25.08.2007 The Benny Goodman Film 22.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041741 DD 5.1) Film 29.08.2007 Story (1955) 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041801 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041652 Film 27.05.2005 007-Thunderball Cabin Fever Special Edi- Film 25.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041881 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041742 Avalon (1990) tion Film 29.08.2007 Beowulf (1998 / DD) Film 24.08.2007 007-A View Tp A Kill 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041565 Film 29.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041571 Film 25.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041799 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041728 Babe Casper (1995) Film 13.09.2007 The Big Hit (1998 / DD Film 07.04.2005 007-You Only Live Twice 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041462 5.1) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041865 Film 25.08.2007 Film 29.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041743 Babe (1995) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041653 Casual Sex? (1988) Film 07.04.2005 Film 27.05.2005 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041856 Big Trouble (2002 / DD 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041866 Film 07.04.2005 Babe: Pig In The City 5.1) Center Stage (2000 / DD 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041850 Film 29.08.2007 Film 13.09.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041800 5.1) 8 Mile (2002) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041463 Film 29.08.2007 Film 07.04.2005 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041572 Babe: Pig In The City Birdy (1983) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041851 Film 22.08.2007 (1998) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041568 Lo Chamavano Sledge 8mm (1999 / DD) Film 07.04.2005 (1970) Film 22.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041857 Black Book (2007) Film 29.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041561 Film 24.08.2007 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041897 Back To The Future 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041949 About A Boy (2002) (1985) Champions Forever The Film 07.04.2005 Film 07.04.2005 Blood Diamon (2007) Formula One Drivers 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041853 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041860 (Blu-ray) Film 07.09.2007 Acts Of Random Film 07.09.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50042013 Back To The Future Part 79,90 EUR BNr.: 50041454 Violence II (1989) A Chinese Tall Story Film 22.08.2007 Film 07.04.2005 Blood Diamond (2007) Film 13.09.2007 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041797 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041858 (HD DVD) 63,90 EUR BNr.: 50041459 Air Force One (Blu-ray) Film 07.09.2007 Back To The Future Part 79,90 EUR BNr.: 50041456 Agatha Christie Mystery Film 22.08.2007 III (1990) DVD Collection 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041558 Film 07.04.2005 Blue Crush (2002) Film 13.09.2007 Ali G Indahouse (2002 / 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041859 Film 07.04.2005 183,90 EUR BNr.: 50041460 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041864 DD 5.1) Backdraft (1991) Christine (1983 / DD 5.1 Film 27.05.2005 Film 07.04.2005 Blue + DTS 5.1) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041854 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041861 Film 16.08.2007 Film 22.08.2007 67,90 EUR BNr.: 50041569 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041573 The Amazing Howard The Bedroom Window Hughes Film 13.09.2007 (1992 / City Of Angels (1998 / Film 13.09.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041497 DD 5.1) DD 5.1) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041496 Film 07.09.2007 Beethoven (1992) Film 07.09.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041654 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041574 Amazon Woman On The Film 07.04.2005 Moon 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041863 Book Of Shadows Blair A Civil Action Film 13.09.2007 Beethoven’s 2nd (1993) Witch 2 Special Edition Film 24.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041461 Film 24.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041562 Film 07.04.2005 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041570 Apollo 13 (1995) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041862 The Class House (2002 / Film 07.04.2005 Before (1995 / The Bourne Identity DD 5.1) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041855 Film 13.09.2007 DD 5.1) Film 22.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041498 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041655 L’Appartment Film 07.09.2007 Film 13.09.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041566 The Bourne Supremacy Clear And Present Dan- 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041476 Film 13.09.2007 ger Advanced Collectors Before Sunset (2004 / 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041499 Are We There Yet? (2005 DD 5.1) Edition / DD 5.1) Film 07.09.2007 Boxcar Bertha Film 24.08.2007 Film 29.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041567 Film 25.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041575 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041564 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041744 Being Julia Come September (1961) Armed And Dangerous Film 24.08.2007 Bring Me The Head Of Film 27.05.2005 (1986 / DD) 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50042012 Alfredo Garcia 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041867 Film 29.08.2007 Film 25.08.2007 Beings The Complete Matrix

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Trilogy (1999) (HD DVD) The Devil Wears Prada / / DD 5.1) Film 07.09.2007 Legally Blonde Film 22.08.2007 The Girl Can’t Help It Film 07.09.2007 183,90 EUR BNr.: 50041458 Film 25.08.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041584 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041760 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041759 The Cook The Thief His Fantastic Four Wife & Her Lover The Devil’s Rejects 2 Film 07.09.2007 Girls! Girls! Girls! Film 16.08.2007 Film 27.05.2005 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041750 (2005 / DD 5.1) 67,90 EUR BNr.: 50041600 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041882 Film 22.08.2007 Fantastic Four New 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041658 Cotton Mary (1999 / DD Ultimate Edition Gladiator (2000) Film 07.04.2005 Film 07.09.2007 5.1) Di Que Si! (2004 / DD 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041870 Film 27.05.2005 5.1) 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041749 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041868 Film 29.08.2007 The Fast And The The Glass House 2 (2006 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041579 A Countess From Hong Furious: Tokyo Drift / DD 5.1) Film 22.08.2007 Film 13.09.2007 Kong (1967) Diamond Head (1963) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041662 Film 27.05.2005 Film 29.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041503 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041852 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041802 The Fog (2005 / DD 5.1) The Glimmer Man (1996 Cradle 2 The Grave Domestic Disturbance Film 22.08.2007 / DD 5.1) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041660 Film 07.09.2007 (2003 / DD 5.1) Special Edition 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041663 Film 07.09.2007 Film 24.08.2007 Frailty 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041576 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041580 Film 24.08.2007 Jean-Luc Godard Film The Craft (1996 / DD 5.1) The Doom Generation 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041585 Collection Film 13.09.2007 Film 29.08.2007 Film 13.09.2007 Fresh 183,90 EUR BNr.: 50041473 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041656 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041501 Film 13.09.2007 The Crew (2000) The Doors Special Editi- 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041469 Good Day For A Hanging Film 29.08.2007 on (1958) Fun In Acapulco Film 29.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041806 Film 13.09.2007 Film 16.08.2007 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041892 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041502 Crossing The Bridge: 67,90 EUR BNr.: 50041593 The Sound Of Istanbul Dozed And Confused The Good Shepherd G.I.Blues Film 07.09.2007 Film 24.08.2007 Film 13.09.2007 Film 16.08.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041807 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041966 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041468 67,90 EUR BNr.: 50041594 Gridiron Gang (2006 / D.E.B.S (2004 / DD 5.1) Drunken Master (1978 / Gen-X Cops (1999 / DD Film 29.08.2007 DD 5.1) DD 5.1) 5.1) Film 22.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041577 Film 29.08.2007 Film 29.08.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041601 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041581 Dance With Me (1998 / 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041595 DD 5.1) D-Tox The Grinch (2000) (1972 / DD) Film 07.04.2005 Film 29.08.2007 Film 13.09.2007 Film 07.09.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041883 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041578 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041464 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041661 Daredevil Easy Come, Easy Go Gun Fury (1953) Ghost Rider Delux Film 29.08.2007 Film 07.09.2007 Film 16.08.2007 Collecters’ Edition (2 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041893 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041746 67,90 EUR BNr.: 50041582 DVDs) (2007 / DD) The Dark Wind Ed (1996 / DD 5.1) Film 22.08.2007 Hangman’s Knot (1952) Film 29.08.2007 Film 13.09.2007 Film 27.05.2005 67,90 EUR BNr.: 50041596 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041894 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041500 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041869 Ghost Rider:Extended Daylight Electra Glide In Blue Edition (2007 / DD 5.1) Hannibal Rising Film 13.09.2007 Film 25.08.2007 (Blu-ray) Premium Edition 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041465 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041747 Film 22.08.2007 (Limited Edition) 79,90 EUR BNr.: 50041559 Film 24.08.2007 The Deep (1977 / DD) Elektra 67,90 EUR BNr.: 50042014 Film 29.08.2007 Film 07.09.2007 Ghostbusters (1984 / 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041657 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041748 DD 5.1) Hannibal Rising Stan- dard Edition Defenseless Every Which Way But Film 29.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041597 Film 24.08.2007 Film 13.09.2007 Loose (1978 / DD 5.1) 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50042015 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041466 Film 07.09.2007 Ghostbusters 2 (1989 / 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041583 DD) Hard Luck (2006 / DD Delicatessen 5.1) Film 13.09.2007 Film 29.08.2007 The Exorcism Of Emily Film 22.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041467 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041598 Rose (2005) 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041602 The Desperadoes (1943) Film 22.08.2007 Ghosts Of Mars (2001 / 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041659 Hardcore (1979) Film 29.08.2007 DD 5.1) Film 29.08.2007 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041903 Film 22.08.2007 Facing The Giants (2006 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041603 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041599

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Held Up (1999 / DD) Idlewild (2006 / DD 5.1) The Last Frontier (1955) The Lost World: Film 29.08.2007 Film 13.09.2007 Film 29.08.2007 Jurassic Park 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041803 63,90 EUR BNr.: 50041472 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041904 Film 13.09.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041506 Hellboy (2004 / DD 5.1) I’ll Always Know Last The Last Hard Men Film 22.08.2007 Summer (2006 / DD 5.1) Film 07.09.2007 A Love Song For Bobby 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041604 Film 22.08.2007 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041763 Long Special Edition 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041610 Henry & June (1990 / Last Holiday Film 07.09.2007 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041563 DD) Imagine Me & You Film 07.09.2007 Film 27.05.2005 Film 07.09.2007 67,90 EUR BNr.: 50041615 Loves In The Afternoon 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041871 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041751 The Last Supper (1995 / Film 25.08.2007 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041705 Highlander In July DD) Film 13.09.2007 Film 07.09.2007 Film 29.08.2007 Lunacy 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041470 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50042016 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041668 Film 22.08.2007 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041706 The Hitcher II Iron Eagle (1986 / DD Lavender Hill Mob Film 13.09.2007 5.1) Film 13.09.2007 Lust For Gold (1949) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041504 Film 29.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041477 Film 29.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041611 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041898 Honey A Lawless Street (1955) Film 13.09.2007 The Island Of Fire (1991 Film 29.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041471 / DD 5.1) 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041890 Film 24.08.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50042027 The Honeymooners Film 29.08.2007 The League Of 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041666 Film 07.09.2007 Extraordinary Gentle- The Maid Special Editi- 67,90 EUR BNr.: 50041664 It Could Happen To You men on Hook (1991 / DD) (1994 / DD 5.1) Film 07.09.2007 Film 24.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041764 67,90 EUR BNr.: 50041669 Film 29.08.2007 Film 22.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041612 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041605 Leaving Las Vegas The Man From Colorado Hour Of The Gun John Tucker Must Die Film 13.09.2007 (1948) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041478 Film 25.08.2007 Film 07.09.2007 Film 29.08.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041752 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041905 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041701 Lethal Weapon (1987 / House Of The Dead Jubal (1955) DD 5.1) The Man In The Gray (2005 / DD 5.1) Film 29.08.2007 Film 07.09.2007 Flannel Suit 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041895 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041619 Film 22.08.2007 Film 07.09.2007 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041765 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041606 Jurassic Park Lethal Weapon 2 (1989 / The House On 92nd Film 13.09.2007 DD 5.1) Man In The Saddle (1951 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041475 Street Film 07.09.2007 / DD) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041616 Film 07.09.2007 Jurassic Park III Film 29.08.2007 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041899 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041761 Film 13.09.2007 Lethal Weapon 3 (1992 / 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041474 The Hunt For Red DD 5.1) Mee-Shee The Water October Advanced Kalifornia Film 07.09.2007 Giant 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041617 Collectors Edition Film 25.08.2007 Film 07.09.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50042017 Film 24.08.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041703 Lethal Weapon 4 (1998 / 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041665 DD 5.1) Miami Vice The Hustler Film 16.08.2007 Film 07.09.2007 Film 13.09.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041618 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041481 Film 25.08.2007 67,90 EUR BNr.: 50041613 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041762 King Of The Sun Liar Liar (1997 / DD 5.1 + Midnight Cowboy I Know What You Did Film 25.08.2007 DTS 5.1) Film 25.08.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041753 Last Summer (1997 / DD 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041704 Film 27.05.2005 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041872 5.1) Kottentail Miss Congeniality 2: Film 22.08.2007 Film 24.08.2007 Liar Liar Deluxe Edition Armed And Fabulous 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041607 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50042026 Film 13.09.2007 (DD 5.1) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041479 I Spy (2002 / DD 5.1) Film 07.09.2007 La Bamba (1989 / DD 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041622 Film 29.08.2007 5.1) Lisbon Story 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041608 Film 29.08.2007 Film 13.09.2007 Mr. Jones (1993) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041480 I Still Know What You 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041614 Film 29.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041623 Did Last Summer (1998 / The Lake House (2006 / Little Black Book (2004 / DD 5.1) DD 5.1) DD) The Mummy Deluxe Edi- Film 22.08.2007 Film 07.09.2007 Film 29.08.2007 tion 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041609 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041667 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041620 Film 13.09.2007

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40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041507 Klumps (2004 / DD 5.1) Film 24.08.2007 Film 13.09.2007 Film 10.06.2005 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041968 The Mummy Returns 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041484 82,90 EUR BNr.: 50041876 Film 13.09.2007 Shake In The Eagle’s 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041508 The Other Side Red Dragon (2002) Shadow (1976 / DD) Film 07.09.2007 Film 07.04.2005 Film 29.08.2007 Murder At The Presidio 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041808 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041877 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041637 (2005 / DD 5.1) Film 29.08.2007 Paradise, Hawaiian Style La Resa Dei Conti (1968) Shakespeare In Love 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041624 Film 16.08.2007 Film 29.08.2007 (1998) 67,90 EUR BNr.: 50041629 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041896 Film 07.04.2005 Murder In The First 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041878 (1995) Patch Adams (1998 / DD) The Return Of The Film 13.09.2007 Film 27.05.2005 Panther Shopgirl 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041482 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041873 Film 13.09.2007 Film 07.09.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041510 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041755 Music And Lyrics (2006) Patriot Games Advanced (HD DVD) Collectors Edition Return To Paradice Shottas Gang Of Jamai- Film 07.09.2007 Film 24.08.2007 Film 13.09.2007 ca: Collectors’ Edition 79,90 EUR BNr.: 50041457 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041630 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041489 (2006 / DD 5.1) Peltier-Incident At A Ride Beyond Film 22.08.2007 Music And Lyrics (Blu- 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041638 ray) Oglala Vengeance (1965) Film 07.09.2007 Film 13.09.2007 Film 29.08.2007 Showtime (2002 / DD 79,90 EUR BNr.: 50041455 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041485 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041891 5.1) Perfume The Story Of A The Ride: Back To The Film 07.09.2007 Must Love Dogs (2005 / 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041639 DD 5.1) Murderer Soul Of Surfing Film 07.09.2007 Film 07.09.2007 Film 05.09.2007 The Sicillian Clan 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041625 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041805 67,90 EUR BNr.: 50041928 Film 25.08.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041766 My Baby’s Daddy (DD) Perfume The Story Of A Road Games Film 24.08.2007 Murderer (Limited Editi- Film 13.09.2007 Simon Sez (1999 / DD 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50042018 on) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041490 5.1) Film 07.09.2007 Rock’n’Roll High School Film 29.08.2007 My Life Without Me & 93,90 EUR BNr.: 50041804 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041640 The Secret Life Of Film 05.09.2007 45,90 EUR BNr.: 50041927 Words Pet Sematary Single White Female Film 24.08.2007 Film 24.08.2007 Rosemary’s Baby (1992) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041632 100,90 EUR BNr.: 50041967 Film 24.08.2007 Film 22.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041633 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041642 The Naked Gun: From The Princess And The The Files Of Police Warrior Single White Female 2 Squad! Film 07.09.2007 Film 16.08.2007 (2005 / DD 5.1) 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041671 Film 24.08.2007 67,90 EUR BNr.: 50041634 Film 22.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041670 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041641 The Professionals Runaway (1985 / DD) City (1991) (1966) Film 29.08.2007 The Slaughter Film 07.09.2007 Film 24.01.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041635 Film 17.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041626 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041906 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041767 St.Elmo’s Fire (1985 / Nick Of Time Quadrophenia (1979 / DD) Slow Burn Film 24.08.2007 DD) Film 29.08.2007 Film 17.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041627 Film 27.05.2005 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041646 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041756 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041874 Nighthawks Santa Fe (1951) Smokey And The Bandit: Film 13.09.2007 Queens Logic Film 29.08.2007 DVD Box 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041483 Film 13.09.2007 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041900 Film 27.05.2005 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041486 72,90 EUR BNr.: 50041879 Ninette (2005) Scarecrow (1973) Film 08.09.2007 Rambling Rose Film 07.09.2007 Sniper 2 (2002 / DD 5.1) 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041950 Film 13.09.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041636 Film 29.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041487 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041643 Nowhere To Run (1993 / Scorpio DD) Ray Film 25.08.2007 Sniper 3 (2004 / DD 5.1) Film 29.08.2007 Film 13.09.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041754 Film 29.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041628 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041488 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041644 Scott Of The Antarctic The Nutty Professor Ray (2004 / DD 5.1) Film 13.09.2007 Solomon And Sheba Film 13.09.2007 Film 10.06.2005 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041491 Film 25.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041509 67,90 EUR BNr.: 50041875 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041708 The Secret Life Of Nutty Professor II The Ray: Memorial Box Words (2005) Someone Behind The

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Door 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041908 Film 27.05.2005 Film 13.09.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041884 Enya: Trace Of Enya- 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041492 Thank You For Smoking Artiste Legend Film 07.09.2007 White Nights (1985 / DD Music 26.09.2007 Something’s Gotta Give 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041758 5.1) 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50042030 Film 29.08.2007 (2003 / DD 5.1) That’ll Be The Day Film 07.09.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041677 Seiji Fujishiro: Premium Film 13.09.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041645 Box-Gingatetsudo No 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041495 White Palace (1990 / DD Yoru / Keroyon No Somewhere In Time They Came To Cordura 5.1) Boken- Film 27.05.2005 (1980) (1959) Music 18.07.2007 Film 27.05.2005 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041887 Film 29.08.2007 183,90 EUR BNr.: 50041680 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041880 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041910 The Wild Angels Galactika Vol. 13 Film 25.08.2007 The Staranger Wore A Music 06.05.2005 The Third Man 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041769 Gun (1953) Film 13.09.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041889 Film 29.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041511 Wild Wild West (1999 / 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041907 Heaven And Hell: Live Thunderheart (1992 / DD DD 5.1) From Radio City Music State Property (2002 / Film 07.09.2007 5.1) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041678 Hall DD 5.1) Film 29.08.2007 Music 22.08.2007 Film 22.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041809 X-Men 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041951 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041647 Film 07.09.2007 Time And Tide (2000 / 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041770 Kagero Imazawa: Bassa Staying Alive DD 5.1) Ninja DVD Film 24.08.2007 Film 29.08.2007 X-Men 2 Music 05.09.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041648 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041673 Film 07.09.2007 67,90 EUR BNr.: 50041929 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041771 Stepmom (1998 / DD) Training Day (2001 / DD Seiko Matsuda: Seiko Film 29.08.2007 You’ve Got Mail (1998 / 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041649 5.1) Matsuda Concert Tour Film 07.09.2007 DD 5.1) 2007 Baby’s Breath Stop! Or My Mom Will 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041674 Film 07.09.2007 Music 19.09.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041679 97,90 EUR BNr.: 50041933 Shoot Tremors: Box Set Film 13.09.2007 Film 27.05.2005 45 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041493 Pat Metheny Group: 127,90 EUR BNr.: 50041885 Film 07.09.2007 Imaginary Day Live 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041926 Sunshine The Trial Music 05.09.2007 Film 07.09.2007 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041711 Film 13.09.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041757 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041512 Minutemen: We Jam Jan Svankmajer The Trip Music Econo: The Story Of The Premium Box Film 25.08.2007 Minutemen Film 22.08.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041768 25 Years At New Music 05.09.2007 281,90 EUR BNr.: 50041702 45,90 EUR BNr.: 50041930 Two Weeks Notice (2002 Morning (DD 5.1) Sweet November (2001 / Music 05.09.2007 Moogfest 2006 / DD 5.1) 52,90 EUR BNr.: 50042010 DD 5.1) Film 07.09.2007 Music 22.08.2007 Film 07.09.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041675 Bad Brains: Live At 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041716 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041650 Undercover Brother Cbgb 1982 Modest Mussorgsky: Music 05.09.2007 Taps (1981) (2002 / DD 5.1) Boris Godunov Film 29.08.2007 45,90 EUR BNr.: 50041923 Film 27.05.2005 Music 22.08.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041651 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041886 Bob Berg Quartet: The 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041971 Taras Bulba United 93 Geneva Concert +Bonus Mussorgsky: Film 25.08.2007 Music 05.09.2007 Film 13.09.2007 Khovanshchina 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041709 52,90 EUR BNr.: 50041963 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041513 Music 22.08.2007 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041972 Ten Wanted Men (1954) Valley Of Flowers (2005 / Alexander Borodin: Film 29.08.2007 DD 5.1) Prince Igor Edith Piaf-Concert & 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041901 Music 22.08.2007 Film 21.09.2007 Documentary (2006 / 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041970 Tender Mercies 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041969 DD) Film 13.09.2007 Randy Brecker Quartet: Music 21.09.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041494 Vampires (2005 / DD 5.1) 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041964 Film 22.08.2007 The Paris Concert Texas Cyclone (1932) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041676 Music 05.09.2007 Pro-Wrestling: Noah 52,90 EUR BNr.: 50041979 Film 29.08.2007 Summer Navigation 707 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041902 The Violent Men (1954) Film 29.08.2007 ‘closed Note’ Music 7.15 Nihon Budokan The Texican (1966) 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041909 Movie Taikai Film 29.08.2007 Music 05.09.2007 Music 05.09.2007 The War (1994 / DD 5.1) 42,90 EUR BNr.: 50041934 79,90 EUR BNr.: 50041978

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Special Interest 12.09.2007 The World Heritage: Ramones: End Of The 57,90 EUR BNr.: 50041947 Tanzania (DD) Century Special UEFA Champions Special Interest 22.08.2007 Music 05.09.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041832 45,90 EUR BNr.: 50041931 League 2006/2007 Interest Knockout Stage High- WWE Vengeance 2007 Ramones: Ramones light (DD 5.1) Raw 2007 Moto GP Summer Special Interest 07.09.2007 Special Interest 21.09.2007 Music 05.09.2007 Digest 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50042028 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041982 45,90 EUR BNr.: 50041932 Special Interest 29.08.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041681 UEFA Champions WWE:The Most Powerful Rimsky-Korsakov: League 2006/2007 The Families In Wrestling Tsarskaya Nevesta Les Chimeres Des Goals (DD 5.1) Music 22.08.2007 Svankmajer Special Interest 07.09.2007 Special Interest 21.09.2007 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041975 Special Interest 22.08.2007 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50042029 108,90 EUR BNr.: 50041981 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041699 The Rolling Stones: The Virtual Trip Biei Furano- Biggest Bang Free Tibet Snow Fantasy-(Reissu Music 08.08.2007 Special Interest 22.08.2007 Special Interest 05.09.2007 151,90 EUR BNr.: 50041846 TV Program 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041698 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041836 The Rolling Stones: The JR East Jyohana Line / Virtual Trip Full Moon Banjo Backett (1976) Biggest Bang (Limited Himi Line (Train) On Tokyo TV Program 29.08.2007 Edition) Special Interest 22.08.2007 Special Interest 05.09.2007 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041911 Music 08.08.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041557 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041837 191,90 EUR BNr.: 50041847 Battlehawk: DVD Box Juste Debout World Fi- Virtual Trip Hakkouda TV Program 25.05.2005 Sham 69: The nal 2006 - New Skool Special Interest 05.09.2007 703,90 EUR BNr.: 50041888 Adventures Of Sham 69 Special Interest 29.08.2007 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041838 In Concert -Hersham 57,90 EUR BNr.: 50041713 Charlie’s Angels:The Virtual Trip Ibiza (HD Complete 3rd Season Boys Juste Debout World Fi- Music 22.08.2007 DVD) (1978) 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041712 nal 2006 - Old Skool Special Interest 05.09.2007 TV Program 05.09.2007 Special Interest 29.08.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041834 222,90 EUR BNr.: 50041833 Shostakovich: Katerina 57,90 EUR BNr.: 50041714 Izmailova Virtual Trip Kumano : Season 3 Vol. Kintetsu Express Graffiti Special Interest 05.09.2007 Music 22.08.2007 1 (DD) 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041835 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041976 Vol. 2 TV Program 24.08.2007 Special Interest 25.05.2005 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041686 Emilie Simon: L’Olympia 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041849 Virtual Trip Kumano Vol. Music 05.09.2007 1 (HD DVD) Charmed: Season 3 Vol. 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041965 Ressha Doori Classics Special Interest 05.09.2007 2 (DD) ‘Yokohama Sen’ (Train) 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041839 TV Program 24.08.2007 P.I.Tchaikovsky: Iolanta Special Interest 12.09.2007 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041687 Music 22.08.2007 57,90 EUR BNr.: 50041945 Virtual Trip Kushiro 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041974 Shiretoko-Frozen Land- CSI Season 5 Complete Sekai Isan: Aratanaru Special Interest 05.09.2007 Box 1 P.I. Tchaikovsky: The Tabie -Vol. 5 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041840 TV Program 07.09.2007 Queen Of Spades Special Interest 24.08.2007 218,90 EUR BNr.: 50041688 Music 22.08.2007 58,90 EUR BNr.: 50041925 Virtual Trip Kyoto In 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041973 Autumn CSI: Grave Danger Sekai Isan: Aratanaru Special Interest 05.09.2007 TV Program 24.08.2007 David Walker: Live In Tabie -Vol. 6 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041842 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041689 Tokyo At Cotton Club Special Interest 24.08.2007 Music 08.08.2007 58,90 EUR BNr.: 50041924 Virtual Trip Kyoto In First Shot (2002 / DD) 91,90 EUR BNr.: 50041948 Autumn Foliage TV Program 29.08.2007 Super Gt 2007 Round5 Special Interest 05.09.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041690 X: X Live In Los Angels 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041841 Sports Land Sugo Flipper Season 1 DVD- Music 05.09.2007 Special Interest 21.09.2007 45,90 EUR BNr.: 50041935 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041980 Virtual Trip Tokyo Box 1 Driving View TV Program 31.08.2007 Yoshida Brothers: Tour Tetsudou Ryokou On Special Interest 05.09.2007 191,90 EUR BNr.: 50041772 2006 Hishou: Live The Rails Iida Sen 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041843 Recordings Flipper Season 1 DVD- Toyohashi-Iida (Train) Virtual Trip Tokyo Vol. 1 Box 2 Music 05.09.2007 Special Interest 12.09.2007 Special Interest 05.09.2007 TV Program 31.08.2007 72,90 EUR BNr.: 50041936 57,90 EUR BNr.: 50041946 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041844 191,90 EUR BNr.: 50041773 Frank Zappa: Classic Tetsudou Ryokou On Albums: Apostrophe Virtual Trip Tokyo Vol. 2 Flipper Season 1 The Rails-Takayama Special Interest 05.09.2007 Music 22.08.2007 Selection Honsen -Hizen 49,90 EUR BNr.: 50041845 78,90 EUR BNr.: 50041710 TV Program 31.08.2007 Fu (Train) 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041774

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82,90 EUR BNr.: 50041531 Smallville 2nd: Set 1 Gekisou Sentai Car TV Program 07.09.2007 Renjaa Vol. 3 Miami Vice: Season 5 82,90 EUR BNr.: 50041535 TV Program 21.09.2007 Complete Box Unsere Öffnungszeiten: 154,90 EUR BNr.: 50042004 TV Program 13.09.2007 Smallville 2nd: Set 2 265,90 EUR BNr.: 50041532 TV Program 07.09.2007 Ladenverkauf: Hamish Macbeth 82,90 EUR BNr.: 50041536 TV Program 24.08.2007 Olvidarte Jamas DVD- Montags 16.00 - 18.00 Uhr 434,90 EUR BNr.: 50042023 Box Season 2 Sorry I Love You (2004 / Dienstags 16.00 - 19.30 Uhr TV Program 24.08.2007 DD) Donnerstags 16.00 - 19.30 Uhr JAG: Complete 2nd 314,90 EUR BNr.: 50042024 TV Program 24.08.2007 Freitags 16.00 - 18.00 Uhr Season 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50042007 TV Program 24.08.2007 Perlasca Vol. 1 Telefonische Bestellannahme: 233,90 EUR BNr.: 50041691 TV Program 05.09.2007 Stargate SG-1 Season 7 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041775 The Complete Box Montags 13.00 - 18.00 Uhr Jikuu Keisatsu Wecker TV Program 31.08.2007 Dienstags 13.00 - 19.30 Uhr Signa 2 Perlasca Vol. 2 307,90 EUR BNr.: 50041779 Mittwochs 09.00 - 12.00 Uhr TV Program 22.08.2007 TV Program 05.09.2007 Donnerstags 13.00 - 19.30 Uhr 94,90 EUR BNr.: 50041692 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50041776 Summer Scent: Visual Freitags 13.00 - 18.00 Uhr Original Sound Track Denou Vol. Prison Break Season 2 Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- Coll. Box 2 DVD (DD) und Feiertags (Baden-Württem- 2 TV Program 24.08.2007 TV Program 14.09.2007 berg) bleibt unser Verkauf TV Program 21.09.2007 64,90 EUR BNr.: 50042009 geschlossen. 94,90 EUR BNr.: 50042005 154,90 EUR BNr.: 50041777 Prison Break Season 2 Series: Lois & Clark: The New Zyukensentai Gekirenjaa Adventures Of Coll. Box 2 (First Betriebsferien Pressing) Vol. 2 Superman 1st: Set 1 TV Program 21.09.2007 TV Program 14.09.2007 26.07.2007 bis 26.08.2007 TV Program 07.09.2007 94,90 EUR BNr.: 50042008 82,90 EUR BNr.: 50041528 154,90 EUR BNr.: 50041778 Seiun Kamen Mashin Super Sentai Syudaika Lois & Clark: The New DVD Jyuken Sentai Adventures Of Man Vol. 2 Newsletter 14 / 07 (Nr. 211) Gekirenja (DD) ISSN 1610-2606 Superman 1st: Set 2 TV Program 21.09.2007 154,90 EUR BNr.: 50042006 TV Program 29.08.2007 Credits TV Program 07.09.2007 40,90 EUR BNr.: 50041715 Redaktion: 82,90 EUR BNr.: 50041529 The Shadow Riders The X-Files: The Fifth Wolfram Hannemann (1982) Design & Layout: Lois & Clark: The New Season DVD-Box Adventures Of TV Program 29.08.2007 Wolfram Hannemann 51,90 EUR BNr.: 50041912 TV Program 25.08.2007 Superman 2nd: Set 1 154,90 EUR BNr.: 50041780 Assisstenz: TV Program 07.09.2007 Smallville 1st: Set 1 Beate Hannemann 82,90 EUR BNr.: 50041530 TV Program 07.09.2007 The X-Files: The Fourth © (2007) by LASER 82,90 EUR BNr.: 50041533 Season DVD-Box HOTLINE Lois & Clark: The New TV Program 25.08.2007 ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt Adventures Of Smallville 1st: Set 2 154,90 EUR BNr.: 50041781 nur in Verbindung mit einem Superman 2nd: Set 2 TV Program 07.09.2007 „Persönlichen Import- TV Program 07.09.2007 82,90 EUR BNr.: 50041534 service“-Vertrag und be- inhaltet den Warenpreis so- wie alle anfallenden Import- kosten inkl. unserer Vermitt- lungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Firma Ab LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- 04. September 2007 dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, auf US-DVD sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

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