'!'be pIaDet Juplter comp1etel ODe revolution around the IUD In 11.88223 ,.,.. 8IDce the Jovtan orbit 11 mc1iDec18-S' to the plane of the solar , Inthe coune of eacb revolutton thIa planet ablftl tbroUgh 12-12' of helJo8rapbJc JatlWde. WbeD, .. on PebruarJ 1&, 1938, the plaDet Is In UO- helJoceDtrtc IoaIltude, it II on the solar equator mcw1Dl north. Plve yeans and 223 days Jater, or on 8eptemI)er 28, lMl, when In beUoceDtr1c lonstttude '10- the planet .... aptn over the IOlar equator but movSna 8OUth. When tn hel10centrlc Jaacltude sa- Jupiter ta 8-8' north of the IOlar equator and In 180 degrees it II 8-" IOUth. There 18 accord1DIlJ In each Jovian revolutkm an orderly latl­ hadSD&1 Ih1ft In the 10CU8 of DWdmum tidal pull on the lUll analaIous to that Of the·1UD relative to the , wblch causea our aeuona and &lao, a10DI with the mOOD. lDflueDCeI the heSCht of tides on the earth. Prof.. Arthur SchUlter (911) ac:Ivanced the hypothesis that the II'&ntat1cma1 pull 01 the p1aDeta, 1D their revolution around the . mlcht live J1Ie to IUD-tides analOioUS to the tides produced on the earth tbrough the aravltationaI pull of the moon and sun. If wch BOlar tides actually exist. an iDfluence on the output of IOlar racUatton and hence upon terreatnal CUmate 18 to be apectec:l. JlelU7t Arctowald (918) preaentecl evidence of a relation between IUD 'PO' areu and the 8J'&Vitatlonal pull of the earth on the IUD. ReaearcheI of the late B. B. Olayton (918) pve conflrmation of the findings of Aretowakl aDd turther ahowed that when the planets Earth and Venus were nearest toptber 1D the1r h!lheat heUocrapblc latltudel lUll spot activity ... tn­ creuecl. 8Ince evSdeDoe had been found of an 11 (plus) year, four pbaae cycle in radiation and of ra1Dtallln Otlahoma (BoWDler. 183&; lH6). aasoclated with IUD apot actiVity. It appeared that these cydea m1Ibt be related to the hello­ araph1c pull of the planeta. BJ' the Jaw of araV1tattoo the force aeuna on aD7 particle 18 d1rected tonI'd the IUD-' center and Is Jointly proportional to lb. maasea of the particle and of Jupiter, and tnveraely proport.1onal to the aquare of the dla­ taDce the particle and of Jupiter', center. The tidal reIatloDahlP' sa apn••"weeD11 1»7: • ,=-­tI' '!'be IDUI of Jupiter 18 314.5 times that of the earth, lDc1udlDl Ita aate111te \be IIlOOD, and alDOl Ita mean cUatance from the lUll Is only 5.2 times that 01 UIe earth. Ita Udal lD1luence on tile IUD must be areatel' than that of t.be eu1Il .. appe&I'I In Table I.

..... •• • I' WIll be DOted tbat Jupiter a' mean dIItaDce from the SUD baa area­ tlde-raIsIDs force than &D1 oUler planet. thoUIh I' Is dft1ec1 b.r VenUL The JDt1UeDce of Mara 18 lea than 5/100 of ODe per cent and IDa, be DeI1ected. Tbe earth accounts f. 1I.s" of \be total tide forces but IlDce l' Sa CODItaDt fJQD :vear to ,.r. m&7 a1Io be DeC1ected In IDnsttaattDc 10DIer cyelee. Slnce the be1tcJtp'apblc of the planet 18 alIJO a factor In lUll IPGt actInty. and preIRlJD8blJ radiation, the foUowlDc formUla was em.plo;ved III computIDC beUopapblc tide-pull lndlcee: I =100 (fill,. SID B) B Sa the bellOll'&pb!c latltude of tile planet, '" Ita mass relative to the earth aDd r Ita racUua vector relattve to the mean radlus vector of the earUl. Tbe DOdal aDd maxtmum north and aouth Index values thus derived are liven In Table U; the larIer value for north bellolrapblc u1aea from the fact that Jupiter. north bellotrraphtc posltion 18 auoctated with perheUon poeltton whereu Ita moat aoutherlJ PQI1Uon 11 UIOCIated with apbeUon. TABLB U Hlt/1Iat aM LotDat Ifltla P1I4Iu 1la.I0000000C LA'J'. 1bLI000000000c 110_0. 1DU '-8' N 342-0' 28. O~ .-~ o JeA 8-8' 8 IM-3'J' 21.12 0.0 250-5' o IDAlf JOVId DlDU: .-L = 15.J In each JoVlaD revolution the surface of tbe IUD comes under the vary1Dc lDtluence of tbeae four Jovian phaaea. The four phaaea of the Jovian Revolu­ tion period differ In duration sa well as intensity. Th1a Is due In part to the eccentrlc1ty of Ita planetary orbit (G.CKe, 4M3). If tbe Jovian phuel are defined aceordlnI to Index values be1nI larIer or III1&Uer thaD the mean. lI.J, the pbue leDltbl are .. followa: TABLBm Duratioft of tM JotMn Bewlutfcm Pluuu 281- 28' to 35- 42' 3.29Ml yean 16- 42' to U.- 24' 2.31233 years JaA 109- 24' to 202- 38' 3.29688 yean 302- 31' to 281- 28' 2.8M38 18&1'8 'IWAL 11.88223 100.00 It wm be not.ec:l that the bJIh-latitude hiIh-1Ddez phaaea of Jupiter are of approz1matel7 equal duration and are relatlvel, ~. The two hlIh­ index pbuea combined compr1ae over U~ of the period. TheIe pbuea are approximately tour IDODthi loDIer thaD the uceDd1DI DocIe Jow-1Dda pbue and 11.8 montba 10nIer than the loW-JDdex deIcend1DI DOC1e ~. ThU8 In 8UIDIIW'1 aD 11.... year Jcman C1cle with four JI incUca&ecl: 1. A V., Low IDdex Pertod ceDter1DI OIl the ..".tlD, DOde of ~ J8U'It 118 da18 dUrattoD with Mlntmum IDda O. 2. A Korth PerIbeUGa Vt/rI m.Jl1Dda PerIod of 3 J8&I'I, 101 .,. due JaUaD wWl KubDum IDda .Il. I. A 8bDrt, V., Low IDda PerJoct centerlnI on tbe ...... DOde 01 2 ,... aDd 114 da1I ctura&IoD, MbdIDam IDda O• .. A 8oa&h Apbe"on IIIIh IDdR PerkJd 01 a ,eua. 101 .,. duntIDIl wItb NgImgm- JDdeK 18M. ".DOdal tnDIIttDD aad mJtntnUkm cIateI for u.e..... for Use II Icman ~ 000Im'JDII beb'eeD 18 8Dd ~ an ammo JD Table IV.

'1'JIe JcwIaD Kortb PertbeUon pbue wttb • mulmum 1DdeX ftlue of • .t'I, .. 27" INater tbaD the JDUimum of &be SOUth ApbeIfoa pbue. abould ... &be ODe baYiDI UJe ll'e&tea effect on clfmaUc de9faUoaa. The fact tbat U1e wetteR J8U OIl record In otJahoma, 1111, wbeD ate raJDfa1l .v.... 142.2" of DOl'JD&1, occurred when both Jupltler aDd Venus were In tbelr GUlmIDaUDI bfIb-Jatltude biIh-fDda PGIItkma In the mlddle of 11&7. the D~ wetteR moDUl. caD hardl1 be CODIIdc'ed .. nmdcm cofncldence.

To date. JoriaD fDd1cea have been computed for the months March­ Aua'UIt fOr the ,ean Uta-INS. ThorouIh lnvesUptfon cannot be made UDtIlIDd1eel for the montba 8epteIDber-Pebl'U&17 are a180 ava11able. Montbb' meaD fDdez values WeN determtned by averag1ng nine spee1ftc determlna.. UODI tor tJJe 3rd. Ith. 8th. 12tb. 11th, 18th, 23rd, 26th. and 28th ot each month. 8IDce U1ere fa • ccaaklerable Jaa. tbe monthly Indlces were averaaed and G + 2b nJcJded by • In which G fa the .verace Judex value tor the months J Karch to AUIUIt of the preced1nI year. and b the averqea for the same IDcmtbl of lbe current)'l&1'. 'lbe yeara were then cl&ulfled Into tour P'01JPI accordfDI to maanttude of the indices .. liven In Table V alona wtth the OJrJaboma averaee ralDtall, Ma)'-Auauat.

It wm be Doted that dur1nI the twelve yean In wh1ch the Jupiter IUD­ tide fDda .veraaed 8.38 or 41Jn~ of nol'lll&1, the May-AQ8U8t rainfall m C*Jahoma averaaed onl1 82.81 ~ of normal and that 83.3~ of the Ie&IOD8 bad belOw normal ralDtall; whereas In the ten years wtth a mean Index of II" 01' 1I.2~ above normal. the averap Oklahoma rainfall was llU3~ of DOI'ID&1 and on 'lO~ of the Je&I'B the rainfall was above normal. . TABLBIV IllllognJphIc C71t* P1&4NI 01 JuptW. 1'03-1_ m: 11.1 0 11.2 28.9'7 11.2 0 11.1 21.- I PJIA8B: Do NP So 8A .-1." 100-M' Q BOL: ... .-1' ~-" .-00' III" oroLB8 .-- J'-1 nee.lit 1101 AuI. u, 1. Dec. 2. 1801 AUI. 10, 1808 liar. 18, 1810 Apr. 2,1811 JuIJ " 1812 Peb. 1" 181. I I• OCL.•• 1811 .laDe•• 181' oct. 12, 1818 JUDe., taO Jan. :18,1822 Peb. 10, 1823 KaJ 20,1824 Dec. 21, U. Ii I 8ep&. ',1m 11&711,1_ AUI. 23, lao May I. I_ Dee. 8, 1833 Dec. 22, IBM Apr. 31. 1838 Nov. I, 111'1 ; • ~.,18 1Iar.21,lMl Ju17 .,laa Mar. 12. IBM oct. 18, IBM Nov. 2,1M8 Peb. 8,1_ 8ept.18,1Ht I ~.u.lII1 Jan. 10.1_ MaJ 11, IBM Jan. 21, tae ADa.29, 185' sept. 13, 18&8 Dec.., lUI JUly 28, 1111 I ~ ~ ••• 11,1_ Dec. 11, IBM liar .• , 1.. Dec. 1, Julv '. U. July 18'lO oct. Sl. 1m JUDe 8, 1I'IJ , ftb. 11.'-11'11 oat. .. 11'11 Peb. S, 18'l8 \ oct. 12, 18'J1 M'&J.,1881 JuDe "18asept. 10, 1881 Apr. 11, Ie. D -1 Dec. 11, 1_ sept. 1,1_ Dec..la.1ID A1JI.21, 1111 1IU'.31. 1111 Apr. 11, IBM JuIJ 22, *I Feb. 2f, ~ I Nor..... JuJr 11, 1100 oct. 21. 1101 Ju17 S, UOI Peb. 8,1_ Pel». M, 1108 JUDe 2, 110'1 ..laD. 8, ~ a '-'18, 1110 ~H.U12 Sept. 1.1113 ~1"1J1I Dec. •• 1118 Jan. a. 1111 Apr. ta, 1111 New. 18, 1110 '-"." Apr. S, UH July II. 118 liar •• , 1m oct. Sl. U28 Mov. 11, trJI Feb. 21, lISl 8ep&. •• "- . ftb. 12, 1118 .... 3,1aI Bel*. 11, lItO Sept.., 1M1 ..laD. 2, 1M3 Autr.10, tMt· , I "'- "11M ~"UI'I • AIr.au. Dec. 2f, 1Mf Apr. ',1MI Dec. 1"18 July 22, 18 AlII- 8," HoY. ta, 11M J1meu... , JIIe. Kor ~11.1II1 .JaDe 2, 11M .laDe 17, U. 8ept.2I,U. Mq ...... GaL "lID t.u. mel '-'11." 8IpL1t.un neo.lI.lm --. I, UN A;I'. U. 1J'II AJ;6. Jl.tm AlII- 1.1J'II ..... u.u. • PROOiiAdROS OP '1'11II Q1D,A"01IA


JtelcIaoII o/II.,-A.,.. ../111I fa Otlcll&otn4 to JOfJIa, HdIoI1nJfJIdc ... 2'f4lI I,.""", .. U y.,.,. 1"'-IH1 \ R.uuALLSa­ II'IWr MaD PUcIP. DIaIft W'LIUi 80118 ~ .. InB ~ • Nouw. 8U8OII BuIJo- LOW NQUIAL 12 11&1'I 8.11 12.11 11.0 133.3 83.3 12" 11.31 1I.eo '10.0 122.1 U.s 21" lUI 101.. 11.4 Ut.l 62.4 10" 28.. llU1 .,..1 111.'1 30.0 Tbe JOYIaD PreceIIIon 0JcJe


Aft"" PreatplttJtfoft St. LotdI, Jlo. m Wet PIuuu 01 JotMft Crcla (U.D31 Y,.. PrecuIfofI Ctlcla caM l:l.l1223 Y.,. BewZutfoft C1/Cla)

I ~ PaJOD o.caaa-MAT

IlICIID PlRCD'r or NOIlIUL SftoI,VDOIf 01JDD'l' NU'I Coauln' NB'I' OTcu PIua DAft va. Yaa Yua Yua JNP: (Jup.HcL:M2-r> 1815 IIaJ 14 41.80 124.1 10&.3


AtuItIGI ~ st. LotdI.1l0. .. Drr P1uua 0/ Joofcm e"cla' .(Q.D35 Y.,. PrecuIfofI CJda cau l:lM'23 Year Bnoltafoft C7/Cla)

I PI. _JI01I PD10D 8Ifawaa-NO'nDD

...... VI'IOII ~ Pa:ca'1' a. NCJaUL cmuPlUa DAB lbftYaa PLva2 NUl'Yua PLva2 .mP: (JlIpJIoL:.-1') 11'1I 00L 11 •.'10 lUI K.'1 1'1..1 (bdeZ: • .1'1) 1.1 AuI- 23 10.. u.a .. IOU .... A..... au 1U4 .,..1 IU .J8A: (JlIpJIoL:lIIea1'> U.••.II lUI U.lO ".4 101.1 (JDda: lUI) ...... IU1 He,., .., .,...... -..." 1'1. -.,.. -... AOADDIY OP eomNOII JOB lMI • BIBLIOGRAPHY

ADm. O. 0.1_. Solar Radlat1cm aDd Weather 8tudIeL Wuh!DItoD: 8m1th.. 80DJaD IDat., MI8c. CollecUoDa. H(lfJ):12. AmerIcan Bphemerta and Nautical Almanac. IM8. Part I: 2.18; Part IV: S9'l-400. Aac1'OWBKI, HaaYK, 1818, Ibm. Soc. 8pettroeeopUtl. 5:98·99. BoLLDIGD, CLYR J. 193&. The relation of I01&r radiation to aun-apot CJCI& Proc. otlahoma Acad. SCI. 15:11. ---.1945. The 22-year solar pattern of ra1Dfa1l1n Oklahoma and KanIu, Bull. Am. MeteoroL Soc. Z6('):3'I8·383. CLATlOlf, H. H. IM'1. Solar cyclea. SmltNcm1an Inat. MIlo. OoUectloDl. 101(22): 18. um. 1934. IM'1. World weather reeorda. ibid. 1•. Encyclopedia Britannica, 14th ~tion, (1929). ZZ: 1.5. 8cJnnrra, AaTB1Ja. 1911. The lDtluence of the planets on the formatIOn of aun-apotB, Proc. Roy. Soc. '5:_-323.