SEPTEMBER 2013 Made in Melbourne! Enjoyed Nationally & Internationally! SEPTEMBER 2013 Issue 105 q comment: PUCKER UP q.magazine.australia Stars from around the world are puckering, posing and pouting for Bright Pink Lipstick Day (Friday, September Publisher & Editor 20) - A fun and fabulous way to raise awareness of Brett Hayhoe hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. +61 (0) 422 632 690
[email protected] By slicking on your brightest shade of pink, you’re promoting the importance that all women, everywhere, Editorial / Sales & Marketing should be proactive about their breast and ovarian
[email protected] health by investigating their family history.
[email protected] Design In Australia, it’s believed that nearly a quarter of a Uncle Brett Designs & Graphics million men and women carry a hereditary gene that put them at increased risk of breast, ovarian, prostate Contributing Writers and other cancers. Evan Davis, Alan Mayberry, Tasman Anderson, Barrie Mahoney, Brett Hayhoe, Matteo Snooks, Founder of Pink Hope and BRCA1 carrier herself, Jeremy Lefferson Krystal Barter says, “Through #brightpinklipstickday we hope that by raising awareness about hereditary Cover picture cancer the media, community and philanthropists see Philmah Bocks Photo: Sonya Carthy Stylist: Jen how vital prevention truly is.” Rossiter Photographic Contributions In 2007, Access Economics data revealed that one Alan Mayberry (gh), Mel Hill Photog- young high risk woman (under 65, if diagnosed with raphy (flamingos), Daniel Martin Bai- breast and ovarian cancer) can cost the affected ley (robarta & dnm), Dean Robertson individual, their family and the healthcare system up (dts), Sonya Carthy (q feature), Jack- to $1.75 million in their life-time.