0 TOMORROW, TOMORRi IW, V t MeKmew's, TRIM MH) VQ SI'ITS Men's HATH, Q | Spuing § "Strictlv reliable 1 WORTH WORTH qualities." !#H:WMI How He Securted Sis Appointment as Bon >n< $12. $15 AND $10.30, 16.50. fT.SU AND ftt 00. Shoe K< librarian. * I Sofits, t Friday's Bargains m $4.98. ments Everywell-posted Wash¬ !?I1 Marche. At ington Shoe buyer knows m FACTS HO?I BH0DGBT TO LIGHT Between $7.50 and $25 we . . are . . . f 11 I »M« iRROIt we our bljr . that some extraordinary showing worth . everything . . . . . 11 new lid* s of Men'* Easter N>k Hahn <& Co.'s >Hi f . . . ?/ (1 SALE. in . . . can .FECIAL NOTION wonr. Gl»rt»'S »nf«l || * . . . II w?'"\» some might v neat things Si Withdrew His First . . . 3 found at our stores worsteds and be Acceptance . . . . to hIh>w the swell dressers (»f Busy Stores. V. B 3c. Clark's <). X. T. Darning Oottoo..lc. ball. 10c. Jars Petroleum Jelly i/ Fancy "herring¬ . . . «« . . . Washiin;ron. I>rop in tomorrow just We never 5c. Hand Scrub Brushes 2«\ 15c. bottle Violet Ammonia He. ^ bones" are fashion's favorites...... every f«>r lc. lOc. Sr. Y for ;i I«H»k buy. if you want to. ¦H Friday. Under IIlimit Hooks ami Epea. 2 tloa. Bora ted Talcum Powder * Misapprehension. Oo-lnch Measures lc. Bon Man he White Toilet lc. ake. have any old stock.any > <. Tape Soap Q and nowhere else will find "'aper of 200 Pins If. 10c. bottle Toilet Witter for 6c. Jt you wi V Easter Neckwear. lines that should for any cause or other prove to sell \ * 'aj**rh»t-i of Steel-iioint Hair IMns lc. 25c. quart May s Cms* Seed for 15c. so many as here. . . . Rest Ixii new lc. 5c. and tOc. Seed* . . . A gorgeous ri«h In novel- () Vt"? Laundry Wax. lot packets May's Flower A dinpia.T . . * broken sizes that have accumulat¬ 1 <*c. for t. A line at . I *oz. Cotton for lc. V that'll . . ties lowly new in the new M slowly-.or any may OFFICE SOUGHT THE MAN £ Spools Hosting pack* special $15 . . . v all Uc. . . . Folded Windsor* 4-ln-hui.ds "2-end" ed the week.are 25c. Steel Sellissors. bizet.far 5c.packet May's Vegetable Seeds f«»r lc. packet. V * * * sacrificed on at of Pins 2c. the best of the and . . . Rat wing Ties. and all the other during Fridays prices m Wood t'-nlriueta Hair equal $iS . . . smart spring neckwf'nr the tasty * * ' which are bound to find for them. Nickel Safety all sites 2c. do«. $20 shown . . . < A Corset styles elsewhere. . . . dressers demand. Best ijualities at ready purchasers \ 25c. (Ilycerole Shoe Polish 15c. Opportunity, i ...... Special of The Star. Among others find on our Odds and Ends Correspondence Evening 10c. Mohair Corset I-aces. 5 yds. loug 5c. Odds and en