0 TOMORROW, TOMORRi IW, V t MeKmew's, TRIM MH) VQ SI'ITS Men's HATH, Q | Spuing § "Strictlv reliable 1 WORTH WORTH qualities." !#H:WMI How He Securted Sis Appointment as Bon >n< $12. $15 AND $10.30, 16.50. fT.SU AND ftt 00. Shoe K< librarian. * I Sofits, t Friday's Bargains m $4.98. ments Everywell-posted Wash¬ !?I1 Marche. At ington Shoe buyer knows m FACTS HO?I BH0DGBT TO LIGHT Between $7.50 and $25 we . are . f 11 I »M« iRROIt we our bljr . that some extraordinary showing worth . everything . 11 new lid* s of Men'* Easter N>k Hahn <& Co.'s >Hi f . ?/ (1 SALE. in . can .FECIAL NOTION wonr. Gl»rt»'S »n<l Shirt*:. and Shoe bargains always having spring suits. * * >f«l || * . II w?'"\» some might v neat things Si Withdrew His First . 3 found at our stores worsteds and be Acceptance . to hIh>w the swell dressers (»f Busy Stores. V. B 3c. Clark's <). X. T. Darning Oottoo..lc. ball. 10c. Jars Petroleum Jelly i/ Fancy "herring¬ . «« . Washiin;ron. I>rop in tomorrow just We never 5c. Hand Scrub Brushes 2«\ 15c. bottle Violet Ammonia He. ^ bones" are fashion's favorites. every f«>r lc. lOc. Sr. Y for ;i I«H»k buy. if you want to. ¦H Friday. Under IIlimit Hooks ami Epea. 2 tloa. Bora ted Talcum Powder * Misapprehension. Oo-lnch Measures lc. Bon Man he White Toilet lc. ake. have any old stock.any > <. Tape Soap Q and nowhere else will find "'aper of 200 Pins If. 10c. bottle Toilet Witter for 6c. Jt you wi V Easter Neckwear. lines that should for any cause or other prove to sell \ * 'aj**rh»t-i of Steel-iioint Hair IMns lc. 25c. quart May s Cms* Seed for 15c. so many as here. Rest Ixii new lc. 5c. and tOc. Seed* . A gorgeous ri«h In novel- () Vt"? Laundry Wax. lot packets May's Flower A dinpia.T . * broken sizes that have accumulat¬ 1 <*c. for t. A line at . I *oz. Cotton for lc. V that'll . ties lowly new in the new M slowly-.or any may OFFICE SOUGHT THE MAN £ Spools Hosting pack* special $15 . v all Uc. Folded Windsor* 4-ln-hui.ds "2-end" ed the week.are 25c. Steel Sellissors. bizet.far 5c.packet May's Vegetable Seeds f«»r lc. packet. V * * * sacrificed on at of Pins 2c. the best of the and . Rat wing Ties. and all the other during Fridays prices m Wood t'-nlriueta Hair equal $iS . smart spring neckwf'nr the tasty * * ' which are bound to find for them. Nickel Safety all sites 2c. do«. $20 shown . < A Corset styles elsewhere. dressers demand. Best ijualities at ready purchasers \ 25c. (Ilycerole Shoe Polish 15c. Opportunity, i ... Special of The Star. Among others find on our Odds and Ends Correspondence Evening 10c. Mohair Corset I-aces. 5 yds. loug 5c. Odds and en<ls in you'll March 1899. Hat lMus. full length. 0 for lc. "W. B.." "C. R.R." and 0 Tables for tomorrow onlv: BOSTON, Mass., 22, I Bo* of Black Tins lc. "I*. N." Nursing Corset* and Ijidlriies* Rlack i Ferris' Easter Gloves. TA 'if Although all the facts have not been pre¬ Tape, all widths lc. roll. Waists every one perfect -every one V Hats. stamped with the maker's name Spring . * . the C Assorted for 3**. Fsp»cially strong in tin- "TANS" h sented to the public heretofore, pro¬ pieces Tapes every one worth $1.0»» or $1.25 to Y . * an<l «;UA^s Fown«>s*. Dent's. IOr. (iencva Thread. 500 yds., for 6c. be sold for OVC* . ceedings to President McKinley's «J» . Adl« r's and our own make of Fniw h Ladies' Spring-weight Ladles' and "Men's 75c. leading- Pearl Buttons 2c. do*. * !$ . * recent the of 7. H and 0-lnch 5c. do*. laruhskin gloves are iurlixit'd in the ("overt Cloth aiul Tweed Yel«»ur Ilcd-rooin Slip¬ rz* appointment for librarianshlp Whaleln»nc8. Thompson'-? Misses* e'orsets andi Misses* w us for the . ... 10<-. Side 5<-. hat¬ «oiled ion 80 and 75c. IMeyrle pers. several pretty 4 Congress have made a celebrated case; Blastics. all siz.'s pair. Ferris Waists, bn»ken sizes always Pay $.} agencx . * . At up . 14c' Indies' S.'de irters. Satin Belt 13c. * Uuaranteed Gloves at $1, $1.50, Legging. At 37c' colors, -broken sizes. -ti' Ssij j; $1.00, for s49c. V ter's tliis dif- . - «T *2 nn«l $2.25. * . i indeed, one of the most notable instances in tOc. Frilled Carter Mastic 3c. strip. $5 quality.with Lot of Infants' lilnck and Brown v = rf| all the the admin¬ 8c. Velveteen lili.dinc. black. 4 yds. .4<\ piece. Q ference . our Soft-solo Child's Kid appointments by present 200 J name in the K id Button, with Worked Buttonholes. Spring-heel Hand-made and Ab'X.K'ng's Spool Cotton. yds.,2«*..22<*. doz. A SaSe of .> Easter Shirts. 0 to 3. Button, with Patent Tip. 4 to 8. istration, certainly a matter of far- Black Sjkk)1 Silk. lV^c. sj»ool 16c. rt.'.z. crown. - * * * Toilet i'ius ,. .lc. do*. iVlorrd Stifflosom Shirts are ..or- reaching significance in the history of the for as . $2 as . * * * Shoe 1 ewr re.t for day «»':ir. l»ut that doesn't Congressional In the first Laces. Vi yds. long 4c. d<»z. White Petticoats. ^ good $3 . k-l« Library. p ace, . I»r. Warner's Corset Steels 4c. nwn that 5«i'v« got j.. |mi1 up with pair. fiftv new . * * *l< it was a KM Ilalr Curlers 3c. doz. bought.in ami Jast yf«r'i colorings. I.et us slwn Boys* Sharp-toe $1.50 presidential appointment without I/»ng Petticoats, with cambric ruffle. 2Sc. shape< . * * . Misses' and Children's Ji Black 1 namei St«h-kinir I>ariicis 2<-. you «hat is ii|»-to-«laf*» iiihI new in Calf Laced..12 to 13. a political aspect to a that has al- shades, in derbies and fedora*. #1 position Pet t i«oa t . iMs i.xi-.. All the standard makes a1 . * and $1.1*5 Yi«i Kid Ctdluloid l%M-ket Mirror 3c. I»ng umbrella shape . ... and Box Calf >?;1 ways been of a deal of and Genuine Pins 4e. embroidered ruffl* 91, fl.jO aid $2 At ;7c- Single At 90c- rjirls' to good personal English pai>er. ami I>ou!de-sole Dressy $1.50 $2 political concern to at 1 <H» Ilalr Pins for 5c. Petti«"oats Laced and Button Shoes. C to K Sprlng-lieel Kid and politicians Washing- 5c. and <> Feather-stitch Braid 3« Long umbrella shape widths,. Box Calf I.aeed and Button .sizes 11 to 11 ton. In the piece. with 12-inch embroidered ruffle.... 95c. Wnn.H.Mckiriew,933Pa.Av. broken sizes. b to 111. '¦/ second place, it denotes a new 0- Velutina Skirt Binding. all colors, no Ladies' size 6. Heavy or Light Weight. U 4 era.practically a non-political administra¬ black lc. yard. I^ice-trimmed etticoats trimmed ^ tion.for 35c. sp Nils <'i\>«!ict Silk, odd shades. .5c. sp«*>l. with Point de the national library of the United 21«\ Real Whalebon«-s. 30 Inches long 10c. rows of Insert ion. ."T?.1.48 ) States. & Ladies'Ladles' $2.50$2.5<) and $.1 en's $3 and $3.50 f ; Polnted- ..and-sewed I>ark and President McKinley appointed Mr. Her¬ No Waste j: At si-23 tnd a few At SLight-shade Tan Shoes, bert Putnam, librarian of the Boston public ©©Ro^WAWBE Laced, with Kid and $1-90 From an e« onomhal elegant Styles, excel¬ library, on 334 standpoint Patent Tips. widths lent all librarian of Congress the loth of | wearers, > A A t<> K..broken Kizfs, from 2 to 8. this to the late alone, Gas jmissosses a «liarm for ranging widths, sizes ranging from 5 to 11. month, succeed John Rus¬ 316 ^ 0 sell Young. On the 18th it was publicly an¬ ir_ f » A hoiisckwper?. It's belt for cooking or Men's Spring-weight Tan Shoes, -sizes 9 Men's $3 Hand-made Calf Laced and nounced that Mr. Putnam had tendered 3118 ^ F. S. WILLI A MS A C«». » to 11 only. Gaiters,.¦various broken sizes. ^9 heatinc purp»>sc.s. You jmy for only shapes.- M. his resignation to tlie board of trustees of A ii the Boston library and had accepted the Men's $2 5o and * what you use no waste. See our $3 ('alf Pointed-toe Laced Boys' Best $3 Cordovan Double-sole Inde¬ 0 appointment. At a special meeting of the Shoes, sizes 7 !<. 11. structible Shoes,.2 to 5. >!; trustees last Child rem of Tuesday, the 21st, the resigna¬ the I line GAS and successful in actual rooKING A.M> HEAT \§< tion was accepted, with expressions of sin¬ experience Putnam to accept. And that guttled that cere, man-to-man affectionate that management ' f a large library. feature of the case. y IXJ STOVES. Pi i« es satisfactory. regret After tins letter to the President Then followed are not to be recorded here. sending the refusal of the Senate I Who are COR. 7TH AND Mr. Lane obtained an of c< mmittee on thinS K STS. expression opinion to confirm Presi¬ | U4 Mr. library Gas l*utiiuiii*m Policy. from the council of the American dent Appliance Exchange, WM. HAHN COo J&14-1016 PA.
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