Overview for Office Supplies Contract (Legacy 7510-12) Prior to utilizing a contract, the user should read the contract in it's entirety. DESCRIPTION CONTRACT INFO ●Set up for purchase of Office Supplies (excluding furniture, software, computers, computer peripherals, fax machines, multifunctional print devices and janitorial Contract Number & Title Legacy #7510-12 SAP #460012732 (formerly supplies) #4600010398; formerly 4600007367 formerly 4600010605) ●Twenty-four (24) hour delivery service to the desk-top if desired. Number of Suppliers One (1) ●Core List of items most frequently used ●Non-Core List of items Validity Period June 14, 2004 to May 30, 2007 (renewed through 2008) ●No minimum requirement for ordering ●Use of P-Card, Internet, SAP PO, fax and telephone ordering DGS Point of Contact Pam Gabriel ●Dedicated customer service team for questions/answers Contact Phone # ●Dedicated sales representatives for questions/answers (717) 346-3822 Email
[email protected] PRICING HIGHLIGHTS PROCESS TO PURCHASE ● Core List Items more than 63% off list price Purchases can be placed by: ● Non-core items 63% off list price ● Internet ● SAP Purchase Order ●Toner cartridges 34% off list price ● Telephone ● Fax Machine INFORMATION UPDATE #1 OFFICE SUPPLY CONTRACT Legacy #7510-12 -SAP # 4600007367 Buyer: Toniann D. Noss – 717-783-2090 or
[email protected] The Department of General Services, Bureau of Purchases has received numerous requests for items to be unrestricted for purchase through Office Max, A Boise Company. Because these are no longer