From: Tanner F<
[email protected]> Date: Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 7:07 PM SuBject: PuBlic Records Request To: <
[email protected]> Hi, I would like to request a puBlic records request for all of the alternative student transportation contracts (special needs, intra-district, mckinney-vento) for the Lancaster Elementary via email, if possiBle. If it is easier to provide the following information for each vendor, that will also meet the oBjectives of the records request. - Vendor Name - Contract Amount - Contract End Date Please let me know if any further information is required. Thank you, Tanner F From: Ellen Crispino <
[email protected]> Date: Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 4:11 PM Subject: FOIA Response To: Tanner F <
[email protected]> Tanner, Attached to this message please Wilmette District 39's response to your Freedom of Information Act request sent on August 11th, 2019 below. I would like to request a public records request for all of the alternative student transportation contracts (special needs, intra-district, mckinney-vento) for the Lancaster Elementary (changed to Wilmette Public District 39) via email, if possible. If it is easier to provide the following information for each vendor, that will also meet the objectives of the records request. - Vendor Name - Contract Amount - Contract End Date Please let me know if any further information is required. Thank you, Tanner F If you have any questions about this response, please contact us. Thank you, Ellen Ellen Crispino Business Manager/CSBO
[email protected] t 847.512.6001 f 847.256.1782 August 13, 2019 Tanner F.