Personal Information.

Name: Angie Bonino.

E mail: [email protected]


1991 - 1993 : Graphic Design - "Toulouse Lautrec" Institute of Design. Graphic Design - Architecture Faculty / FAUA.– UNI National University of Engineering - 1995 - 2002 : Titled in National School of Fine Arts of Peru (specialty: painting).

2005 Máster Interactive Systems in Web Design and Audiovisuals- Scholarship for foreign students of Máster Mecad's school of the School of Design ESDI and the University Ramon LLull. Barcelona - .

2007 - Máster in LAMP - Systems of Free Software- Scholarship of the European Community for subsidy of studies.

2017 -2018 - Master's Degree in Creative Writing - Literature, UNMSM National University Mayor of San Marcos, Lima - Peru. (completed in December 2018).

Scholarships and distinctions:

2018- Commissioner for the realization of the video installation for the Permanent Chamber Intensity and height of the Peruvian Literature, based on the archives of works of 14 Peruvian poets, such as Eguren, Vallejo, Adam, Moro, Varela, Eielson, Sologuren, Westphalen, Corcuera, Watanabe, Belli, among others. House of Peruvian Literature - February 2018 - Lima, Peru.

2015- Winner of the Luces Prize of the newspaper EL Comercio, for his exhibition "When the Earth Speaks" in the category best video shows in FORUM Gallery. 2009 – Scholarship of artistic residence– Arte Ladines Foundation – Asturias– Spain.

2007 – GUEST of artistic residence Glogauer – Berlín – Germany.

2003 -Commissioned by the World Wide Video Festival and the HIVOS Foundation, dedicated to video art for 20 years of the Festival - - . 2003

2003- Mediamatic workshop - GUEST: -tech non-linear /multimedia edition - Korsakov System - Korsakov Foundation / World Wide Video Foundation / HIVOS Foundation - Amsterdam 2003.

Solo Exhibitions / Projects:

2019- The Empire of Images - The American Expression- MEIAC Museo Extremadura and Iberaomericano de Arte Contemporáneo. Badajoz, Spain

2019- The Empire of Images - The American Expression - B the Travel Brand - Within the framework of ARCO's external program -, Spain.

2017- When the earth speaks. University Cultural Center of the National University of the Northeast CCU in Corrientes - Argentina

2017- When the earth speaks. Qorikancha Museum, Convent of Santo Domingo - Cusco, Peru.

2016- When the earth speaks. Luminale Biennial - . Asian Art Center, Frankfurt, Germany

2015- When the earth speaks. FORUM Gallery - Lima, Peru. Winning exhibition of the "Luces" award from the El Comercio newspaper, Visual Arts category- Best video sample.

2015 - Monograph Video art - Castle L´Espluga Calba of Lleida - Catalonia - Spain (in preparation for the month of July).

2014 - Following the clues of a crime - MAC Museum of Contemporary Art.-Lima,_Peru

2014 - Video Monography - Flux Club - Antic Teatre, Barcelona . Spain

2014 - Angie Bonino Monography : Delloscompiglio - Italy

2013 - Behind the traces of the crime . Homesession - Barcelona, Spain

2012 - Monographic Tribute to Angie Bonino - Qoricancha Museum, Cuzco - Peru

2012- Monographic Tribute to Angie Bonino – Filmoteca de Andalucía, Spain IV Semana de Vídeo Iberoamericano in Belalcázar and Córdoba.

2011-Monographic 005 – Free Gallery - Canada

2010 - Monographic - San Francisco VIDEOFEST - USA

2010 - Monographic 004 – FORUM Galería – Lima, Peru.

2010 – Monographic 003 - La Nave Spacial - Sevilla – Spain.

2008 New World Order – Videoinstallation – Telefónica Foundation – Lima – Peru.

2007 POLITIK II - vídeoinstallations – Gloauer, Berlín - Germany

2005 – Monographic 002 - San Francisco VIDEOFEST – USA.

2005 Art and Politics: Exhibition tripersonal - Coco Fusco (EE.UU), Oliver Ressler (Austria) and Angie Bonino. (Peru) Videointallations. Room Luis Miroquezada Garland - Gallery of the Municipality of Miraflores (Peru) in the frame of the International festival of Arts Electronic VAE 9 2005 - (September).

2004 Connection Vectorial: Exhibition Bipersonal - performance, Video; With Teresa Puppo (Uruguay), Angie Bonino (Peru) - gallery Cultural Center of Spain, (December). Montevideo, Uruguay.

2004-Black hole - video installation - Room of Experimentation of Museum of Art of the National University of San Marcos, (June), Lima - Peru.

2003 Enter-medias : Video Installation, video sculpture, digital print, FORUM Gallery, Lima – Peru.

2002 Vectorial Connection : Video performance. With Teresa Puppo ( Uruguay), Cecilia Gonzales Gallery, Lima- Peru.

1998 Retrospective of Toxic Plastic Stuff: Objects and Video installation, Fine School Gallery of UNMSM, Lima – Peru.

1997-Unnoticed: No Sample - "The Night of Barranco" Cultural Center Lima- Peru.

-1995 - Schemes: Objects, Video, performance - Marc Chagall Gallery –Lima, Peru.

Festivals - Biennials and Collective Exhibitions:

2018- 2019 - El Museo Somos todos - MAC- Lima Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Lima - Perú

2018- Un siglo de arte desde la Escuela Nacional: Del individuo al ser social colectividades artísticas desde Bellas artes - Sala Luis Miró Quesada Garland. Municipalidad de Miraflores. Lima, Perú

2018- Un siglo de Arte desde la Escuela Nacional - Bellas Artes: Una trayectoria de imágenes (1918-2018). Galería German Krugüer Espantoso del ICPNA Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano- Miraflores. Lima, Perú

2018- Bienal de DAKÁRT - 13 Bienal de ARte AFricano Contemporáneo - 13éme Biennale de l´Árt africain contemporain. - FemLink Proyect

2018- Estados en Crisis -Laboratorios de experiencias en arte y pedagogía - MAC- Lima Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Lima - Perú

2018- "Al Pie de la Letra -Ruta Poética de Artistas Visuales”, en Galería Abierta de Av. Larco en Miraflores. Lima, Perú

2018- Comisionada a la realización de la videoinstalación para la Sala Permanente Intensidad y altura de la Literatura Peruana, basada en los archivos de obras de 14 poetas peruanos, tales como Eguren, Vallejo, Adán, Moro, Varela, Eielson, Sologuren, Westphalen, Corcuera, Watanabe, Belli, entre otros. Casa de la Literatura Peruana - febrero 2018 - Lima, Perú.

2018- PLAY Semana de Videoarte de Argentina. 3rd Program : Resistance: en la sección: "Capitalismo Global Integrado / política / cuerpo y muerte" en Barim, Corea del Sur.

2018- Exposición de Docentes por el Centenario de Bellas Artes - Centro Cultural de Bellas Artes, Lima - Perú.

2017- Muestra VIDEO ART IN LATIN AMERICA SCREENING: STATES OF CRISIS, City of West Hollywood Library- Getty Research Institute (GRI)

2017- RTVE Televisión Española 2, en programa Metrópolis.

2017- Exposición de vídeo arte en Latinoamérica Pacific Standard Time LA/LA Organizado por LAXART en colaboración con el Getty Research Institute (GRI), en EE.UU. Dic. 2017

2017- 30 + 30 edición de grabados y libro de artista - Instituto Cervantes de Milán - Italia organizado por la Fundación Bicebugatti. Oct. 2017

2017 - Muestra internacional FemLink - Centro Medrar, el Cairo - Egipto. Agost. 2017

2016- POST / FACIO Melancolías de la Memoria - Museo de la Memoria. LUM Lugar de Memoria, Tolerancia e Inclusión Social - Lima, Perú.

2016- Festival de Cine Experimental MVD de Montevideo - Uruguay

2016 - Bienal DAK'ART 2016 - Dakar Senegal. Proyecto FemLink.

2016- Plataforma Vértices, Investigación artística e intervenciones territoriales en el CED del MACBA Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona- España.

2016 - CELEBRACIÓN - Galería Forum- Lima, Perú.

2016 - METADATA- 20 Años de A.T.A Alta Tecnología Andina - Centro Cultural Ricardo Palma, Lima - Perú.

2016 - FEMALE / FemLink Art International Video Collages - Museo de la Mujer, Buenos Aires - Argentina.

2016- "4x5" Coleccionistas de mujeres y creativos visuales. Patio Museo Herreriano - Valladolid, España.

2016 Mujeres videoarte artista de América Latina, España y China - Shangai - China

2016- "Cruces y convergencias"- Museo la Neomudejar de Madrid, España

2016 - Fundación Bazarte Euroidiomas - Lima, Perú

2016- FEMALE / FemLink Art International Video Collages, Área de Proyectos, Caguas - Puerto Rico.

2015- Flux Festival de Vídeo de autor- Centro Santa Mónica de Cultura Contemporánea- Barcelona, España.

2015 - Diplomatic Art- City Hall Gallery- Timisoara, Rumanía.

2015 - VIMEOARTE - Centro Digital Juan Downey y Municipalidad de Puerto Varas - Chile.

2015- “Mobile Views” MAC-Lima Museum of Contemporary Art in Lima - Peru.

2015- "Recent Video from Latin America" en el Harold M. Williams Auditorium, The Getty Center (Getty Research Institut). L.A - USA

2015- From the modern to the contemporary 60 years of IAC Institut for Contemporary Art in MAC-Lima Museum of Contemporary Art in Lima - Peru

2015- Femlink 10 years: Mamia Brétéché Gallery, Paris, France.

2015- Videoarte Feminista: Cuatro Proyectos curatoriales, NOOX, Mexico D.F

2015_ "Dear Corruption". Trapezio Space, Madrid - Spain

2014_ Arte Accesible Fair - MAC- LIMA Museum of Contemporary Art - Lima, Peru

2014_ "4x5. Collectors, creative and audiovisual narratives "CAS Center for the Arts of Seville, Spain

2014_ 40th YEARS FORUM - FORUM Gallery, Lima - Peru.

2014_4th Biennial of Latin American Art - Modern Art Museum of Bronx, New York - USA

2014 - CORPOLOGIA - Antic Teatre, Barcelona- Spain

2014_ A New Medium in the Middle - Video History in Peru" Monographic Angie Bonino - Pancho Fierro Gallery of the Municipality of Lima

2014- Fuori Festival_ Antiguo Palacio - Pesaro, Italy

2014 - PLAY Video Art Week - Corrientes, Argentina.

2014_ Cuerpo Presente – Telefónica Foundation– Lima, Peru.

2014_ Artificialia_ Pintura Contemporánea barcelonesa_ Cyan Gallery, Barcelona – Spain.

2014: “Perdiendo el norte” – Club Cronopios – Barcelona – Spain

2013 - Seven video stations - Art Lima Fair, Peru

2013 - Espacio Enter - TEA Espacio de las Artes de Tenerife, Islas Canarias - Spain

2013 - Andalusian Film Festival and the Mediterranean "ULTRAMAR" - Spain

2013 - Archidona Cinema - International Exhibition, Archidona, Malaga, Spain

2013 - Bienal de la Imagen y Movimiento - Manizales, Colombia.

2012 – XI Biennial of Havana - Arlan Londoño Curator presented in conference Angie Bonino´s work - Havana, Cuba.

2012 – El elógio de la locura.- Chirivella Soriano Fundation – Valencia, Spain.

2012-Indomitable Woman – Matadero, Madrid, Spain

2012 - Eyes everywhere- Est and West women artists - The gallery Hubei Academy of Fine-arts-China.


2012 - Culturas en tránsito - Centro cultural de España de Santiago de Chile y Centro Cultural de España de Montevideo- Uruguay.

2012 - Fabra i Coats - Fàbrica de Creació de Barcelona- Spain.

2012- .MOV. Videoarte en movimiento –Cultural Center of Spain – Lima, Perú.

2012 - Play - Semana de Videoarte - Corrientes, Argentina

2011 - Desobedecer a toda costa. Video y Manifestaciones- Carrillo Gil Museum – México.

2011 – TVE 2Spanish Television -Metropolis. Audiovisual television program.

2011- Multitudes – redes, tecnología y cultura – Cultural Center of Spain – Lima, Peru.

2011- Espacio ENTER – TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Canarias, Spain

2011- .MOV. Videoarte en movimiento –Cultural Center of Spain – Lima, Perú.

2011 – VIMEOART –Canada, Chile and Spain.

2011- Asimetría New Medias Festival - Convento de Santo Domingo - Qorikancha Museum- Cuzco, Peru.

2011- Laboratorio sensorial – LiminalB – Guadalajara. Mexico.

2010 - In the mood for today - Madrid / New Cork - 2 parallel venues (Madrid - New York) This is a Square C. Doctor Fourquet, 24 /// Big Screen – Public Screen 6th Avenue – Manhattan New York

2010 – MANIFESTA 10 - The European Biennial of Contemporary Art.. Murcia, España.

2010 – Bienal del Bronx – Museo del Bronx – Nueva York - USA

2010 – VIDEO XXI Fundación Telefónica – Lima – Perú.

2010 – Mujeres Indomables – Homenaje a las pioneras en el videoarte- Centre de Culture de Dones Francesca Bonnemaison, Barcelona - España.

2010 - Festival LOOP – Swallow Gallery – Barcelona – España.

2010 – ARTERIA VII – Feria de Arte Contemporáneo – Huesca, Aragón – España.

2010 – Centro de Documentación de Arte Peruano Contemporáneo (CDAPC) Centro Cultural de España – Lima –Perú.

2010 – Postfacio melancolías de la violencia. Micromuseo - Fundación Simón I.Patiño, Santa Cruz - Bolivia.

2010 II SEMANA DE VIDEO ARTE IBEROAMERICANO - La Nave Spacial. Sevilla - España.

2009 – BAC! International Festival of Contemporary Arts – “Indomitable Woman” Barcelona, Miró Foundation and CCCB Cultural Contemporary Center in Barcelona.

2009 - Espacio Enter - Tea de Tenerife, Canarias- España.

2009 - II Festival Internacional de Videoarte de Camaguey, Cuba.

2009 This is not art Festival - New castle -Australia.

2009 I SEMANA DE VIDEO ARTE IBEROAMERICANO - La Nave Spacial. Sevilla. - 2009.

2008 – Electrofringe Festival an Electronics Arts & Culture – New castle – Australia.

2008 DIVA Digital and video Art Fair – USA 2008– Galería Isabel Hurley.

2008 DIVA Digital and video Art Fair – París 2008– Galería Isabel Hurley.

2008 -Demokratie & Gewalt! - Werkstattgalerie – Berlin – Germany.

2008 – Honoring to Jose Carlos Mariátegui – “El AMAUTA”- Museum of the Nation – Lima, Peru..

2008 FOR A TIJUANA FREE –sound radial diseign intervention for Tijuana Media Lab. USA.

2008 – Digital Media – International New Medias Festival – Valencia – Spain.

2008 LIMINALB – colective exhibition -curator -Federica Matelli, for VIDEOAKT Videoart show – BerlIn, Germany.

2008 – IN_FUSION, Contemporary Art Exhibition, Cervantes Institute, Munchen- Germany. 2007 – IN_FUSION, Contemporary Art Exhibition, Cervantes Institute, Munchen- Germany.

2007 ZEPELLIN Festival - EL SO DINS LA COVA - FRASES – sound diseign CCCB Contemporary Center of Barcelona – Spain.

2007 – IN_FUSION, Contemporary Art Exhibition, Cervantes Institute, Berlín- Germany.

2007 - Liminal Transit- Loop Festival / Ego gallery- Barcelona, Spain

2007 – Liminal Transit- Kforumvienna Hall / Viena, Austria.

2007 – VIDET 07–Internacional Vídeo Art Festival of Villafranca del Penedés – Barcelona, España.

2006 -Vía Satélite- Museum of de Contemporary Art, Panamá City- Panamá.

2006 - Vía Satélite- Cultural Center of Spain - Santiago de Chile.

2006 VIDET 06 Internacional Vídeo Art Festival of Villafranca del Penedés – Barcelona, España.

2005 LOOP New Madias Festival/ MNAC Cataluña Museum of Art , Barcelona, Spain.

2005 SIMPOSIO ARTE Y MEDIA : The first Meeting Iberamericano of New Trends in Art and Technology – Caixa FORUM, Barcelona – Spain.

2005 CVDO Video Art Festival - Missio Cultural Center of Latin Arts , San Francisco, EE.UU.

-Vidéoformes, Festival 2003 (video) París – France, abril 2003.

-Globalica WRO 10° International Bienall in Media Arts (video) Polonia, April – May 2003.

- Peruvian Vídeo Exhibition –Metropolitan Museum of Quito.

2005 Vía Satélite –Cultural Center of Spain- Lima (and Mariátegui Place. Lima – Peru)

2005 Vía Satélite Telephonic Foundation, Buenos Aires – Argentina

2005 Vía Satélite- Cultural Center of Spain - México D.F.

2005 Vía Satélite - Museum of Art and Contemporary Design San José – Costa Rica.

2005 Experimenta Colombia – Latinoamerican Festival of Electronics Arts.

2005 VI Salón y Coloquio de Arte Digital. Centro Pablo de la Torrente de Brau, Museum of Fine Arts,. La Habana – Cuba.

2004 - Al Finál del Eclipse, Telefonic Foundation - Santiago- Chile, 2004.

2004– II Bienal Nacional de Cine y Vídeo- Peruvian video and human rights. 1984 – 2004- Lima, Perú Abril 2004.

2004- Espacios a la Experimentación- Museum of Art and Design Contemporary – Costa Rica.

2004 Vía Satélite – Cultural Center of Spain, Montevideo, Montevideo – Uruguay.

2003- Transmediale . 03 International Festival of Media Arts -// Nueva Vista – Video Kunst Aus Lateinamerika - IFA Galería en Berlín,Germany- Febrero, 2003.

2003- Vidéoformes , Festival 2003 -París – Francia, abril 2003.

2003- Globalica WRO 10° International biennal show of Media Arts - Polonia/ Abril – 2003.

2003 - Nueva Vista – Video Kunst Aus Latinamerika - Muestra IFA Galería Stuttgart, Germany.

2003 - World Wide Video Festival - Amsterdam – Holanda.

2003- The End of the Eclipse - the Art of Latin America in the Transition to the century XXI - Museum of Modern Art of Mexico – México D.F, 2003.

2003- Art and Culture- Gallery of the Faculty of Architecture of the National University of Engineering Lima- Perú.

2003- Approximations- Gallery of the National University of the Callao, Perú.

2003- Sample of Video Peruvian Art - Metropolitan museum of Quito,Ecuador- Agosto

2003- - Jurassic Flight- Argetinian Museum of Natural Ciences.

2003 -Nueva/Vista Video Art from Latin America- IFA Gallery Bonn, Berlin (Transmediale.03) and Stuttgart, Germany, 2002-2003.

2003- -World Wide Video Festival- Amsterdam- Holand 2003.

2003 -XII International Performance Festival – “Out of Room” (performance) Ex Teresa Arte Actual , Mexico D.F.

2003 - What is art? (video esculpture), FORUM Gallery, Perú- Septiembre 2003.

2003- Nature/ Art –(vídeo esculpture), Museum of Art of the UNMSM, Perú- Noviembre

2003- The End of the Eclipse - the Art of Latin America in the Transition to the century XXI - Museum of Fine Arts of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2003 – LOOP New Medias Festival – Barcelona – Spain.

2002- 13º International festival of Electronic Art - Video Brazil. shows Itinerant Bay – Theatre of ICBA – Salvador Bahia, Brasil.

2002- "To God Begging" Collective Exhibition- Gallery of the Cultural Center the Night of Lima, Peru.

2002 - Free Waves 2002 –Internacional Festival of Electronics Arts, L.A/ EE.UU.

2002 –The End of the Eclipse - the Art of Latin America in the Transition to the century XXI - MEIAC Extremaduran Museum of Contemporary Latin-American Art, Badajoz- Spain.

2002 - Nueva Vista – Video Kunst Aus Lateinamerika.- IFA Gallery Bonn – Museumsmeile, Germany.

2002 –International Festival of Video and Multimedia of Canarias // The End of the Eclipse - the Art of Latin America in the Transition to the century XXI. La Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.

2002–The End of the Eclipse - the Art of Latin America in the Transition to the century XXI- Museum of Contemporary Arts of Monterrey – México.

2002 – Vídeo Brasil- Exhibition Itinerant: BahÌa, ICBA Theatre- Salvador BA.

2002 - Invisible IMAGE 2002, 1° Internacional Exhibition of video art- Cámera of Commerce of Cali //Cali /Colombia.

2001- Peru Resistances - House of America – Madrid, Spain.

2001- First Festival of Visual Arts, Barranca- Perú.

2001 - Sonorous labyrinth – House- Museum Jose Carlos Mariátegui, Lima – Perú.

2001- The End of the Eclipse - the Art of Latin America in the Transition to the century XXI- Telefonic Foundation Gallery of Art- Madrid , Spain.

2001- 13°Festival International of Electronic Art - Video Brazil. Itinerant sample BH – Cinema Humberto Mauro/Palacio of the Arts – Bello Horizonte – Brasil.

2001 - 3_//4_//5_ International Festival of Video Art 1999// 2000, 2001- Lima - Peru, Visual- Art Gallery- Ricardo Palma University. (video), (video sculpture). Luis Miroquezada -Garland Hall ã Municipality of Miraflores.

2001 -H8 Full World - Cinema Festival and New Medians -Montreal Canada, 2001.

2001-Johnny for Sale- Papers and Images about Gamarra - Cultural Center of Spain.

2001- II// IV Independent Festival of Video Trujillo, 1999//2001- Trujillo - Peru.

2000-Interferences - Electronic Art Festival (video installation) Belfort – France.

2000- The Fifth Euro- American Sample of Video and Digital Art ã Buenos Aires. University,"Ricardo Rojas". "Cultural Center" Argentina.

2000-Mediaterra - Art and Technology International Symposium and Festival Athens - Greece. 2000.

1999 - VI Latin- American Festival of Video Rosario 99- Rosario Santa Fe, Argentine.

1997-Recintos (Installation), Contemporary Art Museum of Cuzco - 1997.

Collaborations :

- 2003 // 2007 Hackingnet- virtual organization for the net activism. - 1998 // 1999 I was part of the “MUTA” Collective (interactive multiuses device). - 1996 // 1997 ã I worked with the interventionist group "Los de Lima", with whom I created eight artistic interventions(process art, graffiti, thing art, music, performance, happenings, installation)