Red Jackets and Entertainment in 1960S Birmingham Alan Pianosmith Lan Pianosmith Has Written a Book About the Enigmatic 'Professor' Arthur C Aifhroovest
El) , ' ,,, , , , ,, ·, Red ,Jackets and Entertainment in 1960s Birmingham Red Jackets and Entertainment in 1960s Birmingham Alan Pianosmith lan Pianosmith has written a book about the enigmatic 'professor' Arthur C Aifhroovest. Alan and Throovest are one and the same person. But this stage name - dreamed up in the 1950s - came into its own with the advent of the internet. There's only one Throovest and it's Arthur! Or rather, Alan. rm sure you get the idea. Back in 50s Birmingham, however, the only net was what you kept fish in which you hoiked out of the canal at the Maypole. And a mobile hung over babies' cots. Although born in West Bromwich, Arthur lived out his formative years in King Edward Road, Moseley, ._·1; Arthur trying to look cool .•• andfailing miserably! Squirrels publicity snap. Birmingham, up by the 'Fighting someone else. Saturday morning Cocks' pub. It was post-war Brum: cinema. Saturday afternoon bussing an Arthur celebrates passing the rationing; arguing neighbours; into Birmingham - on his own, aged most advanced grade on occasional suicide. Just three car six. · accordton; thanks to Mr. Barrett owners in a cul-de-sac of some 160 of Woodroffe's, John Bright souls. No cash. Kicking tin cans in the Kings Heath Infant & Junior schools. Street. road. Breaking windows and blaming His mother sent him there because she didn1t like the condition of the f, Ii tt Red Jackets and Entertainment in 1960s Birmingham , · ·' · ' Qi) i I' I ' Ricardo Palomino falls asleep during Arthur's somnolent solo at Moseley Grammar. outside lavatories at Moseley Junior songs and life in general, must surely Well, there were no phones back School.
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