EPSC Abstracts Vol. 13, EPSC-DPS2019-2023-1, 2019 EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019 c Author(s) 2019. CC Attribution 4.0 license.

The Minimum Mass Solar : a 3 million year-old disk

Kevin Baillié (1), João Marques (2) and Laurent Piau ([email protected])

Abstract not irradiated by the [1]. These irregularities in the disk surface mass density or midplane tempera- Most planetary formation simulations rely on simple ture may help trap planetary embryos at these loca- protoplanetary disk models evolved from the usual, tions [2, 3], eventually selecting the composition of though inaccurate, Minimum Mass Solar Nebula. the cores [4]. Here, we suggest a new consistent way of building a protoplanetary disk from the collapse of the molecu- lar cloud: both the central star and the disk are fed by Acknowledgements the collapse and grow jointly. We then model the star This work was supported by the Conseil Scientifique physical characteristics based on pre-calculated stellar de l’Observatoire de Paris and the Centre National evolution models (Figure 1). d’Études Spatiales.

0.20M References 2 ⊙ 0.35M ⊙ 0.50M [1] Baillié, K. & Charnoz, S. 2014, Astrophysical Journal, ⊙ 1 0.75M 786, 35 ⊙ 1.00M ⊙

⊙ accreting star [2] Baillié, K., Charnoz, S., & Pantin, E. 2015, L

/ 0

L & Astrophysics, 577, A65 log [3] Baillié, K., Charnoz, S., & Pantin, E. 2016, Astronomy 1 − & Astrophysics, 590, A60

2 [4] Baillié, K., Marques, J., & Piau, L. 2019, Astronomy & − Astrophysics, 624, A93 3.75 3.70 3.65 3.60 3.55 3.50 log Teff

Figure 1: Evolutionary track on the HR diagram of the protostar at the center of the disk (brown dashed line). Full lines indicate classical evolutionary tracks at constant mass and the dotted line indicates the zero- age main sequence (ZAMS).

After the collapse, when the cloud initial gas reser- voir is empty, the further evolution of the disk and star is mainly driven by the disk viscous spreading. We then redefine the disk timeline and describe the stages that lead to the MMSN model, corresponding to a collapse-formed disk after 3 million years of evo- lution (Figure 2). This viscous evolution leads to radial structures in the disk: temperature plateaux at the sublimation lines of the dust species and shadowed regions that are ) 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 2 105 104 103 102 101 0 This paper at 4 Myr 10 BCP16 at 1 Myr 10-1 10-2 Surface Mass Density (kg/m 1000

100 Temperature (K) 10 10-7

-8 /yr) 10 sun


-10 10 Outward Mass flux (M Inward 10-11 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 Disk Midplane Radius (AU)

Figure 2: Comparison of the disk radial profiles (sur- face mass density - upper panel, temperature - middle panel, and mass flux - lower panel) for the disk at 4 million years in the present paper (black line) and a 1 million year old disk evolved from an MMSN in [3] (red). We notice that the new treatment of the disk self- shadowing induces the presence of temperature drops of up to 10 K in the region 10 AU - 100 AU that pos- sibly generate narrow heat transition barriers prone to trap .