

Brown dwarfs: At last filling the gap between and

Ben Zuckerman*

Department of and , University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095

Until the mid- a person could not point to any celestial object and say with assurance known (refs. 5–9), the vast majority of that ‘‘here is a .’’ Now dozens are known, and the study of brown dwarfs has brown dwarfs are freely floating among come of age, touching upon major issues in , including the of dark the stars (2–4). Indeed, the contrast be- matter, the properties of substellar objects, and the origin of binary stars and planetary tween the scarcity of companion brown systems. dwarfs and the plentitude of free floaters was totally unexpected; this dichotomy Stars, Brown Dwarfs, and superplanet from a brown dwarf, such as now constitutes a major unsolved problem in stellar physics (see below). lanets (Greek ‘‘wanderers’’) and stars how they formed, so that the dividing line Surveys for free floaters, both within have been known for millennia, but need not necessarily fall at 13 Jovian P ϳ100 of the and in (more the physics underlying their differences . distant) clusters such as the (The became understood only during the 20th Low- stars spend a lot of time, tens Seven Sisters), are still in their early century. Stars fuse into of billions to trillions of years, fusing pro- stages. But the picture is becoming clear. nuclei in their hot interiors and planets do tons into helium on the so-called ‘‘main Currently, it is estimated that there are not. There is, however, a large gap be- sequence.’’ During this time the surface about as many brown dwarfs as stars (3); tween the temperature in the interior of temperature and total of an indeed, the closest substantial object to and that existing in the center of individual do not vary appreciably. our may well be a yet-to-be- stars of , about 75 times the (Because the age of the is not discovered brown dwarf (rather than mass of Jupiter. asked, ‘‘Do much greater than 10 billion years, no any objects exist between 1 and 75 Jovian low-mass star has yet finished its main- , which is the nearest masses and, if they do, what are they like?’’ sequence evolutionary phase.) The sur- star). Nonetheless, because the mass of a Now, during the past few years, dozens of face temperature of a minimum (75 Jupi- typical brown dwarf is an order of mag- such objects have at long last been found, ter) mass star is in the ballpark of 2,000 K. nitude less than the mass of a typical star, and they appear to be as numerous as In contrast, brown dwarfs, once they have in the disk of our brown dwarfs as stars. fused their D into helium, start to cool off a class of objects do not carry much total Astronomers like to divide this mass and soon drop below the 2,000 K mark on mass. range in two: between 1 and ϳ13 Jovian their long journey to much lower temper- Brown dwarfs as a possible major un- masses is the realm of ‘‘superplanets,’’ and atures (Fig. 1). seen constituent of the distant Halo of our between 13 and ϳ75 Jovian masses, the Out to a few hundred light years from galaxy have been searched for realm of the ‘‘brown dwarfs.’’ The dividing , we might hope to see brown dwarfs though their ‘‘microlensing’’ of back- line between stars and brown dwarfs is directly, glowing faintly at wave- ground objects (10). That is, as a distant rather clean cut: objects with masses less lengths as they radiate their heat of for- brown dwarf passes by chance in front of than 75 Jovian masses do not achieve mation outward into space. Because of an even more distant star, the star, as seen central temperatures greater than the absorption and emission from Earth’s at- from Earth, can brighten as a result of 2,700,000 K necessary to fuse protons into mosphere, with ground-based telescopes gravitational lensing. From the microlens-

helium nuclei (1). The dividing line be- the best infrared wavelengths to look for ing studies and from deep images ob- PERSPECTIVE tween brown dwarfs and superplanets is brown dwarfs lie between about 1 and 2 tained with the it not so clean, and various definitions have ␮m. From maybe one or two discovered a now appears that the bulk of the dark been suggested in the literature. One def- decade ago, dozens of brown dwarfs have (unseen) matter that exists in the Halo is inition hinges on the ability of sufficiently now been identified and have appeared in carried neither by brown dwarfs nor by massive substellar objects to fuse deute- the published literature. And hundreds very-low-mass stars (10–12). rium (D, heavy ) into helium. more are waiting in the wings ready to be New Spectral Sequences Above ϳ13 Jovian masses, the central scooped up by sensitive surveys currently ͞ temperature is ϳ1,000,000 K or greater, underway (2–4). The optical infrared spectra of main- and D will fuse into helium-3 nuclei. For about a decade, searchers for sequence stars depend sensitively on their The complete conversion of D into He nearby brown dwarfs concentrated on temperatures, which, historically, were ob- does not take long because a newly formed finding them as companions to known served to lie in the range from somewhat star contains 100,000 times less D than H. stars because this was much easier than above 2,000 K up to about 50,000 K. On Size is not a good way to distinguish scanning wide swatches of the sky between among the lowest mass stars, brown the stars and because we know that stars dwarfs, and superplanets because they are are gregarious—most are orbited by stel- *To whom reprint requests should be addressed at: Depart- ment of Astronomy, Math Sciences Bldg. 8371, University all roughly the size of Jupiter. But there lar companions. Although a few brown of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095. E-mail: ben@ are other plausible ways to distinguish a dwarf companions to nearby stars are now astro.ucla.edu.

PNAS ͉ February 1, 2000 ͉ vol. 97 ͉ no. 3 ͉ 963–966 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 Fig. 1. versus spectral type for very low mass stars and brown dwarfs (3). The M spectral type of star has been known and classified for nearly 100 years, whereas the L-types are primarily or exclusively brown dwarfs, the first of which was discovered only a decade ago. The first member of the even cooler T-type was discovered in the mid-1990s. More T-types have now been found, but so recently that a numerical temperature subscale has not yet been established. All T-types are either brown dwarfs or very young superplanets. As an individual (brown dwarf or ), cools off it ‘‘slides down’’ the ramp shown in the figure from hotter to cooler classes. The lower its mass, the quicker the object cools. (Figure courtesy of I. N. Reid.)

the most fundamental plot in stellar as- tronomy, the Hertzprung–Russell (HR) diagram, the abscissa is surface tempera- ture and the ordinate is luminosity. For historical reasons, the temperature order- ing (hot to cool) of main-sequence stars on the HR diagram is OBAFGKM. As- tronomers and their students have duti- fully memorized mnemonics such as ‘‘Oh Be A Fine Girl Kiss Me’’ to help recall this temperature sequence. These were all of the main-sequence temperature classes for a period of ϳ100 years. Now, within the past , two new classes have been added (13) as a low- temperature extension as astronomers have discovered objects with temperatures below 2,000 K. The first member of the new L-type class (see Fig. 1) was discov- ered in 1988; called GD 165B, it is an ϳ1900-K companion to a white (5, 6). The first member of the new T-class was discovered in 1995; called GL 229B, it Fig. 2. Based on data given in ref. 3, the plot depicts the relative number of stars and brown dwarfs (BDs) is an ϳ950-K companion to a main- one might anticipate finding in a volume-limited sample that is in a centered on Earth. The number sequence M-type star (7). All known T- of objects of a given type is proportional to the area displayed in its color, so that for this plausible choice class objects are brown dwarfs, and most, of (some still uncertain) parameters, there are more brown dwarfs than stars in the solar vicinity. The warm (yellow) brown dwarfs are of L-type, and the cool (green) ones of T-type (see Fig. 1). Between ages 6 and perhaps all, L-class objects are also brown 10 billion years, brown dwarfs at the bottom of the green region have effective temperatures ϳ200 dwarfs, although some may be old, very- K—i.e., colder than Earth. In actuality, brown dwarf searches are brightness limited rather than volume low-mass, stars. In the future, T- and limited, so that many more warm brown dwarfs than cool ones have been detected by ongoing surveys. L-type superplanets will likely be found. (Figure courtesy of E. L. Wright.)

964 ͉ www.pnas.org Zuckerman Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 Fig. 3. The near-infrared spectra of an L-type (GD 165B) and T-type (Gl 229B) object and of three planets (23). Spectral regions around wavelengths of 1.4 and 1.9 ␮m are dominated by absorption by vapor in Earth’s such that little or no radiation from extraterrestrial objects can reach the surface of Earth. (Figure courtesy of J. D. Kirkpatrick.)

Three ambitious sky surveys together those more in tune with violence than with high-mass secondaries), whereas other pa- have already revealed dozens of the L- sex, one possibility is ‘‘Oh Brutal And pers suggest that and secondary type objects and a half dozen of the T-type Fearless Gorilla, Kill My Landlord To- tend to have similar masses. In either case, (2–4). As may be seen from Fig. 2, a night.’’ there is no doubt that many low-mass volume-limited sample will contain many stellar secondary stars around pri- more T-type than L-type brown dwarfs Why Don’t Brown Dwarfs Like to Play maries of high and of low mass (17, 18). because an individual one cools quickly Second Fiddle? A surprising new finding is the scarcity (cosmically speaking) through the L-type Two longstanding and perhaps related of brown dwarf secondaries in orbit region down to about 1,300 K; on further questions are: How do binary stars form? around stars. Because brown dwarfs in the cooling, photospheric is and, What is the nature of planetary sys- are about as numerous as stars, and converted to and the near- tems around stars? Brown dwarf discov- because many very-low-mass secondary infrared switches to T-type (14, eries have added an unexpected and not stars are known to exist, one expects to

15). However, because the surveys are flux easily explained dimension to these prob- detect many brown dwarf secondaries. PERSPECTIVE limited rather than volume limited, and lems. Nonetheless, in spite of searches using because L-types are intrinsically much Among free-floating field stars, it is well various techniques and around various brighter than T-types, the L-types are known that the number of stars increases classes of stars, just about everyone is more easily detected. with decreasing —there are coming up empty-handed, or nearly so. Whereas the optical and infrared ther- many more 0.1 stars than 10 For example, the most successful tech- mal emission spectrum of GD 165B looks solar mass ones. This is an important nique for finding superplanets is measure- much like that of a cool star, the spectrum aspect of the so-called initial mass func- ment of the changing line of sight (Doppler) of GL 229B, dominated by deep methane tion for , the ‘‘IMF’’ (16). velocity of the spectrum of a star around absorption bands in the infrared, is similar And what of the distribution of masses of which a planet (19, 20). The star is to that of Jupiter seen in reflection (see the secondary stars in binary systems? (A responding to the changing gravitational tug Fig. 3). Because Jupiter is very cold (ϳ130 secondary is, by definition, the lower-mass of the planet. As of this writing, it is known K), it is likely that no additional major star in a .) The mass function that a few percent of nearby sun-like stars spectral classes of main-sequence stars, of secondaries is not yet clearly under- are orbited within a few astronomical units brown dwarfs, and superplanets will ever stood: some published papers support the (AU, the Earth-to-Sun distance) by planets be discovered. Inclusion of the L and T notion that the IMF of companion stars with masses between that of Jupiter and classes in a new temperature mnemonic mimics the IMF of the primary stars (that about 10 times Jupiter. Because brown requires some ingenuity. For example, for is, there are many more low-mass than dwarfs are more massive than superplanets,

Zuckerman PNAS ͉ February 1, 2000 ͉ vol. 97 ͉ no. 3 ͉ 965 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 their gravitational tug should be more easily searches have been sensitive to brown dwarf the way binary stars, and perhaps planetary detected than that of superplanets. Yet at secondaries with temperatures down to systems, form. most 1% of stars have closely orbiting brown 1,000 K or even lower (ref. 21 and E. E. Present surveys of the sky (2–4) should dwarf companions. Within about 10 AU or Becklin, P. J. Lowrance, C. McCarthy, and discover thousands of L-type and ap- so of a primary star, this Doppler technique B.Z., unpublished work). Hundreds of proximately 100 T-type brown dwarfs is sensitive to all brown dwarfs independent main-sequence stars and hundreds of white with surface temperatures down to about of their age and luminosity. dwarf stars have been examined for substel- 900 K (22). Future space missions and ground-based near-infrared searches Further out, at separations of tens to lar companions, but only a few have turned with large telescopes will image numer- hundreds to thousands of AUs, cooling L- up; consistent with statistics from the Dopp- ous even cooler brown dwarfs as well as and T-type brown dwarf secondaries can be ler technique, apparently, only of order 1 in superplanets. In the next few decades detected in the near infrared. While it is true 100 stars has a brown dwarf companion. So, many properties of these once-elusive that eventually a brown dwarf cools so much why should very-low-mass stars often ap- objects will become well known, and that it is not directly detectable with a pear as companions to other stars, whereas future generations will regard the brown ground- or space-based telescope, various brown dwarfs rarely do? The answer to this dwarf as a standard part of astronomical ground-based and Hubble Space Telescope riddle should tell astronomers much about lore.

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