Florida State University College of Law Scholarship Repository Scholarly Publications Fall 2009 Greenhouse Gas Regulation in Canada: Constitutional and Policy Dimensions Shi-Ling Hsu Florida State University College of Law Robin Elliot Follow this and additional works at: https://ir.law.fsu.edu/articles Part of the Administrative Law Commons, Comparative and Foreign Law Commons, and the Environmental Law Commons Recommended Citation Shi-Ling Hsu and Robin Elliot, Greenhouse Gas Regulation in Canada: Constitutional and Policy Dimensions, 54 MCGILL L.J. 463 (2009), Available at: https://ir.law.fsu.edu/articles/500 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Scholarly Publications by an authorized administrator of Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Regulating Greenhouse Gases in Canada: Constitutional and Policy Dimensions Shi-Ling Hsu and Robin Elliot* Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions have risen Les émissions de gaz à effet de serre du Canada dramatically since the 1997 negotiation of the Kyoto ont augmenté dramatiquement depuis les négociations Protocol, and that rise has continued through Canada’s du Protocole de Kyoto en 1997. Cette augmentation a 2002 ratification of the Protocol. Along with economic continué même subséquemment à la ratification du dislocation, constitutional barriers to regulation have Protocole par le Canada en 2002. En plus de la sometimes been cited as the reason for caution in dislocation économique, les barrières constitutionnelles regulating greenhouse gases. This article critically à la réglementation ont parfois été citées comme evaluates the constitutional arguments and examines justification à la prudence dans la réglementation des the policy considerations surrounding various gaz à effet de serre.