
m § _ Tw iivFalK lda^Jaho/97th ye'ar, N o. t T u c s dday, : Octobcr 1, 2 .SO c e n t s .

G O O D M O RiRNING t "|7^ h- Repoorts: W e A'I'HKR )oeto)r piejadsiin n ox^ent Today:ay: W indy, US. fgave , c o o l,Ucfoudy, c . ^ByMaikmtIMnz '.Brody also said .he was conoa-ud- i S 2 ,S o m e Defenseattoiamey says he mayr seek fring filing a request fu u i n g . • • ------:hange of venue,-because ig h t,lo w 3 2 TWIN FALLS-AFA leading Twin :ase has been highly public!• l i Iraq ggerm w s : Pa£e A2 Falls surgecgeon on Monday.pleaded change of vt^enue due to ppublicity i Sn local m edia. •c le a n r innocent to.ato felony c h a i ^ stem* ^ Burdick Bi countered by say to n igI hU'Y ■ ming fromim allegations that he or oi other hearings werere set Locb^-toban'in cameras from the hat that h e has n ev er presided ovi fired 0 pispistol next to another. Monday M by District Judge;e Roger courtroom dunluring any proceed- casease in which camera cover■3 sampipies man’s earT dduring a confrontadon Burdick B - who was fillingig in for ingsin Retmier*er’s case. _ tad had a direct effect on the! pro-f outside a barba Aug. 20. tlthe vacationing D istrict.t Judge Brody and LoebsL< both argued ceeceedings or a ju iy 's ultimate-■dcd- d rajtaodjMdPiM M a g i c V a m . f T h e nexsxt t step will be for Dr. • Nathan N Higer. that the preseisence of television sionion. But curtain restrtctior J a m e s Mfichael ic Retmier, 52. to Burdick also deitied a memotion - cameras and newni spaper photog- sucliuch as not allowing pictures°eTor WASHINGTON•ON - Iraq's bio- appear withiih h is attorney for a sta- made m by defense attorneyey John raphers mightht disrupt the pro- videideo footage of w itnesses orr jjury weapons programam that Fn-sident _ Bush wants to eraeradicate got its tu s hearingng Oct. 21 in 5th D istrin Brody B and supported byjy Twin ceedings andid have a chilling Please see DOCTOR. Pagi C oun in TwinTw Falls. No trial date Falls F: County Prosecutorr Grant effect on testimtimony. *2 Stan with helpI frofrom Uncle Sam I two decades ago.igo. a c c o rd in g to government recordcords getting new n scrutiny In lighttrhe thi 6OT>» .- ■ ^ v..-«.rograms,’* said Jonathan Tucker,sr, ae form er U.N. N ew d ire c tio n s : iW in F S to d d a rdmuch patience. All you T th e “U k eind » wait and, then, sit' biological weapons!Uls inspector. l e a d e r s s h o u ld m a k e a lending h eome r \ m ore.” - H . “But they didI dedeliver samples g re s s iv e s te p b y c h a nS g i the make-belnmercidls will air for ■* that Iraq said hadlud a legitimate . street nam es, today's e< the Haileyconds I and 60 seconds, ■ public health piui:lurpose, which I sa y s. ^ght teams fading intolili il ta k e m ore than h alf th in k was naive: to believe, even iV»r '■eal stars -make li from the time at die time.” SuHdnrd.andvertisers Campbell- ■ /M K>-zer. stted the storyline and H Pag* Cl “Ifskindcate expeaed sometime H I T.F.cdipuncil C o m i n g u i m e ih a t I d ■ Growa memory gai movie star,ndent filmmakers ■ helped herstims and Dana Kopfer ■ I OKs finInal nFaUsdty lunch ot bnriim spent the summer H ■ a n ro . and ap p leI piof Idaho’s state fairs H .apro- up to the wo IS selecting father-son ^^ --.VV I 911 exppense ™gtn8 tak es too muthe commercial. And ’ s editonal do is sit andove drove throughout ■ H By Julie Paflca a n d w ait somWyoming and Idaho ^ . Tlme»Wew» wrttefr______' PageA6 The commhe scenery a n d picking ^ just 30 secor:t arena to recreate a fe TWIN FALLS - WithV obvious But they will reluctance an d a hinhint of defiance, TO ■ a year to tiedm on the Hailey U the City C uim dl votevoted M onday to Detroit odvi3unds - a picturesque ■ This BurlQr gardener pi approve u finiil $4C$40,000 install- I a white picket fence mm ment to the Soutouthern Idaho g a n i e n hers to indude her chili )uld w ell b e to m down H Regional Comn>mmunications fa v o rite s. in February.: few years in the name ^ , Center. I n d e p e n d “We are sendinging a good faith ‘Wednesday in n Kyzer Stoddard's i t ^ a t the i Debbie Bumrson crew moved into A camerainan * thobta tk» dust drcltngd amnKi the hooves on M ihd Haltoy RodM Oroimds during• m essage to SIRCOMOMM, but w e've The Tlmes^ews of KetchumRiver Valley a week thefllRitncofaChttrotatTVcMi the mwMrciil. got to get differen(rences straighV touring allay, oi with another 50- who whi got $100 and rooma and ^orth of a TV’ c(commercial,” he a.m.». tot( 10 p.m.-the first day filnllm- - ened out." Coundlwdlwomon Elaine In d e x ' and rodeos: from s all over the state board for a couple of nights5 tot b e said. ing deuulde shots of fa th e r'a n d soson S teele said, a fte rr shishe was forced te a m s fo r close behind in their an an extra< in the rodeo scene. The answer:: a lot of tedious loadiiiding a rusted 1964 Chev;vy to acccpt the decisiicision. The vote Classtfied..C&8 Money . Charlie LovelOots. Among them: “I “] th o ught it w ould b e a Idcidck to work. 3wboy Rob Maxwell, see Please see COIMMERCtAL. Page>A2 A ' Please see COUCOUNCIL. Page A2 C o m ics____C4 Movies . Colorado, W see what goes into eight sectKonds The film crcw2w spent from 10 sizing up ^ e Community . 0 ^ Nation./) Computers .D6 Obltuarle! Crossword .B5 Oplrilonhildhood He settle . . Rodeo Grour DearAbby . .65 Sports.I- arena with a -C onMING H[QMEi Horoscope-. .65 Weather'n feel th a t coul mBoyd ..65 .West...W8 in th e n e x t fe IpiPBips^E of progress. f n s p o r t E M%lc\^lley .61 World..- A 70-persoChina'Tecove ;^erremamso s f V V W I l w r the Wood Ri y ... .D1 a g o M o n d5-erew-high ay orj n - m o u n t ^ -i-plateau-jn-^Tibet—T I = sifoss'c^st> d P f — ow)w lIn e a ste rn T ibet are lOyon miles southwestt oiof Beijing, during 1 .A2-5.DD c o w b o y boo ^------the]their way home - thanks to the a nearly two-mcmonth.operation irles . .62 C o u n cil cow- L o t t to th e ir country coo]:ooperadon of two govemmm m o conducted with f t ■ (unilies, they lay on a thathat « p ^ t many of the inter , C hinese govern ■ r - lalayan mountainside - ing;ng years as suspicious rivals. 5 . . .Cl-3 *• . - . du iin g .th e summtimcr. A n bthu^^46 . ides enough dme for -No N o n e is ceiiain yet ivfao.iP crash site several-ai Im ountains away ler ..J \ 2 to end and others to are,ire, though the-U A mllitaty maJnxeajgatedj^ and its contents ...... S24 chlld^togrow and :fie~crew tHe m anifest ofEE?^ ■ '^K «d for futurere retrieval:i ------^ ovm diildren, forthe traixansport that w entr^w i — ■■•‘.’ “It'.U k e w inming n i the ja c ^ t, 1^ Xarch'1944 along tbl^U i lere and finding «ute,” iiam edi^& e^nrili^ it w««k, -nmaios Imn w - myCapL-DanldN.' umps of snov^thr9l]diffijM )f the search team . U^SL, to( be those of- four > thathat pilots aee vdim 'cn8fiRH S [ > Reuii^ 'leader of I Army’s Central MnaMlJUUed.d^rin8^^•bo1 from the Arr ______iboye.the M nudiireiiL'S^roK^'T'TVldentificarion-l iLaboratory^in— = ^ - p l ^ their cargo XIThe rem ainsilrei^^^H ibMofaU^MirolitapnpoMl^'front ol the W o ii^ « ll^WfMk^ofaC-''^ ' - i r o i ee REMAINS. Pag0/3 4 e trnmpMt m ptew found cna IitMpimMntMtebiTMt— n .w“ • , ' snSn B E U IN G -I e n d tb e ir f a n I t . . :■ ■ 'lonely wimflii for-six d ecade l i t t f l E i S S . have tfa^'ovi e n e n » ' c heyj becaoasfrlee . But thif believed to 'SS . M TwinnFai»,Miho Fs TiMdqr, Octobwm 1, u x a tr

n^.lil=jJ.L -lM IBBSBEE-i^T-S— nd cool wilh scallored clouds Highs noar 52. • Taroday Tonlglght ■ Wednesdayay Thursday Saturday HI LoPre» 40' 87 0.01* , Tonlohl; Cold wuh i 35 54 0.03* (in diminishing clouda Aicns hkoly a t 53 naoe by dawn. Lows nccnoar 32. me 30 S4 o .i r 37 84 TtM Tomorretw: Paniyly loif moslly cloudy and dry HHiotis no;ir 54 I ''■ ^ 1 36 54 O.Or 4S'69 T»»ee ^ • UWM 44 98 0.55* MaJad , 43 M M 'aSB n d cool Cold with Increaalng douds, I » j a q s i W a » ] ^ t !i Cloudy and cod, 0 Cleo(earing and c o d ■ M au . U 87 Ttaca . wtthscatticattered • ‘ diminishing cloudsdc artd m o s tii^ ^ showera poealUe • chance for rain IVcaW fl . • 40 a# 0.05* s . Tottay: Windy orujruJrooi < Scailortid clouds ma 525 ______L aw 32 s i } M 5 6 / 3 5 — . 5 4 / 3 3 I5 6 / 3 3 8t ^ . 35 39 0.07"' • Tonlstit; Cloudy' ;ind;in cold vvfih a siighi.ctuinco.coflrcc/ing ^ CTX F • rniti L ( j^ in th oj 2205 ( and lower 30s Tomorrow: Scailoft:lured clouds and brisk winds Sunrise and • JS Asl.m ^ TTemiraratura 0 recipltatlpn >y-||.ow 37 Month to DalBale . o .e r YeeardeyLow ■ 3 W - WMneedey aunitae;-7:3«MAM Suneet: 7:18PM (Wof))laagebruehendKoeMa8ag M ph/low 73/40 . . Av0.MonththtoOele CM- Todi/iForaoa•oaMHlOh « * - . ■ '-nweedeif. auwMlK7:37.17AM lunaat: 7:J«PM Moid:HlgliMW> . High . M l/n967 WMwVaarlorio o ete 7 ./I- , To0ei»%f=or«c.ecMLow ts% ' . SUNJN VALLEY, S U R R O U NiDINGMTS. D I '2±2ri2r vfrtday Sunrtae; 7 »IS * .AM Buneel: 7:t4PM Low . » m ie a s 'A«g.WatorV«rVaertoOale a .» r AtMMryearna t n n i tr m O a I Sepi. M aeturdey 8unrtee:7(M,WAM auneM:’7tiaPM aaoranAainAMMakiaiaridMw' CloudyHxfy and co6>. Jsolatod mountain t Mratw* & Pjacipttauon valid (Mough 0pm0(i yotlatday . ■ to poASibl»9ibie. WednMdoy wHi be drier qvi windsIds andI palchy doudt. Tomperatuiatures will remain - __ '; Moon Phases M o oonilse n U.V.INDfeX coid m M edfrte High ^ m | | «J ' • a n d MAoonset o Snow pack' ^ |||^ DayWrather, - ToTptfOv.Hl'oha 73 le M .Tenlght'tUfa Lews 93 to « • \ y) D O ■ ( 1M.V Uoomto^ tal a a AM Moon—t: 8:06 PM tn tf(•(LateveMtoadaeiComlng a R B O IS E Ctouda and C0Q!.lem(smperatures will Oct 8 Ocl.13 OcL2t Oct 3:33 AM Hoonaet: 5:4S PU anakeMR.Wyoming; R ieoni . ‘ ThaMoherthendaxthe SHt, . linger today. Predpltiipltallon Is tmlikoly. Hew Moon>n Wrat Otr. . Foil Moon t^«t 3:48AMMooneet;«:1IPtt tng. « • % 0* nem«t but overnlgtit frost Is | IS possiwo, I T n S f?Tf#nnw5enaRyT R Wednesday win remaimain chUly wim l ^ l a S U S BESS partially dear skies4 aiand brisk winds. TTTI'r'! i l l ! .. r f n i T f i i M Today Tomorrow Thuta Jemerrow . Today Today Tomorrow Today1 Tomorrow ^^^^■Mhunderstormt. City HI Lo W HI LO W HI LO c.„ HI Lo W Cltr HI Lo \ ^ /" l o " w • Clly Hl^tl Lo W Hi Lo W city HI HI Lo W HI Le W Today HiahsA.o«s73e73loM /»t»4a. BoU* 54 29 me 89 34 ao «0 ,0<0 ^ AaaiM 83 66 me: 828 68 me Oitando M 78t8 e m 90 74 A Aaviaao 91>1 75 ah 90 73 r Meaeow 58 56 48 me 83 48 ah Forty &4 ?a pe 57 38 pc 60 U, M AameOy ao 63 *u 88 8i 65 «u RiaMotprva 83 6515 p PC 88 66 PC AXana 79ro 64 *h 77 6t ah Nanibt 83 83 95 au 84 54 pe NORTHEIlERNUTAH iSS;'*''*"' 4fl 31 me S« 31 pc S9 30^ Baavnera 83 83 pO •' 676 85 Pf W w n 88 OS ai )6 46 pe 64 46 PC Oab 90 SO 48 PC 48 4t The next1 (elew days will bo CnaOit 40 ?2 me 5? 27 lu 4fl g 30 ^ Mr«a 38 27 Ine: 51 5 30 me ME -79 5919 pe p 77 54 th Banyek es15 73 »h 93 75 ah nna 68 cool andIdoudywim d< CowrtfAtmUane U 30 pc. 59 40 pe 57 19 39 ah * ■ » » « " 87 89 me : 8< 80 73 m Rakao) 84 63 p ’9 »4 PC 70 84 au Pra^je 61 S S S ’ Isoiatod sheShowers npoctod. . 45 ?4 me 49 20 au ,57 >g 29 Boaian 84 «4 pe 838: 61 th . Rap M 2* au fiMOaAmT?9 so pe 78 S3, an aane ’ S77 J S E g s ; . Higher oleviilevatlonsrnnysee 54 26 me 56 20 PC 57 IC 30 ^ Chartnion.WV 82 03 pe- »i 9 iu 77 49 (u Can 100M 77 ii> 97 75 pe SM a?) «88 <5 PC u-.au , • Id snow 8 m u Ofaee 45 31 me S3 23 me 53 01^ i 81 84 Ik 71 71 84 in SlUua 88 684 p< pe 88 68 me Ohahwn io4>4 77 au 100 79 (u SmU 73 73 64 < pe 78 61 ah ^ l - g ; - "1 S5 20 me 50 2H p<: 5') 333 ^i ClMlarvt 83 «A nie 74U 59 m Si Pb>4 05 444 m AM 57 41 me - «a8 4S PC 73 43 au S|M y 64 84 95 au 66 93 au 49 27 me M 87 pe 53 41, ^i OwMw 63 38 me Sa 9S 36 me SalLMCay S3 344 t t 50 as me HtnB*Mw 89'.s s s - s s u — iMtaUi- 58 3 e p e e3 43 au S I 44 I ^ hxearM 40 30 an 43 42 39 me TUaon' 87’6o’»i0 »u 86 60 pe Undon eo0 :S K m 70 87 me WkMpag 64 : htoiadCity, 49 « me 56 22 me 50 322 DC1 ftiv> 59 33 PC 53 53 30 tu WMhn^on. OC 83 688 pepc 88 68 pe Ma«>C4y 888 ^ 50 k 66 50 an 2M ) 63 : 45 2S me 57 29 pc GO 30C IZ i - HansUb 88 7S au 80 McCai .42 20 me 48 24 s.i 4C 3?, _ < Houalon 01 70 PC 91 UT 4S2Smeae34pC 9C3tl b’ M m .HSIS2 u^ 3 PocatMo 48 26 mb 55 27 me 55 30 " | ssss: s?! !? a88 73 th — PorflM tOnM M M PC M 49 PC 61 51l; Sc i . KanaMOr 81 82 th 6868 54 th FM>e«t Cj ^ 70 53 au 7171 SI au netturo , URtonoek 90 69 tu 8989 88 pe RidiM, W ^ LoaAngom 70 59 pe 7373 58 iu y 52 38 me 54 01 pc i f 96 r Ma>T(«va 68 71 pe 9090 73 pe 40 23 me S3 W r - » r ^ 37; I ^ Uan« 84 78 th 8989 79 tn f i = SrtUMCiKU'■KUT53 34 an -SO 35 me 57 38I ^( l,t>.m«ea 80 61 me 8868 81 et NA 56 32 p e 50 39 p c C0 3, 9 i S UurivM 84.07 pe 8888 69 pc . a s s ’ ™ 40 10 PC 48 17 au 40 30: r^ MMOrtaana 68 7 8 'k 8585 7S Ih ■: WMMilOitMibMM■w-Mgh:«7elCe«e**d lAwtSSa 44 IB po^ 53 19 tu 50 31I r^ N w ,^ 79 69 pe OSOS 07 pe a.Mi;3S,.15 an 39 22 ft 41 36, flS* Okkhsnacrr 88 66 me 8484 88 m w-wmd. m-mwuno Omaha 74 9vth 60

Today TomoR . C h e v r o l «l e t - - Clly M 1.0 Wl HI Lo. Cllif Hl^^?w» « . Calparv 43 34 r 50 34M ah ' Satkatoon- SO 40 M) ' 50M if W m CrantKOOh 8t 37 ah S5 48’18* Toronto 79.59 PC 7777 61 me Valid to « p jn .lo.today c I CttraMBa. .48 28 r. 54 30 6t 48 pe 54 W » 83 M10 pe Vaneauv« 89 46 ah 6t LteiM o* 48 30 r 54 3010 tn Vieietn 01 46 .th 59M .37 S? Yaaiantoy-a NatleniUenal extiemea: . .J I y o l « Hin« n A t B lue Ulcik e s N o r t h ncQin* 54 34 »n 46 285 K *r” ” Hlgh:»4 aiSaiinat.nat. Kan. Low: 31 at Utievww. Oia I-^ ■ • 7 0

fWereSelept 11 atta:acks first-- -Activist!s claim mover to) StymiedAIDSeflf F o r t s T htW ashlngoh P oit i o f t h r e e ] assaults.? : ______p e o p le a n dnd minorities at the epidemic is the winner."” u n til m a r r ia g$e," e ,” said Claude 5 planned a increased risksk of unwanted preg- The 1 accu.sations are part: ofc an Allen, deputy secp* cretary o f H ealdi WASHINGTON - Propo p o nents nancy an d se>sexually tran sm itted intensifying inti debate that is oAIDS educators are President Pr< Bush’s requesiist to tion against conti •• WA^GTON-THThe Sept. 11 roboratedid and that the sources 1 ontraction of dis-'- Monday of waging a widfdespread repressed andid haras.sed and kept increase inc absiinence^)iUy fupiipding ease,” followed1 by by condom use. •anacks may have beei« e n plan n ed m av b e unreliableunj or purposeful- ( campaign of disinformatiition and from doing ththeir jobs, the epi- to $135I million. Administraration In several instsnstances, federal . «as the first of threeee terrorist lydeceptivitive. i intimidation that i.s harnirnpering dcmic is thee I big winner,” said j offidals, off! while arguing that aabsd- health offidals saidsaii they a re con- Esnikes in the United1 SSt tates, e ach **We’vere heard it from more j AIDS prevendon work aaicross the ' Joanne Cseisete, director of nence ner is th e only guaranteedrd pro- ducting investigstigations at the Sprogreuively bigger.er. \a n d m o re th an o n eI aesource," said one o f th e c country. HIV/AIDS prcprogram s a t H um an tecdon, teci denied there is any eleffort behest of lawmalmakers. The law- M evtfUtiiig than thlie e. last. U.S. U.S. offici:icials, speaking on the The activists said severeral gov- Rights Watch,il. “Whenever moral to to singles out liberal organizat ^ficlals said Monda adons makers have :omplainedcom about iday, citing conditionin of anonymity. “The emment e audits, aggressi'sive pro- judgmenialisnism and squeamish- that tha promote “safe sex" thro ■recant interviews with trough federally fundedid groupsg th at dis- ith captured national senly. pro- ness a re judgCiIged by p o litid an s to contracepdve con use. SilOaida operatives. of course, a trib u te explicitc se:sexual materials t, are. thinking ch ^ cal, gramsg and a retreat fromn earlier be more impor»nant than prevent- “We believe young peceople and play down the : Two U.S. officialsils said the biological a the importance of il and nuclear (attacks). prevention p efforts m ay putvt young ing a life-ihreatcatening catastrophe, across acn the board should absbstain faid). information conies fronrora sev eral ... It’s p re>tty ttj chilling stuff, b u t w e sources, including detiletainees at don’t haveealltheinfonnadon.” a J Report; HIVl eases will stjkyrocket CQ o u n c i l ___ McLEAN, Va. (AP)I -• The well as AIDSS tcases will heavily jDoctor ______SIspread of HIV is expec:cted to tox the econonomies and public Continued Cor frnnA l -vice, b u t so fair r thet) SIRCOMM accelerate in'Asia and Afri(ricaover health systemsms of such countries boiu'd has not agreegreed to any. ;ContlnMdfromU of interestt oon Burdick’s part, and the tl next decade with 75> tmillion as China, Indiadia,'Russia, Ethiopia :ame after Steele’s motior?" “> The expecladondons for the. four- . thehearingt)g should proceed. . cases a likely ih five of the5 world’s\ and Nigeria,1, s according to the •educe th e paym ent to SI faili ■ country servicee werew likely too Inctnbers - are reasonlonablc, he Retmie™ most populous countries bj ilso in a 4-3 vote. jaid . sr, an orthopedic sur- a by 2010, report, prepareired by the National .. high from the beginning, le chief of staff at Ma^c a a U.S. intelligence repoi Steele had expressed her : Burdick ruled thatt Retmler'sR ort pre- Intelligence CcCouncil, a group of “ *?' Talkingion said. B^onal Medical Center diets. d senior an aly sts'Its who report to CIA Pleasure with SIRCOMM at pr “SIRCOMM waswa designed to c o n c e a le d w e a p o n s p )us meetings. She explained BUS. Hte also serves as an The rapid growth of HIVH as Director Georgergej. Tenet. fdon handle emergencyicy traffic but was «ssued through the T m I member of the hospi- MorHonday that low-quality 5en C ounty Sherifrs Office™ ■ l i n ilf « «K icio m -rvice sold on th e id ea thath at It u*ould han- 1 of directors. p hat costs too much is the pi Suspended for th e duradi A nalysis: S o n ar m Pfob* die everythingg f.for the city,” er laces a charge of n ay h a v e led whalattfi>, A Maria Prekege.s, local cooiordina- ’ shifted to le city to pay $267,000, b ik they owe t^ie tor for'Blind Faith Produci re a cameraman Circulation phone linesnniro opcn S'5.™ tn-'lcic will> he levied for all' tO> ictions, - arena, where teele said the dty intends to c t. hohoped to rope in' 1,000 loo 3 a moving ■pickup--®*,,! i w as a w a re tli(e between 7 ond 10 a.m.■ ononly. It,o u )cals to strapped into a tly $200,000. fillriu th e stands. Those w ho pi loddard attempting ' ------; 'cio”ri«i rvceive your p a pW er by 7 «.m.. . partid- ^ filmed Stod But it isn 't ju s t th e f a a that t negotiate the forr \ pated were promised the o :amera, which'was litischaraed. .• call th e num ber for y o uirarea: r« i M u il 11110171rmation p® dppor- *’“P® ‘fl® c®" )st of th e service keeps going Burlcy>Rupen- •tunity to w atch a little bull r I cardboard fram e. ‘ f “p , “Wftcotddlookat ' TTKTime».Ncw*w« (UPS 631-080) I. pgh- Inding proiected by a cf la t. i r r i t a t e s - S t e e l e . Sh< k a t that, b u t you Paul-Ookley ...... 6 7 7 ^ 0 4 2 tlihcd dslly at i: and win a handful of door p J?®s know; it^ afour« I 132 Third St, W.. Jwin ■prizes^ ■ . Forty-fiveminntauies laterT ^^-- m oyed th e d ty of Twin Falls'h iirg foot- . t^ d to get Soot « past couple of years, she sail ball and a school carnival1 going( draping his laslasso over calves’ Home delivery: daily uMl S«u ;>er pursuant (a SecikM K- First, Tw in F alls had lo pay f oCode.-n,«*laylib«»iy. JJ,on, the commercial crewrw.was horns...... the Ci^Cound^ per week: SutHby only. S2.50 hard-pressed to get 100 takfei idating th ^ com m unication cc Mail ui>Hcrtp(lon« muM be paid EEE•edayofiheweekoowhkh •er*- Flag bearers,t, vw ho h a d b een sit- r’s computers to meet Y2 paU in advance Sara Kanecmne withherr ------•nd.ue.avaiUble.oniy-wti«e'< ll.bcpublbhed.__:______£ rmoth- ting.for.two hnuinurs aw airing fh » ir rfAtnn»tnnpH«^ «Mi» jg id ,_____ :______p u b lic II . pleaie tend dkeofe of er, brother and a^im d. ' mil tnalnulned. MiU raUK All I tu rn , fid g e te d1 ijin their saddles. **TI , 1 time In Novenberer tot find out i£ M lld a lw t^ ■•««»» r«m «n::P.O.Bo»54«.--tWtaWI». P.I , “Pve n ev er w atched a com •JT^t cost $40,000," Stee dally and .Sunday S6.0D perer «week, daily Hahogjapj. . »n»ner- The crowd in thethe stands b egan to noted ' . ' ' city residents aarc r e w illin g to*, ddal a l h appen before it gets or •(only S4.00 per week. SgndsyUy only< M.OO . • ■ ‘ dwindle os th eI susun c re p t d o s e r to T Ih hen-last t w inter th e d t y saw^ . dujige the downtovuotvn lium ^cal! ' So I thought it would bo fun,' n<»"»o Z- pe; week. (Ml 'or 'ftaie'rales:tes: dally and . ' n.'- s h e - th e top o f Cariwi pee-And_g.tRCJB.CQ&tM a g a in .w hea-thr< ; street roimea to Mato ' ■ , ihe hands b e^lan talking among ' empli piatmpottBtkMfi For h e r p a n , K ane g ot to c aployees were suspended. H telepjione dinS r c < ^ „ f ) ch eer them selves abouiout how t n ^ d h a d d t y p Zjw Boud'tb ibnsldivW «*h«nff; — ......

Wf,M»mi»002 nim

—NN a t io n — Educcation :for inrrnates s!tirs de^bate ^A g en cy orders( pi)ro b e‘ It qften wori)rksj - ^ o f lajtid^ v m - but some qtiluestioh," . ■ ; ;wap iirt m m ThaW-hlngonPort ___1: paper" justifyingin g th e sw ap w as- . tax dollars spspent r id d le d w ith inacccial (D) that would approveappi the trade behind bars. Counsel conduded that thererewas of 131,000 acresIS ofol federal land Nearly all federalil fi funding fo r I "substantial likelihood** thatlai lop for 108,000 acres:s ofof state parccls. college educationn iiin prisons bureau of Land Managemmcnt It is the same exduicchange' propo«ed across the country wawas dropped legotiator-Terry Catlin abubused before Wilkinsonion went public, in the mid*’90s byy ppoliticians ler authority, i^oring wami■nings except 4,000 acres'es oo f fe d e m land scandalized at the ide;dea of giving * ly six BLM offidals th a t the sistvap w e re re m o v e dI from f r the deal criminals a free ride,e. RI eed man* vas lopsided. Thlt c o u n sd ’s offsffice, because both sidesides agreed their aged to get his deeJ e g re e o n ly ' vhich handles federal whislisilc- SIO m illion w orthh ofoi coal deposits because the col)ege*b(^behind•bars •lower complaints, ordeilercd had been overlooke<3ked. program was sustainedned by volun- lorton to investigate an d repepon Otherwise, InteInterior deputy teers. •ack w itliin 60 days. solicitor Paul SmyImyth described Proponents arguele thati such QSljdHH I M canwhjJe,'sources saidd ithe th e deal as '*io(allytUy desoite programs pay off byly i producing iterior Department’s Inspecector critiques from BI^9LM's chief real inmates wiio are moreo re likely to tM b ol eneral had launched a separarate estate appraisersrs forf Utah and > of Ntw Yofk httSt her >on, flMrSi«rse,«tSMqiMnt(nPrlMnlnCi CalMomla n Ooorfo't wir«, Jan robe of the stnalled San Raf stay out of prison aaf f te r th e ic w**waUtfctc T iafad the nation. U tahI wouldwc get com* tetoriw and wcelwd an auoclateM t of «rt> doSTM. well deal, and seized somene of mercially attractii ------r e l e a s e , - b u t - t h e -p ro g ra m s Cou ictive land that :atlin’s computer-files Frid'iday could produce rev< remain highly unpopiopular with passed 13i pprisons in C alifornia, “People feel, ‘Why'shshould York prisons wi a " s revenues for iu m any. -om ELM’S Utah office. schools The federal B e fo res th e p r o g r a m w a s sosomebody who commits aa crimei bars within thrt B ur In August, the Post report)rted would get more aestheticallyeest a n d “It's really unfortuirtunate that killed, abobout 28,000-prisoners g ge et a free rid e to college?’’ 1That’s release. Those v n e g uernal BLM complaints thatth ecologically impo society feels that w:way,” said receivedt!'S36 1 million In Pell ththe position of the state anind the classes had a 30 her aportant land,' luch of the mineral-rich fedederal in c lu d in g re d -ro3ck ck bluffs for a Reed. 42. "You havejve a lot of grants eachch y ear, less th an 1 per- LegislatureIa and probablyy most ceration rate, ind involved In the swap hadh possible-national nu men in here who madeide mistakes cent of thel e total o f a bout 56 bil* of th e people of C alifornia,’a,” said “ W hy sh o u li was 1 monument and in life p artly becausc tJ een dramatically undervalutlued, prim e h ab itat forr theth thm paned e they didn’t lion. CorrectionsC( Pepartment spspokes- Public safety,' whii feel th at th ey could co id th at a n adm inistration %rhvhite desert Mrtolse. 1 compete in After pri;irisoners were banned woman w< Teny Thornton. Steurer, execui b lo i society. We turned to a life of from thele Pell program by At Crime Victims Unitiited of the Correctioi Non crim e.” . . Congress inin 1994, almost all the C(California, Harriet Salartio10 said Association. “E bacl<****** if * k * * 1 t i t . Reed, who fs serv'ingmg 25 years programsi sh u t d ow n.' heher group supports vocatlitional change minds, M to life for fnurder, wa was among Federal ili funds are still avail- and an high-school level insistruc- how to think bet Inte: the first students to sign up- able for cicollege courses for lion. tic But free coUege just5t Isn ’t alternatives to th gene w h e n S a n Q u e n tinn’s ’s college inmates undinder 25 w ith five y ears right, rij she said; “Why aren'm’l w e lo do tilings.” • Jainie, looks on. Limb prob classes started in 19 1988, with or less to seserve, but an effort to . taking tal care of the victim’s’s chil- About 25 .state; ' ^ m c ’/m i teachers and lextbooks )ks provided get th e age;e 1limit raised to 35 this d dr ren first?" of postsecondar Cat* by P a tte n C ollege of Oakland.Oa year got nowhereno in Congress. Supporters ! of college in prisonp: prison, mid Richwere back behind from SlATE'SENi)(ATE D ISTR IC T 232 3 ★ At that time,.Fell grants,gn fed- . The state ofoi California support; point po to studies such as. onone by a professor of jU«iiree years of their In TA society th a t va lu esI iits fre e d o m c a n n e v e r affiy\tffbrd to ^ oral financial aid givei iven to low* program s to teach Inmates voca- ■ rre e s e a r c h e r s a t the* City lion at the e 1who did not take intei surrender full, honest anda o p en d e b a te o f th e isnissues to ^ - •.income college studerJems, were tional skillsills and get their high ■• UiUniversity of New York 30 ]>ercent reincar- mud k that Louisville. “The tmrrow poUtical ideologygy a n d p a rtisa n p o litica ir do,d o g m a ," 2 available to prisoners,n-s, a n d th e school diploiilomas, but will not pay - found foi that 8 percent of wo lan d vomen grams is starti mCtnmm•^90n E.H«v30*0iN.C»31}»3ie . W program eventuallylly encom- for college.B. . whwho took college courses inn New back.”. uld we do this? been y.” said Stephen ahdt★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★^ * ★ ★ ★ * * *k ^ * * * * cutive director of Remains ional Education ^ ^ s - : - Ke^:y G O P s(senators “Education does ^ CofitlnMd from A1 s, teaches people > ^ i Digitalbetter, how to find ^ Aids Nnw nilijadeAfhml flane 'Hawiiii. said at a newsI conferencecm • I I I th e w ay they used ^ 4 ■Monday at th e U.S. EmEmbiissy^n I for Iraq ( Beijing. cdalitior »es have som e .sort ^ , * T he C-46, pressurized:>d forI high- The WsthlnCtiigtonPoat______' « [L byHeilary education in m lunselDPs andI AudiolDiogy altitude runs, crashedd duringc a ------ichard Tewksbury. ^ return trip along the hunlump route, ' WASHINCNGTON - Two promi- Giving Saddam the s««clutllnii |„,o Htaii lulists from „capons insi posed to Congress on Sept.31.19. ^ a t m r r r a i ^ uing Counselors and AwUoklk>k)gy office • the mainland and establ nspections and topple £? :ab.sht:tla Satldam HiisiJssein. . The White House objectei:ed to • icly-ln-thc- government the United sophisticated new bearing: aida id ,fo ra Urn- ti!il S taltjs c h „uck jj Hagel, R-Neb; and their proposal, but suggest! a II Hearing A regarded as a threat, prc :iC)moilcLs. iicdilmc.wllh predutiing Richartl Lugugar, R-Ind., Monday compromise " will be reachei as ih no obligation. , for d ecades any chance= ..tctx,pt:r.of lobbied Bus] early as Tuesday, congressi< y-effictcnt alive searches.' uah to agree to work }ly w ith U.S. allies to officials said. Tlie airplane slammed ta rin g Conpuses less Bob has nail‘allied and uught atxUologlstsJstsaswdlas edi„,„ti,e SL 'te&addam’s J nuclear, chem- Hagel ^ wants the administra mountain high above the 1 itgn|- lliaUitiona) htariniialdspc — - t.. he Tibetan ical and biolojlogical capabiUties. to back a new proposal by U pccialists in his te n ye a n o fscrvKingtiie se r village of Langko and wcivotintl tjp j , * tl H ew iitgAidtuakes nit understand why the and Senate Foreign Relaii tl save tht; netnlsDfthchihearing Impaired. He utilizeszes t h e 'la M ‘in a pasture - an ujuisu; Committee Chairman Josijs e p h igb in bearing technoloi 'amid the rocky terrain ty vould not want all the liencc that S | H c n » In hearing anaJ)^laJyslseqi^. congressiontJnal and international Biden, *“ D-Del., encouraging 15,6i>0 feet. T he wings, s lomat^ com es w ith firqi icry. can gel if In fact the president to exhaust his diploi D oes IVATURA™ W or m cn t (o assureireyoupred- y off on impact, were found ic effons at the U.N. beforee con-i the fuselage, damaged bu is taking a nation to ^ ^ ' . U.SCN th e .smallest ch ip aval Sion fit andd tth e b e s t :1 said in an interview rronting Iraq. Bush’s proposed(dlan- NATliRA'''ic und so you hizahle, still shone in the si 5uoge makes no such referena lis tiny d iip fits ca.sily into the .P jk jfln possible .soundnd toi m atch “Tliey probably got last, few'hours after ques- hear truer vohir Bush is trying to diffuse pt i;cssinK t h e . of .fuel and simply hit the sh’s broader policy of parti- of hearing aids, id S B jH H your hearing; nnneeds. ian tensions before the debaKiteon sound ymi licir nets as any BCm E ^ tain,V said Jam es T. Pokit in a major foreign pol- • Complctcl] s<:arcli team ’s anthropolof . “The allies want to lis w ' ar resolution begins In-nthe othcrhKiriiigdo o better ap- ;fet.xs 12;'^ “ '’^; >enate on Wednesday, the c Canal (CIC "Hare you evernrrthought four crew members like! an d should have a say, rials said, by stepping up negc■gSS Proximmcthi-w. :W ith moR- of trying oyttt a hearing instantly,-but, the instant i iltiaie this effort.” The cncrgy-c ions for a b i p a r t i ^ p la a In n surizaiicin miglit well have ormer chairman of the I talks channels, your I: a t H earing aid. burthoughtElht Iit wouM vith congressional lead | | B ’^NATUKAt» chip I them if they survived imp adons Committee, and "'it I jd e r s Counscl(ir>;iiuI,V :lyprogram corated \^emarn War Mor>Ionday, W hite House offici b;itter)' power than Ir b e to o m uch nullnulse? said. e e t o NATURA''M..lit That C-46 was one of momore than »«eran, arere among the GDP’s uggested Bush would agree hearing aiils, so you a BobSdlroetler.N.M.S.CCC-A 500 U.S. planes believedtd to t have mostpromintInenl spokesmen on newlew language In the resolutu tio n encouraging him to work dm money. ;(nd Inconvenici crashed over the Himiimalayan diplomadc ancmd security issues. By ‘■*n« In o ’cryilia tci n a t u r a ™ nerous Democrats In withbfith U.S. allies before confront equcntiv replacing the batter Mountains during WorldId Wa?' n. t s ^ provides the ciIm M ore th an 1,000 U.S. ainimcn r are '““‘"S f™ a morei multilateral laddam. “The White Hous< ctsiuaiizcr Tw in Falls-s-H aileH iO odlng-ehBuriay . believed to have perishedi»iinsuch I pPProaditoI0 Iraq, the iwo'Kbve teing m ore forthcom ing,” saiaid a when before i |k t anUlrcbic, D m i'l m is s ,ri.your opportunity to tryry i o u t tb e and 1945 increased prccs: ------1 NATTJRA” ' pixKt m:cnt£Btcr bearlnit iililI fromJ Hearing Counselo:eio rs a n d “Aluminum Trail" for Its m a n y ' ar in tw icc as nian>' chaiincl lost planes. H S than iraditioii^y hi loUKTwav WH Ad d iso n At>e. T w in Falls,alls, Idabo. •■'•“Tliere was very- little I tlevice.NATl !IIA™ is able to b )/ or l-ftM>-U22-1442. le knowU 'W jB \ loensuitrtlnii nvIii edge,” Rouse said. “This i J ( S S z s i ’s ‘^^toriann (^^.qJ^ousc ^ workings o f the inner ear.Wi A m ily believe life II viery rugged, sparsely pop r hearing caa* provider at i terrain. There aren’t a lot i ’ Indoor Garagage Sale ple.to find them.” JAtidkilogy can more closelyj O c /oInter i 1-!, I0AM-3PM NNew & Used Item, 9 mutiareNA 'N either the Chinese1 norn< the ^ lit yoiiGindividiuil hearing n c jfE W lEi i K l Ahierican government knkr ew o f O A n t i qyst ^ t • CAtna Se/s • Pictuns • (Oak SM ves • Ditptay's "I can pick ■ m m tc b M I ■ the plane’s location untilitil 2000, J b * K< r/ itcb em va n • V anities • Victc'ictorJan Se/a & C h a ir inja txoisyem inn b a t iw ija t I | ' When two Langko-viilage tcTins. ih e tedinoltigy in NA' agers—a— W & M u c b M o rt loppreciateiimn l a l d H . j \ ffthnerond an elderly worAFoman in . }I9 7 EE 3iOON{fmila-soulbpaslSugS u ^ r Factory on Eattim Ji j ihioni c«)ntn)l o f a j ^ p h i c c ONLY! ' their 80s - told regional aiauthori- ties about the site. f t ? 7 3 3 - 6 0 3'39 ' . jj ^ K ' 'IfluvnliiiltKica- w ere only steivo bass anr: r e n tb e a r' ...... t r a u v im s • o v e r m y Mountap - b u t / CO. IH oi: m a n d tb e s e \ W e s t e r n b e a r the (W JI... • N o w I go 1 9 5 * O P T ^ ll I mvctiniCant

b ea r tlH' si a n d th a t ct /m^'...’ -Gco

'T hese b, a id s a r ^ t t/im a l... I't fiv e d i^ r e n ing a id s o t iifetime am a n t b e b e , D o rlsM . \ ■...... M Ttaw M m , Twin FillFHS.IMIO T u M d iy ,0 c^ l,2.2002 C ^ ...... ______' ______;______' ^ . -. . . .______I______Tnwdsy.OctobW 1,2002 Hii»»Ww. T u f a F s l s . k 9 . ' ■■ N a tion " ' ^ ~ ' . ■ . • ^ . • • 'NAtlQN—

Salmo]m death!IS along FKlamath I 1^ 3 Testing marks step toward Sterilizing blood |m M |i confiiTnrfear^ofBiologi^ists, trib I. Nile virus apparently can be 'way we deal with protecting the component of blood, and market- ing Cerus and vitM to mm 6ver spr^dthro^^tran^ons^ s^ety of the blood supply," says ing Shoulc|,begl^ere late this < eridence thaVtheir tec^^^ around the country - adults ughts^nother problem: Blood Dr. Laurence Corash^ Cerus month. . . ' could destroy West Nile virus in , . PO R T L A N D . O re Klamath Tribes biologis(ists ' 1 ?"? banks can't prevent what they Corp., one of several companies But don’t expea sterilization of ‘ transfusioris, raising the prospect' Monihs ago federal phiy&i Russtim , ^ temperature t gauges inn U p p e r ’• ’ can t test for, and thw ’s no test developing the technology. “In red blood c^-Hhe typical thms- of additional clinical trials if the ’ •managers said the BusBush adminis* • . Klamath Lake show th . yet for West Nile in donated the past we have rdied upon test- fusion - for at least several more mosquitorbome virus reneWs its tration’s plan to shift > tte our fish, a u fi J ft water from release could cool the riv< aid' u , u w Toting wiUnever.put you in years, ds researchers snidy some threat next-summer before a - • fish lo farmers in-thethe Klamath - . qour fish lost.' iling sabnon. The water wiwill tak e ' J ^ectoolosywUed “pathogen ^ t of a nw pathogen like West serious quesaons: Does the dean- blood test, expected by then, is ; -Basin would harm salrtalm on dowm* three days to reach thele d y in g - ^ i inacdradon”isl^promotedas Nile virus when it first occurs.” ing alter blood so it doesn't func working. , stream in the Klamamath River, i • fish. thesoluti^ Achenn^addedto Nw Cerus Md a competitor, tion normaUy? Does the leftovei- “The promise is somewhat in ' . . Tribal biologists agreedeed. . . Politics, environment! a donate^bas of blood is sup. VX T^ologies, are begini^ cleanser reddue pose any risk, or the future.” cautions FDAVDr. v; L ^ Now theadult fishlaredyin^by. ar .-Ir o y Flctchci:,^!^S^tljenvise,- may have core . ■ ■ the thousands. * . Y u r» k T t ^ . • w ii^im u^t and heat to rause ' . “We pleaded withth them; we ------i— • whar^tiM aris to be the larg1; est said there would be! scserious Con- of w ater iniinto the river in hopes o f " '''^Afdll of ium t salmon on theh e West • sequence5,"s a id T roy>y FletcherI of stemming« t th e fish IdU. ' C ThousatNft-of (ittftad satmon lltM tiM sb o m> of the KUnurtfa RIvsr TiMrsdayt InIr Klamath, CalH. . the Yurok. Tribe in northern ■ . California, ‘^eyfplayeayed Russian July 2001 roulette with our fishish, and our fish lo s t” The Bush adminlinistration H WBttanriMnl^ claim s th ere is no evideidenceshow- . H in g p /o te c ie d fish reSS— si - ^ !■ in which the defendant O zone helole I P I ■ $0|99H / S i CM.CM.^KTinffiiVliAf^c». I I ^-I s f r s s m . splits oveer I h M Aiitarcticjca ' I su m m m E R E A L Sl WASHINGTON (AP)^P) - T h e I CIDER ■ 1 ^ tolS77to^^to?ffi5dSS ' I oione hole over Antantarctica is ■ IB maHcedly niudler thisI yearye than ■ Id (be I tf t few years andid Ih as split ■ 1 9 'l l f S : l * 7 n inrj^|pver^ent scientistssci ■ '^Hew^oM ed •hole,”,” actuallyi H y y n y j i i 7 = s s s = r an area of thinner thana n n o rm u ' ^ ------= S ------^-1!!— _ W w It ■ Defense attomey WiUitm T. cnone, was measured at 6 s | | iwinni rtMy iaJulUUllLflilH ' ^V6St6rn Runlly ^ ■ cannon asked jurors not. to ^ square miles in Septembcnber. That H 91iT*jT^I nrrr* mmAmhwwvh BVvMiMiKMHflVH fimWinHay ■ assume Einhom was guUty Jtut c ' compares with aroundI 9 million I D I A P E I TOMATO •quore miles on Septembinberoiea> y o g u r t furem ents over the lastt si}six years, H nf- ' l a r rSTFIAf • SAIIPF ^ I ■ ' waspI«in8cai«d,-het«ld.*He < according to researchersers at the ■ JUICE t OHUOC _• ■ was acved about the prospect of ^ National Oceanic ■ f -pL-^^ fn^% M Wlu g W&t^m ■ m k S s ID h ■ injustice, the kind of injustice' ~ AtmofphericAdministradradon and H Natiooal Aeronautics and Space H n^lBS^SpS^'# / ■! rnpw imKW28.B0z.^Vflr oii2.-nn7Xn Jtf^ I < k i c ■ fairdeck.-- ^ '^ S e oione at groundnd level1 is I l | a j 99'^ » i i « p r < n considered a pollutant,, theth< layer ■ «}f OTooe high In thp ftfrarn i« vital to life becauM; it blocks H I 'dangerous radiation comingoing ^m H I CSB the sun. Thinning of thehe ozone H I BATH I the trial openS*M onSy^35^ ■' layer could lead to a risese ini skin H I ■ SUGGAR f S l M n H WHEAT PINTO B~ I cancer, experts warn. AerosolsAe H I nSSUE I watching jurors. and other chemicala aree blamb ed B I ^ ^ BEANS I for th e thinning, an d treadeBdes ban- H ' I I v e x p e a - B M o a n » I ed to help the layer recovew e r over^ i $ Q S 9 i time. > This year's Improvemenle n t w as H __* ______S O U l. iB S IM IP B I m U cape CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) attributed to wanner thannn o rm al ■ I » L ^^|Bag '' countdown clocks* temperanires around the! ece ^ o f H ■ began ticking fo r th e first tim e in the polar vortex, or drcularilarwind -■ jM ilF panem that fonns annuallyIly j in th e b Y E L L O W rtCannlnr^^^ stratosphere over Antarca rc tic a , according to Paul Newman,n,alefld i ■ lU fP PS^P0TAT(OES PEAIICHES ■^rPiPSSI PWBiUCTS inoRirngif ?giig“Bga fleet was „■ Judge dismisse!es I I ON S I grounded ail summer because of NIONS «gri uwrES CELERIlY BROCGOULI ^ s s r s s T phone cancer suit,si 1 1 V COTTAGE I BALTIMORE (A P)-A.fe to d e ra l ■ I M CHEESE < judge Mooday tossed out an $ 8 0 0 ■ I n IIDL i K « » i y g g ^ million lawsuit filed I '1 ^ 1 M aryland d octor who I l M u i phones caused'his brain turnumor.-'" ■ s l a U.S. District Judge Cath*itherine ■ I S i 2 Blake said none of the evidv idence ■ GraatIt SalacUonl ^ U l s subm itted^ Dr. ChristO]itopber H ^ S 5 !cw 5 y ^ "^ ' NewmainOusubstantialernenough H ' ^ H A L L to warrant a trial against LOWEEMT W iaijpaj^ ^ ?gg:;^ lisEi: H j g HPi>9ne_manufacturer:Motootoroiazr ■ m U D V ^ ^ lEABQUARTIR a n d several m ajn* cell phone laflW B aldipSiw a riers. ■ « ------~ llie S45 biUlon.'wiryesriiis*indu^~~~*^| OnShoshorDne Street across the l i a try has been watching thetie

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------P a j i c A - 6 .T u elesday,i s O ctober s 1^2(2 0 0 2 ______^ K h c J I c-^I-imc.s-Nc\v.s__

E d i t oRIAL r m e Das(ischle’s 1 Historicic Street na tantruram maski ames will — l-6WW.tWUR4.U0Ntt 0M«.Se3M£8CXK%6OT unionn agenda TUDorr. rrU K A give Xr.F. new ddirectio% / )ut^betweeh .1 ■ l y ''vftwSSr ^ t Bush and Senate ‘ he Twinn 1Falls City who foijDisted this ridiculous d ■ A , Demooratatrats-blocking his pro­ D)uncilI hasagrandhi grid sysiystem upon'us in the « a posed Homelandtend Socurity opportuni:inity to show first placta c e .) , ^ . Department boilboils down to thdr view that uniononrdesshoddtake r luadcrshiphip and help . As just>st o n e o f th e d o w n to w n , *niNKV«U,N6n>N<« I H W « A 0 0 N W . ^ ^ ■ 1 priority over natinationd security. . c h a n g eJ TTwin Falls busines:ssses that would be HHH Despite the2 polidcalpo sound and T■ Tor they approvingbuiier by a affccted?d b y t h e c h a n g e s . The fury recently froifrom Democrats yvho new s tre e t n a m e s in ith e h isto r- Timcs-NexVew s would gladly wel- _____ IH k don’t want votenIters to understxmd ical d o w niow n a re:a. a . c o m e the th i new street names w hat is going on, the i-ssue really » We hope council:il members ( T h e Times-Ncws’ T it a d d r e s s j-ftr that simple. Thatrhat’s why Senate wiin’l get misguideided on the would change to 132 \ Li- C t p D em ocratic leadwn. E a r lie r b y th e cit::ity council would be a ' jpoliceM department in tbee comi ing F ederal aud “ You’ve got to do w hat yo lu^tors found similar " 2h ls y ear, a g ro u p o f ddowntown sweet andind delicious touch,Jn year. ; The d ty could wind f 1 other depanmentilents in which they!!; la u p problem s in1 El E Paso, Texas, got go to do,” sdd police chiefa Leei oversee unmigrati business owners, subsubmitted a our view,V. ■ ■ : • irepaying d te federal gove iration,emergen^,.. vem m ent M orehouse Parish,Pa La.. Dean. D< “If someone wants to® “ y responses, efforts)ns ito comlwt bio- ' proposal for adoptinting 14 his- As it $4.1 m illion it received th t is cotnmon.with • ^ o u g h Inglewood, Calif.,Ca U v e O ak, Fla., • that’s thi a technical violationI ofo the logicdandchemic.•micd terrorism, " .torical nam es forr 114 south- change,, theret Will be some the ' Community-OrientedP ' and even thle ee cam pus police law la ' , th en OK. B ut I h aven’tt wdandysisofinfif information devd- west*northeast street;Mts in ISvin oppositioriim to the plan. Some Policing ^ Services (COPS)>) pro- force at Amerilerican University in h he e a rd anyoiie say th at.” Bad3d opedaboutTpotentte n tid dueats. f a lls , lo cals Uk ke e th e g rid sy ste m j u s t gram j - money that Jusdc«Ice W ashington.!I. In each instance, newn e s. Chief. T h e COPS officIcem • Thousands ofif thesedi workers vtill ; The plan wouldd bet a pro- fine. Thehey might argue any Department auditors sayy t ^ e th e police aigeigendes didn’t hire W Wi ashington Insists It is a violola- come from officesices that are now . , "police departmeht misuse gressive and notdworvorthy move . address> ccan be easily found { sed- A nd th e officersthey thi promised to tion. tio • -■ . part of existing; noinon-naiiond-secii-, because of the alleged ml: ^ o r tw o re a so n s, w ith th e southwest-northeast i j lUsuse,. hire, didn'tretdn ret them as long •. - ^ e officers in charge of'the ti rity-related departpartments. At th^*! ■ $3.5 million Chavez had cicounted as required to COPS m oney in th ese commmuni: departments, the i i Bar starters, it wou«)uld finally „street desiesignations.______( to get th e g ra n t^ or CC ne union and dvil- i on receiving th is ye a r thrcirough spent the mon ties used it to solve w hat thetie'y . sendee niles denyeny the p resident" pnd the century of>f confusiorTc But histi e n e y for unautho- tie istory would show oth-' . . COPS< might be widiheld. ses. considered coi more pressing prprob- the flexibility hewlewants. ' ^ jth'at has turned TvTwin Falls erwise. T "“ d expenses The grid has always the t entire amount wouldibe“dis- \. Atewlocalilaiides w ent fu n h er. lems. The rules of the progra;nun - Most Americans;ans undoubtedly,.' streets into a puzziizzle. Many been moilore confusing than _ _( astrous," Chavez says. Theiwlicecle chief of Novinger, th tht a t th e f e d e rd governm entnt favor giving Bushtsh {power to force , people have cursedsd the IWin enlightet[ening. A Tk'in F a lts Unforttinately, such “mim isuse M o., for examm ple, ; received pro- pays Pa; decreasing percentagescs o f the bureaucracy7 tcto change its , l^lls grid and its; 16 corners N ew s e dlitorial iti in 1908 proved is > cropping up In other cornm m uni- bation an d ivaswa: o rd ered to p a y officer off sdaries until, after th ways if that wouldluld frustrate efforts >vith the addressI ofol Second prophetic,ic.______.ties,‘ too. restitution foror allegedly keeping years, y« the communities pickjjuo . • byextiemisKtokilokiUUS-dtizen-s. ' and Second. It’s tintime some- ‘‘Itisenie n o u ^ th a t n o t a fam i- COPS, borne of Preside]lent COPS checksts for f persond use. th tht e ta b - becam e a trap. " After all, whidiiichlsmoreimpor-^,' • tant, protecting th< thing was done to m Clinton’s 1992 cam paign' pprom ise In northwest est Minnesota, the C Co om m unities found they } the na^on o r p r» ; ) make find- ly in thee dty< .knows the num- | „ '•^tectinglhe jobsofi to p u t 100,000 new policee oi ffi- W hite E arthI Band a of Chippewa couldn’t cot afford th e officers, s 5 of those workers' ing a downtown banlank or cafe ber of itsits street; excepting , whose performanciance isn't judged as cers on the street, has beeisen trou- Indians got £2$2: million to team th the ey robbed P e te r to pay P ai m udi easier. t h o s e wffh h o reside on Main j. u p to sn u ffb y thcitheir superiors? bled from th e o utset. It ha:J a s n i J wiUi poUce fromtroi neighboring until uni die auditors caught up. ' .Second, renamiiming the Street ah'dmd Shoshone Avenue,” j IfaderkatthelheDeparunentof come dose to fiddlng thatlat m any counties to nirbcur crime in Indian How I much more effective i straits wotild be ai significantsi the editor n*,"., th e Interior messesssesup,thepo1en- i orial board wrote. "By . new r officers. A nd its obje se who guard reser- -haven’t surrounding, counties co as they had $10 $1C billion w orth, th at’s for si voirsornudearpoir power plimts fail-ij names all have hihistorical corrected.^:d.^______beent m et. agreed to do,I, am nd tried alleged W\ hy not ta k e th e approach<:h to stop terrorists, im portance in the>e d e v e lo p - N ow ailmost ln 100 years later, But th e worst p art is thalat It’s violators In ftrit i b d c ouns, even President Prc Bush has recommenend- This bizarre sitwiitiiation in which 'Ti m ent of IWin Falls,lls, and the the corre Eliminate COPS hiring the Senate insistssts thattJ union pro­ fact that th^r woulculd be laid hundred^l ^ a r s o f a sk in g d irec- crim ^ in a ls- o r at least seriarial mis- pow er to prose Mich., whichI disbanded di Its police to to thoset w ho have a plan to u:use it beiiolden Democra; John Hayes, the dty XTadcleadersare ity surveyor proposedd dc i a n g e . .______officers.o It w asn 't to b e usesed for departmentin in; 1999 after voters and and th e w herew ithal to measiasure to organized labor.x)r. ______employee e benefits, retiree» ^ tw ice refusedd to t( continue fund- dieir th e plan’s effectiveness. T he proposedtl DDc epartment o£ h ealth care, training o r retietention ing it. Local poUtldanspol are AnythingA less does a disserervice Homeland Securityirityisthemost ' of officers dready on thes force.fi scrambling to0 find fi a w ay to to to tiioset tiy m g to fight crim ee_ sweeping govemmtnment reorganiza; • But the Albuquerque Policlice repay or reach:h a j setUement with U and ld to th e taxpayers w ho fool non m more than'in' a .half-century. Tinies-]>N(EW8 ID epartm ent got into a mononey federd offidalsials, an d th e form er the th e bill. The Republicanfth. S l w Cnnnp, Daffd CooperierudS lM lley Ridenour. more cops on thestreet,thithe Police Departmim cn t g ot $4.1 m il- Anainalysis at The Heritage • ^ te , ivhere the ' Democratic leaders ~~ dry’s pi police department actuallyac lion in COPS moneymi to h ire 22 Fou JershipM-antsto ' ' 'foundation. give workers in the new depart- ’ ment the same burcbureaiicradc pro- tecSoh^ dieyenjoytjoye^ when th eir' ------jobs w ^ e in otherler ddepartm ents.; ------]L e t t e fRS — Bush has threatera l e n ^ to veto tHe , . m easure if it indudiJudes the protec- Career politicians kackllreii tax cut had gone)neoversoweU bellilelieve that he had no insider Fve b e e n r e a d in g a nnd d p ay in g p te p le to geg et re-elected this There seertis to.be an unusual. Presidents:nts have been ... w ith his campaiflaign m oney tre e Info;nform ation. M r. Bush and M4r. r allowed to exemptipt thosei who pet^-"-» more attention to thingsigs about NovemberT a s well as spend, - increased ini su sp id o n th a t thih is rush that h e insist on doing it again Che^eney sold shares of their co this u pcom ing election,theTwin n , t spendands]d sp en d som e m ore to to to w ar is m ore about politic form certdn govern dcs and despite the horri)rrible effect it has pan!a n le s’ stock b efore th e drop,P- tions fitim dw-servi«rvicerdesand-‘I Fails C ounty F a ir th a t cccost w ay w h ere noww our< schools as well as oil oU th an It is ab o u t danger. hadonoiirnatiotiort-All major - Coa^ n sid e rin g th a t th e y w ere ofi too m uch to-go o n e day.ty. 1 regis- ' h elp in g aidsids a re short of cash. Obviously, 01 Saddam is a n evi °ff<‘ fe d e rd managemenment-laborlaws. ' ’ stores are reportorting weaker cersers in the companies it wodddd Bush is on target; lered to vote for the fintirs t tim e. P m d re dd co f politicians in D.C. m mi an, b ut let u s n ot forget th gel when he s ^ th a t sales. It is diffict)ictilt to believe th a t seem ^ that some questions neei^d that the planfawre Tm ju s t w o n d erin g ab woricers whose livesives might be dis- g priv ate s e a o r to m ak e Since Sli Iraq has 10 percent of th e percent that owwn r 90 percent of credredlble atto rn ey s saying d)erg tbe persond sdetycsty of Americans >: le special interest tem tei p tin g situation fo r ou r■oil. oi willing to cut MVfedicare, e veterans’ monloney is running rampant butut uikespreoedenceoveovertheeco- fi. “ L et th e ^ m a rk e t tacake k its groups thatat Ihave th e m oney to ba: baroits. Saddam is paintingg 1him- programs, destrotroySodd rem

OooneslHiry By Garry Trudeasau Mallard FIIFillmore By Bru(iruce Tinsley i . c a n m i. T N g y '' m ji . ” a le ^ c ^ H S ^ ' ■ W A O H t V i W * w

1 S T W,M J M BUT, 'i oo Jlj-1 1 I'

~ r z ~ ------_' . ■■■ -i* : ' I -.’v r ______TMwliir.

| — Q p e n h o n — ^ N eedtcto get hand-wiwritten notes ihtiito yoiir ; ^ e i U .S>. i s a lI r e a d ' w a r — — com putti t e r ^ ? — Please sme rpage D6 e ( ^ opposed toothelibera- Ui 1^ 1^,— 1, \| ' d m o flia q h a v e d e 4 1 - > ,M - . themselves about d i c a h ' t w p e r w w o w K Ing: njere is not sufficient Tihte Trtfff TfgA>Nfrr: I that Saddam Hussein haslasweapons ^ — E ofmassdestrucdohoriha]th a th e b p R o r e 1 birth d ay M B wiUiiig to use tiiem (there Celebrating a ereisandhe' . rsC aROWM TieFOOM^. o E , is); the United States will:riUsuffer . ~ have to ^ I lai^ numbers of casualtieilties (that’s V Z?dB9\v&^7: doesn’t just r p I - what theysaid about theleG C uIfW ar J w f cgke. i' . inl99landitdidn't);AiilckMericawill K ^ jk be a piece of ‘ enragie Muslims and Arab;rabsarouhd fb ______- . .. theww»rid ori ( t h erVealready j ^ ' Make more .d job of rising that' baabased Web site, labels itself reli^ous dictators, to mainiaintain - dustonthetfpir .own. After all, Osama “Dii“Dirtet from Mecca” and is “f<: p H ^VIE L if e F I in a n c e I- their privileged positions,IS, keepI Laden iss fromft the kingdom, as eveievery Muslim who seeks laiow: thctf ^ p l e in intellectual,ual.theo' ' ' werelSoftheheS^tllhijadcW s.' ' edgedge and more specifically for Are you havingh problemsi ggetting a loan logicu and economic poveiiverty. ‘ ' The Saudi.royioyal family ftinds the eveevery Imam looking to tmprovinrehis becaOse'■ ofc a past bankruptiptcy? After an e l^ o n in Mon[oroccolast • madras$aswhiwhere extreme and vio* spetspee^ w d enhance 4ie knowlwl- week, the Associated Presswts report- forms ofif IslamL are taugh t and edAedge level of his congregation.' ed that a fundamentalistt partyp< bankrolled panpai of the AI Qaeda Some Si of the subjea matter r Home UUIfe Finance can heljelp «vith Personal Loans,I wanting to impose Islamic!lie law oh ' terror networliork. This isn’t the first omrHiunended for Muslim pulpitsf Small Biuuslness Loans, etc.tc. We will repair y< ' the country has possibly-doubled do time Christianians have been the indihdudes: '’th e' Christians and t your bad credit, re|repair ^ It&pariiamentaiy seats. “n*ITM Party Saudis’scapeg>egoat Offidals re ^ jewlews are infidels’* (an^) “Enen the bad Clcredit referencesI yyou don’t deservere and repair badli:redtt a I of Justice and Developmen(lent (PJD)' larly round upu p believers, esped^y ofA)f AUah”; “Jews - The Descen- ' ' thinks chopping off the harhands of those from Ed;Ethiopia and Entrea,. daniiants of Pigs and Apes"; ‘‘It Is^ listings ththat don’t belongt oon your credit reriport. robbers is a proper interpnpretation beat them andind deport them-all ImpImpossible to Make Peace Wid of Islamic law. PJD leaderer without brin^leng a single chai^. he the Jews”: ‘‘Muslims Must Mustapha Ramid said hisis ggoal is Conversion toto' (Christianity rem ains EdtiEducate Their Children to Jihs ... . an Islamic state in Moroccocco. arapitaloffenense." md and to Hatred of Jews and - — L eTTERS i — Police ar« not liable) and concise.;. 1I have m any ‘Con,ingress spent m on^ they Dem ocrat frieriends and they are dldnlidn’t have and can never rai:aise. in Canyon View case kind, caring, ggenerous Christian ConConsequently, our country dieing th e p arty of fis- - wantant to be affiliated? • An immediatee answer. ^ 16) explaining why he is’ a ■ cal responsibilibillty? Over the last JUDY Jl) MEYER , Democrat LDS was very declear , SOyearsitheDi Democrat-majority Burley Bu • A chancelo winw our $10,000 Home ImprovementI Giveaway.( 3 • A .25% rate disJiscount when you open a new Key.relatioiionship package, a • The lasting ad'idvice of a Key m m a Relationship MW. anager. C ongratulat'ationst Y ou've fouluiid today's M illioiioiiaice M oney! Clip only thehe bill this ad and sa^lave itto bid on great prizesses like a car, boat, —______iestaurantand1 groceiy.cy.certificates^and mu^ mornore!— ^-----—

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HULES — No purehSM rw ctsiitsM ry. I^or complota rulos go) tot< Key.corn/groatrato or see oil )vCt>alflj. To)^3 on prtzos I tha sola roaponsibilliy ol the wl mloainKoyC winner. Void whoro protiiQItod. K 0/31/02. e ollicial . • crodit approval, Add .25% lo Iho diBlod roto wh«b KovBank^^ optlonar automatic poymonlId. pit Must shod. Standard term rqoylromonTKints end loan foes apply. Abovovo rata oxampio bosod on 3-m< ■ IS 6.68%.{8.50% as of 9/21/02. d crodil qualificalions. Above'W 1 a®S?l0! ^ lonn ^ Ifv 'fe OIt ^ plan ir l3 ■ ■ ■ ■ : ot $207.10. Rates and paymer-nenta fluctuate from variable ri J-m onth : 't 'f ' SKwws^of' rat*. APR Includos a S9Brm, ^ loan ...... ______orfQinallonn I)(00. Actool rates, (oos andId terms1 are baaed as of tfie monthly _____ tdhoyimlttenSASBlo. . - af*«ub|ectic:t 10 chanso wllh6ut notico. if:f loanlo terminates within i e mor ^BanK ...... ------’ Ke urr tr y in g bacicer.<. whowl favor the sraiu.< Milo>ievic. K o stu n ic a ccollected quo or opi>ppose reforms, and 31.J percent of the vov o te h e ld S eselj advoWesteriern candi* to explainI toto Ihe voters that stop- PUBLIC SALEfEVERYDAYA MRPI! date supported by Serbi(rbia’s gov ping reformsm s w ould b e disastrous AT 9:30AM SH; enu n en t, w hose prim e: miminister is for tlte countin try ," L abus said, CASH-CHI^ECK-CREDIT/DEBBIT CARDS WELCI S-NOLAYAWAYS!i! Kostunica’s bitter rival,’al. H e col* B ut an alyilysls said (he results ■COMEINOHOUS lected 27.4 percent. are negativeive for Serbia, no mat- K9stunica’s current:t p o st w ill te r w ho w/ins in the election’s sec- DEAR FRIENDSi& CUSTOMERS: disappear as part of ctmaMistitution* ond round, al. reforms to tratr a n s f o r m **The d eaieadlock will continue ARer7 2 yeatsii of bringing you theleveiy finest in S Yugoslavia Into a loosefe unioni of even after(r the( election,** said Serbia and Montenegro,;ro, its two newsletterT publisheri Bratislav - footwear and actccessoties, the Hud!idson'!s^i^artown; republics. Grubadc. “T“The worrisome thing Me is the deat^avoritorite going is that the! electionsel have shown '* slots is dosingIforeverl 1 Into the ruooff OctT 13 and is that MUosevievic still influences the ‘ Our sincere “T'nianls!”toeachof Df you for being loyal expected to collect huncimdreds of politics here.'re." ral . thousands of additions>nal votes Kostunicaca is suspicious of the - customeis overtrttieyearsl ! from supporters of VVojislav West for allegedlyal trying to •; Seselj. who was-eliminatilated after - enforce itss brandb of reforms on. 'Alima]orliramnd names will be disliscounted.incliiding ; gettiiig 22.6 percent of the vote. hiscotmtry. SAS, BORN, DAIWSKO, BIRKENSTODCK,R|EDWING, ig i Yugoslavia1 ch( arge fomrmerarmy R0 Ciq>QRT, DATINNER, FLORSHEIMM, NIKE and matiy othersl r . ' ^chiel^otheK;rswkhuspyinjigforU.S. We ate selling) Ieverting to the bibate walls; including . BELGRADE. Yugoslavilavia (A P) - P e risic ’ss spokesman,s Nebojsa ’ M ilitary prosecutors onm :Monday Mandic. saidsai the arrests were fixtures-wiientiiiIlls sale ends, nothinling will be left! formally charged a former political andnd that Perislc was the Shop early forlliihe be^sejecUonl Yugoslav army diief willwith spying innocent victictim of a fetid between for the United States. Y u g o sla v FPresident V ojisla^ Gen. Momcilo Peris:risic, who Kostunicaa and8 Serbian Prime NOtErHUDSON'lrS in the LynwoodI ShoppingS Center, served tmder Slobodann NMilosevic Minister Zonoran Djindjic. before joining the pro-de•democracy Ibe three!e di iai^^ were anest- RierAveEi^ w N I remain ope force* that oustf^ thee YYugoslav ed in'llarc:irch^^^le^flirr,';; Dnddeitt. wu:arrestedd iin N b rch B « t^ d fe alot store for allegedly pawingIg tm l l i t i r y seoretaiy of tedrets to a V.S. diplomatoat BeteidOil: Pieritlc denied the >n< • n d ta ld h e w as th e vicivictto of a allegationsns. and protest^. .' power struggle amongg YugoslavY Nei^bor'tfr detention.d The diplo- leaders. Just days aftef te r Being m at left thle e country< shortly after • briefly detained, he red“esigned as being releaseise d depitty prime ministerr ofol S erbia, Yugoslav/ arma y intelligence h a s9 IHOES the dominant Yugoslavr republicre said the doclocuments passed by HUDDSONS On Monday, PerislcIc anda two Perislc wereere **relevant for the others were charged withwi espi* defense of theth( country." ( ( ( g j ■ 148 /I/ : SOUTH onage,' the ttate-nm Tanjiinjug news Djindjic hashe sought to protect MAINAVE. agency reported, dtingng a state- Perikc, sayinifing Kostunica's adznin- ment released by militarytary prose- Istratioa andid some generals were ■ cutors. If convictsd, d>et threethi fece "out of contrntrol” and that Perisic SHOES ■ I H H B between three and ISS yyears in had been.puput under electronic ! surveiUanoee illegally.il -

S ml A L L B u s ii m ^ s . n ■ g ^ , i ‘ K ' 1

——— a When First Choice:e I-Hospictft Bftjjp r Theresa ■f t r ^ k« ,4mA e 4 r / i t M i u r k t %ce L ike Home, " T r ju A fOM t 0 / t r , ~ ~ \ i N oP loi Come see our shiwM room today! . Bumper to Buumperl Set thee looki s. • Twin Falls 833011 .'t'’' 1 4 7 M a in A ve. E .• Fax 208-733-9449 ■ . JTJ Let Us Make? Your Vehicle Uniqu 208-733-8600 • 211 AddbwA«t.W^.•TwiNFans . . ^ C om>mc e in today, a n d let R ick: N^ ielsen’s crew help y o uI IrIncrease the IH H i . www.«iM ltliig«» I valueluc o f your vchiclc. Wc huvavc M) many products availailable with IHHH rapid^lid installation or shippingg oi f i'lhcrglass. alum inumn, , stainlessi steeJ,. . v ------^ d chromc.accc.ssoncs or allill sorts. ■•Hit ill guards, side .steps, .shellslls. bed rails, fender flares,s. Ihood shldds, ■ ' ■lie mcau.covcrs._foldcr ramps.'.s. cargo carriers, tail lighthi sbnllar4»imMlaitin S o d a ' . • > I f « Our Show'ltobn \ ^ n Aye. •_Tivlo XaD s^di ^dd!b^tcrBlpfcW^!;J>te^V^d ,7"^ ■ .,7 735-0600 ‘ \ W t'c m i ■ ------w w w ^w U didthlngsonUncxom ___ I am O Q■ nh> .i M liM u , ......

lUnliwuredldilioii ------^^Govcmmentpaymy^iiiciiU — — &4SHilB E - - l' dropnumbcis. Obituaries...... B2 ' ' Morming breaka k ...... B5 P>itfaB4 n -M o c a x :e t Nation ...... B6 a r yEd'^nChaiiRal/krin, £ 7XUXUmi.Exf.234 '' ^lie^im es-N ew; w s ' “ “Tuesdcilay.-Octobcr 1, 2002 Section B

i A r o u N> D ^ [ Jerorrm e : ^ h e v a l:L L E Y ^ ^gssia:: Dai]lie s Vv e lc o)m ed IChMMy . The commissioners have s nrtorcyclfrcar c K w w W f . • .( ! ^ i d propcloses C ounty w ill t^t e generallylyposiavb. dairies are acceptable, but tl iMtooneiwarJa want them'to locate in certrta in ■ . 1 * ' LEY - Cassia County ireas, H urst said. - ^ C X P O T . N e v .- ASI. m (sioners-pointed to their ! [ j ^ killed and four oth approach co t usinesses “uIf the commissioners supp d animal feeding opera- bringing in .bu chippping a S e injured iir a eras) dlairies aii in the county and wi 'erlay xone as a sign of ' daii M n in g on Hi^hwas! S ? 993 3 ^about » f e willingne could leave tf>e m eeting wi lairies to locate here, peo] ness to allow dairies to c with the mit. Those opposingopi the dairy neeleed to hear that, Naereb( I flniiles aoutii of Jackpot I in th e county. support s< of the commissii :^|^nnis Edwin WldUo istoners. can com m entt inii w riting b u t only saidaid. Colorado, Nebraska, Soi iSock, 48. of Commissioners welcoiu fee Naerebout, northwest C ime the about the techschnical aspects of Dak i l^ovoia, British Coluulumbia, was >akota and Kansas'are all op egional manager for the opportunities o but want t jpen-’ IMlnounced dead at the scene of ^ I to pre- th e dairy. TTieyley can’t ju st say. “ I ' ng ins up to dairies. Dairy prod 'armers of America, and serve s< the quality of life xiuc- ByDIxlelhomMRaI Reale LW acddent, which ocasxairred about S S f fe. th e y don’t w ant it,” HI urst said. ers;rs wi ill go w here th ey a re wa assia Development said. » vant-. Tlme»W wa cofTwpia*poodent ; t i S p jtt. Tm> I S a ^ Vall T h e c o u nity ty Planning and id, ed, and a welcome attitudei e is *- c o m mission i t Vice Chairman T h e CAFO zone is a n exexample Zoning Comm imission can hear imp lajlanes the beer license applieslU cadon o f T rio iln d ay weekend of Oct. Cafe. On Jun^ 18, the coun^ students return for‘ di d a sse so n approved an alcoholoholic beverage i g P .- l S , th e c h a n g e s wil^w iiy » e in license applicationn fiCrooi th e o d e contingent upon revj UM M. eeuMp/ita naiMn* review by legal fMfbaddidon to making thoi counsel and proofof ofc state and iiose lanes Coonlt Sh4Sharluy and her dog. Bud, helpI KsKMfan FtKon, 6. practice hhhis raadlttg a t the Southern Idal f < |» w a y ro ad s, D ill says* tlthe con- ^ Idaho Learning Center Monday■yaftomoonb) i Twin Falls, county licenses. TrioTri Cafe has dng d o f program allows childrentn a chance to practice reading n M n g road between theth o se tw o ng to a-dog and volunteer from>m the intennotintaJn Therapyly AnimalsA ofganlzatlon m v- obtained both.thethe'state and will b e blocked off to preventI •fwnmt#MamoRth. f county licenses. The opinion of itto rists from cutting inn frof n t of legal counsd was1 neinever commu- 4hiBc near Falls Avenue. nicated to the cityity sstaff, so no .-■Because of the anticipatea te d dUfi- license was issued to tthe cafe, ,culty for motwists afmroachiiching CSI V _ - 4 ^ Xtite J r uses-^dog to helpstn1 A question has beenbee raised as 'from die west to get throughighexidng uggling; readersI to whether the Trioio C afe is with- ■college traffic, students ai t n t i i ~ : in 300 feet of a schooLlooL [staffers who a ^ v e frmn th * a n d feci less self-cif-conscious ubout hour-Icr-long session. Children arere Idaho law prohib:hibits sale of :o u se th e iw iw w w a ww i rttsf ______IHelping the center )side of town are urged to v '■ making mistakes.s. p lacedced on a.waiting list; ulti-ti- liquor within 300lO Ufeet of any {WashingtoA Street entrant AMA My hindfatolng event for the, As Keegan Feltehon, 8. read to matelyely each student will get a school or chur(lurch. The «xit. Dill said exiting moim o to rists UXS - There’s .noth- soiSouinem Idaho Learning Center^ IsI: th e collie, Buddyy appeareda to be shot: at at reading to Buddy, :« iin g to a good book con Washington Ele'mentilentary School ahould also consider maldnj coming in two weeks, interested in therte p ic tu re s . H is *'Th«TwJ?aiiY C e rta in lyy IB uddy th in k s so - euc aurtJ^featurfng entertainer Dan.Qnny his paws brushing)g theI pages. timei theyth pick up a book, it trig-g- do. The Jerortie School Board'ard’s ri-(|nest; ^ Sen. Bfflce C rapo, M a ^ ' Idaho Learnirning Center have EveiEverybody's Business and ^ •• “It works veryry well for me. resultsIts found that all studb'nts because of Its proxitriximity t' the ■Blonal Medida c £ ite ^ added anotheher teacl^g tool to ElmiE lm er's.. because 1 lik e to reread to,Buddy a e x h ibibited it decreased absen- M ^ t a i n S ta te s T um or InsiInsdtme, thgr belt: readsadingdoRs. ____ lot," said the seccscond-gVader at teeismsm. improved self-confi- ' W ashington Elemm en entary is n o Rnde Behring, and a numt out to be the perfect . , . . Buhl’s Popplewellell Elementary dence o j. longer used as anI elelementary r. they don’t care if they re ;e and actually found read- •OTplwddiiiM. «ard for kids learning ***■» School. “I think hhe’s e ’ nice, an d h e ing fun.w . school and is insteadead used for I **As a cancer survivor,, I know • “ “yId Connie Sharkey, » »».>w. they have no judgmejM t never^barks inn f1 r o n t o f th e — ^ o f f ic e 's p a c e a n d special sp< pro- I,” said Sharkey, who volu bow important it is to get diesi)ese tests coordinator loifor tfie Magic Valley ■«. 77ie7e TimeS'News wrtier Robertr t . gram s. srs her dme for the f Intermountain oiza- *”|^ ry other wee'eek. the center M ayerircanbe c rtached at 73S-323I Imnls, don. i Ortega has askedd tithe council. Crqw k w ho woriced w idi a1 numbernu Therapy Animi ____ uses-ihe_dogs.iwiC(rice.a.week..fitj____o r.viad.ermai/.at.rTnaperOmagic-- .e ------to-reconsidet-his-applupplication-if------^ >„dbcr- Hiey don'tn’c c are if th e y stut- ' 'As i U health care and healthV ^ s such, stu d e n ts a re fireedd ut p • tin g in th re e studerJents d u rin g th e tw//ey.cDi;.ajTTrr Trio’s application is approved.'a] brovlders to bring freeI cic a n c e r ^ioeenings statewide for.thcth e firs t— ■-r- ' r ' - - i " t o r a t fairs around Idahg-** J ^ B n a s indicate, just over.K rf dm e surveyed found ^burn, Sill^ l o t ^ ement p3lan o v e freleetrici 8^p*nialiliesin the prostatece ccancer ...... — '— ■ -ity 1 'H ieningi E i^ detection iskeytois II • ByStoriCliaiwm f city*! ty^s decision to annex thett ' The city’s coverageg e w ith F red A. v o te dI in in fa^or of the propos^;: tio n p rogram . B U d n g th is cancer, a n d hopto g t o W ' H a s i Nw»i wriwriter SimpI npldt property. M orton Co. cam e uu[ p for renew al C o iinicilman c il Dee Ray Bailey’ RSVP volunteerss trtransport jl^ ^ s a v e Ihres with this em ^ C it: City Attorney Steven Tur u f t a t m idnight. v o te dd against.i CouncilmanI . those 60 years and olde:)lder to doc- ?o3tS ^^^HETOURNIN - City officials saidid fivef o r six -d rafts h a d ' bet«en Continued covera:rage w ith F red R oger D< xiBKnv his pnMtate in 2 ^ rDenker was absent. to r oppointm cnis. grw(Jcery ei stores m ing said tlim w ere traided d e oh Monday, "but we« A. Morton Co. wa:vas S38.060. A • Tra: ‘ deta c ta d th e canc■near at honrs away fi Pransportation donation-I . and -o th er IdcaJKins. TipiTipioii sitid.. ’ from.a'settiement haverven’t got the job done yai^et. p ro p o sal from Idaldaho Counties" _ j^e < There are_^S clifjitfjits from A d ie J J t S i i ^ o t very close.” e council approved a ^^^^^^iQniaans Dr. ^ ■ --R isk B4anagementJIt Program was.. $500 donationdo to the Retired. Heyburn and five-voi• v o lu m e e rs ____ ruft said he continuea to b ------w ho live there.------—• d p H a » — - _a n d j— z i S e n i o t :___ V o l u n t e e r - tim$aitt=rpfep5iiFwm=fi P ro g raram ii . r w j o l k ^ " ~ ^ > ( Q itf i l»at«KweenSim^and agreesraed upon. • E nd-of-the-year bilUbill - The ^ well," City Clerk--k'Ruth Davis Directector Judy Tipton said K o w m rtn w fidals, Mayor :aeo 3heney Che said he hoped a pn council a g re e d to p ayy e nr d o f the pro- said. H eybum h ad receivedr cov. the pnprogram is found in lal w ould b e b e fo re t ^ com year bills, The.dty’sI fiscalfis year. l>^Mohd4y*«City 5 ^ nm- e ra g e from ' b o th companies cc at ,ig|,,: countiesj, of the Magic r m S in the next 48 hours. , begins today.; ^tKSSoBiir; so ■ different times, sy, w ith'seniors volun-- t-jgyp- - SimDlbt jiW5 5 i B u e d ^ e c ity *^^>tbiM ier coundl businen:inchuhid- Ibe council appro ■ 5 & t t i b i i o 5 d 5 i o r 8S0 .roved contin» Te”e” ”S’g[ng in many places, _ Times-Ncws writsr f S - S S h b o x m - o tl»caRtm>adMtre- S i ed:.- ing cbverage wit ite r '.Shari '.J.. vith Fred.A. indidiiding libraries, schools Chaney can :bc reaehet -tobim tiftciriczidtjr from another •> LiLiabiUty iiisuruce ~ Thrhe. Morton Co. on a thedatthe. , ' » J-l vote. andhonlo m es. * M im-dssid Bureau at 6 . tu p p U tr.'tiM• celectric tt(U » the cound f o r C o u n d lw o m an Cle< It 677-4042, n d l heard cwo prbpocalf io :ieo G a l l e g o o s _ . T h e>.Dioney.Heybum.donated_ mi ___ £ x t.._ 6 3 8 ,_ b r_ b y *-n s-Slm 'pld^^'the— UabUlblUty~inturance'co^^||<|57~'Tun!'Coimdlmah~RT l o c ^ k e f ------a n e -m a il *at « used in the transporta- . ■ schpney^magiaialleyxon'.com.-.

'■ ' ‘ .'.-i \ _ .______...

M Tiwmiwi.TirtiMIiFMh.Wrii» -Tantfqr,Octotarli^aooii' 2 ------» - . ^ Magic V//alley ------O iBITUARIl[ES — - ForeUtiMryratMaiidto4 WoiMloil, 7 » « ^ BUE r l 27*. bttWMn 2 pan. M d 65 pjn. Monday UMOUfli S a t u ^ly. . M « » n t to 4 :3 0 p jn . fe rnfX rx t t4qr TiM II acaddTM* for oWtiMrfM Is oWt»«ii t e ^ v ^ y . f w n . DMtfi twUcwtewanafrMMnflM ____ wwl can ft* ptoc«d twttBta S pjn . m rydey._____ ^

- B iir lePV ' nieces.,tv..two nephews and numer-' Twin Falls. Idaho, daughiihlor. Kaihy a n d bftughtjht 1/2 interest in Ihe . dren. d Including Brett (Jen)I SullivanS . C assia local’ veterans,wiilveu prqvlde . • ous great-lal-niecas and nephews, • 4 Son, Theono ol Hansen,jn. Idaho. 7 Coca-Cola BeBottling Company from . and a Kerry (Joshua) Cobb ol5l Hailey. military honors, . "i The grig ra v e sid e serv ice will b e ' grandchildren. & 7 great-ct-graodchil- ’ Tyru? Cobb)b ( of b aseb all tam e). Idaho. Ic She also had 9 great-at-grand- ' Friends mayV gathergs at |R6 ceme-' [ l:: held ; k 10 a.m. Thursday.-Oct. 3. dren She is also, surviveved by her While in K.eliKellogg. C harloite w as children, c one of which. Ianin C obb. tery. shodly beforefore service time. ■ - 2 0 0 2 . at Sunset Memorial Park sister. WaidQHo of Utah.. iand throe president ofol Chapter M, P.E.O. rn ot Parke's Magic Valley Funotal Services lor Leocola will bo and Eastern'Sn' Star. In Twin- Pails she John Ji Jerel Juopperi. and 3 sil I Home in Twin Fails. hold Tuesday, October 1, l, 2002. at was twice presresideni ol Chapter BE. Olva O Maki. Arnie MakI and.fils's , . GooiXDDING 10 a.m . al the Hanson Church C of PJ.O. Sisterterhood. and served on Hill. H Jesus Christ ol Laiter-da Ic Vall^ Hospital Martha was a belovedd Wile. G rant L. PMs h l f a r B urley • wilh Bishop Wark Oison- o 1.Board. S^^e w as also , MMother. G randm other. Siste5ter and ' Grant L. Philerliter. 60. of Gooding Burial wiii follow al-Suns’et I lian of-Job's Daughters • Aer 29. 2002. at Burley Care R eeves ofllclatslating. Committal ser- at at Ail Saints Lutheran., herr homeh grandsons and oneotk granddaughter Center. vices will followow at Sunset Memorial church. chi After retiring once> more.n ol Lincoln. Nebrs»braska. Emanuel., 'as born June 2. 1917. in Park. Visitation)n 002. from 4-8 p.m. at family fa r and organizations uruntil 3 He w as precedee skilled at workim.the farm. She an excellentalways her husband and F ■ Brent Dee'ScrSchofield; beloved son Ke tc h u m Falls. Dennis ?2 ol Meridian and for- . team ol horses and spent'kingI her own ority was aK (VickI) Hope of Burley. ( Rufina A. KnicI n ie p ir. ID. p a s s e d aw ay nHoward o N .J«w ll I hours in hauling haylent a countless her lamity.is a m em beiol the Burley . (Shelly) (! Hope ol Jerome.. °nov!fi Siy^ol’pilen R ulina A. K niepliep. 90. Seward, • Doy'e Friday. Septemiamber 27. 2002. at a Howard H N. Jewell. 86. * throughout the valley. y and wood She wassthodist t Church. Ruth w as (Robyn)(( Hope of Wendeii.ii. Diana Portland. Orego 6. ol Nebraska, formerkilerfy of Twin Falls, She married Daniel United Meth( igon hospital. Funeral Keii(eichum. Idaho, passed awa\'ay on died Sunday (9/29/a•9102). vino apd-caring person Hope H of Sail Lake City.V. U tah; se rv ic e s willI beh held a t 2 p.m . Suni ' Adams on Ju n e 19. 195(liel Wesley averylovinloved by alll She touched D Sunday. September-29, 2002. atai the Bom Deshier. NebraskaNet (9/24/12) - Darren (Tamara) Hope off ILogan Wednesday. 0(October 2, 2002, at Blaliilalne Manor in Hailey. Idaho, ■ Nevada. They resided1950. in Elko. who was slov in her prolessional and Utah: U Darrelyn (Michael) Stei 10. He to Louis and AnnAnna (Heimsoth) team s ol T he C hurch ol Jesus Christ of. vill will be dearly missed by his lo’loving Schroeder, I prior to p u rc h a sin g e the d in M alta, many liveslife ii with her cheerful smile Buriey. B -Latter-day Sain the Adams'. personal life aims. M eridian W est wifevife and friends. She moved wilhIh tntrer parents from hom estead in Sublet!. Per 9SS.' Darrell w asjxeceded in dedeath by stake Center,. ono Black Cat Road Hi working side by side witrPern enjoyed and wittiness Howard was born October'ar 30. Deshier to Cloverrin in 1915 where her k rs Include one daughter, . hishi mother. Zella: brother,r, Lauris betw een Cherrvirry Lane an d Ustick 191!915 in Idaho Falls. Idaho, wi­ where father homesteadedd ed on the Clover band on the ranch andWith her hus- Survivors:e) Bi echard ol Great Falls. aiand first wife. Donna. R oads. Meridiarlian wilh Bishop Rod his their family. She w asnd a ' in raising Qail (Bruce) i lls father, the late Rev. Will'iilard tract. She marnedad ^ Martin Kniep in — : one son, Pete (Linda). On August 13. 1992 he marriedrr Ralphs olficiatiiating. Friends may Jewieweii. was the pastor of the Ba( homemaker and spent am wonderful . Montana; oloi Decio; her grandchil- Jc iaptist 1932 and they farmeirmediin Twin Falls ' Joyce Bingham in the Boisese Idaho ' greet ihe familyly IIrom 1-1:45 p.m. at Chu:hurch. Howard lived in sevijveral County from 1933 canning, quilting andt virlor to the serv ice. statetales until he w as a teenager.jr, He m oved to S ew ard.ard. N eb rask a in lrier>di I visiting with d ren , Lees. Lana . Matthews lhat Ih m ade on even d02en. ThThey are Burial will folksilow al Dry Creek alterItended Butler Fern was a potato I'nai M atthew s. 1993 ^ e r e she liveilived in the Grand - ck, Tim Bechard, Brad JcJodi (Chris) Micell.'Mil^iohelle Cemetery, Arranianoements are under University Ui in Indianapolis5 a{ n d Court Retirement Cer the Stale of Idaho andjr\spaclo( alt for McCofrnlck,and Hank Bechard: two S Center. She Was a S tephen) Messer, Michael (Shayla)(S ' the direction of3f (Cloverdale Funeral atterItended Indiana Law Schooli liIrom m em b er of St. • John Jc Lutheran at the Ourlee's Trucki also cooked Bechard indchlldren,am Tyson RFarnworth all of ArUonata. a n d • Home. Boise, ■ WrhiCrhlch he graduated. Strevell, Idaho, a job shejck Stop in great-granc Church in Seward,), : a n d Kendall B echard; Brandy Bi (Shaun) Gough amind Karl Brent w as boiborn September 22. HiHe worked for the Pinkererton Survivors includeide :son. daughter- lylovedlShe wasamemtJ)e thorough- Matthews ers.ai Dorothy C o ates of (Chip) (C Craig ol Gooding. 1980. In TwinI FjFalls. ID. to Wayne Delelelective Agency until enlistinc Church ol Jesus Christamber i of TTie three slsteri ing in in-iaw. Willard andid YYelena Knrep ol • Washington. Eleanor Darrell's lamlly was theie m o st and Bonnie (Jemansen) Schofield. Ha thele USI Army during World Wai/ar II. Hillsboro. Oregon;m; daughtersc and day Saints, having ist se of Latter- Seattle. Wiof Burley, and Helen ImImponant thing in his life. Hete loved w as raised inI PiFiler and attended ■ Hele vwas stationed at Manchese ste r sons*in-law;.Jan and served as . Schodde of and Lee Holten of Primary P resid en t ol thi Salmon. Idaho; and her the thi outdoors, farming. anInim als. Pi'ef schools, gragraduating Irom RIer Colleollege in Oxford. England, whvhere Seward. Nebraskaa anand Kterlene and Ward and w as a visitingthe te. Sublett Slavin of Salriehds Max and Elva es,especially working with his horses.h< ' gigh School Inn 1999.1 lYe cam e to hea sen/fidsi in the Military.Inteiiigerlence Don Henry of Woodr>0drufl. Wisconsin; Following W esley'sI teacher.o special frie5urley. . In recent years he foundj | iov in B o 'se a n d attentended Boise Stale Servervlce. There, he met his lulluture sister. Enola ■- T haem ert of November 16.1992. Fams death I on C^llslteofBurI preceded In death by spspending more lime on woodxJ vrork- University whereare he was studying wifeife and when they returned to0 the Vancouver. WashingHington; brothers- Burley, where she hamoved to She w asand: p her parents; two IncIng projects. pharmacy. He woworked as a pharma- Uniiinited Slates, they married>d In in-law and sisters-in-li-in-law. Harley and ' ' resided. Fam k)ved herhas la since her husbani)ne who died in infancy 1H e is su rvived by h is la ih e r cy tech at Albertertsons on 16th end Indiaidianapolis. Indiana on May : 29. Jan Kniep of Winnemlemucca. Nevada: took g reat pride in her chiii•f lamily and brothers, oneGrohosky; and hvo sis- Clarence, CU his wile. Joyce. 5 ib r X State in Boise. He enjoyed nwtorcy- 194Q346. They later moved to Idai ho. Helen Kniep andId DC ate a n d Ella never missed the opporchildren a nd . and Henry2aret Gi Walker and,^te eners. 4 sisters. 12 chlldreien 34 clesandwasve^'ery talented In music wherihere he p assed the Bar Exam1 aand Taute ot Twin Falls:s: TlThelma Kniep ol , •brag of her grandchDortunlty to ters, M argar grandchildrengrj and 2 great-g ed the guitar, piano. pracracticed taw until 1976 in TvTwin Rupert: Jo Knieplep of Quincy. ■accompKafiments. She^children's Gano. iide service wiii b e held chichildren,' e trum pet. He w as Fails.lils. Idaho. Washington: and Sammy Sai Kniep of greatly m issed by herihe lai will be -A gravesidin. Wednesday. October . F f uneral S erv ices will b e »us and mischievous . He was preceded in death b\by 2 Idaho Fails: ten grargrandchildren: 19- many friends. * lamiiy and at 2:00 p.m.'It th e D ecio Cem etery. . Thursday. Tht October 3, 2002. rn3'SrnV °acadventures with his- broth■others. Robert and Roy, andd 1nis great-grandchildreidren. one great- She is sunidved by her < 2, 2002, ativerend tl Al Trachsel. olfi- a.m. a .r al Ihe Wendell LDS S t’foinef Doug while wh growing up in parerirents. the Rev, Willard and Jes:essie great-grandchild,d. nieces and Linda Kay (Herb) Lemrickler cchildren, wilh Ihe Revei CenterCe on North Ideho SlreeiUi w5h '^as veryery encouragmg and Jewewell. Howard’s special requijuest . nephews, Idaho. Geraldine Bing:k o l Wilder, v elating, may cail at Rasmussen Bishop Bis Ciayion Pope condu( ' supportive to his'is i family and friends w as thatt he be cremated and th(ihere She was precedei3ded in death by Paradise. Utah, Mwld W.fngham A of Friends lome.ma 1350 East 16th Iniernmeni ini to follow al We ^ - b o m l s s esed c in many diflereni b e> noservicesnc or flowers. her parents, husbandand,’one son and Maiia. and Sam ueiW . (Lori;/. Adams of Funeral .Honpy. on W ednesday, from Cel Arr.Arrangements are under the carec{ daughteri-in-law. two brothers an d , CeTnelery. Family and • S'^ent is survive! ol Elba. Idaho: her siblii•orl) Adams • Street, Burlpy,I until 1:30 p m prior lo friends fi may cali on Wedne: ived by his daughter ol W Wi ood River C hapel of HaiUliley. one great-grandchild.liid. _ . bllngs. Ed 12:00 noon ui lesday. oiivia ’Little Garst}rson* Schoflela'his Idahoaho, Memorial serviccvice at 11 a.m . (Sara) Hitt ol Stockton. Ct October.Ocl 2. 2002. from 6-6 p.m.p at mother Bonnie Lil Jerry (Dixie) Hitt ol C ascadtCalifornia. the senrlce. Little and husband Saturday. Ocl. 5. at TiTrinity Lutheran Demaray's Wendell Chapel. C raig of Meridiailian. father Wayne Church in Clover. Ic Tom ((^arie) Hitt of Maltaadefldahd. eyburn r. Idaho with the Butch (Janis) Hilt ot Ilia,Kit Idaho. |4Han sen Schofield a n di wilev Michelle ol H Rev. Mark Christrlst olficlating. ; Montana. 3 broKothers: Douglas u ,„ Llu rnm ent will b e he Pails, Oregon, Molly (Cart)Kiammath 1 • * ^ .T w in F a lls a held at Trinity ' Scholioid and wife'ife Kara of Meridian. n lugh i g Lae M cKandrick Church Cemetery.. ThThere wiil be no ' Snowviile. Utah, andir» Steed ol Greg Schofield i . (Therald) Buttars ol Burle H elen d of Moniana and - Hugh,Lee Hui McKendrick. 68,J, of viewing. In lieu o) llowers. flow memorial Tyler Blake Of MeMeridian and 2 sis- H eyb}yburn. died ' Wednesdajay. coniributions may bbe e sent to Trinity gr.andchlldren; and two ters. Aubrey Schc:holield of Meridian S eiptember p ti 25. 2002. at theI VAV Lutheran School int Clover.Cic grandchildren. g re a t- and Amanda Seho:holield ol Montana. Hospiispital in Boise. . In addition,to her husbai He is also survived'ed by his grandpar- He iband. Fern • He was born May 28. 1934,’.at I' AdditionalI Olobituary, vtaa p receded in death by onts Eldis andfl G ( yle J e n s e n ol Haileyliley. the son ol Leo A. and Melt . ents; one son. Dennis Adaiby her par- McKinieyviile. CA.:A. Veronica Seibert Coatelates McKendrick. He movedd 10 death n otiat l c e s a n d lour brothers. Kennethdiams: Hi and ol Lake Havasauau City. AZ, Vickie R uiperi p e with his lamily and wi Hitt. Pud Hitt and Sw edeI CoHill, Ja c k Stephenson o( Boise.Be Deryl Little te a>red re i and educated here. Hu{«as services canin Ibe found The funeral will b e heldCorsi. i ' and .wile Cathy olol Star and great- ioinedled the Navy in 1951 and was 3»B-4 a.m. Thursday, October lid3.: at 11:00 grandparenis Heiei3ien and B uckl^als medicIdle, attached to the 1st Marir .the Malta First and Secon3. 2002, at ol Boise and LaVeiVern Copes ol Star. . DIvlsIc'Islon during the Korean Conlliciiict. Chapel ol The Church:o oi n d Ward. Ho also leaves behind bef many loving ’ He wsday. Irom lem o rta ls j i i u 0) Ailtin ol Jerome, two brother t n a m e . ' 3 P l church on Thursday, (ronind at Ihe i:^i^Bfrnnewald i ^ Martha Uranliida JuoMMfi &“Jl ’((Kaye) McKendrick of SodS?.: in K aren's na until 10:45 a.m. rom 10:00- L*Ola:l931.2002 Chj% ariattaL.K roH ' Martha Urania Juopperi.Ju S5. bom Sprlnjrings and Claude (Sharero n) I & They,will nnev e v e rb e 1 Mnew^ld, 71. ol Hansen. C Ciharlotte L. Kroll. as. ol1 1Twin 0 " S ep tem b err 19. 1917. In KwKerKendrick of Evanston. Wy. AlsSso fbrgottett,We^ e w a n t T w i n F a l u . . Leola FennetI to be with the Lord Pal's'alls, died Monday September Wakelieid. Michlgar3an, died peacelul- survivvivin(^are Gloria's childreren; 1^ - to th a nk k hit. e . 3 . IC Idaho, went l( 1002. al Magic Valley Regieilinnai 3' S|. LukeS WoO?ood River Medical M elodto d y POX. R udaval C rosby epiember 26. 2002. at 200: FlIerPollceDe■ D e p t& 5'“"=' deoier in Kelchichum, Idaho on- Marciarcia Bendele. Greer Copejanc Thursday. SepiCare Center In Twin - Medtedical Centw. *onsefbr>.r^a ^ . MornMj.:Andar«Qli CharlotteCt was born ihd dauguohinr SoBlemljer27,200:X)2, . ■ . Tyrone:$ne MpKendrfck an d Lawand Norma L Anderson w asW b I / ■. I X •.-action. torn March 16. 1931. In 9!_.Pfl P.P. and Flossie (Helleilini }re Oscar Maki and Murri. - F ■30>48 In H ailey. Id. “ to “S '" ’ ’; She was bondaho to George and Ahlqthlquisi on September 30. I9ii g. Martha attended H[a a wv as also p receded In deatath I H ; Wancura and Alice JuneI? \,1'.;?“' Faltvlew. Jdal leatrice. Nebraska, and cami chool and gradual- by hislis parents,| died 9-29-02. odily. She attended ™ e T a f S l tan e ol her class In Grav , I, K T 1 U ' f a m i ^ le Wilson. Florence Bod■eirview a n d Preston, daho when she was 1 and iraveslde san/lcas for Hugh I N ortna g re w u p In th•K.. e . .. schools In Fail e a rs old. The femiiy stayed3 a i i ’935. She also attendedai Drake' McKanCandrick win be conducted at 1 tow ns in M ontana s Ruby )ia married Harvey I .University. a m . W C2 ■K%'H&reniCX^.ia/uUer'!M w nM ay9. 1954. in Buhl, otel in Buhl until their house < . Wednesdw, October 2, 200! Norma's ck>se relationshipb .v VankJ ■ L'”®"'’PennewaldonK ullt on a (ami in Casiielord. Whnn W 'Martha marriedd HerbertY Charles at thele Ruperti Cemetery. The Mjni!U- . gentle kind step-father was f resided in Hansen ,Tiou Juoppeti of Brutruces Crossing, They larmed r. lor several iharloite w as in the tsi grade, i . . tort in her life. When Alice r w here they la )oved to a farm In Buhl Mahoree 5ho Michigan, on Mayf 9.1942,9 In Niles, einer. It brought togettier tv tpon selling the larm, ja S d *^'c^'9 an, Marthai aand Herb had 4 . years, bulupoto Glenns Perry and Itended schoot.and gradua of chiidren'vvho. although *hey moved to orn Buhl-High School with horonof? children. Chuck Ju(Juopperi of Brook naoutaatf, wera.very o-Hansen-where .she— K aLLuLsuIl^aiUx^^^H ghjalsed— ihen-back-to-l-•the-time~ot ha rtfg a th r- • i.ieai.St)e attendwl l.vearbl i b y —r e g ^ ^ Uhe »ge-at-Mills*College-ln-6 elifoi jia( parerttB. Einer'and homenuKer wtW) loved— 2nd S?: then completed her educai ol her family. Amorjg Idaho '^'chigan. S he h ad nd Alice iSSySJJJ?'leresls w are quilting* « i,h11936 from the University of Idi -l .Npftna is survived by a b her other'Inien Ith .a degre.e In Elgmentin ta ry , p ' ' ^^M flrrena) A nde^^.j ducailon. On June 27. 1936 J . l H - a f i n w i ! auhl ' she was married to Eaon roll. They lived. In'Keilogg. ids tr-16 years where Egon wa! _____ Leola.ls.survarvey;. tier children, . chem>emlst lor the Bunker Rill Smeli husband, Har\IM Icl^(ppraan}y I 1952 moved to Twin Ft son^ Lany; & h If m m m m ------■ ___— — 0,“^— _ —

IT- Ti»«IbT,. October l,a0 0 a_ T 1nwi Wiwi.h.M tW n Filh

■ .. M.lAGIC VALL^i Y/We ST * --M iNID)okaji G.oLUNTY i jCCQURTS-- Giantsho^C ivelheads 5 from - TTwTlmMN*wi ' M a g i s t r a t e G la d y s^ Glenn, 22,829 W.IV. 500 S., Rupert; poesessionlion of a controlled kuth - - ^ Heyburo contempt of coun., pleadedp stance; Magistriitrate Judge Roy 'C. ^ R0T»ERT - Recenc: activityaei in Sth te Ju d g e Holloway. Oregon to) Evergladdes Court in Minidn id o k a C ounty ' U ' J 0 i ' e V £l!jlu7lL*Du?fflne' Natalie Kim Hill,Hil 42, 423 a Fourth _ ^ Nathan B. Bird. 19. 9812 CarawayG St.. Rupert; oneB acount posseulon of a TheTfcneeNewB' ■ they are beingng forced from V Rftlri^^ iS ' CCoun, Boise; driving withoutml privi- controUed«ubstaxttance; one count drug their homes by federal land f t 197 N. 400 W . leleges, plewled guUty, $300 fiai.w . $78.50 . stam p violation;i; DistrictD Judge M onte ' ELKO. E Nev. - The symbobol of policies, •missalf ^ ^ o u : Rupert; con- aco u n cocts. 10 days in Jail, elgl Daniel Brian Eihnrdi. ight days &Carlsoa Elko County’s fight widi the fefeder- Andrew Knudseidsen, convOT orga- ' ds, 25. P.O. Box \ 'O r O » \ \ te m p t o f Sisuspended, six months probatation. 16 Casey T. Ward.: 241. Rupen: invalid driv td,32,920 13ihAve.S. b1 government over Jarbid, Iriver-sUcense: • IteC O I court, pleaded hehours community service, sixX monthsi . Nampa: deliveryry ofi a controUed sub- Idge’s nizer for the JarbidgeJar Shovel IHoltoway. \ -— . guUty. $86.50 didriver’s license suspension; Majlaglstrkt*-— stance^ Districtlet Judgfc Monte B. South Canyon Road - a ^ tt shov-& Bri^de, said anft audionat and bar- 24<310CSt... fine, $63.50 - Jt el - will be back in tttown ’ becue are planherthed Wednesday Rupen; cootctDpt of coun Carisoh. ' Magistrate court coets; 4 , 1829U ' WWednesday, e on its way too.the evening in the parkingpari ^ot of t ^ M a g i s t r a l * Sc Florida Eve^adcs. ■ ' 41,70218th St.. JudceMichai F e lo n y s e i r tlenclngs e f itael R. CralMree. ' S p u s iiu of a jcfaoo) bus, pleaded The shovel and two gigiant. from the-^p.m.I. eve« en t Will go to R upen; Insuffidenc funds> ^ i ^ f n u d ; ™ o m a ss W M. Sables, 465 W. 100 S.. $1$100 &te, $50 suspended, S63.SI1.50 a u H John W. Beall.U, 441,2272 Douglas St., - . «o nite te m p t o f c o u rt, p le a d e d cocosts; Magistrate Judge Larry R. esslon of a conirolled buckets from the Klamath FFaUs help th^FIoridirida “Sawgrass R. Duff. ji jubstance. ^ a d e d 140 High* Aw guilty; Mai(agistrate Judge Roy C. led guilty, $88i 0 coun Bucket Brigade are a partt 1of a Rebellion" in itsts battieb wim the E., N a 31. Jerom e; fourrco co m tsln su ffl. Holloway, ;onvoy traveling from Orei DnmkeiHlrivIn^ costs, five yearss piprobation, two years c o n regon government. . cient funds check fraud;ud; Magistrate < Edward1 D.D Pawson, 29. 324 S. 450 ^ eoltentiary tine, sus- to;o thet East Coast in suppor□rt of For more informa>rmation, call 738- Judge Michael R.Cnbiree inu reckless driving, amend- M•entenctngs . pended. five years■nindeten^e^- FloFlorida landowners who0 sa y 2779. Vicente Rene R am im■“ :jr-’W .tsn edtolmituittentive driving: pleaded uspended, dne credit- 77,626 H I. I7ih St.. Heybum; conten >.50 fine. $63.50 c o u n costs. geJohnHMeluuon. Burim misdemeanor, pleaded [n jaa. five days wspeoded, g ^ iullw. D.m.on mTmM a G ee, 24, 15904 f t MynolPhothon«.32,m721El^St. six months $200 fine, $78.50 coun costs, 30O < iy if a FcmnliAve.S,No.Ma30C,Burien.W ash.; I rateJudgeRoy -JudgeRoyC laO.g 30 days s u s p e n d ^ 12 monlintn s pro- one count misdem< Rosas. 27. Highway 25, ■ batioR, ^ six months driver’s Ucen ilia with StoiMo use, Tribe fej(ects atterm pt ^ AngeUta M. O nega, 54.54,112 & lOih Flam i^ Mo count posseuion of a Motel. N a S. R upen; misde- te g b f r e e . St. Rupert; inralld (W v^i ^fVT controlled substantance.iileaded guilty, . - meanor driviriving under th* influence, ^ Clemente Floriano Reyes. 37. Jerald P. Tin«ey, 3 6 ,1lOOW. « 1S2S.. . amended ta» il inattentire driving, plead- «, SISSJO coun coreBsts, flve yean proba- I ■ S l, No. 1. Rupen; nisdemeaoor. Rupert; unlawAil onrakiaik io g a o d p m - e d gulltjr, $10» 0 a fin*, $£3.Sff co u n ow s. >r, pieao- rion, two years determinatedei pioiten- ed guilty. $200 nne. $78.50 coun to strip beoard o f pc)ower inn of a school bus. 3 0 W i n JJan, a i 27 days suspend«i. 12 ^ ^ ?*1“' tiary time, sunendmded, five yean lode- Salvador T. Anea«a, 37. P.O. Box 3, • m o n th s probation. ro l time credited; 90 dan In Jail, £2 days suipend>«*«*. tennloate penltentimtiary time, wtpend- , Minidoka; failure lo cancarry driver’s M ^trate Ju months probation. 180 days drivendt ed. time credited; I LAPWAI (AP) - The N ez R iver, license on penoR. license suspension. 180 days didriver's ’erce Tribe has rejectcted Tribal memberslers quesUoned St^M .Haniioo.19.:19,350 s. USO license suspension, time creditiUted, 10 joju, I, Cox. 22,8022. N. Highway 77. a t t e daysI discretionary time; Magii ttempts by its leaders to ststrip whether the execuecudve commit* w., Heyburn; contemptnpt of court; guilty, SJ6.S0.SO Rne. $63.50 co u n casts, in violation, pleaded a n ii Judge Michael R. Crabtree. n independent board of comntrol tee, headed by SamuelSan Penney, ftbgistraie Jud«e M ic ^eiR-Crabtree. B lO a^inJallJan, 10 days suspended, one ne, $88.50 court costs, o v e r Michael E. Novasel, 67. 714 V ver its casinos and other busi-bt was ignoring theirlir wishes,V don; Judge Roy g ' balance of suipetided esses. MIsdenManor sente 5 ., H eybum ; m isdem eanor. pUzss s i ® ed; M agistrate Judge Penney rejectedted suggMtions rPunrUndoa.39.324E. gj'guilty. $200 fine. $193.10 counc ^ t^ MichaaliL Crabtreelee. ^ Tribal members blocked1 thet that the executlv. 13th St.. Burley: Invalii months probation, 90 days dri snded to invalid driver’s !>^5 love to relegate the three-yeyear- ment of tribal enterprises^enti Dot PJ««ded guilty.f, *68.50» tine. license, plea< license suspension, time credb S ! Dehnedpfos*Mecutlons eaded«uilty, $68.50 fine. ^ Id enterprise board to an adadvi- he argued that underund the tribel S63.S0 co u n costs. n costs; Magistrate Judge Magistrate Judge Michael R. Cralrabtree. Doa Chrlstetuenlen, 56, P.O. Box 554, ^ 1 ' Antonio £ . Goldarai. 29. Jose M. Gutman. 24. 310 ( sryrole. - constitution andnd bylawa the C rabtree. b ,; ) C St., Rupert: domesticlie violence bsitery; St., Rupert; driving without 0 Vega Arteaga. 26. 301 Rupen; one count coatempt ofif coun,i Ma^strate Judge Rt **This really concerns m e asa: a executive commiiimittee is oIH' pleadMi guUty.S300fine.S: dismissed, 90 days in Jail. 88 daylays sus- Steve Teater, 23,!tJ^wSlIIJi.No. busiusiness person,” EnterprI>rise mately responsibleble for tte costs. 10 days in ja il, eighi k4ca;bav{ngtbesceneofan ^ ight days sus*. aeeident pleaded guilty, SlOO fine, pended, two years probation>n; o n e 101, Boise; one couraunt possessloa of a Board o a r Chairman John Matthehews ' ness operadons. pended. six months prob count misdemeanor excessive drivingdi omtrolled substance n costs, 10 days in Jail. 10 ^ nee, one count poises- salid id during the tribe’s, weekekend ^ .He also warneded ofaUabiUtsf« , months driver’s license si rnded. fM r months proba- • !£)under the influence, amended: totc mis- sion of drug p a r a ^ w k in lieu of demeanor driving under the Influfluence, to use, one count dri'SJSSiito,'"pS! f.™eneral cotmdl meeting. “I hahave problem with thehe independent1 crate Judge Larry R. Duff. ^ duty to the general cotmdldl to board that could iaik Magistrate Judge ilbbetiTS. 1019 Fifth St.. ^found guilty. $200 fine, $78.500 coun leges, one courttIt ffictltioui.diipIa>; a uld put tribal - Robena L. Montoya, 44,u^45k < ^ ^oSTsibl M. 406 S#cood R u p e rt: dom>mestie i violence battery. costs, 90 days in Jail. 88 days sus;uspend- Ma^mieJudgeMiMichael R.C nbtree. say, s y , *Hey, this doesn’t woiork. assets at risk, St., Rupert; driving without *»36.50 fine.e. $1001 suspended, $168i0 ed. two years probation, 90 dayays dri- Jennifer Ploss,:>s, 29, P.O. Box 111, W^e've e ^ already been-down tlthis Matthew9>«aidd ttthe execudVe amended.to invalid driver «uncost».«i ver's license suspension; Magis}istraie Paul; insufficient1 fifunds checlt fraud;- - road>ad.”’ committee sent: a 1memo three ' pleaded guilty. $100 fine. S< Judge Roy C H c ^ M y . AbgistrateJudgeRoRoyCHoUowiy. a larger locadon and help ed guilty. $68.50 fin e. S63 me, Burley; driving <<> ^ Iped have found enteriterprise opera* “s S S . »‘sr«ooi10 fine, $200 suspended. Vj*} jisth ite ^ S w t p r irS e g ^I, pleadedp* g u U iv .S ^ d esvelop v e plans for a $52 rnlllllllon ■ tions flourish whe:vhen sepatated t costs, S3S defender fees,' J^"NUchB«l'^ Crabffeel " * Eulalio Loya, 21. 806 fine; $88.10 coun CO)coets, six tn o n i} » ^ c a sisiho in resort on the Clearwat'ater from tribal goveminmingbodies. Jail. 160 days suspended. . , bation. 16 hours co Rupert; contempt of court probation, time credited; FBIFelony dism issals guilty. $86.50 fine, S63.50 a 180 days driver’sI licenseUi suipenilon; ^ - ' fudge Michael R. C rabtree. Sabas s Leon. 28. 524 FirstI t S t.. M agistrate Judge LaiLarry R. Duff, T daHo,J 39 othler states wildll get WestCCoast dcockwork^er dispiute drages on mnoney, C D ss from setdeiemerit — ------, BOISE BO (AP) - Idaho will gget Iations. Those discliscs and those . Government uruiges. H j B . Exports andai Imports :42,000 and 25,000 compalact given directly to0 thetl state will f m:s from flve m usic distributeitors ber distributed to)nan-proC[ton»>' na end of disqgrcei^ m e n t '^ 2 9 W M C o« ae tt ports that have a n did ithree retailers to settlele a nizadons, charides,les. schooU and; m by J latwr dispute c la imlims that their sales practiciices libraries, TIM W ih ln g te n P o r t la n $300 billion l e dd t.7 .7 ;million in compact discss tto ' The eight denieded the1 accuse- recent days and paral:ralyzed 29 i, tobacco products. b e ddistributed is by the companielies d o n s w hile agreeingng tot th e term s ports from San DiegoI to Seattle in and plastics.. n a tioJonwide n based on state popipu- of the setdemem. during their busiest tiirnim e of the flume, rather thon . . . year. The ports handlee aabout $1 ' p exports are scrap -r ^ w 1C paper. IWI billion in cargo a dayly < a n d a re been shut down b s on the West Coast lU health instituute gets new diidirector I among the largest in the < handle more than le country. tpckedoutdotdochwDfker FnncM Ug* joinsI oUether picketen Monday outsldi s. Long Beach and .. p „ - ers picket. worth of im ports i OCATELLO - A health econc lomla.andSeatUo no- th e university, j ed outside port gates hi landJh Oaidand Caltf. Catgo shipslips lay at anchor offthort.waKI year from Asia. Ai > here and °?*!*» W»shlngl=.. It at Idaho State Universit;ity The institute wasas established« I eilsewhere Monday, scscores of "• I, ■and tm eks with frMh produce:• IIIlined up ouUlde West Coast f Zealand, Europe, been nam ed th e new directotor in 1989 to provitovide health I cargo ships a rriving aUlalongthe al MondayafterCw doekwotkm w tn locked outIt In a dUpute that could cost tt -Guam. ------1 o f thhe e schoors Insdtute of Ruraral research, consultadondon and techni- West Coast from Asiiis i a w e re U.8. eeonooiylytlbiinooaday. i Top Imports arclest Ini in the nation, Healthdth. cal assistance to goveiovemmem and stranded outside harborjors, filled eiy, furnHure.'Clotilet Monday. Giant “ThiThere is a huge opportunit:ity . community organizatitcations. ' w ith goods fo r factories a: puters. automolivi s a n d b'usi- o m S aturdavay, th e n closed all ter- acdcns acti a “ strik e w ith p ay” b t cargo containers here,c, nnot ju st in rural health careire, P iland w as set to> becomb e e direc- . misses across the counti^ito -.S o m e ironies. nday evening only a waged wag to pressure shipping Kips did not move. but ill general health care antnd tor three years ago,;o, hefi said, b u t : nnes w ere left w ithoihout dellv- j,, Top exports Includ' ^ t e r th e y O p e n e d , :ials ciaT into bowing to union 2d wilh an array of health1th care delivery," said Neilsill stoyed in Denver!r becauscb of eries, and hundreds of t poultry. Industrial' - y t n g d o ckworkers k . were again dact dac dem ands. for the upcoming Pilandmd, a research professor aat health problems. were stuck parked outsidtside ports engaging in c mai feed, aulomolihg season - cam* with empty rigs. 1 ta c d c s th a t w ere cre> Union U leaders in West C and vegetables, tc ating diaos. ports scoffed at those.chai aves, clothing - . White House officialsssiddthey si Theassodi chemicals, resinsd a . D ozens of long- I V ciadon hau vowed to Lidmd called the lockout a dao Mesiured byvolun -■*. were closely monitoringig tliei dis- keep all thehe W test.^ast ports }us ous step to intimidate worl rrying signs that A—'*dairies ___ •% '.^ u te a n d u rg e d b o th1 sides si to closed until dollar value, topTerrorism, o; Not • - dl the International thath a t will h arm th e alreacly w m etal and waste p dnuMtfnmBl Prescott said, .accep t th e h elp o f federaliral media- LongshoreB and Warehouse enetmed national economy. rkefs" walked in ''™™* ■ The largest ports oi i milk processing plant coulclid With the closunsure of the :tors with a meeting tententatively Unio», whlrfIch represents dock- ‘'T **1 hat’s a lie, th a t’s a n o u tr outside.padlocked. A m Ide the a re Los Angeles. L ommodate many of the disIjj. Simplot plant, mornore people . scheduled Thursda;d a y in w o rk er^ eith ‘aboufthe effect on thehe econo- newtme. It the Port of Los Ange ir jobs," said one* ny of the potato farmers whcho Central Communit:nity Action ; * -my,” said. White Housew sp^e»-« . Joseph Mililiniace, the assoda-. “W<;We’re ready to go to w<^oremen, whose laborr co o stra c t first lo ck o ut t * “ U nfo ctu n ately .th e foUcollow h ealth and safety riile JV. Gray Davis (D) 10 of£ from docked ship unission w ill continue.to talliQli Prescott _said^ P^People' are ______^Vr expired Jufy li of orchesbestrating union had odicrther idans," he said. he the letter because/tbey do' les in the dispute n Sit. Containers filled h local’governing bodies, requlred'to take step:teps to better V ' costly and disruptive worroricdow- **Experienceded crane-dri vers were wanvant members injured w l merchandise furnediately to the [uding Minidoka County cpmjf,! them selves, such ass earningea gen- •^dow ns. The Pacific MaMaritime nowhere to> beb found ... Tracks theyhey do not have the safegui ible and warned " “ “J Coast holiday shopping sioners and the plarming andnd eral equivalency diidiplomas or e^Assoclation, wUch reprspre^ts andforidlftsvg were driven so slow- if ofa a .co n tract.' :equences of an la ra e s «*■“*• m ic ro w a v ing boards in both couifti^05, learning how to go) on job inter- i^shipplng lines imd portt r t o M r a - , . ]y th a t a ;dUl(did cquld walk more. The.neighboring T! ports of )ut at ports could nnp f. were not opened. ore beginning to market thejie views. ^ 4 ^ im posed a raw l^: quickly.-BiiitfiiUance called the Ang^geles and Long Beach, i trlMM shoremen carry “ a r e aB to dairy ow ners. Last year Cassia1 CountyCo com- w eS said, “Fight T. AJso lso Monday, members of the(le missioners gave thethe agency a American Worki l a r a g e t s ith Central Communityly one-dme contribution’io n o f $2,000, uj^^dc N«'JegotiatDis go itrightc solem n d rc le s ouion talks ion Agency talked with ^mm. ' Executive Direct^ector- Ken , fences in what (le Robinette said.-If-po:-possible, th e —. • - ( A ^ - Tbe SALTS t LAKE CITY (AP sioners about the services the I infill ' roimd*the rbvid^ reiit aiid'utili^.as^ lo n o t— u rg e d bo th sides ce,.food.boxes,.emergencyey Times-News wriu>rit^ Shari _____^ ^After'41-days of bargdiiiwhile to return immei j i . Chaney ean be reacha c h e d a t tfie b g o tia tm fo r liie com pany I lic^ as^w ce.and a w^th- var^ bargaining tabl adon program, Mini-Cassia BureauI aat t 677-4042, . ^ 1»200 >rorkera-we/e' at . that the'conseq:ials could not ' ' i S l S M S d f f i S i e ft’s critical the county gets.(5 £ x r . 638, or byII e*mail^att npasM OD bodi economicif I Los extended lockoutireachnlforcom - ay schanev9magicvaHeifxtH/xont . ott^condmic^’issues, « oLved in this,” Roy - .L-w, nor* be severe.

down to wire o ______‘ \ lP) - Kennecott spok M d__Cqi^os. id an :• .. The company^ ] the employees would wuld: rtinue the open final .tmions struck whi tth e —-tract >expired -1

niii^^^H esaldtheydlt r i S . last strike in 1996. It an Union officia : «nd . immediately be re » 4 TlWMNlwi.T»fclFaiF«to.lMK> TUMday.Octotwl.:1.2002.

^Ma g f c V

Ty"w i n F ailLLS Unin![sured rate inn I d a h i[Q decli[iriesi -ARRRAIGNME■E-NTS'--- BOISE (AP) - The pepercentage ; The Cehsihsus Bureau reported nearly n 87,000 childrenn a lo n g ' .m'. —.-i ' — of Idaho residents withehout insur- that Idaho's3*s ra te of people .with- with v 54,000 adults andd C H IP ^ Tlw Tim—■fjww ______ingofflcan;■n; ^ v a te counwt hired; pleut- * ance plunged more th« han a per-- out insurairanee for the entire participation p was at nearly n The cdinnoccmcm; a m bond. centage point last year.ir, and the year, on a UHIIISnsuredvary ~ W IN K /iu ^ - Krccnient tictiviiy in 5ih Jiutln1 J. Compton. 20,1660 E. 4200 N, I a rolling average 12,000. 1 The expansion, atand the , . . DiMrii'l Ma(il«Uilte Cciunurt in Twin Falli Buhl; petittit thefp.i public defender denied; Census Bureau reportrt show s a d r o p p e d fr',(n u>tul. SSOObond. cess of the cahipaign coconducted nationally,ly. O f th e e s tim a te d from fi i^romoting CHIP parorddpa- tnatltioproponlcoftton ol people Cl.iv r. Culdwell, t7.7. 1n.<: Sixth St., WllUamlm Kaht. 66.315 Fourth Ave. N.. first by th e s ta te a n d thehen by pri- 70,0 0 0 in ecrease rt in population tl jasa^id ^hoaim irah insurar>ce around hilrr; niiniir in puiietilgMlgn.of alcohol; . Twin Fall*;U»; dlK ^erly conduct; pleaded anged from 7 .2 . pir.xii-d (piiliy; wnicndn« p vate organizatiims to bibringMow- Idaho h'tfdd ffrom 2000 to 2001, oiorganizations stepp<^ in totc k e « p n » country langi iiicnced to four dayt in JaU. cred- . income childrenthehe govern- 14,000 swellt ^ p e r c e n t to 23^2l^2pefcant.7bf p lyimlN/fly l-jirick. 17.str&ooN.; iP s s ;:DT one day already terved. elled the ranks of the th tl e cam paign going- ■ I'ikr. niinnr in poucMlonooflob«eco:piib- of David A. Feteraon, 20. 326 Eaitland ment-subsidizeo'^GlLilliJdteri’s uninsured toto 210,000. “A nd th e re stUl a re man;i ^ c h i l - natk)nal averageaeew88l4.S. ; ' ' __^ lie (k-fiiutcr appointed: pl«afwaded innocent. Drive. Twli H ealth Insurance Prograram. Ihe bright(ht spot was a decline dj Qualify percent.. Ti-ft-vi J, Coffi-y. 30. 757 Narmal^ve., defendcrapi dren out that that would a But Robert Seehusei;en of the in the numb. Knrlpy: petit iheft;t; pipleaded gniltr. 'Andrew>w Arden Uyne. 45. 224 Ninth •eopla without ^ M'nli-mrd in *M) duv« in Jai Idaho Medical Assosociation dren fromn !51,000 in 2000 to e ei i t h e r t h e i r p a r e n t s ar< I Jail, (Utpended; Ave. E., TwinT« Falti; battery: public •n e e , 1M9-2001 . tmitl $i. defen emphasized that the repcport cov- 4S,0001astyeyear. S eehusen said it aw ai are o f th e program fo r variousvj l»a«>>ln*urjnc I'jhloSunchci Nfurtinc*.c*.lH.3l4 1 cent;! ers only the initial stugcges of the was a creditlit to advocates of the reasonsrt because it’s cert:rtainly .. ■■ ' • t-.iurth St. W.. Twin KuUi;i»; |poite«- Nai economic downturn anda sug- Children's J ♦mn of 4 Kmimllnl Mitntanclance. fuU- ^ E . 331 's Health Insurance n nt ot being advertised a s it s gests the shift could cunjntiriue or Program, 2 19.2 23.3 Mr.- ii> ..pi*e4f n,It. 4«.4< 310 ^ C o u n \\ 'S S 'iS S K "'"'"'”' “Xhese figures are aI yj ear o ld e r e d b y tl i:im St.. lidmcru ctnvinc undunder the \ rCCOrO^ q,,Gabriel Duran, 20. 557 Secorid the state-federal w w; ant an y th in g to do w ith gogovern- inW.. Twin FalU; puueuion of and the recession was; juj st get- M edicaid prllc defend SOURCE.US CamualwuaBvTMu AP • Jerctnv Uyiin BiUado.. 22. 557 Second cent; S300 bond.boi Ave. W.. Twin FalU; plaeiracing debrit on Nathaniellicl Clen Knight. 18. 2701 E . public pnipvny. pnnridintIg ftfttbc Informo- 3300 N.. Twin«in Falb; pouetiion of a forged lion lo un officer; publi>iblic defender check, crimirminal lolicliailon to commit a Feds try £again towvin local Idaho I fatiierr saves son fnfrom jppoinird; pleaded innocnoceni; Sl.SOO crime (tworo icount*); public defender l>»^. appointed;; nonr pleu rniered; preliminary C)7ilhi;i Chavez, 20. inuiiivniient; ouoult, hearing letI forfi>i Oct. 4; $r:.000 bond. I hatirry, public defenderler appointed; Victor EurEarl Uv. i^.^202 Spruce Si.; bear attack Vwith bow ancid arrow ' l>li-adcd ■n»<>c«ii;$l.00a bon pleapli entered; S5,000bond.d. Ten years ago, federalI co fficials grizzly b ear• recoveryrc zones estab- arrows saved his son froi‘om an close, then shot[>ot it through the i S1.500b<)od. ■ Levon R»v(»y SpvfH-i-r. 27. S12 Jeffenon, lumbered 1 into north-ii- c e n tr a l li.shed after thth e bear w as listed as . . Orion Tom D»bion. 43,I, 350331 Hwy. ack thenen ,” sa id t» the. North1 CCa sc a d e s-th e last of JJ' le incident. w ere about 100 yards aw ayy iw hen “T h ese guys•s are ai really good ppolnted;plead-fundi (two0 ccounts); puliili; defender, 1Tim Ford, a retired statee wildlife' the zones tito undertake the t_. cdlnnooenL appointed; p Jason came across a motherer bear a^ers, but still, 1; pleudcd innoci^t; $2,000 oofficer from Omak. “Butxt now is required env:nvironmental.study. ill, even at that, it Sc«ttLMaileTaan.3a324324 N. Bev^y, bmd. w ith cubs. was a dam lucky ■ th e tim e to g el back o ut thithere and Some expensts estimate there are . cky shot,” Hlavaty Shoahonr, poaieMian of drugrug parsphema-] Alfred E. WWution. 42.315 I^>cuii St. N., ‘ ^ “T h e w ind w as in o u r favcivor, so said, Ua; public defender appolnKilnted; pleaded Twin Fallt;: pu»tc»*iunpu of druK parapher- start ‘ talking to people agaiiain.” no more thanan a half dozen bears .u, there w as no scent for th e be innocent; $300 bond. nalia, pruvldinIding falvr infurmution ti> offi- So a coalition of federaral agen- in the region1 today.tc I; bear to Jason, who was recovering at ' Chrlitopher L«e Nevanvaret. 17. 304 cert; publicr defenderd« appointed; pleaded cies c known collectivelyy as the But the agei pick up. and she just walralked Bannock Regio!gional Medical' ftghth !**ioo oralcohol innocent. gencies are no closer right 5- into him,” Nolan said. Interagency Grizzly' Bear to importing bearsb< than they were y Center Stinday.wirw ith bites to the >der appointed; Uncotn KKeith I'etertun. 27. 950 ^ When Nolan heard his Mudrona. Twii Committee is .back. a decade ago. is son leg, head and arms,am said it hap- rwin Fiall*; battery • dumntic JO. The-new effon is yelling for help, he sprinte ing. 24.457 Aih viiilence; pubpublic defender uppuinied; This t i m t th e group hasIS ihired a prom pted inI p;p a n by th e possibili- ited to p en ed too fa stC foifor him to think bt. N.. TWfn Falk ttalking; pu the noise and commotion. : public defend- pleaded innoniocent;S300bond. Ciconsulting nrm - InSight WV ildlife ty th at C anadaIda m ay begin moving u m uch about It. ^r a|»pointed; pleaded innonnocent; S200 Dam E DiiDial. 25. 950 Madrono. Twin \ “When you hear your Management of Bellinghatlam - for bears intot ssouthern British y_i ir son “I was just hopingho my dad' Fall«; providirW i^ fa^inform ai^n I" un ^ yelling for help, there’s only I Biwio Alb«io liemandeidel Sr., 49.215 urficer, public' a yearlong public relationons cam- Columbia, rals Jy one could get there>as as quickly a s po» aising the possibility fu:thing going through your n Wdams, Twin FalU; m ininging or obnntct- t-d innocent.' paign on th e subject of grizizzliesih the animalsIs could cross into ' mind sible and he did.id. 1He saved me.” , sthe North Cascades. Washington. and that’s, ‘Get down therere and Jason said. I savesav him,*” Nolan said. Jason underwerwent surgery WhenV he arrived, Nolan) said,s Saturday and1 is expected to ^ R Y - ^ . ththe e bear was on top of hisis son, rem ain a t BaimocJnock Regional for -OBITUA] maimauling him. He said he im m e- th ree q r four days,ays. He is listed In ------1 diadiately thought, “Pve got to R u p e rIT t -S e RVIC]IBS-----— to kill fair and stable comcondition. hher e i and it’s got to be a ggood “It will take! a little1 while to shoshot.” ■ - • recover, b ut mI livecnn worse.”w( F a llsand an formerly of Kimberlyr 1Buhl; interm ent will followow a t th e andlaiueru H an gravieside setvice att ^West End Cemetery irin Buhl Bernice Anmma Vulgamore of 10 a.m.i. today tl at S u n set M em orialI ((Farm er Funeral C h ap d , BBuhl). Castleford, grav-aveside service at . > Parkin Twin ir Falls (White 11 a.m. today aiat the Twin FaUs M orraarjaiy). W illia m “ Willy** Mlatthew a Cemetery, Twirwin F alls (F a rm e r . Holman of Wendell, serviivice at 4 Funeral <^pel,!l,Buhl). 1 la Fennewald of Hansen,, pp.m. today at the WendelleU H igh e at 10 a.m. today at the.; SchoolS auditorium (Demtmaray’s Lida Staufferet of Jerome, ser- m n LDS Church; burial will W\ endell Chapel). vice at 1 p.m.m. today in the at Sunset Memonal Park Jerome 4th Waii^ard LDS C hapel, n Falls; visitation from 9-10 Farlin John M iirri of Twin 26 North Tigersr Drive, Jerome; - •day a t th e church (P ark e’s FFalls, serv ice a t H a.m . to d ay a t th e fam ily wiU ggreet r friends from A TOP^ OF THE LiLINE : Valley Funeral Home, tlthe 1st Ward LDS Chap FuneralI Chapel hive; visitation from noon ' 1937, to Walter an a Leia S o f H eybu Arrangements ■ willII Ha wth the Rev. Lana rry C rist o ffidat- 5 p.m. before the service ar Aberdeen. Washington a t 11 a jn announced by Demal a r a y ’s ill follow In the sophomore year m 1943 It th e church (F am sw onh Shoshone sh ChapeL ^ Jerome Cemeteryery. Friends may m m joined ihe Navy al the ageS i q u i r a s ary and Crematory, call from 5-8 p.m..m. Friday at the was released irom activeuires passed Hove-Robertsonon Chapel in FAKE A SPIN W mFH JOHN DEERE’Sr e N E w January 8, 1946. ano stayjpt, 28. 2002. W veraide ■ Marvel M G. Rica Jerom e. reserves until he re-enlisteiiai in Boise. friends m ew Paui Friel of Beecher JEROME - Marvel G.1. Rice, A full obituaryy willv appear In'a ^Z E R O -T U R N ^DIUSLAWNTRA., er service at 2 p.m. today 9393, of Jerome died Surunday, lateredidon. three wars (World War: II Lodge. (Payne M • PPow/erful o ' 18-hp, V-Twln Vietham) ana 23 years. of2002, ai 2 . EnjEngines start easier, last service. Chuck retired as senoing at Lida 8t lo nr g e r quartermaster on April C 1! em etary, vice a t I p Aug, 1960. ne married * J h i i 'l l • 48-48-lnch all-purpose or . D. Raynlak m Elko, Nevada.eb,uary 26. t!? "jji; K l tl r ^ T*.rl FreF re e d o m AZ M u lc h in g Chuck returned to Orecla Squirss in m o w e r worked for S.E. Tripp asion a In- his to 12.45 f truck driving in 1987. he343. n Chuck. -V «x*«y ongratulations!at t Youou've found today'y's Millionaire Mo TVvo-pedal autom atic Rupert. Idaho where hoaeons. wc He Mortuarj lonfiy! transmission lets you con­n- his .son-in-law. David Gentrive duty on Jerome).. Clip only the bill from thishis a d a n d s a v e it to b id oin n great prizes like a car, boboat, • . troltrol speed and dlreaion until he m oved to Nampa,tayed in the * Chuck loved his familylisted ai in the ■ M athew restaurant an8 grandchltcSailors Inc. K M B ~ PIN aoiiDW- " ^ ^ ir a n d c N W r a f i a n d nuiFlee^ Tug I M l aanQUM BnfmK other. Lola m BMWiM-MWlST-- ded Chuck Pmnodoii««liNo..»,W!,Nopu) puidiiw acM H iy For MUliontin dninmjiKndhmlwilttnSASB , , w-' . ' -■ .,V'. vly rhiSMd . H H J q mpa;.three Kjnil' y . Rupert. M H| ^uzannft= = exas; son. 'an^-sis-' a. Oraigon, . in c o u v a r. hitdren; 6 numerous x J jw ifb rl' 'ouTSmUy Pk on*.. 'unw^i S i p ' - 7"— M d r n iING n BREAK ~ ~ ^=aBBS^=SBSSSi^= ' TM3PuniM««d!^ a M o s s r r - n ~ T r ^ | » o-i i. \,k i.j i 1 AdluM , 6 Alpha Miower V 10 AMnttoo Better n Dauj r c j g y e t ! -14 Jtzzjr.R *e«*__ _ ghter I ts excliuding[dad ■ 15 Curved moMbig ■ DEARABBY:Ihav, 11 Stable units ■ ■ U 2 My advice to th at little glgirl is to* th e im pression 57 Oash in aome 12Mason-sOetla 12 f nTtB u I later realixed that n from experience. I ion sh e h as o f h i m - my father advised t&e f recognixe that sometimesis adults for better or wi eoddaUa 13 1 3Raisesaolass1 | r o lo is t loved m e a s m uch a s nm ry m other a n g er a t he e girl r that although her f r worse - may color* 59 0etigr>er 18 f behave like children. Sonwiepar- her expectationtions of men for the, ; 18 Pierre’s frtWKJ f? aTrTp ■ did - diQr just couldn’t inakem their tiveness rowjler dad and her proiec- t Chanel 22221 Ten.year period f f hT?!? " (ward htf mother were ents e who divorce want theileirdiild rest of her life. 60 Auaten novel » 23 YoungV Scots l | | i | ^ ^ 61 Kabttual 14 24 Toast1 topper r auiudaot 25 yh *irppplifl ' P r r •taptlclwi !6KueiK26 K * B E TheN:favy stop oggings^ Liaso: ‘ 66 Ooze II ailors in lenms - tele t ppeci flo 67 Pftvy 10 30m O.C.C old-timer |a |b |e B o Some year, 1850. Levi:vi invent- would happen to his tanal 68 0ymnaat 33»Srr>ear S Is Ia Iy H n ed his blue jeans, th tal cartl- G iv in g o f suchuch was a fad for- .Comaneci 34>4 HighlandH hat Ic S w itiR ti th e N av y toge? stopped flogging : years. On sonsome birthday ot' 69 Reaacnabip 3616 SeineS A. N ot m uch. T h at’s h iss eyelid.c C hristm as, a ny Ibrother or tether* 70 Mator endmg? 3919 PeacockP Pinkerton opened a dd< e te c tiv e ' T iy another. 71 Forest claartng netwotfc r>< 46 Convent agency, Dickens came ( could expectct tot get matched: It 56 Gettino top out w ith J REVISITKI^ • t During every hour off everyi brushes, 4010 ‘Rule‘F Bntannia* superiorr marks “David Copperfield.” ” B u n sen day of the last 100 yearars. it's Too little c DOWN composera . >47 Ukrainianin 56 Transmitted dreamed up his burner V LM. Boyd d e credit goes ta. 1 Madison Ave. 41 R er, Folger said, some researcher has 1 Bird with a peninsulaila 62 Acquired o ffered coffee you d id n ’t as been Norwegians.s. T a k e tbalS . ; output laughlike la cry 46 Hired killerillers 63 Actress Lupino have to trying to come up with aI ]pill to Norwegian Joh 2 Sandra or Ruby 42 Fi roast and grind yoy o u rs e lf, Johann W aaler.'In; . 2 Fomierty. onca SO ObscureB 64 Entertaining M ■ Imake straight hair curly or curly 1900, he Invenvented the paper ’ High mountain 433 BureaucraticBi 53 Golfer Els Tennyson wrote “’Tis betterb to • ^ , hair straight. 4'Appease ot clip. But howiv mmany times do er obstructions 55 Ready 65 West of have loved and lost ...."and.. - „QCIilcoiy Consider a S*feet->7 9 ReadeCa card 4SS Oismisaala alternative'ive? Hoirywood ily Is what sives New •7-inch, hisnamecome^ir u p ? Napoleon ate his firstI itomato. "'Ioffee that bite, but ^w otnan w ho tap e-m easu res Big y ear. wlty, p ta y , do es 38 a t One o f th e rootm ost m o d e m fo n A ^ , dotheyllkeit? the bust. 25 at the waist anda 37 of locomotion is A nutrition expert si n is jet proptiUionr- say s o n e A. W h en th at the hips. Men of Francnee tell It’s what moves food more than any otl th e C re o le t ra n short at ves the chanbered? )ther will of coffee in t surveytakers these aree w h a t nau tilu s, o ne o^ ' siistain life longest. Inteteresting, stretched rjw! the avU War. they s i o< th e o ld est c r e e ^ : ,;- Tauruss: Decoraate and i what they had with ththey Relieve to>be thee ;ideal tures in the sea.ea. . ' T- if true. Can you nanime said chicory, am female measurements. comestible? No, not mi and cultivated the fe Said A lbertn 1Einstein: “The", nilk. The taste. Sir. do’ you own a papair of most important t potato. The otter a int tool of the tbeo- m atched h a ir b ru sh es, e a dchalit- i retical physicist You know what nearlyly p u t th e b u t n o t its shr always i eats its fish . m; dst is his wastebe*-': ' remodeel your pjproperty | s h e llfl^ ash o re. tie •!( bigger than a deck of' c ard s? ket.” Fuller Brush man outr cof busi- Q. If a man If not. why not? Your ( I Iness? T h e A von lady. d e r on feU off a taU lad- if IF OCTOBER 1ST'*T IS YOUR I— ^------ided o n h is fe e t, w hat granddad g r did. Or probabljjly'Sd! I 8ub«crib»lb«.733m»31 ~~t B n iT H D A Y ... you ar m ak e spe- • °®. *"ultipljplied.” Your value is latlonwlde' \ edged; be aware, pro'- * I Nat dal appearance. Prepaiipareatalk acknowledi ng DUtanc* Y o u R 6 d c ye e - with current events. ’’Y^Y< rc o S ld , L o n g ' b4 flirting with fame, S(Feb. 19.Mar.20): Charges / , ,e, fortune. L \ Aries plays role. will be completed: be W h at D o YOU W w it?7 CANCER (June 21-J sady to move on. I^ve Miake fresh start, give ship is ‘'heated.” consideration to going«intobusi- ij Separationon is temporary; look ndss. Highlight origin!^lal thinking forward to a .hot-and>heavy ^ e s , Libra play myste- atld romance. You will11 beh better K JS * 10% Mor« Y / of others, riousrole.. \ 1 ac promoting cause of Anytim e but remember own needteds. L % .A n )LEO (Ju ly 23-A ug. 22):22 Trust I ^H inutes J .intuitive in te lle a , foUovHow “in n e r feelings.” Question ofif mn arriag e lolims large. ProposalsIs receiv^i cc^d include parmerishriship, mar- ri^ge. Cancer native invitesinv you r n t l m i t e d X I to;“dinner party.” p ' / U n l V irg o (Aug. 23-s- 22)! H obila \ Popularity is on .the rise;ri: take .',1 M to chjarge of s^dal jroupp Ufeaturing ^ H obila / discussions of optics,s, rreligion. You^re tcid,'iii.'ltiusy to w ait a around V J''C a llin g y D^n’t fear *YorU^en su for Gemini, Sagittarius ph 2 (K)oafiiiiitabDD(i9i 6^-*;^deai. Att Edge plnroles. . W i r e l e s ^^ ^ p n 't have tc LIBRA (Sept. 23-0<- O c t.'2 2 )t to. W e ^ Yiur lucky dayl l y o i f y o u r i ^ 7 « o> . « .^ 3ktak2XK(i» ALWAVCT '. m e n i First \ - fo h d est h c m ^ w ishes «ri - M -9:4o'iuadao» ____- r. n u o f / , Mf onth \ tr^e. Wish for something W K piij^s to enl ciu-as well as luxur nhance , I O A ccess romance. At the track:.' ■i' ; o u r r a ^ jMM ^pdrnake tii( C h a r g e ^ nw ber 4 post-poiit lie deal V o t h a t w o M r a V ^/ B p f e g '------

Tsjariae aiirtiy j '' ■ *. Jeretne 40ftiiiB*i.,- ariesoutt' S d ^ G w i R E.ELESS* - # — — itayy»86i» ~ . raoete**-^ — r G MKT t n s n e g u-aaai — ------isss. iSMaia OP THt *T*T w ia iL e ssINSTWOHK » W l r e l ^ ~rrrrl::2i;.w;. MSMI OIMr good 01) leteet rate pisfta.'U

I ■T ' 11 JN a t i ^ SJ ■

Partiess tiy —— e p e r f o r m ^ WASHINGTON)N (AP) ~ With * electronicallyally just doesn’t coom th« public focuseded on .the econo- \ WASHINGTON - Intcitelligence to the mindsds ofo most people.” my and possiblee wwar with Iraq, o g en d es a re w orried cooommerdal Reports fromfro pilots ui rK olt few have noticedtd c th at C ongress airliners mAy be susceieptible to' years to a1 NASA-runNi databa^ is hopelessly behinclind in its b tuiget ' electronic interference bby terror- suggest randandom interference work. Even so, hottrath parties are . ists using m odified cell phonespi or froin cellI phonespl and other using the standbflJbff to enhance' other electronic device:»s to dis- portable eleciJectronic devices can their prospects in November’s ■ rupt navigation and.con3ntrol sys- ' disrupt'navigivigatibn Instrumenib elections.' . tems, several specialists3 said; last during flighttit ;; : The new federaeral fiscal year •. week. ' Some intelUtelligence oftidali.aft' starts Tuesday, andan lawmakers The issue is a sensitiitive one, concerned tiiattha at least two ind- have finished noinone of the 13 e xperts skid. T hey do riotot want to dents involv^Iving airliners ab ro ^ annual bills thatt keepk< agencies unduly alarm the flying)g public. induding one crash, may have in business. T h e go>governm ent will At the same, time, severeral said, been caused»d byb dectronlc inte^- ■ stay open because'se Congrra has the issue.of whether cellill phones ference fromm co ^ phones or o9)4r approved legislatication to keep it and other devices haveve conse- portable dev[levices aboard'tli'e ■ running tem porarrarily. Neither quences aloft is takiiking on craft, the defenifense source said, party wants a fedei:deral shutdown renewed urgency whi'hen the There is nono evidencei die ind- five weeks fromI eleel c tio n s th a t p o tential for d eliberate mmisuseis dents - a fataltal crashi o f a regional will dedde who nuruns the House cranked into the equation)n.' airliner nearfZuildi, Zt Switzerland. . and Senate for‘ thett next two At least one U.S. intelelligence in January 2QP02Q| and the emer- years. ageticy is conducting a da u ifie d gency landingn g o< f a Sloveniaiveir- **I don’t think an:anybody knows study on the issue of msTialidous finer last yearyea - were due to w h o w o u ld w in "** poUtieallyp U UM of e lS n tu iic s by fe rnrrorists, a deliberate acts,lets. B u t in th e a fte r' th e re w ere a shutdmdown, said Rep. defense source said. Anups a n d ties, th e so urcesaid rc e : . I game of chicken.’',•* Ihe said. The even airline passengersTs to be Swiss investrestigatori initially GOP-led Congresssss suffered a # i m o re s e n s itiv e to th e possible pc said they beliedieved a cell phone major loss of public s threats. may have been«en responsible for its 1995-1996 budgi b n v e n t E le c tro n ic a ssau lts woiiTouId b e th e crash o f aa .Crossair.C commuter President ClintonI prproduced two ■ d o n a l LJ .S . fo n*ces extremely difficult to traoace, they plane portlyy afteral takeoff from /, shutdowns. said, an d even if pilots weifere able Zurich on Jan.an. 10. 2000. Idlllw ^ A t th e h e a rt o f ihi>this y ear's bud- to recover control, suchI disnip-c all 10 on board•ard. More recentiy, 9 get*making nieltdowown is a drive tions would be unsettling.; they have com:oncluded that the by President Bushish and many ^ a r c h fo) ] r a l- Q atid a , T aa lib a n ‘’’People can understanand box likely causee wasw pilot ecror, j Republicans to limlimit spending ccutters, guns and thingigs like according to> publishedpv re p o ^ ; . bills to S7S9 bilUolion or lew - ' • .1that," said Albert Helfriirick, an The Swiss AcddExident Investigation ■ K •SI K A LA Y , A fg h a n is ta n a v io n ic s s p e c ia lis t a t Ei rougblySll bllliorion less than fAp) - Soldiers of the 82nd Embry- . bureau declinelined 40 discus^tlie Democrats and somi)me GOP law. )£tome . Riddle Aeronautical Unl«liversity ^cddent withi i NN ew sday. A ffnal m e a re com bing th e rugged in Dayton^i Beach, Fla. “Th makers want The resrestofthettl tains that bortfer Pakistan rheidea reponisduelaulater this year. trillion budget cover vers automati. i„ a hewlew U.S. m ilitary strategy ta lly p aid benefits sui such as Soda] emphasLasizing conventional forces Security. r than elite troops in the . Senator ddrops out ofracec For Democrats, the unfinished ^L rSI for ft al-Qaida and Taliban bills are a chancece to accuse fighters, Republicans of hewinghe to a . jhasnstrong show o f force, m m ^nigy budaet propos*•osed by B u A , th a n 20Ctoo soldiers swept into a amid repllac^mentttalk i : , They say that to leaveave room for number«tr of villages in southeast- WASHINGTON (AP) - the conttnuing costssoflastyeart oi «m Afghf^umistan on Sunday and - Sen. Frank Lautenilenberg and Bill Robert Torricelli, a prolific Bush tax cut, RepubUiblicaruwo^d uncoverered a giant cache of 1c fund- Bradley and currainent House mem- raiser whose re-election 1 shortchange educadoidon. domestic. weapons:ns: h u n d r ^ o f rocket pro- J hopes bers Bob MerMenendez, Frank . were severely damaged I •ecurity, h ^ th andd o th er issues p e iie dI grenades,gi thousands of 1 by an Pallone and RobRot Andrews, said people care about. ro u n d s of 0 heavy machine gun ethics controversy, has dedcdded to sources in Washiashington and New drop out of the race to m ake lidon a nd dozens of mortar ke room Jersey, for a possible Democratic re]replace- An associatessaid sal it was'unlikely Judge delalays ment on the Nov. 5 ballot, s< , , . . E o rmmonths, o the military has several Bradley wouldid accept:a A source Democrats said Monday. mostly on small special d o s e to Lautenl)ergI ^ d The sources, who ^ k e Moussaoiiiui tnal units in the region, one of i h e w oulduld run if asl^* ^ only on condition of _ theiiosttSt active fronts in th e U.S.- I G ov.JamamesE.Mdkeevey, c anonymity, said Torricelli. n for al-Qaida and Talibaa I a fello w DDemocrat until June informed New Jersey fc late Atigust, convention- j T o rricericelli’s woes have A Democratic leaders and I ALEXANDRIA, VaVa. (AP) -A alfoS-a - m o f tly d raw n from th e • tro u b leled d Democratic M federal Judge postpon Senate colleagues of his ' strategists{ists, who a re S tr u g - f l •onedthetrial tvKiliKNiHIfMonMr- began moving plan. ofsOm ctedSeptlliII xvwfnpUcf . fivokBsgia i n m A ir B ase, th e U.S. g lin g to maintain the The senator planned a- Zacaiiaa Moussaotdti ono Monday -militaryy headquartersI north of party’s( sir single^t majori- TiMconllwitodwaaponalnclridadtd hmdrwis of rocket prop(’opaiadgrMiadM.ttwii- late-aftemoon lai news con­ from Jan. 6 to June 30. ^ -kabul.^and from Kandahar in the , ty in ththe e Senate in the ^^.^S. District Jud|idge Leonie Mudi. to | sanda of roondt of liMvy macaehlna ^ ammunKlMi and danteana of mortar rounds. ference in New Jersey ttid te rmnelectians. e . ' brhadmoved "vtdadlePa after a full day of talks R epubliubllcans iiaid they some details of th e operat-ation and weapons cachtche of the day - 200 with wi party leaders about' the trial-to Januaiy^ ^after dedd- Ravingiig ^ t e r numbem of U.S. the area be left out . San. Robert would contestcooi aity effort to landmines, a theavy machine gun. possible po repiacemenb and lept. 30 day troops inn aI e area means a large TonkaB have ai susubstitute candis. T he operation got o ff tcto a diffi- m ore th a n 10(lOO.rounds of heavy - onon research of the legal laoui enough force canin mi ore swiftly m ove in if cult and fti&tradi^ start d a te takeIke his plac& argu- ^ m a c h in e gugun ammunition, . issuesi» involved in setting a tima to prepare his CMaae. al^aidaa anda Taliban operatives anew ing dut it is barretirredbystateiawso As the helicopters carryingc< grenades andid several rifles. But candidate cai on the ballot Mbussaoui is repretei him- ere Mmtered, said CoL M artin A lpha company approach! dose to an ction. A c c o r i ^ to ihed . the search alsoals highlighted the With i the election just a 1 that be cfin- Schweiztener, the commander of i a littie GOP lawyers, die only exception Kalay, a collection of munud-brick operation’s daniangers. over ov« a m onth away, party offi ddde hijack- theopeiat homes on the slopes lead! )fSdals .acknowledged bybyacottrthasoeen i ndoa “Bdng in this jfar- 1 idlng into As soldiers“S searcheds the small ' w we ere considering a list of pos e n to commit teirorlsmicm. . ti c u l a r region re right now, we a i valley, between 20 a n d : ossible in case of theh e cd eath of a nomi> d 30 m en h a m le t, U ^3. . foi rces alm o st g o t . candidates cai induding formerrSens. i nee. Brinkema has beenn sensitives( to believe iesifs a target-rich environ- were' sm tted running forrthesafe- tl intoafirefi^t Moussaoul’s trial pre lht w ith Pakistani sol- preparation ment,**heelesaid . ty 1 of the mountains. AHI ofc them diers looking{ ddown on them from O time because the Freni-en^ ddzen ' Simday'sly's m ission began around m i ade it. could face the death { m ountain pealisaks on their side of Streisand O tak< h penalty if i a.m. asIS tApache gunships and The first few houses searchedse the porous and ^ •convicted. n d often tm d ear bor- , Blackhawlcwk helicopters carrying by I the soldiers jdelded litlittie, but der, according subscEcrlbe. M ouisaoul h a s b e e n L ng to soldiers speak- o< mtaimdated ihe fim „ wave of soldiers from a at * the fourth buildi^,, thet sol- • ingonconditior with documents tum ed Jon of anonymity. stage for Denm s 7 3 3 _ o n^over^ neartjybas.>ase sw ept in low through diers c found success! T he owner, . The Pakististanis came down the government, accordj)rdlng to th e th e rugged ■0931 :ed m ountains. Two com- Zahir 2 Shah, told soldieiiers that from the mountuntain and told the LOS ANGELES (AP) .-Bailarbra court*appointed legiegal team panies - A • Alpha and Bravo - of weapons v and m im itions tlutth had Americans thejtiey had crossed into Streisand ^ ^ fattened th e assistinghim. m o re th aan n 100 men each were beenI hidden in the villaj Democrats* war chest for tiieir Brinkema, in a thr tage had P^tan. Afterter a brief confronts- • ti Ih r e e p a s e p la n n in j I t. to link up with about been t moved two daya e&rlirlie r to a don - each sideide with gims atlhe effort to take back controlrol o f order, noted that theMefendaiil d< joien i in scouts and other sup- hamleth farther sofithI called ready-thePak'akistanis backed off, Congress, headlining and prosecutors agreed«d with the port soldier iers w ho h a d com e in on Golamkhan C Kalay» whiclich was but not befiefore Schweizter Hollywood g? g a b Uiat r a i ^ s t postponement. She scscheduled Humveej. S6 million. s. The military took a next n on Alpha company’s' s target ordered mortartar teams to prepare ^ initio! proceedings to select a small conlir itin g e n to ijo u n m lls ts o n list. li , to fire a waminning shot and called The diva emerged from sez f u E i jury for May 27. the missio:lion on condition that Soldiers there found theth first in air support. retirement to deliver a nine-si '• set set Sunday n ^ t on tiie stage c r ^ t h at t w i O l ■' — ’ the th e Kodak Theatre, the n tiome of the Oscars. Celebrii < c w l y o u Inspectionn talks test SsSaddam’s Gov. ( Bush issueles stays of two executionse: - mch S as Christian Slater and Ji Lou TALLAHASSEE, Fla. ( Louis-Dreyfus rubbed should • ^AP) - for a second 1ii inmate who also vith vvit top House Democr pledge to c GGov. Jeb Bush Issued aI ttempo- dropped his api B l / 0 \V E R i cooperate wivdth teams appeals, triple killer nduding ind Minority Leader DidcD rary stay of execution MMonday Rlgoberto Saminchez-Velasco. He Gee VIENNA, Austria (AT fo r o n e o f th e n a t i o n ’s Sephardt and California’s R ep. ;AP)-U.N. recent days!Baghdad has rejeaed I s only had been scheheduled to die by Nanfa n cy Pelosi, tiw minority whi weapons inspectors de:demanded ariy new U.N.U resolutions to ■ female serial kiUers becai Up. ' ^KV ^ MUM of lethal injectionon W ednesday, a n d Streisand’s Si show set a fuj:und- ^ the right to roam freelylely around broaden andind toughdi the inspec- questions questioni w hether th e tent to drop her appeals. killings, was> scheduledsi to die' Con opened talks with th< Committee, said spokeswom•man the Iraqis eight spra\rawling presidential Bush also issued a similaliar stay Oct. 9. Jem'enny Backus. M onday on the logisdcs3 ofol a poM- palaces - up to now off-limits to ble return to Bagh^d, surprise visfcisiis - would be open to \ Chief in sp e a o r H anssBlix,leed- B1 renewedin^upections. Ji ing th e closed^oor meeti] with "We’re tellingte the Iraqis w e' ^uy|W( an Iraqi delegation, s th e don’t w an t; aai n y Hmy b y the U.N. Security reseifch n befotc considering a ■ |p ||||||ll WisUngtOQ threatenedj tott uoilat- CotiiJdl'ooce'ce^U x rep o rts b e ^ o n _____titerriCT, b rau se tte y ir e . . erally cefflove Saddantam from Thunday. I power bdciiate more *e th a n a U n d e r a deald< Uif. Secretai^ TTimmy n * ^ a f a i Q ^ ^ ■ . , Find dm upreMoie Gener^Kof Cofi A n h a n ^ t y r f g i -d eteraU hcdas.hr Ur Please— tor^accaMtD w ppottPeople for Pets Humimane ’ Sodety. ' \VhnItMfaiamiE6ttbs ' ktadaldtM e ejay wMreatito^ IWlNEUlSiUiDULSOBJ ■ • - llcSStSJiSoiiJnS S 139 6th Avonte West • Saddiia ti« big out M iB iie viiltB ■ndmoeal , lo the:.,ut«i 736-2299 ret, w hlcT iacaude TrtTwmiiVllnlrfniiifiiili/'iNll'iiillix -jssssKSges■q- B w in ■ h c a ^ • .__;oic«ng^jtirBaao>

a i » s 7 ■ '

------l ^^SIDE s ----- — H ^ C o m i n ge lWednesday Local sportsrts ...... C2 . * H a n s e n High1 footballfc celebrates Comics —...... C4 ■ its diamofid anninnlversary. ClassifiedI ...... C5« . p r Kevin W ill. 7J5-.iJ.1Q (//,ouit S DR]IIS Sports F/ftton (II . 2-11 p.m .) ■

Thc.Timcs-Ncw2W S . • , . . Tucsdiclay, O ctpbcr 1 . 20C0 0 2 . ' Scccion C

■Mo r n i n g; Il i n e ^

S p o r t s Q u o t e SI shbvvv^eases5 its ba:isketbaall teanns tonilight .ByKavlnHall lege is recogniz- Men’s ? head coach Guy B |i>i th e sti^rt o f th e s e a ^ n witvithits ' tcrs. last year,'ar," Beach said.. Mj wonwn's t»skot&aII teams T ^ FALLS - Uke ninew pro* M ball season on first fin public performance.'Eviv cn if ■ “Tony (now at_ihit_ihe University of lance and cheer teams. jduction nfodels straight ^ T u e sd a y by hav- it isi; ortly for fun. • m y m i n d t h atdiisis t tl “'wScI"7 p.m., tonight " It Cincinnati) w wa; a s k in d o f t h e .' :CSI gymnasium Eassembly line, the Coll>llege of - 9 ' ing both teams • "It.'w“ on’t Ik q u ite a s loti.s'B.w n s e n te rta in e r.’* going to bed: t h e K S> up: Ptaycf introductions. 10- ^Southern Idaho men’ - j h c o n d u c t 10* la^t lalt year’s, biit it's a fun n ig h t ' ' L a st y e a r , Bobbitt and Timnuges for both teams. 3- ^women's basketball tearam s w ill r m i n u t e for th e guys," Beach said. Clemons, who’slo’s now at the greatest Am erierica’s SE SKJtlng contest, dunk contest bbe unveiled tonight. intrasquad scrimmages,sci as well Meaning ^ graduated pla;layers University uf Missoud.Mi turned > feast afterward for $2 per' As part of its now aannual as 3-point shs h o o tin g a n d d u n k Tony Toi Bobbitt and R icky Clenem ons th e crow d rcspons>onsc level u p w ith - , C u p a n d Lx o ) t u is “M eet th e T eam s" night, i t, th e col* contests. won’t be hamming it up foror the piejsj» s e sec CSI. Page 02 V u i t t o n s e r i es s t I h a c

w e ’v e s e e n i n a l o n g , ■ M\/l a j o r L e a g u e B a s e b a III P I a y o 1f f s ■

l o n g t i m e . * I” B( tr in ^y Seasoon is —AnstrartaiRan Peter onds3 tak(es aiim at marktL e d Gibmunax'.axxtefan ByBwi Wnlhfd lw ■ ofJourAmfrimnca's Cups /UiodatedPiIPrewwrttaf______■ Now thlat at Barry Bonds has all p I b y c omflict i those record}rds, he wants that ring, T r i v i a T he sam e oneon Roger Clemens and By Steve W ibteinIn ?. Randy John:hnson >^ted so long to Associated Pressaw wi rtter Q t K s n o s : win. j , Who holds the recordird for most Fresh offiff his first batlf^title NEW Y O R K-Itwasabaariwll -It ? . ' seasons with one clul:lub in the andccnainl)inly headed u 4 iis record ■ ■ season full of angstang and drama, I m ajo r leagues? fifth MVP' tntrophy, B0l ( ^ is hoping collapses and comeomebacks. > lUheTeSr Because gt 38, r 1 Barry Bondsds and Randy ..xmsti H r *get many more shots at |H .,J. Johnson defietfied age, the' ------• the Worid SeSeries. . ■ H Minnesota Twins'ins and Oakland ing a regular season I Athletics defieded their meager T o d a y ’s S C I i iiDULE i n tragedy and tarnished b u d g e ts , a n d thA^powerhouse thK h'ali ^ strike talli:alk, baseball fans can .at H New York Yankeeikees and Atlanlp High school volleytel least focus;us on the fun part: B rav es d e fie d the th< law of ave(^ BUss at MVC, 4p.ro. ' October. , ages, rolling on as n««»ali . Glenns Ferry. ShosIloshone at' “I have no nerves.” Bonds said, When the playoffs ph begla Gooding, 4 p jn . “Ithinkthe{le playoffs are ju h more * to n ig h t. B ondss will wi be looking MinJco at Pocatello.'S’5 p.m.F thrilling. Voiifou’re m ore nervous on past aU his recordsords, trying to w in' Buhl a t Decio, 5:1S p.ra>.m. opening day.lay. That nervousness is o ne of th e few thin;ihings he’s missinft . FUer a t W ood River,', 5::5:15 p.m. from havingig 162] games to go to the . - a W orld Seriess rii r i i i , Lighthouse at TFCA:A JV. , 5:30 po stseasoin. n . Y ou d o g et ex cited These playqffsfs wv m be a shoW* p.m. about this paipart of the year." case for the small'nall-maritet Twhis Carey at Camas Countjmty.6p.m. Thepostse(season starts today, and \ and A’s, who havih av e p ro v ed t h a t . , he game’s old, familiar i i |H Castleford at R aft RiveLiver, 6 p.m . m any of.the money isn’t pveryierythmg in build- f lack for another nui. Dietrich a t Richfield.1.6 6 p.m. faces are bad in g i c h a m ppion, io and the H agennan at H ansen,n, 6( p.m. T h ere’s CiCurt Schilling and the Anaheim Angels,'!ls, who are going . i C entury a t Burley, 6ip.m p.i . Big U nit uyirying to help the Arizona u p against th e YanJTankees. . ^ Twin Falls at H l^and,md.6p.m. Diamondbadlaclu repeat as champi< JoM son andd teammatete Curt ons w hen theythi take on St. Louis. Schilling will be ' High school boys see•“ “ f Greg MaddoIdux and Tom Glavine be trying to help Arisona repeat ai D ed o a t Burley, 4:30) p.p.m. are all warm'rmed up in Atlanta, set t as World'Seiiefe champs, but firstrst theyTl hava to Century at Wood RivR iver, 4:3Q to fa c e BoBonds and the San St— Francisco G:Giants. And Clemens I / g e t p a st th e Inspfa' IMn. ingSt.lecame e a th e oldest Scioscia plajlayed on two champi- player to winn tthe National crowns champio Tis vtrith Los Angeles. H e League batting{title, til and put a u S iSS SAngels , will do fine, too. ...f* virtual lock onn hhis fifth MVP TWIN FALLS - Aaronron Curtis “Pve foundind that there’s no way award. Scared pitipitchers walked and Chris Jerome bea)eat John torealiypassiiss on m y playoff expen* ______him a record 19898 ttimes, most of Sfingi and Jeff Burnhamlam to win cnce to meseese guys. The only way those accompaniedlied by boos from 0 be in th e playoffs,” h e ' * th e 2002 L atham M atchtiFlayBest FI togetitistob San Francisco’s Bany Bonds point*pc skyward upon croitlngIS thet plate after hittlne a twr o^ o ^ home ran agalRst Ssn Olei|0go fans - hopie o r awaaway. They came . . Ball championship SunJ u n d a y a t ^ d . “But here’sthei nothing that says during the seventh Inning lastt TTuesday, In San Francisco, to watch BondsIs hhit, not stroll 'Twin FallsMunidpal Golfo lf Course, w ia t a team1 th th at doesn’t nave play* m ore thari 3 miles.es. Gary BurUen and Cv arl: l Sklavos off experienience isn’t going to do bring bri them forward withh y o u . ^ When Bondss sr s m a c k e d f o u r , won the cotlsolatlon tit]tide over well in the pIayoff&pi And >vith th e Barry’s Bar on jo p of* his gam e -• 2 3 7 0 is A MAJOR LEAQUE DASEOALL»LL PLAYOFFS home runs in theh e : seaso n 's i ir s t Kevin Padqinl and Doylerie 1Dugger m akeup ofour oui dub. I’m very confi- a ag good week or a good men o n th . ^ two games, fans sta I DMsion1»iampIoiishlp i started thinking ' In the^tirst flight,t, 1Dwight dmtlljitweH'e’n be all rig h t” Ov1mISywnagam IS la s t y e a r . B u t i t ’s h a r d to h it ed Dave Leon andd A. r tu r o hishls.-ude,” he said. rtoowC)om*n(andineV«nk«M Utly4«lyM/'(CAwnp«n / k / hom ers w hen pitch«tc h e rs a re throw* ine o f th e greatest play* T Martinez and Jon Jackobilobsonand Clearly one T he Gia.nts h ead in to thee p to y I ( AiuiMU hoMi 81. Lsua wiOwM cwdiSaoFrwKiMotwaM s«0 / i • ing the ball 3 feetfee( outside the [ie h a s ju s t o n e m a rk off; acm* eeuMiy U p4ay tfx Omorn Bill Kimmel won the com offs with an eight*game winin n in g \ \ strike zone. He wourvound up w ith 4 6 . :onsoladon nMincf h‘ n - his postseason fail* strc fltghf. In stroke play, CtuChad Urie “Samst him - streak that won them th e NLL w U f ______^ homers, second to iSammy Sosa’s cancard spot. Bonds is looking fororward 49, and far behind bi Alex aiid Doug Ree««s dw t a 66 « ru n king h as been in to ' h o m e r to' this, opportunity, stara r tin g JO Rodriguez’s 57 in t gross win and Blaine and fs five times, and his We in the American Wednesday afternoon at Turu rn e r . ------— 48 ' League. Ream shot a 59 for the net1 Pittsburgh and San. FielField. PblnwKMTwim 04«7 I 373 187 4.»2 47 8 l.(WI.0J8 43g 234 28 88 8 3 7t M IM-SS 201 20S 3B8.^'«B tl IJ»t 474 287 34 60 10 2.70 «V. The only challeallenge left for Derby winners were Sai F ran cisco ha-have never won even Bonds B has e n jo ^ except pdonal >ta (fUdk* »-S) M OMI««d (Hudeen 114); OeL t, 1:01 p m ‘ ABC Pamlly Bonds is to get hits ( and Irwin with Curtis and,iJjOTme one round. HiHe’s a big pan of die suosuccess against A tlanm ’s topSthree I '."r""'""*-"-' its a n d hom ers in pladng and Kevin Packadtarf and reason-he’slhitting 0^ .196 widi pitc . 91m 282 IS2 300.&4 7 'fiW' m 509 2M 24 89 7 3 27 4148 the. playoffs andid h e lp his team pitchers. He’s hit eight h o c^le n o f f I03 I M 27# 220 387 S) 10 «.»»!1.139 403 290 28 83 3- 327 2< Doyle Dugger taking thee Blow. oiw homft runiim andsix RBIs in 97 MaiMaddux and closer John Sn 29 win a championshipihip. 1 (Waihbum 18*e| at Haw Yorti (Cl*ni«n»•an* IM ): 0« t I. S:17p.m.« Foa _ • . at-bats. andand is batting 3 21 lifetim e ag ' “It’s a great posijosition to. be in, b ut these a re littled e series,"s Bonds ICGAannmmceslinflnal “Iiinwj^oron his m ind th e m ore ' GlaGlavine. NMkMlLMSM yougitysbriiuing it udu** Giants man* The T Cardinals also figuredI totl s e e AntonaOBacu 08'64 I 287 I8S 3.S2 40 14 IJK1J03 421 J90 27 90 7 002 4148 said. “We’ve seen•n it before. I can g?»l» I »> have a five*gameTie slu; m p , I c a n I (Monti 17*9) *1 Arlfona (Johnfon M4]M4): Oel. 1.8M P.RI. • A8C FamUy have a seven*gameime slump, I can BUHL > Ib e team o( JuJudyand gpingtostop>p people from talking the Diamondbad^ One stara r tlia t * (ut instead of people St.St. Louis will not see: b k h itte r Aitwt«B«vM ' tOI.SS n 200 184 3.13 97 3 1,098 I,OS! 9»4 . ’.237 23 98 3 2.«7 3137 have, a two-we■week slump. Dean Huskey won thehe latest £5?“',*' ®"', lit th at 8*nFr«ne*MoO.»n.b^ B»4«i .207 IH 3 54 43 to OKW2 923 24t 24 58 0 3 23 3;^ A nything can happe . Id a h o C ouples G olf Assoissodation • ip th e posidveSk th e y Lui:LaUs Gonzalez, who got the nit u u p th e n M a th re s . won «l(CO (Bu. Oftli 14-t 0) at AUanta (Olavtna>*tna I t-l 0>: CM. a. 11:0I un . • ABC F«nUmtiy Johnson, still fastPa» and nasty ai championship flightBht a t m)n the World Series last yeai•ar.B e » 0«n*t:8«tFwtelK iKwrnalfdioae'Des- sepiMparated his left shoulder 1 — 39, won the pitchinglin g triple crown, Broadmore Countiy^.CI -C lu b in k i a p i t t t y e a r. B o i r t outisutfield collision last week. " , . PleaseseeSE« SEASON. Page 02 Ntmpa on Sunday. -* Liz Turco and. Jam ei.l MeHdian won the'Hfst kfedrdslswanrm _o\^erbeis f U d d l e d Bkj o n c o s J P?ujols, i M cF " w o r s t — Cindy and Jack Wllsan ofo f N] am pa R a e d e “fo n %von th e second flight a nnd d Je , a n n e T K tA tm WtodP t< w M ______Baltifliore _ Alban and Ken Lattimere ro c fB u h l tight end Todd i C ^ die tUid flight ecord in mlajors, j lo se p o s t s . BALTIMO][ORE - WinlesB no /Heap hauls In more»«^e BBaltimore Ravens te Associated P re s s . responsible y d c^'o f the unbeaten M inico boo$tei8 . . m a d a a m o d a forf, -the per­ roQCOi long' before Managers Hal McRae sonnel.s< 1 think itofur::fatiilted them ' I Bmpa Bay and Luis Pujols h e c o u ld ’v e \ RUPERT-TheMliilall:oBoo«ter AaJoiJonge^jlay in NFL etroit w ire firedTHohday aft w o n ■ m o re C lu b w ill m e e t a t 6:3Ci:30.p.m.” ^f^V i leir teams tied for- the woi IT returned a missed 'r W e d n e » ^ in th e Mln(c< r e c o r d - 9 c h c ^ te a d ie n ’ l o u n ^ . ^ 108 yards.tojjiut an- rpolnron an iocredi: frith stu d en ts in g ra d e s '^ Hanagerlar ^ d-quarterrand-the-— ^im4^~ioatt»d~Formm bed to a 3f23 victory g h a n tfn a - CSl ■ T h g a m e s w ith ______.^^^dai43S5562: h __ZZ ______D evU R a bettertal'ent.”w • a n d Tige 4 3 ^ 7 - v -g M e R a e-- .. ich finished 55-106. But neith te a i^ p * • ;baccepted n- IcRae n o r Pujols w as oomplei . position as an ’ to blame, insisted the mi -■ -ftassistant to m d . c i r l - I^Su^Sftar'and yet; ho fired them .-- ager. :-t^kSnSnikt:ihM t6 **rm n o t m aking him a s£ai— K ilM d .. k thI e r e ’s m an y Mt,*! T am pa Bay g en eral megers the general manageid ’ve, walked into S 33*yard pass Hjer H f C hu^ LaMar said.-“I'ither **L don't thinkhat tl would have tn the second w , lete*- people th a t couId’vcmt difference in quartsrofthe men . this situation thatwins we-had,* made a significant(ident Dave gwne In - D e t n I iape- the number.of C0MWE8wii ..PagBQ^^^^ Psa'--:?:" : .l'vV. eattlmore theii 9 nan* Tigers ^preside Monday. Tm- "WeaseseeCW Denver safety H -K enof-^------r ------r r K enned add . UoetoAerAI WBion ' each defMd.TlM McRi

jBfow*. / . .ager ------iM -T 1wniM»w».-Twfct|(R PPrts.-t^-TRs*rroctotarirX-a003 i; ------

- ^ : S p q r t s Seasdi^i _ T r iibe tc is T y^ n !F CofltkMiMifroRiCl than one-thir " , Rachcl Bulcher had 1: 5occer.(- starts fqr'the Diamon)ndbacks most victories-ies-103. - Local sports ' Ashley Cochran serx:r” odtev“ J ” Boys 80 against St. Louis in theirsir playoff The last timtira« e th e .A ^ e ls m ade ‘ • p BUHL - Lookinging to exact an _ • aces out of nine attumimpts. MVC4,TITFCAl opener Tuesday night, i:is all but the playoffsfs 161 years ago, they ' sariy season volleyJeyball los.% th e B utler . jjf Bulldogs coach Jan sn in Game 7 by the sr said. “We missed a lot of in Hall said t w i n fFALLS; - Magic VaUey certain tO'win his fourthJi straight were beaten i % uhl In d ian s d idljust ju that, domi- Boston R edI Sox.So: T he m an on th e ts and Shoshone didn’t miss55 her team caught the n n ran the field against Cy Young Award. Slating Twin Falls1U2,.,0.2M8. “ "[gj 1 w as R oger Clemens. he w hole night.” ' early und Decio jiisi ills Christian Academy This was a season wlwhen the mound then wi ? M 8. in Buhl Mond \ngels start the play- Blissss (3-8. 2-6 Northside) hostsj5 on track. winning 4-1. Cardinals had to overcccome the When the Ang Z Buhl juniors 1 Is ■ “I think it wos fun : the Yankees tonight, ? C areyy (Oct. 10. Shoshone heads y Vanden Bosch got two d eath pf pitcher D an y l K ile from offs against the .flam m ed 10 kills,Js, and Jesssca, , q „ tri y Kimberly cothc out th e motmd will again tri-meet with Glenns Ferry MVC, and Luke Tucker a heaiT attack at age 33 if)in-June.' . th e m an on the %rowH had eight.It. Tribe setter mand the floor like tl 3ut so did be Clemens. toding tonight. S' hael Allen each added . The grief ran deep, bu «ani Kippes scoreored 16 service b all team th ey are,” HtH allslfd ‘ the Cardinals’ characterT and tal- The 40-year'ear-olif pitcher has ' ; ^in ts, but no aces. K im berly (3-8, 1-6 S( b win 97 won 253 game:imes. a record'sbc Cy forward Vanden Bosch ent. They w eht’on to . Indians coach ErErin Scott said 51°*'*'rich def. TFCA next M onday a t V alley ce 1985 - Young Award:ards and two World J' opened up scoring in the 10th games - their most since Indians playeded fast, p u ttin g 2 x*8 , < 2 SCIC) hosts Buhl. I L e a g u e S eries title•s s sinsi c e th a t playoff 1,21.7,12-9. m in u te on un assist by Eric and take the National i lot o f p ressu re oon n Twin ' F alls. D IET C entral Division tide. gam e againstSt th e Angels, ETRICH - The Dietrich Aardcm a. • “T he last tw o gan[{ames w e didn’t B lu e D The Twins won the ArAmerican “1 don’t knovmow if Fm much dif- Devils continued theirr Wood River def. GolOOdlng, ..We prelretty much dominated «ut as much pressussure on them.” undefea in just 10 ferent,” Clemeemens said Monday, feated w ays, stom ping Twin •18, the secondid halh” MVC as^stant League Central Division ^ o t t s a id . **We justju came out Falls Cl " 21-13, H-21,21Jj months after major leagigue base- “I'm still basicaisically a power pitch- Christian Academy, 21-8, BiU Sweet.t-said. Si) • ^ d played lik e thehe team w e are. 21-7,21-9, 21- in D ietrich, ■ 15-21,15-13 ball announced it woulclid try to er. Obviously.ly. I1 have quite a bit W e s ta n e d o u t stror MVC(6-1->1-3,2-M) travels to The more experiencience.” rong.” Outsiitside hitter Raysa Parkerr GOODING - Wood1 RiverI out* Community fo ld th e team. ^ Buhl (9-2. 5-1 ity ^ (M )l on Thursday. the Y ankeei, who are 5-1 Sawtooth got eight ei(i kills and Sheenaa lasted Gooding Mol o n d a y in “This group has been1 throught . So do all the C entral Id a h o Confiinference) trav* Binghar 0 lot together," first baseman ba making theireir eighth straight lam and Ayleen Sorensen1 .Sawtooth Central>1 Idaho Filer 3, WeWendell 2 els to Dedo today.y. 1Twin Falls (5- addedd sixs each. Dietrich setterr Conference volleyball Doug Mientkiewicz saidlid. “If it playoff appeanearance. They’re try- 4. 2-1 Region IIIII) goes lo KaseyP/ P erkins got tw o aces, in five games, 21-13,1fe'S l'.s' WENDELELL-The FiterWUdcais works out, it works ou>ut. If it ing to >vin theirheir fifth straight AL • ,. Highland. B lule e Dev'ls coach TeresaJ lS -2 1 ,15-13. n a rro w ly/ defeated Wendell . doesn’t, we know we’ll b e b ack p ennant a nd1 fourthfoi World Series Sm ith1 saidsa h e r giris p lay ed welf. Gooding coach Joic«Icon Toonc 3-2. in boys soccer, at again next year to try it agigain.” a'cleundermomlanager Joe Torre, Shoshone def. BliB l l t a , *'The>ley moved well tonight." said Wood River’s Jesie««ica Kinfi W mdelI. Under'the new labor contract.ct With all thehe surprisess this sea- I said. “ W e a re itMiking for- hit the ball veil and v/a»as llie key Weiidc n1 (opened the scoring no teams can be elimiminated son, all the i.•'' e""« at 1-1 at halftime. The 20 straight in a late-seasonon run to here." saidI YankeesYi slugger in N brthslde voUeylNybaU. setter Kristen Sabala1 tadded 21 eatne wass tiedt 2-2 at the 75th 'the West Division title. 1The A’s Jason Giambi,,'bi,, who lost lo New >- Shoshone hitt'itter Sarah KiffllMr«rlydef.Declo, service points. ' minuteoeforfore Filer defender Nick =started the year with thehe third- York in the openingopi round the Hubsmith had thele bestt seeing , “I wish we would hh< a v e won. a rebound off the goalie ■sm allest payroll in th e leagague-at past two seasonisons with Oakland, . of the night. Bearsrs coach< Diana , 21-15, 2 21-16 but we’re young and th e y a re a scoredI fofor the final tally. Jjust under $40 million it wasw less “ You see it yearear after year.” / Butler said. And foifor the Bears. KIMBIIBERLY - Kimberly ruled a real Iwftle.” Wildcats I really good team,” Toonone said ^ ' % h in e r M ariah B urkeke leI d in kills. th e hom<)me court Mon(lay. defcat- Coodlry? (6-S, 2-4 SCICIO hosts coach LatryTy Sutton .said. “ But it Butler said thee s< s c o re d id n ’t • In g Dec]eclo 21-8, 21-15, 21-16 inI Shoshone and Glennnns Ferry »as clean. aggression,af and there Ravens _ reflect the whole storrtory. Sawtooi)oth Central Idaho' today. w eren’t anyly ccheap shots.” “We had good overallov team Confererrence voUeybaU. Wood River hoststs Filer , Filer (3^)«) visits the Twin Falls ContliHMdfromCl < own m istakess asa s they w ere by an play and some Ionlong rallies,” Bulldcidpg middle blocker ' tonight. jumorvarsit}sity on W ednesdoy. ^ With one second leftt in the inspired.Baltiiiicdiiiore team looking half and Baltimore upip 24*3, for redemption.on. ■ Denver’s Jason Elam cat;ame up Brian Griese!se was' intercepted short on a 57-yard field goal gc try. three times. TomTo Rouen had a [gs lepelI Pirates iin th ree>game ssweep M I cAlister caught th e ballI ddeep in punt blockedI aar n d Pro Bowl cor- V i k i n g the end zone, then hesirsitated nerback Delthaha O’Neal( was eject- ' crutches nunursing an injury to ^before bringing it our. ed in the secoi:cond quarter for .B y S co tt Thompiot) h e r A chilleses itendon. Following a crushing bitslock by bumping head!3d lin e sm a n Tom T h e s tr•etch e t cemented the JRay Lewis on Keith Bums15 at the Stabile whilee protestingpi a pass h itsid e h itte rs V ik in g s ’ 21-8 21 victory on the *Baltimore 5, McAlister bn}roke to interference coll. ' HAZELTON - Out! S a r a h e e ls Val^alley’s 21*5 op en in g - *'his left an d easily o utran th e cov- T he Ravens’s ' RobertB Tate took erage. H e began w aving tli Jessica Ritchiee hi o m e s ta n d * ' gam e victory the ball the second-halfalf kickoffI 64 yards : over n his' head at the Dem Praegltzer led thei i hto a three- s tot get going early,” " nver 25 to set up a fieldield goal to m ^e it ' Ibg Valley Vikings i noncon- JPraegitzer said.sa and ® high-stepped'the t-estit of the 34-3. The Bronooncos fought back, ttame, 21.5, 21^ , 21-if Hagerman I a rhythm and then it w ay into th e end zone.- ' b ut it was too> bigbi{ a htrie to make “That’s the way we pn 4 ference sweep of I began to jel real good. O nce w e j, iractice up. it,” M cAlister said a t halftL M onday. Vikings (10-3 o u r seserve going, they „ time. “I, O’Neal’s doubl.luble foul accounted watched and hung in thi R itc h ie le d th e rt Vil Conference) ■ ^ ■ ^ 9 couldn’t stopop us.” J, he end for two of eightght first-half penal- Praegitzer zone and let my guys set upt the . ties totaling 86 y overall, 1*0 C anyon C Ritchie waswa also key during i6 yards against the I points for wall. All I saw was p urpler j yards, take over at ththe e D enver 46. Do 1 game,” Prae'aegitzer said. ”Our set s, three times previous J I In all. Valley.misu:h a n d h a d six iisly on third-and-1 fronTom the 23, Chris \ m erous serv es g whole teamm works really well kickoff k. returns. The last titime it Redman fakeded a handoff and ^rves in the match i J f K i together andind we know who to happened h was when Roy ( ^ ces to g o w ith numras « unable to I Green • threw a strikee toto d ^ t end Todd set it ofol the St. Louis Cardinals; tookt a H eap, w ho m ade jthat Hagerman was F o r th e ade a kMiping catch |H ^ ' On this niglight, it was Ritchie, kickoff ki all the w ay againstt Dallas1 in the end zon ' get back over the: beennt serving zone over safety who cappedid off her excellent in ir 1979. Kenoy Kennedy,dy. &ason. Valley has be !> ' w j m atch w ith a 1kill to ward off any McAlister’s second ct >)ver 90 percent. scoring. s^ > career That ended aa rur n of .22 posses- th e ' ho p es o f rall>Uly b y th e P ira te s in touchdown tc all but spelleiled the slons withoutIt aa score for the [ “With this rally see < the Vikings’;s’ third-game, 21-15 end ei for the Broncos (3-1), ing Is the key toan th Escobedo I), who Ravens, who added^plentyadd more w ere victimized as m u ^ by3y th eir over th e next 14 n Valley coach Julianre been serv- ir !lS] victory. 14 minutes. kald. “And we have I “We played«d pretty good W a . / ! Ing really veil." legitzer on ■ Monday,” Esciscobedo said. “A lot ' | ! Especially Praefi)r had a pair ’ - of times, youou co in e o ff a w eek- -VCoaches - V ikings o n a H l H i ^ I- end just a littleli flat. But we ftfonaay. The junior 1 Continued from C l t h e s e c o n d iWiMMn rollingi tctonight."______“ Tigers’. 1-0 losss ata t Toronto ended ■ pf aces and led the Vi Dombrowski said. llO-O r u n e a r l y in» thdo u b t a s to ...■ their poorest seasonsea since they l « ^ RIteWs goss for s MU inIn tlthe VIldngB’ three-gatna swaai On Sunday, the Chicago tome to leave littlet hA e m a tc h . Tim es-N ofs Mini-Casrid sports- ..' o C u b s -w e n t 53-109 in11996. 19« tserve.at3-l Hsfsfmai*nMondsr.RHcHtotodVillsy^ rfthllM lli. fired manager Bruce Ki the outcome of thi writer Scott:r T ftom piofj c a n be *“ K im m . “ H e w alkedI inim to a very diffi- There has been speculation fraegitzer took theth se h a rd , well- P i r a t e sI (7-7,( 4-1 Southside without 1 standout sophjh o m o re readied at sthinhompsoUmagicvah' J} 3n that cult situation that h e p ut a lot of (uid m ad e it 13-1 w ithay 1 from the Conferencnee), who were playing 1Hannah Bates. Batesss is on ley.caiii or677•77-4042, E xt. 639. Milwaukee manages- Jerry J effort into too tryti to make it placcd rockets away R oyster a n d T exas’ J e rry NtNarron work," Dombrowrowski said. “But mim ight lose th eir jobs, too. it’s time to startrt fresh.”fr Pujols replaced Phil Gamm e r in D o m b ro w skki i said s he has SO ------^ April after an 0-6 start.t. The . candidates In mintnind. CSI_ '■ I “T hat’s reallyly 1h elp ed .” tontintMdfrofflCl ' of up-and- A ■ True freshnihman James Ebert (heir wild displayventually, ol it S I (6-2). Bruno MarceUnoM Claudino down basketball. Everercise with | k 2 0 0 2 -- : 2 0 0 3 CiW l (6-8) imd athlchletic Dante Sawyer' lurncd into an excrlayers but of quality le kids and J rlODont 6-3 - So(»Soph. ElUftbetmown, N.C. year,” Bcach said. “It’ll WllHoms 6-7 Sow 1 State) people, pretty good J ^ ” Soph. Portland, Ore. (Montana S thing rjew for those 1 n DavJs &0 SopISoph. Berkeley. Calif. (San Joseso Stole) ‘‘We’re extretremely happy with we’re 6xp«fctlng a preus and the „ te Sawy«r 6-5 Fr.Fr. San FrBrtclsco. Calif. the way thingsigs are w orl^g out turnout to see both «us , . 22 Rob BI«Stack 6-2 SopiSoph. Eden, Idaho with o ur kids,” B each said. ' fvomen.” 0 fre sh m a n 23 Jaison'on Williams 6-3 ScpISoph. Aurora. Colo. (Xovlor) B lack sa idd hI e ’s lo o k in g fo r - I H e ra ld e d 6>foot>101 w f ill su rely 24 Jomoses Ebert i 6-2 Fr.Fr. ' Iowa City, Iowa w ard to an exdi(citing season. center Sani Ibrahim[ie w a u d ien ce. 20 Brunow KMarcolino Claudlrw &8 Fr.Fr. Sao Paulo, pratll "Our team1 hash worked really be a focal point fo r thbf e < national. 34 YaUiounouba Otawara 6-7 Sop)Soph. Paris, France hard and the;fiey’r e a b u n c h o f A c a d e m y , 54 Saul Ibi Coming to CSI out bf I Ibrahim 6-10 ' Fr.Fr. Kano, Nigeria (Atlanta, Go.Qo.) great guys to> wwork with. So far, w ell-know n 55 Gulltsurisume Yar\go 6 8 Sopi bower Oak Hill A< Soph. Martinique, West Indies so good,” h e saisaid. e T e T j (brahim alread y is a^ wc A scout. ' It wants to T he n ig h t wiwill also mark the com m odity to every NBi Woman’sSteam t debut of rookliikle w om en’s c o ach I But at 19, he Just > w______H t Ymraar i Hometown------R a n d y R o g ers as well as seven-^ ------* 'fenjoy him self. It M ad n ess’ jq KrtiUU HillHi . ' &0 SoptSoph. Eugene, Ore. new faces a n d sixs returnees, I is m y firs t n otanaC -;-“lt’slike ’Midnight I AChavet &4 SoptSoph. Sacramento, CaHf. The six soph It, h e said . 12 Ashi«y/ iphomores include pr whatever, so this is ayAIley M Fr.•r. Pocatello. l11), e people.” 20 . Androaea Sivatova' 5-11 Fr.-r. BraUslava. Slovakia t r m ju st looking to havt Camille Porterer (S«), Catherine . flaying in front of thefiUedMth pi 21 Rubinana Shahbatlan 5-1 Fr.■r. Logan. Utah , S ingle B urs« ir r e n tN B A 34 JamtoC« Ctiatbum S-lO Fr.■r. Oecio, Idaho , Fairbanks (6(6*0) and Aipy 9 9 < s I After a summer fill K ucheran (6-1). F r o m S p . frorking out with cumbrahim said 30 Anglea Laytonu 5-U SopTSoph. BJackfoot, Idaho p.m . to C lo*m m ~ ------' : - Ilia Porter Sop^ A m o n g .th e znew p|:ayeirs are players in Florida, Ibrato h is fre s h - 31 Cvnllla k>ph. Freedom, Wyo. E v m y 1kjn , TMn FMi, MMo C4 ^Spqrts^

, .. ’ stoRESA^m d st a t^; ' .;: .: ;■.' • Report:] IBlack coa•aches 1_ ------; AKieriga’s G i C W ■ IN THE B lEEACHERS i By SteveTO MboreI --^W-l S ^ Q NN-Tv-Vr— ;^i .. R efitta SchedulMlie* ' atelasrh]lired^fifstjffired^ iMritVuKtenCup9 . ■ . ' I ■ playoffs. CarAnals at - . ' > ■ n z ^ ' tt BALTIMORE (AP) - Actc(to m e y ' OMMMMbMM* IM» “•«««“ . ’“Kdis. Game 1. ABC Family, ' . jJohnnie o Cochran Jr. relea: W gvewbeetiei n-x . f Z f t oJR R HoMWiEDRvfe/looRHurf iM M 0W Mft Dk »1« -MlBplwHs,ls,I«nsatAlNeiics,' . S-“i P'"p.in. • • report rci Monday that oitidxe2es th e » « S i x , fbifbURHu#<.~3>«r«aM' ARE' w ssss.’s.r*"'"" ■ Gamel,«B(IBCFmlj. 2:08 p.m. —m • NFL’s NI hiring practice Invol An«riw‘*Ci9 C ftM MMS- S GUM? l>RoPtOWN AKb black head coaches, and th reat- ™ .MtBplwBs,Is, Angels at N.V. f ened to ?ue the league if it does MEM ATWJSAAa> P o ^ uPSi Yai*e«.GaGaniel. FOX, 6:17 t cMoia M a «r ^ « >■• IMVUBXIM . rr r ^ p.m. r ' T . ■ . ‘lydy (he situadon. E Sf« ^ W u t C« bwbwkc > ' ■ The report, called- '*B ^ ^ -^------Co Coaches in the Nadon^ Foeo o tb a il - •A)ui«[itnaax.')iafh>t" ' i . • BAst'i),\ti;[.' ■'■ \ ' . ' - \ ' ’ EaSm Jr i3 0 « « n JO ' K^s?tril.tI.lhMBuOMW'} DMJM ^Leaf^ue: Superior Performi \ CetmB |.• ]3 0 0 7.7 ■» USlDMtMCirWMJ Stt '4 ^ "-w Inf JO 0 7 l« 7f W7 14 HM Inferior O pportunities," WasIS coni- p Ifl MTkHlOT • » « * . taMkOMOt JIMtrMO■IOmvICM II Bctt>rL,?7U of] ■ t 0 0 10 :i ij ofMehri&Skalet. a r - n 3 0 0 « » 7} I Iihnumt«\H90>VM 7 HMOwltn IIt addresses the league’s hiringh (IL AMtam } J7 1.0 1 t» IJ wx»3>*>>1 jMCexax H I7I0U 4 Ton, „_ NmYo(hn.AAMm aaw i p,^m^^vsi34% i ***'.'and firing of minority coac -. To*fia«« M! ! : s s j s«iU7ll k liil; IWwiVrAM usi t j l ' * ■' i cMiDMbiHMtNxM tu n w in i using statistical infonnationn com- SE..JJ r e s s i K s i i r i ™ piled pii. over the last IS years. K4i0 17 ec»rl«io>W.UiSI.«M. I) (Calls to the NFL on Mor r ^ ,,,V /. NYAvgmiSouxi:S K .“ ' S Sn.ui7i.iMiie.>a e 6lU*%’,y , Cskf««lPat<.l7'4t0M lUm ret' HMVmilUm^lOinVyMnllUau s r i s r s i . uora.eitu«UMll»(l»iQor»UUr^>4 returned. »«m>vW«}X7 IDr. Janice Madden, a It Attorney JohanleCc4 Cedwin addressee nuT) ''i S economist, determined that; bblack a MWS conferenceMehBaKtoOM I coaches averaged 1.1 m o re ’ *•«•«< S B . an.and led their team s to th e pla] raArtOM I -ffsjiS W7 0MilW]C«vUcC>«4f^ 67 t>Hinci>Mai .‘Ma »tt 1SI ■ lESSS,’,wt 1 URvttwi t Fwewrtw 67 percent of the lime compi A nother criiirimliMlly deranged RE.. tste a c h e r . S ^ a ^ S m tK S with 39 percent of the time tlHitWtekcoacbenbets are tke lest * uraot lUtn 4-»v a cwM iU4k> i^r. rsSS white coaches. Mrad and first fired.Wtf. . enuecrm,! vimM ianeniSr II SsSitBH "" FiHiflQtfM 3.000 HKl ’x i s s s i But Cochran noted therei hhave Cochran sugges;g e st(^ te a m s sur* been only five black head coa< CUW0l2u».(.aUmvUi<>«4<^n}i>.n»«p-» ’’T s a s * 3 o i , f «g3n>MlS^2toaCF«>«.i a r s » » , . . » iarrCMa<,»MKF«M«.rcin0:^ Jill Jiodes head coaching jobs,job and a third* \I ^lkMtm¥anmr^^ I z : and Herman Edwdrds. 0Only round pick for‘ nonot interviewing II i»5ojs [ndionapoUs* Dungy a nd Edw;iwards minorities for ai • WmSfHM • UU\ a»«0SM4l.tlM abMitoKUCau It tm ofjj r assistant head National LeagueI tnxwmvw ItiO, . (Ma-tHu^lwXtkntail S S i ! £ of th e New York J e ts a re c uirrent- n ctuch or coordlnatonator. “iu'SLu. {vjfcj ^ WHJJ71 1»*«Cftf««l *Uwti¥t.>tflFf«Hd*ca ij!; I WlBlOT • lyo:ly employed as head coaches.i- T h e creators of tth e rep o rt p laa • » SSS? “Black coaches are being 1 s.- i«v. o- ine,«-u«j t(i^ I’o S c HSi ^ ’r,sss sasssi-K ir™ Sheld to talk to Tagliabiiabue about Oieir t5j 11«.n rtBCryy,! II E«Mlkrn UU :> I7IIJJ* • s 2 r ? iOTilMtttaMCkMifflt £ toto Sa h ig h e r sta n d a rd .” Cochchran proposal in the n 0 H»Un« UU icSStSJ" » g S IS SETctai^^ le next few days, i):«Ao«. _JI». aa id id a t a ikw s conference. **No'^owis Cochran said he i » Tom, Ml CoBafaFootbaailaOSehnliili ’.f Z i S S . « eji»m SSSSfi: he is prepared to MTtallCIT• Wt II i» oroill :he time for the NFL to stepep up take legal acdon.tu , torn I i4WiUiU»e«d iMi>a>aKe iitnufi i«C«ina< lai T«M . Afri\frican-Americans as head cocoach- th in k th e NFL isA re(reasonable. HmV ^ 'IMq.MT »AoaCM* )ou . a <)*ltMMl3D7IinA«l{W oc I V <>•«•<« dUMi I ~rnw, ^ SeniorPGAOATcoMoioy S Z T wIW»l«l»74l,|fl X », Cochran proposed that com*c understand d iatt thisdii can end up In s s CDMaSiiMiarmJi ea.6ukButlefsieeifwe ii Jt tfjvi MfVK » ^ nSSSTo-wM ] » l f ~ ^ leveloping a diverse front offiifRce” . can have a olalogui _____ ftM>|»2l«l*MtM«(1«.lIt^.ISin I MOM. ] 0<«TCMM?i7inaM9llA» ^ X l ogue.YoudotyMi Managerial C lw II.MS.-n JBnanwi,. 7 vith a draft pick. g ate after you’ve« donedi e v e iy a ln a 1 Si I . v r a in i* ^ '1 ^ hiQ*" - (O a q W >!! IB ■-!.1 S ,”w . "*He S also asked the NFL'L to youcantoneaotiaud ate." I r« MI).UIO«m ifcmUUM • / ^j»ii.iaaai.M«fv.y 7»i. ** teoariOm o5Si»MV!5iI3«ri« lla -U . J eauire team owners to Inclidude Cochran said bebe« doesn't vrant to I *Ttn*»Si Um« Ocjjo'STfati ».»vt.icm«ti OJV"*". >jnn»(. 2 ‘diverse racial groups” wl mmi C0M|Miat.iU w h e n buUy th e NFL oor r It money on j Vnntj.'- loM lituujf, TtxMD AM ] • bk> um i C:na>e«4« K< r«N0iI>>iaCmllMl1tt«" • " • I? ra.jiSHT' > eport, “o w n en can choose to opt personal desire) orOf financial ! iiUiiAfw • OMt l«n.jOT«A0r«> JOT H)i»iiaiw|4»«0wiwM I7r«l « out)ut of this r e q u i r e m e n t bnit u to but to correct whj Active HR LeadenI D».l«*««‘i*M 7e«wa(}.i|«CMWMiOC(rfflii-:.. , ' i s s s . ;s sss tejra what vre see as ^ Tiin«Ullilll n timiir lo so th e y m u st fo rfe it a didraft great inequityty I In America's '-'I Rolaida Relief ManiStandbM St iu>. ’’ ' > vnj in ^ Soin r ’...... I” * "M " ty L u d m v ^ s : s : i irneuJX ri >i«a«.iM7 iwtr ga SKm Cm. SMn&^n^ tu JVfSmutl -frv 3 } » 0^ 11,OIV lA^OruiM «» irrs SsSS " “ ‘U a O - r — feWi* ! i 8 H ‘L ' !SMr-^ RjHLItU i4Si].«>l(teWalica. uwwM^Pi ; I « I —Sportrs'lN BRIB[E F ^ : r „ * c , s JDWUm^i 4 I 4t I S!- . i f c r u JI S ' srssrii '9UMH*>J I'.C'FJVMT'- )U • t e r r , ? ! ! 5 :k,... isr .J . Bengals’ E teu^iman,n, B ia n n il0 iWiWeHi »» in i UlOtm 7AIMTIM t ass's i !. s K i»l|llin (CflMdn I 2 H «fmnaB»«wu.W 1 8 S , ■ Jjohmi onCBthocHM S1 tomuttlyavcir c o n t r a c t }K SwOAlUm ■ • laftS^t ? Ll.74]}.(4m,«mMMJ111 HELENA, Mont. - FI>layers PORTLAND, Oi, O re.-Juat in > S I. via tcg(n.M7>lQa, 01ors for Big SI9 Conferences foot- the Portland rail Blaaers to a ‘ ■■ >UnMS,2a tfM hibalL multiyear contractic t • Carear Home Rin L«ad«n deft ‘ UmreiWnNT ■ < a i K ... ■ .T^rg ^ . : ,: TnmiirJMxji.tno.OMi Tfinhn State QU&rt8liM d ((Doug I “I’ve got a job 1>nt9iSNia . MnMMS.0* I S a < ipmOpw swiiiiSS I0.M1 lo b a g a in . P m ' J99IM0W s * ai! : i! SSSffi ‘“ - ’a r BiBaughman won the offenuisive hapiv;” «aid Wdli,.^arastricted ^*N» n S 7 ' B lliigTitfiM [B t] a rtii J T&i oI *“JS itjeilJmriM t J M ) ^ n1 !>«•««■/ rj5 . nM*i»acl»4|«Msalifttft^lMinopm |4 MMt»(MS- »<;W«WJ»rmlOUltoi fplayn f of die week aw a ^.while v free agent guard, ;i< s !• s S s;a:5SK K^MTpn 'i! '. taalk^MWfMl r.UMlOMia. NNorthern Arixona Unebacacker Contract termsrms were not M il. 5!H I IS 1M AMmnSi(>i)anuiin< S T Z ' J £ KeithI t O’NeU won the defenensive released. Wells', t l.fl«.8cM. 61] S ir i! I! sM2 1 17 ts toMka.llMMCMMUTQ Is'. ag em ^ ^ Jto b Sr.tMncbrwn SM t e , . : ^ honor. ISlTs E ddie Johnsonm and Strickland, did not 1 ( UM U.-i»iwWlWI.Spm tn . to NAlTs Maurice T ^ o r shara xJM feK ComcMuia4«iian(4«i,i»iiJiipm , . “r u S T r aA> N S A C n O N S N. iretfae retum phone calls,Is. I Owauteo i«3 , • '' Spspecial teams award for tUM&rmo M . •■ : rs?;r3c'".j;syr:^Wh>m •«u<»CamK(»iau»9rS>9rSiiOj.{em Ti]toOM|il|.MaM r this Wells and his tean <>«i»«»,|H)aT>«fSt|M|.S(NLSpm .M M 7-1 .Mialimiga WI ig.ucMrUt'o ue >SiM>.nT«tmTncn. • ruPtW’ OCvi week, conference officials saisaid. attheRoseGanlenilen preparing to KrxiSKpm . Jvavfi.fi m MVSJ-™) Ha IMU4. frmtox. Baughman conneaed oni26of 2 open camp Tuesday!iaytonel^Sar E E w w r* F o o t b aL l iL S»M(24l'irM^Sia.>Ia o*»p" i5 S!7i 3 S * ^ 42 passes Saturday, for-r-266 iuTualatin. ^ ---- CCM»X till|Wm4 )1 ^iUOlltpn 0 1! SM W M D .amrr yards and no intercepdonss 1in a H ie 25-year«Id dWdlsWastfaeW w.ioMUM . s!| ‘~ N ie o n a T ^ o S a ru n j««A.*-7in 74oiM JI ill Mihwictr 32*24 victory over Sacramenento team's second-leadinjiding scorer last iXMU-ro, U< i|>.S«mt&M G« ]li/rMUcM in ) .! q la Bengals back from a 14-0 dellefidt - game. nsuxUM <7J S - • ■. ■ ■ “SI . Swith i two touchdown passe:x s as' M>w««SM^ t|44|«t»w|}AUl 1^ . aBASKCTBAa Idaho S tate m oved to 2-2 ovevenui Back Injury^i o i i k l f w c a nOMWMMI 4U .W L' T M PFPPM SWUMMiiM8»wSiais , . ■■ ii-aBiriri~~iniMin an d M i n th e Big SW. nxMCriMa MI MmpM 3. I 0 m -U■U m -Pa«ii»naWmiHllX cuvtiivwj>v4iiEBSS.7«aOiM«>rX'mm i VCttrtvnnL JKUgn^ 2 I 0 «7 an 47 > Oa|l4taeMlr9Mii|}4l7»aSr “‘'“3StOaMiiw KragtandCuHMnm Johnson averaged 46.6 yay ard s Olqjuwon to refretire .IiOm <«r»" *« <2 « 8a«iw>U|M»iMmUUr) ““Jm oftrfnc^ over Sacramento State (l-^ ( XIXtlA(M> Ol • W L T ht fV w.XaMviMiaN idmOIl];MLJpn ' j■C n m UW»M»Or^.ttiA^-'Oir * Olajiiwon's NBA careercan ap p ears . . ' 3{^Wftm «« rr H M»i|Mi«e.uo>»xiNLf.SgM JoJohnson, a senior from Co 3C^lC>n 414 aSaSt' ’ i 0 M iain It OMe««|M|i^kBa^l|.!p>S.- ^~;n>,e5-Vr>lr(C< age field position after John ■ S ir i !! ;S!5II’ » !£?>R^(MSr^UU^ I.T.J iiirwj"Ut»*yr(»rt««a . '”“ 2 whether he retire. retii Toronto nnugnama / > ookyi ] I 0 .no M - Si?SJS!SiS S l S S i S S t . kickoffs was at their ownm general • manage lip* . IW * ^ vni lager Glen ‘I iS E iK ir ?n rc>*^f^,^>«»0«*rUJe> J*"y ard line. iTfciCtow*, ' J4J nuiSl tMi.]pm ‘ ‘ Grunwald said1 MMonday he. _ ^ &U»(t■]|«Sh(rl•tFA«a«^71•l<^7l]plll '." *-rt‘ 1i- r i I i niACiann«nc.MO*<« poflii*‘Tu«|l-< do esn 't fo re sra OlajiDlajuwon play- ■■ r s T s i r . Mi»4|.|pm . • - S ' " ‘roOTBAU BBroken l flnger ing this seasoik . ■ i (MM 2 > 0 M (7” s ssissinsssiz SE. “"‘“J:0 < M‘I ^-Vin«] ’ A«air IH M Sll Toronto coach LennyLeni Wilkens n * . NBUPNB*ha*AiwiSrLi>iiTii ’ SunuMrSOX’ i S T i K ;s , Six ! !J,S *S *> NHy|l-J|H<«taci|t«lpn sideflnes Warner said he expects aI de “We're going totknowinacou- kn n n a p n i kMlfl.H. broken pinkie on his throwiwing pleofdoys," Wilkense ts s a id . ■ lUMoUMMI III H • ,'»P" • ' ^ ncTSiJrSfittw*, r ner, ■ I ii'ii?™ B g . . «nDcV>f< FSn 'UciUw FOn hand, hoi the latest blow for thei vwin- The 39-year-oldId cic e n te r is in *>.maKi^^wFw>riW>An«iDSM • . UmM ' Q 4 0 M !iS S- .-'SHSI!;I i ® , . ’. “ TATo- mM. ^ u . d « . ,. .s s.«A,UnBl»-H»W4»^ .iinjured n j in the first quarteter of before Joining theth( Raptors IpCj»«PS4.6,,mQK4.i Sm W i m■■ M X0M(il|aliS8iOTSi|l4i Sunday's 13-10 loss to th e Da!>allas before Uist season.1. H e lia s.b e e n .1 ■ . -Swrnroa 2 I O' J0 7 B 7 - ■ i S i r a ! : I Z Z Z T Z ^ ^ " CoCowboys, which-droppedi the1 excused from tralninining camp by S ^ OvU».»>. TUT uesday. ------— Jrazll K s s s a s 'H o c k>EY e y ‘ S £ ■ . ■-.- S S I ' !!K.'.S^;-o.,o-«. 1Two years ago, W arner'had h In w oiid volleylNl y b a l l . Ora!rB?l?CMS«» NHLPMaaio iatillM«MdM SUI ■• iiaC I Jiitajwr f£2?isi surgery on the same finger5^,0" BUENOS AIRES,^Argentina- > n.(Rs^u^oxwor-«b his ri^ t hand and missed'five f The United States i j a s s L . \is WHai IWOM>Mt«W«.iM. gai tes rallied to frkorw. . itSnuSn*M ' g am es ' upset Brazil 3*2 oaMaKbnday and HnJawt > 2 < I HTUri MXWCOl«r«9ia<««aai«^ .. as BS a< '*T-shaped break a t the h ex^rienced Braalianilian squad, th e of the finger.” : CarMfSaveLaadMB ■ HP * » - ■ tau£w^ ' ■ ■'- ^^SS7 W*T*nW«IW United Statcs.wonlF>M>lkx»M ' . a a m n onth. T he pins will com e < 7 K , S s K ® ®H| Poland stunned the'the'three-time , after five w e^'an tl X-rays > ^ si! • o£*25j»0*riri.flw. ’ 8ft' s>«“ defending champion!ion Italians 20- ^ 7 21. tlll*»^, - . , a a .^2S5■ S '- ____,^ . motdtor mo the heajing d HMTT >. Snm nM ^ s.dur- 25,24-26,25-22,25^21,W l. 15-10. In g rd ia b . • gold'medalist “S 'S .:' . ''AUTORR A C IN G ' S S mW rzrrr ■ ' W arner landed on his hqW n - y Olympics, J. - 1' w .!• • ■ ■ T B H n r a ^ B S m m ■. aftia fte r h e was hit dttring a safi advanced afterer routing. >" HRWWllft— i S 5 ^ blitsbU' by Roy Williams and: Ka=*som2S.19.Z5.1(& 1 6 ,25.1s '."'MWIIH'MMMIB ' 'S'O SSSilSS passpat -was intercepted by t ■ tmm- . • .'0 a.M '' SSMMbSSV - Cowboys*Ctr G ^E U is. C im M Il s^ p .iR ‘ : s i‘js:s r SRSStSISSi ------i - i ■ 1 • / ' . , Z3ZZ!TZZ3 S C4.TbM»Nm,Twbrfal»,lds,lda(n Tuwdv,0ctotarl.2002>02

C o m i c s ^

O w lcPMniiti ByChaflesM.S(Schulz For B«tltf or ForForWotM BylBy Lynn Johnston [ h e r e 's t h e FIEKCaiCE '9 U ^ ^ ” /iHEOaOBEIi X i OCTOBER BEAST SWSWEAKIW6 BEAST KICK \ ,, I FEtr peetTv — ——5Sy wAy T2>eTP>l ■ '...... OVER HIS TZ?— y . : •, rCn^S “ -

I 1 l i i r i l b ■ ■ y '^ S l^ i : i ilitiLiLJJLB 5 LsC559l OttMt ' . ’ ' By Scoit Adadams Blonde By Dean Youngiung&StanpraKp.t:'{ . 'I .iTOOfcV'SSPgCUUCUUtSMACABOM ^ >| I ITrOOCSNTTfcSTB DC ) ( IC*1Un TI iHAVEyOUOONBVOURtURHOMSlVOeK. )i>: YOU'blDNT 'ORING ' ANOt»SSe ^—‘'~^'irr*'~'^ I t-<«KfifruSBOTO,'/^ > PIXnx S youN 6*Q j^/ / —-"V*— -V r-’ OUR PROJECTCT TEAIA WHICH ONE OF f n, -----— s * * ’’? k iC ? I IS COf^kPOSEDi D O P A DONUTS. r^Y I [WkVENT L *■ ! ...'w/ ^ahXnw^ ' d THEfA IS THE 1 EAT E- THE NIU JIT? W ||M HAOUOTHAT'fe Y J NITlArtT. ANi CO G R E . N I7 L J IT ? Tw)iBr2, J AND 1/ x v ^ rs w c i • I ■ Y ES. - POOlOR’ . * X 5 n*.' y _ ‘‘ n U Y,Y.^ ■ a © — = mrS|^

B>C. By Johnny' HanH PIcMm ’ ~BlBy Brian Crane

I >{AVE A H \ee 'iX£AM V;g>V uw/T laattren Triee.aeA£U. B eisrweri^:•&■ exireuiitryf/aH pcw m em rt, et/r VOHr A lOTCf CKABf *” r ^ Z!------r CKA'HL IN ? ^4rtR»w?/ 55S(

■ - - S v ^ . siiui£P#K- U i\VAa'|‘^ 5 P i/g/ MM By Jim Dav '=•'* Demit thoMimci|«C« By HanknkKetcham h Tlw Family CCircut By Bil Keane / TIM E TOO VWATER \|J s u B T u e rv , t h v n a m e ^ TH E P^A tA N T B 15 NOT JO N n i

o o o f. /p^Sg^ V e " ? y v

H iM dL dt By Chance Brownwne 'y 3 f ^ t-CTs «gg-ive«'& >^ A ^eAAPiy-MAMPEC?/ ^ WATtff BenretupMoMe, vt

“I’m^rovgiwin' up fast. I just rea(ead a book that dielldn’t liave any picture!ires in it." -S i ~ g^n/^g-— 'LETMEKeMlNO^0W...TH6OBa5CrOF1WS^ISCAM£ i l j IS/V^TTTOHITIWEIHEBAILASFARASVOUCAC A N l" T to W M o fM By Brant Parker & Johnny Harlart Rom It Rom ByB) Pal Brady WHAT JV W W WARTIT tS^ l^WIHfH*TAK^_ . W ~ [^ ^ o w w wIW i W .^ fw 's a w .acatk i ST] [TME0U)WW\>M//1 f m i m l f s i (^eWH»Ntt7V^IQ7Wtwurr I 1 I !MTHW\ —— ' , PWyWHlE' -— ^ ran7\%e'\o S y , aus& «w e I I ^ WUIUR.ISFI« . / - f t r i : (* g eo ) ■ ■ Z ■ ^ y n j r ^ k k ]''

HaprttwHofriM By Chris Brovmerr»e 23t» By-Jim Borgman and.and Jerry Scoil • ^AND BBUeve ME, TME7 dJLPER VOU |pusi&%'a:5si HW HCVSEmNsL”" Ciiaow5r CHEEBINS mnsLt7gt&n%BSIISf^TSA^P If R3RWNCH. / 7- ^ITTLE CHEERU^PEi P E R 'S c o s r u M B U J '' JEREMf^ .


Bm I|4Bi II«> ______ByMort.Walkerer Liann ^By Greg Evans ..' ; 7 LOOK ATTHt r ( ONLVTHRK?/!L vou PBoeABuvY'Ti/tIFFANV, OOeSNT fTl I I OfNBflAL.HrS HWO: THe \ BOTHCCB VOU to ee u o r WKAT I ISJ \ . TRVINfi TO PO I VEARBOCK VOtro juDeeo POQ HOW ^ M£. 'MOSt y Vvou UX3K >W0 NOT 3 ■;:■■■ X ^ Be>iutiFu^yCp(

a A ■:'l& FUnHwdPimt______ByBobThaves if_ Slimto Bnw ' By John DeeOeering NonSaqoltur ByWIIey ;;' lEEjl /4nO y^/4£ )^ro^^RieH r.,...... Her, ewppr, /icKs/- I ) c jfljuiolHeecB r o r r■ I I T»WG PsR T W i {^Ni^WW- 1 . •'• - powT rou eve ’/<; THKOv/ I, SEWl£\N o F VWJN NMDO_ c-r..- ji - — , IKIMARRlMe H W t d - i;. fA^KC fAY UJ-6 ^ THINK A t ( H J T f r ^ -^ iN A ~ jsi - /^ s ^ M e a T =» k HVlNGr J » INVfrriNO^^ ^ ^.orre/ty ?f!| CcwNSetlNfi lA&LL.... fOK TVe " j l [ft_T;ciceT. ^|| iWfr-BWIKHeH y fS B L ~* ACltie Ib.WHAiT mLf/^A■ s.i.r FWTUBf? — ' i• tf \MAKeaMeHAH> e iJ ° rrP ’^/n/tr I r TW-VV/ij^ Tht iH ii Lomt , ByArtSsnsom&Chlp JR O N G ? •( . y TH5rHKiCM^ETHe I 7 iW)OW> I &lVt.EMTCl' P W ' J - w k l ' ^ » \AHJL£STfM«iei6 A ■ DOSE. O 'SX ^ D'5- i • '• \J _ )' [•vccvefcaceHf!;— ^

- iot, IK^--:-. ■ IS . ; i£.r . -V . . i? :f' ' ' ■' SIl'Li isisiijs&isfe^s. ■;■ iii Tuaaday, OctobarK 1.2002. T lm a ^ ^ a w a , Twlf^V^Fall.,kl.hoCS'

«ELLANEOU8 . B H R .... - — ^ friendly, enthuslasik; K:heh ^ h manager w/exp- 33-0931 pie to set appointments ience in line cooking. - ExlMilen 2 T . . inquets & buffets a 1 W I . F . I I . ust.W ages DOE ind resume to Box S?276 e c/o Times News. ********* .0 . Box 546. 77-4042 DBL TwinFyin Fails, ID B3303* ______M n m . n i a g l c v m - • . r l , , ------Ejcj.slient'pay red head or BI mde. physkuily fit lady SALES ' topepose w/Ctesey Chevy *Ir S • ^ 5 0 0 * * ' •rvette for Internet sate, Weolfor:, <■ c. internet modeling « PPaidqI^ Training to earn CE HOURS: posure. Our website wtwhile you Team DAT - : r « I D * r . coonnlsins the most sought «1 Rapidro, promotions ler search engine. «Ror• Bonuses and paid M TO 5:30 PM Brumjnnettes please apply, vacalions IB Agele verlfJcetlonI rag., 18 call111 JeremyJe 734-2863. older. 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MeMeet the following. 101 Ijxt&Fotn] M9) MMmyWkrMd 880 RMEia 814 JewekytFws Eqwpmem TwininFalis* • quaiiiicaliiiicatkyts: i n Ctrtc(TT«flks 9041 krinvwtntno 821 MtnUaoiKturedHom 701 Uveskxk ... 818 iMnaOanMn 808 808 Sporm&Hunng 'Able1 to work a vatioty oC IBS OKtwyAkti 308 Ci (■■■■■■■■■■I 702 FirnVRwchSuppI ts available. t o n g i i i ? 818 EiwweEquipmeoi Equtnwru »NT MANAGER B S l H B g 703 CuittnFm 817 UicelintouiFtx 810 B products company. iklesakis. ! . . fO« Ptfsorals U 810 TiavelTa«vt Agp rk With th e public at* - I Riw«WSMVleM aCH Fu>rM«] Sale 811 811 Knowktdge or *Wprk w 106 HappyAdi 306 fk «CQSSino. packaolno. »and store fronts. 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ID 83303 Forn«« ^ AMqussft l008AntgM6CoONibKi ^ 733-7300 ■ 113 CMdCnSwvicM i OSISIBBI i m ’ Q «ryM 8M VUMEqUpnM ' t008Sen«HtivyEquoranl tOOl endrFaleonburs. - p0ii3«r7^itrfidig i{ flmpopers' 90WS»nk»DnettY tOtI d 807 OOcsARin»oinnab to2 888 VMidlbeuy 1007 tOO: Trueki PLVUIUBINO 208-73i8-73S-33norvalk ; I HomsttorSHt 808 ConrwrairculPnv«ie rnwsrK«w{ reserves tiie right to «(l,Kt, ^ ^ wa Annei BulkUng I Out-Ot-AruHomH 80» Condonm 8O4'6uMr>0M«erWlri, 8ff OeragtSette ' tooe tOOl 4>44 cieaniining sewer lines and i M m or prppiny dossif)rf onyorr od. Receipt ol Opf vto remote 888 MaMSicpkH 101010K VMS etam ticisnka.ClassBCOL « l it Mein Ave. Weet ■ 214 Efl^ioyinMVMrM 811I Oul^SlstsOl Homes Shares ■OS CwwasS Twin FaHa, ID.* entry (fox, etc.) doesnes not constitute find ^ \ D B ^ 888 fIsiMsiimi lOaOAuulorSM 10s * . tsnkftairbrake h 218 Raum Prtpsnaon 812t FanwfWKhavOHtMFa 810 Sk»g»W lorsements required. * » »« V V V •'« • oceptonce ^ As newspopit.er. TThe gdvsrtfser, not p 218 EflvtoymtrtAgMciN 813I AoMgiaandUttAc Renal I train. Must be motl- te c h m oA c N — :— t}ffMwspoper,aQuinnfiilres|Iresponsliilyforthe 807 CkiSing • ■• ' HSBSHl 1084 Sttk Can vatedt6 and 'Mik well wtth M.ho-bai ? 217 Emptoymtnt BI4I kvInoMiie PiDperty 8 0 • Fsma For >-based Scsle Com*« trOthful conteni of ihrir Forflent SOS Cm nxieuen 801 ATVtSMokKCyciH tOU108SAuioS(««vetSR(pws nosu)iupenrisk)n.Vehlde&, 'p Vy y looking ^ for service' i______OppoftrtBw 818I CoiTwnerdelPropertyCo 812 PssurwFa For flew______•Equipffieni a802 aeydM______^lOOOAmoONlm toolsIs supplied greet op- I^d raoi lr technician. No tunlty end earning ice necessary.! ASKING QUESTIONS DAIRYOt PAi-ARM LABABORERS MEDIC ------ilZtenliai.CallBlira wiiir^ trsm the right person. • Conduct public opinion ExExperienced dairy loeder. WdV&nied exp. farm machin- Maclachins operators, all Directirect care stall, all shifts Sewei»erServlca324-«806* p i e a ^ Call 432-5775 ask for Joe, ei isacaR 20M55-18t4 ! polls over the telephone. C ery operators w/truck shifts, shH fast pace. Possibll- avaiUvaiiable. Please call •600-235-70t9* p u b u c T n o t Tc e ABSOLUTELYNO oor leave message.* experience. e> 324-7148* ity ol full lime. Equal 734_4344 • PRODlDUCTKmMANAOER « <-W<> Actions planned and taken ALCOHOLICS " SALESI Strtetly research, gp Opportunity. For applica- j===s Syeirears minimum exp. by your government are ORIVER QE3ENERAL required. prinUng ft ^ 9«7 ^ AN.ONYMOUS S7.00 to 89.00 per hour. pExperienced . class A/CDL Hellelp.wanted.'Bowladrome. tIon V?' and interview call MEDIEDICAL « contained. In pubUc notices. I* Casual work environment ^ 735-5002 or apply directly Ph blishing experlertce a «• 206-733-8300 4 726-4650* driver needed lor local inc. Call 733-0369.* I f . I will Indude hvenloty They are part of your righl Flexible eves, days, & commodity c haul. Also at 532 Blua Lakes BlvdN* F ■ £ “ to know and to be Intotmed wknd. hours. t5-30 hrs, n ilALTHCARE------Youib opening available at • .rJ ! )rmatlon Islraa. \ CLASSIFIED sibilities incl. training, in­ *uil and part lime posllions • n t i ledlva, Inaxpensiva Rememinembar, noonejean* and public meetings available. Call Oanlells Ci ConAgra Beef Company DEPARTMENT structing & supervising — Fulinmo-Days m Malta. Full benefits. esumes, 324-3678* gm ilaa IM PORTANT the dally actlvitlos of ma- Oi b e fo re 11 a m .fo r a n o, Please address all legallai appolntmeint Twin Falls P a rt T im e • E ves. 40i40lK.plan.msuranca. ROVTETC>8ALC6 208-73^5538 chine operators. Minor OTR Driver lor food Pleaslease call 208-645-2221 Amar«irMrMeaervtoaa iral toba. can Careen advertising to: machine adlustments grade tanker. 2 yrs Care Center. 734-4264* ^ Ktta Connection. ^ LEOAL ADVERT18IN0 fVaotfar: Con/kKiAgra Beef Company is acoxjpjng^lctton. > 208-6^-4543 and/or alignments. Ideal driving exp req. JArANITORIAt ------^------V*PaUp . Vacalkm 47»7S7-aOOO* ^ TheTlmeeMewe candidates must have a Mostly I dedicated from Sullub-contractors wanted «si PO Box 548 ( B u r l e y ) * Dpportu" /Arnrmatlve ^ X high school diploma or Idaho to Wisconsin, Twin T» Falls area. Call eui Twin Falls, 10 83303-0548 Actton ^mptoyer. Evaryry major industry haa ^ 2 1 6 ^ !equivalent & a minimum grdat home time. (5<(503)222-1809* and Disabifity Insurance A armanjg$enentsnqijif 9 a its adKknowladgad leader, M Ooadllne for legal a d s;^“ REMEMBER , ol. 1 yr. related cup, in a Idaho Id Milk Transport, Inc days prior to publlcalion.n. That binhday ad you places ABORER *4(♦401k prfcprior to emptoyrrtanL' Join I aa recognized leader ” manufacturing organizati­ leneral laborer wanted, *r« ne mdusvy with 8.000 noon on W ednesday foror som e time ago In The on. Salary dependant iCEtISNE5D5------*nw» Sundoy. noon on Thursdayay 77/TWS-A/ew9?Nowlstho t-eoo-le^Mi'i M-F III,ailevue. ID call 786-2676* tneral all around halp * mployees and loca- upon proven work exp. 6AM to 6PM- ^ a In the U.SA.. Cana- for M ond^. noon on FrI-ri- lime to com e pick up your" We provide on exc. bene- = $1,0 0 0 want(anted. Must hava CDL, ‘ day tor Tuesday andId pictures. Stop by Ihe Cias- erome County is hiring 0 88IQN ON BONUS som *1 • PREGNANCY CRSIS CENTERI tions will b s accepted liable, ||. qualifed long-haul ^ A\AVAM AM Le 73S-33?4. •______• through O ct 11.2002* «, be responsible for Investl- /hpr.? « « • * . FREE TESTS. Always employees. Insurance ft gallngq. violailons of the P TwiTwin FaltoCata Canter > are seeking Route- ConlMentlal. 734-7472 BANKING cecompetitive pcy.644-l 802.* ft^ 2 Ordinance, conduct- '674 Easdsnd Dr. •ewithaCDLCIaaaB Mti-inxeVUE/HAILIV Warenouse/Productlon iicananee. AimrtPrtd* el- »KHCHUM Oeodln0.PTIorthenrst6 dr ing building Inspeciions. Contact Person different ahlfta available iLn a weeks, then PT on an on- Wanted experienced erenforcing the land use ___ Mekxlle Jensen* e benefit pedcagam- BothCariCamarftSubstlMH ling medical and life naaded call basis. Successful short haul drivers. anand building ordinances. = = SOS^miS^nrioa K'/] candidate must have ex­ Call 324-7146* anand admlnislering the ioiCAL------jrance. Thla is your * ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓( cellent computer knowl- ^ County's Emergency cnaNA needed ss a Ql Tech. onunitytojomacpfn- ifyouHviu Hva In ctMsa araaa FARM------C« 730-4473 Q4nyy. which has a stsady and wi Managonent Program. • \ olfice assistant Mon. ************ 57/;, Id would M to be a In our effort to Warned dependable ft exp. FrI. 32 hrs/week. Send * * iwthoverthalasi canter t and customer service tnjck drivers ft tractor op- he successful candidate m a k e o u r skills. Wage DOE, musr become ICC or 1C- ssume to Box 92751.% ads. Please mail or PieaiMaaeentaellhe ■. I acupuncture] erators for potato ft beet rimes News. P.O. Box t i l ^ r resume to: DM classified section Resume required. w'harvest. Auto, trans., no ^BO/cerlilied as soon as Please apply in person at: possible, but within 1 year 548>46, Twin Falls, ID 63303* rtar/PnWaSarvteaa 733-0 fre e o f a n y e rro rs, CDL req., new equip. 03MainAva.W. S5SS-& ^ Thne TnaMurea . imelllgent Jerome area. References. at the latest, A job de- meoi please check your Einptoymam Solutions scrlptlon/raqulrements ■ CNA rin Falla. ID 83M1 CMneme Medicine Call 678-8283* 7:30 to 9:30 am. M A ' 08>734-344rPax. ■' ■' a d fo r a n y • 1201 Fails Ave. E. Ste 24* ^ and application may be moi lo w HIRING: ’S Herbs, massage, & HHIFiciAL------S ^on.-Frl. Quadriplegic, tn: Brian QMtamd — liTS:!-ssyTBTSsn;— I m istakes tfie first TalchI Inslruction CL£RICAL En obtained from the Jerome cart»re ft dressing. SlO/hr. e RNorlPN- EE*^^AAP* dtMiifd..ited.Juetctf 73*0031. avaliatjie. Entry level Finandsl /\dvi- rcCounty Clerk's olfice ot call:all 324-6715*______I>jjg d a y t h a t it ru n s . Need experience in Ouick „sor position with WtdOtll 30 Night Shilt , ■Byappt44»1289(local> . . Books, inventory, phono “ 300 N. Lincoln. Jerome. 5 = = ft Full rnentormg ft Idaho 63336. Appltoations eok:al gnr6pm • 6am A fte r th a t tim e skilla. self motivated. Full oceducoilon program. Fax vy4i Curry RaUranwnt ^ aANKRUPTCY I tima. Sand resume to ro will be accepted until Oc- ^ The TImes-News Atlonlable & fast. Accklonts, resume 10 Twin Falls tatlobens, 20^ .* ______■ Box 92506 c/o Times oloffice 208-736-0043* BRlIRIDGEVIEW willnotbe. divorce & criminal matters. News P.O. Box 548, Twin — responsible for Brad Rica at 734-3367* ■ Fans, Idaho .63303* rou llva hare. We live OFFERS; r i ; Custom furniture manufac- ^ei nsfssa.""’”' C any mistakes. ------BANKRUPTCY------■ CLERICAL------nera, too. Join your local *' cii734.(i DaDays ; .; Jeff Stoker at 734-6452* . houfs. Salary DOE. FT In- »d. FIria Banlr o f IdMho Phan ' Long haired iwung. male surance & benefits. Call fl;dlate job opening -fish ed. larmaclet poelllon open Flana ., • ii Internal Advancement Opp>pportunlile8 <• , orange tabby 732-6344* ----- EMPLOYMENT ft----- smoke house. SeH-starter. is Is lo cally ow ned a n d 1mmmmediately. Community SCF 0(208) 736-0829; operated. We offer com- phai Health. Dental, and * E:Excellent Work Envlronmern e n t W FOUND Black female lao PAYROLL SERVICES 450 S. Locust SI. TP; Smoke house, fish. HAC- op* iharmacy. 40 hours per ^ Hei PERSONNEL PLUS CP. supon;isory. records palMtltlve wages and'excel- wetveek. commaneurate Optical Opi Insurance ; wearing a checker chain. email: daveOsilvercreek- r , ent benefits. Please ap- - saia .& • Found on Pierce St. 733-7300 TMn Fail$ and Inveni07 experience len laiary. Insurance pak). no College » Tulilon A g Coll 734-9948*- 678-4040 Burfy preferred. Must be well- p3ly r in parson at the Suniuniiiy.. Sand STuma * “ CONCRETE •— Oforganized, »' reliable, Ka A M (min.h>«,ra(..~ q .) , vldnityof 3400 E 4000 N. In Sun Valley area. Must iniInsurance ft benslits. Call P.O. P.' Box 3239,. 54(148-. T w in F a lla , ID Call 734-9420,• InallarMsofyourllta have expartenca In form S(SCF O (206)736-0829; Kains Btii 7 '3 2 - 5 2ISi 9 I Call 655-4429. REWARD* i o o ^ g for a |ob that will available, all shifts. 182fl828 Brkigcvkw BM ,330».» ** j Machanlc/Wekter \ ji^’f o l l ( 0 # i i ^ g : i t : "an d drove off with certified. Maals/anacks PERSONNEL thara. If you (Ind t h i u provided. Jenny 88ft-2669 Dufl&UtSPORTATWN ^ p»aaaa^ 73X896.*^ PLUS •* Comp'etitivl^P^agesy ' J ^ * E xcellenint Work Enviroi•onment. ;______I -Mad«OUA^Svan^^^ -- nTpfiFAvTm^od’ • Paid Training • Flexible;I Scheduling Forir Parents.I I soala dapandlng'on ^-^Ove^BTa-WiO' >g- ’ " • ' axpaf1enea.-Qood bane- SS : l u L W C A n -^^SSS^Knm y tits and axealantaquipin- . . ; , Please pick up an appijplication at Discoveryry Research- ^1-.. - ant; Call raeruiiarat ^Regional inanaoarnaadad " ! ^ ^ lornaidantWcanhomas; • Irealnformatlon about 800-823-7871 axt 422* Group( 762 Falls Ave,ve. (The Turf Plaza). COr call: t avDWingamployinaniser* 8 E Idaho. Must hava ^ vfea scams. «rr1ia to tha admlnlitfatoc^ y i ^ f t • Psdaral Trade Commla- . Saiaiy; bonua^Sanafits: _1 • 3 m-offess;I . a(on..W athin«on. D.O.. Jason at eB»a»70ag* ___ (208J)) 735-6601. I 20560. or O U M N a tl^ *r ■ • S • — ^ ^ ■K; . .. ■ \ j ^ _ , ......

s,jx...... r ' 4

^ T Im M -N m r« , Twit-win P alls. Idaho J u a a d a y ,. O0 cto b er 1 . ^

FILER 3 bdrm.. 2.bath. TWIN FALLS 1 JEROME DarilngT bdrm BUHL Bi Senior Citizen. TWIN TWJ] FALLS 3 bedroom. t ThJr^Mng of buHdlng.o. . _ .2 bdmt;New.Palnt.& cart.. _2.b.2.bom..oppl8_S850_£im __ r ^ o m e ? Cau the Rasmus­ pel. AC. W /O'hookup. St. Condos. 731-5030. _ tMfore Sam or after 6pm.’ sen Team at Gem State refrig, stove, utils, allowa- 736-8400 73f or 731-0551.* ► FILER S yr. old, 4 bdrm.. 2 Really. We are the exclu­: TWirrrecT3“ 'w?;?o?’ nee. Rental asslslonco ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ t alo c*«7'C hock return^ •’fsssfyas.'T i,., : TWIN FALLS. 3 bdrm,. w/ bam on 2.S acne w/water. sive representatlvea of no peta. $828.5^ 196* J available 738^046 EHO* garago $550* dep. noor In o u r e ffo rt to horse bam ar>d pasture. TKO Homes. 'The Afford- odnow4plex. - • able Builders'. Coll LynnI Call Chuck 733-8207* JEROME J Paradise Drive. CASTLEFORD 1 and 2 CSI. CS 734-4603 evenings.* CURRENT m a k e o u r- -737-3900 or cell phone i S r . i J S . “S K .S t S 5 : ■Call 5436833. bath; 5»,i garage, pailo, appls. ^ ^ AVAILABLE------TW IN F A L L S ------______free.of.any.arrors. —w/vlewa.-800-sq.tt.-shop.- !___5t.acros,.Eagor.lo «olL _ Equal Housing Opportunlly.*- - qvN - -4l0--2807r------3177.000 3250 N. 2300 E - -324-3733o - r731-3733.*— -OWrW/D hook-uprAC:— RT.ses piease checl< - aslure. lease option. io E N (2) 2 bdrms. $300 Open Op Model 348 Lonoro. QOODINO 1QO;200Camoy 115.000.637-63Q4* $500/mo. ea. Mgr.7334891 KIMBERLY K Singlewide 2 RT. 500 y o u r a d th e first (702)860-3179* bdnn. 1 balh. 2 car ga- mo. d $200 dep. No pots. Apl,2 A^ Call Chuck 733- 300 blk CasaGrondo . HAQBRMAN Cozy 3 bdnn, You'pay power, wo pAy ^ 8^ 7 .T o n n l 734-1012.: ■ - 10^700 Anionlffl . • RT. $74 day it run^. After rage, fenced yd. Refe. ^ 300-900 Utah ' 2 barn', on 2.90 acres. 3 GEM $380 + dep. No t^eta. me^ rest. Call Kathy at 700-900 blk Lawranco:o lh a t tim e T h e car garage'..vinyl siding. STATE REALTY. INC. . Please can 206-734-5518. 825-4242* ^ RT.501 700-900 btk Wondoll I RV pad w/dump& electric. J 300-500 Nebraska T im e s -N e w s wiii 734-0400 SHOSHONE 2 bdrm. mo- ^ E N Studio, wo pay it all, ^ 300-700 Ortgon . Hugo lawn w/sprlnklors. $ 2 0 0 . (2 ) 1 bedroom If you Uvo noor ono of n o t b e resp o n sib le^ landscaped. Bxt6 shed BUHL - Ibile home, large ahop. * HT.504 thesa areas and woukl i I I ‘ $10,000 $500ymo, 733-1359 a ® p a rm o n ls . yoO p a y JERIIEROME Holiday Moiol fo r a n y m is ta k e s . S147.000. Cell 637-4456* power. $220, $200 dep. Undor Unc now martagemonl. eoo-lOOOWyomins like 10 be a carrier 2 bdmi 7 8 Guerdon Appls. SHOSHONE si 3 bednsom S eoo-goo Oregon Pleas:a contact tha ' h a 'g e r m a n / t~u t t l e cooler, meial roof. shed. on both. No pets. Call Nico. Nic doon. comfortabto 1 bath house. $495Ano. > Kathyh at 625-4242* rooms. n 401-W. Main. RT.BOS District Manaoar ^ aeautilul 3 bdmi. 3 balh, Located in nice park. 1dep. No pets. 735-9462.* « d00-1300calltomla 733-0931. axt. 947* . ■ log home. 2,000 sq. ft.. ckjso to cafe & shoeing. = i^oODING Low income ____ 324-2361* 1000-1200 N«vada ■ 14x50 covered Wooden 419Fnjltlandir4. ^TWIN FALLS .------^ aubeklized.1 bdrni. opts. TWthfWir^ FALLS HBO.------RT.507 ■ dock on 1 fenced ocre. It w in fa l l s - c a . I 1332 JuUe Lane *ROBERTJONES REALTY * at West Side Court. For mlrcrowavo mlra ft rolrigorator , 100-300 Nafaratka ■ play house, sprtnkler ays-' 733-0404 Channing and dean senloc . S/or disabled. 1 1 personpei $120 weekly . 400-900 3rd Ave. E. :— pDSEirSenTiSS lam, outbldgs.. RV pad & r T649Sqft, 2 story. 3 bdrni. > 1 bath * c I 4 bedroom. 2 bath. 6 < 6 0 DIN6 ------; Ctoan nk» nelghboritood. C Cae a p riU o fl 733-6452* - : BT.soe MESSAGE elect, hookup. Evos. 837- near dty library. pari«’and walking distance 10 Rkfley I 1000-1300 Montana SoMina property? Oon'l payly 6547 or days 536-2023.* I Ctoee to schools & pool. 10x4Sft. oUor mobUe homo shopping. Fenced yard. a WIN FALLS SIOSMeek IGreat new neighborhood Very livable. $1500. a KkMs. 3 opts, available. 375 mo. Outot-mlcrowavo. , 1000-1200 WaaMngton any toes unlil il’s soU. For“f HOME INSPECTIONS Call Shirley 934-4986 Iroo inlormatlon about I Sprinklers, large deck PkMse call 886-2095* 127*95?aI^*'S*It75. , S rofrtg. ft utils. Ind.73frf96ft 2000 ♦ since 199C. I 733-3718 734-3432 S weekdays boforo noon. ^ JEROME I® Bill Baker. 326-5115.- KIMBERLY-85 FkMtWOOd 736-2476 or 73 8 W 5 sSm. pets and smoking 'J"'WIN FT^LLSMotel ■ [ ^ roal estale scams, write I S144.500 14x60fi. 2 bdrm. Gas. • • • • • « • • • • f) Dally and weekly ralos RT.B20 OpenHouae OK. Equal Housing Djl . 300-6001st. Ave. E ROUIE8AVAJLABLE«■£ 10 (he Foderol Trade I Motivated seller $r3.500 TWN f \ PALLS ^------OOpportunity i1S2 S IKimbnly Rd. 733-6620 In t h t B u rtey m nM a Commission. Washing­,® I BUY HOUSES I Saturd^9-3« olfor. Call 308-3815.* a 100-600 2r>dAv«.E ' Offer in 48 Hours lACKPOT.NV. TWIN FALLS MOTEL 3 RT.824 ton. D C . 20580. Undor now monogomont Wo are currentty or call me Nai>oruil FraudI 734-9522 or 736-3889* TWIN FALLS 214 acres. 3 ^YWlNt^ALLd 28X64- Now renting 1 ft 2 bdmi. ^ '’2 ■ 100-400 lat Ava.W. bdmi. 2 bath, appliances, (1.792 sq.ft.-f sun room)- 3 bedroom Low Irtcome housing. Nice clean rooms loo-eoow . (Mam st. accopttno appJicattonsns Intormfllion Center, JEROMES Lease option or Large rooms.'handl- 1 bath, fenced yard. Cable TV w/HBO lor indeperxMnt camerqor^ t-a00 S76-7060.- • deck. AC. pellet atove. Can (775)755-2537* RT.S27 buy. Country living.. No $95,500. CatlJ34-572f copped accessible ramps, 127 9lh Ave. N. $775. -r-: Jighlly. dolly/weekly ratos BUHL ~ dairy smell. 12 miles out. . IeROME 2 broom s 1b 24848 2nd 2i Avow. 733-5630' 100-600 EaatAva. I Pleaaa contact the large lot. Call Dan at 736-2478 or 735-9595* J® 100-600 EaslAva.J * DRAMATIC BRICK • Remodeled farmhouse, TWN FALLS 276 Cedar- 731-2121 or 734-21^1* tV balh. Alt appls. $465- 7^WIN FALLS R oom s. OlatrtefManaear twme on a comer k)l. w/oak kitchen & bath. 3 p e rt CIr. (off RIer E and 7 TWIN FALLS Ahnottnewl $490. $i Dali 324-8499 Or RT.830 tWIN Pa LlS~7 4 ' ^ I ^ . E S90/weok. mlcrowavo. 100-574 OJadar 677-4042 « iL 601 Of Thi»3bcimiboa8tsa. bdrm./ bonus room In Whispering Pine). Approx. ^ Extra nice. 3 bdrm.. 2 Ai basement, forced air heat, 2bdnn..t4*60'groafvai- 0bam duplex (n new subdi- ™ rofrlg. UtiMi'cs pd. Cable ■ 100-250 Mtn. Viaw Or * lomily room, natural gas I600sq.ft.3bdmi,2bath. 1.0 TV. nopels.1201 KImbor- ‘ S L O i S ' . r lumace and fresh paint. well Insulated. 2H acres, split floor plan, gas heat & ue.$l5.000.' 420-1188.* vvWon on Rose St. (Off of 1263 Oveflaftd Ave. FUer) in Perrtne Olst. AC. numerous to list. Deluxe ly RdRc or call 735-0232' CallJudy'S69.900 . set up for horses, 20x24 fireplace, plant shelf ceil- tWiNpALLS • Lovely ^ 2 bdrm. 324-4854 • SHOSHONE (DM Roper Bu»dlofl)» shop. * 40x24 garage, ings. walk-ln pantry. 2 car imobile home 28x60. 3 appliances. * Obi. garage ^ RT.413 circular drive, immediate garagei. Lg storage s h ^ . ibdrm. 2 bath-wMLL- T-w/op«ner.-aprrnklorr-*' i^|r>iear the quiet! 100-300 Waat A y BARKER occupancy. S119.500 for Landscape w/ sprinklers. arals.. < fireplace, carport, system. f $790/ month. lOO-SOOWaatB “ I Aea/rora covered patio. permanent 1 ■ year lease required. CmH 843-43711 quick sale. Call 410-2627 S12S.000.CaB423-9888.r • RT. 416 Pnvate party* ; siding. Ig. storage rm. Call 735-6373.* 176MauncesSfll MANS^ S E N 2 bdmi, 1 bain, 100-SOO N.Appla . 6UftLeVl640sq.it. , TWIN FALLS 3 bedroom, !1605 N. Grandview lot | = TwlnFsris oxlrijxtra nice. In country, 500-700 W. 7th I home.3bdrm..2balh.llv- |KIMBERLY ------^------1 W bath, everything 21. Countnslde village. 5»■■■■■■■■■! 734-4196* pots,)ets/horso nogoiioblo. RT.416 Ing room, family room,I 2 Bdrm ^ balh 1995 mig updated, large corrter tot. S3O.9OOOp0nHou»» ‘ rTWIN PALLS ___ :all 423-4010 leave msg. 100-200 EMtB kkltchen/dining combo, sin- home, nice kitchen, office. 453 Knottlngham Mon.. ] 7u#j.. S W 0d. • * AVAILABLE NOW TWWIN PALLS CleSn 1 _55!L: 100600EaatD gle car attached garage. Garden space, bully bam. $93,000.736-2419* JDn>i>in any lim af *• New AJl Brick Home bdrm.. hd duplex. $335. No SHO!HOSHONE 2 bdrm., w/auto opener. Ig. fencedd Taylor Street, Robert • 3 bedroom. 2 bam tmoklng.paflutl.734-S483- «ji aPPMpe«Mentca^n I TWIN PALLS I r Ask about our unkiue IHuge ft Immaeulalo Offico ft Retail i S ® I ' siding.fenced. 1 car iBy owner, .soned heavyi m renltoownplanll 1 ft 2 bedroom. Hamn garage. S73.000. Call I manufacturing. Approx. I ■ Call hr walk ihrough. Ilaundry. Storage ft 734>?5 " 3 3 9 or W2^7368" Plaaaeeontaelthe 670-^104 or 438-8246* DIktftet Martaaer l 2 acres, fenced 2 bdrm. I ■■uflH jilSIH * The Home Company Oarage Parking. dhdeUPERT Medical arts or ' r 677-4042 art. 601 or, FAX I 1h balh home. Shop.l ALMO7S. 4 bdrm.. 2 bath, let Phone 737-4663 35^J57 Blue uikes Blvd. N, oon,general oflico building. 602 or atop by th« Claaalfled Depertmwtt I oarage and bam. 19891 tub. li 2 person tile shower. 'Jack Wright 7354S9S* 2700:700 oflicos, Burley office at: openaat 8:00 am I Eldrldge. ReduoedI 1 iyr. old carpet, river rock reco 1263 Overland Ave. Mon thru FrL I $94,500. Reskle & run! fireplace,II cathedral cell­ restroirstrooms. ADA compliant, . CURRENT I a business from thisi lngs, Ir ceniml AC. $40,000. _ . ^ (CM Roper BulMIno)* OR Take Care el your ■■■■■■■■■■a WIN FALLS parkporklng, noor Minidoka WAUQNQROUTE9 ctaaamed buslneee I propenyl I CanC be moved. Call ■ ••••eeeeeeeee M600Menroa 208-677-4543 one to taka care of this TWIrwlN FALLS 2 bdrm.. 1 N LLS AVE7ACR0SS 2 bath, vaulted ceilings I home lor 1 year, rent A baiiMthduplex. te a r garage, fw fh RT.74» Bla prollta usually m ean.n letted tub. gas fireplace. I fIN FALLS FROMlOMCSL Great locatloo r t0O-25OJun|parSt.N deposit are negotlabla to W W/ /0 hook-up. fenced i-3b 1700-1800 M u i a ^ buslnaaa with a company. TWM FALLS Immaculate q 7: u a l i f i e d l e a s e e . , yai 375-S60d mo. plus dep. Localetested next to DL Evint irr. 74« 2 0 0 ^ litom-V check It out wim the Bei- 733-6346or 420-3451. $5$505 m o. d ep . C all Halli Mongiongage Dept. si.2sm. »135.»& r73M 338^"' 3 bdrm. 2 bath, split fkwr 734-8526,73 280-2012* 73:733-8676 or 539-5049* inpald* Or. 400-SOO0 tar Buslnaaa Burwiu. For 862 C M In Ave.* plan.l7l4sqft.vaulted «rn Ill J. Francis Floranc4 WakafWdSt Iraa informailon about celllngs. walk In dosats rWlN FALLS 2 bdrm.. 2 TOTRfR i? x c c m ;d 7 5 5 s r 733-7;13-7653,* UT. 7 7 t 2100-2200 ANaa avoiding Invealmant In all Mm u.. oak fkwr- home In exdushrs*n'algh- ^bam. t finished basement. 2 batlam. gas heat, all appls.. -rwiNF,in? a Lls------VMa Or. 900-1000 DalM scama.wrna to tha Feder­ Ing In kitchen « dining. borhood canyon view garage. gar RV parking, wa- w/lV/D. Call 644-9137.* Klmbarliberly Rd Offices Mar Or. al Trade Commlsalon. oak cabinets, attic o v e r 3 0 0 0 a q ft. on 3 ter/ 'IN FALLS 3 bdrm.. 2 From71300-600 30 sq.ft. RT. 7*a 1500-1600 EHz-t- Washington. D.C.. 20560. storage, patIo w/frellls. “acres, looking for some- 72( ith. single garage. 4- Bluee Lakea U Office abath Blvd. 700-6000 or call the NattonU Fraud lotsoflandscape. one to take care of this f“WIN s n PALLS 3 bdrm. 1 y, plexex unit. $595.734-2121* Approx,rox, 190-600 sq.ft. JunlparSt Inrormailon Ceniar, home for 1 year, rent & f ‘ RLCR . I I neighborhood green "f TtTPALLS 3 bdrm,. 2 J****'"'Itson Ave. Locsllon RT. *93 100-480 Harrt- 1-6Q0-876-7060/ 3 bedrooms. 1 bath,I TWIN PALLS Ibelt & walking path, deposit are negotiable to $650 ♦ dep. 736-0322. hmh rox. 600 sq.ft. aon. 100*500V«n qualiriadleasee. S i ilh. w/garage. kitchen I 2-car garage. Set onl $147,900 Call lor appt 5}: ■WIN PALLS 3 bdrm. 2 app)pls., W/0 hookups. 1 Steve for more Info. ■ 1.56 acres. Cantrall 2924 Skyline Dr. 733-3219* i733-6348 ? or 420-3481. TWI >n these and otheraL RT. M S 100-500 polk, 734-8526. 280-2012* bath hat home. New carpel, centintral heat, $625-fdep. 100-300 TaykJr I heavalr. Asking S97.0001 3.2 acres NE. T.F. = No Smoking or Pets. $575 720-!0-1498or788-9922* Hallow ■ or make offer. Plaaaal Main House 3800 aq. tt I TWi'WIN^ U L L 9 Tolally lur- •f $500 dep. Located at TwIN in PALLS Clean quiet n WE BUY LOANS «« “ call for an appointment, j 5 bdnna.. 3 batha nished, all utils, induded. 2S39thAve.N.734-S329* 9,^ dupl IfyouUvanaarenaef Oak kitchen | 2 &3 bedrooms. iplex. 2 bdrm w/utlllty k thaaa araaa and would Receiving paymenia on WIN FALLS 3 bedroom. rooRom. lenced yanj, lawn ^ 6 0 8 ^ lika to ba a oarrfar raal esuie sold? We pay Hardwood ikKMS I Starting at499S. TWir Lota'of extraa. I Jp/warehouse w/ofllce. www.wsbuyloans.com 2 bdrm. aun porch ^ aae.$790/mo.4-$500dep dep. . HAAEAMAM------windows. 3 bedroom. 1 736-9269* f s a >4-8606 or 539-5555* balh. family room iUHLabdim.lb.lfc. 1.1m- ™ ■ D RA CO Being aoTd In a Truilse WIN PALLS 3-4 bdrm. S S tw iNNFACra P ; ------FAX sale, hera’a your chance *$299,000.* w/flroplaco.greai ! noigh- dry °*y room, oil heat, base- TWII >meSeeWha|-aNew Larooor10 Olfice space in Blue INVESTMENT CORP. -boihood.i fenced yard. < meni, garage, huge 2 balh,bi possible loose CASH for Deeds ofTniat. to own property In baauti- t purchase. Office. 2 fomlly Now Leasing • ^ k o area or Contracts. C ^today for a’ fabulous price. This 32 aa. pallo w/hot tub. no la ond kitchen. Second acre property Is located at ^ 735-9757 or736-4191* required. ^ Call 543-6553* aa. 01 kKOtlon, S8S0/mo: free, no-obltgn^ quote. 5DH AD (20B)7»5^1» the mouth of the Malad i DrarSSmCzBaSuw: ^ asher/Dryer Induded. do^M^JOSH, j: TIMES CLASStPIBD Gorge, also known aa the . I rWIN FALLS. By Owner billbile home, $450 mo. central heal and air. BMVRAWLEY REALTY.^ old Cart Haydon property. I J4 a c re w/2400 sq. It. depdep. Lopg term lease. No TWIfWIN PALLS 5 bdrm. 3 «wliwimming pool, fitness 734-5658* ; OBPARTMBNT 5 bdrm. 2h baih homis. ■ peti Mth. 3850 sq. ft., quiet. ceni»ntor, business conter, ' ■> It Includea a house bull! ■ aets.CairS43-6342.* bait P k i n ^ by famed artist. Archls TWIN l FALLS Sawtooth J 831 AlturusDr, sttm M.E.. $1850 mo. 1st. last. cor Education $134,500. Call 736-3986‘ nUHL " Nice 3 bdnn, 1 hbatn wcurity. 208-423-5969.* vkk iwarohousosftotflcos. a0B*734-6B38 Taatar. Lots of water In a •:• 3bdrms.4 2.5balha _ i Mo Smoking or Pets. $500 s r s , » ' s S . rostroom, 2000 sq.il. beautiful aattingl Tmstee •Custom •! tile AhanMood r ~ 'I /mo OR You-n M ptM««rmy wrpruSd m o$200dep. 543-0950.* TWIIWIN PALLS C ountry led M3. 733-6642,’ sale Is being conducted floors I BOR lome. 3 bdrm.. 2 bath. » aoa-677>4B43 •I how M«y H !■ to piwe a bjl TWeFact. Inc. on Oct. •,•Approx. 1933 sq. ft. I |a UHL very clean country 3 hoff IN FALLS oflico & cltwflM ad. TIM cott Is }drm. $400 dep. ref. perljartly furnished. Rent SARATOGA (BURLBY) 3. 2002. at 2:00 p.m. on •<• Oasllreptaoew/custom IQm s g l 5g y g * Call 5600 mo. ♦dep. 734-8768* A P aps/ warehouse. 3 low...tt>t rtiwt* ac« high. ihe step of the QoodIng :all 543-4812. No pets. *• S6« APARTMENTS phaseISO.. Call 734-7345.* ThWt 733^)931. County Courthou.se.* • i bURLEY g r 3 bdrm. 2 bath TWINtflNFALLSTklySbdnn.. 6C TWiNFAT f a u S ------hood I " horlome on 1.5 acrea. 5 2! bathbi home w/slngle OFFICI■ICE/SHOP-2400 • Sawtooth Schools I ^ millniles S of Burley. Rent oaralarage. no amokJng/pets. It. with ovorhoad • Quiet CuKle Sac I'JiWENDELL Corner lot withvlth option to buy or |ust [600«S500 $60 dep. 1416 fwlNIN FALLS D uplex 3 doow.’liirs. lenced. 9172.900 I 100 X125-. 2.095 sq. II. rantant. Call 601-375-2^.* Add!VddlsonAve.£ 7344604^ .bdrm.m, 2 bam. water, aew- OPRCEICE • WAREHOUSE. 1 level 3 bdrm., 2 bath. MDINA 2 bdmi.ibath~ ^ ENDBLL 1 bdrm.. gas. er. trashtr pd„ gas heat. 7.800s pr CWL N^il O 876- ons are 7«day, early- I ^ 8 w/auio take oil. back -,2^29-5527 or 731-4229.* morning dcli\ li ilivery positions and I J Hush 2000 gat, tank, 130 3BS3ROME 1-2 bdrm.. atow pets, 7944886* POTATO ■ a r e a ssource o of additional I larm acres. 159 water relrlg. ? W/0 hookup. . f "i refrtgerabieraled.ClaaaA.clm ihares. Call 543-4036* N FALLS 10 ahedheds ft planla. Call V income.le. Get paid for your I « I UVCtALSPeCIAL 312-300•30^<^6^^ . morning walk. I.pr< loblle hom e. No peta. b unl 2end3 bormTa^ A^ABf^lT Ai * rigeretlon, SO.OVO 500. Long term lease, avalvail. Rentbeaedon ^^mm bnoH Apta. C \ 7 S to p b ] ' by The Times-News I m! >N8EN Qraal acr.igi. al324:«0&or5436342 mconcome. Can 543-8833. V « i atl32 3rdStWfestin | S ireai price. 1 * acre • 3 • » IOM U i M n o a m . — Equ«l»jalHouahgOpportirty.* com i Rssrasn— ' | S3nls.s&thoftown.Hors; >athmoWle.4390 + dep. SOHLlbdmi.6enioisorh l IWin Falls or call I tn Fwleeatooeoedom wxweqi>^ft«Sthi9^i^ aady. new well Rump. M.3430er420>1Mr niaahaabled only. rental aa^ ^ -end efUoe apa*»i - ___ T~73JOT3:7ocf3p2r ■ oun d ^ tlo n -p o O T u r -3DfOiW)Me a barr»tr«'’b>m.- -alataf•tanoerloeeliftf'next to — t e Vp^.543-6436.Equtf M l - 1 ^ SISSii4s;faa*',K tact FM nd P e t a w In Burl^, go to I **; le l + d e p . R e le . r»9 . TTM 64717 jw m b ^ A ve. 1906w30Maegf aiK f i324-71B4r .. K iWi' n r - ^ HarKindtoiuMeeesMe nmes-NewsoCSoeat. | s 12-421-0212 Kr.mesaaoe* aMBS I6I R eddoed. Newly • ■' a S l S S S L IWHDHEWiSiToB ^ nxxWed.-1«abdiinL; T Wii m R ^ r J c e ' r 12630vertatKl- l a aptlo. power, shared t70& kppiMwee. $380-1480 2b(tmIrm. duplex. Q re it — ^ otcaa^-40Q .: I 8 S a.«deb^... ^ ' aaocrtci!!on..aac»qeAC.DW. r i m P ii 1 a s s : SSStS

- j : ~ 7-' - 7 ' ~ i" .r .” 7'. '’^ • T uM day. O ctotM r 1,2002,1, Timfl«-Newt, TwrlnIn FFalls, Idaho C7

Monday, SepS e p t 30,2002______SOF RED9 HiHEELER/AUSSIE X GOLDEICNRESEWEBEEIL WANTED!"ED Hampsler equip*_____ ?^*tt3 ^ a nm'ac7&- •frrOi(NfWe.-NeLa- bool, box' woniod.'od. youth's woslem -THE^ cesonbBI R I D G E * B obty^ty Wolff gDS;ha*ire! c h i n ^ M ^ e t f l BRITtlTTANY SPANIEL ^)s. ” ’rready rww. ,1st shots •’’O'idividuai cuts. Reody soddio.10-326-3313* 3: upplos. female. AKC. & vot checked.< 43t-0296 for honome delivo7 .Coll lor WANTEDED Old< gaa pumps wics, great hunting wwntimr.tinylmpwMWiimni.eoni.* brochuiiufo'ordor4&5633,- orMIS sst station Hems’, sckground. 326-5174* g j j j ^ "Men were d IH TZUpupples AKC. ORAPEJ'ES Now roody. , Topop monoyrr pak). e Oeceivera ever.” ^ N O R T H B-30-A. y 206-866 0274.’ « K .Q 10 8 'LLMASTTFF/Rotlwiokir boautiautifuiiy marked, exc ^I pick.P' Concords. Tony 20 — Shakespeare lolity. Ready lo 00 bv Call 538-W-2284 Of 536-5421' ■l',_._Wo'n Pe u Wonlodtobuy._ . / !LUT»TOVEWWnMd a “=r'’i:t. 1. with 1st shots. P0TAT< 3TAIRMAST6R . • ♦ J 1 0 9 6 22 . AdAdvantage 2.4900 like TOES Ffoshly dug ^ A t neweweaH 536-6671*. CHIHilHUAHUA p uppies. - * 3J004$350.Call °< seidaidoho potatoes in 50 734-069<0696 Iv mossago. ' Today’ss fahand is selected be- ♦ J 5 2 KC reg. 3 fem ales, 2 6-6767* ■______lb, bog:ngs. Hods. Hussmts WANTED!ED TO BUYPrefob- . c a u s e ^ t e n S faOVE LopI wood atove, ates. $350 each. Call SHORT kons 734-9761 eves* • ncalod 4 terday was SL Michael’s 'sW E S T E A ST 40.10.000 blu.. front glass n i . i » T HAIR POINTER & >'uk0i Id 4*horso barn or Day. The boiband was played'in the < M*1096or212-5610.’ Purebr iTOES S13/l>u,t,OI. Iramod buiWmg able 4 — 4 9J 77 6 2 . doooor.goldtflm.,l5tt.stain- - - 260-3734 u i ^ „ moved.324-9486’ 19M Amerlcrlcan Trials mfitcb be- *V 973 V A<]\ Q 6 2 IBS stool chimney Ind.. DOO0 KENNELt lO'xIOW .pepper* $1.00/ lb.- tween Tean 79S.324-2722* $175 SlAMEiUESE KITTENS------Ptoase.le caH 208-326-4070’ WANTEDED Vintogo BarbiD :am Goldn>an and the ♦ < K7 3 ♦AS\8 5 4 ^ Call 736-7478* withlis is t shots. Soot point. » ' dolls and clothing. 1959 - Cayne Teanlam. Michael Seamon *AAQ987 63. 41010 ^ ^ l° a n d ° 'b ? g ^ i l o o FREEEE BobtalkKl Wttens, 10 Roosonably priced. k . . Iniore'stod in oa- made a larsiirsighted deceptive play ISO call 208-536-5750* and collections. Coll SO U T H oaciach or offer. 732-0490* weekseks old. Call between th a t b e w ais s Ula te r ab le to capitalize 8 amunand6pm324-51Sr WANTEfTED Blue Heeler or 322 or 733-9668. ; on in a big 4 A J S 4 3 lig way. Against four ♦ K J 1 0 8 4 EE kittens. 5 wks. old. ■ .fiy?10 be^lerX^ puppy. SONY 27 inch TV. fair con- WANTEOVED Wood cook stovti spades doubliLibled, W est s ta rte d w ith u^ed trained, oot woll. 2 0. chain% link kennoi, aitibn.. $75.S CaU 423-5203 IP'o'o'r okferold model) must Call 734-5408 leave mmoteag*.*, bemgoocgood cond. Or>d'not tn6 club'ace,ice, on which. Seamon. ; E ''8«ff i t stripped. 1 block. _____ Z ■4 S i 111662*3420* WEIME loo largeDO 20e-78»4542*; who knew’ frfrom the Hnal double 6I U1 ANNUAL IMERAINERSAKC. C------.that East ha iE kittens. Weaned and >'or-groy/blues. ' f $400/ ^ B2S ^ had a singleton club, \Vulnerable: North-South SNOWMOBILEs X) or trade. 432-5587’ 8 2 7 ^ 4 d ro p p e d h isis kking! ID e a le r N orth Consignment( a a ? » - v S p.F PUPS Hybftds . • Wfest eyedred this with suspicion, Auction ===jT mT 2 Sealer w/ itMAN SHORT HAIR ^>0% good markings GO CAR but decideded to believe declarer The T bidding: NO'lo v em b er 9 .2 0 0 2 Call 862-3332’ shock; obsortwrs/roll 0 bar. n a L P K a n d shiA cd to 3mos.oW.»1yr.male. c= rr^ 3t-733t* COMMLIMUNPYNEAT 1 to a low diam ond. H ad e E a s t CConsign Nowl winn sen» v, prkio. y e uiSwLiBM o v Sasre be found the South West North Es 1. old. 1st. shots. $50. PICTURIRE or Nogahve ol P le a se9 rere m o v e all gar ' he heart shift instead, P a ss P aass B 324-!14-5062 or 420^)870* Ol East wouldlid still have had a .« 1531-5111’ tho 1stSt Filer Telephone rage ssali a le s ig n s a fte r 1 4 3 4 4 4 Db ■ Q ERMAN ^ SHORT HAIR buikling. 326*4672’ y ^ y f s g / c h a n c e o f findfinding th e u n d e ie a d of a polni>lnter puppies AKC. .LOW LABRADOR sale is over. It All pass }S. AKC. oxc. blood WANTED th e d iam o nid d ai c e to W est's k ing to a hlots.dewclawed. o t -0 is o uT r responsibiH^re * worm)fmed. $150.436-5716* IS. OFAl cortiliod. 1st Flreplaosee Insert with fan. 4„ i,oan obtain a ciul:lub niff. But the dia- oOpening lead: Club ace ts. wormed, dowciaws. :all733K)033* Cai ep the commit- m o n d s h ift pup u t th e fate o f th e con* OOLOEJ)EN RETRIEVER pups M alesles $300. ftfmales w T ntI 'lean, le t's w ork tract squarely N. heart, hips checked. S400.10. Reedy i 10 go Oct. fher and show •elyonSeamon’ssbouI*' “ LEA D W ITH T H E ACECES S 5 i.' 0.crab.plne.aspon fo g e lh e t d ers. 00. 541*410*2516* -9lh. C lerstg/srhall. pfjO e in co u r tovm . B a s t w o n 0-30-II HU8K1IIKIE Malamute. white. 38-2676’ T hankk youy( for y o u r ; on his diamond ace, ' c,South holds: >r old. $300. Border r “o W :D Chevrolet 265 .COOpo o p erallo n ’ ; • . cashed the heheart ace. and contin- 4 K 10 8 4 « 0 « 0 « 0 * 0 Co|L®ille puppy. Dog dennel ^ 8 2 2 J ______ued with a setsecond diamond. Sea- CHECECK OUT THE MAGIC t ^M423-5S51* < i J — ^ ^ . running 1955* ReyBURNRNSat.9-4pm S ; V A 10 8 4 VAiGALLEY SECTION M Hh 4 or S spd. trans. Sun9*tDm mon ruffedI andai cashed the h'eart pm. EststeSale.- ♦ 9 6 2 ' THEi e T M E M eW S FOR l-AB1 AKCAl reg. chocolate l q q .-SPLITTERsb 20 ton. 324-S85a'WWt* king, then trui:rumped a heart When 4 J 7 AUCTION AOS lab pups,pu dedawed, 1st. Duncan Phyfe t»- ANiIND THE AUCTION Bhols.us. wormed. Ready to „ ”HP motor, on wheels. WANTED:D Disney movies Crock.Dun he guessedI to niff out West’s dia- . id condition. $800. Fox &Hound. He MormaW.a bto. oakk vrailwi phone. oa|i mond king, hhe e could th e n tru m p a South ^ West North E Ea a s t (CALENDAR ON Oonov J S■9405’ ^ ' others«a Wooden swing c h a irs. s , earlye 1940's IN T SUNJNDAYS, MONDAYS. ^ '1 < heart to dumummy, dropping the p Pass Pass 1N — set for• rireasonable pnco! O 'K eefeife&MorrllQak I PoM 3 NT All p ass WEDNESDAYS* OrSTSPuppies. AKC. Yeuow f Z D snd tots more. A»- queen, andi playp a winning dia- FRIOIOAYS.ALSO.INTHE a malllales. 2 females. 1st years, everyttilr>t m o n d to p itchc h h is clu b lo ser. T h en AO-WEEKLYA ON 1 ,Its. ! ^ $300. 736-6778* EDFIberglass m usto^ro. 850W .& 0S / ANSWER: Lead the spadeid e four, camperr sshon lor.extended atelinBurger King foOo^ he could crosi‘ossnjff his way home lATURE PINSCHER. BEEF L Standard expert practlctlic e (a ll a^"^S2l.ina ^ F Locally P astu re cob -84tiI to -68 Toyota PU. K ? * • ' for a very plealeasurable plus-790! pj female, AKC. love- arownvn. naturally lean & Call 543- things being equal) is to le a d Pp iM M c o n ta c t ^ ’S S ! ! ! £ ALL& a ^ST. Incidentallyally, th e G oldm an team Jill H olkm at ».»150.CMM4-917I. er.Availabtelnwhoie. w a n te d ____ from a Idng, not an ace. LLe ead in g , O 9-3 Fumitumnur*. bdrm. «ei was namedI alafter the late Bobby 208.735-8222 . 4TER8 English reg. VOS& q u a r t e r s : ) BEER CANS camping g Goldman. Bobby, B( an original from p a king is slightly lesss s likely jhoio.;onOm>QlcvHyKR4rt>Uaa7 >toMM^'utim9MUik«ir. B u L 1 i V w CARPIPET and pad. 160 H j^ l ______yardsda. light beige plush. ------usedId in great condition. ,______MULEMl SmsR pack mule. HAY HA 3rd cuttlrjg. Wg ba»s. C------$700. 0.500 galtoo tank with ' ACCCOUSTICAL C^ARkRreNTRV. |-HAii & Approx. 457^ $75. Call 'OS. $250. Small wood . r NDYMAN SM5MALL \ 436*700r ve. $50. Sears lawn «1. DRYWALLE ETC. SEiERVICE t RA «er, $50. 734-3346.’ e P I RACTOR ------r e Wa r d i i ■ HkAYtARPSa 14x48------llv H I I IPECIALIST J*aNO Fofsaleortrede CRAFT Ung.Mcntcal. SEFIERVICE S5000 for confidential in- Heavy duty. $90. PEn S TOMAN snow bl9w. xiirBCtof with-over p'” dn/wall ** lormation leading to tho ^74Q6orS99-at3r 3 6ft.ft. ch a in link fe n c e er. Irairack drtve. 26*, 6 spd. Gonorjioraldiyyoewoifc,mowtno I ' Cows or cah«s. 934-5455' Holstein tli sloers from small ^ ------andfflor*rm.Anystz«iS , ! n s t r u c t i o n I = = I ------FreeesUma SHOSHONE (N) 80 acres leed u lot west ol Jerome, k . System or lor $29 get L ^ lS < Please call 206-569*7477 ^ Z ^ S S ^ S l FreeS) Needs hoi fence. CO N N EC T J|PJ0lo 4 rocelvere and 1 ISEARENAl = = z = Call73l-0103‘ or J; 206-661-0471* ■ 1th of service free. ACCZOUSTICAL -_RCUI..A IINKLERS ^ E E P SuHorks. SuHoiks/ 5EiBeETTwWiSTEBTwiC WITH Starvlalon • n k>nttruetIon oresstisage Lessona I SPRIN Kamp cross, ram lambs. 626C, 62 6 row. mini tank. CUSTOMERS 11663Rllmore DRYWALL rSStsklential framing Orhdrving Lessona j.u jb ji»rzmzgYouft* u ICall aner 6pm 423-5648.* Held lie ready, exc. cond . W HO ClCeil 733-7722 .* * and anc flat wortt. Weddi Call 543-6S97.* SO B 'S B E S T POtPOLE BARNS Pan NEED 5 i sLAY ^ CASES Jewelry. ictaWy-732-4431 | ^ yioSol^ up KSI"™TwiflFalsarM. KIMBERLY Single wide ^7Q2^QH|R^Q i&HN DEERg IS- rTK)wer. YOUR S ~ bibe i shaped cases. 22 DDRYW ALL I— • • • Parma' 6 row beet harve­ 22Lx41*HGood Cusi:ustom Textures Is F rtM la n FMnSm kScherw ond new double spaces k .. service No tsS t m ■ I avail. Friendly Village m ster. John Deere 121/2' • . d.ltk»nS150ea/oNor. 73'731*0788 (TF) CONINTRACTORI ^"1" ■7»»a«02» DAIRY EQUIP, complete diac.Whillleid di! pellet AtAdvertise In caii 208-C22-3522*2c • «7».><9. 1 6 3 1 o r 4 ( f i« ^ mowin month rent. Cameo Mo- Jfjimiies. 11 n bed with stake 33-0931 e x t 2* YOUR ' <=1 ring, thatching. Transoi Mle Eatetet .734 6064’ p, . Call 326-6661* landscai ’U ^E w ^ireens pockets. 6 spd trans, 11ACT0R Ford 601 diesel LARORQESEL^6TldNo *good rubber. Call 637- mT PLOYMENT shade trves New paint. Runs well, new»w iand used 2 ways AD " fi^ ab^.W43S88o| Sheltler-ile r's Q uality, 6649or837-4910.* CoComas w/duals. scrapor radiosdips. Call 733-S470.* TH r Oucts Fumacos Scre r v ic e s riM E S -N E W S ler Vents Chimneys r e e F am i blade, new battery. 12V CLASSIFIED SiSii alternator conversion k pna isulstlon Romoval ' Tempore»rary~PofmanonI mP t r e e I I0OT731-5122 KROME SharoSbdrm.2 T completed. S3700/olfar. DEPARTMENT 732-8788 Need>ed employees? IVIAiNTITENANCE bath. Private bdrm. & w I2600574 or 734-5663* 3 * 2!18-734-SS38 L..1*i-«00*«27-9iei Need N04 a job? balh. South countryside 4-UCHOPPirJQPitAg ■ IB PC TowerToi AMO 7S0Mhz • — ^ P E ftSOSONNELPLUS re from shrubs to TREE: SISERVICE $300* T/2utils 320-I08r _bogging Lawrence Qiltotte I CPU.p* is raMor.7IM040 n SIng. j Cleanup. A+ J lm tTiTreeServic* n lo share S bdrm homo. & g5 f. LAN $300, Q ueen _____^(BURLEY)- Tb.l10 Best Price on ------]. shaping, re soma expenses also help ^ Sittress; i $50.423-9241* M18CELelLa n e o u s OuoolityIII' Brand Parts! FAi^ARMING '"’i SSiSSK"’"' " S Mhruta a stumps, w/medlcal core. 324-3496* ^ | tTRACTOR ii This classic L l0 h t freezer, $ao Mfl]tagic Valley > ci »0021M2»«371 Sprayingg feifertllizor. lawn d atove, $200. new Au SMALL -1278/423*6508 aerating'&ig'& thatching. TWIN FALLS House to ^ model 50 John Deero. ^ a io A u to P a rt* Interested call Noel , j snowm Iplow for 4 wheel. m a uMain . Ave. North.. AkCREAGE CI s j 678-3476r6or431-32ia 01 share, privato bath. $350 ■Dalry-farm-commorclal. 167{ 0 . enow blower. 7 . inti, ulllltes. 733-7631* Wif 678-0060or312*1800* 733-3388 Buy or Sail. 431*66.17* COALAL stoker a Lump , >. Call 677-2362* Diskinsking. Rototllling. ^AWN I loilvoredorYou-Haul SisCELELLANEOUS 3 rail- f ■ >wing. Seeding. S P R!4INKLER I t r e e SISERVICE LL e M l Moonloore's Inc. 423-5533 fence,lo, 6* roumi timber. BlUSINESS U sp sSying & Fortiiizing. r ^EPLAdElnsert running ft. 82* Jon* cSERVICE e y Wort(. Low Rotos C e c:ir ll'a # T r e « blower. Custom made, Md surface cook lop. We travel. B L O3W ^ OUT SS e ervice n ALFALFA SEED Now try SfE* In $150. 536-6615* .r,.,, 324-724032 IOR Tree toppin(jping removal. ? K :5 " 3 § S '- ‘’' vraric. corrals, P A INMTING& 1 I T R E E S!SERVICE YOUR JfLFBob HamiKon Seed Can A T l-PLAN (7526) b aed ^ wire,v choln link. n D V l ^W06D(aspen)cut ■ta b l e 8 ft------YWALL SERVICE 734*3567 w or 733-1477.* 1 ^ lelly Catailno. now r = = ^ privacyo « fence. 25 yrs. ■ * r re e S e rv iM R fiiE H Medium chest 00.spin$l50d*llverod. Conne . Free Mtlmates. A dvertise in U jveor^n^^OTT lition with all tho CAE^BiNETRY n a l. Trimmifig. freezer, old. works per- ' S.$199S. 536-2332* «ll 934-0915. LUFJPHER ling. Shurbs. t h e ^ ',fed. z $100. 324-5663 mNG. INC. 'emStumpe S e r v i c e ^ Jr731.0320* k s i l . iblEMBER Custoiitom kifbheh at HAND40Y MAN & ,P * !ir!1, Remodeling. Call.TSS,738-2571 ing & Drywail ' — Directory Biiy~HofmandM»d»f BTCn \ i t kenm ore. iit66. K j iRhi^'ad you placed faactory d prices CLIJLEANUP $60toS86.. ^Irlpooi Whi waalwr. S160. gSftg? ne time ago In The Froo 733^31 ext 2 , Call42M136* .Alsi i«-AtoW9? Now is tho 25 yn SERVICES liSS™ Seirantars Solutions ^4i|i31475 or (208)» ITREESEI MV AHalta. i«t.. in 6 A yeii!^S27)73*-«ES’ 1°"®" loeocnepickupyour T tase call 734-6425* 0 fix problems 727-1:'•1iW7 c a i. I t r e e s AND rOAT8(2)Pyoniy 3nl - New seeding tures.StopbyTho ■■ - ree Estimalos* , ; AND STUMPS a^nnlea w/l kid each. HAYm200t.CaB843«>4i: Qei TEfAidonvood! •HiwlDeptlodoyl* F ^ * n = OF MAGICIGIC VALLEY ^2S/ptilr.{i)PyQmy 3nl $150. 5 T C 7^«HotpolntGE 1 kRPENTRY " eclallst "Bora budca. An*r Anii. ^ i^.A .b^D tiouoh: 1100/all. (3) 185/ ‘rooostimoles- ■ *m/, string bales, no nin.g)3od __ ^73M»7r HJP; W O R K 22y‘5 .e', r « “ S. • WEDDIm i N G & erw to K to caf/M M T fr HX7quaWyJ85/too.88»20QS* WX9 eeteteamer trunk. 70R13 n Chuck Rogere ” CTHmWVM M.y ^*“■ more inlQ 732*5330*, m ^ o l FreeE :COMING t ib m e mg stout q h geu- lAV atfaifa/graM 1st cm, tag. GenereUral homo repairs. 733-35201 approx. 600 sm. bates, capi TREBSHestonicKi^ W n y itorior/exlorior, S76/ton. N. Riohfield. Ref >ox springs. In good Wash«h«rDryer$250. ' r>AD ' WEDDINCING S H O P >d.$12S.!gP|4S4.» _5 plegsee d reaser sst w/ V/MHiRPENTRVn p iS Dressesi2*46 P i ^ « a a 467-2060* newlew, re«fflalier,.whltt. rtZSa 73»4310 andi n a ' S ^ i i . ROOO F m G S S Z s? t? R . i j? ! 400.410r238T BXTIfiiTRESS Queeri^inow irs carpentry exp. ROO to Rent or Buy! HORSe OWer QH mare, tAV ptai all 3 cuttinos. ew g I set. $200. Full size MAQIkGIC TOUCH JORNG IwSaSoiw-^ qOM t m hone tor older nlent r u quality, small bales WAS: ttress set. $100. End rAflYourHonw ^ S w lra!^»M * not for hard use. ^noraIn T , SSOaton' pool S ?i7 W 1 7 9 Reasons »210S.Main. lie. $26. Sofa/love K s = s = ^ ^ Free est, ■ 326-3732 or 731-0766,‘ •»?. » . Can 260-17T4.» s - t e i IE. electric. 30*. $100! fll^ B EATING 731-1-6 6 5 6 = = HQfWBrwliteredSyr.oki lA 326 V F e e d e ra n d som ei ^ TSHTSmTpinS: K®!rzao«ii»nMlon. :. r - m aa-3283 or 735-1130!^- HSTrRi Asi(forLw^;-~| ■' SEiiERVICE . „ 7=DD00— : ------^YAPARD— T " ------' 'rrV i“Sn*"nriTtilnq* ^ tSofMsiMSSp rcBa - S S w — U = ^ •emito*d.ca43i-3429* m io FENANdE • J!Sw!-Cal»y45948*~ MATTRtftm a.i,,n..n >lcu,M.------OLELEANING I SAWkWTOOTH SHARF 8ALC U n e Cow r—n v< 8H EEET E METAL SER snG raas Smafl bales. w« seb any H A W N U A L C M Il >tSO-C Fail PrdductlA RX7 73|-074ror S S d liS Jfo .0 c t 8m.,l pmat snu •iMj-food ■atoli.Ooi. m o mw o raanosiiiH Fiinns j/AC Refrtgeratton Johh'a ShaipenIng'Si • "BSRTrimmirnming, weMly >)MiMn.PoMobw..ii. ptnowtnv top manrMa, exe. ..WlnnM i tiiismess msif bo c ommmmerdal and s«Service lawnmovrirlovring. mulch AT'Prkn* aHaHa' SOo' f.' ~ SpnyLota-of.niMerafta. n eondlthidltkm, «2S0. Waal)- Pitmmt •oUngforUSII residmtlal Corfiote:e 1sharpe«iog. and treeee aartd bush jW^ iill I M llilllll Rxr uy« SM «18D. Ohbio PlX H inlo ld e r a p - r lg h t. EvMinoInoa $ weeitends Carbide & ), fallckiy^up ii0$Ummenefatim^ table.le, $200. Dresser, Greatit foI r b e g ln n a ra . Ca>forsSlTlree estimate (MO)'M) 733-8848. i ^ r a c .384-6062 Of 42 (X 6 7 r. G>o*wnwHbiicM034-og88* .. .aa . v -,„ . ■;:* ■ • • 4 \v______

------^ C0Tltn«»-H#w«7TwlTwin F«lle~ IdeHo T u e i d ir, ^ OC ctolw r 1.2002

HONDA 'M Shadow»600 6< NORTHWEST JET'96.20'20' NORTH STAR-97 compor>r KOMFORT UTE *84 16n. METAL LATHE LoBlondI FFORD '91 F150 XLT. 5,0 p I GEOiEO METRO '90. 4 dr. lowmls. oxc. cono n d . X 8.5 'boam. 340 hp. 460460 pop-up. 8'. $4000. Callill Complotly soil containod,I, 14* swing, 6' bed. tight V8. runs well, clean, now ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ «i hatchback, hat< great condi- . -S2B00/oWaf-41Q.2745*-*5— -----Fofd.-Amerlcan-turblno'Ino- -678-4265or43M373*—------AC.-awnbg.-Roadytogo.-I.---- - ond In good cond; $2400.—- -tlres.-noeds psint. $3500- • --|noureffort“4o“ lto n ,A T r$ ^ ,-735-1153* ^7^ pump, lota ot extras. - S3500/offor. 733-4691* Sultalr Compfeeaof 125 /offer. 735-2153*______5AVE*0Ni.SHelL8_ ------m a k e o u r — BED Dflluxs.elaciric ( . -H0N0O^5 . Call 678-2488* °GMC '85 Jimmy, loaded. renty$63bed-93_-- —43a-S260.or.438-5856:_ , __ _1- day-thatitoins- ——excellentej condltk»_L_^ . p«rson, rod. SlrMl&.»lapped - 2200 mis. $4600. Bsa - NEVliT 2003 pontoons mlin I ..eves.AskforJim.-' extras. $38,000 734-2568*■ 42lt. $18,500.'87 Foller = jMSOtX^II 32^52* n* ■ stock.'16-24 ft. now is I - 48tt.3axle.solt-unloadlr>B GMC “ '89 SuburOan PL; PW After th a t lim e ' walk, usablo. S2000/on& .skM Yemeha '87 TW. $650 PALOMINO Stelllon ‘94 roarAC.$1500/o(for, Coll e78-302S* l/offor. 324-6795 aflor 5pfn.-^ inebosttlmoiodoall I ‘ potato trlr $8500 Cali T h e T Im e s-N e w s ' I tent trtr w/storago unit In' 280-1425or280-f426* JCali 886-9879 otter 6pm.* 49K ml., oxcbnoht eond,.’ FORD ‘96 Van J ___ , POLARIS '01 (2)Sponsr front. $2800.934-8508.* s Will not be ■ vdrivery eharpf $24,000. 2 elocliT niif. an4X4.500.4wh«lorE: “rSr;«23.‘5*; $5506/oKor, responsible for' 432-5360 or 280-373r ' whuolchojra, 737-4602'iciric Groat cond., low mllo 5 3 6 ^ 3 .* ‘ I RIFLE Savago 30-08.. PROWLER'88 29 ft. twin Call 934-8182 evenings,* i02* 734-902V 737-0304-__ _ JI Great cond. Incls. scope, . bods, reer both, owning, an y e rro rs. HOSPITAL BED. S ob jnda • - I — — * QGMC '91 « ton 4x4 pu. new cond. Fully loeAd. ’ r r caso. oling. box ol ammo.• AC. good shape, $46W ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Musi MIS on both onds. vibrai^ R 6 k 6 ^ ‘09 2x2 Honellllon ILVERLINE 18 It., in­ $37&oWor.2eO-3611* otfor. Calf 734-6719.* CHEVY *70 Suburban 3 4-spoed | manual. 350 V8. * Uust see to opprodatK ' mossooo. usod onlybraior rnoior, factory condlllc board V8 ong. Now seats door. $2500/orter. Runs 8tt. bod, stondord cob. = M5.700. Con 733-2J2()‘ ,niv3 $3695.324-7^01- .."now & lorp. $2500. 324-S392*2* RIFLE Modol 70 Hoavy- TAURUS *85 23 tt. Exc. 5tt) wheoUpull hitch, trail­ ------AUTOMATit------4 ™ wooks Paid $1000. as ss Varmint 223. custom condllion. New tiros & well. Fair cond. 735-9959 , TRANSMISSIONS “ifissnrseZonwA. ^ 5 . ing $400. Call 734-t4e:. ask. Va IUHA -97. VX750. no otter 7pm. Eric/Comoroo* ‘er brake control, fiber­ ovi miles, oxe cond, load- I STARCRAFT' 96 19 ft.. I triggor & stock plus 500 converter. CaU 733-3614- glass sholi. $7000. Special $359,95. Most >465.' Ilros. oxc. cond. $320< I aluminum lomily/lisMng American vehldes. pans. }d. 6 CD chano'erft SLIDING Bath chal oWor 2600583/ 2B0-332t g . rounds. Mouser 98 300t tERRY *72 Hunters 6po- CHEVY-MS.I JO PU------733-2703or420-1050- ^ }hone. must see. $12,000 commodo chair, ar 200. I boat, very good WSM. heavy barrol. ciol. 24'. self-contained, Runs woir. $600. ■nnd YAMAHA *08 BW 20C'odor I conditk>n. iSOhp ^M C *96 Suburban, mo- aa 324-7415 Of 5 3 6 ^ 1 - . j ' ,32x8x40 scope, total Con 308-4246*. ■ corhmode Mcurtty railin I gen., roof air. $1000/otfor. rdon; SLT. $12.000/offor. ec $95. Can 736-4643-ailina i2000/olf( I . Yomoho oil iniocto^J. custi»m. S550 oa, or Coll 208-677-2191* • =FORD '78 U 5 0 super [ AZDA ‘83 OLC, depimd- . can 733-7269* .50 I inm & lilt for a usod SlOOOboth, 734-8561* Call 208-300-7864.* Call 334-8780 (or able<>ble car, great body. g«xt tRAVELlTE'SBby . cob. 460 e n ^ . AT. now » S YAMAHA ^V irag o 7500S& I boat Ihoro Is nono nlcor. RIFLE Winchostor Model' paint $2400* 733-9070* dMC . 90 1 TON dually, w/ e«(/rrufM * ^'os-ires, needs water ptmp Low mis. w/saddle bagsolnl. i I $11,995. Wo also have ' Alponlito. 5th wheel. 2 to s e n ^ box. best offer call s q MOO/offor. Coll 8 2 5 - ^ ’ 70. 306 caliber, w/4x choose (rom.'26‘ & 27', =FORD *89 F250. 2x4. 5 5 IMW, 1992, 5251. Very ■ ■ windshiold. 2-lono palm}• I a NEW 2003 lor scope 5350, 423-4455 or 543-8479or731-832r “sharp, h how tires. White »r(208)484-2505* * I H $3200/orror. 738^2040-•jSS I $21,995. very cloon. w/now rofrlg.. spd. super cob, 460 on- n j 734-2230 ask lor Ron* , cooling units, AC. awning, gine, compor shon, good '*iSuZU'95tnx>porL^.87K wilh Srt black bra. ton Joathor. “ E R t •X am wwry 1 B«rt Harbaugh Motor* miles. AT. AC. PW. PL, k a t YAMAHA '00 Y2 250 ^XCa s . TRACKER *09 Doop V “ TIGER 4 person, oxc. con- cond. $4300, 678-3032* ^ 438-8910or43t-2206- ’ {!nor OK. Runs groat, per- builUICK '96 Park Avidfiuo •B Bollord- Twin Foils shapo many extrasI or 17(t. 60hp mofor. $4500. ditlon. $2000, Call ) feet for hunting $950. An- Ultra.booutifuibladcftsil- uil J t m Ills S3S50/offor. 366-7141,n* oi Call 736-3312* 734-4008,* WILDWOOD *01 2511. £FORD-98F-aod,Coll324-3101.* N0w$10.900."''-* $5100. Can 734-0721.* — warranty. Excellent con- Exc. cond/portormanco. contained & a 6 ‘ campor. zHOLIDAY RAMBLER ‘94 Z GM 1/2T rebuilt 4 Spd. AT ADILLAC'88 Atlonie OK'Auto Systems;'*' - i ^ M m After Spm 324-0900* transmisskw end trenstor dition, i8500/otfor. Leav- Jim Wk 733-3077 orl; L«alhar bogs* sissy A 45K miles, now tires. k)ts Z1EMAN‘02 : ATV trailer. ing country must sell. onvertiblo. hard and soft rack, batonay cut pipas. CENTURY whito. hightop. of extras, oxc. cond. 2 place sWe toad. $ 1000/- caso.I $650/olfer. Call op. Loss than 75.000 MERKI I'o* B «H Inobed. i RECEIVER HFTCH-Chevy JEEP '95 Grand Cherokee w■36-6025or731-1366.- CaU 7 KBBratall) 735-1275* han work, oxcallont ski boat, il • PACE ARROW '81. 25lt.. I Limited. 84K miles. V8. an 733-5290* ■ i II can pull me out of (ho St100.Call676-4196* good condition, lots ol I and GMC. years '62--87. "j. iev r6 lc t -87 Corvette. fiTTSurSUBISHl ‘02 gcirpso * HARLEY DAVIDSON '00- water, n can pull you outi ; now, call 423-5570* ■ w/ball mount & ball, $120. 'ery docent, affordable. GS.S. 4cyl,4 5spd.. kMded., 1 V CUSTOM toppor shell for q IH iCall 733-3728.* Dyna Wido allde, Exe,00 $2i00/olfar. 324-0453*z z small pu's, good condi-■ PACEi ARROW *72 20ft. ” jn sporlscsr! $7250. graya y In/out,I lOK rrtlios. Y cond.. lots ol ohroma S |7 non. $75.733-3720.* i FORD 390 engine, under _SWINCH Power Pull. New JEEP'OO Grand Cherokee 24-4552 or 324-2724- $18.0(I8 .^ o ffo r. 736-7968,* jj oxtras. low mUes. troubloi " | BAVLlNCR 'B3 Tfop»y Good condition. Clean. 3K miles. Ford C6 trans- M limitod. push bar. nert bar. xtt=, ihlo ' SOh ft. WaDcarouM cud- ; 44500. Call 886-2648- 3500 lb,. $350/ otter. Re- lEVY '88 Cavalier, njns ST D S' lroa.S16.400 7 S » ^ 9 ^ an LANCE *95 9.5lt. Squire j mission. $1 000 for celver 3 hitch tor e Ford silver, exc. cond. $24,500, gk dy cabin. Outboard. Call 4000. telf-contalnod, cab-. TTIOGA '90 27 44K. Solar .Jt)clh.Cel^4-65e5eves* c 432-5380 or 280-3735* K®real, good condition, miles.lies. 1 owner, like new. ]| HARLEY DAVIDSON —'01 foramenltles$13.90(V ovor, gos/oloct. ralrlg., panels, oxc. cond,, twin M Ranger $35, 733-4891* 800/obo, 733-5624- MMdOCaded. $9000, 734-7153 J se^XLH. AHnfeootf.. k)w offer. 735-1636* HEIMERCURY '98 Mountein- ^ 733-1581 leave lumoQK. full bath, Jacks. bods, $17,000, 733-3585* ^^SS^heaO • ri^' r oor. 16K miles, loaded, lEVY '95 Lumiiia Van. 0^733 rri»ft- I mis. Sarlout Inquires Kj, $6500.420-5853- 7 oadod w/lois ol extras 6 ldS'< only. 736*7877 Iv. msg.* T IO G A -96 2211. m otor _ Cen 734*7982 ^ new tires. 324-1446* 3S-01 Alero.17K/nijJ». f ;? • °Su*ioW proplM la ” led!0- LANCE *01 camper. 9.5 ft. home. Exc. cond,! Can Tl ulo, S4500 Moving oxc.ic. cond.,c like now. I price reduced. $9200. TR3uffllB55BwB5SS ■ Iustsoil,cail73]-0637‘ $12.992.999. C:all 436-3OT> f HONDA 7 2 Trail-90. hWo. 9 * cabover. lully loaded. save you $. 733-6654* caM.t969GMTurbo700 i — WARNING I ready for hunting, nawkto. 7364529 leave messago.- BMW '01 X5. 4.4 silver IEVY-98 M0libu4dOOr OLOSUD^MOBILE'86 Ao>Ol * 0. Wlnier pkg., exc. condl- TOW T Plates tor Honda R4. ' New rebuUL $1000/ Bhmetallic extertor. V8. grey Whon ^ purchasing a vehi- CHE' 8«ot.2400 ml., $500. KAYAK-Esklmo Diablo,rt. lion, $11.900/olfer. CellI 1996 & 1989. to tow an _ olfer,Cea 736-1588* ni do. make sure that the 84KK mis.i Clean. $7500/olfor N)w ew tiros, t runs tiood, 324-5663 or 731-0320* while water, w/sklrt. 208-720-7190* Accord. SISOeach F mtertar. Immaculate cond, h,lllle is In the name ol FinHret Federal Savings ' $1500.500.324-7194* . $450/offar. 420-6853* loaded w/optlons. Only the setlor. Under Idaho 733-4222* pSQ C i call423-5t14* i $39,950. (208)726-7888- „ mNNEBAGO*78,26‘ I motor vehicle code, e CHE>lEVY'99 Metro LSI 'fosm m $5001 Hontf/s! sleeps 6. AC, generator, — CHEVY *78 Suburben V» vivehlde cannoi.be sold 4 door.oo AT. AC. 30K mis. ChovyilOvys.Toyotos.ott-lbt- ton 4x4, $1200/offer. Cali unless ui the title, is in the q rootr 0 commuJor car. inosBOis800-71»<)00tca55.* dean, Calt 326-5691* 'W B iCK 40 Super Deluxe 324-287T !° m nanw ol the seller (ox- $65 WHO M E “'“oi Gfond Cara- * Approximab ine including j Runs great. 1998 engine e(0(0) end address ol the ITIAC '93 BonnovVlo. lately 23 spaces per lin( N E ED - R in. 13K. AWD, VMS. 4 PO^T'A blank space $2000/onor. 733-4564* nail power, now tiros. ces. YOUR . CHEVY _ ? '87 Blazer Silv- of sale must be signed, ^unMonud , | 01731-8991* Ite. $3500. ^ 737-9289.* SER V IC E CHerado'4x4, 112K, black/ dated and' show actual ____ ITIAC '95 Grand Pr^ • We will notif s p e c i a l g o i n g o n SMOUNTAIN MAX '00. 515 • mileage at the time ol FORIR D '89 Tourus. fully Advertise in grey. 350 EFl, all options. . J aded. $1450, MERCU- C mis. All power, AT. itiiy you if there is a sp mikw.funirunllunlS5100, towVr package, well malnt., sale. ” It you have any |Mdi >00. Call 326-6652* which migh inted price . Can 734-0721.* the $4500. g CaH 733-5978.* Questions, oioaso con- hYr '88I Topaz. 536-5967.* ^ t result in a discouni toct your local asses- FORDRD *91 Tourus. 3 Utor. •?torflACTrPi75CTrd J'f POLARIS (3) Indy Trails CHEVY -91 Sirvomdo 4x4, so >p. CO. AC low rfiiios, * 3 line minimi 'r a t e s 440, with 2-ploco trailer, sor's olfice. autoitomoilc. fully loaded. I'iJS" i mum - Private Party r, CD. AC. now tiros, nowor L— < $19G900/oHBr6e0-1178* J J SDd. S d SI 7.000 324-0493* otl oxc. cond.. $5000 for . paint, black, well main- g = ITIAC -00 Sunflw, 4 ' all. 308-0269 aHor Spm.- 733-0931 ext. 2 tained. pa $8500. 539-9755 k ,> .D-»2T.un,.GL------>r. 4 cyi.. 42K miles. i!1iW 9iPPV9V POLARli'96RMK-600 p ' §j or 539-1413.* AC. NADA $8776 ^11 FPiped, excellent condition, iUICK < '65 Skylark Grand _£[. 195. Call 436-536,1 Sport, Projoctcar. $1600- CHI;HEVY*85auto.w/senrk» $1995. Call 324-8392* /, bed ft rack, very cieen, DiODaE'92Grand O i 4D’97EsconLX.4cyl.. 8amm tcto 5 pm,* , N a n i h O T D i POLARld-99RMK.700 *“/oflcr, Call 878-8155* be r. AC. NADAS4600. e,tnAB>i P o v i ■ 3 IIm « S s f l F 53K. $10,900.736-9997* CaiCaraven. 3.3 V6. new II ”$3995. Calt 438-5361 Ar U ‘87 6L 10 lujbo 151 track, hoovyduty I :HEVY*»5 Suburban, CO. tiros, brakes, shocks. 5"„ * 3on, loaded w/nlobn 1-3 days ...... S16.»5 suspension.] Extra heat I Loaded. $2500.324-5392* r.SlSOO. 734-84^5* exchengor. pipes, reeds now tiros, exc. cond. in- 4-7 d a y s ...... $24.35 1 side & out. 350 V-8.143K FORIORD '92 F150 Econoilno' 3'94 Metro. SuBURiURAU '87 GL Cl^bn & boost botiio and mucti m liea$7800 Cali SerService Van. 302 V-8. ^ ^ mmileage, ile now stuMed more. $4200. 420-9902 423-6240,* »$2000 829-4254* &-14 days'...... $41.50 or788-3333osk(orAllon-1 C 431-5133* AC. AT. w/bench & parts ------CADILLAC 7 2 Sedan ;HEVY- '97 Tahoe. V*8 racks. $6500. HONiN D A '.90 CIVIC EX. 15-21 d a y s ...... POLARIS '00 RMK 700. FDoviilo. 23Kmls.»472CI, CHI Can 431-6250* friaroiroon. 172K mis., runs ...... $60.00 ^ eng. 2 door, 100K mis. ____1 lo d . d o p e n d o b ie , ^,THEHE TIMES NeW ^ '' *1100 milos. new long Loaded. *- Now lires, $9955 anCD/stereo. Great cond. PLYILYMOUTH '92 Voyager treck. Very cloon sled, i Atl original CC 300/otfor. 934-8071- Claeelfl 22-30 d a y s ...... $77.00 I Original owner. $11,500. Gooi3ood cond. Clean, cnjise. ^ 71 openea't^OOarrf^ $6tOO/oHor.‘Ploaso call ,Will trade lor dlantonds. Ori Cell 481-1010* AC.AC.Runswol.S1S00/olfof. HONCNDA '91 Accord EX Tour cJ will tun in Till jAjW ejkVmid^^ ^^^5262or731-521t* ^ Dick Barton 733-3115* ___ Mon thni Frt. A,;;- ;HEVY *01 Tehoe. very Cali 837-6048* wogogon. Loaded, Original owncnor. Exc. condition. 3,0^» In te eee ue VE. 156-. black w/cover. 0' nice, 3rd seat, $27,700. grootl N oo* body worW nicCell 735-1616.*______^ 1 6 _ $300/otfer. ^ 733-1349- .nId d wwo will h e l p ^ P r i n t A d i i c e s B e l o w $6m9W ^288|^^ Jpoint. $3000. 326-3254 Cel ^ HOND.IDA'95 Accord. 5 spd. wwith ell your..^ I Copy In Spm fAltor 5Avookonds)* cH:HEVV*02Surburban. I goodXI condllion, 112.000 adveidvertlsing nee4|!* (Allim-1 !

, r .---v ^------f k : ■ i— — ^Down(toy:"rhilk D ow ^ ------^ iN siDDE i suffered throught l Community...... D4 another triple-d% i BEirirjorujtBUCon ------Computers_____.___ „ ^ D 6 ______• I S s M o n < ^ Q N t Pa<^ j n > 2 m . . Busituss H/fucI/or i'f/ff'ftiaS. HuftAins 7.117JM)9At,F-^xr.242

■ T he Tinjes-N ew5WS Tucsd»day, O ctpbcr 1, 200:m Scction D

a m p l e a t t p o o l i - , IN M on irmsgaathertiicrrallci oyee a lin g - — ^ ByVltHm.nl8S.Hutehlna. ]Idaho - to a Thursday' meetingr November. AttritionAt had shrunk vice vi< on Nov., 4 w ill initiate a year-’ , Region IV Dev lbs.a n ew p u b3lic-transportation ll August. Au But he hasn’t laidid o u t T h e T rans IVf iiuinitiative was the . smploy^rs - businesses The ftrst round of J.RL .!Simplot option to Twi'win Falls jobs and - dde e ta ils su ch jis th e b u s s sti to p s . im p etm for th e; TwinTv F alls cham - faig h ig h sp eed In tern ete . »s n d c « . o Co.’s Heybum plant work itiniral subscribers. ^anizations suc'h as the < rkers will . dasses is inthew th« orlts. . schedule sch or ticket price. recejye pink slips in eCARPOOL.Paee02 • ■ “We are committedUo lo providing dtyandUI the College of Southern t in early'. The Transs IVI public bus ser- Health 1 and Welfare. CSIi l a n d Please see (a the ddxens in our ruralral commum-^ ties with the same opporpominities as -those in urban centerters,” Steve f ’i ! Maloney, general- ma e Keep5 ' Syiinga Networks, said i u b a o p ee n s a mn s to LJ.S. agriicultuK ment Monday. Local go • ana businesses now cajcan benefit • from advanced networkorking solu* trusts5 outI ; .tions t iu t h av e been prevrevalemonly ; . in larger dti'es, he said. “By building o ur ownn bbrt»dband packet infrastructurere based1 on o f prol3bate ■ Nortel N etworks provenM /ATM tech- W f l ; nology, w e wiQ n ot onlyly be\ able to Question: My^ly 86*year*old i f : offer our customers high-speedhi| father has ann estatee that I I : broadband services Ukeike distance believe will be worth more • leaniing,videoandOSL.lL, b u t also to than $1 millionn mwhen he dies, • : enable m ore affordablee seservices for T his.includes twotwc homes that - them,” Maloney said. “In addition, j M are paid for andnd ’various bank '; "tbls new network will11 buildI the I ' a c c o u n ts , s to ccks, k s bonds and j foundation for tu to mi|m ig ra te o u r iUKSti ' other miscellaneoneous accounts, J telet^ony services to a omore cost- ilHfl H e h as a w ill, bbut u t he refuses to ; effective ’packet’ infrastriscructure in set up a trust thathat could help the future.^ his estale avoidd ppi ro b a te , w hich J Syrijiga picked Nortel’sel’s switches I^ H is a lengthy andid costlyc process j for its A IM backbone. SyringaSy has here in Californiania. He say* his ; ' already deployed seveiveral in its heirs will be “jusjust fine” if his 1 • 40,000'person service anarea, which estate goes throitrough probate J extends throudiout Idahoaho and into I Wyoming. Sym u plansns ito deploy and that it won'tDn't “cost us in I several m ore of d e > ^I in tlie com- tax es." r m co nc cen e m e d h e ’s mak> I ingmonths. ing a mess thathat will cause I • Ihe independent telei^ delays and costt uus s a n fin a n d a l- ' p a n ie s th a t ow n Syringa^ a ^ d u d e ly. tever«l in a n d n ear Mi a ^ ^ V a D e y - ATC Communicadon, File M utual ^ ^ 9 Telephone Co., Projectect Mutual B V M o n e y Telephone and Rural. TelephoneT< g ^ i Co. T a l k LbPuWam 3 1 ^ recalls sUritirfry H W k tto n Ibfundecl^dryiymllk BOISE » J J t Simpkit Co.Co.isrecall- • Afroup)up of vIsKora raach out to Vickyky iCox. manager, who hands otout bag! with dilckin at thaI QiQoldWst Inc. stand during: theUN U.S. Food and A grtbutinm^ Amwen Youriir cdad night ba • ing 32-ounce p a c k a ^ of I of Schwan’s ErtlWtii}HJon In Havana, Cuba on Sunday.lay. m Mhlbltion, which opemtntd Thursday, features 288‘ail•ihlbHonfromSSAiMricanst1 atatM , the Dtotrict of confused aboutat what% probata SUrfry Vegetables becai(cause they nMa and Puarto Rico. is. Or he mightht know1 exacdy n m contain undeclaredI mnc n r h t< h i what he’s doing. milk that could posee a s e rio u s Probate is th ecourt « process healdi risk to people with 3 1* diat typically followsfoil a deatfL ■or severe sensitiviw tomllli Poood deals aft(t agribusiiness sho\iw total $775M SO fa3.x Property is ideidentified aad The product is d e b uu te te d nation* appraised, creditiditors are paid' wide through direct deliverivery. T beA aaodad a te d Praaa______pi playing products inch:Iuding Tropical Dridrinks of Fort StarStates.” and assets ares dldistributed to Simplot spokesman FnF re d Zerza dcheese, chicken, tropical1 drinks,d Laude/dale, Fla.Fla TheT l exhibition, which oper«ned heirs. If any estaistate taxes are said no illnesses have beexen teport- ■ HAVAN lNA - New American ev e^ en chili sauce. At the fairr SSunday moming, Thu'hursday, featured 2288 owed, they aree ppaid ak well, ed so far as a result of nomm-fat dry food sales es to communist Cuba Contracts for $16 miUioron were some exhibitoiitors began giving . exhixhibltors from 33 states, t The estate tax qretem,syj howiev- milk rwt being included in Ithe state- reached nnei early $75 m illion a t an si signed on Sunday alonele, said away food prodroducts brou^t for Disc»istrict of Columbia and Pue ° er, is se p a ra te fronro m th e prO bate ment of ingredients on thehe packageI agribusinesless fair aimed at whet- Pedro P< Alvarez, head of CCuba’s display. GoldkisIkist Inc. o f A tlan ta RicoUco. T h e show a n d p artid p ai system - somethinthing that often The packages in questiijstion carry ting the island’sis appetite for food fo import concern'Alimpiport. gave away.600X) pounds] of frozen arere fully licensed by the U I w ho th in k th e y the codes X7217218:00}0 through U.S. fann1 productsp and chipping P resident FIdel C astro ^^owed chicken in 5-popound packages to goviovernment to be In Culubai «nfuses people wl have taken care < X7217218:S9 on the bad»ack panel. away at theh e 40*year trad e embor- u u{ p a t the fair Sunday m ommingto delighted Cubiuban visitors. The whl«'hich remains under a tra re of one when Consumers turning in th)e e Ipackages go. witness the signing of twing 8c gratulated thehe Americans for agricSricultural p roducts to th e cocom- induding Californ'ornia and New ; W9s described as temper drew to a1 cldose Monday. TrTrading of Georgia. attending, mlunist-run u n island in 40 years. Y o r k , p r o b a t e isii long and : the com pany said i t h as« u A u th o ridrides initially had said Other deals were undeiter con- The show, hehe said, “has been Since Sii Cuba started takiiting expensive, costingn g 1a s m u ch a s 3 sale of the product tmtil it i 1 expected $50 million siisideration, induding a coco-mar- possible thanksiks to the determi- advidvantage of the law in percent to 4 penpercent of the jitovebeen i„ contracacts during the fair, keting kc agreement bet ovember, it has purchasiised ‘ gross estate. (The’he ^ s s estate . removea trots outntiution. itween nation, construirucdve spirit and Nov^ which feanatured 288 exhibitions CiCuba’s Havana Club runimpro- Initiative of farmersfai and busi- morlore thati $140 millionI in is the total of eveiiverything your _ f r o m 3 3 iAmerican ^ states dis- diduction company and SplashS\ nesspeople In li the United Amemerican food. dad owns, not countingcoi any* .Pilots at alrilnedsci th in g h e m ig h t owe.>we.) purchase during layi These costs aren’tar taxes. They’re m o sd y a« tto to m e y s’ fees, SAINT PA U L, M inn. --Pilotsat 1 K JW^est refiless nine Icong-distaance appplicationsS Thai’s why revtxevocable living -Mesaba Airlines are wonltnied about « tru sts, w hich h eIp lp e sta te s avoid ttie com pany's plaim ed pur probate, are almostnost a no-brain- :Big Sky Airlines, fearing5?SSb1 TheAaaodatlated Praaa______^ m Securities « -| e r if you live in a s tat te in w hich .management may use thhe e regional : E X c h a n “."2 C o m ppany ; unveilsIs new slogar probate is expensensive. Living -earlier as a bargiuning chiphip in labor DENVERER - Qwest V Commissioiion have *■ --n trusts typically costco: $2,000 to , negotiations. C om m unicaicadons International M been investstigating The Astoelatedte d P re ta ______'Som »S e' of Qwest’s 55,0' $5,000 to s e t u p., bubui t th ey w ould T ^he company promomised - Inc. on Monbnday once again filed n whether swtw ap s of emsmployees have noted tl h d p y our fa th e r’s 1e sta te avoid 'Mesaba pilots would bebe u se d to fof^ perm iasilasion to pro^dde long- fL'. network cacapacity DENVER9. - Q w e s t aabbreviation b t for the new s! $30,000 o r m ore in ip ro b a te fe e s ■mw the airline,” salsaid Tom distance servicese in Idaho and Ik b e tw e e n Qwest ' Communlcatititions International gan;a n is “SOS.” w h e n h e d ie s. Th®That'~Would be f S M i o r , chairm an o f th e J rr s ta te s o n th e ev e o f a M a n d »»ore thaIt House E ner^ and Qwest wftlithdrew improved cusnjstomer service. yeaiwars. tniA bis assets are'tran:ransferred into liflU n are trying to attraaicttoiam CommamCB Coiunittee. A ^ed to ■ applicatiotoni to «we know>w that the sweet Last L week Notebaert to 5 ^ F i e l d - f o r $ 3 . 5oiHlon ^ and ■ tha tchedulule were new chief ■ provide lotong-dii* spot in telecoicommunications is atatitate regulators of changes f it. there is littletie additional o i n t B it a e p a r a t ^ fromm iits « d tt- fin a n c ia l officero f Oren Shaffer; ■ ta n c e .p h ollMier- a ddlve^out)utstanding service. Qwi^w est’s custom er-service op« paperwork and he doesn’tt h av e tubfidlii^, M asabt1 AAlrllnai. Fata BalhuImtn, a member of die ■ v ic e In Cole great products ' tomomers'check orders onllnIne be giving up any’ control.coi ^nSSt^m ayuaaBigS(Skyua NacaU6. addu QwAd founder WWyoming after the Fe and good pridridng. The real dif* andind a change in compensatii H e « m do w hate«ite v e r h e w an ts • ting work Philip Aiudia m t i w era n am ed in a Communications Comm: ference forr uus Is our people plaiilans for business, offices., tg with the propert;erty until his ^expressed concern 0 ^ 5 d eath . ’ lawsuit b r^r. New Yoric*! a tto rn e y ®* •bput and the wayly we deliver ser- focijocus on ctistom er-service got n j t nagodadona?%iiiK la g in g d ia c Q w est-and accounting issues. •• rati:ather than financial beneitch- Your father mighlight n»i iindur- pQAS hare been in comra< ar coapanies ste^ced . * Qwest offidals believiye they j^e slogan;an comes from a marnarks. 'S tan d a ll th at. Or heh e m ight actu- ri^JUDB2001. ^ It HTiMwg business to have addressed those c6i painting byy Ithe same name T Tl h is y e a r Q w est h a d to pipay .want his estisstate-to-drag ------^ s- j- Ssr.rjSinith Barney, in ^ by creating a long-distanc hanging in1 o( n e o f Q w e s t’s Col<'olorado customers $4.1 m it. th ro u g h th e p robateMte system. I fpr lucrative IPO ,•*tebaert noted the costost for its latest ad cam pd^ might’ prefer coortah supen^on w e^a worked extremely b r ^hjgSS^dwW adnaad^ p ainting in aBS{feech S] to employ*. It It is keeping its blue Qwe^st be isn’t certainri hihi.c e s ta te w ill ------PlMietw^WnT.I ------Vr.Pa^OS -ees«fter.he-tO(took over in June.-" si^Igns...... Ple'aMseeMC - .S'.*', I______------\ ------M Tlwl i Hi m , TwintaFaH.Mrii» Fi TMMn.Octotafl.>1.9002

M o n e y e lim in aite s in te^rest, driv id en dI fo m i Sales at ViV^^minga tourist • TtwWMhii^tonPort : ____~ The agencyy must cohtihue to file S<±eduleS B Slightlymore m than a third (34 ase.businessssmen ------T aI : X e S said some ISS regardless of th e amouilunt of inter- percent)) own < mutual funds» town plea Many taxpayersrs will^ have one i2 0 0 2 ihillion tax*c* est or dividends they receive.re stocks, or a r a combination of both -(A E )_ = ___ our.sales,.esp.e ------— less fonn file newtext sprin({ w hen - m u ' II An estimated 52.^!.7-million — within an-iin em p lo y er-sp o h so red - __ • JACKSON,_Wyo._(. isp.eclally_given.the_ • they flll-out'theheir 2002 tax . |fil» I K S j S S h o i !n households, nearly halfilfofallU.S. plan, Tourism survived a post-Stlews about and Treasure Valley exailamples counties did fewiFewer residents car- points and below 7JSK500. down 29 29 percent, since 1974 consumer spending, w h ich of successful pooling progograms, pool in 2000 th«than in 1990, and “The level of inveskrestor an x iety w h en itt droppedd 32.4 percent in accounts for two-third:'d s th e js B B usitim s E d ito r uncertainty," saidaid Joseph low. whilelile the Dow. with a quar- sumers increasra their spendings TradMAftMtYct Yoong pausM t en tk t ' tr Kead^ddefinvestmstment officer t^ d e d i tran sp o rtatio n (a n d p rivate,te pool- Viriinia S. HuHutchins can be id in e o f 17.9 percent, is a t In August by only 0.3 { floor n ♦,» MiiiSis « ! E B E S'g g g g g £ % : idS t »2 -a smm <0 lui , M ! tti • Vol{W U tl CM M TITkH • ... 4M >23 iftiMnn .. "fats I :: ;:s :s«1 tlTWtr tol - 4t 3 -J4 Ja?MXn* * _ IS II.TQ ;s-41 MMIK ■ • •» ’» - « OwiElte I 4943M 24.65 «.18 NMdlOOTf803481.2O72 NJ -.50 5Iteom 0036*5 10.48 -.75 CT(C .. d2M .M ESST«»n .. dtdtlS .IS HtOU _ dl4t -JII SflwlSnt V .. I2S7 -M i tu « '» COgrp < 206260 2S 6S « 63 SPDR SF 7OIO2A 1.70 -.06 hM•tl 717561 13.80 -.73 S S I t o t ^ SchMB 64 «70 -J9 EUCCp I 269907 4 57 .4 3 OJ «s ffi'J-is .It IlJt >14 ^ LMMt 'S l.n«X s OJIAOiam 171204 78 00 . 65 MleroUcrotfl 548335 43.74 -I.St iS^ m : S :: ■'Ii!! S - E i i i Si “ :: r M «a« (oa ()■■* {•S S ‘5! WMOO-IU TycolnB 1 aiS 4 5 14 10 .3 3 SwKTf S« 50540 10.24 -.78 SonWunMiero 535052 2.50 -.06 MCB>an* « r ... 23S3-(.tS Mine • - . I SOMM H 2425 -M 1!S*I5 SSESisr sss-ii; s a ti iSJiS £r””'l£S Ptt<«r ' .206508 20.02 * 44 SPUa Sf 26722 74 25 - 80 Gradnd*. .486015 7.86 -.54 Jcwn g J J ... 1411 .07 IiKSAiv ... ss-il ts H '"IsaI 8U«H» d127» .31 I 4I40.Tm smti t.m » 7 3 .m OAMCM(ai»mD ______tdBBtS I SU>«WM .. «M .32 M S R .t S oSSSS^ a i i | g .j .|I dri -BI SMnM to »M .14 , QAMEm(ta«»«) (WmKFM (Hoaaotl} ^ ” E is E iiu3? :S SS?^ ' liS *“ »rfOi> .. 1J77 . » tflOfCdtw . 10lots -45 ueemt :: »4S .4tj SurMcC ^ . Its .00 !#«■ i 40«Mffr -.n SnspM ISOt -14 MnM ...SII4S .03 Enan .. itIt24 .3» uovw . 02S2 -MI mtrrn SH l]M .12 iMte 1.10 l*H >.41 UMAt II n tio ‘.TO tHo««Cp 2o5 1 m - 7 ^ OSESyos 2.40 ..30 .143 CwDdMhBcp 4 « 0 0 .I7 « ^ 2 1 SncycM» ... 31t2. t 07 SSS m Mtt -» I0U MBI a a *ot •'WMPUO » n -ja tjmSM t 345 ..70 .255 TOMS Tol 3 01 . 35 .13 2 CohifshwTe % H .1.43 .63 6 i £ 2 * W B I 40J3 4 41 «|lra .73 77 It *AcpIMt 230 ..40 .204 Rm « ;i:isiH ;‘==5s s i i ^ - E “ :!iSI sr-st. 3* a n ..14 RtmptfiC 2.03. .2 2 .122 Nt«P»•iPrttrt T SI *.63 •(04 5 5 5 I ttraan _ di.i7 -.it MwmI 380 .iO .106 ECCIMEO Z00 *J9 .10-7 OtUTlUTrM 3.48 .4 2 •>40.4 BK. : : : ;S SST : 2 5 ' 25 s r .i iu ;S nomntrvt tOOO * l » .149 UlSUNWn IMt 375 ..35 .103 Hm»*1CplC 75J6.23J1 .44.8 J j « SurMos .. d2it - n Mm JB k m ^ OMMsr ,iSS:S BS7 .iS SS :SS .;S RT- z i I tvtlTm _«IU0-1J4 Mm - leoM I 2ttt-l.4t »-HW .03 not IKSS* “ J f a - s *• Mann .. MTs *70 UMMS- “ !iS:S Sa.pUS . .’LonmtHMMM) Lomtt «<»«>■} L I M n a m ' M » : S ^ ‘ , S S : Sjvcm ... I3H .47 t 4|t4 -.70 Se«Br«9 .10 llto .J2 ^ iM t CI)Q %Chg >Mii*iW U tl Cho %Cho AP^ni < S(inMe> ... 3It3 .67 J.n iSSr^'SS BT - luS,J r?! aeM» M.42 .07 S M ::: * tV Sco :: 2 2?.??S :% i s r IJiS 2U0 >10 terttW .SO fttl -30 CConAFC t0.40 -455 .304 USMSEMC03 5J5 .6 0 -10.1 OtitolUtOlO* 5.16 - t J t .453 *«!WlwIprDil .. n . 2S FiMn .. a o t .4 t MSmnn E lOtS .dt, SmoMT^ ..d9tl» .l} t 8ooc 7JS -2.65 * ^ 5 MLblLEMCn 6 07 ..66 -10.1 EM3T ... a .17 £WJ> .. t L ,ssS-fs»~sISO! .07 iMitfCS .. dIM ..07> • *STeh 10J6 -5.75 -35J ?S :S ursi: - rj? z 10m _aiiji -.44 ubm Mr(07 ^ » MJO -OO LiLtM)AL20 11.75 -Z 9 i -20.1 KXIQlMio 2.00 -20 - 0.1 VIetl . . „ 2J1 .1.10 -32J Mt S i MiCitf 20 2340 - n TUPW. ... too -Ot S » t i S ■” ■ '» ?CwpTtcti 1300 0.03 -18.9 EM■MPh 2.62 -.28 r«p(Cp .0 0 2.18 -.66 -232 /m tn 4M -20 NmmC 7M «2S TiMTm ...U2I00 ..45 ^ J t -7? »W*I. 108 3«7 .60 LtUWL2S 1105 .225 -160 Ptx>uarC 220 -.21 -6.7 AtroSjfoSjrE 5J4 -1.40 -2oa g =4giis TtfoPn ... JJ7J-I.1S mat -a anM jo 2uo ^74 ; a “S2:S J-TMm*m ... .tt .00 OuMiy t i l l s »*' -Jl SM» 4« »t4 .0 7 I . ■ ■ ■ D iu m . •. a TMiOM . iCiinM 484 OMm 17J2 1*2 M l E' d t it' ... ^ a w .40 i2m 2t 7» .44 u dntd 1.844 gS B i - - “ i S E S 7.t7 -.M OSIPItm .. iat7 .33 T«T*cnsd ... dts -03 1 11:1 £ 1 1 Unchtfio«) 153 Una(nchtngM 102 Unchtiehingtd 626 T«Wrc 123t .34 S S f a sg :is S»*s - ,s s s -;s AM hrlTAg .HdlUt -.11 T,TottlHtUM 3.3»9 ToUoUllttut* 666 Touin«llHtMt. 3.000 - -J° »«TM I TU 1141 .M Nt«HV» M 71 NtoItwHght 20 NtoHl■irHloht '10 S S ^ is S E J a TMM - MJ7 O t ttJt *M 9>«t -3* H 3 ’l a i s NtwLom 207 N*>l*>Low* 80 Nm•U Urn______354 t aSK' l X : 2S :3 SST » S^ ' n T*'T(»|«n .. 2J2 ..It 2349 .3 0 ROO 1.4} IMt .H IVolunn______2.074.2ea.»00 u< Vctu Tm J 3t I7M.I.I6 S tS TA* ■** n m -tM LI! efcmt______233,654.070 Vohtniwnt______t.568.265,500 ^ t,...?SS . :3 sss: :'Ji'Ji! is KS!' SS :S X: n&M I n ^ .70 a tjt -JO ■ Ttmm .i. ATF^II n«M -t7 TXUCwp 140 41.71 01 ■ 'S ::!! S S .T » g3.:S 3Cem «• ... 3tiii->;l0 ANMMmin ZUi -.17 FiCMl »M .10 T—a«« ... dtJt 01 B. ftxeSt ... dITf 'roj Marti -JS niKaw S2-Wtt* HM % YTO 5 3 ^ ! S " - "■ » g *• 1 Tiii* j« a« ji-< ji High- low ftomt ET " gs.:s tS S “ : Silost -M P«V(nS4l 17JS -J4 TtnSMc .. .41 .01 T«i«ni .. 1M* -.16 L—t ^ Cho Chfl % 0 .g %Chg ^ 1204 .U Pmnt ... 27.00 -Jt Tna as: -ss-:.s g s tae734» 7.532 ee DOMjonMMm TmdOfr ... 34H ..»4 duttUl* 7.591.03 .100.52.52 -1.42 -2424 -14.00 a U -J2 PwmTc .. dIJO -OS T«pTimra .. 44M ..57 a r ,i ,!s rs ^ as^ :s:,.,2sss "3M0.40 2.036 &3 OwJonttTrM•MpOrttUon 2.151.07 -34.10.10 -136 .18.52 ..42 J 2 2E " ’“S i "i ,ii 5!1611 .2 t PWni ... 21SI .01. amw .ondion .*» 322.75 l«64S OowJonttUUM« M 21507 .1.30 TrtpMiTn _ d.11 *sl4 A>sn « 4AIB.I.I2 talM JO *61 .2683 .20J6 g S S S S . : a SS*:SS! 610.05 41682 NYSEConvotU«M 44544 -4>0>0 .106 .34.48 .17.82 B>«U«JUM ... 11T0 .44 ICOa _ 201 TrtQiM _ d in -J t ttit -tl - UO .Jt . 065.68 7S7.68 Anwilnd*. 827.28 *2.07.07 .J 6 -2.40 .3^1 fyy t y USAHr -. IMt -.42 K-ssi-iSS 3100 . I t t o n .JO M » *.40 I2M6.68 1.16904 NudtqConwotiwtw 1.172 06 .27,10,10 -226 -30.01 -20«» g j g a'gs :5 SS' ; 'iJ UnMni _ 1U7 .J I 1.176.07 77568 S4P 500 • NoMMr .<3 iJ2 I7A ;*» T»dM« J*di4.n ,-ji ' 81528 .12.00.00 -1.46 -26.00 -StJQ- o mS ^ " ; " 3 : 2 ! S 3 : 600 J{ . » *m--n ... I7J1 .ot UMMi .. tJt.rJI 523.70 3MII Ruim>2000 382.27 *.4949 ..14 -25J4 -840 CTIWolt USEf» ... XU 1 -"{iS ;2 ■“ »li 10ia063.64 7.60184 WMwoSOOO 7.77363 .06.0101 -126 -27.40 -18J3 g WSf Je zSiS : S ^ z S JS 3 SS« . : JS!S.:J!. Z M lu t ..n HDTAae io5 J7.t4 r.» .CS MCO t 4tl 0tJT-U t M Sen -. 2.7S ... MiM - 10.1 Udt«rB _ 22.16-IJe ^ » n .<3 NOBOR* 3J0 MK nrCdu .. 4tOI.177 - A UMOM _ 144 ^ 2 sa is au, S S m ^ •« ■ ^ ... iat4 .St >w»t» ioo» '3 ai J SE? Eisis “ ^S .53-:3 gsc 'SSiS:?5 SSS IS’USIlM *1-- - - JI -J6 * UPHOnl* ... 32.19 iM ■m ^ |» .. t w .j.u MMW 100 MM -W Ns<«N* 40* >7827(B I j 7 T«,*U ...dtOlt -.08 _ ■ YtO ^ - t " * ' ” JSS®" 104f2 :S S S ::: S 2 :!) ZIMogli . 4Jt «J3 IOM 408 TfMtcn .12 MM -.M SMtwt S Oh. PC IM Cha:ho %Ctw ftomt Dl» r.P u« - o. %5S a sM :b I diM Iji M .dtmSB in u.,S^;S SX iSSSa j ; * 2 TmlAn ... 1320 ... AM rttMrt - « a -A MMM ... 20 • BBeW« *W «0* IS OtPHtM UflUW -X OlcOpI u tUI AMrttn 76 IS 24 16 -44 .23 3 HomtOp .201 18 1 26.10 -.66 ■ -48.8 O *Pon ^ . ... 13.74 . 4t MwMm ... 32C & - E “ i i M Bnxg es M t] .ST a .It ll.«3 -24 AonAmtfCt* 10 1890 ..16 1< -24.3 Ktycoip IJO 19 I 84J7 ... *18 g*»". V«wan. - IM >J2 OraM n» «»n Ootxrpgt3pgi 09 Iin .02 fotecp ... IIJ« AonCwp 90 22 2049 .• 14|4 -423 UtEM . .68 IB 1 33J6 -37 -0.7 S E 4»iS K j , . I I* nio -w ciewwftS w - n< -J> <*»chtBiSni 0 1.70 17 23 88 - 1: VMtM .. 1447' ^ ftWA I 40U IS -3S Oog»rMf >7. -02 LooBvf .031... 6.04 -.01 -41.2 s ; ; ;: : s VlitiPt, .. 1140 -37 ^ Rg ,’g u!»-T^ Ud ... ItM -21 BidAm 0,0 2,40 14 63M .jt•28 .1 4 MicronT ... . e t4 !ji . 4.00 ..13 ^ ... I2J7 -37 • -60.1 Omo i i l l s j iVM _. .13 H dtn 1.19 .07 MMak _ «JI -M VlMM ... at -33 CSX witMsa . n h llH 'if f11.17 i 4.11 UMMcre JO «3S3 . 00 ^Cctto ... 23 3237 .15J55 -27.1 SkyWtU .06 12 1 13.10 *20 -483 Coy.Mr = i S i 'l s B r -■ i i _ i7jBMje 0t*60M 66 30 3292 -•38 38 -18 6 Ttftayn ... 0.60 -JI .<8.1 SfSfW WHUO .- 90S -JO s s r OMtnty 1.821 15 24 62 .2628 .1.2 T u n m .88 15 1 1642 *36 -t3.7> ' CMOci -"jasi040 >31 H«cp ; A.aEM rd« U 51 3198 .23 LtO Ml RMM I ItO tilO •MHMl .. 4m CM9n* ... 2.47 ..12 nuglriMiii-'iw 23 -27,6 USBvop .78 ts 1: 1630 «.t7-11.3 S r S ft WMSMlI -WOJO -40 M ^ IMTwn M M4t -.It mCt> 328t 23 42.60 .3S35 • .17.6 ViM J4 aO • » « -37 -22.7 QwPB iJ J r i? *-» Htitu 162 15 33 37 ..53 i l •’• WhdiM , .. 4lt4,;03 C«MT>23? R «SS tn :S .IS sHWUM r ia < ia j7 .U JtiMlTSJ2 *2 “ I7J2 -.It Izj .&3 -186 WMtofI • JO • ‘ 33 3: 4024 -230 -14.4 gw Ttf ^ . : S ^ a : g UW« t.tO 3070 .31 Ht»1tnP .32 .. 11.87 .JMJ6 .432 Wulftd .02> to tl 2233 ♦36 . .43 g J S t* WorttWrh - J» soi, s a r - s r i s t S mmoa ... ajo -jr : S5:3 : aS : S SW8M. K .. U0;,4t Ut *Jt Uur^ M K3S ^ .42 SWM .. 1111 .JO n XCM u .. aUSX liSiorn Im h»mM TSAIH .74 HMuBf J« S030030 *JS s :s ssr : iS :j? x»<. . iMi,':^ S S1=-2S:3 ,‘ C r *3 55 u t .J t s S m . : mb :.4i rX|*nM t^ - AM ^ " lax a a i .ar mtm ■ IM n .n B'r : iSJ :s BSS : SliJ VMM - S5 :S! S S I ' .. Itn *Jt W««TCW JO M.72 r«»-cp _ JtJ1.-.43 s * ‘■J2 VMM* M 37J0 ..Ot "z .3i «S?s :S■" teS.S il! .:s VMenCniJt n .44 - jt M en JO Ml ..It Mhd«* - 4a u .u t ftnni _ IIJaZMM J2 WMC* J t » 4» -JI int «u4'-«i f ’i f is ^ S sSJ;*J ! 3 ! iS ^ iOM . » n « *J3 MOm* Scm m .. in ..ti *M« u S*TS mmov ^ m m " CM«a» .It tijQ «ti nfw I I M k ' _ awM M ICtM -.17 M>Mk 1MMH JO 4tJt-U 0 CiMrtWli _ HTI-I.B tnttan \S : S « |I ^ .tt«w«.% n »m MMWr 3M T l J i ^ C M m ttii -Ji Mm 3 O f «MIM 1J«. 1147 -Jt ue Ml WMItw J it OM 4.11 i : s ^ !«! UI tuo -JO s» ■ slis ss S I s WMhg»l.tt « 16.-Jt l a *Ji «M«t M ttll-tM m *.n wtaMi m . t u r «.» «-• aa- -«£-« 2£ S ! S ATr. -Ji s£L sS •MOWMi ut 4JI r MMOMvaji rjo «jb m - Jt ^ S£i;i-S.SSg'S SIS sS-S«l '■ p IS i ------m m m im mii s-a 5^ «M»- JO MSS .A S S w m m i « t tu » 4tjo S i ^43 5!S*2^. IM J t M tIJO *M ■ ■ f « » S . S '" 5o®L’5 S ?:£ i f i l i Ji ^ NHM . AM -JI «ai M M it. ^ v:tt Essss s: ;S S 3 ssssffisr s s s : • »c' , & s s W- ^ ^ ^ w a . KViULS^eOCT— i ^ TfciHi H0M8. T«1niMtoAitJMu-M------

F ^ ___ -7 noMn M 710OWCO; Moc* COM (VC Hack CO Fidelity wvill lay offr — ^ C l o s in g -flttJTURES— !S-Sg-i ______. » — . ._ju»__ 371.73271. aL JU E L S____ L» om a» g£ ^ I CWCAOO Mufx lr»p>»a 0(t lh« Cfw^cago NEWVOnK(AP)-»ulU(MufMtMneenVtaNaoVM ^ Uarem* Ek m m U»« g S3 J r S’ »*1 I ^ 51 I p i . - « 5^ percent o f work f(force i l ' l i i btt. B70tl73 .-OT0..0084 -*.OOM qJiJ***"".*"' FA'ISSS7m4Me 67.17 67.40 3040 3045 - 09 B Dac 70JO 71.03 7025 7063u Dac 30.04 30.00 BOSTON (AP) > Fidele lity o f last year, I s - s s FM) 7332 73.78 73.00 73.15 3970 M 75 :.03 Investmenis, blV' the nation’s largirgest “Fidelity is a cyclcyclical business IApt 73.49 73.67 73.35 73 43 Jui M.00 68.37 8763 68 03 3833 M46 I m m u tu a l fu n d c o m p a n y , said si and recognizesi thatthi when the ssslH”;E ili'i A4 —W40-6840----*8.10— *fc»- Monday-H-wilUay-off_i,€.,6 9 5 ----- market-roars as-did-didin-the-*50s,it______» .15 *«» U 'Jg I ' l f employees, o r about S percenimt of ' • has to adjust to[> ththat changing . ^ 39:«0 35W *M O *^:S?^'a40,^ -MS ^ its. work fo rce, in a m ove tlth atm ark et to meet the demands of 35J1 I 16 was widely expected becauseise of the business,” thehe 1Boston-based ss” isr:a*; «j, «„ 1 1 1 !i l i i i :.s » i i ffi No* 80.90 81.90 ' 80.4 5 80 57 t 34 49 * 17 the the slum p on W all S treet. . company said in a statement, 1 - t i i l J«l s 7*M 70.60 78.65 7S33. « ’» ” « :;« . Privately p held. FideUtym:man* “Likewise, whenin tl th e com pany Mw TT33 rT2 T 77.10 77.10 S S | :!S te I,. 3189 .18 • ageaged $ 7 ^ b illio n ini a sse ts at rolls back as it haslas over< the lost 1 ^ ° “ 1 lJJ* i IS\ *f2 FB.14.H.4S.I83# s :il a £ SS sis SE ssiJ 1""’“ s y ; l ! Ih.eihe'endjbf August, servingIg 18 three years, the concompany needs 07J7J. up 1.443 ^Aug 7S.*ft 70.0* 7t.8S 78 OO E«. MM 1.733.FH'| MM 1.453 ” » •;« • millmillion mdividual-and Instistitu- to adjust the busine:unes.t to aligi^its . ifS S f . £ 3 ^ 3 ^ , . Fg^^m j^l3J 35.up3M V ' " 33 16 I IB ' tio[ional i m vestors, dotVn menore resources with the I i i i *1?n ^ IB.70 10.74 -.33 P I- 3aoa 1B.73 IBM >jav> 4aa :han $1TO billion since th er ende environment.” E i i l ' ||3Iii B if, BS S ss si isi'a ^ 3390 3360 ■ m m is ,I»M E M.M Apr - , B ts, gs ss as g£ . '-.., 3335 - 31 Economists pri r o d i c t slow r eeeoveiy c •: «.»e 19* 1BJ8 - J 1 Juj> S : l| g FW U»*I»S 47.03 JJ SJ! s s gg S:g v 'i :l; mInKht R Id J f W w i S etvic*. ____ Merrill Lynchh clchief econo; “ ■ ^ « ' ’• Ss S3 sjs gs g;sS '- S mist Bruce Sleinbiinberg is even ett. MM 0.640 Fn.'tMMt5.B31 Fn.'tepann539.951.. up 3.470 W S'lo" 170.10 170J0 -*.10 HCATVaOIL WASHINGTON - The U.U.S. more pessimistic.;ic, projecting 1# 1 13M«4aM 14 10 ir&aomj7130 17300 1MJ0 -4.70 « « conomy appears headed for)rat growth at a 2.5 2.£ percent 7S.n 173.50 173.70 -4.30 4O0( east six more months of sl< S!3-.';;3 S! !5S1S! -rssur MM Bo)* :iS leas slow annual rate overver the same ■ Uw Com ssirji M7 2S71/4J3 MB .7 .178*0 «76JSjo itIio ’So' ^JO UV ^ 7530 76 00 7530 7s'»S .300 OB® xowth, offering little hopei forf period. 104 OM . M 171001760raoo .i73!io its^m -4.10 ^ uay n .30 7660 T7 30 «00J Jan 83.00 *370 •Its bIu *5! sssa ,!B iSS, 74.60 >7050 170 50 -3 80. . M 60 40 - 60 03 - 46 thO»hose who are out of work. The economy is recovering IS-lSiS ■?, !s- KS!!!.{ A survey released Mondi UM IflllsO !“ m 74'00 736J " ll A day from the 2001 rec«recession, but IM to;la ■'’! Ffl,'i 6*50 MM : i 6 ‘ ound that forecasters expepect much'more slowlyvly than many- | i i i i iI7fl jo.78 ..OS Fn.'ie*»«nlj9j:»J33. » 3J«3 . ^ i i i i tie economy to grow a t a 3 per*pt economists expected:ted. T h a t's b ad . ^3S n i l '-m UNNeAPOus(AP) M e t a l s /C urren:n c y k sis :ii • ent annual rate through nele x t new s for jo b seekers.cers. T h e unem- s s s j l l i ------Oei « :« '06 Manlarch, below the 3.5 percentIt to ployment rate, whitntalMiing 53304«i«53*3 up 1,079 _ 1J«1. u>St3 gjngCuncA UlO MlmeoTL 5333 85 up 54 45. 4V Hanoy * HtmiMI: 5323.701« 5165. UfgssssiisriTsi.”"”"” r^rsT 1 Vloney^_ Dw 80.39 80.70 : ReMpwtaM muSE ffS!srs!.«;'jsssM15430. Jan 78.70 7990 isssis ^xttimMdfroinOl 4VHS«CBaMU9A4pm Fn 5370 00eel 330.70 334i 0 too 40 »390 . n i “ name th e n ot c are th a t p ro b>ate ate w ill m ean .0350;4»«oundMecM:1JCOO.. No* ■’ disirisiribution of the estate, ani•nd less money for hisds 1heirs if he VM^O«n. M ini.70336!M 331 30 335 30 I a n u: , PncMlwaAMIpoDiaKal.fniMBnM. ■ eoMyaMtePoodi. ' %M XT3.3033700 333 » 336 00 3JS' . fiitsra."” I unethical person in thalat thinks he’s alreadyly 1(leaving you bMn*p*rlwiMiMst can create quite a bit o » 7«0U7!w »6 50 W 30 * r ”77r%’,sr’”i of enough. Some peo|leople would g l " P'O O T A T O E S g ...... MJM •' i S D«! 4270 4370 4 |!3 :?! E“Livoc. rather not pay forfoi probate , sr.T ?S ssg ,■!!»£.*;£! M » 9.50330'bb » 0 0 339 00 '• a : s : s 2 !4 370 4JM !m EstEstates that go through prc'ro* avoid an ce w h en it’s their sur* s:rs»i2m :s25i.«-tnMnrwrnn* CH»C*00 |*l»)-US( I te can have similar prob gikX pi«M: KOI-nu-hwu. N axiS'utr.ssa^ B i i £ i i i 3^ 5^5 :5S bate ab- vivon, i^ither thann themselv^tl S ■:." , E ii : a«» 3««5 -2 Jemsms. but at least in theor;>ry whowiUbeneflt. (UA*v. U 00 [1^ aMv*•!.»« OpcN*ngl. M . 33180 . 3*30 3 915 !i 5 th ereere*s a judge looking ove Mxn. M » (too F*»» W) Pnt" OuaMDyUn«Ouc* w 2 2 w un . 33n 0 . /e r . OUtnme viTiMifM iw . . 34090 .sis E E l i e executor’s shoulder. wlee>£ifBiKSlM70eiW iM ^ 39U 394I .:SS th e e ; • Que«rton« can b«be ssent to Liz tW ^TEU^ aurWM ioiwunt70eeunmauye.00.i 00 Dk•e ... 34970 ’• 2,?g :IS . AUAlso, if your father iis Pultiam Weston aat t cask liiiv est’ iis a ralved in numerous lawsuits KCa^Ll0 .w!M.ftut377'Ii« t):. ^‘- . « ^ 30.18, ... . • “ *” • Jan 4 349 4 349 4 i<*. onO hotm ai7.com oor r mailed h ; 4.77 {up »), 14 pwewN lenng J J1 (up J|. ^n-.op*oim 181,793. 0«3.304 is a failing b u sin ess o r ow es i f.* iiSS iXJS i i ili ;!i hast « a h e r in c a re o f MoiM o n ey T a lk , OQMn'. WM» .ami 4 OS {HMA|I. 11 1 ^ M«oirca.:oMpwMye>. £ sss ; s s t of money, probate might betx fiujiness Section,, LLt o s yln^Wcs *.M«to*n>|,l4pwe«nt«)nngJJO(ue eferable, because p.robatj •inAHOMMWvcawxinoWif Nove* 453 0 453 0 453 6 4538 isi iil !i;y; H e . Times. 202 W. FirsFirst St., Lot s^SSr^ •C 451 5 454 5 451 5 4548 : ;;;; :;s hasIS mechanisms that ca'ia n Angela, CA 90012. :-S sH «"K S ‘.S!5?SiMftWDtpnogKIA. Hsgi^avmiWiOSInIW«*50l]UCt>WMOnwi5.7S- m ... 4557 3731 .14 Utr 0 My).t>«h«l38} *“ l*r <59 0 464 0 4 56 7 4 56 7 21 Ss iW,™ (t'tJKhi r 404 0 454 0 4 59 8 4MS • PORTUtNO. 0>f. |A;>J -BM « I7.WMpmPOT p i S u g a r E: 2S s E ”” i i if r y MofXj»y K)< « Pom»na fo» I ______Dk•e 487 0 457 0 463 1 4«^ W>^t4.S< :S! S ::::; may have to adjustss tS S 3 1 m illion US I artM* MatiMI. 4 <1. rtnfng f4 J IP. ««i o« ^ « jur ii I i ■■: ^ sales of optical capi;a p a d ty a ssets M» 680 6M -33 ^ U 4807 i »•“ tanee n « affiliate, similar to wh( ^nocoiin ,gj564 650 659 - 16 j„i s s ::::. h a t {o th ird p u tie s . KESSS.'OTSSiS' 565 6 43 6 44 - 16 rw o a 3930 3630 33630 3631 .7 VeHjerizon. B ellSouth a n d SBC di ^ U«v 631 S3«534 6.1B 6.1B - t3 Fn? 11 ’»«li»9.97S Qwett executivesIves had been ruittcnnamcinxwnoccnvmon ** ***, , , »»* n'tcp*nme0.96S.o(l33 3 Ml I7 when hei they received long-di hoping to o ffer long-M ig-dlstance In 587 57* 579 Zo5 ... ; s tanee n « approval from the FCC |- jiFiS"SP^' Fn «u(m4I,i}9> NEWVEW VORK |AP) • Hanoy 6 M»iM iy mS ...... the 14-state West n Lenpon154 54 5339 X ? ...... vice Iqr the end offth thi Q y e a r. NO* 21.BO ?JOI ... J2S :l -nilThe FCC has 90 days to nil It gave up its Ion 5s 7Sul*y (MMmIUirttM MW;S.SM.70no 9.H 2J.M 31.M*94 Irso ” 50 1 01 ISrS^■ndon IM* M.W 54 530. W) 50 050. long distance - 2S 0>> ^ service in the regieBgion when it US?%*Ma>m:^«31r4.tH M*r 2IU 3IMIM 31 55 3165 |!S£|2>S«hM) IMKiuiM 55 301 up 0 053. :l Qwest^& Q « o^^l week it wa M 3t.se 3IMI >6 31 88 31 88 -01 kvZEt M«fC WM> apol monin Mondty 54.530. «5.50 04. acquired local phoi>hone se rv ic e - f VwCNueoBMn) Fn.'tulM»S I' ... JJJ ll ' reverversing ^ u t $950 million>>» £ pro v id er U S W estt in in 2 0 0 0 . \ ‘ Fn.'(c»*nnn.0S7« N6WY!W v’OflK (AP] - Spot nonlcngui mtul pnCM ; ^op« u- a-BM. 0 « . :;:: <01 .7 revervenue bwked from swaps> cof Qwest has tO mim illion cus* ' • S8.0<»m* p«r e . london UmiICkZ ^ . . .::::: J"! . ;’ capa.ipacity on its lietwork aniittd to m er linM in th e nin r V E S T O C K S «p«>-S70 0C4RWMlk 46 00 <«nta p*> B. N V. Um (PM Monr - ‘ g «a. 45<*nitpw» E s i ----- I -.1 SS£M .-£ X • 39 03-39 53 e«Mt« . MM>M :::. SSS :! E i i i 3M I .... UVESTOCXAUCnOA M • 5333.70 irey 04. Han^t HtimmlOMyc S o n w I M M ■ 5333 90 irpy ct . NV U*rc (pel Mon i !*«>. 54 560 H«nOy « Homwi (only M4y 4.li|id we'll try to indudttIL»IL i >*•<. 54 530 uw ex. N.V. Um tpol Uwi IT i V ket reports. If you're IntaraftMlId Ftotw call Ramona Joneaiieaat733- Fti^op*flniJS,Mt ■” ■’■■■ iP ^ >fCU>y ■ 5114 0(J ptt 7** #Mll. N Y. I I w; •loum ■ 556000-565.00 Hot oi.. N V. (conrK ... 3.937 .7 InI a 8stock, mutual fund, or comntodixU- - .^O O at Ext. 262. with youour IiwggB» : ' 0^ ““j5 * * « 9®8* '^ 4'9?*‘ JSI. s i r r s i s S•t«um 5564 50 iroy Oi.. N.V, U»e •pM Uon that's not In our itport. Just caU u 351.5 -7.35 M.00.73 00:*8«l»»«M«rNM„eB.OO-77.00.Uott.. ™) -KOI guOlM). n «.not (vadctM. " Frl-»epOTi«4l4,45*. up6.1P6.79* tytha ______

VMI 1233 -33 J*nuaM*i«M:>: KndQA 13.53 -34 ToiRlAe 53 N*»« »««08 w.n nu.3 S”S5-“ BS. a isrrfS'n ISS *S ^HS5i!5IJil i : - SlfilS^o W 1 5s ! q E ; ilis S -UMConn 123* .07 m •.1* HwiSLimdii; cucoai 3130 3331 - 55 _UU»p . _ *25 -01 DrHRAS"Sr.*-» SK"I!S!:S IMOren S 1353 - 1* s H - S 3 •” SfflK-0* StWI 30 59 -30 MSOIDI 743: E S aa..-” & ’ss:sOO BMkie 405 . 0 SbkvOI ItlIt* JxnZ BB3 -31 UgMd IMUedn 1325 : » 'I a ::S K3K5 IfS:!! Sffi" ilisSJI-a m(C*M: Sd>ktit . 1*34 . 37 l«cM ITCerpn *2* .03 I k S : l ! t s s : S S s ! ) 53 _ . s . v ” z r - r ;3! ffiSS, W r t3437.31 S PutnamFunMA: toilWA 0MB1 1040 -.07 OfMMw4nOwnOuMI MnOvAp 90* .01 USOmA inwyn 1204 . 0* fc lifi- iW . 1!S:S , ,sjs* & m S J c J S ^ s -s: S ■633515 11J U.Ml«n1XI7 .03 lil ;|;i s11:;; Sill I mss; SS:iS g® ;,3f,3!!:!: a!g.VJS:::! SST MuMn 13» « 0I ' S.ril":“ s . ail S^isis S, SS-'' IMUn 1113 >01 EIJS-S [» » ;S S«'ss;: S7> S ’ i s s : : Efs is 'is"4H NYlTns 11.7* .ei ‘ 1^1 r j i i , i ■” S ^ is ’ia ■a'rs,! PUTn 11(7 ..03 P i ill Pltncprn 35*4 - 4* s r f . S5'." i!s ;a s A«il 1 44 .. Mmlnbn 10.40 *.03 ^ eSSf S " I:" sJr^ii SsIF-" g i : l K fS ' i i B l i j / ““ Im 1;^ “ 687 K ,.lfl!:S «s::; ~ i ”l ' | i n !:4 meoip” i53t Ii* mopi STARn 1193 - 0* - n uGOvla *846 i 03 nuM FiJi* Ir^n" IDJ4 IS ' t i l f Ih s: iiiii M sn«yn io n •.05 siillsSIails g . - i s i s »«Eqn si 13J7 -07 I I p i i W • 03 HetaMaMa* kM FMCO F«n*( C • M si" OfVMniTu - H*«nCptl4:Hil||;“g l | g tSton I4.OT -31 n*nMCl 13« Hr: .S'lsS s -05 JwSewli* T ^ l 1061 'J. ’!s:;s .'ss;ss.i?’ sUMp.*' ^*7* .^l 11 § i i 'is ffif-ws: £ • 03 BatcnZ 11.18 -.11- liE ll.-” Ifcn'ilMA;" »M • » s s S& lS!:!i a .!5i!s.;g 's r’“sir.« S :S ! s r ■;£ w J . l i : s S I ’l l M iIB l I HC-«l « n -M Pil:: iommSS k ...... ‘£S * * * ? bm !!“•“ E S■ ns^ » iss:s S 1=1^ 30,73 -57 iS S I ^ jl" Eun(?n"lW *'eo s m z i : ” - '' -,u KssSs’isi s - * ; ; ; i t£ £ i'” *•’» -O' i i i i i Hr: gliii IS ' i s 3 !S :S Sffi 'tSrJ! S , .14 SS;? S S R " K 3 sf»“ ;a _:s ssf/I g g l l l -.14 o«Mw 1*03 ♦« • 03 Quant 10C3 -IJ »**«**. PMW 14.8* -18 'JSSK', s f l i l ’s5”t« S JSSSJ?-"* ffijT'b::!! i l l J s ji" •“ 'sraiisrKoi !s . assssii'* wr? lOM -ol g jjj'p a ” ^ 3 ^ ^3^! S'siu r a i g i ^ 500Aai*n7»j«-i,it I fi l l 'S T ® * “ iS ^ fJ iZ '” ■'* % !5a«A 34.43 -07 HfTUCptnSM -03 »■» *J2 n £ S r ^ ° i • m I '* sr. IKS I ISSiS! S£«;3 ^ S n s % : f*iS. -»ii 2 ® a j " •*! :l sk :: !|S ;S «SSS„ ^ S 3 S “ S « ^ i l l H i I J S S j i :i! ^ ~ r : 3 S S ’ -l -38 OtUnrtil 3*C* -47 n | ^ IKSris': s ;1! ^ 1 Hilii - li W " . *.' « - » ll3113.01 NOMn 14*6-35 OuWg 9*4 -31 OTCn 578 -18 B4iA(Ap :S ‘aSKltie-.t# SSSn'JS sHip; “ 111^ il- :.i. ■■ ■ ® fias® *"!sa CM^n 141T-.10- MOC. *33-14 sf'isJil “ SSIil s t e p l iS B '; ' ^ S : 3 ! ’E S S r & . , » f ■S'Ta'SlK-| g p - p | i»397~.15 CW*FUB10*7- '... OMMA s a L . j a S !Sl :SJ.E is S .’Si.-jx J3 o S s r " u r a ? ^ s s k t s tS s T^SafESr TlKrr’iS L^pSSsJp IM In 1*0* -.17 8«M lia m p **4 -.lO 11*0 *03 C4P«CpTn**t -18 ssn’ffi-^ a £ ^ “ -" QlW(p no* -41 VMn 1434 S m o t ? I HIH *73 -17 i i irMPipn i i m i ■*•I a Tffi iS &'ia3 n K l i l i sa; lisisjgso m .. . *i.it *M attm. nm-4» .• s ,

------r — — - r ^ ■______ii.____ ::'a* z f t :o \ S r JNETY Community E/faon Pat,Mamintonio-735-3288 \fti I’UKC D -4 '______Trucsday, Octobcr 1 , 2 0 0 2 ______Thrhc Timcs-Ncws \ ficlc of

■y^ l u e e ribb()ohs Jerome: woman\ has titips on bringin:ng home fair honors1 By Dixie Thom atI R(Real* V I Times News correspigspondent ■______ldn»l H K JEROME-Mildlildrcd Chojnacky O hK kythow t vnjiiys en te rin gK competitionsci at •w oftho county fiiirs, a ndd u;usually wins.' bora ih a won ] This year, she! tookto hom e m ore U iltytar’o than 100 ribbonsins between the k SJ iNiTeCowrtr JfFome and Twinvin FalJs County .S S 1 % H fiiirs coiiibiiied. Chnjnacky undid hushiind, Leu Lw||* • had nini! children,en. She's always HRK w \ V grown a garden,I, b bake'd, can n ed W i 9 I and dried fruits( ura n d v egetables for iht.' family. N^re than 30 yeyears ago when l!^K her children w«n'ere youiiB, the family went to thIC e (air.fi and s e v e r : it S, takes to get the blue rib-b> Then, make pics on Wf . Chojnacky has wonn iribbons fo r E > j ^ :cn complained clasis anda blue ribbons with anin those pies, as well as c about the'appcoraniranee of th e food «ccasioi : cakes, cook- uonal red or white ribbon, ies, canned fruits and i entries, she said. TheyTli appreciat- Chojr i vegetables, ojnacky advises anyone who‘P stamps, cacti, gladiola cd mom's cooking,ng, and said her wants:s tot enter flower competi- lias, pansies, *' roses, amaryllis and1 »cky teiHte to hor prt»wwbmln( to dahlias. She won moro1 thant 100 ribbon this y o a raat tti two county M is, and I Chojnacky deddedded to give it a **Som3me people have really nice “It is hard unouj _ amaryllis to blooni,1, let alone «*ou»ano«ot of ribbons over 30 yoar* of oittoring.onl ;| I try, entered the cotcompetition the flowerssrs but don't display them ;{ . next year, and wonon a ribbon. She properi;srly. The flowers have to be^ bloom at just the righght time for . th e fa ir,” she said. Bi I was hooked. cut andind trimmed a certain way. But she has prize: Twi'win Falls County Fair cents for white. Twivin Falls some of ithe expenses,” 5 done it. pays $3.50 ■' Thousands off bblue ribbons .N‘>« oo««> much ^eenery, and they SOforBestofaass, $2.50 County also pays $75> 1for first Chojnackv said.sai “I’ve passed on ! later, she is stillII entering.e She have toto be at just the right pointIt . She has more than S50 v arieties for blue., $i$2 for re d and $1.50 for prize on pies, and Chojniinacky has the pies for3r tthe past couple of prefers the categorilories of lutchen of blwXMning.” she said “1 usuallyy of prize-winning dahlhlias in her white ribbibbons. Jerome County won her share. years. arts, flow ers a n d1 ppi; lants, and has P>ck flowersflo on Monday, take the,Q flower garden. pays $2 fotfor Best of C las^$l for “You don’t get richh off the I?n startinging to slow down a bit learned a thingS oro two about flowerssrs to the fair on Tuesday.f, '■ The ribbons do inclidude a cash blue, 75> centsci for red and 50 prize money, but it helelps with and I wear out faster.” ______^F L A\G < CEREMONYJ Y ~ ------S iJt o r k r erpORT---- i ^ 1 st.t. BenedictsI Family To announc* a Mrtti Wednesday, SeptSept. 25,2002. Matfon A MedicalIt Center Send a copy of ttic birth cer RMgflyoftlMT*iTwta cate to: rmcia Diane Rodriquez, **" MaglcValle:illey Regional ^ . FaU aChapU r29.0nOrdor ^ Melissa Morgan Iter of Salvador Rodriquez \. ' oftteEattomlttita r , THe TImes-Ncws ’ Medicalca! Center essica Rom ero of G o rin g , I wtteonMMwtMUrC b lf 5* .P.O. Box 548 Kaden Vanceice 1 Borkowski, son o m Friday, Sept. 20,2002. of Stacey Lyniynn Nelson and , OkkAnd»raofl.Ml.M t.ef r ssia Regional Medical, "Twtn Falls. ID 83303 • Or tax to: 734-5538. Brandon Lawreivrence Borkowski irErica Maria Luna, daugh- MtioflVaUtyalyand I* 'OMdUnt: noon Tuesday foror o f T w in F aalls, ll: was born Esmeralda and Joe Luna MaftwChMOiifOalo “ Sunday's pepcr; and noort i W e^ej^yj^ptlept.18,2002. rley, was bom Wednesday, , MMMndofTMnFaI Falla ’• ' for Tucstf^'s paper. Her Hudelson, son i 18,2002. ' I a ta ra c M tC MMtom tt , INora iRforniatJoa? of Sara Jean andanc Lany Dennis ! k Ryan Nielsen, son of H u d e ls o n o f TwTwin Falls, was A 1 ltir«Mtk«.TlM• two h * Call Melissa at 735-3276 , L and Adam D. Nielsen of I bom Wednesday,iay, Sept. 18,2002. , / eiTMr Navy HIM iMftJHHtte- y, was born Wednesday, ’ Laurie and Craig Larirson of """''r irshall Hendren. 1^ ; .ipatodlnafligMdbMtaC 18.2002. . lav ^ n r ’ son of Jo len e Ma:M arie an d R oben itea Kabel Rocha, son of. Rupen, was bom Tuesdaylay. Sept. H u n te r H endren fony,tiMfli Ram sey M ayson M arququis.son Grubbs of FileFiler, was born rley. was born Friday, ; haal3 feM atiiat9t»W> « ' of Stephanie 'and RiR ic h a rd Thursday, Sept.It. 1‘19,2002. :0.2002. tray Amtfkan prliKfincl- M arquis of Stanley, wa!-as bom Liberty Marlepr. Sept. 19,2002. Tbo tvoflt was Inicon- coi iam Clayton Sandberg, 23,2002. ! Bruns, daughter ’ f Ryan and Kimberly, junction wtth RMgoly'’•ly’t Isaac Carter Kolman,:I. son of and Stephen Lee erig of R u p e rt, w as b o m ' worthy matron tiwmon to < f Katrina Story and Eric KoLnanK 1 Falls, was bom y, Sept. 23,2002. I patriotluilltm. o f Shoshone, w as b o m Tuiluesoay,ruesday. Stmday, Sept. 22..22,2002. le Christine Jensen, come t9 participate, an Sept. 20.: V ereni)lied • Will be prizes for everyon d a u g hities te are free except ' The Harvest Festival eCTOw v o tin g vdiich held from 4-7p.m. Oct. 1( N avarreti Friday,vote S< as a benefit for junction with the.last rogram s. Fanner’s Market. W llliai so n o fq 1 } story hour also You can sip spiced cidc D p jn . -T library while selectin Sandberis M onday,:0m i for more details. J a n a e d a u g h te r J e n s e n o AVvk«icari- Tuesday, i orowadMkM M cCadi M q r t t o ------HK ..J—..1 ^ lla lw M rfB y ------—]cHaiailo||ioiillM tfeal4m CantarlMaofM VofMta An* «MMlaatMrfer27yMri.tlMtiMlapiotarad'wttli' )w sgoon 15I2?2L ■ ' «MCMMMaw and a ntfitMiradniiMMtMlieopKal. * M M t ^ ■■■' ■ ■ iM M If HMfeh rM * ts IMT tto N m tfeM 8,400 tarn feiMi . M ^ . . . *eti*eeh ewirwiew,'lowly tie y Public L IMfW iyftM elAnqi'SHmftltMMaOOltTMsyNfftvvn ^ w M t o l M V - ^ ‘ O 0 « ct 10, .... ley Public favorile scare le full fall Children i y ■ y . ' ‘ u.'- ■ .1.- ■. •• • . iw display heart adults i .. , get th eir face Kv." s r - ' - ^ a scare: Visitors ah 18-2036 to V f s e ta b le 0 faxed or Market or bi )p by and enter in th nc is wcl' Vegetable Coi and there will besupplle one. All activiti* al will be for the scarea 10 in con* cost $1 p e r vo st Hailey children’sprof P re s c h o o l der in the , starts at 330 p ing your Call 788-20S 'V- ’ ■ , '

______{______TT TMSda)r,OctobML2002 ^ >_____ 2 THwNw8.T«*FalkW»M w . M

T\rwiN F a l l s A r e a C o m mlU l N FTY GWTO^UC0 M usic-. I TWifTwin Falls. .. Soaka Rirtr FUu Btfbmbe ng. please send 0 notice vrttt): . Valleyv VtMa Caotar fhrtoodJe 7dO WD. T u M ^ M 123 K. St, R Dfsantiatlonorclub; C M • &30 pja. Tueaday* and Saturdirdars to tba csBsunJly cm iar al 6S3 Row Si. N. to . tf*Ui«nlnrjtKt.caU43M(H7 JpfeceoftheactMty; ^TwtoFaIlt;733-SS3l. _ _■ ■^ _ ' nMmnuitNntiefof 8 contact peison.,*______L nf[llT r* t-----[infill luihaiiii - TM*»TMkIm Martial Uaich 19 at Uacle ' niO BridiBrtdaa CeMar. 246 FUU Av*.. can 73M3 ^i^ays ■. S i trcouplerwl'. e PO. Box 548” - ■ Cc£ Fans 83303303. ^ aaywAlnvitlKi. call Eriem at 733-4993 • Orlu to 734-55:5538. Other. atm^maglcvaJtev.cdm ^ M afk Valley Irla Ctob • tnaats foi ' tyS O rrr Bid Cold ScrdsrCinUr matioa call Pat Marcamonio rteoQ and a a a tlu Can a « u U n 733 . teH203WUiDa.Ecl«n.0oon«K Ofjr VIVtdd at 733aS3l New sMmben akoM. A m UR GcXI P A Mum b« over I wW ritm of Hm Ward. Christian writerswi poup • 10 a m flnt Sanrday at Twto Raglstafadoininf'.ns stadaott M t ts right, 'Im m y *.M dm V an Senkr CItbmIK C enter-7-9 ______fSlUtomad S OtiBdi. Caralyn U irli at 73«^ Hny Backar, Oaytana BondaRd, ChristaanHovay,C Janaa’ Cristlaiktlar, VlcUa f e Wcdn*«U»* at JJ8N.R.J. Rail St. W.. EBM)fy,MaK«iDlDay, KaUa Lyna, Phyllis Swainsilnston, Bbabath Zfanmamian in Mutt be or«r IS; adl U6 « le rC en te r-a l 7-9p m flrtt .iSsM SSiSas and Janlfar McFariana racalvadirad schelarsMpai ftyatiheeentcrlnBulO. SllBnloual423-SS2S. ™ fMn tha Mafte Vrmay ia RadoM l Madteal CantararFoondatlon. F 'IS• stMte Awwoi^al flocJitj.;’.7pm . • , •e ^ S a to r d a y In ProM roeia at HerronHi rA mtria a Ufioq HUI to T«lnWto ran*. 7:IS Singles Ce«uiISeataro* C S l c a i ^ o I l 73M447. BS^Fridon 44fSeMtroraS<-Ooc; t ^ o p n a l OcMMBtowiet«ietCniup>7pja.snO^I ^» T«Twla rails airie and Piatal Obb1 indooris S f u a . Mum beorer 18. CUl 736.1^1729. ,nd every olh.>lher M ondar. C brlillan ' *Jtr«n« Stniar Caster •• 6;< 6;4S-9 p.m. Kour*quaro Cenc,ernc,er. 181 MorrlMn St.. Twin W-tN oderwe Ifitd ty t. 212FimAvaE.tnJrraJerome, mack Pall»,7iM2SS. t ^ a i Magic Vallay Raglofialu l MadlcaiH \ ' o(wu at 6 p4tu-fl«lf birdd alii &4S p m . S e « in ii IdahoihoTwtoFUIiSif^.Biua. « orer ace IS. Seiurdayt al Spanpanbauer's Sam (or dandnc; “SMto K iw Ck^ee Keane) Cfab e« I Cantar amployaaa, lafi 1to right, V •:A n*rieaa U clea lUD In Wrm« ^ ForolheractWlk^lk\e»ll73S-90M. Andraa Bohllng. BiyananOouriayand G prw. ThurwJ»y», 610 W. Main. C a C a r t .. 36411B A ■hIH Tamra Olidn, racalvadadachelanMpa a . open ai 6 p-m. Muw be o. .m. Mondays ai Ma«ic VaUey TMa ra tb Berpetalecy Society • 7 :46 Falli ArarToln Talli; 733- thirdUrd Tuesday at Herrelt Center, callill Nick from tha Magic VallaylyRagkmal R *'Vf4(nna al Fa>*lgn Wan llall to >UtoB»fcy-7 tm.ttewammwrawtlcomc PetenWersonal73i9SS4.ER.2671. • Madlcal Caotar Foonditidation. t n . Suurdayt. CaU Alkoai 67»9M»9UI. Made Vatler7 tfinochle Clutt • 7:30 p.m. Widow’s WI Nisbl Fellowship • 2 . Snak«IU««rElk(2a07-7:l5pm^pm jto^ay* Hall. HerrUon^ntHubtcd American Veteran* WadniTodnesdait al 1156 FUlnview Dr. inn Twin' Mlsd(e412EaM200Souih.Call 32^ Street and Shoup Avenue. FoIU.aIU.callI>onnaal 410-2*99.

__ St a r t inN G S C H O O L .

~~ H o s fpital fouLindatior tl awardsIs ^ schol)larshipss to studilent, n uirses i

TWIN FALLSLS - T h e M a g ic InI juJuly, Magic V ^ e y R egionallal e s p u rsu in g a m asteis ta r’s d eg ree, Valley Regionalil Medical t Center Medicdical Center^contributedid Redpients are Janicelice Jansen of Foundation has; awarded a\ several $20,00(,000 lo the Twin Falls Areaea Twin Falls; Tammyly B e d c e ra n d scholarships from om programs for .Chambmber of Commerce Businessss ^ Elizabeth ZImmermarman, both of students and ursesnun to-advance pius n i n program for support of Jerome: Anna Hawkaw lu r o f F ilen theirexpertise.ini:n health care. local < il economic developmentnt and Gaylene Bon9ondelid of Nine-registerei" i" “rs‘"8»[u- througlugh work force development dents were award< nt Kimberly. rded s^ola^ps a„dbu,business expansion, for the fall semest In addition, thes fcfoundation ester. Lori Coats, -jhele countyt hospital’s contribu* Kelli Lyne, Suza u* awarded non*nursinising scholar* izanne Bingham ,{»» isi< used for registered-nurs- and Emily McMuUIuUin,allofTwin ■»- ships from its I scholarshlps, and admlnis- • • Falls; JeniferMcFarlane M< and Endowment to AndreI d . ^ * s Vickie EIlis-DrDry. both of :d by the foundation.n. Tamn Dixon end BryairyanG ouriey. ; > o Kimberly; PhylUs:Us S w ainston of >date degree students receiv*‘V* The support is for thdjcheir sd io d lli^ - :} Filer; and Christestean Hovey and !?8scholarships were Lyne,f > in pfayrical theiapy,r, m edical cod- ^ ______Stacey Lynch,both bo of Jerome; ey. Lynch, Swainston, Ellis-l» ingmdpbnmacyitud(tudies. KTnnnat/TtttMi w ill begin th enursing ir ni careers as as well as Marcus Day and" For more informatnation about: ■ ee’ Cristler, both of Twin Juston AndsrsM stfnsitpforfor a lockar during ragtstrationMl at t Hansan MIddIa School. Momlom U sa Bally and napdaw Davo von a t MY agicRegional V alley upon F Ja"**, scholarship opportuntu n itie s o r tOj' ' s; They have committed to • S pttring watch. completion ofeirswdies. their FaUf? ' to m $ ka a gift in supporp o n o f h ealth • : k in the Magic VaUey area The scholarshiihip program is “ c a re e ducation, contac«actl«iiyW . wo years u pon com pletion of ____■ ftmded by donaticItions and Magic two “ Baxter, foundationon executlTe< V alley Regional MedicalM Center, theirr nursingnv studies, . directw at laiiybOnnrPmvnnvdOrg or ! a n d coordinatedi bby th e founda- Businislness Plus II also provided T ^ call the foundation oil ______------tifln. ' scholar iof^tt737-, - S e r v icCE NEWS larships for registered nur*.*• 2480. “ , Ahim brothers are somiel, h is famam ily reports. consiinsistent distincdon. promoted In Navy, Guaiuard BuhlCIJommunitity Ed ofFei:rs craft clasi s s e s . ; ^ ! ^ The U.S. Navy has proprom oted Wagoman graduatesgi from teen finishes up 12 Lt. Cotamander Kelly vV. .A h im , Naval Air teth physically a nd m entally.’. 1H e will run for 10 w eet ; SgL Mqjor Kenneth WIV.Ahlm. H sfiK fl with Honors. anj ( eeks. The cost is materialrials. to not bring their childnildren. id o th er recru its also receiv postpc party race for partid>a* • The class is designigned to teach All members aret asasked to « l^st, Doug Strand and * d Tom County Senior• Qa d z e n s w ill serve . p a nIts ts 'will include bageK fniiuit people how to mahajnage their dia- Luclllfia BBall grape stomping a rriv e before 6 p.m. Utagner; second, Nancy StrandSu breakfast from>m 7:30*10:30 a.m. andI drinksdri and prizes, betes through heal M em bers should RSVPJVPbycaU* i & Darlene Wagner; th ^d,Maiy 1 Saturday at thetl center, 308 Theh e foundationI also w ill h ostt ai habits. contestst set at Oktoberfest Ing Doris Youtz a t 733-79C-7905. - ; 'B icker a n d D orothy Young;ng;and Senior Ave. in Gooditig.:G< taco3 bb< a r d in n e r from 3* 5 p.mm. The cost is $15 peper person or TWINN FALLSI - The Lucille & rth , Gloria Hann andI JoJoann The meal vdllrill include coffee, Saturturday at El Sombreniro $20 per couple andd coversc mate- Ball Grapt-ape Stomping Contest will eggs,sau^papancake*, biscuits, Mexicsdean Restaurant in Jeromeae. rials, food and supp!pplies used in be heldd dduring Oktoberfest at v.3VlnnerB for Sept.'24'wr more inform ation, call>11 277. 43.Exl.600 2 U at 9344457. can Red Cross 'S d ie rU id dU4ys Haitivfl; will hbW Ta'^< The first n l^ t, studrudent^wiiib. a n d Je i mce at SsiopLm. , Friday at theiDAV I Hftll, 459 KiieiM introduced to Zenen Buddhist nOldS flnfirst aid, CPR review Deadlines :hsfl Magic d b rs »—rhtfig and sitting:lg meditation. > TWIN F r?.^ ShoupAve.falWrw in P alls. q FALLS - T he A m erican For Utt Sunday page: noon Archie Timiarin-.wm jiR^the cakeile decorating dass . T h e seco n d n ig h t: wwill include Red Cro:ross of Greater Idaho Wedittsdey (sitting medi- SawtoothDth B ra n c h w ill o f f e r a music., ------r • - TWPiVTK P A iT fi - K^t r h t r For the Tlunday page: noon Mo| 1^f - BunUIEaEs^achrwalk:------^WandanTfifirst airaria-adult,-chnd—------Fortlia'TuesaBy^pageinoonFrtiJi firold Bulcher and Wll hoU a basic cake decorating■IS ing taieditation a n dI sh o rt lecture. and infantu t CPR review at .1 pin. ^ . .For the Saturday page: noon^Tuesday Tue -ISDBFMmMii^boet* ^1^t from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. .mtboD; •ocond, Dick and U ^ Students are encotirajiragedtowear and 7 p..m. Oct. 10 at the ' ^ RxMWIidnesdaf pen.'noonoonRUay F & e X o ^ t U r d , B o b a n d 1 ^ loose and btbring a blan* Sawtooth Branch office, 1139 ■rPWWnWn- >0(1 fourth* 'p?s Pi k e t o r cushion if th<9teywouldllke FallsAvekve. E.; Suite B In Twin te677-e43(» 7346538S . ' . ; ke c o s t ? S ^ £ u ^ p p U e s ®* to try a traditionalli imeditation Falls. • _N*P8lnieriagic»alley.cl i ^ . W l _ _ a u m jneec^ at 7 p j n . 'h i»MtepiUb7.Wa!dpM4w. - pottiBce.. . T h edJass asi meets pSHA first-aid.

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.. e TEIS i JD>TeCH] Page D-6I Tuesday, October;r 1, 2002______■ ______2The Times-Ncwi 5ts tac:kle d;lataeiQ t r y Have P] G probl)lemsf"4- . Inventionsms give boost ■ Try goDingbaekkintim^ to mobileed ( cvices I ^JameaCoatea ^ Chleego Tribune ' TTwiUwcljrttdfs d P w a H -______CcComputer Q U , | Q. I saw. one of yoyour columns i did diis f SA N D IEG30 O - Transferring H where you gave inst lis for tw o years. I recem h* istructions on upgradedled to Netscape 7.0 andj data to andI fifrpm smart cell how to go back in tintune and have' u^towaOi . phones, personalnal digiul assistants y.our com puter rese vs 96. * 1 iind other mobiobile devices will ’ • >Wien it wonced. M y ur wben I try to peste my • • have to ger casilasier for people to , oped a flaw (probabl nto a n e^nail docum ent die* adopt them widelidely. and I would like to go seems to freese as if the^ IS being do n e b u t I d o n t? A few invendmid^ns on view a t die ■and have the prior worltingv set- >, J e t^ pia DEMOmobilesIe show attempt to tings reset. picnire In place. Is d iere a j tackJe that very d Nl - -Tom Miller, Co» iw^7.0and,98?Ifeellike'' ychallenge: >t>ably som ething I am ne( DIGITAL PEN-EN - Logitech l u s V A. Time travel is a and it’s built into W ind 5H{of S and a quick fix is in thg ■ licensed tcchnolo]ology from A noto, a l \ ’d o -n M E m d u re. .s'. Swedish companj all versions of XP. I ho; any, fo r an ink pen Jopeyouhave Doyouh)u have any other readers with an cm b^deJded digital camera one of these more rece that “rethember w siem s. It’s such a pc ! same problem? I have lefi bers” handwriting ige on the Netscape hels and. when cradlc / that even if your msi idled and synchro- m t have not heard froiS n iz e d w ith a PC, PC can transfer older model, other -?et£Un 1 those pen stroke9kes into a digital benefit from a rccap,., w\ hidi I will file. doinjustatad -RoyOufbestsoq s reason you haven't heart You can maJceke ia sketch o r tak e First let m e m ake aI ppitch for the b a r f c ^ m highly useful $30 GoE t>m that help board, EU notes on paper* arand save yourself ~ — o ;- s m DBack3«,ft- JSlJr.Lg. y j t ware from Roj I because your computer if ■ the trouble of iratranscribing those ig a problem that doesn’t ■ ideas into a fomir m A that can ^ . (www.roxio.com). Loa< w are on a ny PC ninnin to 0^ N eocape 7 u « n , ■ en tered into a cow o s puter for trans- I ily doesn’t h ap p en on m i ■ mission elsewhere.ere. ^ 95 or 98 and the machir the ability to restore pIt! i m These nasty glitches are I T h e L ogitech:h ilo P en - I/O is as h was a t soKslled res I’s own w ork because t ^ ■ computerese foror input/output - m some anomaly in you( I o nly w orks w hen e n w ' ritin g o n spe- in die past All settings, i i odier d ata get reset to ^ that Just happens to do ■ cial paper thatlat's embedded ; t r ii e^toripsupsoniediina ■ w ithin invisibleble microgrid of ^ hadbeenattheseleaededdate. else, frmail’a Roxio’s same G o^d ail’s cut and paste graph- ■ tiny dots arrangiinged like graph mldKltakilfc, general m an tfsrr of Parascript's Panglnttm st didMslon, siU n tx t ta a laptopip . but by Microsoft • 4ie show in U Jolia. CaW., Sepiieptl 9.Tlietechnolo0 Windows ME and above makes finding a needlein ■ I f s th e grid thathat allows th e P en aflowi iwe eeovutaf* to deelptier hantfwntfwrttttn entries. Such tKhnole>logles are tsssn tlallf tablett aiand Imdhsld coetpoters arer« clicking S ta n and Progi ackknklikeasureddbg: ■ toremembieritsctristrokesi tocaii{am wideepfead adoption. Below, might try removi^ H DIGITAL PE^ «w. Ms l«rt photo shows an entintry M o re use of Advanced ReReco0iKlen and the rtgM Accessories, then Sysi ENMAN8H1P - arid finally System Rest 9 7 from your comptfter ■ j Handwriting bei/u ws after Mkig the technolocy.f. '• si/a what it is, an you run eidier System 1 nstalling It from ■the ■ often a w to w v l ctwcoOecdon o f bare- a finianished document saved on a -n GoBack you get a calen" 5 ^ * 2 5 Netscapee Web «it« ■ ly legible solbblet,■les, good softw are comiputer pt has smooth diagramsims mondis d u t have passec itscape.com). Or,-since ■ ( tools will be integtegral to the sue* and clearlyd t readable text? doesn’t aeem to w iM e ■ software started runnlning.TOere helpwSouc cess of such device)ices as tablet com- Thehe Pen&lntemet division of will be restore poln mi^yousbouklttt9 ■ puters. Parasiy.LOfU/B '—^ I' Also, one can sett ai sp e c ia l “ , people to simpmply speak to bellevieves it’s got Just the tiling restore point just before ne you know that you H machines, propon>onents of tablet Callailed Advanced Note a new piece ot softw are.: already havitave Microsoft Internet ■ cnrowitei's believeive handw riting is R ecooption, a die technology sepa- ware bombs the system on your computer and ■ S — ra tesh s h an d w ritte n tex t from draw- click to the spedal rest could use it in place of ■ ,< Foraet die keybaaboard. ingsI aand smoothes out rough will hea! whatever dar^Sale'S; i to send those home* B ut bow to Shari!larpen up skewed edges,!s. The company expects a & • caused. raphic im a^ To call it H i §g . .1 on Start and Run and H linaandiloppiiiging penmttiship so Idied ; Q : J L _ d product in early ^ 3 . Don't you wish w e hui.m n u B h ad -* restore points, Mr. M? xplore.exe. Lock-foe the ■ 1964.1 was 21. It was a ' atttotopjuataayoBio ■ year. pe 7.0. If your image« ■ Musiciaians ask 'J't > dds e-mail, as n i bet ■ ^echnolog^ Q. I am a Netscape i ^ allows FPCs to go) wireless when running Windo ^ * 0 at least have a way .enjoyed taking distal pk o«e graphics even if you ■ I fans not>ttO B,o«,o u C B e d il i, however, is primarily/ using them with ^ It to Just switch fronr-*- ■ 1 T h ePHaeMewli^Newa M / ^ Products ffinally . Publisher to create smalliU p o stm .1 to M icrosoft’s versioo, a network computers over I that raises all of.' H if dovmloa • « a m uch lailarger range. Bluetooth isJ dien vrould then copy/pa >ad —tat rat's netrof cables direcdy into m y e-mail dc and emotional issues " hit store shh e l v e s ed to be used point-to- documents. anuwig computiputerusers. H uned behind Coiir computer inking phones, notebooks (’ stolen m supposed to b ^ thing o f die phones. a n d PDAs'As in a smaller, slightly music by now. \ p ast by As faster m obile data a t networks more secuicure arrangement, F one.'A user maker, hunters are h(hoping to dog is mov songwriters - indnciuding such to be a dd^^ on a map,” a very exdting time,” saidd these little Bluetooiloth radios can sendI siffulssi between a desk- track bears, ducks a n d eielk better .Makinenadde s u p e m a r t a s E minem. lne Madonna, Mike M M d:amon, executive direc- puter and a laptop, but by strapping cell phoro n e s w ith T h e c ell phone,ph« equipped with the Dixie Chickicks, Luciano tor of t > haven’t seen prices forcompo-ft topcompu; 1 the Bluetooth Special nents drop a s rapidly aai s they h ad betweei■een th e lap to p a n d PDA tracking devices onto thetl backs receiversI. tiedtli to the Globat Pavarotd and Brian'in Wilson - who Intereste s t G ro u p , w h ich 1s shep- of dogs. say illicit Internet expected. simultaneoieously as widi Bluetooth, PositioningIB System,S was develi- net downloads ' hidingng the worldwide rollout of A dog’s bark will hetelp deter- oped by the » threaten the Uvelihclihpod of eveiy- the tect « “But we’re finally seeings the Despitee Bluetooth'sI whlz-bang, . the Benefon mobile Khnology. “We’re getting mine what animal it hasas tracked phone compa one in the industry,y, fifrom artists to there.” 8 price of these chips comana down to electrorronlcs industry h as been npany and Pointer, a a price point that is a1 tlittle more slmjto supiippon the technology, from hundreds, If not thousandsth company inin northerni Finland record-store clerks.J L . Recer:ently, the research firm . . . "1 understand \ n consumer-friendly,” Baj«Jaiin said. MIcrosoftoft didn’t incorpofa^ of miles away, and huntinters will that makeskes dog tracking d why people nx;pr«redicted that revenue from be able to give ord ers on•n d ie two- devices. download music, but for me and Bluetooti " Developers had hopeped diet by lology into die first ver- . ,iny fellow artists, thij wth-related pn>ducts would3 n o w , c o n s u m e rs wiwould be sionsofWirVindows X ? because too o w grow woridwidewo ^ m S76.6 mU- hood," wrote Sean '* installing cheap Bluetotootfi mice, few devi^:es used it. But the next an “P. Wddy" non inn 2001: to $2.6 biUion in Combs, multiplatini ™ keyboards and p rin terr Im o d u le s - v e ^ o n of f X J ? will support it, die [inum artist, in 2006 with wi widespread adoption support of the campi ^ the start of wireless: ““personal industry' heavyweight 1 says, you make an illegal lingnextyear. . area networks,” or PAJW4s. U n d er M ic r o s oft f t'will soon release a far, the most visible stealing from an artarrtn, It'j that Bluetoot * the PAN concept, useisersmove Bluetoodik*I keyboard and mouse. K>th dev ices h a v e b e e n In1 Bluetooth devices into Computer CEO Steve sim ple. E veiy single d m obu“ 0 die radio ' Apple Cc here, pouring our hea; e phones. Headsets with' range, and the devices iviously showed little B lu eto o l s automati- previi IntQ m aking m usic - Doth chips offer stylish,* cally connect to homee base sta- interest inn diet PAN concept. But c-what if you hands-fn■free access to the newest didn’t g e t paid for^JjurJoHPut yo f tions and to each other.r. The tech-.- « the receicent Macworld Expo, yourself in our shoes." models. And soon, digital* noJow supports up to stseven con- Jobs wowectred Macintosh fans by Gary O Fay « as, computer workstations, The recording induiduitiy blunn SSSbSk > nections at one time. i n tr o d u c ining’ ISync software, Illegal downloading ( »ok com putdN a n d person-; Instead, wireless nei ts Macs commtmicate It4}asslstants will access letw orking straight year of 3.cli„“det „TcD via Wi-Fi, formally knownk: as with PalmOl PDAs, cell phones, sales. It estimates thai teri^t wirelessly through' M2.11b, has beaten Blu I other Macs using, TECHNOL )oth < ‘ the marketplace. Bluetoodi. each month across uniunlicensed file- _ .swapping services sue M o^eus and Gnutelli (LUTIONSTODYOUR i I "W hat we’re dolni Itr ling is we are *might bee time to• MU youiirVGR TW ARE PROl9BLEM SI ■ robbing our culture iiral past and i»critoc ' Learn Software in days - we’re destroying ourou cultural rC roM iM n Sony, die com pany tiiai ra-Not Weeks '''' lat CTMted video from aI camcorders directly to • Individual Tutoring future,” said David■id Benjam in, adder Ne— ge»vloe Betam ax h as ju s t annourunced and the record rdable DVD disks. . > H e lp W id t I n te r n e t a ntd d EE -U a U ' Universal Music GroiSroup’s s«/nlor . released d ieir n ew line1 oof record- i m u g f qq ng Internet 2!52?'l copies without the loss aof quaUty Easy ctististodiisatlon.via the I Copytight Coalition,^ anai VHS that ] that is typical witii ansny analog many populilular computer vld«o | group that represersents record mainiB reason Betamax has - device such as VHS vlti Ddtictt mAea crMtive ^ la ^ ls, songwrfters,I, pperformers !>“*>« on1 so « long has been due to But what makes them Wsi u - ; ? o King ■ sdap. The disks m and retailers. It acksowlowladges diat its super!trior video quality over thatlhey are the first to support ' created on tb fuUt, alone, won’t st theae drives win play I t stop people . VHa • several different DVD recordingr« beck on virtu frm downloading muiinukforfr^ Most vidM>vii professloaals and standards. rtuaUy any DVD com- ■ Hilary Rosen, hei p u te r d rive wa well ft any stan* head of the broadcastist autioDs continue to Sony’s Dual RW driveses a re d ie ^ d D V D lu ■■ v e , l # c Racordiag lodustzy A«Aandadooof oa*Betanmmas for that-very rea- first combination drives A m r i t t M id th e «duc MQ> port the DVD-fRW, B p a ig n ia p a n o f a multifacetedm \i . M Botamax klllar a DVD^IW and DVD«R fortnati,.,f< iMtainorS .tu^qoaMQouttndanLA^jfaejdigk-^— Support nf «ll thes<■fonaata— f .M p p o c tiS p S d a t a m • -drive e Free. itattM hat only‘i)een UewlAtiMlatMtaddiM ^ Miipopu- JRV W WilplSrelBiw > • * (on.ataloagpA ^y t ] e K M d a ^ n d lets 90Vourecord fall‘Jkia th « lack of r«eo#dable i video aottrceI suchi as ' Tn?gZ?r< . . . ■ . tteleviaioa-program aii IS tsS -S V,l V.k.

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