BB: Booting Booster for Consumer Electronics with Modern OS Geunsik Lim MyungJoo Ham Software R&D Center, Samsung Electronics fgeunsik.lim,
[email protected] Abstract be seen and the channel changed within a few seconds af- Unconventional computing platforms have spread widely ter turning on: 5 s in 1974 [24] and ∼1 s in 1994 [17, 42]. and rapidly following smart phones and tablets: consumer Today, many seconds are required with modern smart TVs. electronics such as smart TVs and digital cameras. For such Such degeneration is usually incurred by the increased num- devices, fast booting is a critical requirement; waiting tens ber and complexity of software packages. Consumer elec- of seconds for a TV or a camera to boot up is not accept- tronic devices are supposed to respond quickly to users and able, unlike a PC or smart phone. Moreover, the software not always be on–e.g., TVs and cameras–booting time is platforms of these devices have become as rich as conven- a critical performance metric. For TVs, users want to see tional computing devices to provide comparable services. the picture and change channels immediately. With digital As a result, the booting procedure to start every required cameras, users want to take photographs immediately; oth- OS service, hardware component, and application, the quan- erwise, users may miss the scene. We describe in this work a tity of which is ever increasing, may take unbearable time significant reduction in the booting time of recent smart TVs for most consumers. To accelerate booting, this paper in- running the Linux-based Tizen OS [61].