..puget sound PS TRAIL UNIVERSITY OF PUGET SOUND TACOMA WA. 98416 MARCH 22, 1974 'Caciquismo' and pistols: Esperanza Gurza discusses effect of Mexican Revolution on art conditions that would make class preserves and practices a by Ron Cunningham possible the formation of a European art qualified by the Esperanza Gurza About the famous site of Mexico genuine Mexican nationality," pre-Hispanic of Indian. The The origin and grandeur of its walls... Gurza concluded. so-called aristocratic class claims Thine was the stated wish that I should A million lives later, what had its art to be pure dral A portrait of the grandeur and the the revolution achieved? European ... Mexico does not might The standard of living rose, not produce legitimate works of art Jame! says Watergate Of Mexico, whose face thou never saw. just in the upper classes but for as yet, because to be legitimate (de Balbuena, 1604) everyone. The monopolies lost it should first be its own, a thier hold and an age of believed national art that would coverage will continue The art of Mexico and its egalitaranism was ushered in. mirror—intensified and Editor's note: In last week's Republicans are worrying that dependence upon the Mexican Land redistribution was beautified—the pleasures, advance article on Tom Jarriel, it he may be an elections liability Revolution was Esperanza accomplished with 30 million sufferings, life, and soul of the was stated that James Meredith, to them in 1976. Gurza's topic at the meeting of hectares of land being divided people.' " whom Jarriel was covering, was Nixon has been trying to be the Daedalus Society last among 2 million heads of The novels of the Mexican "shot to death on the highway President and handle his own Monday evening. families. A revolutionary labor revolution, those written outside Memphis." The article Watergate defense at the same "Was the revolution necessary code was introduced. Foreign between 1915 and 1962, sought should have read: "almost shot time, Janiel said. Physically, to implement the conditions investment was restricted. A to develop a profound vision of to death, etc." these two heavy responsibilities now characterizing Mexico, a strong national banking system the Mexican Experience, have had a visible effect on the nationalistic self-determinacy was established. And a general' according to Joseph Sommers, The American public may be man. and improved conditions for the trend towards economic growth one of Gurza's sources, in order fed up with Watergate in the The entire Nixon defense, laboring class and their was initiated. to institute a change for the news, ABC White House Jarriel remarked, has been a subsequent effect on the art people. correspondent Tom Jarriel said styles, or would these conditions The novels, however, in series of choices between bad RENAISSANCE here Monday night, but "it is and worse alternatives. It was a have come about of their own contrast to the paintings, with us" and will continue to be showed disappointment over the bad option to surrender for accord?" was the question to Social achievements saw the covered by news organizations revolution's inability to reflect inspection tapes which had been which Gurza addressed herself. emancipation of the Indian, a until some kind of conclusion is The revolution started in changing conditions. tampered with, but it was a bill of rights and a promotion of reached. worse option not to surrender 1910 and the revolutionary education (20 per cent of the "The revolutionary family," Jarriel said he thought the family is still in control. During Gurza pointed out, "having been them. It was a bad option to fire national budget goes to President will be impeached. He special prosecutor Archibald this time there have been periods education). There was a cultural successful in its revolution, also said he did not believe a of violence, consolidation and understands the dynamics of Cox, but since he was getting renaissance aided by the conviction of too close to a sensitive area, it now, industrialization. The government through grants to revolution and therefore stifle would be any more devastating revolution was a product of any consequent revolution was a worse option to keep him. artists and others involved in to the country than was the Now Nixon is faced with yet political, social and economic cultural research. before it occurs." resignation of Spiro Agnew. pressures. another difficult decision. "Finally, the revolution Americans, he said, have an Should he surrender the The period immediately ONLY A SWAMP provided a Mexican sense of as-yet unhindered ability, to pull additional tapes and other preceding the revolution is hoped to find a meadow at national achievement and a "I through national crises; their evidence requested of him, or known as the Porfiriato, named Mexican consciousness of the end of the road, I found a resilience, Jarriel felt, would should he remain silent and risk after Porfirio Diaz who ruled all national character," Gurza said. swamp," Mariano Azuela states withstand the process of impeachment over his silence? but four years between 1876 The political revolution in his book, The Underdogs. impeachment and possible and 1911. Hence the first reason reduced the presidential term to But would Mexico exist as conviction. THE PRESS CORPS for revolution—"Diaz and one year only. now without the revolution? Jarriel criticized the "dual Diaz-potism," explained Gurza. "The president can do just There is perhaps a hint in Martin climate" in Washington, created In defense of the White "The other political reason for about anything, but he can't get Louis Guzman's The Eagle and by the President's conscious House press corps, which failed revolution was the system of elected more than once," Gurza the Serpent: "This man effort to act as if nothing is out to uncover the Watergate story, "Caciquismo" or bossism; thus stressed. "In fact the president wouldn't exist if his pistol did't of the ordinary and that business Jarriel protested that covering the revolutionary slogan has so much power it's amazing exist ... It isn't merely an in the White House goes on what the White is saying and "effective suffrage, no it hasn't been abused more than instrument of action with him; much as usual. doing on a day to day basis is reelection" [for Diaz]. it has." it's a fundamental part of his In fact, Jarriel pointed out, more than a full-time job. One person in the audience being." this is not at all the case. The For network television, he MORE SLOGANS responded that it might have The next Daedalus Society Watergate affair has very much explained, "investigative been a good idea to have limited will feature Dr. Pramod Gadre taken its toll on the reporting is not a very Social causes of the our President to one term. on either April 22 or 23. President—politically and productive business.' Contact Florence Sandler, revolution stemmed from the The political revolution in personally. No one believes the However, he called for more absence of civil rights and Mexico also created a party professor of English, for further President anymore, Jarriel of this type of in-depth guarantees, the repression of the system, chiefly the party of the details. indicated, and his fellow reporting on the part of lower classes, the presence and revolutionary family. television news. There should be support of foreign domination, The revolution created a drive less reporting of the mundane," the aesthetic attachment to towards indigenous art forms, he said, and more concentration Europe with the corresponding and the forms which had been LinfieW College installs on special, in-depth news degradation of indigenous suppressed in favor of the reports. cultural forms, and finally the European style since the Spanish He said those who recently dependence of the ruling class conquest. have done outstanding pieces of upon European immigration as In murals, "the Indian condom vending machines journalism—notably the a prerequisite to Mexican element became the symbol of As progressive as it may restrooms if they wish, and the Washington Post team which progress. national integrity; the mural sound, the student government associated student body is uncovered Watergate—have "The slogan calling for social renaissance leaned lovingly upon at Linfield College in Oregon has instructed to ask the college raised the morale of newspeople evolution," Gurza stated, "Is 'I Indianism," Gurza said. "The just voted to install condom bookstore to carry a full line of all over the country. The media, am pure-outright-Mexican.'" group of muralists poured vending machines in the public condoms and feminine foam he said, are winning back the Economic causes of the whatever human meanings were restrooms on campus. contraceptives "on the shelf" credibility with the reading and revolution found their roots in dominant at the social and available to students. viewing public, and news The measure was passed 17-5 the "Hacienda system, with its moment . . . Aesthetics spilled A proponent of the bill coverage is continuously getting by the Student Senate of the absentee ownership, the over into the field of sociology explained that Oregon has had better. associated students. The servitude of peonage, since art alone could be trusted an epidemic in veneral diseases He said he did not think a machines, a Linews (the campus monopolization of national to perform certain urgent tasks. and that there was definitely a White House smear on the press newspaper) article reported, will "Manuel Gamio said: need for easily accessible would work now that the tables resources by small groups of probably be installed by the end 'Divergent points of view in contraceptives at Linfield. • have turned. nationals and foreigners, poor of spring break, working conditions of factory aesthetic matters contribute The machines are to be Jarriel was the third speaker laborers, and an economic policy substantially to the pulling apart Other provisions of the installed in Riley Student Center at UPS this year to address the concerned only with serving an of Mexico's social classes. The Student Senate bill state that because the Associated Students subject of press freedoms and insignificant national minority Indian preserves and practices dorms may place condom of Linfield College (ASLC) hold the Constitution, a lecture series and, above all, foreign pre-Hispanic art. The middle vending machines in their the lease on Riley and the sponsored by the Associated interests—the slogan 'Mexico for machines could thus be put in Students of the University of the Mexicans,' " Gurza with little delay. There was fear Puget Sound. explained. that condom vending machines The final speaker, Bob So the revolution set about to New law allows coed dorm rooms in the dorms might be delayed Woodward, of the Washington parcel the power of leadership by the college. Post Watergate team, was among more men, to give the According to an item appearing in last week's edition of the Opposition to the bill was supposed to have appeared majority the right of Western Washington State College student newspaper, the 1973 State voiced by one senator who said March 5. His speaking date was self-determination, to activate Legislature "may have forced state colleges to allow men and women veneral disease at Linfield was postponed, however, because he government interest in the plight to share college dormitory rooms." not a problem, not as far as he had to remain in Washington to of the majority, to control The situation developed, the report continued, when the knew. Other senators stated that cover new developments on the foreign interests, and to educate legislature added an amendment to the law barring discrimination in their "dorm wouldn't really use" Watergate case. Artist and the populace. housing based on sex or marital status. a condom machine and that they Lectures Chairman Dennis "The general goal of the Sen. Gordon Sandison says however, that cohabitation was "would give people the wrong Nelson is still negotiating with revolution was to create not the law's intent, and the law is expected to be changed this April. impression" of Linfield. Woodward for a possible date. Fish replaces Foster's student power motif; ban urged on smoking There are currently two more or less insignificant measures before the Student Senate—one good, one not so good. The good: When Randy Foster's student power sign came down from off his desk two weeks ago, it was replaced with (of all things) a fish. Now it would be an understatement to say that the new Purdy government has been guffhawed at for its almost divine esprit de corps—a spirit some student political observers have read as high schoolish naivete, if not out-and-out fundamentalism. Be that as it may, I think the Purdy people have a lot to offer. Oh, nothing like the political sawy, the down-to-earth know-how of a smooth—very smooth—Randy Foster. No, Purdy's boys will have to rely more on honesty and goodwill to get their jobs done. I guess what I mean really, is that they will have to 'Crosscurrents' attractive be more like President Ph ibbs—sort of pure. In this light it is rather significant, I think, that the first major act proposed by a new ASUPS officer—in but is it this case Dave Campbell—would be to try to ban proper? smoking in the Great Hall. That's right—next week the In the relentless pursuit of the beaux arts I found testimony that I might have ever been with one Jeannie Student Senate will vote on whether or not to ban myself examining an attractively bound Raw, hostess at the disreputable and 'unspeakable smoking during meals in the SUB. book—attractive, I admit, for I am not of the mind that Layfranko Bar and Grill. Thirdly, there is no evidence of Not that it matters. After all, if the authorities rejects a whole for a grievance with a part—entitled such quality as would bear cross-examination that I ever cannot keep dogs and streakers off campus, what's to Crosscurrents, which I purchased. Indeed there is some purchased a suit of armor or that my favorite suit of make us believe that anyone could actually stop those meretricious writing therein but I must complain, nay, chain mail ever leaves my overnight suitcase, that it is of foul cigarettes from being lit up? must publicly disclaim the story entitled The Arming of any value save that of a security blanket, and that my Still, I have to admire Campbell for at least Ginerva and make suit for no insignificant redress. lackey, Pimento, carries my keys. recognizing that a problem exists and for trying to solve It happens that the malicious parody of a delicate Although my relationship with Griselda has been it. If nothing else, we should be able to raise the and private matter contained in said story quite likely straitened by this lewd piece of writing and checks consciousness of smokers so that they will be aware of falls, if my attorney be of sound judgment, in the bounce fruitlessly at (my anxiety has cut short the old the discomfort they cause many non-smokers. Perhaps I category of slander. savoir-faire) my favorite Bar and Grill, I am confident am being condescending—but I would whole-heartedly It happens that I never lodged in Florence, for to that a court action will swiftly rectify this impudence support such a measure. It is about time smokers learned have done so would have been to allocate an indiscrete and restore my former public esteem. this is a free country for non-smokers, too. sum from the company's profits; hence the setting the The not-so-good: narrator chooses for his piece is patently fraudulent. The second insignificant senate matter is Secondly, I have never been unfaithful to my beloved Your servant, Griselda and potentially a bit more dangerous, If some senators get I have, never heard of any reputable witness' Renaldo Poxmire their way next week, former Business Vice President Steve Mills could be sued for the loss of several ASUPS-owned refrigerators for which he had official TRAIL editor criticized for attack on Cousens responsibility. After having read the March 15th edition of the go by?" In fact, his readers even got an immediate I am not condoning the lax business practices of TRAIL, it is of my opinion that the "issue" never has rebuttal to Professor Gurza's letter, as we are reminded our former vice president, and if the refrigerators were been the "accusors refusing to face the issues," but that her "irrational thinking" has characterized the lost because of these practices, I can see where it might rather in the editor refusing to descend from his "pious" two-week controversy. Whose "irrational thinking?" be justifiable to sue for their value. (if I may borrow Dr. Cousens' description, "in good This debate over the Goya letter is a prime But there is a general policy factor which, to my faith") platform of self-inflicted journalistic grandeur. example of what I consider to be a more significant knowledge, has been considered by no one. It is simply Apparently we should fall to our knees because our dear problem—the editor's continued pseudo-sensationalism that the Student Senate (or its Finance Committee) has editor "was dragged into a compromised position" of and poor journalistic taste. Granted, everyone needs a never set down any policy guidelines with respect to the being "influenced by individuals whose enthusiasm release. However, I am really weary of s3eing the TRAIL handling of finances by employees of the ASUPS. What outran their good judgment." You've got to be kidding! used as a stirring grounds for unnecessary and harmful happens, for example, if the campus paper is utterly Then, I suppose it was Mr. Smith's enthusiasm for controversy by an obviously frustrated and self-righteous unable to meet its income commitments? Should the personally attacking Dr. Cousens in the TRAIL that "scholar." I cannot help but feel that when Alan Smith editor be personally sued for not meeting the ASUPS' obscured his good judgment. And, I don't suppose it retires from the hollow halls of UPS, he will be financial expectations—even when advertisers are simply ever occurred to him that Dr. Cousens, along with other remembered by comic and satiric impersonation. not buying on the ad market in a particular year? Of faculty members, felt indeed compromised, and perhaps Where's Lord Byron when we need him? course the editor is responsible, but is it right to hire him even a bit sorry that they attempted to savor a taste for on with such a noose around his neck? foreign languages at UPS. And, doesn't it seem a bit Laurie Hendrickson This is, of course, only one possible example. The strange that the editor is exceedingly anxious to "let it point is that there exist no standardized guidelines to which the senate may refer when it has questions about financial management and responsibility. To make up puget sound the rules as the senate goes along, thus meeting only the Cousens' role clarified requirements of specific cases, smacks to me of a far more serious kind of fiscal mismanagement and Throughout the controversy about the so-called irresponsibility. TRAIL, Goya letter, it must be said that the relationship If the senate is genuinely concerned about ASUPS Editor—Alan Smith between the TRAIL and Dr. Francis Cousens has been Assistant Editor—Ron Cunningham finances—and as the keeper of the purse, it should be—it cordial and warm. Despite the personal epithets we have should direct its Finance Committee or another Business Manager—Wes Jordan thrown at each other in print, I feel it is important to Advertising Manager—Jerry McLaughlin appropriate body to consider these larger issues. point out that in private we have kept up a continuing DE PA R TMENTS: E D ITO RIAL/NEWS—Seri Wilpone and honest dialogue about this whole affair. (Senior Staff Writer), Kathy Hemerick, Pat Dougherty, Alan Smith believe that my editorial of last week, however, Karen H u f f m a n, Marcy Christiansen. I ENTERTAINMENT—Terri Roche (Editor), John Black. was worded in such a way as to cast Cousens in an unfair SPORTS—Dann Tillinghast (Editor), John Boggs, Jim Balich, Gary White. PHOTOGRAPHY—Eric Spurrell, Bob Finney. light and I wish to correct that implication now. SECRETARIAL—Elizabeth Tokach. Cousens' name was mentioned at the beginning of the PRODUCTION: Nancy Gudger (Manager), Seri Wilpone, Karen Huffman, Carla Hall, Becky Turner, Lora Reed, A Column's Inch editorial and in subsequent paragraphs, but was in no Karen Barnes, Marilyn Summey. BUSINESS: Carla Hall, sense to be connected with the charges I made about Dawn Stickler. Published by the ASUPS Student Board of how others had treated Dr. Charles Frank. At no time by Alan Smith Communications for the students of the University of Puget during this affair did Cousens stoop to personal or Sound each Friday, except during the scheduled vacation and examination weeks of the regular university year. Submitted to Tamanawas as a narrative for a professional slander against Frank. To my knowledge, Brooks Hull, chairman; Randy Foster, president. yearbook picture of Phi Delta Theta: Cousens was the only person besides myself to actually R m. 2 1 4, Student Union Building, Tacoma, Washington 98416. Entered for bulk mailing at Tacoma, "The manifestation of the universe as a complex confront Frank in an open manner. Cousens was also Washington. Composed by student staff and printed at idea unto itself as opposed to being in or outside the Grange Printing in Seattle. Mail subscriptions $5 per yea,'; among the first to decide to let the whole affair drop. Canada, Mexico, $5; other foreign, $6.75; airmail in IJ.S., true Being of itself is inherently a conceptual $9.50. Represented for national advertising by Natiooal nothingness or Nothingness in relation to any abstract I wrote the editorial in defense of Frank against Educational Advertising Service, 360 Lexington Ave.. New form of existing or to exist or having existed in those who, in my judgment, had further contributed to York, N.Y. 10017. Advertising material prt:sented herein does not perpetuity and not subject to laws of physicality or the unwarranted bad feeling towards him. Aecessard'y imply endorsement by this newspaper. motion or ideas relating to non-matter or the lack of Opinions expressed lier ,!in are not necessarily those of toe University ef Puge• Sound. objective Being or subjective otherness." Alan Smith

TWO PUGET SOUND TRAIL FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1974 The critic criticized: Film raises doubt about Kennedy's assassination of time. Following the assassination, in simulated "To John. Black—chic movie critic for the UPS the nature of his death is a substantial waste of time. I circumstances and with an accurate rifle, an FBI TRAIL... would disagree. In one of the key lines of "Executive marksman could not get off the shots in the allotted Action," Robert Ryan said that "the American people time—when he did, the shots were very inaccurate; John I would like to take issue with your anemic will believe what they are told to believe. They will Kennedy's autopsy findi_ngs have been locked up until I response to the film "Executive Action" (TRAIL, Feb. stand for what they are told to stand for." In this way the year 2039. If permitted to be released, they could believe you can explain Richard Nixon's rise to power 15). True, it has several faults which you no doubt saw: shed valuable light as to proving or disproving whether not long ago. The majority of Americans, free thinking the careless switches from color to black and white the shots were fired from the front or the rear. The yet unthinking, actually believed that he was a morally blocked one's feel for historical authenticity; the theory doctors who attended to President Kennedy say that one sound man, believed he had the interests of the seems a bit too contrived in places and to many, it or two came from the front. The Warren Commission individual and of the nation deeply imbedded in his represents an obnoxious threat to a taught conception of says the rear. The autopsy findings, somewhat similar to heart. In the 1960's we were told that Lee Harvey a particular reality—namely the assassination of John F. our current tape troubles, will not be allowed to be seen Oswald killed John F. Kennedy. Perhaps he did. But Kennedy. Nevertheless, the film has an overall thrust by anyone who was alive in 1963. If Oswald did kill the there's a great deal to substantiate the fact that he didn't which seems to have passed you by. President, he had enormously higher odds of doing so if there is a great deal to substantiate the fact that even Was John Kennedy's murder the result of a he fired as the motorcade approached his alleged then, we were being lied to. conspiracy? If it was, then it would seem apparent that position. He is said to have fired under far riskier This is why I find a great deal more significance in the exhaustive Warren Report, which put forth the lone circumstances as the President moved away from "Executive Action" than warrants a cheap, insensitive assassin, single-gun theory, would be a cover-up of that him—his vision partially blocked by a tree. review in the TRAIL. If the Kennedy assassination was fact. For certainly such an important and extensive These facts obviously don't prove a conspiracy planned and the Warren Commisssion a deliberate refusal undertaking would be unafraid to expose whatever it threat. The truth of the matter is that there are literally or reluctance to look at plain facts, then there is yet had to expose in its search for truth. hundreds of similar facts which demand closer another reason for all of us . to subject our basic An attempt on my part to illustrate the investigation. Not only do these obvious inconsistencies institutions to intense scrutiny. We may well find that consistency and patterns of faults on the part of the repeatedly turn up concerning the actual assassination, the foundations upon which our system functions are Warren Commission (featuring ) and an but they also do so concerning the lives of many of not functioning properly. If they are functioning at all, attempt on my part to show the justifications and those involved and also concerning the immediate and then there is a high probabilty that they are doing so necessity of some sort of conspiracy theory would take long range aftermaths of the assassination. It is not as if with limited interests in mind. up infinitely more space than I am allowed here. the backers of the conspiracy theories are involving "Executive Action" may be wrong in its However, let me say that the Warren Commission is themselves to make a few dollars. There is in actuality a interpretation of November 1963. But its interpretation consistent in its mis-representations of evidence and it is great deal of evidence that suggests conclusions vastly' is partly based on fact. It is a film which dares to refute. consistent in its ignorance of undeniably important different from those of the Commission. Those who As entertainment it has faults. But surely these faults evidence. That is not opinion but fact, which anyone can insist on a conspiracy have merely dug up suppressed can be transcended when we keep in mind the film's discover if he investigates the matter. Some other evidence and have defied convention in expressing what higher objective. Entertainment is geared toward established facts that might be of interest: Lee Oswald, they have seen. pleasure. Truth will inevitably irritate and annoy. an average rifleman in the Marine Corps many years I can hear some of you thinking thoughts to the prior to 1963, supposedly killed John Kennedy with a effect that John Kennedy was murdered more than 10 Don Lee notoriously bad rifle in a very short and unlikely period years ago and that seemingly endless debate concerning Vienna ASUPS STUDENT CODE (final installment) Editor's note: This is the third and final installment of the Student Code as 5H.1. After all witnesses have been heard and cross-examined and approved by the University of Puget Sound Board of Trustees other evidence received, the parties to the hearing shall be earlier this year. Get your complete Conduct Code set of March 1, allowed a reasonable time for summary. The Chairman will then recess the hearing and the members of the agency shall March 8 and today's TRAIL! Trade with your friends! You'll be meet privately to determine the innocence or guilt of the surprised how much fun it is to collect these code procedures. accused. (Printed, reluctantly, as a required public service 5H.2. If the agency determines that the accused has violated the announcement.) rules or regulations it then must determine what punishment is to be imposed. The staff of the Vice President is available to assist any student in 5H.3. Three-fourths of the members of an agency must be present .the collection of data, and in the preparation of a presentation to to constitute a quorum. any judicial organization. 5H.4. In order for an agency to reach a decision a majority of the members present must concur. For the Student Court to Notice reach a decision on a matter of Serious Student Misconduct a quorum must be present and at least two-thirds must vote Notice shall be given to the student stating when and where to to affirm. If any committee member refuses to vote, the appear for a hearing. The notice of the hearing shall be given as soon quorum will remain constituted and such refusal shall not as reasonably possible after the infraction occurs. In addition, the prevent the remaining voting members from voting. notice must contain the name of the agency before which the 5H.5. The hearings should then be reconvened and the accused hearing is to be held, a list of witnesses to the incident, a statement notified of the decision of the agency and any rights of of the violation and the circumstances, and any other pertinent appeal. information. The notice shall contain information about the option 5H.6. It is the right of any student or any members of a group of withdrawal or suspension, if applicable. coming before an agency to ask for disqualification of any member of that agency on grounds that a prejudicial opinion Opportunity to Prepare on the part of a member or members might well preclude a fair judgment. The length of time between notice and hearing is to be sufficient to 5H.7. In case of a challenge or challenges, the aforementioned allow the student to prepare to meet the charges against him. The body will judge on the qualification of member or members accused may request a hearing change with cause. The Court shall challenged, a simple majority of those not challenged being rule on such requests. required to exclude the challenged member or members. Members of the Court who are disqualified will be replaced

50. An Orderly Hearing - from the list of alternates by the chairman of the Court. 5H.8. When the hearing involves "student misconduct" it is the 5G.1. The hearing is to be conducted by the Chairman. The responsibility of the student chairman of the agency to members of the agency may question witnesses. complete the "Statement of Findings" form and to see that copies thereof are distributed to the student and the office 5G.2. The student may have an advisor present. of the Vice President. There shall be an automatic stay of 50.3. The agency will conduct its hearing in accordance with the action until the aforementioned distribution is completed. Code of Procedures, copies of which will be available to all students in both the offices of the Vice President and 51. Appeal ASUPS. 5G.4. The hearings will be electronically recorded only when 51.1. The parties shall have the right to an appeal which shall be serious student misconduct, cases heard by Student Court, heard providing the following appeal procedure is are involved. In all other student misconduct hearings maintained. The appeal shall be in writing and filed with the electronic recording of the proceedings may be made at the office of the Vice President. There is no prescribed form for option of the Court. a petition for appellate review. The appellant has the 50.5. The hearings are to be conducted in private unless the responsibility for making his petition sufficiently lucid to student specifically requests in writing to the contrary allow the appellate body to understand the nature of the before the scheduled time of the hearing. If during an open petition and without hearing or oral argument to act upon it. hearing it becomes apparent to the agency that its functions 51.2. The only ground for consideration of appeal are agency are being hindered by the openness of the hearing, the action which is unreasonable, arbitrary or not supported by hearing may be closed and conducted in private. substantial evidence or the existence of newly-discovered 50.6. When individuals are collectively heard, individual decisions evidence which was unobtainable at the time of the original must be found. hearing. 5H.7. The student appearing before the agency has the right to call 51.3. A petition for appeal filed later than seven lays after the witnesses to testify in his behalf. The agency may inquire of a date shown on the "Statement of Findings" or the witness, before the witness is heard, as to the general subject "Statement of Findings and Decision of the Student Court'. matter of his testimony. If the chairman determines that the is untimely and will not be heard unless it is based on new substance of the testimony has already been presented or evidence unobtainable at the time of the original hearing. would not be relevant, the agency may refuse to hear the Time for appeal may be enlarged if a request therefore is witness. made within the seven days. Saturdays, Sundays, and 5G.8. No witness shall be allowed to attend the hearing before Holidays do not count in computing the seven days. they testify. 51.4. All appellate hearings are to be closed. 5G.9. The student and his advisor should be present during the 51.5. It is understood that the appeal is not a new hearing. It is to entire hearing except when the members of the agency are be limited to a review of the record of the original hearing deliberating. and to consider new evidence only if it is relevant and only if it was unobtainable at the time of the original hearing. 5H. Decision Process 51.6. The student is to receive a copy of the decision.

FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1974 PUGET SOUND TRAIL THREE 'Siegfried better than Watergate by Michael Curley "R ing "-cycle was first two young lovers in Act I of performed at Bayreuth in Mozart's "Cosi Fan Tutee," I Annus mirabilis 1976 will be August 1876 on the stage realized how congenial his a time for considerable specially designed for Wagner's mocking outlook appeared to be re-evaluation, if not celebration, epic music-drama extravaganza. to our own age: for most Americans. We shall Now that we can look back with "0 pazzo desire, cercar di have to ask ourselves how much, astonishment mingled with scopire/Quel mal che, trovato, if any, of the original amusement at the uproar which meschini ci a." (What a mad eighteenth-century political generally accompanied the early wish, to want to discover/The fabric has survived the mending performances of the "Ring," evil which found will make us and patchwork of offical and perhaps Wagner's great work will quite sad.) self-appointed Constitutional also be re-evaluated for its The fragile bonds of human tailors. contemporary appeal. I expect affection, says the Don, Seattle Opera is preparing that Wagner's star will rise ever are forged in the smithy of for a different kind of event in higher in the _near future, and chance, and are subject to 1976, name, a complete n o t merely because of rupture in the slightlest breeze. performance of Richard centenary fireworks. Let me Place your faith in man's ability Wagner's "Ring of the Nieblung" explain. to laugh at his own folly, and ("The Rhinegold," "The As I sat in the opera a few thereby find a calm in the eye of Valkyrie," "Siegfried," "The weeks ago listening to Don the storm. How penetrating! Twilight of the Gods"). The Alfonso's sceptical advice to the How witty! How detached! How very like us! Or should I say, how very like we used to be? Student show displays These days we appear to be recapitulating the schism of the past two centuries. Sober religious scepticism is countered wide variety of materials by Neo-Dionysian mystery cults, by Karen Huffman the nails and the subtle shaping the literature of depravity begins of the heads make for an to grow stale as the larder is Through March 26' current interesting modulating effect stocked with the sweets of student art work will be on floating over a heavy, deeply fantasy, solid commercial display at Kittredge gallery. The grained piece of wood. adventurers light votive candles most striking characteristic of Other three-dimensional to the goddess Natura. Don the show is the wide variety of works worthy of special note Alfonso has had his day. Enter materials and techniques include Myra Nakamura's Siegfried who above all wants to displayed in the works. extremely sensitive soapstone know who and what he is, and By far the most original use sculpture and porcelain pottery. what destiny has prepared for of materials is found in Margo The work done with fabric is Lorin Hollander him. If Alfonso were writing the Klein's "Nail Sculpture." The impressive in both quantity and script, Siegfried would discover variety of hues and lengths of quality. The various techniques that his father was indeed the of silkscreen, tie-dye, block ugly dwarf Mime and his mother print, and batique have been a one-eyed toad, at which point used to create wall hangings, he would curse himself for ever Pianist to play with symphony pillows, and clothing. These having wanted to know. But entries from the Winterim fabric Wagner's Siegfried discovers his Pianist Lorin Hollander will at Carnegie Hall, and will appear orchestras in this country and design class are hung creatively divine origin, forges the magical perform with the Tacoma with such symphonic ensembles Canada, and made his first joint with the texture and weight of sword Nothung, slays the dragon Symphony at the Temple as those of Pittsburgh, recital appearance with violinist the cloth in mind. Fefner, recovers the ring and Theater at 8:30 p.m., Cincinnati and Baltimore. Erick Friedman, with whom he Especially eye-catching are casque, and finally, of course, Wednesday, March 27. The In addition, he will play with has recorded for RCA. Steve Sletner's block print and shatters Wotan's spear and symphony is directed by Prof. the Tokyo String Quartet in Two summers ago Hollander batique. Found on the north awakens with a kiss the Edward Seferian. New York and Philadelphia and appeared nine times in New wall of the main gallery, they are slumbering Brunhilde in the ring Lorin Hollander, at 29, is in he performs with the Fine Arts York City with the New York delicate and airy in design. of fire. "Pazzo desire" indeed! his seventeenth season as a Quartet in several cities, Philharmonic and in the park The photos on display are Although the performances touring pianist and is including Chicago, Milwaukee system's cultural programs. He provocative in content and style. of the Seattle company's two internationally renowned and Berkeley. In November, he also was the first pianist ever to Brad Baum and Steven Davis consecutive "Ring" operas thus through appearances with will tour Europe for a month. give street concerts—in East have each used the process Kodalith far have been uneven at best, the symphony orchestras, on radio His recital engagements include Harlem and in Queens. In which eliminates tonal gradations: times appear ripe for a and television, and in recordings. performances at a score of addition, he performed during They focus in on a very stark resurgence of popular interest Last summer, Lorin colleges where he gives seminars opening week at Wolf Trap Park world reduced to black and in the epic cycle. Surely, if we Hollander appeared at as well as concerts. His first Farm for the Performing Arts white images. Mark Schlesinger's have the patience to endure the Philharmonic Hall's Mostly recital disc for Desto will be and made his Stratford (Ont.) series, "School Children—Rome, monumentally tedious marathon Mozart Festival with the gifted, released in early 1974. Festival debut. Italy," is clear, forthright and Senate Watergate hearings, we young Tokyo String Quartet and In the summer of 1972 he In 1969 Hollander gave the touching. ought to rush eagerly toward performed for one month at made his debut in Australia and first classical concert at Fillmore Of the drawings I was Wagner's "Ring," long but Rudolf Serkin's internationally New Zealand, and in the fall was East, where he introduced the particularly impressed by the beautiful as it is, where there are renowned Marlboro Festival in seen coast-to-coast during a Baldwin Electronic Concert more colorful entries. Perhaps real dragons, not moth-eaten Vermont. This season he will be ten-week period in a recital Grand. The recording is available they serve as pleasant relief from vipers, real heros, not lawyers guest artist with the revitalized series. He performed with more on Angel Records. the eternal gray coloring of chewing polysyllables, American Symphony orchestra than a score of symphony Actively involved in winter. "Mixed" by Randy Brunhilde, not Rosemary experimental education in public Moorehouse and "Untitled" by Woods. schools, Hollander gives much Dana Nunnelly in the south end Wagner, as we all know, is Couple becomes magnet time and effort to the concept, of the main gallery are two very easy to take to task. When based on his belief that figure drawings worthy of his works are not performed reopening lines of special note. flawlessly, they border on the for lonely townspeople communication with young Among the prints, Russell absurd and become self-parody. people is crucial to the future of Hanamoto's etching and Seattle Opera is learning, at fits by John Black tradition of John Wayne's award the arts. Recently, one such aquatint "Conception" shows a and starts, what it takes "to do for "True Grit"). session appeared on a NET-TV special sensitivity to the medium the Ring" well. The kinks This weekend's campus flick, The supporting players lend Special, "Up Against the Wall," and a creative sense of design. promise to be ironed out by the "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter" much dignity to the proceedings. taped in a North Philadelphia Another strong work is centenary. Unquestionably, the is a 1968 American drama based Stacy Keach ("Fat City," "The ghetto school. "Composition IX" an acrylic public wll be more than ready on the 1920 novel by Carson New Centurions") and Cicely There will be an informal painting by Rob Blacker. Here by 1976 to be reassured that McCullers. Many who love the Tyson ("Sounder," "The chat with Lorin Hollander on again the inherent qualities of there is nobility in the enduring book feel that the film version is Autobiography of Miss Jane the materials have been human struggle to achieve great a poor adaptation. But the film, Pittman") are convincing as the day of the concert in the Music building at 11 a.m. creatively exploited. virtue. as a product of the cinema, is a other inhabitants of the town. genuine work of subtle beauty. Chuck McCann, a nightclub The story unfolds in a comic, gives a standout pre-war Southern town. It performance as the deaf-mute's focuses primarily on two overweight companion. characters, a maturing teenage Filmed in Alabama, "The female and a deaf-mute bachelor Heart is a Lonely Hunter" is a who becomes a magnet for the film which delicately town's lonely people. The film's interweaves human emotions. stress is on the developing Some feel it is a bit soapy, while relationships among the various others see that the portrayal of characters. the deaf-mute is actually "The Heart is a Lonely restrained. The film never Hunter" features many excellent exploits his plight; it only acting performances. Alan Arkin presents it as matter-of-fact. (the star of "The Russians are Though a bit depressing, Coming, The Russians are "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter" Coming," "Wait Until Dark," is also optimistic about the "Catch-22" and "Popi") was importance of caring. Oscar-nominated as best actor On Tuesday, March 26, for his wordless, captivating Campus Films will present portrayal of the deaf-mute. He Ingmar Bergman's 1968 Swedish narrowly lost to a deserving Cliff effort "Hour of the Wolf." It Robertson for "Charly." will play at 7 and 9 p.m. in Also a standout is Sondra Mc006. Locke, who enacts the young "Hour of the Wolf" depicts woman with much sensitivity. madness and demonism. It Locke was nominated as best describes a married couple on an supporting actress, but lost to an island (a recurring Bergman undeserving Ruth Gordon for image). But it is a study of a "Rosemary's Baby" (yet another horrifying sort of death—the example of Oscar placing disintegration of the spirit while favoritism above art, in the great the body continues to exist.

FOUR PUGET SOUND TRAIL FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1974 UPS hosts Model United Nations UPSNB—Nearly 200 was guest speaker G.V. Subba professor of political science at students from Northwest Rao. Rao, chief of the energy UPS, was adviser to the UPS colleges and universities section of the U.N. Economic delegation. Familiar with U.N. converged at the Sea-Tac Hyatt and Social Affairs Department activity, he has served as adviser House March 15 and 16 for the for the past five years, is a to the Syrian delegation to the Northern Regional Model United recognized development U.N., and later as research Nations Conference, hosted by economist with specialization in coordinator for the U.N. Relief the University of Puget Sound. energy economics. He spoke at and Work Agency in Bierut. Northwest schools Friday's conference on "The Use UPS students in major respresenting major countries of World Energy Resources"; M.U.N. roles were Randy Foster, included UPS, U.S.A.; earlier in the day on the UPS secretary general; Debra Whitworth College, USSR; campus he discussed "Energy Skhulstad, assistant secretary Oregon State University, China Resources and the Problems of general; Khaled Alsudairi, and United Kingdom; Pacific Development." president, General Assembly; Lutheran University, France: Introductions during the Kathy Hemerick, chef de Seattle University, Guinea; two-day conference were made cabinet; Dave Campbell, Seattle Community College, by President Philip Phibbs. director, Regional Institute; Lois Kenya; and Washington State The M.U.N., which stresses Segal, public information University, Indonesia. Other the role of the U.N. in officer; and Mike Cooper, colleges participating were international diplomacy, had on permanent representative of Eastern Washington College, its agenda topics including U.N. U.S.A. Henry VIII (Donald Kelm) talks things out with his fourth Green River Community presence in Cyprus, admission of The Northern Regional College, Portland State wife, Anne of Cleves (Roberta Blair). The Inside Theatre's Bangladesh, international Conference serves as a prepatory University, Bellevue Community terrorism and the Panama Canal for the Far West M.U.N. production of "Royal Gambit" opens tonight. Curtain time College and Clark College. dispute. Conference set for April in is 8 p.m. Highlighting the 24th session Dr. John Jandali, associate Portland. Musser's symphonic Band performs concert tonight by Marilyn Rehfeld Moving up in time a little, the band will perform two marches. The UPS Symphonic Band, "Bombasto" by O.R. Farrar, is a under the direction of Professor march in the style of John Philip Robert Musser, will give a Sousa, while "H.R.H. The Duke concert tonight at 8:15 in of Cambridge" is a British march Kilworth Chapel. The band, written on the occasion of the which has just returned from a centenary of the Royal Military tour of Northwestern School of Music, Kneller Hall. Washington and Victoria, B.C., Finally, the band will will perform works spanning perform two works from the from the Baroque era to the 20th century, Aaron Copeland's 20th century. "El Salon Mexico" and Leonard Bach's famous "Passacaglia & Bernstein's "Three Dance Fugue in C minor," most Episdoes" from 'On the Town,'" frequently heard performed on the organ, has been transcribed "El Salon Mexico," based on for the band by Nicholas Mexican melodies and rhythms Falcone, and the arrangement was inspired by C,opeland's incorporates the instruments to many trips south of the border reproduce the sounds one might during World War II when travel hear from a pipe organ. in Europe was impossible. From the Classical Period, "Three Dance Episodes" are there is the Mozart "Serenade expressions of Bernstein's feeling No. 12 in C minor for Winds." for the urban scene, and capture Written in the 18th century, "the hectic quality, the lonely when strolling bands and evening quality, and athletic quality" music were a way of life, the which the composer regards as serenade was composed for wind constituting the special character octet. of American music. Housing pre-registration

Housing pre-registration for to do so, you may not register Fall 1974 will be held in the until Friday, April 19. Housing Office (Howarth 108) The housing card that you between the hours of 9 a.m. and will receive in the mail the first 4 p.m. from Tuesday, April 16 week of April must be validated through Friday, April 19, for all by the cashier's office. Pay your students presently living in $50 housing deposit to the university-owned housing. cashier and have your card Registration will be validated before your conducted on class standing. All registration day. Bring this card students holding the class with you when you register. standing of senior in September Those students presently 1974 must register on Tuesday, living off campus, in April 16. All students holding non-university owned housing, the class standing of junior in may register during the week of September 1974 must register April 22 through April 26. Pick on Wednesday, April 17. All up a housing card in the Housing students holding the class Office, pay your $50 deposit to standing of sophomore in the cashier, and return the card September 1974 must register to housing. You will be assigned on Thursday, April 18. a room at that time. If you have Each student must register on any questions, contact Leslie his/her respective day. IT you fail Knudsen, 3317. TRAIL literary supplement needs more student typescripts If our paper supply holds up, and if our budget holds up, and if there is still time this year to pull everything together, the TRAIL will come out with a series of four special literary supplements • re .P.Mr", ... after spring break. .1.,,,,,,grut.•77.11111“111 0.0 - • f.:11/11:4.." The first supplement will include writings in the humanities ... (literature, philosophy, religion, music, art, etc.), the second will ••• _ yve feature the social sciences and behavioral sciences, and the third will - publish pieces in the natural sciences. The fourth issue will remain a surprise. Works of both faculty and students will be included, At this point, however, we have recieved almost no pieces from students. If The Blitz Export. you are a student in the humanities, social sciences or natural sciences, and have a desire to be published alongside the greats in your field, please bring you.- efforts to the TRAIL office in the SUB within the next two weeks. BLITZ-WEINHARD COMPANY, PORTLAND, OREGON If you are an artist and have artwork we can use, we will worship you.


■VIM 41741K. Armchair ••40-4t T Expert

with Dann Tillinghast

041, ' N■ Superstar wrestling A

It's almost like an old melodrama. , ‘4"k In fact that's how the advertisements are run: "See it on our channel. It's da good guys versus da bad guys! It's professional wrestling, one of the fastest growing spectator sports in America today." Argosy magazine reports that almost 40,000,000 people paid to see wrestling matches all over the country last year. According to the magazine, some promoters make as much as $200,000 annually. What makes pro wrestling so popular? Certainly, it's not the scientific angle. Anybody who's seen both collegiate and professional wrestling matches knows they're about as much alike as Nixon and Congress. A good collegiate match :4110„..trig°,41; dib7 is a battle of skill and science. A good professional match is a battle Freshman Paul Robinson (left) and Greg Bemis played exceptionally well in last weekend's of showmanship. With one important added ingredient—Blood! tournament. If there's one thing the avid wrestling fan loves to see, it is blood. The more the merrier. Sure, in the back of his mind he knows that it's probably chicken blood or tomato ketchup or something like that. But it's fun to pretend. To see the blood and the violence and Banana performance 'fantastic' the viciousness. But, and this is the important part, in the end the real fun comes from watching the villain get his comeuppance. by Dann Tillinghast commented. "It's not often that Washington State 2-0. Despite So that, in my opinion, is one of the main appeals of pro you find a freshman with such being tagged with the loss, wrestling. It's just a great way to release your tensions in a harmless "We've got an outstanding poise on the mound." Southpaw Greg Bemis turned in manner by letting your hero fight it out for you. Now I don't claim to ball team and I think our Robinson struck out six Boise a solid pitching performance. State batters on the way to be a psychologist, but it seems to me there's nothing wrong with that. performance in the tournament Bemis allowed just three hits and bore that out." That was the hurling UPS to a 9-0 victory in walked only one in his first start Before I close this piece on wrestling, some mention should reaction of Coach Jack McGee the Saturday morning contest. of the season. Mark Beem, WSU be made of the Washington brand. It's called Superstar Championship after last weekend's Banana Belt He came back later in the sophomore, handcuffed the Wrestling and the promoter is Dean Silverstone. That's not the baseball tourney. UPS finished afternoon to hand Lewis and Loggers, as no Puget Sound important part. What is important is that Superstar Wrestling, Inc., in third. Clark its only loss of the runner was able to get past first "Fantastic!" was all McGee tourney, with a 2-hit, 7-1 base. its various matches around the state, often splits part of the gate with could say after watching the decision. charitable organizations. In other words, the money goes to benefit performance of freshman lefty Steve Soike and Rob Kraft little leagues, high school groups and other organizations which need Paul Robinson. Robinson won were the hitting stars in the Engine House the money. both ends of a double header in Boise State contest. Soike batted in four runs and Kraft added a No.9 In these days when major sports figures are interested in his first collegiate pitching starts. "He [Robinson] is an pair. Nick Papini supplied the Tavern Museum money, money, and more money, it's nice to see an athletic exceptional find," McGee power in the afternoon game organization interested in people. Incidentally, Superstar with four hits in as many times 611 No. Pine Championship Wrestling may be seen on Channel 11 Saturday nights TIDBITS: up, including a 4 00-foot at 11 p.m. But be careful! Da good guys don't always wear da white homerun. UPS opened the tournament trunks. Widener finishes and the season Thursday with a * * * * * * bang, scoring five runs in the With basketball season coming to a close, the NBA is going to fourth in golf first inning on the way to a 7-4 expand again. The high priests of the league seem to think that people victory over the Idaho Vandals. will go on paying to see the type of talent displayed in games like last Glenn Widener fired a 78 to Fred Gaines went three for five lead the Logger golfers as UPS to pace the Logger batting Friday's Seattle- tilt. As if basketball weren't spread thin finished fourth in the Victoria attack. Allan Asay and Ron enough, now they want to spread it thinner. Invitational. UPS had a team Reeves added two hits apiece. New Orleans has become the eighteenth NBA club. But that score of 323, 23 strokes behind Steve Ward went the distance doesn't satisfy Walter Kennedy and his group. Faced with the age of first place Simon Fraser. Ronald and picked up the win. The Baker turned in a 79 in a Loggers were blasted by eventual odds and evens, they prefer to stay odd. A nineteenth NBA team is on supporting role for the Loggers. Champion Gonzaga 7-1, in an the way. That doesn't bother me. What does bother me is the new afternoon contest. Bicycle divisional alignments planned. BASEBALL On Friday, Curt McNeely Seattle has spent the last seven years in a division with Los tripled home a pair of runs in Dog Days Greg Bemis and either Steve the fourth inning to break open Angeles and Golden State. They take turns sharing the playoff spots. $.15 Hot Dog with 1st , Ward or Paul Robinson have a close game with Whitworth. A sort of all in the family set-up. If that isn't bad enough, the Sonics been tapped by Coach Jack UPS went on to win the game Schooner to bike riders have to compete with Milwaukee, Chicago, and Detroit for a playoff McGee to start tomorrow's 5-1. Steve Soike got the win for 3-7 P.M. This month position. Under the new alignments Seattle is in the same fix. But a home doubleheader with Oregon the Loggers. College. The first game will Later in the day, Puget Sound (park inside) new Southern Division has been create that is incredible in its begin at 1 p.m. at Burns Field was held to three hits and lost to weakness. It would consist of Phoenix, Atlanta, Houston, Kansas City, and New Orleans. All four of the present teams in the new division have worse records than the Sonics. DEVELOP AND PRINT YOUR OWN PHOTOS One of those teams would automatically make the playoffs Sound complicated? At Photo-Dark, by winning the "patsy" division. it's easy. They have complete darkroom It's not what you know, it's who you know. facilities, including all the equipment and chemicals you need. YOUTH FARES Photo-Dark teaches classes in beginning, advanced and experimental to Europe photography. Although a small fee is charged for regular classes, a special free beginner's class will be held every From Vancover fly round trip for as little as Wednesday from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. At Photo-Dark you can even rent a $399.00 to Loodoe or private studio for your own use. If you don't have a camera, you can rent one. $420.00 to Frankfvrt * PHOTO-FINISHING Been looking for a convenient place slightly higher in season to have your film processed? Photo-Dark * RENTAL DARKROOM is within close walking distance, and not only will they be glad to process your Fly AIR CANADA 747 at no extra charge * PICTURE GALLERY film, but they will also give you a 107. discount. Age 12 to 24 * RENTAL EQUIPTMENT So come on in—look around or call Stay as long as one year SK9-4711 and reserve a spot in Wednoc,lay's * DARKROOM SUPPLIES free class now Call: WOOD—GO TRAVEL INC. 9725 S. Tacoma Way Ike phowdark Telephone 584-0747 DARKROOM and STUDIO 2624 North PR( TOR

SIX PUGET SOUND TRAIL FRIDAY, MAI ?.2, 1974 Purpose of test week reaffirmed

The Faculty Senate set a to Theodore Taranovski, In other action the Faculty requirement Monday that all chairman of the Academic Senate passed a motion to create finals be held during the Standards Committee, "that an interdisciplinary major scheduled final exam hours, that final exam week is not (effective Fall 1974). The senate classes for all courses be held obseryed." added to the original proposal during finals week, and that Professors are pressured by by Dean Thomas Davis a examinations be given unless the students to give the tests early requirement that at least 12 instructors have otherwise so the student can get home units be completed prior to notified the dean. early. The problem is most graduation and after the The rule was set in order to pronounced for students who interdisciplinary major is protect students whose find themselves with only one declared. professors have held too many exam—on the last day of exams The interdisciplinary major finals during the week week. proposal was first presented to preceeding finals week. It does Now everyone is required to the Curriculum Committee in not require that exams be given. have at least some kind of class the latter part of February. The The new policy resulted from session whether it be to evaluate proposal was initiated when the report of the Academic a final test taken during the student Ann Dickman came Standards Committee which previous week, or to evaluate the before the committee to ask for made the recommendation after whole semester's work, or to permission to follow an considering the whole question take a test. This alleviates, individualized major. of final examinations and the hopefully, the problem of Dean Davis said at the time week allotted to them. students who find themselves that passing the major would "The problem is," according with too few finals to take. certainly open the door to other students to do the same, and he encouraged the committee to weigh the matter carefully. The committee charged Davis with the responsibility of Knox calls for more psychology field studies developing a proposal. The proposal he brought back to the by Seri Wilpone research as well as laboratory Knox found just the opposite reversed. committee suggested an research, and has noted some results, however, when he used Knox discovered that betters Interdisciplinary Major Dr. Robert Knox, a social discrepencies in the findings due this research paradigm in a who reached their decision as to Committee to review requests psychologist and visiting to the type of research natural setting with a real, not a which horse to bet on for majors. Such a major would scientist from the University of conducted. hypothetical, risk. individually took greater risks, as consist of courses from two or British Columbia, spoke Tuesday Laboratory findings cannot He conducted this research at indicated by the odds on each more departments or disciplines. about the need for more field always be generalized to natural the racetrack and used potential horse, than betters who chose a "The courses may not be an research in psychology. settings, he indicated. betters as subjects. One group of horse as a group. That is, in a unrelated collection of courses, He noted the apparent bias For example, during the subjects individually decided on "real life" situation, the but must be related to one for laboratory research in 19 6 0 's many studies were which horse to place a $2 bet; a individual chose longer shots, another and to some theme or psychology: only three per cent conducted dealing with choice second group of subjects fewer sure things, and took more problem that cuts across the of the studies reported in the dilemmas. Subjects were given a collectively decided on which risks than the group; departments or programs Journal of Personality and Social list of several dilemmas to horse to bet ($2 per member of But field research does not included in the major," the Psychology between 1968 and evaluate how much risk they the group). In the next race, the always contradict laboratory proposal reads. the early 1970's were field would be prepared to take in a two group conditions were research. Some of Knox's field The student must defend the research. given case. One possible work in the area of cognitive interrelatedness of the courses "I am convinced that forays dilemma: You are captain of dissonance has supported on the application for the into the field are - possible, your football team and you are Festival set laboratory work on this theory. interdisciplinary major and in a meaningful and worthwhile," playing your long-time school Knox's visit to the university senior thesis or project which Knox stated. rival. There are only a few was sponsored by the American combines in some way the "I don't advocate the minutes left in the game. If you for April 26 Psychological Association under a methods or contents of the abandonment of the choose to run one play, one you fields in question. The student Notice to all students program to bring visiting laboratory," he added. "I just are pretty sure you can will also sit for an oral (especially foreign nationals) scientists to about 50 small ask that 'social psychologists complete, you will tie your rival; examination on the paper or interested in having a booth at institutions each year. recognize there are greater however, you could choose to project and the aspects of the the 1974 UPS Annual The APA paid for Knox's alternatives to the laboratory." field which relate to it. run a more risky play, and, if International Festival: The date travel expenses and the UPS Knox gave some examples of successful, beat the other team. has already been set. The Psychology Department funded The examination of the the type of field studies that student will be done by three What do the odds have to be for displays will open at 2 p.m., his living expenses for the two have been done. The helping faculty members from the you to choose each of the two Friday, April 26 in the SUB days he was here. behavior of people in natural alternatives? lounge. Besides the Tuesday lecture, departments of the settings has been observed. The Laboratory studies indicated Another activity tentatively Knox spoke to several interdisciplinary major, chosen willingness of people to report from five professors whom the that when groups of subjects planned as part of the psychology classes about other shoplifting, to come to the aid were given these dilemmas to International Festival is a soccer work he has conducted, student has nominated, and a of an injured person in a solve collectively, they were member of the Interdisciplinary game between foreign and particularly in the area of subway, to help a woman with more likely to choose the more cognitive consistency. Major Committee. American students. car trouble have all been risky alternative than were The UPS International Club is researched in natural settings. individual subjects who organizing the festival, but Knox himself has done field considered the dilemmas. anyone else with suggestions and energy is welcome to join in. SPAR TAVERN There will be samples of SINCE 1913 Angel Iscovitch selected foreign culinary delicacies, 2121 No. 30th. Near the Top of the Ocean folk-dancing, exotic music, and the opportunity to meet the 64 for search committee foreign students from 22 Angel Iscovitch, a chemistry uphold that ideal in his teaching countries who attend UPS, plus 4 BEERS for $1.00 and philosophy double major, and department leadership, some foreign faculty. was appointed by the Student Iscovitch suggested. Contact Barb Hunter, Chickse—hrgers—Ssafood Senate Tuesday to fill the In other senate business, Alan chairperson of the International student position on the Smith, TRAIL editor, was Festival, at ext. 4125, if you Sociology Department's search appointed to fill a vacancy on want to get involved in this BEST NECTAR CHOWDER IN TOWN committee for a new department the Instructions Committee of activity. chairperson. the Board of Trustees, wheise A result of the recently responsibility it is to review the commissioned Zelan Report, the university's general educational search committee's purpose is to goals and philosophy, and to bring in a new sociology make final decisions on cases of professor to teach in the tenure, promotion and department and serve as its new non-reappointment. chairman, replacing Dr. Frank In recent years, Smith said, Peterson. the committee has dealt almost In order to avoid a partisan exclusively with the latter palm 1,5 a, hymbel, selection, members of the search responsibility. Smith said he committee may not be involved would protest the exclusion of with the Sociology Department, student members of the either as faculty members or as committee from deliberations on s4 typisstmv. students. these matters. Iscovitch, a former Rhodes Otherwise, he pointed out, he pemaitai Scholar candidate, has worked would have nothing to do. with the university Honors Lyle Gelbach, defeated O Committee and the student candidate for executive vice ot wit5J730w coavv. Aleithiea Society. president and a former student As a member of the search senator, was appointed to the iicato4tv hliush culd committee, he said he was Student Board of interested in finding a sociology Communications. Marcy teacher who has good Jefferson was also appointed. credentials, but more The board has responsibility for importantly, one who can teach the TRAIL, the yearbook, KUPS well. Candidates from good radio station and the literary eintnalt schools do not always make magazine, Crosscurrents, which good teachers, he observed. is on sale now. TM OMA \ 9) MALL "Students at this university Senators Tom Kolano, Becky have a right to come out with White, Dee Brinkhaus and Skip some kind of viable education in Strickland were appointed to the the field of sociology," Iscovitch Senate Finance Committee. maintained. Lewis E. Dibble, director of One way to see that this right financial aids, was elected for is honored is to choose the kind another term as general manager of sociology professor who will of the associated student body.


The Leif Erickson Memorial Committee of Tacoma will again LN\ N4 ■1,„ award a scholarship to a student of Scandinavian descent for the :1 1974-75 academic year. To qualify a student must: (1) have a parent Friday, March 22 or grandparent who was born in Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Norway or N4 I44 Denmark, (2) show financial need as indicated on the Parents Inside Theatre: "Royal Gambit," 8 p.m., Jones Hall Confidential Statement or the Students Confidential Statement, and Campus Flick: "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter," 6 (3) be a citizen. Students who qualify are asked to see & 8:30 p.m., Mc006 Dorothy Morris, Jones 14. Deadline for application is April 1. Symphonic Band: 8:15 p.m., Kilworth Chapel Computer Film: "This Business of Numbers," noon, Mc310 Golf: U. Victoria at Fircrest ATTENTION EDUCATION STUDENTS: Applications are Friday at Nine: piano and guitar, SUB now available for student teaching Fall Semester 1974. They must be Saturday, March 23 handed in by April 5, so pick up your application as soon as possible Inside Theatre: "Royal Gambit," 8 p.m., Jones in the Education office, Howarth 300. Hall Campus Flick: "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter," 6 & 8:30 p.m., Mc006 Baseball: Oregon College of Education, here The Women's Spring Tapping Banquet will be Thursday, Track: University of Portland at Portland March 21, at 5 p.m. in the Great Hall, during which Angel Flight, Mortar Board and Spurs will tap their new members. All UPS women Sunday, March 24 University Church: 11 a.m., Kilworth Chapel are invited to attend. Monday, March 25 Tennis: Highline at Des Moines

Program of interest to all education majors: Active Tuesday, March 26 participants in the field of education will discuss their experiences Student Senate: 5:15 p.m., Mc106 upon leaving college and the reality they found in the classroom, as Campus Flick: "Hour of the Wolf," 7 & 9 p.m., they answer the question, "If I had it to do all over again, would I?" Mc006 Genesis rock group: 8:30 p.m., Seattle Arena There will be a panel presentation, followed by open discussion. Special guests range in teaching experience from two years to Wednesday, March 27 retirement age. Tacoma Symphony Orchestra; 8:30 p.m., Temple Theatre Coffee and donuts will be served. The time is 4 p.m., March Tennis: Seattle U. at TCC 25; the place is Howarth 208. The event is sponsored by the Student Baseball: Oregon State at Corvallis Washington Education Association (SWEA). Thursday, March 28 MID-TERM Inside Theatre: "Royal Gambit," 8 p.m., Jones Hall Tickets for the Spring Luau will go on sale soon. Off-campus Friday, March 29 students with partial meal tickets may purchase tickets during March Inside Theatre: "Royal Gambit," 8 p.m., Jones 25-29 in the SUB from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. On April 1 the tickets go on Hall sale to the public. Campus Flick: "Things to Come" & "Duck Soup," Cost for the dinner and show for adults—$5.75 ($4.75 for 7 p.m., Mc006 Computer Film: "A Much Better Way," noon, students). The show alone costs $3; the dinner alone costs Mc310 $3.25/$2.75. Tennis: Fort Steilacoom at Fort Lewis The Luau is scheduled for May 11. Baseball: Don Kirsch Tournament at Portland

On March 26-29, the UPS Forensics Squad will be attending

the Northwest Province Pi Kappa Delta Convention and Tournament 40. in Burley, Idaho. 611111141%11)1M9119)119 v ivaklxv Classifieds 1 TYPING ERRORS 10 MISC FOR SALE

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THE BEST PIZZA 74 HELP WANTED Mr. Crowley's Salon Faculty member looking for CloverLeafTavern tennis partner. Call ext. 3336. 6430 6th AVE, LO 4-7788 No. Tacoma Ave. at 11th Faculty home near eampus needs babysitter 9-10:50 a.m. MA7-0397 during the spring term. Good weekly rates. Assured extra 1 income. Call 752-0372.