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,58th Year, No. 24 Friday, April 21, 1978 Contractor Chosen for Village .Construction by Andy Carter are given under the condition that an with a saving of about $50,000. The Equitable Construction Com· audit will be conducted annually, • pine wood instead of redwood, pany, which submitted Monday according to Lasnier. with a saving of $30,000. afternoon a low bid of $7,188,000, The Equitable offer come in the • different sliding doors, with a was awarded the contract for con· second round of bidding in which saving of $30,000. struction of GU's new residential three contractors competed. The first • greater area for the contractor complex, according to William Miller, round produced a low bid of to store materials and equipment, VP for Planning and Physical Plant. $7,597,000, which University of· which Miller hoped would save the Physical Plant. ficials decided was considerably over contractor $25,000. With the contract awarded, con· the budget allocation, according to Other changes included material struction "hopefully will start in late Miller. With the hope of cutting costs changes for joints, a different roof May," Miller said, "and we're shoot· and thereby encouraging lower con· design, cheaper paint, a cheaper ing for a completion date of tract bids, several design specifica· construction site fence and other September, 1979." tions were changed after receiving miscellaneous items. The changes Before construction can begin, suggestions from the contractors. were anticipated to reduce the Miller said, the U.S. Department of Miller, Director of Residence Life, project's cost by $500,000, but the Housing and Urban Development, Thomas Ritz and University Archi· low bid was only $409,000 less than which is to provide a $6.2 million tect Dean Price made the changes.
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