North-Western Journal of Zoology Vol. 6, No. 2, 2010, pp.255-261 P-ISSN: 1584-9074, E-ISSN: 1843-5629 Article No.: 061124

The genus Metaphycus Mercet (Hym.: ) of the Iranian fauna with description of a new species


Department of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research Center of Tabriz, Azarbaijan-e Sharghi, Iran. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. Eleven species of Metaphycus Mercet (Hym.: Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae) are listed for Ira- nian fauna. A new record is presented and a new species is described as M. davoodii Lotfalizadeh sp. nov. reared from hesperidum L. (Hem.: ). Illustrations and discussion of affinities of the new species with its close relatives are presented.

Key words: Metaphycus davoodii sp. nov., Encyrtidae, new species, Coccidae, , Iran.

Introduction by Zeya & Hayat (1993). Species of the Nearctic region were studied by Noyes & Hanson The Encyrtidae (Hym.: Chalcidoidea) is one of (1996). Recently, a review of European species the largest families within the Chalcidoidea (Guerrieri & Noyes 2000) has contributed to with approximately 4000 nominal species the knowledge of this genus in the Palaearctic among 483 genera classified in two subfamilies region. Species of this genus are typically pri- (Noyes 2010). Fallahzadeh and Japoshvili mary endoparasitoids that live on hemipterous (2010) listed 93 species in 32 genera of encyr- families , Coccidae, Cerococ- tids for Iranian fauna and recently Lotfalizadeh cidae, , , Keriidae, (2010) increased this list to 102 species, corrcet- Kermesidae, Pseudococcidae and ing some misidentifications and adding some () (Myartseva 1988, Noyes & Han- new records. The genus Metaphycus Mercet, son 1996, Guerrieri & Noyes 2000, Guerrieri with about 452 species worldwide, is a speciose 2006). Many species of Metaphycus have been taxon within the subfamily Encyrtidae (Noyes used effectively in biological control programs 2010). This genus has been divided into three against hemipterous pests, especially some soft species groups: alberti (with 2-segmented max- scales (such as Coccus and Saissetia) (Guerrieri illary palpi), insidious (with 3-segmented maxil- & Noyes 2000). Thoughtless use of lary palpi) and zebratus (with 4- segmented against different groups of pests overthrows maxillary palpi) (Annecke & Mynhardt 1971, the natural control of these groups of pests. Guerrieri & Noyes 2000). The first group was Considering the important role of , named hederaceus-group by Zeya & Hayat identification of these agents can be the first (1993). step in reestablishment of natural balance in The genus was studied by Trjapitzin (1975), agroecosystems. Guerrieri & Noyes (2000) Sugonjaev (1977), Myartseva (1988), Viggiani & summarized introduced Metaphycus species as Guerrieri (1988), and Trjapitzin (1989) in the classical biocontrol agents in Europe. Palaearctic region and by Compere (1940), An- Only six species of Metaphycus have been necke & Mynhardt (1971), Annecke & Myn- reported from Iran (Noyes 2010), but this re- hardt (1981) in the Afrotropical region. Review search let me add a new record and reported of the genus in Oriental region was published species in Iranian literatures (Ebrahimi 1993,

©NwjZ, Oradea, Romania, 2010 North-West J Zool, 6, 2010 Oradea, Romania 256 Lotfalizadeh, H.

Davoodi 2004, Davoodi et al. 2004a, b, Hesami trally, dorsal margin of scape white, internal et al. 2007) that have not been mentioned in the surface white in dorsal half, brown ventrally; Universal Chalcidoidea Database (Noyes 2010). proximal one-third of pedicel brown, apex A new species is also described from Iran. white; funicle white with F1-F2 mixed brown externally, clava dark brown with apex slightly paler; pronotum mostly white, neck brown and Materials and Methods a pair of small brown spots laterally; mesoscu-

All studied specimens were card mounted and a male tum, axillae and scutellum yellowish brown; and female of the newly described species were prepared notauli as mesoscutum; tegulae pale yellow in microscopic slide as discussed by Noyes (1982). Meta- with apex slightly infuscate; metanotum and phycus angustifrons Compere, 1957, as a recently recorded propodeum dorsally dark brown, propodeum species from Iran (Davoodi et al. 2003), was re-examined. However, from the re-examination and comparing of laterally pale yellowish to white; pleura and these specimens with the type material deposited in ventral parts of thorax off-white; legs white to BMNH, it appears that the is in fact a new species pale yellow, all tibiae with a pair of conspicu- to science, and it is described below. All reported species ous, dark brown rings, incomplete in mid- and of Metaphycus from Iran were listed, with comments on hind tibiae; forewing hyaline (Fig. 3), venation each species and a new record for Iranian fauna. The terminology and abbreviations of the morphological pale brown; gaster brown dorsally, off-white terms follow Guerrieri & Noyes (2000). ventrally.

Abbreviations: Head 2.65 times as broad as frontovertex; Abbreviations used in the text include: ocelli forming a strongly acute angle about 30°; EL, maximum eye length; EW, maximum eye width; F1, antenna (Fig. 2) with scape about 2.4 times as F2, etc., first funicle segment, second funicle segment, long as broad, pedicel about 1.5 times as long etc.; FV, minimum frontovertex width; FWL, maximum forewing length; FWW, maximum forewing width; HW, as broad; proportions of other antennal seg- maximum head width; HWL, maximum hindwing ments as in Fig. 2; F6 the only funicle segment length; HWW, maximum hindwing width; MS, malar with linear sensilla, clava three-segmented and space (=the shortest distance from the eye to mouth mar- slightly truncate at apex; palp formula 4-3. gin); OCL, occipital-ocellar line (=the shortest distance Relative measurements (holotype): HW 55, FV between each posterior ocellus and occipital margin); OOL, ocular-ocellar line (=the shortest distance between 17, POL 5, OOL 1, OCL 5, EL 29, EW 26, MS 17, posterior ocellus and adjacent eye margin); POL, poste- SL 25, SW 11. rior ocellar line (=the shortest distance between the pos- Metasoma with mesoscutum about 1.1 terior ocelli); SL, scape length; SW, maximum scape times as broad as long, with notaular lines vir- width. tually complete but absent posteriorly, reach- BMNH, The British Museum (Natural History), London, UK ing more than halfway; forewing about 2.5 HMIM, Hayk Mirzayans Museum, Tehran, Iran times as long as broad, reaching apex of gaster, setation and venation as in Figs 3-4. Relative measurements (holotype) (Fig. 1): FWL 93, Results and Discussion FWW 37.

Ovipositor not exerted or hardly so (Fig. 1), List of Metaphycus species in Iran about 0.2 times as long as mid tibia, relative 1. Metaphycus davoodii Lotfalizadeh, sp. nov. measurements of mid-tibia and ovipositor: 31, (Figs 1-6) 6. Female. holotype (Fig. 1) Length 1.18 mm. Male. Length about 0.8-0.9 mm. Very simi- Head pale yellowish, almost white, occiput lar to female except for structure of antenna, dark brown; scape (Fig. 2) externally white, genitalia (Fig. 6) and less conspicuous brown narrowly margined brown dorsally and ven- bands on mid and hind tibiae. Only two males

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Figures 1-7. (1) Metaphycus davoodii sp. nov., holotype, female, lateral view. (2) Female antenna. (3) Forewing. (4) Forewing venation. (5) Female ovipositor, ventral view. (6) Male genitalia, ventral view. (7) with emergence openings of M. davoodii, showing position and number of holes.

of this new species have been examined so far. other is deposited in BMNH collection, which One of them is slide-mounted (HMIM) and the is why certain measurements have not been

North-West J Zool, 6, 2010 258 Lotfalizadeh, H. possible to get. wide as of frontovertex (less than 3X in M. Variation. Very little in material was at davoodii). hand, although the female length varied from Recently, Guerrieri (2006) described Meta- 1.02 to 1.2 mm. The fore wing may be hyaline phycus stephaniae reared from Stotzia ephedrae or weakly infuscate medially. (Newstead) (Hem.: Coccidae), which he placed Material examined: Holotype. Female: in the zebratus-group. Metaphycus stephaniae dif- IRAN, Tehran, ex Coccus hesperidum L. on Ole- fers in having the scape about 3X as long as ander, summer 2003, (A. Davoodi), (HMIM). broad and F1 subquadrate, whilst in davoodii Holotype deposited in HMIM, Tehran, Iran; the scape is only about 2.5 times as long as Paratypes, same data as holotype. Paratypes broad and F1 is clearly transverse. Head 3.36X deposited in HMIM (8 females and 1 male), as wide as frontovertex in M. stephaniae, while and BMNH (2 females and 1 male). it is less than 3X in davoodii. Biology. (Fig. 7) Metaphycus davoodii is a Coccus hesperidum was reported as a host of gregarious parasitoid of brown soft scale, Coc- several Metaphycus species such as M. flavus, cus hesperidum L. (Hem.: Coccidae). The parasi- M. insidiosus, M. lounsburyi, M. luteolus, and M. toid was observed during the second half of stanleyi, which, having 3-segmented palpi, are September to mid November in Karaj. Its para- classified in the insidiosus group and can easily sitism in September was 25.4% and 43.3% on be separated from M. davoodii. Also, M. helvolus Robinia (Papilionaceae) and Morus alba L. is known from C. hesperidum, but it belongs to (Moraceae), respectively, and also in Novem- the alberti group with 2-segmented palpi. From ber 30% and 9% on Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) the zebratus group, M. anneckei is known on C. (Simaroubaceae) and Diospyros sp. (Ebnaceae), hesperidum, but this species’ head is wider (4 respectively (Davoodi 2004). times as wide as frontovertex) than that of M. Distribution. IRAN. davoodii (3 times as wide as frontovertex). Comments. Metaphycus davoodii belongs to Etymology. The species is named after the zebratus group having 4-segmented maxillary collector of specimens (A. Davoodi). palpi. This group comprised of 23 species in the West-Palaearctic (Guerrieri & Noyes 2000; 2. Metaphycus anneckei Guerrieri and Noyes, Guerrieri 2006). Using the key to European 2000 species published by Guerrieri & Noyes (2000) Guerrieri & Noyes (2000) reported this species M. davoodii sp. n. runs to couplet 53 [M. annasor from Iran. This coccid parasitoid is a cosmo- Guerrieri & Noyes, 2000, M. stagnarum Hoffer, politan species that is widely distributed in the 1954 and M. punctipes (Dalman, 1820)]. Females Afrotropical, Australian, Palaearctic, Nearctic of all these species have the scape more than and Neotropical regions (Noyes 2010). As M. 2.3 times as long as broad and legs with dark anneckei has 4-segmented maxillary palpi, it be- rings. But females of these species can be sepa- longs to the zebratus group. rated from davoodii sp. nov. by the quadrate F5 (transverse in M. davoodii), entirely dark brown 3. Metaphycus claviger (Timberlake, 1916) F1-F3 (partly dark brown in M. davoodii) and Davoodi et al. (2004) reared M. claviger from F4-F5 slightly larger than preceding segments Coccus hesperidum on apple trees in Fars Prov- (abruptly larger than preceding segments in M. ince. This host has been previously reported davoodii), entirely dark brown or black scape for M. claviger by Thompson (1954). Noyes with some white areas basally and apically (en- (2010) listed China and New Zealand as its dis- tirely white with a longitudinal, brown lateral tribution area, so its presence in Iran needs to stripe in M. davoodii), head more than 3X as be confirmed.

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4. Metaphycus flavus (Howard, 1881) 8. Metaphycus melanostomatus (Timberlake, First record of M. flavus from Iran was made by 1916) – new record Herting (1972), and then it was reported by Material examined: Markazi, Arak, v-vi.2007, Guerrieri & Noyes (2000). Noyes (2010) listed ex Coccidae on almond, (S. Golpayegani), 2 ♀♀. several hemipterous families, including Cero- Metaphycus melanostomatus occurs in the coccidae, Coccidae, Diaspididae, Eriococcidae Palearactic (Japan to Europe) and Nearctic and . It is a cosmopolitan species (only USA) regions (Noyes 2010). It attacks soft widely distributed in the Palaearctic, Oriental, scales (Coccidae). This is the first record of M. Nearctic, Neotropical and Australian regions. melanostomatus from Iran. Metaphycus Guerrieri & Noyes (2000) classified this species melanostomatus belongs to the zebratus group in the insidiosus group. (Guerrieri & Noyes 2000).

5. (Compere, 1926) 9. Metaphycus punctipes (Dalman, 1820) This species has been reported from Iran by Metaphycus punctipes was first reported from Prinsloo (1984), Trjapitzin (1989), Noyes & Ha- Iran by OILB (1971). Later, it was reared from yat (1994), and Guerrieri & Noyes (2000), and it Eulecanium coryli L. (Hem.: Coccidae) on apple is widely distributed in the Palaearctic, trees in Fars Province, Shiraz (Ebrahimi 1993). Neotropical, Australian, Afrotropical, and Ori- It is widely distributed in Europe and Japan as ental regions as parasitoid of Coccidae, Dias- a parasitoid of different families such as As- pididae and Pseudococcidae (Noyes 2010). terolecaniidae, Coccidae, Diaspididae and Based on Guerrieri & Noyes (2000) it belongs Kermesidae (Noyes, 2010). Although, Thomp- to the alberti group of Metaphycus. son (1954) reported Ips quadridens (Col.: Scoly- tidae) as a host of this species, the report needs 6. Metaphycus hodzhevanishvilii Yasnosh, 1972 to be confirmed. Metaphycus punctipes belongs Metaphycus hodzhevanishvilii is a parasitoid of to the zebratus group (Guerrieri & Noyes 2000). Stotzia ephedrae on Ephedra procera in Fars Prov- ince, Bamu (Hesami et al. 2007). This species 10. Metaphycus pulvinariae (Howard, 1881) also occurs in Georgia and Turkmenistan Davoodi et al. (2004b) reared M. pulvinariae (Trjapitzin 1989). from Didesmococcus unifasciatus (Arch.) (Hem.: Coccidae) on almond trees in Azarbaijan-e 7. Metaphycus lounsburyi (Howard, 1898) Sharghi Province. This soft scale has not been Material examined: Markazi, Arak & Mahllat, reported as host of M. pulvinariae, but species v-vi.2007, ex Coccidae on almond, (S. Gol- in the families Coccidae, Eriococcidae and payegani), 3♀♀. Pseudococcidae are known hosts. M. pulvi- Noyes & Hayat (1994) reported presence of M. nariae is distributed in the Nearctic region and lounsburyi in Iran, and I found it in our recent some parts of the Palaearctic region (Noyes collections from the central part of Iran as a 2010). parasitoid of Eulecanium tiliae (L.) (Hem.: Coc- cidae). It is a common species that is widely 11. Metaphycus zebratus (Mercet, 1917) distributed in the Afrotropical, Australian, It is widely distributed in the Palaearctic, Palaearctic, Nearctic and Neotropical regions Nearctic and Oriental regions (Noyes 2010), (Noyes 2010). Metaphycus lounsburyi has been and it was reported from Iran by OILB (1971). reared from Asterolecaniidae, Coccidae and Based on Noyes (2010), this species is known Diaspididae. It belongs to the insidiosus group. as a parasitoid of different hemipterous species

North-West J Zool, 6, 2010 260 Lotfalizadeh, H. of the families Asterolecaniidae, Coccidae, Di- Coccoidea, Coccidae). Journal of Natural History 40(13- aspididae, Eriococcidae and Pseudococcidae. 14): 863-865. Guerrieri, E., Noyes, J.S. (2000): Revision of European species Metaphycus zebratus belongs to the zebratus of genus Metaphycus Mercet (: Encyrtidae), group (Guerrieri & Noyes 2000). parasitoids of scale . Systematic Entomology 25: 147-222. Herting, B. (1972): Homoptera. A catalogue of parasites and predators of terrestrial . Section A. Host or Prey/Eneour. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Acknowledgements. I would like to thank Mrs. A. Slough, England 2: 210pp. Davoodi for providing specimens of the new species and Hesami, S., Ebrahimi, E., Ostovan, H., Shojai, M., Kamali, K., figure 7. My thanks are due especially to Dr. J.S. Noyes Moghadam, M. (2007): The first report of Metaphycus hodzhevanidhvilii Yasnosh (Hym.: Encyrtidae) from Iran. for comparing the new species with other type materials Applied Entomology and Phytopathology 75(1): 41. [in in BMNH, reading the description of the new species and Persian]. correcting it. Lotfalizadeh, H. (2010): Some new data and corrections on Iranian encyrtid (Hym.: Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae) fauna. Biharean Biologists 4(2): 173-178. Myartseva, S.N. (1988): Parasitic wasps of the genus Metaphycus Mercet from Central Asia (Hymenoptera, References Encyrtidae). Entomological Review 76(1): 148-157.

Noyes, J.S. (1982): Collecting and preserving chalcid wasps Annecke, D.P., Mynhardt, M.J. (1971): The species of the (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Journal of Natural zebratus-group of Metaphycus Mercet (Hymenoptera: History 16: 315-334. Encyrtidae) from South Africa with notes on some Noyes, J.S. (2010): Un extralimital species. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique iversal Chalcidoidea Database. The Africaines 83: 322-360. Natural History Museum, [cited 2010 January 1]. Annecke, D.P., Mynhardt, M.J. (1981): The species of the Available from: asterolecanii-group of Metaphycus Mercet (Hymenoptera: curation/projects/chalcidoids/ Encyrtidae) from South Africa with notes on some Noyes, J.S., Hayat, M. (1994): Oriental parasitoids of extralimital species. Journal of the Entomological Society the Anagyrini (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). CAB of Southern Africa 44(1): 1-68. International, Oxon, UK, 199 pp. Compere, H. (1940): The African species of Metaphycus Noyes, J.S., Hanson, P. (1996): Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Mercet. Bulletin of Entomological Research 31(1): 7-33. Chalcidoidea) of Costa Rica: the genera and species Davoodi, A. (2004): Identification and host range of soft scale associated with jumping plant-lice (Homoptera: (Hom.: Coccidae) parasitoid wasps in Tehran and some ). Bulletin of the Natural History Museum other areas of Iran [dissertation]. MSc Thesis, Tarbiat (Entomology Series) 65(2): 105-164. Modarres University, Tehran, 143 pp. [in Persian]. OILB (1971): Liste d'identification des entomophages. Davoodi, A., Talebi, A.A., Rajabi, G.R., Fathipour, Y., Xu, Z.H. Organisation Internationale de Lutte Biologique, Genève (2003): Report of Metaphycus angustifrons (Hym.: 8: 1-64. Encyrtidae) parasitoid of Coccus hesperidum (Hom.: Sugonjaev, E.S. (1977): Novy i maloizbestie vidy rodov Coccidae) from Iran. Journal of Entomological Society of Metaphycus Mercet, Mesaphycus Sugonjaev Iran 22(1): 85. [in Persian]. (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) iz primoriya, yuzhnoy Davoodi, A., Talebi, A.A., Radjabi, G.R., Fathipour, Y., sibiri i Kazakhskogo Altaya. Trudy Biologo-Pochven- Moharramipour, S. (2004a): Report of Metaphycus claviger nogo Instituta (Novaya Seriya) 46: 66-74. [in Russian]. (Hym.: Encyrtidae) from Iran. Journal of Entomological Thompson, W.R. (1954): A catalogue of the parasites and predators of insect pests. Section 2. Host parasite catalogue. Society of Iran 23 (2): 130. [in Persian]. Part 3. Hosts of the Hymenoptera (Calliceratid to Evaniid). Davoodi, A., Talebi, A.A., Radjabi, G.R., Fathipour, Y., Xu, Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Commonwealth Z.H. (2004b): The first report of Metaphycus pulvinariae Institute of Biological Control, Ottawa 258 pp. (Howard) (Hym.: Encyrtidae) from Iran. Applied Trjapitzin, V.A. (1975): Contribution to the knowledge of Entomology and Phytopathology 71(2): 31. parasitic Hymenoptera of the genus Metaphycus Mercet, Ebrahimi, E. (1993): An introduction to the six new parasitoid 1917 (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae) of the wasps for the fauna of Iran. Journal of Entomological Czechoslovakian fauna. Studia Entomologica Forestalia Society of Iran 12-13: 25. [in Persian]. 2(1): 5-17. Fallahzadeh M., Japoshvili, G. (2010): Checklist of Iranian Trjapitzin, V.A. (1978): Hymenoptera II. Chalcidoidea 7. encyrtids (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) with descrip- Encyrtidae. Opredeliteli Nasekoourkh Evropeyskoy tions of new species. Journal of Insect Sceience 10: 1-24. Chasti SSR 3: 320pp. Guerrieri, E. (2006): Description of Metaphycus stephaniae sp. Trjapitzin, V.A. (1989): Parasitic Hymenoptera of the family nov. (Hymenoptera, Chlacidoidea, Encyrtidae), a Encyrtidae of Palaearctics. Opredeliteli po Faune SSSR, parasitoid of Stotzia ephedrae (Newstead) (Hemiptera,

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Zoologicheskim Institutom Akademii Nauk SSR, Leningrad 158: 356pp. Viggiani, G., Guerrieri, E. (1988): Italian species of the genus Metaphycus Mercet (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Submitted: 03 April 2010 Bollettino del Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria / Accepted: 27 September 2010 'Filippo Silvestri', Portici 45: 113-140. Zeya, S.B., Hayat, M. (1993): A review of the Indian species of Published Online: 05 November 2010 Metaphycus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Oriental Insects 27: 185-210.

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