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And Advocate C THOLIC rll ELEGR PH" AND ADVOCATE. " INN E G E S SA R lIS UNIT AS, IN DUB I IS LIB E R T A S, IN 0 ffI NIB US GAR I l' AS." VOL. XXIX. CINCINNATI, OHIO, SATURDAY, JULY ~8} 1860. NO. 30. macy with any of the young girls of Piovela; "Clarita is already very clever," objected Itown. I ani going to return there, and shall and yet ftl lioved her for her virt ues and gentle­ Madame Loncini; "she reads and writes like a be most happy to show you tbe way if you will ness. Her only wish had been fIJI' her brother's sc hoolmaster. and I do not think it possible to allow me." Pltl :-.''l'ED .\ ND P UnLI S rIED l:VETIY SA'fUltD.H :'IIORNI:-iG BY return; and now that t.h e wish had been hap­ find her equal on the whole island." "Ybu will O'reatly obliO'e me," said Loncini, JOHN P. WALSH, pily accompli:;hed, nothing appe.ued wfll1ting "My goou mother," repl ied Theobald, gently, much surpris~d to find a ~ketcher in the wood .. to her perfect felicilY. The mOrtiing walk was "yollng men in these da.ys learn much more of Vescovato. So leading his horse by tht ,(f the Ca,lhnlic Td'![l l'aph Print in!! and Publish illfJ E stablish1n en interrllpted by the church bell, which announced than ther formerly did; consequently, the edu- bridle, he began to examine the young artist, 170 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, the nine o'clock Mass . cation of young girls should al"o be more while they conversed on different subjects. He "The Mass will shortly commence, ancl my general, in order th.Ht t~le companion of man w:s a man about twenty-five years of age, of good mOlher and I al ways attend it; I must should not be too Il1fenor to her husb,wrl, so mIddle stature, a most pleasing conntenance, go to fetch her, Will 'yo u accompany us, that she may undprstand, and even second him and of quiet and gpntl('mR.nly manners. posta ~~'e on Catholic Telegraph and Advocate Theobald ?" if necessary. Who can tell? My sister may "Mon~ieur," said be, "you are no doubt a Within IIa.. m ilt.nn U:Jllnt.y .. .. " ... ... .. .......... .................. Free "Mo., t willingly, my dear sister." said he ; be destined to malTY a Frenchman, or a Cor· stranger, and consequently know no one I'\t Yes· and both hand ill hfl!Jd, as in Lhe days of their sican brought up on the Continent, and accus· covato; you will find neither hOlel nor inn fit to Wi t- hin Ohio. p~r yc<\r .. ....... ......... ....... .. .............. .......... 13c:ts hnppy childhood, they went to seek Madame tamed to the ed ucatilJn of French women, a receil'e you. Come and stay with my father; To :myp:trtl)ftho United ~tl\teglp e rr e:.L r ................. .. .. ZCct~ Loncini. great many of wbom unite much solid and we shall consider your vi si t as a realftte" On his return from cburch, where Theobald varied learning to all the good and amiable "I imagined you alsl) to be a strano'er, first, Thao1nld j or, the Triumph of Ghulty. could not but admire the fen'or and piety of quali ties of their sex." from your accent, and above all from )"our ad- the young girl , they 1"00!nd Annunciata waiting "My nephew is right," said Annunciata; mirable talent," replied Theobald, pointing to PART rT.-CHAPTER v. for them at the open dour. "our Clarila should be ignorant of nothing that the sketch 'which the young man held in hi!' THE: P8IW~C~r.L[ FAi\"llLY. "I have bee n looking el'crywhere for you," other girls are taught, and I advi;;e her by all hand. "This country, wh ich abounds in maO'­ Althou:i'b Theobald had ridden fiFteen ~aicl she to her nt'phew, "for we have many means to profit by her brother's offer." nificent views, can boast so few people capable, leao'ues over the mos t abominable road" his affairs to settle ." "When shall we begin?" asked Clarita in of reproducing its beauties, that I am utterly at Dli~d was so agit,Lted he ['elt no im:lin ation to "I am enlirely at yout' orders," was his her usual gentle voice. R loss to imagine from what artist you can have sleep but a great want of" solitude and quiet, reply. "In a very few days, my dear sister," re- taken lessons." to collect hi, thoughts and retl.ect calmly on hi" _-\ nnunciata then led him into her room, and plied TheobalU. "I lefwe to-morrow for Bastia, "The little I know of painting flnd drawing present. position. Fol' a young man of twenty placing several files of paper before him on the and sball return as soon as possible." [ learnt in Paris," observed the sketcher, years of age, having jn'L left the benches of a table, "vVhile you wel'e absent," said she, "I "What! are you going to leave us again so smiling. college, and entirely without experience, he encie,wure,l to repLtce you as far and as well soon?" timidly inquired the young g·irl. "Then we are doubly countrymen," replied had, by no means, an easy part to play. H " as I could; but now it is for you to undertake "My absence will not be long, Clarita; I Theobald, "both by birth and education, for 1 - found himself sllddenly ca ll ed upon to fill the the managt'll1cnt of your own aff'Lirs I have have some aft',Lirs to settle at Vescovato, and also was born in Corsica, and educ,Lted on the duties of the he'ld of the f,lmily, as Annunciata g'athered all these d0~ulllents for your inspec then I shall proceed to Ba~tia, to carry out a Continent." delighted to call him; the possessor of cousider­ tion, examine them lYell, and I hope you will project that, I trust and believe, will receive the "Well, that is an additional reason to induce able property, the i nhabit,LlJ t of a country, whose be satisfied." a.pprobation of my family; it is that of uniting you to accept my. proposition, and remain our Dlanner ~ Hnd clIstoms are altogether peculiar, "My dear aunt," said Theobald, "I am per­ tlte remains of my dear mother to tbose of my guest for some time. If you also arc fond of and wbidl he had totally forgotten. To live fectly satisfi ed with your management; I rely f'ltber in the family vualt. drawing, I can show you some be:lutifltl views; among people who expe '~te d, as an act of posi­ entirely on you, and will receive no ' accounts "That is most suitable, and has my entire if you a re a sportsman, we will go throucrh tive dULY, the commission of a crime utterl y whatever; I only entreat you to continue to approbation," replied Annuneiata. woods where you will lind gllme more abund,{'nt contrary to hi s conscience, both as a Christian direct everything· as heretofore, for you are far Chlrita pressed her brother's hand in silence. Lhan in the preserves of a royal residence. I and a IllMI of honor; anu who. moreover, found more capable than I can be." and wiped away a few drops that gli;tened like hope this will tempt you" himself the sole ,lrbi tmtor of hi s sister's (lestinv, "No, no," repl ied Annunciata, "that cann ot diamouds on her eyelids. "It i;;, indeed, very difficult to resist such whom it was a qllCs tion of se ltling in life. 'J'f1 e be; we have each our part to perform. Men 'J'heobald then went out to vis it his old friends sed uctive oft!;r;;," said Theobald, who felt at­ young man rccalleu to his mind all the inl'o r­ are the natuml master>, and el'el'ylhing out of ,md acquain tanc es, and everywhere he was tracted towards l:is companion a~ by a clmrm ; mation his aunt had gil'e n him on this most the house regards them; while we women un­ treated wilb consideration and rece h'ed with "but I can remaIn but a short 'lime at Vesco· important subject, weigbing maturely the ad­ dertake the housekeeping and internal economy kindness. In se veral place's, similar offers of vato,. sufficient to t:Llk ?I-er some affairs with Yan~ages and disadvrmtages ; he tben imphred Read all these papers, I beg, that you may at e were tendered to those made by ~Ionsleur P~roncdll, wrth. whom yo~ are pro­ the Almig'htyto enl ighten him <lllJ lead him to le ,lst be familiar with the state of affail's.'· Burcica the bandit, or rathel', outlaw; he ba.b ly acquamted; bnt thiS, I trust will not de­ act for the best. To go hi m,elf to Vescov,ttl.l "Who tlien, may I,Lsk, has out these thanhd the persons cold ly, Hnd changed the pnve me of th~ pleasure of seell1g you before and judge as f,Lr as possible of the character accoll n t~ ?" asked "Theoba ld , surprised at their conversation. In' the afternoon of the followinlT my departure.' and U'ood quaLities of Fmneesco Peroncelli, and neatness, for he reme mbert'u tbat wilen he left, dily he went in to the paduock to select the most "My d,eal' sir," said .the unknown.
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