And Advocate
C THOLIC rll ELEGR PH" AND ADVOCATE. " INN E G E S SA R lIS UNIT AS, IN DUB I IS LIB E R T A S, IN 0 ffI NIB US GAR I l' AS." VOL. XXIX. CINCINNATI, OHIO, SATURDAY, JULY ~8} 1860. NO. 30. macy with any of the young girls of Piovela; "Clarita is already very clever," objected Itown. I ani going to return there, and shall and yet ftl lioved her for her virt ues and gentle Madame Loncini; "she reads and writes like a be most happy to show you tbe way if you will ness. Her only wish had been fIJI' her brother's sc hoolmaster. and I do not think it possible to allow me." Pltl :-.''l'ED .\ ND P UnLI S rIED l:VETIY SA'fUltD.H :'IIORNI:-iG BY return; and now that t.h e wish had been hap find her equal on the whole island." "Ybu will O'reatly obliO'e me," said Loncini, JOHN P. WALSH, pily accompli:;hed, nothing appe.ued wfll1ting "My goou mother," repl ied Theobald, gently, much surpris~d to find a ~ketcher in the wood .. to her perfect felicilY. The mOrtiing walk was "yollng men in these da.ys learn much more of Vescovato. So leading his horse by tht ,(f the Ca,lhnlic Td'![l l'aph Print in!! and Publish illfJ E stablish1n en interrllpted by the church bell, which announced than ther formerly did; consequently, the edu- bridle, he began to examine the young artist, 170 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, the nine o'clock Mass .
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