On the Relationship of Metaphysics to Transdisciplinarity 79
Eric L. Weislogel On the Relationship of Metaphysics to Transdisciplinarity 79 On the Relationship of Metaphysics to Transdisciplinarity Eric L. Weislogel, Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Email: eweislogel@gmail.com doi: 10.22545/2013/00040 his essay shows the parallels between meta- to. For who could possibly be \educated in every physics and transdisciplinarity, both in terms area"? It is no longer possible{if indeed it ever really Tof their aims and methods and in terms of were{to be a Renaissance person, engaged in the their place or role in academic institutions. It widest possible array of scientific, philosophical, and attempts to define metaphysics, addresses criticisms cultural pursuits. In our age of analysis and spe- of metaphysics, and indicates the necessary relation- cialization, one who posed as such could be seen as ship of metaphysics to transdisciplinary endeavors. no more than a dabbler. Perhaps only an Aristotle, who wrote on physics, logic, rhetoric, ethics, zoology, Keywords: metaphysics, philosophy, method, meteorology, poetics, politics, and so on, could make transdisciplinarity, hermeneutics, deconstruction. such a claim, but it seems far too late in the scientific and cultural evolution of humanity for us to expect another Aristotle to arrive on the scene. 1 Introduction But just exactly what did Aristotle mean by this insight that Terrence Irwin translates as being \ed- In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle recognizes that ucated in every area"? Did Aristotle mean by this \each person judges rightly what he knows, and is a that one would need to have developed \expertise" good judge about that; hence the good judge in a in every area, that (in today's terms) one would have given area is the person educated in that area." No to major in every subject, earn PhD's in every field, more succinct statement can be given as the basis in order to be the “unqualifiedly good judge"? And for our traditional disciplinary way of thinking, re- what does that latter phrase really signify? The searching, and educating.
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