I .. ··' -.. 1869 1969
ALL YNBROOK PUBLIC SCHOOL 1027 l Compiled for the Centenary I.. .. ··' -.. 1869 I' .- ~ I I 1969 ' " - 22nd FEBRUARY, 1969 It ' CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS ALLYNBROOK PUBLIC SCHOOL FEBRUARY 22, 1969 CENTENARY VOMIMITTEE AND PARENTS' & GITIZENS' ASSOCIATION !President: :MR. OOLliN 'WlElUlJS Vice-presidents: IMIR. RIEX !OLElMENTS, 'M!R. iKEimH ti'IADKlHAM Secretary: MIR.S. GORJl)I()N OI.IEM!EINTS Treasurer: IMJRJS. :RJEX OUElMlElNTS Committee Members: M!RJS. KlElTH LA'WIR.ElNOE, MR. REX OIJElMIENillS, MIR. ER.1C GRIA.NT, MiRS. AJL!IDX IB1AJNIOOOK. Teacher-ini-1Charge: 1\ilR. R.OB.ERT K. L. GOilYWIIlN IM!nister for Education: HDIN. C. B. OUTilElR, Ed., M.L.A. State !Member for Gloucester: RON. 'L. A. PUrNICH, :M.IL.A. Federal Member for !Paterson: HION. A. F~L. M.H!R. Director ,General of Education: D. J. A. V'ER/00, M.A., Dip. Ed. Director of /Primary Education: J. ISTElPIH!E:NS, B.A. Director of Education, Newcastle: E. E. GRAY, B. Ec. Inl\I)ector of Schools, !Maftland: C. lEI. J. HAJRIGIR!ElA.VES, !B.A. School Counsellor: J. JlAlN:E ALLYNEROOK !PUBLIC SCHOOL- 1968 Back Row (l. to r.): Noellne Pa.ckha.m, Sheryl Grant, Ashley Clements, Kevin Wa.lters, Gleon Gra.in,ger, Wayne Gra.inger, Barry Waltem, R. K. L. Godwin (T/ 0). Centlre (1. to r.): Alex Clements, Kathy Wells, Dianne Wells, Rose Clem ents, Janice Paclcharn, Dennis Oollison. Front, Kneeling •(1. to r.): Allan Walters, Darren Gra.tnger, Nancy Clements. 3 .. FORE!WORO THE EARLY HISTORY OF ALLYNBROOK C(Jt:MPILED BY THE SOHOOL CIDLDREN OF ALLYNBROOK THROUGH Vl~JTS TO LIVING PIONEERS, TWO PIONEF.RS' HOl\tES, CORRESPONDENCE The centenary of a school is a highlight occasion, and since IPublie WITH THE LANDS DEPAR'J.'MENT.
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