[email protected] FAX (804) 371-9797 STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION PUBLIC SERVICE TAXATION DIVISION L\tLV SEPTEMBER 2013 13 ING GEORGE COUNTY ANWi Dear Sir or Madam: We are hereby providing you with the 2013 Certified Statements of Assessed Value for the electric, gas, telecommunications, and water companies for your locality. Also enclosed is a listing of the Motor Vehicle Carrier companies that were subject to the annual Rolling Stock Tax administered by this office on their vehicles for the 2013 Tax Year. The portion of the collected tax attributable to your jurisdiction was made to your local treasurer on August 1, 2013. We hope that you will find this useful in preparing your tax bills for the public service companies. Should you have any questions, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Robert S. Tucker Director RST/dkd TYLER BUILDING, 1300EAST MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA 23219-3630 TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICE FOR THE DEAF-TDD/VOICE: (804) 371-9206 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGI IL STATE CORPORATION COMMISSI(, MOTOR VEHICLE CARRIERS A STATEMENT Showing for each Motor Vehicle Carrier the value of its Rolling Stock as of the first day of January 2013, a year 2013 extended thereon pursuant to Title 58.1, Chapter 26, Article 5, of the Code of Virgin MOTOR VEHICLE CARRIER VALUEOF -AXAT Lou ROLLING STOCK ON EACH $100 1 . Abbott Bus Lines, Inc. 8000 2,551,018.41 25.510.18 John D. Abbott, Secretary/Treasurer 1704 Granby St. Roanoke VA 24012 2.