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New Mexico Lobo, Volume 055, No 84, 5/8/1953 University of New Mexico

New Mexico Lobo, Volume 055, No 84, 5/8/1953 University of New Mexico

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1953 The aiD ly Lobo 1951 - 1960

5-8-1953 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 055, No 84, 5/8/1953 University of New Mexico

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Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 055, No 84, 5/8/1953." 55, 84 (1953). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1953/43

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1951 - 1960 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1953 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 0.: ,'e , '. o '. " o ,. .in that category throughout Colfee prices; took, theIr sJia~'pest ~'emain , . Golfers who lettel'ad in 1952 were U. Business Bureau jump upward since thelO-cents-a­ the summer, Edgelsaicl. ' More Aboul ••• Al Boyd, Jim Breen, Paul Halter, cup price was instituted.in ,1950. The overall' picture is.. not all Ted Howden, Dick .McGuire, 'and Egg priceii\ are stilI' higher ;than . 'dark, the UNM Bureau ~'esearchers' Jim Ortega. Ol'tega IS the ~mly one ReporfsFood .R;s~ last ye.ar lind can be expected to reported. . I , .. l)layingwith this year's team. .. EXIcoLoB~-- - 4 Tennis lettermen ·.for 1952 wel'e • Retail food prices in Albuquerque . , Lobo, Awards. Paul Butt, Dave Leonard,George rose with the spI'lngtime barometer Vol. LV . (Continued from page 1) Mann, Fred McCracken, Bruce ,Chant, Mona OhrisWnsen., Nancye Pieters, John Taul, and NOl'm .last month. C9ffee. • Thayer. Prof, Ralph L. Edgel, director of . Let us remind you that CoHon Week From Frederick, K. V. 516 ••• Nancy Cone, Teresa Cummms, Coach Roy Johnson lettel'ed sev­ the University Bureau of Business Adv.entur~~s Sara Curtis, Tona Lee Dabbs, en trac\l: men in 1952. They were Research, reported a rise of 0.8 per this year is, M~y I I to 16th." AFROTC Appoints",2 FinQI Trip Report Kathleen De(,!cker, Ma~'y Kay Flu­ Don Anderson, Ross Black, Rogel" cent in retail prices in' 40 chain . . . bank, Coral Johns9n, :paula Law­ CO;K, Bob Lee, Emest Sanchez, Ed and independent food outlets. U String Quartet Ends Sea$on · . J' To Try Rap{i:/s . son, Laura Lou Lovett, FJ01'8. Smith, and Wayne Tucker. Edgel said that the SU1'vey, which You can look your pr~ttiestina Maestas, Gaye Mangold, Joann is made monthly in AlbuquerlJ,ue" Jh M Will Go to Council Mathany, :Patsy Murray. ThE) distance ,from Galveston, showed the overall price index to be cotton formal or dinner dress~ With ScHubert, Mozar·t .Recital o n amas, r. In Rubber Raft Diane Pool, Muriel Pride, Ann Texas to La Guaira, Venllzuela is lower than for April of 1952 de­ , Dressy or sport blouse. , Rubincam, Helen Rogers, Mildred spite the slight jump last month. The fine arts college of the Uni.· Minor which is aiso a four-move­ Starting from the. Arroyo Hondo 1938 nautical miles. .. versity 0;£ New Mexico :is presel1t- ment number including the alIeg'ro, Ruybali, Connee Sanders, Shirley Fats and oils are. steadily in­ . tributary, two UNM students, Rod Shehan, Alice Smith, Pabicia Stew­ , You'll enjoy the ease with which you ing a chamber mitsic recital Mon- andante, minuettQ", and allegro As New 'CodetCO Garretson and Rudy Sullivan, will At 'Next Meeting ! I As of Dee, 81, 1950, there were creasing in price. Rising :J:iceprilles day night at 8 :15dn the$cience lee- moderato. .' art, Sally Stinger, Nancy Vann, 2,623 Parking meters in cities of are pushing up the index of cel'eals can care fox cotton lingerie. attempt to run 15 miles of the Box' il Helen Ward, Susan Weitzel. and ture hall on the UNM campus. The last numbe~' will be ,Mozart's ,The newly apPoirted cadet pffl- Canyon rapids of the Rio. Grande. A final report on the $500 miss­ II .the United States. and bakery products. ' The .string quartet, consisting of ,String. Quartet. K. .y, 465 in C cers took command of the" AFROTC ing from the Denver train trip will '~I Sharon Yenney. They will' make the try in the . ,I . Vigilantes Chosen . " George Fenley and Ruthabeth Con- Major. The movements are the unit it UNM Trtesday. During a be handed to the UNM Student ALL AT···' l.'ad.- Jo l\!argal'et Gor. e, violini~.ts; adagio, andante, minllett?, and Change of Command ceremony the Rio Grande Queen, a' kayak type Council at its next regular meeting Vigilantes named'include: John J boat known as a fold boat. Consist­ D. Balcomb, Richard Bryan, Syles­ ana John Randall, cellist,. will be molto allegro. . , , graduatiIig seniors tumed the reins May 12. assisted by Kll.rt Fredel'ick, vio- Fl'ederick, UNM, violinist and over to the new cadet officers who ing of wooden frame covered by The report is expected to come tel' Chumley, Kerry John Constan, canvas and rubber, the boat can pe James Ferguson, Carl Jackson, W. linist. dh'e,*or of the Quartet, said. that will serve for the school year .19(;3- from the new investigating comit­ SQUAW & FIESTA Scheduled on the program will be tlle public is invited with no charge 1954, collapsed into a relatively small tee which took over the probing M. Kimbrough, Orville McCallister, the. bartley shop-- bundle and carried by one man.' t' Michael McNevin, Bob Nelson, Ron­ compositions by Mozart and Schu- for admission.' Cadet John Manias, Jr., of Peoria, duties, from the old council investi­ r ald Propper, James Turner, James DRESSES 305 Central NW beli. The science lecture hall is diJ'ectly Illinois, replaced Cadet Colonel D. The' bottom is reinforce'!1 with gator Darrell Davidson. t~ Weber, Harry Williams, Jr., James For the thst number, the five east of the engineering builliings D. Evans as' Wing Commander. AI­ rubber to enable the boat to with­ The announcement is expected to 'I WiIliams, Bruce Wood, and Don CUSTOM: M:ADE musicians will play Mozart's String and west of Parsons hall. Parking though the Wing Commander's po~ stand the buffeting' of .jag-ged iocks. wind up the outcome of the van,. \\ Wright. Quintet K. V. 516 in G Minor con- facilities are oli University Ave., sition went to an out-of-stater, 2'1 Garretson and Sullivan are plan­ isl1ed funds-presumably including New Khatalis are: Kenneth Han­ READY MADE sisting of four movements, the ai- Tel'ace, or Ash in front of the SUB. of the other 32 top ranking posi- ning a similar run of the Colorado a statement 'from the Univel'sity I sen, John Manias, Rogel,' Boe, Don­ New Charm legro, minuetto, adagio rna non This will be the last public ap- tions went to cadets from New l'iver sometime this summer' in the auditol' who has nearly completed ald Livingston, Herb Nations, John for year around wear troppo, and the adagio allegl,'o. pearance of the chamber music. Mexico. Sixteen of this group are same craft. his' check on the Associated Stu­ for your date dresses and formals The quartet will then .play Schu- group on the campus this year, Mr. • froin Albuquerque. dents hooks. A. Farris, Camel:on McKenzie, Wil- Indian MoccasilUl bert's String Quartet Op. 29 in A Frederick said. Colonel John L. Parker, head According to a previous motion liam Thompson. ' OUR BRIDAL CONSULTANT - helps fO~ plan fOUr weddlq ____....::.--=. ______------of the local unit, announced that William Seese, William Michael, and Accessories of the old council, under ,ex-presi­ Jim Heath, Herkus W. von Letke­ to match in good taste whether simple or fabulous - the positions on the Wing, Group, dent Al Utton, the investigators will mann, George Shaffer, John B. and Squadron staffs, would be filled Deferme

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From a Masterful PoJitician,Foresighf? Place to be IInnounced.Mr. and M~s. NROTC Ring dance, 9 to mid­ In 1855, a German by the name More About • • '. , Ray Foss, chllperons. night, Hilton hotel ballroom. Comdr. of Bunsen invented a gas burner With th~ Hemors ass~mbly, ther~ign of a • T'he argument that a verbally inactive coun- By Lou Lash College of Pharmacy Dinnel'­ and Mrs. H. J.Greene, and Lt. and which now bears his name. rather masterful politician Came to an end. cil is probably asleep appeared time aftertimej Ham o~ Wry Three USororities Weekly Program' Dance sponsored by Kappa Psi, 7 Mrs. D. F. Rydel,', chaperons. • (Continued 'from page 2) to midnight, Franciscan hotel. Delln Student Body dance, 9 to mid- . Al Utton bowed out with a handshake, a smile, but it seems that Harmony House was a r~ac- Following is ,a ,poem that was The pop'ler ones, al'e our best pale; and Mrs. E. L. Clltaline, and Mr. night, SUB ballroom. Chaperons to The unified field theory is.unprov­ , +; • ' • " submitted to us f01' criticism before It's easier, we~vefound. " Delta Sigma Pi active meeting, and a record,. ",on agalnst a verbally overactIve group. The the author enters it in a, national and Mrs. H. C. 'Ferguson, chaperons. be announced. able using physical phenomena. "'" { Give Triad Dance 8 p.m., Yatoka hall. The pledge Phi Kappa Phi Initiation bllnquet, The campus has been impressed with this reaction made possible more doing and less literary contest. We decided to pub- I'm never seen at Mae's; or' Joe's, meeting, 7:15p.m., room 211, MH. 7 p.m., SUB. , SUNDAY ." ' . !ish it because we knew it would By Joyce Killion THURSDAY Services in churches throughout effervescent student who rose from the stormy saymg. appeal to the aestheticism in every , Cause it jest ain't right nor Town Club Spring Formal, 9 to decent. ' Spring brings pinnings among Mortar Bo.ard meeting, 4 p.m., midnight, Hilton hotel. Dr. and Mrll. the city. ' , ... banish Senate floor of 1951-52 to the' status of an It is, argljed that a speechless hierarchy is studendts., h The only beer spot/i on my elo'es other things. Those recently pinned SUB grill lounge. , Wayne C. Eubank, and Lt. Col .. and . NROTa Radio club meeting, 1 . ' ,,' . H' , ...... , " It oesn t ave a }lame as yet Were aceidenta; (and recent). are: Gaye Mangold,Theta, to Will Student Senate meElting, 4 p.m., Mrs. Johri yv. Campbell, chaperons., p.m., Stadium bldg. effective Student Body PreSIdent thI$' y~ar .. e often vulnerable to dIctatorIal commands and because the illustrious author could room 101, MH. , Phi Kappa Phi Lecture series: Kimbrough, SAE; Jane Adams, SATURDAY has received a lot of praise and a modicum o:f, thus leads to an autocracy but it is also true not think of an ap:propriate tifte. He I git my name in all the new!!; Kappa, to Don RatcUff, Sigma Chi; Christi~n Science Organization 3rd lecture by Dr. Lincoln LaPaz on ~BOOK FATIGUE- '.h h . t1 . ' . ,,' ." .' says that suggestIOns would be ap- meeting, 5 p.m .. room 6, SUB,. Exhibition of Recent Paintings "Cosmic Dust to Meteorite Crater," reb uk e, and whether he got w at e JUS y that an autocracy IS more effiCIent III some preciated. ' , I got the right connections. Betty Wolsom, Kappa, to Cornie We're always .-igM, ,we never lose, Richardson, Sig Ep. Congrlltula­ Phi Gamma,Nu pledge meeting, by Emil Bisttram, 3:30 to 5:30p.m., 7:30 p.m., room 101, MH. deserved, no one can rightly say. ' ways than a democracy. Except in queen elections. tions to Suzanne Schmidt, president 5 p.m., room ~05, MH. Jonson gallery, 1909 Las Lomas, I got a gal and she's shor nice, of Pi Phi', who is engaged to Bob USCF meetmg, 5:30 to 7:15 p.m., Rd. NE. There is, however, an interesting phase of Thus in the case of U government :for the As nice as nice kin be. Braden, SAE at T.U. Bldg. T-20 lounge. Alpha Phi Omega Square dance, Utton's activity which may have been forgot- past two years, a balance of effectiveness by She hasn't. got a single vice We go to all the Rodey plays The Triad held' each year by UNM Dames club meeting, 7:30 6:30· to midnight, YWCA cabin. Or smooch with company. And drool on plaza. art; Pi Beta Phi, Kappa Kappa Gamma, p.m., Bldg. T-2Q lounge. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Meek, and Mr. ten as the year progressed. an imbalance o:f methods has been achieved. We want to learn the culture ways, and Kappa Alpha Theta is sched­ FRIDAY and' Mrs. J. L. Riebsomer, chap- In the 1951-52 council, invective and recrim- . She goes to school most ever day They tell us that it's "smart." uled for Saturday night at the Fez Exhibition of Recent Paintings erons. ination were considered the full course of a In view of this situation, it'would seem that And never gits there late. club. Music will be by Al Hamilton by Emil Bisttram, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., The Film Society of UNM pl'e­ 'next year the pendulum would swing back When finals come the last of May, ' Now I don't want to preach to from 9-12. Ores!! is to be form&I. Jonson gallery, 1909 Las Lomas sents "Beauty and the Beaat" noon meeting. Action1was at an all time stalld- I' , She breaks mw;t ever date. youse, Kappa Kappa Gamma held the Rd. NE. (French), 7 and 9 p.m."room 101, still. toward a vociferous 'council. The fluctuation And I never want to sermon; .. traditional Father-Daughter ban­ Town Club Fifteenth Anniversary MH. , will continue :for years, and the necessary ad­ No\v I don't drinI( and I don't cuss But if ya want advice to' use, quet Wednesday evening. This Sat­ banquet, 6:30 p.m., Hilton hotel. . Pi Kappa Alpha Hi-Jinx Formal, 'l'his year the term Harmony House was And I don't like guys that do; It's nevel;' late fer learnin'. NOW urday the Kapplls will honor their Beta Alpha Dinner meElting, 6;30 9 to midnight, Alvarado hotel. Mr. KEEP AI.ERT SAfEI.Y' employed in describing the picture of Utton- justments will be made, which is exactly what If there's a bird that ain't like us, mothers with & luncheon at the p.m. Place to be announced. Mr. and, and Mrs. Wayne C. Eubank, and. Harmony llouse was. He soon finds out he's through. So listen while I say once more, Alvarado. • Mrs. D. M. Smith, Jr., chaper~ns. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. B. Allen, chap­ IS PICT~RETIME Your doctor will tell you dom. At first, this terminology was .thought That the likes of us is scanty; Wednesday night and the Tri Chi Epsilon banquet, 6 :30 p.m. erons. • •• a NoDoz Awakener is amusing, but along with this term' came ac- So to Utton, the man Who mayor may not My grades are high jest like my My gal got tapped by a mortar bore Delt house was ,the setting for a harmless as 'an average gal's; And I'm a Vigilante. party for the pledges of all sorori- cup ot hot, black cottee. tion. The term, despite its connotation of have foreseen,the need for adjustment, goes We lNJth are good and sound. -Joe Hodnoggin ties on campus. • Take a NoDoz Awakener . The Pi Phi's were on hand to politicaUethargy, was good not bad. the effective cliche, "A Job Well Done." , AT BUTTERFI. ELDS when you cram tor that greet June AJlyson and Dick Pow­ . exam ••• or when mid-atter­ • · Student Council office. ell when they arrived in town on ~pecial Attentio~ noon brings o~ those g:~C,Omeeting~ 4 p,m.,. room 14, Thursday. "3-0'clock oobwebs." By Ed Lahart Wee kl'Y Progrom The Tri Delts are holding· a to Student Needs You'll tind NoDoz gives A WS meeting, 5 p.m., SUB grill swimming party at the Acapulco you a litt without a let­ Lobo Political Reporter MONDAY lounge. club Sunday in honor of Lettermen down ... helps you snap Inside Politics Aquinas H. all Relimous ,Services: Kappa Psi meeting, 7:30 p.m., and their dates. back to normal and keep ... Bldg. T-20 lounge. . Hayrides are in the making for In 'a Wide alert SAFELYI The new· Student Council. under the answer to it all. With his abil­ The Iltudents will go home in Sunday Masses, 8:30 and 10;45 a.m., NROTC Wardroom society meet- tonight. So grab your gal and. get Stop in for a roll or two of the 'leadership of Jerry Matkins, ity he is able to get his entire 12:15 p.m.; Weekday Masses, 6:45 . g 7'30 pm St dl'um bldg Variety When fatigue is a handi­ June wondering what the. Matkins' and 8 a.m.; Corifessions, Saturday In,. .., a . • . in the spirit. Among others the Kodak VI'richrorna Film. cap, take a NoDoz held another meeting on Tuesday. Menage to agree that things should Menage will do at their next meet­ 3;30 and 7:15 p.m.; Rosary every Anthropology club meeti1\g,' 8 'SAE's and the KA's will be hay­ of Styles And be sure to return your The news story in another part of be decided. at the NEXT meeting. ing-in September. Awakener. Used by mil­ . 7 . d H I H p.m., room 157, Ad. bldg.. , riding tonight. exposed rolls to us for lions at busy. Americans this issue hits the highlights of the This makes for continuity. But, they can be sure that when evemng, p.m., an 0 your, Boots and Saddles club meeting, , Sunday the Phi Delts will hold since 1933. affair. If able Jerry Matkins can keep it they come back, able Jerry Matkins Thursday, 6:45·NE p.m. at 1815 Las 8 : 30 p.m., SUB gn'11 1ounge. open house for their mothers in ,prompt developing and The Council decided that it is up he should have a great year. The will take the ,pressure off. It's five­ .L omas Rd..' WED ESDAY Master Thesis exhibit by William N honor of Mother's·Day. large.size prints. • ON THt HIGHWAY. ON THE 101 • AfnR IIOtIn going to hear the $500 investigat- suspense that he will create by to-one that the Menage will decide The ADPi's and the Sig Eps will ing committee's report at the next deciding things at the next meeting the first week of school that there Howard, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, the Phateres activll 'meeting, 12:80 have a softball game Sunday after­ meeting.' will be a shot in the arm for every- will be a lot of things to decide the Fine arts bldg. gallery until May 16. p.m., SUB griJI lounge. ' Your Lobo Inter-Varsity Christian Fel- Exhibition of Recent Paintings noon. - - Matkins' Menage also decided to one. next meeting. select a Homecoming chairman at Students will hardly be able to And, then next May. everyone lowship Daily Devotional and by Emil Bisttram, 3;30 to 5:30 p.m., Convenient Easy Credit .ASSOCIATED STUDENTS the next Menage meeting. wait to see what is to be decided at will realize that it has been a great Prayel' meeting, Monday through the Jonson gallery, 1909 Las Lomas Friday, room' 212, MH, noon. Rd. NE. , Elliot, Is to Direct Layaway Plail Terms N°D~~ Matkins' Menage 'also decided to the next meeting.' year for student government, that AWAKENERS return the photographic honorary's This could also lead to ,a well­ able Jerry Matkins was a great Baptist Student Union Daily De- Panhellenic Council meeting.. " BOOKSTORE constitution because it was in con- informed student body. Every stu­ president, and that a lot of things votional service, 12:30 p.m. Mon- p.m., room 7, SUB. Afternoon Concert On Campus Ext. 219 IUK .ok rHE LAIOI ICONOMT ..K. fllct with the Student constitution. dent would ,know everything that were decided. day, Wednesday, and Friday, Bap- ;Khatali meeting, 5 p.m" SUB Alonzo Elliot, former UNM stu­ This is good fol' morale. tist Student center. grill lounge. The Council a,la Matkins also had been decided at the last meet­ USCF Noonday Worship services, Phi Sigma Iota. meeting,7 dent and composer of' the World decided to give the IFC permission ing. If the students didn't know the p.m., War I marching son~ "There's' a to use their box camera. There is nothing better than good 12:30 p.m., room 6, SUB. room 215, MH. Oh, yes, the Matkins' Menage specific details, at least they would government and, by gad. things AFROTC Cadet Group Staff American Society of Mechanical Long, J,.ong Trail," will direct the also decided to hear the Fiesta re- know that it had been decided that have to be decided. The students meeting, 5 p.m., room 108, MH. Engineers meeting, 7 p.m., ME 2. UNM band for pi!rt Qf its Sunday port at the NEXT meeting. So, the things would be decided-at the need to be assured that things will Spurs,meeting, 5 p.m., room 111, VigiillRte meeting, 7 p.m., SUB nfternoon concert. NEXT meeting should be chuck full NEX:r ~eeting. .. be decided. MH. grill lounge. Elliot will direct the bl!nd in a With all its higher qual,ity • And the students. will be served. group of his 6wn compollitions. •• of things to decide. ThIS IS what the stud~nts. voted Alpha Epsilon Pi active meeting, Newman club meeting. 7:15p.m., Other features o:f the program, '", . The Menage 'Might. even·<:decide:._f~-al!d._by ga~,. MatkIn~ Is."the It's great to have a president· 7 p.m., room 215, MH. The pledge 1815 Las Lomas Rd. NE• to start at 2:30 infront.oi;',the ,Ad­ the things that have to be decided man Wltli the ablhty to gIve It to with the ability to handle these meeting, 7 p.m., room 217. MH. ' Pre-Med club meeting, 7:30 p.m., miitisfra'tion'piiililiitir' wilt be a at the next meeting when they will them. matte:fs. There's a great year ahead Lambda Chi Alpha active meet- room 102, MH. ' . , trumpet trio playing "Dover Coach" have time to decide. But, it might leaato a frustrated for the Matkins' Menage. ing, 7:30 p.m., room 7, SUB. Sigma Alpha Iota meeting, 7;30 and the "Festival ot Britain" It Seems that Matkins has found student body ,this summer. A year of decision. TUESDAY p.m.; room 9, Music bldg. played by the full brass and band , Student Council meeting, noon, . (Continued on page 3) ensemble. In case of inclement weather the concert will be moved into .the SUB Speech Awards Due Dr. Healy to Claim Air Force 10 Hold ballroom. The public is invited free of admission charge. . • At Annual Banquet Mathematics Is Fun Graduation Dance As Close As Best Place • UNM Speech students will Te­ Dr. Paul W. Heaiy, of the depart-' The Air Force Association will Andorra, between France and Your Phone ! ! 'Spain, has an area of 191 'square ceive their year's awards at the an­ ment of mathematics and astron­ sponsor the second annual Gradu.­ nual Speech Day in Mesa Vista omy at the University, will try to Service, Prices and Attention 01 All miles, and a population' of 5,231. hall dining room tonight at 6:15. convince an audience that mathe­ ationdance this Friday night. The 'fhe three top awards will go to Ilffair will honor graduating seniors To Suit Your Needs , It IS not in out stars that we ate matics can be a stimulating form To underlings. . the outstanding freshman and var­ of recreation.' , of the AFROTC program, . The sity debaters and the best all­ • Everyone has been invited to at­ All members of the AFROTCand round speech student of the' year. tend the lecture, which will be held their ladies are invited to attend. Coronado Cleaners Meet the Gang Freshman speakers in oratory, in the meteoritics bUilding at 1909 The semi-formal dance will be held I. at extemporaneous speaking, oral in­ Las Lomas Blvd. NE. It is spon­ in the Fez club basement from 9-12 , Across from the "U" terpretation, and radio announcing sored by Kappa Mu Epsilon, hon­ and will featUre Al Hamilton's Just East of Yale OKIE JOE'S will be annou~ced tonight, Dr. orary mathematics fraternity. orchestr!l' Wayne C. Eubank, UNM speech Main Plant'I031 San Mateo SE 1720 CENTRAL E. chairman, said today. Three contests for upper class­ by Dick Bibler men will be run off tonight after • the banquet, Dr. Eubank stated. These will inclUde the oratory, EUnice and CLAREnce extempo, and oral -interpretation Self Service Laundry . ROBERTS contests. ------Above. The "Two,Ten" "·Door Sedan. At In the 1850 census, New Mexico Invite You to Visit # righ" The "On •• Fifty" 2·Door Sedan. two of lAUNDRO -LUX LOUIE SAYS:, 16 beautiful mod.l. in3 greal new s.ri••• had 61,547 people; in 1950 it had The 681,187. ~------Finished Work HEY! For every United States soldier . killed in Korea, four die in auto­ Dry Cleaning EuClare YOU FORTUNATE mobile accidents in this country. Agency It brings you more new features, more fine-car advantages, more real ,Barbed wire was invented in 1874 Floral Shop ONES - by Glidden, an American, and in 2802 Central SE-3.6138 22J 0 Central SE quality for your money. _• and it's America's lowest-priced full-Size carl 1875 by .another American, Haish. Ph. 3-tSIIi . The Senior Grad' Farther ahead than ever in quality • • • yet the Yet, with all th~e new and exclusive advantages, , NEW MEXICO LOBO lowest-priced full-size car • • • with sharply greater there is no iI/crease in Chevrolet prices, and it remains l'ub'lllbe4 '1'u ....".. Thllnda"., and .FiI­ Announcements economy of operationl the lowest-priced line in its fieldl daFI. durlnl' the eoll... " ..., ....." d"rt,.. Imagine ~ the most beautiful car in its field, with hollda)'l and _Inatlon perlodl. .." til. I I Yes, indeed, only Chevrolet gives such excellence Anaelated Studenla of tile Ualftftlltao of ' new Fashion-First Bodies by Fisher that set the stand­ with such economy. Come in and prove it at your New 111.,,100. You've been wonderful .. ... Are Now in I!lnlere4 .. ..eond ",lui ....tt. a' ,til. ard of styling, inside and out. The most pOWerful car earliest I;onveniencel Poot om.. , Albuqu.rqu.. A..... I, 111', "". in its field, with your choice of a new US-h.p. "Blue­ d •• the act of liar. 8, 18711. Prlntatl .." tile AND WE WANT YOU TO KNOW ,. Stock!! ·Comblnatlon 0/ Powerg/ide automatic Iransmlsslon and llS­ UNIII Prlntllll' plant. Su ....rlptlo!l rate: Flame", high-compression engine- or greatly improved '4.50 for the .ohool ,.ear. h.p. "Blue-Flame" engil!1! oPlional on Btl Air and "Two-Ten" IOS-h.p. ''Thrift-King'' high-compression engine.· , models at exira cosl. . THAT IT HAS BEEN APPRECIATED I Editorl.Jstalr ., COME Lionel Linder, editor; Fred Jor­ A pUblic .ervlce dan. mllnaging editor: John Mesnet, Ev,erybo.dyfs heading AND ;?'i.!!!!!1~",... ",,,,,:;,?,:w' Sonja Brashears and Lou Lesh, progrClln to promote ni!;ht editors. GET ~_~H,~VR~LET / IGt.r driving. Business Stair ..'..for,our new place. 'EM ~L _. __ : I Tom Ormsby, business manager; MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROIETS THAN ANY OTHER CAU 'i Kenny Hansen, cireulation lI{anager. .,h Clmon up and see us. ~ :j C" " Your ;1 "Very lew laefllare able to tell 'i ;i their own story, without comments ~ to bring out their meallinit."--J'ohn ASSOCIATED ,STUDENTS. . . Stuart Mill. , ! .The'lOBU Drive-In Restaurant BOOKSTORE SEE YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER FOR ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS! Offiees in the J oumalism 'Building "Worthlll's not a fast player, but there's a great piece of deception in the Central lit Girard 5-0097 On Campus EJ:t~ 219 . Phone 7-8861, Ext. 814. way he can swallow air/" , ConvenIently ";t" "nde, "Automobile." Iii your local classllled telephone dlNclo,y

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From a Deserted Town, Pared Fingernails .. . , , , .. it, i' I ,', ; • .' ~; • ,.~.~.j - ','," ":E',"i:i-, ' - W"'",',''':''' f,'~, -,: '; '.:-~i,'.' ::.,"':.d' ~'

. -, .. . ' ., --.' , f -Dick 'Powell and Alexis Smith Receive' Cheering Audience for "Split Second" ~ ' . LV 'Albuquerqu~" 1~53 Vol. , New Mex;ico; Tuesday, May 12, • •• > By Tom Ormsby lot more of, the same thing. It STARTS TODAY would make any l'eviewer's job AT REGULAR 'PRICES , Three·and·a·Half Star Movie easier if they were aU cut irom the Well they came to the Kimo , same clQth. 'WORLD PREMIERE theatre last night to see Dick SHOWING Powell and his lovely wife but .- .f;10~~G:d· Lou LostfWin~ei Ecua~()r on·t:he Thr~shold they stayed to cheer his new pictur!:) "Split Second." The COMING TO TlIE THE PICTURE THAT . . audience' burst out' in haud­ ,Killed in Korea Of 1st, 3rd Prizes Or P' ·Ie ·· . I' I' .... ,." . ,.,L e clapping at the eud of the pic , KIMO '; , t SecQndLt.FrederickN.Larivee, and it was surely deserved. ~KPI(JQES. Jr., USMC, a Navy ROTC gl'aduate For Short Stor-Ies ' . r 0 I IcanSUrreC~IOn., Powell, of crooning fame, Tuesday - Wednesday from UNM in the class of 1951, . has found himself a new niche .IN YOUR died in a Naval hosIJital of wounds Lou Lash, Lobo columnist and e' in Hollywood'. He has success­ MAY 19·20-8:30 ~.M. E' t t Std· ' t·S Matinee·Wed. Only-2:00 p.m: . rer::~~a~4v~~ti~~!naK~{~r ~~~~~~~: journalism student· won first and , X y',' 5" fully outgrown the pretty boy 'at UNM and. received his . 9. lor,' third prize~ in the. University of parI·a e ., ' '··u en, ...... , a ~ew Mexico Laura M. Todd Nar­ stage, outlived his private eye o:f SCience, de,gree. :from the cO,nege rative contest with "The Butterfly" , 'experiences and has a phase that TICKETS of engineering. His father is Mr. and "An Unknown Quest." The shows his true talents. NOW ON; SALE :::t,!1~~lwt ~er~eay~ivee, of Hacken- prizes carry stipends of $40 for first Beyond any shadow of a dOl)bt AT KIMO BOXOFFICE prize and $15 for third place. ,Marx· -1St Students, this is a. top notch piCtllre. I was While at UNM, Lt. Larivee was 'Pauline Tharp took'the $25 sec- Sf d t C '1 S of the opimon th!\t :it was a real active in manY'independent men's ond and $8 fourth prizes with hel' U en ounel urvey stiff and they had to pring in the DIRECT FROM 3 YEARS ' activities. He was a member of the short stories "The Picnic" and "In. R F stars to hop up the ,box-offlce sale. , ON· BRO,t.DWAY Jel'boan Athletic club, the American cident at the Zoo." Laura D, Calvert Below are the results of; the Student Council's survey of -lOt for reed om I am certamly glad to say that I The Musical Cqmedy Sensation Society of Civil Engineers, the won the $5 fifth prize with "The the '1953 election. The votes were counted by two new was dead wrong. ' has made this thing tnke shape and picture in the coming week will not :Navy Wardroom Society, and the Thousand and First Night!' systems-.,.tbe Point system and a system corresponding Powell, with all his stage mastery live in a wa~ that 1I11 picturEls have the chance to see Dick, Alexis, Independent Council. Judges for the short story con- hI t th A t 'I' b II t Tb . t . th Ii t ' at his command, held the audiel"!ce should be presented. He has created Arthur HU,nnicutt, lind Juna in per­ He lived at Mesa Vista dormitory test were Professors E. W. Tedlock roug y 0 e us ra Ian a 0 •. e pom s m, e rs I. in the palm o:f his hands as he sang a situation that is at on!!l: believa-. . son but you certainly will see a for two year's and was elected to and Carl Grabo, and Gilbert Nei.' Of ,,·Press I-n OUJ"'to column were calculated by tbe point system, allowing 13 ble and accepted. . pictllre that is worth your time. and clowned his way to the hearts the . executiveh" board atAft the dormd man, nove l'IS t . . points for the first position marked on the ballot, 12 points of the audience •• He was a revela­ If acting plaudits are skipped " Put this one on your "must go" durmg IS semor year. er gra u- Gretchen K. Stlliner won the $25 for second place, etc, The totals were added lj.nd the above tion in his manner. He !leemed gen- over in the flick then the directing list and be 811re, and liring your ation, he attended the 11th Special Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae results obtained, In the second column: the actual number By Cameron McKenzie uinely happy to perform. . 3hould never be. This is the kind girl-fdend along with YQU. Let her Basic Course, Maline Corps Schools Poetry contest for a group of five The movie is an excellent pl:esen­ of thing that Hollywood is capable take a gOQd look at Alexis Smith, at Quantico, Virgipia. short poems: "To an 'Extrater.restri. of votes (regardless of position or value) received by any (MeH:enzie and two other UNM tation and shows what can be done !;tudents are currently studying in .. I of but .. does 'not always reach. as she goes thro\lgh.,her histrionics. al Observer Not Too Long Hence," one candidate, Thi's report will be presented to the council Ecuador.) with the. propel' am~lUnt of acting The opening show was. a capital She is marvelous and· could cer- • "Cancel' and the Hypochondraic," (13 members)~at its meeting today for study in an attempt and actors. This is a fine casting success from a financial standpoint tainly walk off with an award for "Old Fashioned Song," "The New to compare election methods. ' Quito, Ecuado'l'. - Here in job and the honors really have togo this year. She played a bitch light Quito, a full scale revolution and from the standout applause with an All Star "Spring Song for a to Alexis Smith for the best acting that greeted the personal appeal'­ to the top of the ladder. It was -Three Cop Honors ~~:~!ioGi~l.~,nd Candidates Points Votes may erupt within the, week. of her career. Without a doubt easy to hate the woman Ilnd that is New VorkCost ances of the stars. The second sht>w of Honorable mention in the poetry Dave Matthews 6102 631 Riots have been breaking out i Alexis is assuming an acting status was a b~t late in starting but it the epitome of all acting-to make contest went to Laura D. Calvert ------that she didn't have a year ago. had a line.f()ur deep that extended the wateher think that what they MUSICAL COMEDY for a poem entitled "On the Mesa.". Jerry Matkins ______-- 5887 584 around the President's palace. Ste}>hen McNally does a bang-up from the Kiml) doors down past are seejng is the real thing. . FAVORITES At Speech ,Affair Judges for the contest were Pro- Jim Heath 5699 542 Students are holding giant job of being nasty. He, must have Meyer and Meyer's store on Fourth It's an exce1!ent job throughout SINGERS :fessors George Arms and Julia M. ------protest rallies before the pal­ been a dead-end kid to' have such I Keleher, and Richard Wilbul', p6et, Chuck Koskovich ______and Central. and I only wish that there, were a DANCERS ! The UNM department of speech 5429 635 ace and in the streets of Quito. , complete mastery over the part of The show was master-oI-cere­ named its three outstanding stu­ a stInker thilt he displays. The en· COMEDIANS !I. There'was only a single entl'Y in Mary LaPaz 4154 574 The cause is the suppression monied by Dick and he looked as I dents for the 1952-53 year at the the Katherine Mather Simms Me------' tire cast, Arthur Hunnicutt, Jan youthful as he did in the days of annual Speech Day banquet Friday morial Pl'lze Essay contest which Betty Hall ______4104 505 of the press by the President Sterling, Keith Andes, and Paul "Gold Diggers" and "FortY-Second I' night in Mesa Vista hall. did not meet the re,quirements for ROnnl'e Calkl'ns 3785 561 of Ecuador. Three-fourths of Kelly troop their lines with a feel­ Street" musical fame. He handled COLE -PORTER I, Dr. Wayne C. Eubank UNM the first prite of $50. Next year's ' ------all the journalists have been ing that they are n\lt acting but his mike teehniques as though he speech chairman, reported tilat Don award will be $100 for the best Roger Green ______,______3762562 0 • thrown into jail at the Presi­ ~erely being themselves for a were still the youthful singing star MUSIC Wright won the cup as the top {lhanger" ,. that has thrilled audiences for the Always True To You freshman debater with John Morri­ eS~%:fessors T. M. Pearce and Dol'- Phyllis Godfrey ------3745 511 dent's command and the stu­ There is so much drama in this In My Fosh/on past twenty years. He made a slight Why Con't You son as winner oj' the Varsity debate othy Woodward, and John Dunie, Mary Ellen Smith ______3559 512 dents have retaliated with ral­ flick that it is hard to put one's· allusion to his years in the theatre > a.hoy..­ tt·ophy.,John Roach was voted the secretal:Y of the University, were Ted KI'ttell 3513 434 lies, riots and' political agita­ finger on the }larts that stood out. world by trying to slur it off with Wunderbar outstanding speech student in the the judges for the essay contest. ----.:.-----.------.1 The audience ill' conditioned, from Ofate M ... ' tion. the remark "that I have peen in . TOQ Dam It.t entire depal'tment. . Student writers have been .re- Carol Ramsey __ -:_~______3385 540 the beginniiig ill:iout th\! explOsion Blan.. , , Petel: McAtee, donor of cups for The government is shaky and pictures for the past three or 'four quested to call for their manu- Norma Shockey' 3302 455 afraid, and is taking extreme ~nd of an A-bomb and ~be ending will ye'ars!' The audience ate it up and and mQny others freshman awards, made ,the pre­ scripts at ,the English department . ------live with you for a lont, while. This severe action which may preciptate looked £!lr more. They were ,not sentations to the first. year stu­ offlce in Hodgin hall, room 25". , . ~ ~ ~ did not seem ,to h~ pIal' acting but MATINEE ADMISSION a complete upheaval before the disappointed bllcause he gave· it to J.!:AIN FLOOR .•• , $1.S5 /I; 2.5() dents. " They went to Wright in Dan Chavea ______.,.______3266 i' rather that one was privileged to .. 458 week is out. I tliem with a nostalgi~ collectio~ ~f LOGES .. "...... • 2.50 Directed by DICK POWELL extemporaneous speaking; Scott be at the scene of sometliinl1: that BALCONY, • • • •• • • l.2() Momaday, oratory; Carl Esenweln, George Shaffer ______3208 502 For the first time in our lives son!!'.!; that he h~d made famous In EVENIN'G ADMISSION OPEN 11:50 LaPaz Traces' Dust we are surrounded by students, QUI' ,I was about to happen. oral interpretation; and Don Bay, AI.springstead ______~____ When this quality is imparted to . his previous }lictures, The audIence MAIN FLOOR .... $2.70 8< -FEATURE_ 2992 472 age, with the same and perhaps started appilluding as sbon . liS th¢ LOGES ...... " 12 :OO~2 :00.4 :00.6 :00·8 :00-10 :00,. radio announcing. the audience then they know that BALCON'l[ ...... Upper classmen's awards, pre­ For Phi Kappa Phi Emmi Baum ______2951 better education, who are convinced opening bars of eachsQng was' 438 that Marxian·Communism is the they are seeing more tban a movie. played. It felt good just to be in sented by Dean Harold 0. Ried, Dr. Lincoln L. LaPaz, professol' Lee Armstrong ______2946' This is more than a movie. It is wei'e: Connie Alexander, radio; of mathematics and director of the 414 only solution to the problems fac­ such a crowd. Roger Boe ______2864 ing the world. so real that your fingernails will be Those of you who will see thia John DrabelIe, oral interpretation; Institute ilf Meteoritics at UNM/ 458 well pared before you leave your DOORS Lany Tretbal', oratory; and Dave will deliver the last of three PhI John Morrison ______2489 Dressed Leaders, Penniless Workers seat. " STARTS OPEN Fortner, extemporaneous. Kappa Phi lectures, 466 Thoroughly versed in all the the­ Doug Tingley ______ories" ideas, and doctrines, and in To make your task easi\!r here is A, German, Zeidler, di,scovered , George, McKim presented the Dr. Dane F. Smith, president of 2471 466 some of tile plot. Steve McNally is TODAY Toastmastel's-SponsOl:ed cup to the Phi Kappa Phi, announced that Dr. a~dition having read all the maga­ DDTjn 1874, but it was nilt usllil on WJ:u;mn Sharon Yenney ______2410 427 ZInes, booklets, and propaganda all, escaped convict who. takes a insects until 1939. outstanding speech student. Dr. St. LaPaz \vould speak Sunday at 7:30 whole host of people to a deserted Onge, UNM speech pl'ofessor, p.m. on "Cosmic Dust to Meteorite Elaine Bush ______. _____ 2351 531 pamphlets, of which there are an town ,which is in' thear!la to be awarded the oral interpretation cup Crater." , unlimited number, they are admit­ The Dal, a 250 mile long river in Everett Dillman ______2226 367 tedly in, the initial stage of the destroyed by the explosion. They Sweden, flows into the Gulf of and Dr. Cullen Owens, University The lecture will be ht MH 101 are kept in the tiuiIding lon~ TODAY debate coach, lnade the varsity de­ and open to the public without Mary J 0 Calloway ______2094 Communist revolution, that of pre­ Bothnia; • 381 paling the people for the overthl:ow 'enough so that Steve and PaUl bate presentation. charge. Peggy Hamilton ______.,.____ 860, Kelly can make their get-ilWay. Dr. R. E. B. A1lem, presided over 360 of the existing government. There is split-second timing in­ the banquet and ceremony and pre­ Almost every night, the students' volved in the get-away and uirl'or~ STARTS sented the Varsity radio awal·d. Masley Is Selected rooms are overflowing with well­ tutunately for the. gangsters and YOU WilL KNOW dressed leaders and penniless Indi­ the aucUence too, the. explosion is TODAY WHY For Education Mag Architects Elect an workers willing to follow any­ set up ali hour earlier tluin anyone __ .... __ImBO~1 .... lIIIMt .... _____ ... Evers Gives Recital 7 Students Receive one or any doctrine that offers them expects. The audience was using THE ACADEMY OF MOTION Dr. Alexander Masley, chairman Miles Brittelle has been elected a few glasses of beer, a cigarette, only the :front part of their seats in Mrs. Darlene Evers will be pre- of art education at UNM, has been ,$887.50 in Awards and a promise of an even break. , the last ten minutes of the showing. I ANew C' . PICTURES ARTS & SCIENCES sented in her graduate voice re-" appointed to the board of advisory president of tlie student chapter of Without exception, all the stu­ The explosion of the bomb is so ELECTED AS cital tonight by the Music depart- editors of "School Arts" magazine. the American Institute of Archi­ Seven UNM students were re­ dent leaders, are friendly and like real that it wilL make you shudder ment of UNM. Dr. Kenneth Winebrenner, new tects. Cameron Mactavish is vice­ cently awarded scholarships, the to talk ,vith students from the just to see the damage it does I Masterpiece HARLES. The public is invited to the pro- editor of the magazine, named Dr. chairman of the prizes and awards United States. On several occasions cause. But, the whole pic is like that c· gram at 8:15 in the Music building Masley to the board along with six president; Ken Hansen, secretary committee'reports. , we have gotten into long, almost -it's real all the way through. on campus. other art educators over the nation. and Russ Nystedt, treasurer. .Donald Monaco, arts and violent discussions, both about the­ Dick Powell has done an amazing S BEST ACTRESS sciences junior of Santa Fe, was ory and the· actual practicality of job in his first directing task, He !~~ . I!4I?MN awarded the $200 Laura MacAr­ the Communist doctrine...... OF THE YEAR thur memorial scholarship for the It seems (it's I:ough debating Marxian theory in a foreign lan­ fl From The Pulled-Up Juggernauts, • .. secoild time. The Clyde Oden memorial schol· guage) that they have many of the I MasterOi r';LIME'LIGHT ~ arship of $300, donated by LouiS questions well thought out. The . , ~ " '. RUffin, was split between two Albu­ ones to which there are no suitable ...... of ...... MISS SHIRLEY BOOTH Claims Modern 'Aut'os Are' Monsters of Abstract Art q\lerque stUdents, Eugene R. Cin­ answerS' (such as: When the leaders I ~~~y.C elli and Doroteo M. Vigil. get power will, the~ relinquish. that to-itamn' . By Harry Ransdell to inspect his car's underbelly with- of a few sturdy bolts, thus permit­ Marion L. Stedman, pre-med stu-, power when the education of the out dIgging a trench with his nose. ting them to be detached easily dent from $antaFe, l'ecelved the people is complete?) do not trouble Modern automobiles are sorry af­ Furthel'mOl'e, dogs are deprived o:f aild hammered out straight should them. They are believers, primarily{. - CLAIRE BLOOM fairs. Manu:factUl:ers are not pl'o­ C. M, Botts memoJ;ial scholarship and these questions do not pene. SYDNri tlfAl'll/f ·/ii,ellltuct .I/oonan llo)'f a shady place in which to sleep on they become damaged. of $250. . ' ducing efflcient, reliable vehicles a hot summer day., AutIJlnQbiIes Another simple improvement trate. ' Written. Directed lild Produced by designed £01' transportation. In­ Sharon L. Young, Albuquerque, must be got up off the 1!.'1'IJund. WQuld be afforded by connecting WaS awarded the Spurs sophomore • • • The Curtain Has Been Drawn i CffARLES CHAPlIN stead) they seem to regard, their Of Fenders, Mud and Metal ,thll f,mdets on both sides by a nar- The question of why other world creatIOns as objects of art, and ab­ scholarship o:f $50. There should bea differentiation, ' row horizontal strip of stout ma­ The Marian Coons prize in hom!! ,powersar.e not permitted to travel stract art at that. I made between Iendel'S ,and body teria!. This stl'iil might be referred econonlics, amounting to $37.50, freely in Soviet RUssia meets with The trade needs to be rescued proper, Fenders al'e useful allces- to as a 1·unnin~-board. It would wentto Margaret :Bell Park. . an almost stock J;'esponse. The revo. . from prevailing notions of what sories for shielding passengers fOl'm a convenIent place to sit William J. Schneda.r received the, lution is still underwl1y', they say, constitutes a satisl'l).ctol'y automo­ trom ItlVd, snow and gravel thrown down when on picnics, fishing trips Newman club scholarShip ot $150. and to avoid discontent (according bile. Lately the trend has been up by the wheels. They should be and similar occasions. . to them, there will be discontent away from puffed-up juggernauts, flat strips of metal curved grace- It would also benefit tl.-affic po, , .., untiUhe edu~~t~on of,. the people is which had to be stMred by dead fully over the wheels, leaving a Hcemen by affording them a place reckoning, to flattened out waffle cIeamnceof not less than eight to rest the foot While writing out a .BuntinC1 :.Wi.II Speak d~.:!~:te) '. the, ~urta1U has, been irons appal'ently designed only for 'inches. This would alIow mud and ticltet, In appreciation for this con­ · .. " " "These students have al1 given up driving undel' low bl·idges. snow to be discal'ded to the sieWs of . veniencl), they might illel Jnclined O, n African Tension the Chul'ch. rhi.swill.attest to the A few innovations, involving a the road, not pac1(ed il1to cavernous to forgive the offense and just chat . ,strength of thelr beliefs when one radical departUre from modern de- recesses as happens with the tloor-. aWhile like nOl'lnm hUman beings. "Present Tensions in Africa" wlll 'understands the importance and the CO.STARRING BURT LANCASTER AND TERRY MOORE , sign and engineering techniqUes, ly designed creations of today, . Then the farn,ily dog might be be the subjllct. of a lecture by Dr. , all pe~'V!lding power o£ the. Catholitl would :result in eafe, comfol't"ble Aisol ti.res could be changed 01' trained to ride on toe running­ Bainbridge Bunting, Professor t>f church m Central and South Amer­ TWO ACADEMY AWAItD conveyances, easy to opel'ateand snow cnains}>ut on without the help board. Art':at,tne, Uniwrsity of Irew Mex- jca•.. ·'·" '. , . ,,' PLUS, WINNING SHORr SUBJECTS ec()nomical to maintain, . of a speciajist•. Thel'e is ,nothin~ CJ:allks 11\ AutOnio~j1es? IcO', tonight.. Unfortunately it is obvious that TOM & JEItItY IN "JOHANN MOUSE" Automobiles al'e bein~ built too scandalous In the :fact tHat, Cal'S AnotHer grave fault It:! present- The public is iilVii:ed to' the pro. w!l can,neVin'come toanagrtiement close to the ground. 'l'hey ean have wheels. Efforts to conceal day cara is lack o:f a means to start gl'a!p. .at 8:00, in Mitcp,ell l\Ii.ll,.:i:oom wlth these ,students; They ~rll, st> -AND-- ' Rtle.sed thiU Unlt,eel Artlsls hal'dly cross over a full-gl'own tur, them from the public gaze al'e un· the m9tor in case of battery :fail~ 21'1. The National"As"!foeiation :for to speak, from 'a dlffere'ntWor!d; I "LIGHT IN THE WINDOW" tIe without scratching his' she!1, tnitigated prude1'y. Fenders should Ul'e. This could be overcome easily the Advancement of' Colored People they have seell'and'many have lived ~-~~., Neither can an owner crawl undel' be attached,to the frame by means (Continued on. page 4) is sponsoring the eWn:t. ~'" . '. ' .. (Continued on page 2)