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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02502-8 - The Domestic Cat: The Biology of its Behaviour: Third Edition Edited by Dennis C. Turner & Patrick Bateson Index More information Index Abyssinian cats 157–8, 173, 180 Aristotle 97 Active Breeding Register 182 artistic representations of cats 88–9, 93, 107 active cats 158 Asian Leopard cat 158, 173 adoption of cats 141–2, 228 cross-breeding 162, 180–2 affection Asilomar Accords 139 breed differences 158, 162 Association of Dogs and Cats Homes (ADCH) 137 sex differences 160 Association of Shelter Veterinarians 136–7 African wildcat (Near Eastern wildcat) 38, 41, 57, attitudes to cats 64, 84–5, 87–9, 168, 233–4 cultural differences in 6, 102–12 ageing 152 historical 94–8 aggression 202, 207–9 modern 98–9 fear-related 208 auditory communication 48–51 inter-male 208–9 auditory system 40 petting-evoked 209 Austria, cat ownership 114 play-related 209 postures demonstrating 52–3 Bastet 86, 90–2, 100 redirected 209 bay cat lineage 84 territorial 207–8 behaviour 5 aggressive behaviour 207–9 agonistic 52–3 breed differences 158, 162 breed type and 156–60 sex differences 160 development of 12–26 Alan of Lille 94 feeding 74–5 Alexandra Palace cat show (1887) 169 genetic influence on 21–2, 25–6 allergies 96, 140 maternal 28–33 Alliance for Contraception in Cats and Dogs nuisance 218 (ACC&D) 145 sex differences in 121–2, 124–5, 156, 160 allogrooming 54–5 submissive 53 allorubbing 45, 53–5 see also aggression; aggressive behaviour American Association of Feline Practitioners behaviour problems 7, 202–12 (AAFP)
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