THE TWENTY FIVE BEST BOOKS IN PRINT TODAY THE TORBITT DOCUMENT: NOMENCLATURE OF AN ASSASSINATION CABAL D. Copeland (JFK case) 12.95* THE DALLAS CONSPIRACY Peter Dale Scott (Huge 440 p. work on the JFK assassination) 29.95* THE TAKING OF AMERICA 1 2 3 R. E. Sprague (Exposes the HSCA cover-up in JFK case) 15.95* THE CIA, A FORGOTTEN HISTORY W. Blum (Many heretofore undisclosed operations) pb 14.95 MANHUNT Peter Maas (Edmund Wilson & how the CIA smuggles guns around the globe) pb 3.95 THE GREAT HEROIN COUP Henrik Kruger (Governments squabble over the drug trade) 14.95 OUT OF CONTROL: REAGAN'S SECRET WAR L. Cockburn (Exposes Iran-Contra-drug wars) S 9.95 THE GLOBAL MARKETPLACE M. Moskowitz (102 of the most powerful foreign corporations) 24 THE IRAN-CONTRA CONNECTION J. Marshall (Foreign money puts Reagan in White House)Pb10.95.95 OCTOBER SURPRISE B. Honegger (Reagan-Khomeini deal to win U.S. presidency in 1980) 19.95 THE MEDIA MONOPOLY B. Bagdikian (A tiny group controls what we know or learn) pb 10.95 OPERATION MIND CONTROL W. Bowart (If we learn too much, they "fix" our brains) 8.95* INVENTING REALITY: POLITICS & THE MASS MEDIA M. Parenti (Brainwashing the peasants) 16.95 THE LAST HERO: WILD BILL DONOVAN A. Brown (Who & how we got into this global mess) S 9.95 INSIDE THE LEAGUE S. & J. Anderson (Exposes the Fascist power groups in the world) S 9.95 IN GOD'S NAME: THE MURDER OF POPE JOHN PAUL I D. Yallop (CIA fascists did it) S 6.95 AMERICAN SWASTIKA C. Higham (U.S. collaborates with Nazis to fight Communists) S 6.95 TRAGEDY & HOPE C. Quigley (Recent history of the Protestant-Jewish ruling class) 24.95 THE CULTURE OF TERRORISM N. Chomsky (U.S. & Israel: architects of world terrorism) 11.95 THE TRUE BELIEVER Eric Hoffer (Religious zealots make the best storm troopers) used 3.95 THE SECRET TEAM: THE CIA & ITS ALLIES IN CONTROL OF THE WORLD L.F. Prouty (Scary) 17.95* SPOOKS: THE PRIVATE USE OF SECRET AGENTS J. Hougan (Werbell, Hoffa, Hughes, Maheu) 16.95* THE KILLING WINDS J. McDermott (The menace of biological warfare & designer germs) 18.95 THE FOUNDING FORTUNES: THE CORPORATE RICH FAMILIES IN AMERICA M. Allen (Power!) pb 12.95 WHO RULES AMERICA NOW? G. W. Domhoff (He who has the gold makes the rules.) pb 8.95 Add $3.00 postage & handling per order. * = xerox copy S = special low price.


P.O. BOX 1107

APTOS, CA 95001 16t 'AM r

New Reprints & Tapes •World Watchers International Tape Catalog (Mae Brussell's weekly shows) Summary of topics and names on 600 tapes (#262-862, 3/77-8/88). Tapes: $5/cassette, or $4.50 @/25 plus. An education in itself. $ 1 . 0 0 •Lighthouse Report tapes (Will Robinson on KAZU) Various interviews with researchers Fletcher Prouty, Jim Garrison, Sherman Skolnick, Paul Krassner, John Judge, A.Constantine. $10.00 @ •UFO's: Unrecognized Fascist Observatories (John Judge, KPFK 45 min. cassette, 8 / 8 9 ) Nazi scientists developed disk-shaped craft. U.S. inherited and covered-up technology. Are the "space brothers" out for 'lebensraum"? $ 3. 0 0 •Garden Plot and SWAT: U.S. Police as a New Action Army (Counter-Spy, '76) Exhaustive detail on agencies, laws for a police stale. $ 5. 0 0 •The Government Readies for Repression (Connolly, Covert Action, 1989) and Blueprint for Tyranny (Goldberg, Badhwar, Penthouse, 1987) FEMA, Pentagon and State Defense Forces plan martial law. $ 2 . 5 0 •Annals of Democracy: Counting Votes (New Yorker, 11/88) Privately owned computers now decide election outcomes. $ 4 .0 0 •All the Congressman's Men (Karp, Harper's, 7/88) How Capitol Hill's "official sources" control the news. $ 3. 0 0 •NSDDs: Backbone of Hidden Government (Eve Pell, Nation, 8/89) Secret national security directives replace constitution. $ 2 . 5 0 •Rogue Justice: Who & What Were Behind the Vendetta Against INSLAW? (Mahar, Barron's, 4/88) Mae based tapes #855-6 on this expose of Meese. $ 3 . 0 0 •Minister Without Portfolio (Brinkley, Harper's, 2/83) An eye-opening history of the demon Allen Dulles. $ 3 . 0 0 •Gloria Steinem and the CIA (Redstockings, Feminist Revolution, '75) Phony feminist Steinham revealed, links to CIA, JFK, etc. $ 5 .0 0 •Meet Mr. Death (Knowles, Rebel, 2/84) Salvadoran fascist d'Aubisson's death squads, U.S. links. $ 2 . 5 0 •Dr. Fritz Kraemer: Kissinger's Iron Mentor (Thimmesch, Wash. Post, 3/2175) Between the lines, Mae's favorite fascist emerges. Photos. $ 3. 0 0 •The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: The Application of Computers to the Photographic Evidence (Sprague, Computers & Automation, 5/70) Essential source lists 500 photos, 75 photographers. "Tramps". $ 6.0 0 •The CIA & the Killing of JFK (Sprague, et.al., Freedom, 4-5/86) CIA subverts HSCA, Ruby programmed, gun teams, whodunit. $ 5 . 0 0 •The Guns of Dallas (Prouty, Gallery, 1975) Pentagon liaison to CIA covert operations spills the beans. $ 2. 5 0 •Bush-Was-He Involved in Crimes? (A packet on the President) Company [CIA) Man (Armstrong, Nason, Mother Jones, 10/88) Dirty Secrets of G. Bush (Kohn, Monks, Rolling Stone, 11/88) The Covert G. Bush (Jay Levin), Bush's Entourage: Sleaze Factor (Kelly & Waas), The V.P. & the Contras, Bush & Noriega, The Iran Connection (Snepp & King), and The Quayle Nobody Knows (Curran) (L.A. Weekly, 10/88) CIA links, gun and drug smuggling, scandal, slime. $ 1 0 .0 0 •Cocaine & the White House, and Miami Vice (Waas, L.A. Weekly, 10/88) Medellin Cartel meets the Contras for Coke at the While House. $ 5 . 0 0 Mae Brussell Research Center, P.O. Box 8431, Santa Cruz, CA 95061 Allow three weeks for delivery. All prices are postpaid. Donations welcome. California residents must add 6.5% sales tax.

Dave Emory Archive Tapes

Guns of November: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy Part One Background 2 C90 Part Two The Assassination. 2 C90 Part Three Vietnam and Watergate 1 C90, 1 C60 Part Four The Nazi Connection 2 C90, 1 C60 Radio Free America RFA #1 Hidden History of the , Part I 3 C90 RFA #2 Hidden History of the Cold War, Part H 3 C90 RFA #3 Reinhard Gehlen & His Organization 2 C90 RFA #4 Terpil,Wilson & Co 2 C90, 1 C60 RFA #5 Operation Mind Control, Part I 2 C90,1 C60 RFA #6 Operation Mind Control, Part H 2 C90 1 C60 RFA #7 Operation Mind Control, (Tape #3, has Joe Holsinger on Jonestown.) 3 C90 RFA #8 The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr 2 C90,1 C60 RFA #9 The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy 3 C90 RFA #10 The Aryan Nations, Part I .2 C90 RFA #11 The Aryan Nations, Part II, The John Birch Society 2 C90, 1 C60 RFA #12 The Aryan Nations, Part III 3 C90 RFA #13 The Aryan Nations, Part IV, The Ku Klux Klan 2 C90, 1 C60 RFA #14 World Anti-Communist League, Part 1 2 C90, 1 C60 RFA #15 World Anti-Communist League, Part II 2 C90, I C60 RFA #16 AIDS: Epidemic or Weapon of War (includes updates) 5 C90 RFA #17 Who Shot the Pope? Part I, & the Vatican 3 C90 RFA #18 Who Shot the Pope? Part H, P2 Lodge & Vatican Banking Scandal 3 C90 RFA #19 Who Shot the Pope? Part III, P2 Lodge (continued) 3 C90 RFA #20 Who Shot the Pope? Part IV, Stibam 3 C90 RFA #21 Who Shot the Pope? Part V, Western Intelligence Connections 3 C90 RFA #22 The Terror Connection, Part I, Otto Skorzeny (includes updates) 4 C90 RFA #23 The Terror Connection, Part II, California Under Reagan 3 C90 RFA #24 The CIA, the Military & Drugs, Part 1 2 C90, 1 C60 RFA #25 The CIA & the Narcotics Traffic, Part II 2 C90, 1 C60 RFA #26 The CIA & the Narcotics Traffic, Part III (The Great Heroin Coup) 2 C90 RFA #27 The CIA & the Narcotics Traffic, Part IV 2 C90,1 C60 RFA #28 The CIA & LSD, Part V 2 C90,1 C60 RFA #29 The Iran-Contragate Scandal, Part I: The Drug Connection 3 C90 RFA #30 The Iran-Contragate Scandal, Part H: Terror in Latin America 2 C90, 1 C60 RFA #31 The Iran-Contragate Scandal, Part HI: The Destabilization of President Carter 2 C90, 1 C60 RFA #32 The Iran-Contragate Scandal, Part IV: Staging the Fourth Reich 2 C90, 1 C60 RFA #33 The Iran-Contragate Scandal, Part V: The Cover-up, Part I 2 C90 RFA #34 The Iran-rontragate Scandal, Part VI: The Cover-up, Part li(ir:dudes updates) 3 C90, 1 CT Miscellaneous Ml OSB 2/8/87 Accuracy in Media vs. One Step Beyond 2 C90 M2 OSB 10/27/85 Dan White, Jonestown & the Moscone/Milk Killings 1 C90 M3 KOME, Emory Expressway Show (with call from Gordon Novel).. 1 C90 M4 OSB 8/10/86 Gloria in Excelsis: The CIA, Women's Movement & News Media 2 C90 M5 Hard Rain KKK, The Fehrne and the Founding of the Nazi Party 'I C60 M6 Hard Rain Knights of Malta, Parts I & II I C60 M7 OSB 11/17/85 Rajneeshpuram ...... 1 C90 M8 OSB 5/12/85 South Africa, The Third Reich & the Bomb 1 C60 M9 OSB 2/22/87 The King Alfred Plan: The Final Solution to the "Negro Problem"? 2 C90 M10 058 10/26/86 They Thought They Were Free: Life During the Rise of Hitler 2 C90 (CONTINUED) Prices are $3.55 for a C90 cassette, $2.40 for a C60 cassette. California residents add appropriate sales tax for your county. Please include $2.40 per order for shipping and handling. All orders must be prepaid before shipping. No C.O.D.s. All payments in US currency. Please make checks or money orders payable to: Archives On Audio P. 0. Box 170023, San Francisco, CA 94117-0023 (415) 346-1840 (CONTINUED) M11 KPFA 5/23/80 Uncle Sam and the Swastika (remix) Emory/Ortiz 1 C90 M12 OSB 3/13/88 Euthanasia In Contemporary America & Nazi 1 C90, 1 C60 M13 OSB 2/28/88 The Pink Triangle: Gay Rights, Reproductive Rights & The 3rd Reich 2 C90 M14 058 10/27/87 The Ultimate Evil: Mind Control, Satanism & US Security Establish. 2 C90, 1 C60 M15 OSB 5/88 The Ultimate Evil, Part II 2 C90 M16 OSB 5/88 The Ultimate Evil, Part III 1 C90, 1 C60 M17 OSB 5/88 The Ultimate Evil, Part IV 1 C90, 1 C60 M18 OSB 6/12/88 Election '88 2 C90 M19 OSB 7/3/88 The Fascist "3rd Position"; The Far Right & Their Attempt To Co-opt Progressive Forces M20 OSB 7/17/88 1 C90 1 C60 George Bush and the Shooting of Ronald Reagan 1 C90 1 C60 M21 OSB 7/24/88 The Fascist ''3rd Position'; Part II M22 OSB 7/31/88 1 C90 The Shooting of George Wallace 1 C60 M23 OSB 8/7/88 What Really Happened At Port Chicago; Was the 1st A-Bomb tested in the SF/Bay Area M24 OSB 9/11/88 2 C90 The Nazis & Anti-Semites on George Bush's Campaign 1 C90 M25 OSB 9/25/88 Lloyd Bentsen, The Defense Industrial Security Command & The Assassinations of JFK and MLK 1 C90 M26 OSB 10/2/88 Japanese Fascism: It's Structure & Significance for Contemporary Americans 1 C60 M27 A Tribute To The Late Mae Brussel) M28 OSB 10/88 Your Hit Parade; Suspicious Deaths, Political Murders 3 C90 & Untimely Disappearances In America 2 C90 M29 OSB 11/6/88 A Political Resume of George Bush M30 2 C90 The Patriotic Assassin & Fascist/Zionist Connections 1 C90

Prices are $3.55 for a C90 cassette, $2.40 for a C60 cassette. California residents add appropriate sales tax for your county. Please include $2.40 per order for shipping and handling. All orders must be prepaid before shipping. No C.O.D.s. All payments in US currency. Please make checks or money orders payable to:

Archives On Audio P.O. Box 170023, San Francisco, CA 94117-0023 (415) 346-1840 Current One Step Beyond Shows will be available at A.O.A. for a three week period from the air date, except those tapes listed in the "Miscellaneous" file which will be kept on permanent file. Typically, a One Step Beyond show (OSB) is two C-90 cassettes. Archives On Audio is a mail order only company, "...More Information" Torn Davis Books Dave Emory P. O. Box 1107 c/o KFJC Aptos, CA 95001-1107 12345 El Monte Road • a good source for research books • Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 KPFK 90.7 FM - Rebroadcasts of RFA shows, Wed. Midnight (L.A. area) KFJC 89.7 FM - One Step Beyond is aired every Sunday Evening, 7 to 10 p.m. KALX 90.7 FM - Dave Emory's Hard Rain Fridays 8:30 to 9 a.m. KXLU 88.9 FM - Sundays 11:30 p.m. re-broadcasts (L.A. area)

As most of you may know by now, Davkore Company is no longer duplicating the "RFA Tapes." Duplication and distribution is now being done through my own start-up company, Archives on Audio.

Background Dave Emory is a researcher, based out of Santa Clara County in California. Nip Tuck is Mr. Emory's second voice for the broadcasts and is not involved in the research presented on these tapes. One Step Beyond (0S13) is their weekly information/phone-in talk show aired live every Sunday at KFJC. Radio Free America (RFA) is aired roughly every two months, and serves as a background/ "archives" program for listen- ers. Paul 12/88-a

Sample Order: RFA #16 = 5 C90 5 x 3.55 = 17.75 + 1.15 (tax 0.065, Cal. Residents only) + 2.40 (shipping) = $21.30 total ... easy. MASS MURDERERS IN WHITE COATS: LINKS U.S. PSYCHIATRISTS TO

• - DOCUMENTS the mass murder of "mental patients" by psychiatry in Nazi Lapon went through 24,000 entries in the Biographical Directory of the Germany and the United States — a fact referred to by the author as psychiatric Fellows and Members of the American Psychiatric Association. He lists 63 of I genocide. In fact, Lenny Lapon shows how the killing of thousands of psychiatric these psychiatrists who have easily observable connections to Nazi Germany. Those he inmates and other "useless eaters" in Hitler's Third Reich set the state in a practical interviewed included: and ideological way for the later extermination of six million Jews and other victims of Nazi persecution. Other Holocaust researchers rarely acknowledge the incredible • Gisela Ebeft Fleischmann (M.D. from the University of Freiburg in 1944) who importance of this .fact- _ stated, "We knew they would be exterminated...some of them we had to transfer."

• SHOWS the common ideological roots of the killings in Nazi Germany and harmful • Franz Hornung (University of Heidelberg, M.D., 1945) who said of Carl Schnei- and often fatal psychiatric "treatments"/tortures in the United States — roots in der, "He was a good teacher. Ile gave good lectures. What else he may have done I eugenics and other political practices and ideas that continue on a massive scale have no idea...I heard only that he committed suicide." Schneider was a renowned today. author of psychiatric textbooks, head of the department of psychiatry at the University of Heidelberg and a mass murderer/consultant/administrator of the • GIVES an ex-inmate's/"mental patient's" perspective of the oppressiveness of "euthanasia" program. psychiatry, its violence, its dangers and its use as a major form of social control. • Bruno Franck (Friedrich Wilhelm University, Berlin, M.D., 1944) whose clinical • PRESENTS lengthy excerpts form conversations Lapon had with eleven psychia- psychiatry professor was Max de Crinis. De Crinis was chairman of the department trists who are members of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and of psychiatry at the University of Berlin and the director of the Sonnenstein killing who are also connected in various ways to Nazi Germany. institution. • DETAILS a history of the organized resistance to psychiatric oppression by its victims — a history of the psychiatric inmates liberation movement. Includes many important events and documents of this movement in which Lapon has been an activist for seven years. Just one example is the Declaration of Principles from We, Peove0ae4.. the Tenth Annual International Conference on Human Rights and Psychiatric Oppression held in Toronto, Canada in May, 1982. A few of the 30 principles are listed here: "In the fall of 1939 a group of psychology students were given a tour of the state • We oppose involuntary psychiatric intervention including civil commitment and psychiatric institution Eglfing Haar in Nazi Germany. Dr. Pfannmueller, a psychia- the administration of psychiatric procedures ("treatments") by force or coercion or trist and director of the institution, explained the `euthanasia' or'mercy killing' pro- without informed consent. gram that was being used on the inmates. In the children's ward twenty five • We oppose forced psychiatric procedures such as drugging, electroshock, pay- children were being starved to death. They ranged in age from one to five years. chosurgery, restraints, solitary confinement, and "aversive behavior modification." Pfannmueller lifted up one emaciated child who was near to death and told the • We oppose the psychiatric system because it uses the trapping of medicine and students that food is withdrawn gradually, not all at once. 'With this child,' he said, science to mask the social control function it serves. 'it will take another two or three days.' Ludwig Lehner, one of the students and later • We oppose the psychiatric system because it is frighteningly similar to the a prisoner of war, said in a sworn statement at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, Inquisition, chattel slavery and the Nazi concentration camps. 'I shall never forget the look of that fat, grinning fellow with the whimpering little • We believe that the psychiatric system nni a he reformed but must be abolished. skeleton in his fleshy hand, surrounded by the other starving chikiren'."

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291 Pages — Published by by Published — Pages 291


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Thanks for your interest in the research. I have been working on this daily since 1968, when I read Rush to Judgement, and decided to read the entire Warren Commission study of President Kennedy's murder-26 volumes and about 300 cubic feet of public material in the National Archives. I began to see the same names, money operations and cover-up in other assassinations—Malcolm X, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King. I also began to see a developing series of political murders at the local level, similar to the 400 unsolved killings of progressive people in Germany that paved the way for Hitler's rise to power in the 1930's, In 1972, I discovered the extraordinary work of Mae Brussel], a researcher whose weekly tape cassettes have been a basic source for my continued work. My study of the politics of murder, and the history of world intelligence networks, has led in many unexpected directions. The horrors of Vietnam, the permanent war economy, and even the mass murder of Blacks at Jonestown are all part of the same reality. I studied the murders of John Lennon, Jessica Savitch, Pope John Paul I and Mary Jo Kopechne, and the attempted murders of Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II. Watergate, Contragate, KAL 007, the Knights of Malta, and international fascism are all parts of the same puzzle. I recently moved to Santa Cruz, California to become archivist at the Mae Brussell Research Center following the death of my friend and fellow researcher, Mae Brussell.


Fascism Good Americans, John Judge (1984) A documented history since the Russian Revolution of the international fascist network, and it's links to the Cold War, the CIA, and the JFK killing, and more. $4.00 The Secret Government, John Judge (March, '87) (2 cassette tapes) Talk on historical overview of covert intelligence operations, genocide, mind control and murder, 1918-87. $10.00 The Germans Made Me Do It: Reagan,Bitbturg and the Nazi SS John Judge (1985) Outline of Ronald Reagan's Nazi past. $2.00 How Allen Dulles and the SS Preserved Each Other, Peter Dale Scott (Covert Action, '86) Nazis and CIA cut a deal. $2.50 The Real Treason, William McPherson (Covert Action, '86) Project Paperclip Nazis in U.S. $1.00 To Acquit A Nazi, (Springfield Magazine, '84) Robert Durst tells how he defended Nazi criminal Otto Skorzeny, and got him off. $2.50

Kni elk; of Malta Right Wing Knights in Holy Armor, Dave Wemple (National Reporter, '86) Knights of Malta fund Contras. $2.00 Their Will Be Done, Martin Lee (Mother Jones, '83) Knights of Malta, CIA and Nazis. $2.50 Knights of Darkness: The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Francoise Hevert (Covert Action, '86) CIA, Nazis, the Pope, et. al. $3.00

4ssassination't The Assassins, John Judge (1984) (cassette tape, one hour) Interview on KPF A on recruitment, training, cover, pay and use of killers against JFK ,Jonestown, Savitch, John Lennon. $5.00 The Nazi Connection to the JFK Assassination, Mae Brussel] (The Rebel, '83) Outlines major characters in the murder of Kennedy and their historical links to the Nazi's. $2.50 Disappearing Witnesses, Penn Jones (The Rebel, '83) Mysterious deaths in the JFK case. $2.50 Martin Luther King: Do We Forget His Death to Remember His Life?, John Judge (1986) Comments about King, connected deaths, Jonestown. $1.00 Who Killed Larry MacDonald?, Mae Brussell (Hustler, '84) The real story behind Western Goals and KAL 007. S 2 . 5 0 Who Killed the Dreamer?, John Judge (Jan.,'88) (two cassette tapes) Lecture naming M.L. King's assassins, links to JFK, RFK, Jonestown and Black genocide in the United States. Includes graphics, sources. $10.00 The Last Flight of KAL 007, Fletcher Prouty (Gallery, '85) Evidence shows U.S. staged incident, blew up KAL 007. $ 2 . 5 0 The Private Spy Agency, Elton Manzione (National Reporter, '86) Links Western Goals, Larry MacDonald, JFK hit. $2.00 Contragate: Shots from the Bushy Knoll, John Judge (1987) Who wants Ronald Reagan out? Links 1981 shooting to Contragate activities. $5.00 Genocide Jonestown & the CIA: Black Genocide Operation, John Judge (1980) Set of key news clips, source lists reveals Jonestown as a mix of mind control, murder and intelligence. $3.00 The Black Hole of Guyana: The Untold Story of the Jonestown Massacre, John Judge (1985) Documented history of the murders, links to M.L. King. S4.00 Jonestown: The Real Story, John Judge (Apr., '88) (90 m. cassette tape) KPFK interview on Jonestown, mass murder, resettlement plans, labor schemes in Guyana, and current research. $5.00 The Jonestown Banks, John Judge (1983) Traces banks, finances, cover-up, links to Vatican $$. 81.00 In the Spirit of Jimmy Jones, Richard Fogarty (Aktvesasne Notes, '84) Links Jonestown, World Vision, Vernon Walters. 81.00 )Ylass Murderers In White Coats: Psvr . trio Genocide in Nazi Germany and the United States. Lenny Lapon ('86) Book on Nazi's first victims, so-called "mental patients". 300,000 killed with psychiatrists help, after the war Hitler's shrinks came here. $10.00 MOVE and the Militarization of Police, John Judge (1986) Talk in Philadelphia, links MOVE bombing and SLA. S2.50 Blacks, Drugs & the CIA, John Judge (Mar.,'88) (90 m. cassette tape) KPFK interview on CIA control of drugs worldwide, manipulation of drug markets, and drugs as chemical warfare against Blacks. 85.00 ALOSGATE: The Politics of Experimentation, Lori Bradford & John Judge (Dec.,'87) (3 cassette tapes) KPFK interview and public talk on mind control, psychiatric experimentation, chemicalibiological warfare and AIDS as a weapon of genocide. $15.00 Martial Law The Senate Committee is Part of the Cover•up, Mae Brussel! (Realist, '74) Watergate Committee conceals martial law plans. $3.00 Why Was Patty Hearst Kidnapped?, Mae Brussel] (Realist, '74) SLA=CIA_ Agent provocateurs and the police state. $4.00 A Question of Treason, Don Freed (The Rebel, '83) Reagan sabotaged Iran hostage rescue to win election. $2.50 Behind the Supply Lines, Fred Clarkson (Covert Action, '86) Contra funding and the World Anti-Communist League. S 2 . 0 0 Contragate, John Judge (Judy,1987) (2 cassette tapes) Talk on the real story behind the scandal. Links to Bush, Kissinger, Haig and the team that wants Reagan out. S 1 0.0 0 World Watchers International, Mae Brussell's weekly radio program (1972.1988) Catalog listing with topic summaries and index, 861 cassette tapes. $ 1 . 0 0

DTHER IMPORTANT SOUCES OF INFORMATION: INFORMATION NETWORK AGAINST WAR AND FASCISM, Paul Bernadino, 747 Ellis St. #4, San Francisco, CA 94102 (send stamped envelope for catalog of cassette tapes) RADIO FREE AMERICA, Dave Emory & Nip Tuck, Archives on Audio, P.O. Box 170023, San Francisco, CA 94117.0023, (415) 346-1840 (Weekly radio show "One Step Beyond" condensed into archive tapes on key assassinations, Cold War lies, CIA operations) TOM DAVIS BOOKS, P.O. Box 1107, Aptos, CA 95003 (send 500 stamp for catalog of conspiracy books) POWER STRUCTURE RESEARCH & DATABASE, Daniel Brandt, Micro Associates, P.O. Box 5369, Arlington, VA 22205 (703) 241-5437 (Computer disks allow search for intelligence agents and power brokers) REMEMBER, THERE ARE MORE OF US AND WE CAN THINK! MAE BRUSSELL RESEARCH CENTER P.O. BOX 8431 • SANTA CRUZ, CA 95061 not 1.140; not JER_ ; not 565 ; not E MK. not any way.

Mae Brussel' Research Center P.O. Box 8431 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 I



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Santa Cruz, CA 95061

Mae Brussel'

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