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Donations welcome. California residents must add 6.5% sales tax. Dave Emory Archive Tapes Guns of November: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy Part One Background 2 C90 Part Two The Assassination. 2 C90 Part Three Vietnam and Watergate 1 C90, 1 C60 Part Four The Nazi Connection 2 C90, 1 C60 Radio Free America RFA #1 Hidden History of the Cold War, Part I 3 C90 RFA #2 Hidden History of the Cold War, Part H 3 C90 RFA #3 Reinhard Gehlen & His Organization 2 C90 RFA #4 Terpil,Wilson & Co 2 C90, 1 C60 RFA #5 Operation Mind Control, Part I 2 C90,1 C60 RFA #6 Operation Mind Control, Part H 2 C90 1 C60 RFA #7 Operation Mind Control, Cults (Tape #3, has Joe Holsinger on Jonestown.) 3 C90 RFA #8 The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr 2 C90,1 C60 RFA #9 The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy 3 C90 RFA #10 The Aryan Nations, Part I .2 C90 RFA #11 The Aryan Nations, Part II, The John Birch Society 2 C90, 1 C60 RFA #12 The Aryan Nations, Part III 3 C90 RFA #13 The Aryan Nations, Part IV, The Ku Klux Klan 2 C90, 1 C60 RFA #14 World Anti-Communist League, Part 1 2 C90, 1 C60 RFA #15 World Anti-Communist League, Part II 2 C90, I C60 RFA #16 AIDS: Epidemic or Weapon of War (includes updates) 5 C90 RFA #17 Who Shot the Pope? Part I, Fascism & the Vatican 3 C90 RFA #18 Who Shot the Pope? Part H, P2 Lodge & Vatican Banking Scandal 3 C90 RFA #19 Who Shot the Pope? Part III, P2 Lodge (continued) 3 C90 RFA #20 Who Shot the Pope? Part IV, Stibam 3 C90 RFA #21 Who Shot the Pope? Part V, Western Intelligence Connections 3 C90 RFA #22 The Terror Connection, Part I, Otto Skorzeny (includes updates) 4 C90 RFA #23 The Terror Connection, Part II, California Under Reagan 3 C90 RFA #24 The CIA, the Military & Drugs, Part 1 2 C90, 1 C60 RFA #25 The CIA & the Narcotics Traffic, Part II 2 C90, 1 C60 RFA #26 The CIA & the Narcotics Traffic, Part III (The Great Heroin Coup) 2 C90 RFA #27 The CIA & the Narcotics Traffic, Part IV 2 C90,1 C60 RFA #28 The CIA & LSD, Part V 2 C90,1 C60 RFA #29 The Iran-Contragate Scandal, Part I: The Drug Connection 3 C90 RFA #30 The Iran-Contragate Scandal, Part H: Terror in Latin America 2 C90, 1 C60 RFA #31 The Iran-Contragate Scandal, Part HI: The Destabilization of President Carter 2 C90, 1 C60 RFA #32 The Iran-Contragate Scandal, Part IV: Staging the Fourth Reich 2 C90, 1 C60 RFA #33 The Iran-Contragate Scandal, Part V: The Cover-up, Part I 2 C90 RFA #34 The Iran-rontragate Scandal, Part VI: The Cover-up, Part li(ir:dudes updates) 3 C90, 1 CT Miscellaneous Ml OSB 2/8/87 Accuracy in Media vs. One Step Beyond 2 C90 M2 OSB 10/27/85 Dan White, Jonestown & the Moscone/Milk Killings 1 C90 M3 KOME, Emory Expressway Show (with call from Gordon Novel).. 1 C90 M4 OSB 8/10/86 Gloria in Excelsis: The CIA, Women's Movement & News Media 2 C90 M5 Hard Rain KKK, The Fehrne and the Founding of the Nazi Party 'I C60 M6 Hard Rain Knights of Malta, Parts I & II I C60 M7 OSB 11/17/85 Rajneeshpuram .
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