Hyperloop: Group-Based NIC-Offloading To
HyperLoop: Group-Based NIC-Offloading to Accelerate Replicated Transactions in Multi-Tenant Storage Systems Daehyeok Kim1∗, Amirsaman Memaripour2∗, Anirudh Badam3, Yibo Zhu3, Hongqiang Harry Liu3y, Jitu Padhye3, Shachar Raindel3, Steven Swanson2, Vyas Sekar1, Srinivasan Seshan1 1Carnegie Mellon University, 2UC San Diego, 3Microsoft ABSTRACT CCS CONCEPTS Storage systems in data centers are an important component • Networks → Data center networks; • Information sys- of large-scale online services. They typically perform repli- tems → Remote replication; • Computer systems orga- cated transactional operations for high data availability and nization → Cloud computing; integrity. Today, however, such operations suffer from high tail latency even with recent kernel bypass and storage op- KEYWORDS timizations, and thus affect the predictability of end-to-end Distributed storage systems; Replicated transactions; RDMA; performance of these services. We observe that the root cause NIC-offloading of the problem is the involvement of the CPU, a precious commodity in multi-tenant settings, in the critical path of ACM Reference Format: replicated transactions. In this paper, we present HyperLoop, Daehyeok Kim, Amirsaman Memaripour, Anirudh Badam, Yibo a new framework that removes CPU from the critical path Zhu, Hongqiang Harry Liu, Jitu Padhye, Shachar Raindel, Steven of replicated transactions in storage systems by offloading Swanson, Vyas Sekar, Srinivasan Seshan. 2018. HyperLoop: Group- them to commodity RDMA NICs, with non-volatile memory Based NIC-Offloading to Accelerate Replicated Transactions in as the storage medium. To achieve this, we develop new and Multi-Tenant Storage Systems. In SIGCOMM ’18: ACM SIGCOMM general NIC offloading primitives that can perform memory 2018 Conference, August 20–25, 2018, Budapest, Hungary.
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