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SOUTH LENCHES PARISH COUNCIL Clerk to the Parish Council: Mrs N. Holland. Tel: 07835620613. Morton Wood Farmhouse, Morton Wood Lane, Abbots Morton. WR7 4LU. Email:[email protected] Website: Councillors are hereby summoned to attend a Full Parish Council meeting on Monday May 11th 2020 at 2 pm which will be held remotely via Zoom. Please inform the Clerk if you are unable to attend. The meeting is open to the press and members of the public who are welcome to attend all or part of the meeting but may only speak during the adjournment of the meeting to put questions or raise concerns regarding matters on this agenda or for future consideration. NB: Please note new start time. AGENDA. 1. To consider apologies and to approve reasons for non- attendance. 2. Declarations of Interest: with reference to items on the agenda members are reminded of their responsibility to declare interests as defined in the Code of Conduct and to update their Register of Interests held with Wychavon District Council. 3. Dispensations: To consider any further written dispensations from members who have declared an interest but wish to stay in the meeting during that time to aid discussion / speak / vote. Requests to be with the Clerk at least 4 clear days prior to a meeting. (S33 of the Localism Act 2011). 4. Appendix to Standing Orders re virtual meetings. 5. Casual vacancies: a) To consider application to fill one vacancy. b) Resignation of Mrs. Fletcher: Wychavon District Council has confirmed no by election called. Vacancy advertised. 6. To receive reports from County, District Cllrs. and Police. The meeting will be adjourned for Public Question time. 7. Minutes: to consider the adoption of the minutes of the Full Parish Council meeting held on 09.03.20. 8. Clerk’s report: a) Sign, corner of Low Road with Main Street: removed by company. b) Website: new site now up and running. c) Request for dog bin, Ab Lench – the green triangle area of land is owned privately. Resident asked to provide another location - nil heard. d) Update on work of Parish Lengthsman – following receipt of updated Risk Assessment to include COVID -19 Worcestershire County Council and Worcestershire Association of Council Clerks work can resume on minor matters. Annual agreement signed and returned to Worcestershire County Council and agreement papers sent to Lengthsman for signing. e) Play area – remains closed off to the public. 9. Financial matters. SLPC – Agenda. 1 SOUTH LENCHES PARISH COUNCIL Clerk to the Parish Council: Mrs N. Holland. Tel: 07835620613. Morton Wood Farmhouse, Morton Wood Lane, Abbots Morton. WR7 4LU. Email:[email protected] Website: 9.1 To approve end of year accounts to 31.03.2020. 9.2 To consider revised: a) Risk Assessment b) Review of Risk Management Policy. c) Asset Register 9.3 To consider report from the Internal Auditor. 9.4 To consider documents for approval for the External Auditor: a) Statement of Internal Financial Controls. b) Certificate of Exemption. c) Annual Governance Statement. d) Statement of Accounts. e) Explanation of Variances. f) Notice of the period for the exercise of public rights. 9.5 To consider: a) Annual Insurance policy and payment of £317.01. b) Payments schedule and agree bank reconciliation. 9.6 Community Legacy Grant: a) To confirm terms and conditions of Wychavon District Council grant prior to signing of paperwork. b) To agree financial terms and conditions between the Council and the Lenches Sports & Recreation Club. 10. Council Matters. 10.1 New battery for Vehicle Activated Sign shared with Rous Lench Parish Council. 10.2 Annual Play Inspection report. 10.3 To consider contractor commencing maintenance to the Play area. 10.4 Speeding concerns within the Villages. 10.5 Concerns regarding users not adhering to public rights of way. 11. Planning Matters. 11.1 Planning process/feedback following applications a) 20/00153/CL Brookfields Farm, Ab Lench Road, Abbots Lench, Church Lench. Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an existing operation - commencement of development in accordance with condition 1 of planning reference W/16/02054/CU - conversion of an agricultural building to form two dwelling houses including the demolition of buildings to create a garden and parking area. Permission refused. 11.2 To note planning applications dealt with by delegation: a) 20/00654 Lakeside Livery, Low Road, Church Lench. Proposal: Remove existing buildings and replace with a live/work unit. Comments: No objection to the upgrading and tidying of the existing business premises. The development is outside the existing development boundary and is likely to be under the revised SWDP. With regard to the 3 bed roomed house the Council will reserve commenting until plans have been submitted. 11.3 Neighbourhood Plan: a) To receive update. b) To appoint new member following resignation of Mrs. Fletcher. 12. Urgent decision taken: Implementation of online banking and update on progress. SLPC – Agenda. 2 SOUTH LENCHES PARISH COUNCIL Clerk to the Parish Council: Mrs N. Holland. Tel: 07835620613. Morton Wood Farmhouse, Morton Wood Lane, Abbots Morton. WR7 4LU. Email:[email protected] Website: 13. Under The Public Bodies (Admission to Meeting(s)) Act 1960 The Council to consider the exclusion of the public and press from agenda item 13 as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. a) To consider payment of excess Clerks hours in 2019-20 due to increase in workload. b) To consider increase in working from home allowance as recommended by HMRC. Circulation: All members of the Parish Council; District and County Councillors. Dated: May 5th 2020 Signed by the Clerk: NKHolland Correspondence circulated to members’ not an Agenda item unless requested. Weekly CALC updates provided via email to all members. South Worcestershire Development Plan Review – Presentation on cancelled briefing meeting circulated to members 06.04.20. Parish and Town Council Newsletter April 2020 circulated to members by email 27.04.20. Online seminar for planning applications circulated to members 27.04.20. Applications for an Independent Lay Member of the West Mercia Police and Crime Panel are invited from members of the public. Closing date: 5pm on Monday 18 May 2020. Panel covers the geographical areas of Herefordshire, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin and Worcestershire with support for the Panel provided by Worcestershire County Council. The Panel is part of the governance arrangements for policing in the West Mercia area and its role is to maintain a regular check and balance on the performance of the directly-elected West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner. Information can be found this link: along with additional information on the recruitment process and an information pack. Download the application form: Return to Sheena Jones, Democratic Governance and Scrutiny Manager by 5pm on Monday 18 May 2020 either by email: [email protected] or by post: Sheena Jones, Democratic Governance and Scrutiny Manager, Legal and Governance, Worcestershire County Council County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP. Supporting notes to agenda for meeting May 11th 2020 Min: No: Update. Position Agenda No: 4 Appendix to Standing Orders. For consideration. Agenda No: 5 Co- option paper x 1 For consideration. Agenda No: 7 Minutes of March Parish Council meeting For approval. Agenda No: 9.1 End of year accounts For approval. Agenda No: 9.2 Three documents for revision. For consideration. Agenda No: 9.3 Report from Internal Auditor (to be sent out later this week) For consideration. Agenda No: 9.4 External Auditor documents x 6. For approval. Agenda No: 9.5a Insurance documents emailed 05.05.20 For approval. Agenda No: 9.5 b Payments and bank reconciliation to be emailed Friday. For consideration. Agenda No: 9.6 Community Legacy Grant papers x 3 For consideration. Agenda No: 10.2 Annual Play Inspection report. For consideration. Agenda No: 10.3 Two quotes for Annual Play Inspection. For decision. Agenda No: 10.4 Quotes for new website. For decision. SLPC – Agenda. 3 .