LIST OF DECISIONS MADE FOR 18/01/2021 to 22/01/2021 Listed by Ward, then Parish, Then Application number order Application No: 20/02285/FUL Location: The Rowing Club, Abbey Road, Evesham, WR11 4ST Proposal: Proposed partial demolition of existing hipped roofs and the construction of a new mono-pitched green roof, including internal alterations and addition of first floor and viewing balcony Decision Date: 21/01/2021 Decision: Approval Applicant: Evesham Rowing Club Agent: Mr Dan Stiff c/o agent Units 1-2, 1 Crucible Terrace Woodbury Lane Norton Worcestershire WR5 2DQ Parish: Evesham Ward: Bengeworth Ward Case Officer: Emma Ridley Expiry Date: 16/12/2020 Case Officer Phone: 01684 862408 Case Officer Email:
[email protected] Click On Link to View the Decision Notice: Click Here Application No: 20/02614/HP Location: Himbleton Views Neight Hill, Himbleton, DROITWICH SPA, WR9 7LE Proposal: Conversion of garage to exercise area and work station and rear extension to garage Decision Date: 21/01/2021 Decision: Approval Applicant: Mr & Mrs Holway Agent: Michael A Brown Design Himbieton Views Manor Farm Barn Neight Hill Hadzor Himbleton Droitwich Spa Droitwich Worcs WR9 7LE WR9 7DR Parish: Himbleton Ward: Bowbrook Ward Case Officer: Frances Fleming Expiry Date: 01/02/2021 Case Officer Phone: 01684 862425 Case Officer Email:
[email protected] Click On Link to View the Decision Notice: Click Here Page 1 of 19 Application No: 20/00076/LB Location: The Red House, Back Lane, Bredon, Tewkesbury, GL20 7LH Proposal: Installation of four external CCTV cameras at the location and an additional security light.