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2016 Pursuit of Profit oiP sons Collaboration Jacob S. Sherkow Law School, [email protected]

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Recommended Citation , vol. 532, pp. 172-173

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dozen more in the subsequent 12 months. Meanwhile, the application made by Doudna and her colleagues languished. Last April, Doudna’s lawyers requested that the USPTO conduct a specialized legal trial, known as a patent interference, to determine the ownership of the US patents that cover

the CRISPR–Cas9 system. This January, the FROM HONG LI/GETTY ADAPTED USPTO formally agreed to carry out the pro- ceeding. One conspicuous aspect of this case, in my opinion, is the degree to which UC Berkeley and the have weighed in on what is essentially a dispute over scientific priority. The Broad Institute has produced press releases, videos and a slick feature on its website that stress the importance of Zhang’s contributions to the development of the CRISPR–Cas9 technology. And earlier this year, the central positioning of Zhang’s work in a historical perspective of CRISPR pub- lished in Cell2 by the president and director of the Broad Institute, Eric Lander, prompted a storm of angry responses from scientists, including Doudna and Charpentier. Mean- while, at UC Berkeley, a press release that discussed the potential of CRISPR described Doudna as “the inventor of the CRISPR–Cas9 technology” (see The financial stakes are high. The CRISPR–Cas9 patents are widely viewed to be worth hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars. Both organizations have invested directly in spin-off companies that were co- founded by their researchers — the Broad Pursuit of profit Institute in Editas Medicine, co-founded by Zhang, and UC Berkeley in Caribou Bio- sciences, co-founded by Doudna. A report poisons collaboration submitted by Editas in January to the US Securities and Exchange Commission lists The CRISPR–Cas9 patent battle demonstrates how the Broad Institute and other Harvard-affil- iated institutions as owning a major equity overzealous efforts to commercialize technology can stake in the company: about 4.2% of its com- damage science, writes Jacob S. Sherkow. mon shares (see DIFFERENT TIMES ast month, in an extraordinary dispute involvement in the commercialization Efforts to commercialize the research output before the US Patent and Trademark of research1, it is worth considering the from universities played out differently in Office (USPTO), university lawyers potential consequences for science if more the past. Since 1980, US universities have Llaid out their clients’ legal strategies for institutions follow the path of UC Berkeley been able to patent the inventions of their claiming patents that cover the celebrated and the Broad Institute. researchers, thanks to the Bayh–Dole Act — gene-editing technology CRISPR–Cas9. legislation that determines the ownership of Over the next year, the USPTO will receive HIGH STAKES intellectual property arising from federally volumes of evidence centred on who first In May 2012, researchers at UC Berkeley, funded research. But for the most part, insti- invented the technology. led by and her collabora- tutions have kept their Battles over scientific priority are as old as tor, (then located distance from disputes science itself. But the CRISPR–Cas9 patent at the University of Vienna in Austria) filed over scientific priority. dispute is unusual because it pits two lead- a patent application in the United States for In fact, after factoring ing research institutions against one another CRISPR–Cas9. Seven months later, Feng in the costs of filing for the control and industrial development Zhang, a researcher at the Broad Institute, patents and staffing, of a foundational technology: the University filed a competing application that covered NATURE.COM university technology- of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), and similar uses of the technology. After Zhang’s For more of Nature’s transfer offices have the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in lawyers requested that his application be coverage on generally been money Cambridge, Massachusetts. fast-tracked, the USPTO awarded one pat- CRISPR, see: losers for their institu- As scientific institutions increase their ent to Zhang in April 2014, followed by a tions3.

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Even in the case of lucrative patents, commercial development has frequently been left to venture capitalists and the researchers themselves. Take the Cohen–Boyer patents, which covered early gene-splicing technology and netted Stanford University and the Uni- versity of California, San Francisco (UCSF), both in California, hundreds of millions of dollars in licensing fees during the 1980s and 1990s. In this instance, Genentech, the company in South San Francisco, California, that was formed to commercialize the under- lying technology, sprung from the efforts of Herbert Boyer, one of the founding research- ers, and the financier Robert Swanson. The

L: RICK FRIEDMAN/CORBIS; R: JOHN ELK III/LONELY PLANET/GETTY L: RICK FRIEDMAN/CORBIS; R: JOHN ELK III/LONELY company was neither owned by, nor an exclu- sive licensee of, Stanford or UCSF. Research institutions in general are start- ing to play a bigger part in shepherding their researchers’ projects through the commer- cialization process. A 2014 report from the Association of University Technology Manag- The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard (left) and the University of California, Berkeley (right). ers in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois — an organi- zation that supports managers of intellectual its state funding cut by $48 million in 2012 Doudna were both co-founders of Editas. property at academic research institutions, — holds a substantial number of patents that And UC Berkeley and the Broad Institute non-profit organizations and government have not yet been licensed and has a famously could have filed patent applications that listed agencies worldwide — documented that low ratio of patent-licence revenue to research the research teams from both institutions as universities are increasing equity investments expenditure7. If its financial situation were to co-inventors. Any resulting patents could in their researchers’ start-up companies. Of deteriorate further, the university might be then have been freely or cheaply licensed to the patent licences granted by universities compelled to extract licence fees from other other research institutions, or used to fund in 2014, 10% were tied to such investments1, research institutions for those patents. a joint academic organization dedicated to compared with 6.7% in 1999 (ref. 4). studying the technology. The patents could I am concerned that such involvement in PATH TO PROFIT also have been widely, but not exclusively, commercialization has the potential to clash It would be wrong to suggest that patents, writ licensed to a variety of industry competitors with the broader, educational mission of large, are failing educational research institu- — promoting a robust, competitive market research institutions. tions. In the cases of gene splicing, RNA inter- for commercial CRISPR–Cas9 applications Universities worldwide have long strived ference and human embryonic stem cells, and creating a funding stream for further to foster a culture of scientific collaboration. patents have been major earners for institu- academic research. Even when universities have obtained broad tions and researchers Biomedical research in educational insti- patents, as the Carnegie Institute of Wash- without damaging the “Efforts to tutions has long prided itself on a culture of ington in Washington DC did in the early scientific enterprise5. commercialize openness and sharing — one that both Zhang 2000s for a gene-expression control technol- But an obvious the research and Doudna have exercised by donating vari- ogy known as RNA interference, licences danger of increasing output from ous components of the CRISPR–Cas9 system have been cheap and easy for researchers to the focus on commer- universities to the open-science consortium Addgene in obtain5. In other cases, scientists have sim- cialization is that edu- played out Cambridge, Massachusetts. The incentives ply ignored patents that cover fundamental cational institutions differently in that patents create for educational institu- technologies6. will view scientific the past.” tions should not be allowed to erode scientific Academic research institutions now seem research as a path to collaboration. ■ less shy about taking each other to court for profit, above all else. It is not hard to imagine patent infringement. In 2011, the Univer- that patent disputes might lead to university Jacob S. Sherkow is associate professor sity of Utah in Salt Lake City sued the Max administrators pushing certain views on their of law, Innovation Center for Law and Planck Society for the Advancement of Sci- scientists, denigrating collaboration with Technology, New York Law School, ence in Germany over claims to a patent that researchers from competing institutions and New York, USA. covered a technology called short interfering tasking tenure committees with valuing pat- e-mail: [email protected] RNA, which inhibits gene expression (see ents over publications. 1. Association of University Technology Managers. And over the past Where scientific advances have the poten- AUTM US Licensing Activity Survey: FY2014 four years, Stanford University and the Chi- tial to be profitable, universities should (AUTM, 2014). 2. Lander, E. S. Cell 164, 18–28 (2016). nese University of Hong Kong in Sha Tin have support researchers to bring that work to 3. Abrams, I., Leung, G. & Stevens, A. J. Res. Mgmt. engaged in a heated patent litigation over pre- fruition. This might include helping them to Rev. 17, 18–50 (2009). natal genetic diagnostic blood tests, a market secure patents. But it is my view that serious 4. Association of University Technology Managers. AUTM US Licensing Survey: FY1999 (AUTM, that was worth US$530 million in 2013. commercialization efforts — such as granting 1999). In the current era of budget tightening, uni- exclusive licences or receiving equity owner- 5. Sherkow, J. S. Nature Biotechnol. 33, 256–257 versities of all stripes might be tempted to use ship in researchers’ start-ups — should be left (2015). 6. Eisenberg, R. S. Houston Law Rev. 45, 1059– licensing fees as another funding mechanism. to industry. 1099 (2008). The University of South Florida in Tampa, The CRISPR–Cas9 dispute could have 7. Feldman, R. & Price, N. W. II Stanford Tech. Law for example — a public institution that had played out very differently. Zhang and Rev. 17, 773–808 (2014).

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